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Reply #120 posted 12/25/21 12:04am


TrivialPursuit said:

SeventeenDayze said:

TrivialPursuit said:

hahaha you started it, now you can't handle it? Thank you. I know exactly who you are now. I appreciate you letting me know.

By the way, your signature seems rather ironic at this point.

Welcome back Old Friends

LOL I'm not that guy. Never will be. He's got 2 sides, and we all know who they are.

Still waiting on the evidence being your speculation, by the way...

Do you not realize the very definition of speculation is the absence of evidence? Instead of being a buzzard about a mere opinion, why aren't you and the others here commenting in this tribunal here why over a decade of disgusting racism was allowed unchecked. If someone is that busy, hand over the reigns to someone else.
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #121 posted 12/25/21 12:36am



SeventeenDayze said:

TrivialPursuit said:

LOL I'm not that guy. Never will be. He's got 2 sides, and we all know who they are.

Still waiting on the evidence being your speculation, by the way...

Do you not realize the very definition of speculation is the absence of evidence? Instead of being a buzzard about a mere opinion, why aren't you and the others here commenting in this tribunal here why over a decade of disgusting racism was allowed unchecked. If someone is that busy, hand over the reigns to someone else.

Just as I knew - ya got nothing.

Anyhoo.... happy Christmas everyone!

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #122 posted 12/25/21 2:12am


SeventeenDayze said:

TrivialPursuit said:

LOL I'm not that guy. Never will be. He's got 2 sides, and we all know who they are.

Still waiting on the evidence being your speculation, by the way...

Do you not realize the very definition of speculation is the absence of evidence? Instead of being a buzzard about a mere opinion, why aren't you and the others here commenting in this tribunal here why over a decade of disgusting racism was allowed unchecked. If someone is that busy, hand over the reigns to someone else.


Please note that the forum was actually shut and it was shut after over a decade of people confronting the racism and calling people out for their racism.


However, over time many of these people were systematically removed from the site or discouraged from participating until in its final months most of the threads were started by one person and flooded by articles and pictures by that same person - mainly to push an agenda that could never be seen as left-of-centre or even moderate conservative and certainly not pro-black lives, equity or equality.


The reason no one who regularly posted in that forum is questioning the closure is because this increasing racism was, in fact, checked by the closure of the forum.

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Reply #123 posted 12/25/21 4:46am


TrivialPursuit said:

SeventeenDayze said:

TrivialPursuit said:

LOL I'm not that guy. Never will be. He's got 2 sides, and we all know who they are.

Still waiting on the evidence being your speculation, by the way...

Do you not realize the very definition of speculation is the absence of evidence? Instead of being a buzzard about a mere opinion, why aren't you and the others here commenting in this tribunal here why over a decade of disgusting racism was allowed unchecked. If someone is that busy, hand over the reigns to someone else.

Just as I knew - ya got nothing.

Anyhoo.... happy Christmas everyone!

Have a nice life
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #124 posted 12/25/21 4:47am


IanRG said:

SeventeenDayze said:

TrivialPursuit said:

LOL I'm not that guy. Never will be. He's got 2 sides, and we all know who they are.

Still waiting on the evidence being your speculation, by the way...

Do you not realize the very definition of speculation is the absence of evidence? Instead of being a buzzard about a mere opinion, why aren't you and the others here commenting in this tribunal here why over a decade of disgusting racism was allowed unchecked. If someone is that busy, hand over the reigns to someone else.


Please note that the forum was actually shut and it was shut after over a decade of people confronting the racism and calling people out for their racism.


However, over time many of these people were systematically removed from the site or discouraged from participating until in its final months most of the threads were started by one person and flooded by articles and pictures by that same person - mainly to push an agenda that could never be seen as left-of-centre or even moderate conservative and certainly not pro-black lives, equity or equality.


The reason no one who regularly posted in that forum is questioning the closure is because this increasing racism was, in fact, checked by the closure of the forum.

So it really takes 15 years to figure out there's a racism problem? If you say so.
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #125 posted 12/25/21 7:06am



THIS is exactly what the closing of P&R forum means to me....


