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Reply #90 posted 11/01/10 8:30am



I know this was from the last Peach and Black pod cast (Sept 24,) but when they were talkin about Erotic City , and they didnt know if Prince was saying, CREAMY PIES OR CREAMY THIGHS. i was LMAO!!!!!!!!

[Edited 11/1/10 12:21pm]

Pray Daily!!!!! RIP AMY WINEHOUSE Keep Calm, Carry on
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Reply #91 posted 11/01/10 9:17am



thedance said:

I can't wait for these remasters, hopefully it will be done excellent with b-sides, extended versions, and outtakes....

hopefully this oppotunity to make some fan-tastic releases won't be screwed up.

I have mixed feelings: I hope for the best, but also I fear it will screwed up.

and.... we have to wait till 2014 to get the 6 first albums, right?

This means - if I count right - my favorite Lovesexy CD won't have a chance till 2018....

damn that's a looooong time to wait.. sad

i think if i had to predict what will come out...i think it will be straight remasters without extras....hopefully i am wrong...would love to see deluxe editions...he has so much stuff to put on them ...they really deserve it...i DONT see him messing with dirty mind or anything like that...he isnt mental...he wouldnt dare touch them with edits or whatever...there would be an outcry and they wouldnt sell...i think purple rain's 30th anniversy is the perfect time for the first six to come out...

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Reply #92 posted 11/01/10 12:20pm


squirrelgrease said:

Tremolina said:

I am not sure.

All I am sure of is what the law says and what the horse himself said before in an online Q&A, somewhere around the end of the 90's, that the term was 35 years and that the rights to For You would return to him in 2013.

Should still be somewhere online.

I don't recall that Q&A, but I'm sure your memory is probably correct.


It's only because I am a (copyright) lawyer myself that I can remember that Q&A.

It was around the time when was still his website. One day he did a Q&A on there for the fans and one question was whether he would ever get his masters back. Then he answered that he would 35 years after transfer, starting with For You in 2013.

Also, I have never heard of a 30 year term before. Like I said, maybe WB was nice to him, or the law used to say 30 when it was written and it was amended later to 35.

But I sincerely doubt it.

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Reply #93 posted 11/01/10 2:31pm


MikeyB71 said:

DoffieParker said:

bloody hell, what an amazing experience 4 u guys!

only part way in to the show, i'm so enjoying hearing u recall the night.. sounds like a FANTASTIC night out!.. can u believe it really happened?

i'd still be pinching meself! all that near knee rubbing & all..

so did u look in2 his eyes? wink

can u say what he wore? please say he turned up casual..

i must say though that i still don't get the hype with janelle monae, i mean i enjoyed 'tightrope', outstanding stuff, very creative but i don't feel she's got anything else.

the interest in e. spalding i can understand, she's a classy chick, mezmerizing

thanks 4 the report. nice details, so cool, i'm gonna go back & listen! cheers!

Try your best to block out the hype about Monae, get the album, put on yer headphones and listen. If you still don't like it after that......fair enough.


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Reply #94 posted 11/01/10 3:14pm


eyewishuheaven said:

squirrelgrease said:

Several things were revealed and/or confirmed. Including:

• 30-year revert of ownership applies to Prince's catalog and not 35 as previously speculated

• Prince now owns the masters to For You, Prince and Dirty Mind (this explains out-of-print status - get them while you can)

• First 6 albums are already remastered, which includes the ones he owns now

• Regularly meets with WB about back catalog - seems to blame WB turnover on hold-up (I ain't buying that)

• 20TEN Deluxe is definite go and will contain extended versions as well as extra songs

• No Montreux DVD

• New album in 2011 with Tal Wilkenfeld and Chris Colman providing rhythm on some cuts

• And more...

Thanks so much for the recap! I think I came off a little harsh in my post, didn't mean to. Those guys are doing a bang-up job, I just don't have the time in my day to listen to these things! sad

I didn't think your comments wre harsh. I am at 50 minutes and barely any info has been stated.

Lots of filler. I am sure these guys are fun people as it comes across, but I am not driving my car doing nothing. And much of the info is irrelevant. I would appreciate just a summary that SQ has given somewhat. THanks.

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Reply #95 posted 11/01/10 3:19pm



IstenSzek said:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanywho. i've been listening to 20Ten again today and i'm

pretty psyched, i have to admit, about the deluxe version.



I didn't care much for that album, but you know what, if the Deluxe Edition ever comes out, I'll still buy it just to have a complete collection. razz

rainbow woot! FREE THE 29 MAY 1993 COME CONFIGURATION! woot! rainbow
rainbow woot! FREE THE JANUARY 1994 THE GOLD ALBUM CONFIGURATION woot! rainbow
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Reply #96 posted 11/01/10 3:42pm


muskiediver said:

eyewishuheaven said:

Thanks so much for the recap! I think I came off a little harsh in my post, didn't mean to. Those guys are doing a bang-up job, I just don't have the time in my day to listen to these things! sad

I didn't think your comments wre harsh. I am at 50 minutes and barely any info has been stated.

