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I agree. Nothing wrong with being honest about your opinion. To me the sad part is when we hear from a journalist or a contemporary musician when they claim his new music "is the best in years" after a private chat with him. While nice, i find it really condescending and disrespectful in its conceit because they will mock him and will likewise denigrate his current output and cast him as an artist that has lost it the following week. To me a good example was the positive reviews for "MplSound" from some music "journalists" (USA TODAY), because that is what these condescending journalists feel Prince's place is as goofy cartoon from the 80's and better fits their Jonas Brothers demographic version of good. More adventurous music like Lotus went over their heads and doesn't fit their preconceived notion of Prince anymore. I have said that i feel Dreamer and Colonized mind are his best in many years, and it seems he feels so too as he plays these as highlights at his current gigs. Prince still has it, but its harder to see sometimes.
[Edited 6/10/10 0:12am] | |
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Just gave it a listen.
I don't know if this is going to be the lead single off the new album but, if so, it makes "The Greatest Romance Ever Sold," "Te Amo Corazon," and "Guitar" seem like inspired works of art. Makes me yearn for the days when folks used to argue about whether "U Got the Look" was a sell-out.
Don't get me wrong; it's a fine little ditty. But the lack of ambition or cleverness is a little surprising, even considering his more recent output.
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No stroke of genius but I can | |
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After a few days to think about it, no, the song is still uninspiring, boring, and a disappointment. But I'm just putting it all in perspective now. Perhaps the song is just a little public service announcement to say that he's about to funk things up this summer. It's not intended as a single, not an indication of a new album's sound or direction.....just a "get ready" kind of message. At least I hope that's the case. | |
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If that is the case, then that makes it even worse.
These tracks being put out there on the radio are heard by a wider audience than say, if he put them up on lotusflow3r - and THESE are the tracks he's choosing to put out there to that wider audience?
THIS and CAUSE & EFFECT?! Not stuff like 'Dreamer', or '$' ?..... The mind BOGGLES. | |
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Point taken, Nouveau, and a good one at that. It is quite surprising that with a string of concerts coming up, there's nothing hot and new on the radio. | |
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KCOOLMUZIQ said: U fake fairweather so called Prince fans will regret all of this ur saying if Prince passed away like MJ did a year ago. UR the most selfish judgemental people I ever experienced. Prince just made another birthday and still blessing u with new music & ur still comparing it to his past music and being unappreciative of it. U people must live horrible lives to be this mean and angry all the time. U should be happy that he is still here to make music at 52 years old.....Plus most of U are not even musicians just haters. Most of U are haters & evil people..... [Edited 6/9/10 14:55pm] bold? - check! Princebonics? - check! Seething mass of hate? - check! Forum rules say you're not allowed multiple accounts, right? Because I refuse to believe there's 4 of these guys typing identical hate filled posts. blah blah blah | |
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its poor........thats 3 songs in a row that have been .....well ...poor......its sounds like a poor b side.....dont know what he is thinking about but prince really needs someone to control his output...he needs someone to say......thats shit prince.....his lotusflower album was a good album but these last few songs on the net are poor poor poor......i would rather he released nothing than destroy his legacy with this sub standard stuff he is putting out...... | |
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It´s funny how the same people whining about a song Prince gives them for free demand from Prince to release all those obscure songs from the vault. | |
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It is fun, light-hearted. I don't think Prince is trying to blow anyone away with it. It is a fluffy pop song, which reminds me in parts of 'Shake', 'Cream' and for some reason, the Beach Boys.
I think some people have a problem because it comes after 'Purple & Gold' and 'C&A'.
Prince still has it, 'Colonized Mind', 'Dreamer', in fact much of 'Lotusflow3r' proves that. It is just a question of what he chooses to release. And he has the freedom to air 'Hot Summer'.
Incidentally, I don't think 'Hot Summer' is just a one-off freebie because the 'Ebony' advert mentions a 'hot summer', or words to that effect. | |
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I don't think it's surprising at all. Over the last ten plus years has Prince had any songs that had a significant presence on radio? "Musicology" was probably the closest thing that he had to a hit over the past decade and it didn't exactly set the charts ablaze. | |
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Exactly. Compare that with another older artist like Stevie Wonder. With every tour he has something hot and new on the radio | |
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Wrong. | |
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Can people stop trying to explain some personality defect that everyone who dislikes this song shares? It just makes you look like a discriminating douche-nozzle. | |
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"My God it's full of Stars"
Indigo Club, September 21st 2008, 4.24am | |
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I agree, strange that he is releasing this stuff at all. Why is he releasing these tracks? He doesn't get cash for downloads, he gets some press that leads nowhere? And the tracks are locked as such (although its easy to source the mp3 files).