1. No more talks about the Illuiminati [at least this can be discussing in the Vigilant Citizens forum].


2. No more talks about institutional racism and/or colorism.


3. No more talks about why orgers dislike the right wing 3X more than the left wing or moderate/center.


4. No more yearly reminders about the pagan origins of some holidays.


5. No more pissing on world religions.


I wonder how long the closing is really going to last. Just saying. neutral

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Reply #126 posted 12/25/21 7:18am



sexton said:

PennyPurple said:

Ian, you of all people know that several of the mods here helped fuel this place by not making it inviting. Their favs can do and say anything, and not get snipped or banned, the unfaves always get snipped and banned.

Other posters have called me a bitch, honey chiile, sweetheart, honey, and they were not in a good way. The mods OF & LUV turned their heads and looked the other way and LET it go on. They should be the ones that are permabanned, not 100's of others.

OldFriends4Sale isn't here anymore.


THAT is exactly what happens when anyone denies Prince's blackness! lol

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Reply #127 posted 12/25/21 8:58am



IanRG said:

However, over time many of these people were systematically removed from the site or discouraged from participating until in its final months most of the threads were started by one person and flooded by articles and pictures by that same person - mainly to push an agenda that could never be seen as left-of-centre or even moderate conservative and certainly not pro-black lives, equity or equality.

I'm glad someone said this without naming names. But we know who it was. It just became so flagrant and obvious - I mean, why didn't they just put on their MAGA hat and say it? It's like the Org was infiltrated by a Klan member. And this - the same person who used to just flood with threads on Around The World In A Day every four months; an action 100% more tolerable than attacks on every other person of color in the world. I was snipped and warned repeatedly when I called out the white supremacy being doled out like paychecks on a Friday.

There's censorship. Then there's the responsibility of the owner to shut down those avenues in which people spread such vitriol and hate. And that's what Ben rightly did. I know he's a busy guy with real life, but I can only imagine what went through his head when he really sat back and saw what was going on.

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #128 posted 12/25/21 11:09am


SeventeenDayze said:

IanRG said:


Please note that the forum was actually shut and it was shut after over a decade of people confronting the racism and calling people out for their racism.


However, over time many of these people were systematically removed from the site or discouraged from participating until in its final months most of the threads were started by one person and flooded by articles and pictures by that same person - mainly to push an agenda that could never be seen as left-of-centre or even moderate conservative and certainly not pro-black lives, equity or equality.


The reason no one who regularly posted in that forum is questioning the closure is because this increasing racism was, in fact, checked by the closure of the forum.

So it really takes 15 years to figure out there's a racism problem? If you say so.


No, that is not what I said. It is not possible to interpret what I said as saying this. You are going in circles.


If there was no one in P&R over the last 15 years standing up to racist comments posted here then you may have had a point - but there were many. They were just whittled down over time, mainly during the term of the previous president.

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Reply #129 posted 12/25/21 11:27am


SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said:

Oh. I'm sorry.

Did I quote you?

What r u on about exactly?

[Edited 12/24/21 15:26pm]

Were you not speaking about the most recent comments? Or was your law school lesson just random pontificating?

I was. But - moving forward - when I am addressing you directly, I will quote you,

No, I don't have a law degree. You seem a tad wound up though. Like most right wingers I know tbh. Such sensitive little snowflakes in need of their safe spaces.

LOL @ me doing a law school session. You can't possibly be serious.

If I were to accuse you of, say...I dunno...let's say fucking dogs, and wrote that on this message board, I think it would be fair to say that the burden of proof for that would fall on me. No? This sort of thing applies to everyday life, not just in court. Christ, lighten the fuck up for a moment to the degree that you are capable.

If I accused my ex wife of banging the pool boy or blowing my best friend, wouldn't it be fair to say that I'd need some evidence to that effect before I shot off my stupid mouth?

What weird posts you're making here. Other's too.

Someone whined about people pointing out that the P&R forum had been overrun by right wing bullshit but, on the rare occasions I poked my head in there, something like 75% of the threads were started by the same 4 or 5 people sharing and airing greivances about Antifa, Biden, BLM, Obama, socialism and blah blah fucking blah. Nothing more substantial or insightful than I could read or hear from Sean Hannity, ALex Jones, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, etc. Someone tried to frame the anti Trump sentiment along the lines of "merely disagreeing that Trump wasn't the most evil person ever" was enough to get you rolled and cried about it.

