Listened to it a couple of times and its growing on me, I'm looking forward to the album, I'm guessing the album won't have too many ballads on it. I like the 3rdeyegirl thing and hope the album is guitar heavy! ![]() Interviewer: What's it like to be the greatest guitarist in the world?
Clapton: I don't know, you'd better ask Prince | |
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the songs would be a lot less forgettable if they had better lyrics though.
his playing is always good, his songs, although not as stellar as anything he used to do, are always at least good to very good imo.
but his lyrics and the constant returning to a few done to death ideas are what drags everything down imo.
it's his refusal to write songs about anything that goes beneath the crust and touches on his own life. . i mean "you need to fix your life up"? really marriages, a couple dozen girlfriends less than half my age, numerous failed websites with disgruntled customers, constant problems with tax and other bills, a religious fervor that alienated me from 90% of those who used to care and my mind changed like the leaves on the trees, yes, perhaps then i'd need to "fix up [my] life" .
instead of widening/deepening his output and legacy it seems like he's now becoming the "jukebox with a heartbeat" that he once sang about. . i'm still here and i'm still sort of enjoying his new music but the man has to realise at some point that his lyrics have become a bit of a joke. two themes on every album. no real depth, just self help book quotes and a handfull of pseudo science, some boasting about self and endless chatter and pick up lines for young girls.
and true love lives on lollipops and crisps | |
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Preach! His lyrics have been the problem for a long time. | |
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The biggest problem with Prince today is the lack of clever lyrics. Gone are the Rasberry Beret lyrics in are the Fixyourlifeup lyrics. Preachy ech ech ech
so awful.
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A very original twist for Prince.
Bout damn time! | |
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You guys want so much from Prince! Its all gravy at this point. Seems everything he creates now is critiqued for what it is not and not for what it is. Prince has basically done everything. So now every thing he creates is compared to everything else he has created.
No one song or one album is going to encompass everything he is capable of. U want deep lyrics and somebody else wants it be funky and the third person want it to be experimental and forth person wants it to be commercial.
Damn can't you guys just be glad that he still excited enough to keep creating music and coming up with different ideas (thirdeyegirl)?
I mean we just got "girl thang" and "breakfast can wait" those sure sounded personal to me. [Edited 4/12/13 11:18am] | |
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A lot of "everymen" seemed to like RNR Love Affair. It was a radio hit here in germany and stayed in the listener charts on one of germanies most popular stations for weeks. I didn't understand it, but that's how it was. | |
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Well I just heard the song and I like it, its much better than screwdriver and live out loud ![]() Welcome 2 The Dawn | |
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yeah that ^^ | |
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RnR and Breakfast Can Wait seem to be the two best songs from this new album. They would have been just B-Sides in his heyday. Sigh.
I keep holding out for over 15 years now that he will even come close to making something even remotely as exciting as his early 90's period when he had already started to go downhill fast.
Outside of the Rainbow Children (and that is a stretch) the man has not done anything really good or grondbreaking since Diamonds and Pearls.
[Edited 4/12/13 11:38am] | |
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Yeah the lyrics aren't great but as someone pointed out Breakfast Can Wait is lyrically sound. I guess I don't take the 3rd Eye project that seriously ,it's just a fun side project with catchy grooves which should kill "live".
