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Wow you guys my head hurts from reading all this heated jabbing back and forth over one song. So he made a song. Either you like it, or you don't. But when people are arguing for page sna dpages over whether it was a major release, or intended as a statement, etc.. It's just a song people!! SRRRLSY!
The great thing about music is that once it's out there, it's subjective. I wonder what it would have looked like if the intenet existed when "Gett Off" came out.Or even "Alphabet Street". Would we be losing sleep over whether or not a leaked version was proper, then criticizing each other, etc. Life's too short guys! People are dying. Oil is ruining an ocean. People are starving. I'm as big of a geeked out fan about songs as the next person, but if your blood pressure is now 5 times higher from discussing "Hot Summer", maybe it's time to go outside.
Personally, I think the song is ok. It's not an insti-classic in my ears, but it it's catchy enough to be stuck in my head. Is it a demo? Is it not? Wasn't Dirty Mind mostly demos? I'm thinking "ok great.. now what's he gonna put out next?"
Personally with a lot of his narrow-minded views (in my eyes) he's put forth (usually allegedly) veering towards homophobia and mysogyny, and views in his faith I just can't follow (like not believing in modern medicine and some things that are plain common sense to me) it's much harder for me to accept new music with open arms and without a feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Hot Summer" didn't beat me over the head with dogma. It's a simple little feel good jam. Maybe sometimes we just expect too much out of our idols and heroes. Prince is human too.. he's not infallible. That doesn't mean I have to love everything he releases. But I gotta say I like "Hot Summer" better than Ke$ha or a lot of songs on teh radio right now. Is that bad?
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Hollywooddove you are so bad. | |
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Great track - love it.
Somewhere Here On Earth | |
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It's very "meh"
I don't hate it or love it, I guess it could grow on me. But I can't see arguing about a blandly pleasant song like this one. I'm going to crack a Modelo & lime instead. My Legacy | |
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People are unhappy and they want other people to be unhappy too. | |
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That is a rather baseless claim to make. The world is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.
"You still wanna take me to prison...just because I won't trade humanity for patriotism." | |
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I totally agree!! I love the new song myself. I was just making some irritating comments to others who disliked it, to which I have apologized. I just thought that it would be 'fun' to write something similar to "Hot Summer" but from the orger's point of view that doesn't like any of Prince's new music. Not to offend, just to have 'fun' since we all gotta' die someday. | |
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Over Someone's head? 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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I figured it out Y everyone dislike the song. thaCONcept | |
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Finally heard the song...
IT'S HOT!!!!!!!!!!
This should be spinning on the radio here in L.A.!!!!!! I wish u heaven | |
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This has to be an ad for the European shows.
There is no way this is the best song he can come up with these days. I can't believe that.
Sure we all know it's not 1987 but he can definitely come up with better songs than this, LF was only 2 years ago and there is some decent work on there so we know it is still possible.
If this turns out to be the lead single and standout track for the new album I might change my mind Hard to believe I've been on the org for over 25 years now! | |
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To my ears it sounds like a companion song to your favourite Prince song ever, "The Morning After." | |
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I agree with most of what you say here, especially the "cheesy bongo drum fill" lol, what on earth?
But as someone who is made to bear listening to a top 40 station when i drive in a girlfrieds car, let me tell you this song would not touch the top of charts, Miley baby and the Jonas bro's have a seasoned pros behind the scenes making sure this type of mess didn't make the cut and derailed their money train.
........and as a long time Cars fans I take great insult in that connection, their hooks were not just strong but almost over the top, sometimes cheesy but never bongo drum fill cheesy | |
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I miss those things too. I was just listening to "Face Down" the other day--a track I wasn't particularly fond of when it first came out... but the lyrics are hilarious, witty, creative, and feature Prince's own special unique brand of swagger. "Prince and the Band" has that. But even more recently so does "P.F.U.N.K." Here's to hoping he gets his swag back.
"That...magic, the start of something revolutionary-the Minneapolis Sound, we should cherish it and not punish prince for not being able to replicate it."-Dreamshaman32 | |
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New music = Andrew Happy | |
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Are you really comparing Hot Summer to 2045: Radical Man? That song was innovative, and slinky, and funky. That song made me realize that Prince was still capable of surprising me and thrilling me with a few minutes of music. Hot Summer on the other hand....well, I was pleased that I listened to it all the way through without becoming disgusted, like the 2 songs that preceded it this year. And I've even listened to it a few times this week...but I'm already tremendously bored with it, and I've heard it less than a dozen times total. I can (and do) still listen to Radical Man, 10 years or so after it was released, and enjoy the lyrics, and the sounds. I know for sure I won't be listening to Hot Summer in 2020. No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.
Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected. Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine. | |
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Totally agree. I love that about "Face Down" as well. It's like an unbridled energy. Yeah I thought PFunk was the best thing he had done in ages. It sounded like he had something to say as well. Heres hopin!
"My God it's full of Stars"
Indigo Club, September 21st 2008, 4.24am | |
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You know what they say about show business: you're only as good as your last project. In Prince terms, that has been Hot Summer, Cause & Effect, and Purple And Gold. You can see why people are freaking out, especially after LotusFlow3r had some really good stuff on it.