Lots of filler. I am sure these guys are fun people as it comes across, but I am not driving my car doing nothing. And much of the info is irrelevant. I would appreciate just a summary that SQ has given somewhat. THanks.

Ditto. I clicked off at 38 minutes, having learned nothing at all. Again, not a knock on these guys - I guess I'm just not a podcast person (that was the first podcast I've ever listened to).

So if someone would please summarize any other information other than what Squirrelgrease posted, I'd sure appreciate it.

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Reply #97 posted 11/01/10 4:40pm


Yea, I will say that too. I guess I am not a podcast guy either.

Or, I have btter things to be doing that listening to a show for 50 minutes with barely any info revealed. Ok, I learned a lesson.

SQ give us your full summary. This is why SQ is well liked. He has great wit, no BS, and gets to the point. And his jokes are halarious and original. Hell lately SQ has been more creative than Prince!

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Reply #98 posted 11/01/10 5:15pm



Check out my tribute to Prince
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Reply #99 posted 11/01/10 5:23pm


Prince is the king of talking utter nonsense .... I can't believe anyone really buys any of the crap he says.

The full length version of 'Adore' ... let me guess, we're not ready to hear something like that, that's why it was never released.... right, it's so good that it didnt make the album.

Regularly meets with Warners ... and they are to blame for everything of course.

6 albums remastered already... I thought he was re-recording them all, oh wait that was another load of rubbish he said a few years back.

The nonsense about albums not having bottom end.... Anyone that owns a Linn drum machine (I have one so I do have some clue) will know that it's not known for his sub-bass or bottom end, you can re-master 'When Doves Cry' or 'Sign of the Times' with a bassy bottom end but the Linn drum never sounded like that in the first place in the studio.

Even when Prince is talking about his own music he's talking rubbish !!

As for the 20ten deluxe ... is it really going to be worth it? Longer versions of those songs ... they're long enough already surely. Adding 'Rich friends' is not going to make the album any better lets be honest.

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Reply #100 posted 11/01/10 5:37pm



how long til P meets with MIchael Dean ????

Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s
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Reply #101 posted 11/01/10 5:48pm



Whether you like what Prince says or not, it's pretty neat that he got together with Peach and Black and spent an evening with them. I don't know how many celebrities do that so spontaneously.

"Free URself, B the best that U can B, 3rd Apartment from the Sun, nothing left to fear" Prince Rogers Nelson - Forever in my Life -
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Reply #102 posted 11/01/10 6:49pm



Tremolina said:

squirrelgrease said:

I don't recall that Q&A, but I'm sure your memory is probably correct.


It's only because I am a (copyright) lawyer myself that I can remember that Q&A.

It was around the time when was still his website. One day he did a Q&A on there for the fans and one question was whether he would ever get his masters back. Then he answered that he would 35 years after transfer, starting with For You in 2013.

Also, I have never heard of a 30 year term before. Like I said, maybe WB was nice to him, or the law used to say 30 when it was written and it was amended later to 35.

But I sincerely doubt it.

just for fun reading.

"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!"
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Reply #103 posted 11/01/10 8:15pm



johnny2000 said:

6 albums remastered already... I thought he was re-recording them all, oh wait that was another load of rubbish he said a few years back.

I don't think he was re-recording from scratch. He was just trying to regain ownership in a sneaky way. The idea was that if you add even a single additional track to the old recordings, then it's a a new recording--like 1999 The New Master. I believe Prince owns the recordings, but not the masters.

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Reply #104 posted 11/01/10 9:43pm


Well, in the end it's all just blah...blah...blah! lol

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Reply #105 posted 11/01/10 10:21pm



RodeoSchro said:

muskiediver said:

I didn't think your comments wre harsh. I am at 50 minutes and barely any info has been stated.

Lots of filler. I am sure these guys are fun people as it comes across, but I am not driving my car doing nothing. And much of the info is irrelevant. I would appreciate just a summary that SQ has given somewhat. THanks.

Ditto. I clicked off at 38 minutes, having learned nothing at all. Again, not a knock on these guys - I guess I'm just not a podcast person (that was the first podcast I've ever listened to).

So if someone would please summarize any other information other than what Squirrelgrease posted, I'd sure appreciate it.

I hate to sound cynical about it...but I'm going to sound cynical about it.

1) There's a great O2 video, but you'll most likely never see it.

2) There's a great Montreaux video, but you'll most likely never see it.

3) Prince gets his albums back 30 years after their release rather than 35. Prince has started remastering his first six albums already. (But you'll most likely never hear them; I mean, let's face it.)

4) There's a much longer version of Adore, but you'll most likely never hear it.

5) There's a deluxe version of 20ten. Will you ever hear it? We'll see....

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Reply #106 posted 11/01/10 10:59pm



What about the language issue?

Will, for example, the remastered version of "Dirty Mind" contain an uncensored version of "Head"?

eek eek eek

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Reply #107 posted 11/01/10 11:09pm



EmancipationLover said:

What about the language issue?