Just enjoy it for what it is. It kills me that there are people still holding out hope for another sign of the times. Whether he still has it in himself to produce another masterpiece is debatable but there's still so much left to love. Recent tracks like Colonized Mind & Wall of Berlin let me know that he still has it and a "sub par" track of his is still more rewarding than the majority of music that's out there. I'm far less critical of P at this point, we're lucky he's still coming out with new music imo. I think this track is the best of the 3rd eye batch & I can't wait to hear it live. [Edited 4/12/13 11:40am] | |
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The lyrics might have been self-referential. These lyrics are certainly a step up from "Screwdriver", which was silly and non-sensical, the lyrics does offer a possible glimpse of how he sees himself and the world, and I would rather hear these thoughts (albeit to me he sounds naive at parts) than hear him trying to compete with Justin Timberlake or Miguel. 3121 #1 THIS YEAR | |
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By the time it shows up on iTunes every Prince fan will already have heard or downloaded it somewhere...why not have it up 4 sale the minute after it premieres? | |
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wow..great style from prince..a bit grunge like or | |
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Truly if you have been waiting and hoping for sign of times 2 for 15 years you just might be an idiot. Not saying that you are but be realistic no human being is continually on an upward projection in any endevour. And to say that Prince has not done anything good since D&P (which alot of people loath) means you should have turned in your purple pass many moons ago. Let go its alright! | |
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exactly. much as i like to complain about his new songs, i still buy them all if he sells them and i'd like the option to buy this *now*, not 'soon'.
and true love lives on lollipops and crisps | |
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I know that I should be grateful for the amazing run in the 80- early 90's however I am a bit greedy in that regard - or idiotic
One or two okay tunes every few years sucks. I am holding out to just one time get that same feeling that I used to get from his early output. I referred to DandP because it seems to contain the last of his focused songs (along with crap like Jughead) that nipped at the heels of his earlier work.
I don't give up easy I guess.
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Prince style:) but he releases guitar all of a sudden and charges 1,77 | |
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It's the best new song so far from Prince this year and I hope the album version is longer cuz its way 2 short. I don't care so much about the lyrics since I know that it's standard these days that his songs doesn't contain great lyrics Welcome 2 The Dawn | |
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You are not going to ever get that old feeling again. That's why its called an "old feeling". He has changed, u have changed, and the world has changed. Changed being the operative word. Most of us have enjoyed more than a couple of songs here and there. That's why we still follow him.
If you only sort of like a song here or there that is more a reflection on your taste than any reflection on Prince's output. | |
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Well put.
I am crossing my fingers that he will maybe do something relevant again (ugh). One positive that I see to this newer stuff is the change in his production direction. I am a big fan of the indie sound and he seems to have stripped things down a bit so that in the very least these songs have a little more energy and excitement than anything he has worked on in many years. Kudos to Prince for that change. if there were some good songs to match...
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Relevant? I have no idea what that means. Relevant to the kids? the oldtimers? the media? you? For me personally there is an essence that he brings to whatever he does. It doesn't matter the production or the genre. its what makes him Prince. I always hear that in his music. I don't need or desire for Prince to go down any particular path because for me he is always bringing that special essence that I heard on "For You". That is why no particular style of production or genre exercise has ever been off-putting for me. I alway hear his soul in his music.
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I prefer Prince more underground. Clubs and periodically releasing music. Hey, you always have stuff like Phil Collins if you like going with the herds to the arenas. What are you outraged about today? CNN has not told you yet? | |
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My guess, we get the album soon. What are you outraged about today? CNN has not told you yet? | |
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tricky99 said:
You are not going to ever get that old feeling again. That's why its called an "old feeling". He has changed, u have changed, and the world has changed. Changed being the operative word. Most of us have enjoyed more than a couple of songs here and there. That's why we still follow him.
If you only sort of like a song here or there that is more a reflection on your taste than any reflection on Prince's output.
No matter your age, pursue your dreams so that you will LIVE. | |
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I liked that track until the Frankenstein bit
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COOL. everyting in the middle is okay... overall like it.. hope for a longer version
4 all the naysayers....THis is Prince in 2013 DEAL WITH IT or get off the boat Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s | |
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He will have me again on his jock if he keeps putting out stuff like this. It is a very wonderful little rock tune. I would bet there is a longer version.
I smell a hit. This could be his first top ten single in years. All you others say Hell Yea!! ![]() | |
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Sorry, really? A hit? When is the last time a guitar based jazzy rock tune with a freakout ending has been a hit? Prince will never ever ever have another hit. He will however blow our minds in concert.
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