No. You bunch of cowardly pussies.

Ben was right to burn that horrible sub forum to the ground but, as shitty as it became, I remained somewhat encouraged even to the end that the majority of people posting there still weren't mean spirited, horrible assholes bitching about Bill Maher or "cancel culture" or Hunter Biden's fucking laptop. The right wing in this country, for as tough as they try to act, are the biggest god damned bunch of scared, victimized fucking crybabies I've ever seen - who are too scared to go to the movies or a grocery score without a loaded gun; guns that they're afraid the government is gonna take away any day now. Fuck all that, the propaganda that goes with it and the dickheads spreading it.

I'll be chilling in Uptown if anybody needs me.

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Reply #130 posted 12/25/21 11:27am


TrivialPursuit said:

djThunderfunk said:

To those on this thread complaining that P&R was dominated by the right wing, or "like NewsMax", I have to wonder what the hell you're talking about. Over the last 5 or 6 years this has absolutely NOT been the case. At any given time about 85%, or more, of the regular posters were left wing, or "like HuffPost". I guess when you're in a bubble and aren't used to hearing dissenting opinions ANY opposition is too much.

It's also interesting how some who campaigned tirelessly to have those they disliked banned are so overly butt-hurt about those they like being banned. People have been banned on both "sides". People have been nasty and participated in personal attacks on both "sides". Mods have been inconsistent when dealing with both "sides". This victimhood mentality some have is very childish.

P&R was a toxic environment. It served a purpose, several actually, but it wasn't a good look. It's probably best that it's gone.

I agree with those saying please don't turn GD into P&R. Sure, some of the topics usually found there will be appropriate here, but by far the most would not.

djThunderfunk - you make a lot of sense here.

On the other hand...nah.

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Reply #131 posted 12/25/21 11:42am


herb4 said:

SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said: Were you not speaking about the most recent comments? Or was your law school lesson just random pontificating?

I was. But - moving forward - when I am addressing you directly, I will quote you,

No, I don't have a law degree. You seem a tad wound up though. Like most right wingers I know tbh. Such sensitive little snowflakes in need of their safe spaces.

LOL @ me doing a law school session. You can't possibly be serious.

If I were to accuse you of, say...I dunno...let's say fucking dogs, and wrote that on this message board, I think it would be fair to say that the burden of proof for that would fall on me. No? This sort of thing applies to everyday life, not just in court. Christ, lighten the fuck up for a moment to the degree that you are capable.

If I accused my ex wife of banging the pool boy or blowing my best friend, wouldn't it be fair to say that I'd need some evidence to that effect before I shot off my stupid mouth?

What weird posts you're making here. Other's too.

Someone whined about people pointing out that the P&R forum had been overrun by right wing bullshit but, on the rare occasions I poked my head in there, something like 75% of the threads were started by the same 4 or 5 people sharing and airing greivances about Antifa, Biden, BLM, Obama, socialism and blah blah fucking blah. Nothing more substantial or insightful than I could read or hear from Sean Hannity, ALex Jones, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, etc. Someone tried to frame the anti Trump sentiment along the lines of "merely disagreeing that Trump wasn't the most evil person ever" was enough to get you rolled and cried about it.

No. You bunch of cowardly pussies.

Ben was right to burn that horrible sub forum to the ground but, as shitty as it became, I remained somewhat encouraged even to the end that the majority of people posting there still weren't mean spirited, horrible assholes bitching about Bill Maher or "cancel culture" or Hunter Biden's fucking laptop. The right wing in this country, for as tough as they try to act, are the biggest god damned bunch of scared, victimized fucking crybabies I've ever seen - who are too scared to go to the movies or a grocery score without a loaded gun; guns that they're afraid the government is gonna take away any day now. Fuck all that, the propaganda that goes with it and the dickheads spreading it.

I'll be chilling in Uptown if anybody needs me.

