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yea, sanity remember that. it seems the futher along prince goes the more demanding and critical the "fans" become. it simply amazes me. They seem to have more at stake then prince lol. Drug analogy never gets old. Prince is the pusher and they can't get high anymore. And boy are they mad lol. It seems like with every step prince takes people act like future of mankind is hanging in the balance. it's compeletely insane. | |
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so is the incessant ass kissing. 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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TRUE DAT!!! [Edited 6/10/10 11:09am] Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records. | |
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You might be resigned to the fact that Prince is only capable of creating mediocre music at present, but I'm hoping he still has a spark of his former mojo still waiting to get out.
Until it does, I'll judge each release as it comes out. If it's shit, I'll say it's shit, if it's good, I'll say its good.
As will most people on here, just voicing their frustrations and opinions of the music.
The only insane replies I've read have been from deluded fams who think 'Lotus Flower Ambient Sounds Loop' compares to Sign O The Times. blah blah blah | |
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There is no way Prince is releasing material in any way or form that he thinks is substandard. These give aways have not been to fanclub members but the worlds press. I still do not understand why he is doing this, but thats a different matter.
It is just not in him to not care about his music. He thinks these tracks are great or he would not release them to the worlds media. He takes himself far too seriously for that.
The Purple&Gold track is completely different in my opinion, that was a sports thing. A bit of throwaway fun released in an entirely different context.
This is just my opinion mind you based on being a fan for many years and getting to know Mr Nelsons foibles from his eccentric behaviour. Music is it for him. It is everything.
"My God it's full of Stars"
Indigo Club, September 21st 2008, 4.24am | |
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I'm still negative, this new song is pure garbage... I have listened to it about 10-12 times now, it's God damn awful.
I remember the pleasure of excitement and surprise back then when I heard the brilliant stuff Prince was releasing....... back then.
Don't hate me for it, but I think I will put on the Let's Go Crazy 12 inch, and enjoy my memories....
How sad Prince should end this way, will he be able to come back after those 3 incredible bad songs ?
I hate to say it, but this stuff makes me less of a Prince fan, I'm shocked just how bad these songs are. Prince 4Ever. ![]() | |
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what the fock are U doing here? ![]() | |
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^ What am I doing here, JoeTyler??? Well, I'm a struggeling Prince fan. Loyal from 1983 to 1995, a little critical and skeptic from then till now.
I'm not so active like I used to here, but I still have my opinions on Prince music. That's what I'm doing here: speaking my honest opinion(s).
Please don't say this place belongs to Prince fams only.... those who are positive all the time...?!
Different opinions / musical tastes should be allowed here. Both the positive and negative.... right ? Prince 4Ever. ![]() | |
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mabey we need to replace the term 'fam'
with somthing else
what the fuck are folk doing here????????????????
cheecky fucker:-o | |
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Do you guys think Prince got instructions from Larry destroy his carreer, sell Paisley Park, get rid of his fans and go live with him and Tina so they could go door to door and sell Watchtowers together, study the bible and visit Kingdom Hall every sunday?
It sure looks like the little Baby Brother is doing the best he can ...
what a godawful mix of shitty-prince-tracks, played in the most uninspired way possible!
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Let me be Frank (Leta Honda I guess this song caters to those who yearn for the simplistic 80s sound that makes them feel like teenagers again, and that's what Prince has delivered to that audience. Mind you, that's also the audience that has been bitching ever since he explored other styles. I'm not trying to demean all of you who have been waiting for this, and I know I'll probably sound a little too bitchy myself, for I do know that he can't please everyone. I don't hate everything about this track, I just don't really care for this cutesy type of music. I do like the basic idea and the background vocalist's abilities. Quite a bit, actually. Anyway, I'll just stu (shut the up) now. | |
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u know, that is a good point
We are all so full of ![]() | |
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I can't say so with absolute certaintly but I've been saying it seems exactly like that, for the last few years now. I wondered why Prince didn't just retire in 2008, go off with Larry praising Jehovah and live happily ever after. Then it dawned on me that had he retired then his legacy would have been in tact and he'd have been revered as the musical genuis that he was once upon a time...forever.