You are correct in saying that it's better than Ke$ha or a lot of the songs on the radio - but why are we setting the bar so low? | |
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Actually, Kesha singles are MUCH BETTER than this. If Prince wants to release pop summer singles, fine by me, but please, not lazy efforts like HS... ![]() | |
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I hope that it transforms into something very different when performed live. (I've deleted the rest of what I had to say in an attempt to be positive.) | |
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Sounds to me like a poppy song - similar in vein to Depeche Mode's "Master And Servant"
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its a grower for sure
first listen-underwhelmed
had another listen-and its now properly in my head
i didn't listen to it more than twice too-so if instinctlively it gets in that quick...........
very VERY catchy8-)
so-it is what it is
a simple-catchy tune
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Ooooh yeah I dunno on the comparison to The Cars.. longtime Cars fan here too. I guess if you're talking a bouncy feel-good rhythm like 'Let's Go'. I think this song would be better with some punching-up... some slightly meatier bass.. some handclaps. I dunno.. if I were playing producer I'd treat this like a demo and say.. ok now what could we do to make this song irresistable like some of the great 80's cheesy singalong/clapalong anthems.. | |
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Nice fun track, perhaps just a message from P , to get ready cuz it's gonna be a .....well u know. Looking forward to a new album. Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s | |
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Well there's no "correct". Musical taste is totally subjective. I *personally* am not impressed by Ke$ha. That's me and only me. To my ears she sounds like a copy or a mixup of a lot of other things that have already been done recently, so I'm not really a fan, because I'd rather hear the things that came before her instead. But obviously some people love her or she would be selling tons of cds. More power to her. But i will reach for "Hot Summer" before I reach for "Tik-Tok". But if you like Ke$ha or anything on pop radio for that matter.. then rock out to what you like by all means! | |
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There's something reassuring about you guys. Five, ten, twenty or even thirty years from now, I fully expect to be find you somewhere, still at it.
My faith in the human spirit is replenished.
As for the new song, it's deliberately uncomplicated and retro, like Chelsea Rogers and Guitar. It's his idea of a catchy upbeat tune, but he's making music for his own personal radio with not a care in the world for what radio stations actually play. His efforts at being somewhat radio-friendly and current were sometimes interesting but more often forgettable, and he has mostly been presenting himself as a keeper of several black music traditions. The fact these traditions are considered old-fashioned doesn't faze him, it's what he enjoys performing, sometimes self-indulgently. Too bad he has such a elder stateman aura, as I'd love to see him do some Gaga-ish tracks.
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I have to say this. The program director of the "Current" came in and teased us with the song. I have to wonder how many people at the station enjoyed this song and how many held their tongue because Prince was giving them exclusives?How would they react to this song on their desk if the name of the artist was "Bill Thomas"
I'm sorry but the song isn't hot nor is it anything that needs any attention. Maybe Prince should have called it a Coasting Summer. Hot Summer seems to indicate that this track will be hot. I have to wonder if this track was made by a different artist, how many people still would be defending this. If Jonas Brothers did this track would you be defending it? Don't lie to me on this.
In my opinion, Prince won't get a honest reaction from anyone at the Current on the air when they play this. Probably the traffic to their site has helped them out by being able to debut Prince songs. But I think citypages blog perfectly described this song:
The Purple One is 52 years young today, and is letting us all celebrate with a new song! a new song. Given the timing and title one would assume this is Prince's volley for drop-top anthem of 2010, but "Hot Summer" comes off more as a Huey Lewis demo or the intro to an internal Valleyfair employee instructional video. Regardless (like he cares!): HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Song and more follow.
Citypages for the win/orgers for the excuse.Lol the cross out of the exclamation mark & Valleyfair employee instructional video .
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Aerogram!!! Maybe I've been reading the wrong threads, but haven't seen you in a while and missed your wisdom! "That...magic, the start of something revolutionary-the Minneapolis Sound, we should cherish it and not punish prince for not being able to replicate it."-Dreamshaman32 | |
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istenzek why get so pissed about should not take him so seriously.....he thinks Planet Earth is a good Prince album....that says enough! | |
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Your reasoning is borderline Spinal-Tap/Mighty Wind. As Ed Lover might say "C'Mon Son" It's okay to be contrarian, but when you typed this, did you have a voice in the back of your head saying "What if the song was deliberately crap? That would be disingenuous"
Would you like this song or even give it a passing glance if it was sung by:
Jonas Brothers
Taylor Swift
Miley Cyrus
Avril Lavigne
Justin Beiber
Adam Lambert
John Mayer
Maroon 5
Would you say it was "uncomplicated and retro" if it was any other artist? If you answer honestly, I believe you would say "I really wouldn't care & I'd probably call it filler and uninspired" Which brings me to the point that alot of people are making on this thread. Why apologise or back pedal for something obviously crafted to be subpar/mediocre/phoned in and painfully dull because it's penned by a musical icon from Minneapolis? Orgers need to stop giving Prince a hall pass. For god sakes be honest with yourself, people. "Hey, this sounds like Prince is deliberately releasing dull coasters. Why should he get attention for that when any musician studio rat makes a dime a dozen of these tracks all across the world every day? Hey,wait a minute! Prince is just attention whoring with his music over nothing! "
Sorrry, but that has far more of a ring of truth to it than most wish to fathom. It's probably why alot of musicians commit suicide due to the aggravation of not getting noticed for doing the same caliber of work.
[Edited 6/12/10 9:44am] [Edited 6/12/10 9:47am] [Edited 6/12/10 9:50am] | |
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