Will, for example, the remastered version of "Dirty Mind" contain an uncensored version of "Head"?

eek eek eek

There is already a Prince re-mastered issue of Dirty Mind available. It comes on a spindle of 100 similar CDs with the initials TDK on it... Tony, Kirk, Damon... oh dear confused

But the "show them the gun" story is sooo funny cool

We ain't from Hollywood, so you know it's all good
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Reply #108 posted 11/01/10 11:20pm


EmancipationLover said:

What about the language issue?

Will, for example, the remastered version of "Dirty Mind" contain an uncensored version of "Head"?

eek eek eek

I don't think Prince would ever release one of his classic albums or his classice unreleased or extended version tracks without redoing the vocals or basically ruining them like he did with 1999.

Of course due to his religion we may hear even more editing of swear words. So the uncensored version of head will never be heard. Hell the song Head it self mght be remove.

Yea I am pretty optimistic, but the reality is based on past Prince behavior...we won't see any of this while his music is under his control.

Personally I would not mind seeing new sucessful current day producers re do the mix for the songs with minimal additions. The goal would be take this song, and bring it up to date. Of course a remaster classic version would also be included. These producers should have access to the outtakes for the album as well to choose additional bonus tracks or ad them to the mix. The mystic itself of hearing these unreleased samples will only further enhance Prince and his music.

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Reply #109 posted 11/01/10 11:23pm



Why would we need the first 6 albums remastered when we have 20Ten, Lotus, Planet Earth, 3121, and Musicology confuse

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Reply #110 posted 11/01/10 11:35pm


muskiediver said:

EmancipationLover said:

What about the language issue?

Will, for example, the remastered version of "Dirty Mind" contain an uncensored version of "Head"?

eek eek eek

I don't think Prince would ever release one of his classic albums or his classice unreleased or extended version tracks without redoing the vocals or basically ruining them like he did with 1999.

Of course due to his religion we may hear even more editing of swear words. So the uncensored version of head will never be heard. Hell the song Head it self mght be remove.

Yea I am pretty optimistic, but the reality is based on past Prince behavior...we won't see any of this while his music is under his control.

Personally I would not mind seeing new sucessful current day producers re do the mix for the songs with minimal additions. The goal would be take this song, and bring it up to date. Of course a remaster classic version would also be included. These producers should have access to the outtakes for the album as well to choose additional bonus tracks or ad them to the mix. The mystic itself of hearing these unreleased samples will only further enhance Prince and his music.

What he should do is re-release an edited version and unedited remastered version. So people can have a choice of what they want to hear. Therefore satisfying his religious believes & the fans at the same time.... sometimes I'm so

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #111 posted 11/01/10 11:35pm


dancing jig clapping

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Reply #112 posted 11/01/10 11:44pm


gyro34 said:

dancing jig clapping

Thank you. This would not be the first time Prince has used an idea of mine. Re. hot summer, Prince symbol for marketing purposes etc.


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Reply #113 posted 11/01/10 11:59pm




muskiediver said:

I don't think Prince would ever release one of his classic albums or his classice unreleased or extended version tracks without redoing the vocals or basically ruining them like he did with 1999.

Of course due to his religion we may hear even more editing of swear words. So the uncensored version of head will never be heard. Hell the song Head it self mght be remove.

Yea I am pretty optimistic, but the reality is based on past Prince behavior...we won't see any of this while his music is under his control.

Personally I would not mind seeing new sucessful current day producers re do the mix for the songs with minimal additions. The goal would be take this song, and bring it up to date. Of course a remaster classic version would also be included. These producers should have access to the outtakes for the album as well to choose additional bonus tracks or ad them to the mix. The mystic itself of hearing these unreleased samples will only further enhance Prince and his music.

What he should do is re-release an edited version and unedited remastered version. So people can have a choice of what they want to hear. Therefore satisfying his religious believes & the fans at the same time.... sometimes I'm so

That would do the trick, but would he agree to it? hmmm

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Reply #114 posted 11/02/10 12:22am


Elle85n09 said:


What he should do is re-release an edited version and unedited remastered version. So people can have a choice of what they want to hear. Therefore satisfying his religious believes & the fans at the same time.... sometimes I'm so

That would do the trick, but would he agree to it? hmmm


eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #115 posted 11/02/10 12:30am




Elle85n09 said:

That would do the trick, but would he agree to it? hmmm


His past history with Tipper Gore is certainly undisputed. Hope you're right KCOOLMUZIQ. Just slap a parental warning on the originals and make us all happy! wink

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Reply #116 posted 11/02/10 12:51am


Can someone please summarize what Prince had to say?

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Reply #117 posted 11/02/10 1:12am



To the poster who doesn't get Janelle Monae.

You have to start with her EP then move to the current release which is a continuation of the story from her EP.

And she's great live.
Nick Ashford was someone I greatly admired, had the honor of knowing, and was the real-life inspiration for Cowboy Curtis' hair. RIP Nick. - Pee Wee Herman
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Reply #118 posted 11/02/10 1:16am



donnyenglish said:

Can someone please summarize what Prince had to say?

someone already did

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #119 posted 11/02/10 3:08am


donnyenglish said:

Can someone please summarize what Prince had to say?

Refer to squirrelgrease's post on the first page.

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