It really seems to me like someone wants his legacy destroyed and he seems to be doing his damndest to make sure that happens!
I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart. | |
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Not bad. Not bad at all. Not earth-shattering or anything, but not bad either. Sounds like a mix-mash of "Peach", "Cream" and a soda or suntan lotion commercial. I can hear the jingle now.. "HBO! It's gonna be a Hot Summer!" Something like that. Big fluffy happy and bouncy. At least a warm breezy spring. Now *hot* summer.. like HAWT summer.. gimme some Head style funk that makes me want to spontaneously hump something or someone. But definitely listenable more than once, unlike a couple of his last tracks
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I don't think he's measuring these recent songs according to any standard; and that's because there is no indication by the way they are getting out that they are intended for any significant artistic project, such as a CD.
These songs have not been to "the worlds press" but to a local sports team and a local public radio station. Granted in the age of connectivity, everything has a potential global audience; but nothing about the way these songs have been played suggest significant artistic intent.
Compare this to the way the Lotusflow3r project was previewed by the LA-based radio station last year? There was a clear, deliberate attempt to preview a major project, which Lotusflow3r turned out to be. Personally I liked the Lotusflow3r CD (MPLSound was ok to me, and Elixir has been played once), so I'm not averse to criticism (I had lots to criticize about MPLSound).
But I just don't get the sense that Prince is using these media outlets in the same way he has in the past to officially "release" material that is part of a major artistic/musical outing. That being the case (to me), I'm not therefore going to subject these tracks to the same critical rigor that such an outing would deserve.
I wasn't a fan of "Purple and Gold" nor "Cause and Effect." And "Hot Summer" is lukewarm to me (it's a fun ditty no more no less). But I wouldn't hang his artistic credibility on any of these three songs... I don't think they were intended to serve that purpose. "That...magic, the start of something revolutionary-the Minneapolis Sound, we should cherish it and not punish prince for not being able to replicate it."-Dreamshaman32 | |
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No ![]() | |
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Hot Summer was an exclusive on a major entertainment site (not funkenberry!) though wasn't it? That's hardly a local radio station! ![]() Yeah just checked: Entertainment Weekly exclusive. [Edited 6/10/10 15:57pm] "My God it's full of Stars"
Indigo Club, September 21st 2008, 4.24am | |
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Thank you, I thought it was pretty funny. I like the song, others don't. Doesn't matter. Our world is still going to spin and we're either out or we're in... | |
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I will soon be writing a brand new poem/lyric entitled: "Hot Orger". Look for it soon, I will most likely post it elsewhere, but it should clear some things up and have a little fun at us all. | |
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Is the song title a reference to Prince's menopausal symptom? | |
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I like it more and more with each play. To me it sounds like So Far So Pleased and the Hot Summer intro sounds like Sheryl Crow.
I wonder if this is a Rave Unto The Joy Fantastic outtake | |
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Do mean that random Youtube video of "Hot Summer", EW posted?
Where does it say...Entertainment Weekly Exclusive? I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart. | |
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ah... I was out with a client today and I was wearing my Lotusflower T shirt (that some of you never got) and he said, oh that's a cool T, and he read the back, and he said, I will have to check out that web site....
I stayed quiet. We are all so full of ![]() | |
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That's how I'm looking at it. It's apparent listening to it that no more time or effort was spent on it than the 3:32 running time it took to put it on tape in one take.
But it's enjoyable enough taken on its own terms, as a giveaway to kick up a slight interest/announcement that he's touring or that he's got some magazine spotlights out there. It's fun and breezy and serves its purpose. Not every track has to be something profound, interesting or even good. I mean, hell, "Jack U Off," "It," "Starfish & Coffee" and "Horny Toad" are really nothing all that great, but they don't get shit on like this because they're from this mythical era where revisionary history has cast everything Prince did was a gold-plated, diamond-encrusted gem.