So he is not giving them away, he is not charging for them and they serve little or no purpose from a PR point of view?
"My God it's full of Stars"
Indigo Club, September 21st 2008, 4.24am | |
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the only thing he's accomplished with the last 3 songs released is advertise the fact that he has lost his balls...his inspiration/drive/mojo/whatever u want to call it seems to have deserted him - especially this year .....all he's doing is screwing up his own legacy...but its his reputation...ain't nothing we can do about it....except maybe just move on....sad really...
meanwhile I'm looking forward to the new The Time album.....without Prince's input!!! I hear jesse johnson's album is good too.....
I guess maybe Prince's past is gonna come back and kick his ass if he ain't too careful
[Edited 6/10/10 4:46am] | |
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This song sucks ![]() ![]() | |
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I don’t particularly like the song, I have to say.
As a promise of things to come, it doesn’t exactly betoken another Sign o’ the Times. Put it that way. It wouldn’t have made it on to Diamonds and Pearls. Or even Planet Earth.
Prince believes this is great, though, which is clearly all that counts if you don’t know how to spell the preposition ‘you’.
Spreading heavy funk since 2008: | |
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Not a bad song but not a good one either. My wife thinks it sounds like something from Barney or Sesame Street. LOL!
It seems like that last few tracks he's released are tracks recorded w/his band and thrown out there. No massive overdubs or anything. Very straight forward, simple and actually kinda boring. It's like he's recording demos and putting them out as finished tracks.
"Hey, I got the butta 4 ya muffin, honey.. I'm just 2 old 2 hold the knife!" | |
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I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. | |
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I don't get why people keep calling any of these last three songs "releases." None of them received a proper release, they were just give aways.
Anyone who thinks Prince would just give away his best material, rather than package it in a marketable form, is really off the boat.
We have absolutely NO indication that he's intended any of these tracks as serious, deliberate artistic statements.
Personally, I get the sense that over these past few years, he's just having fun... this is music on a whim. So yes, it's underdeveloped, yes it's demo-ish.
Y'all are taking these tracks wayyy to seriously. I doubt Prince is. "That...magic, the start of something revolutionary-the Minneapolis Sound, we should cherish it and not punish prince for not being able to replicate it."-Dreamshaman32 | |
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I'm happy that Prince is releasing some of his leftovers, whether the songs are bad or not. Since he constantly records every song is not going to be a winner. But truth be told, these 3 releases of 2010 don't offer much hope of a great Prince album coming out. Then again he records so much that he has to have 10 solid tracks sitting around. Who knows... but these 3 songs are terrible, bereft of quality songwriting, structure, melody, or hooks. | |
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"Purple and Gold" song for the Vikings. Check!
"Cause and Effect" great guitar and message. Check!
"Hot Summer" Cool song, catchy and fun. Check Mate!
Don't like it, don't play it. Don't like me? Don't care...
I will NEVER again give my opinion on what other people like or dislike. I'm too far above that, must be my pain meds! Yes, had failed back surgery so a little ticked off right now. Sorry if I offended anyone.
Anyway, this should be in "bold" print, but found out this morning that my wife and I are having a baby girl. So, if my back doesn't get treated soon, it will most certainly be a Hot Summer getting ready for Whitney.
LoveLightPeace(+> | |
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Prince will make a lot of money from this song. He just needs a video to let the people know it's out there.
This is one of those songs that can be licensed to films and "tie-in" products like the whole Lady Ga Ga 'Telephone' promotion.
Hey, he kept his integrity as far as making it sound like today's hits.
Because I can hear how he could have put auto-tune on it and a uh, "Fergie-esqe" lady singing on it and in the video.
He could have made this sound like the 'D Riding Obama' song from The Boondocks.
"The first time I saw the cover of Dirty Mind in the early 80s I thought, 'Is this some drag queen ripping on Freddie Prinze?'" - Some guy on The Gear Page | |
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That bit really should be bolded! congratulations to you both blah blah blah | |
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Thanks for bringing sanity back to the table. | |
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Good point. These are his ambassadors so to speak. This is what he has chosen to represent him.
Good thing we aren't close to war 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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Hope your back is feeling better soon. Congratulations on the wonderful news about your new addition! Girls are very special... | |
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