But as I said somewhere else, if it's the first single and the focal point of launching an album, then a drastic re-think is needed at all levels. It reminds me a lot of that demo version of "Guitar". If it is inteded for something, hopefully he goes back and reworks it (same for "Cause & Effect" -- replace those vocals and strip them back). There's potential, but if it goes no further than this, then so what. Nobody paid for it. It's not even released. I'm the first to smell a steaming pile of shit, but honestly, nobody is even meant to own the thing at this point, so what's with all the bitching and dire declarations of the quality of his current output when there is no actual current output? | |
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Especially the audience who got touched by Prince's music in the 80s and the eclitcism that came along, are the ones who are majorly dissapointed now. I'm mostly a fan of his 80s stuff, but I loved TRC and lotusflo3r etc... It's not an era thing, or a change of sound-thing. To me, this just sounds as a boring song, a weak commercial attempt type song... [Edited 6/11/10 0:24am] The HQ-er formerly known as krokostimpy. | |
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Prince--dude, you are so paranoid of godknowswhat that even the peons at are scared shitless of crossing you so that if anyone mentions the new song or where to hear it (or even hints at it!) they'll kick them off their own fan site.
You're gonna lose all your fans and for what? Jehova? Do some research. Jesus lived, talked, loved, challenged, and changed hearts. He was a brilliant man. He is deserving of followers. But those you are following now are not him. They and many others like them twist what he said around and use it to their benefit to empower themselves here on earth with no regard for what his true message was. I feel for you. Your hip is going to shit because someone decided to make rules when they founded whatever religion you follow not knowing that it would hinder a true artist from touring and being happy many years down the road.
You are a gift to the world from God. I'm not getting any donations or payolla when I say that. It comes from my soul. Free yourself, let us hear your music even if we aren't online or in minnesota at the split second you allow a radio station to play it. I haven't heard it (I wasn't streaming independent radio at the annointed time) but it can't be good because it isn't truly free.
Let go.
Jesus is alive in us all if we just listen. (Not to humans but to him.) And he is alive in u. He ain't at the watchtower. He's in your guitar. Let him be heard.
Rebuild your bridges. Lisa and Wendy are not abominations. They are human beings. Beautiful and talented. They are your soul mates. Not larry.
Peace. I wish u heaven | |
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Exactly. Nu already made the point that the internet globalises everything so news items can be regurgitated on other sites as if it's them that have the scoop. Prince gave to theCurrent (a local MPLS Minnesota radio station). All of us can hear that Hot Summer is not groundbreaking, and a just a piece of pop fluff lacking huge musical substance but some of you should also at least entertain the idea that these aren't perhaps a sign of the end of days and that Prince has lost ALL his mojo. Just somewhere in the middle,
Not too good and not too bad. | |
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I agree with NPS that it's all about expectations and criteria. I listened a few times last night and was disappointed and thought the song substandard. I'm re-listening now thinking I'd be growing to hate it, but it's... OK.
I do agree though, that the argument that these are "just" throw-aways is hard to justify with P's tight control of his output. I think that the best comparisons are things like Cybersingle, Radical Man, the demo of Guitar. I think that you can easily put C&E and Hot Summer in those categories and, if so, I think that they are in the same league but fall a bit short (especially Hot Summer - I found C&E interesting). "We've never been able to pull off a funk number"
"That's becuase we're soulless auttomatons" | |
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I was refering to this full page on EW.
My point is the same that this has been a high profile release. Not another "guitar" demo.
Sorry for using the word exclusive.
"My God it's full of Stars"
Indigo Club, September 21st 2008, 4.24am | |
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I have not heard one second of this song and I don't care if I hear the song period.
Prince does not have to release one more song and he will still be hailed as one of the greatest musicians in history.
It is not unusual to dislike a Prince song at first listen. I played SOTT one time and sat it down for a month before it became my favorite Prince album. I bought Purple Rain and listened to it twice before the movie opened. I am just now starting to get into the Come CD and that was released 16 years ago.
If you drink wine before it's time it will taste like sour grapes.
Anyway a shout out to NuPwrSoul (who brings balance to the Org)and Supa (the wittest man on the Org).
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