This calls to mind the lyric from The Fall's Wings. Namely, they are stuck in a time warp, like a relic from the U.S. Civil War. Translation, everyone must own guns to protect themselves.

Ended up under Ardwick Bridge (UK).
With some veterans from the U.S. Civil War.
They were under Irish patronage.
We shot dead a stupid sergeant,
but I got hit in the crossfire.
The lucky hit made me hit a time lock

The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!

If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days...
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Reply #132 posted 12/25/21 3:31pm



Out of curiousity, I have to wonder how many of those accusing a mixed-race person of racism are white?

It's also interesting to note that most of those that are using this thread to continue to attack and bad mouth those they disagreed with in the forum are not the ones on "the right".

[Edited 12/25/21 15:36pm]

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #133 posted 12/25/21 3:57pm



These guys get it:

Peace, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL!!


Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #134 posted 12/25/21 4:03pm


djThunderfunk said:

Out of curiousity, I have to wonder how many of those accusing a mixed-race person of racism are white?

It's also interesting to note that most of those that are using this thread to continue to attack and bad mouth those they disagreed with in the forum are not the ones on "the right".

[Edited 12/25/21 15:36pm]


Please stop the continual attacks on those who are "left of center".


The forum has been closed with good reason and you are demonstrating why.

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Reply #135 posted 12/25/21 4:27pm



IanRG said:

djThunderfunk said:

Out of curiousity, I have to wonder how many of those accusing a mixed-race person of racism are white?

It's also interesting to note that most of those that are using this thread to continue to attack and bad mouth those they disagreed with in the forum are not the ones on "the right".

[Edited 12/25/21 15:36pm]


Please stop the continual attacks on those who are "left of center".


The forum has been closed with good reason and you are demonstrating why.

So you're that upset with these words? You take them as an attack?
Thanks for proving my point, brother.

[Edited 12/25/21 16:56pm]

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #136 posted 12/25/21 4:32pm



IanRG said:

djThunderfunk said:

Out of curiousity, I have to wonder how many of those accusing a mixed-race person of racism are white?

It's also interesting to note that most of those that are using this thread to continue to attack and bad mouth those they disagreed with in the forum are not the ones on "the right".


Please stop the continual attacks on those who are "left of center".


The forum has been closed with good reason and you are demonstrating why.

I'm just gonna get in between you two fine folks and say, "hey... drop it. Let's stop with the personal attacks and move forward."

Let's ask ourselves this: How are we, as a community of online Prince fans who have wide and varied interests, going to agree to disagree and handle discourse in the future, from this moment forward?

We can't just keep stampeding each other into a virtual submission. We can't just dismiss folks because they don't agree with us, or they say something we don't like, at all. Arguing is never going to convince anyone of anything other than that both parties are obtuse and living in a vacuum; only exiting to enter their echo chamber, then back again.

We're all bigger and better than that. I hope.

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #137 posted 12/25/21 4:35pm


djThunderfunk said:

IanRG said:


Please stop the continual attacks on those who are "left of center".


The forum has been closed with good reason and you are demonstrating why.

So you're upset that with these words? You take them as an attack?
Thanks for proving my point, brother.


No, I take your words as someone who cannot let it go.


The forum has been closed with good reason and you are demonstrating why.


It is time to just move on.

[Edited 12/25/21 16:35pm]

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Reply #138 posted 12/25/21 4:44pm



TrivialPursuit said:

IanRG said:


Please stop the continual attacks on those who are "left of center".


The forum has been closed with good reason and you are demonstrating why.

I'm just gonna get in between you two fine folks and say, "hey... drop it. Let's stop with the personal attacks and move forward."

Let's ask ourselves this: How are we, as a community of online Prince fans who have wide and varied interests, going to agree to disagree and handle discourse in the future, from this moment forward?

We can't just keep stampeding each other into a virtual submission. We can't just dismiss folks because they don't agree with us, or they say something we don't like, at all. Arguing is never going to convince anyone of anything other than that both parties are obtuse and living in a vacuum; only exiting to enter their echo chamber, then back again.

We're all bigger and better than that. I hope.

If what I said was percieved as an "attack", then there is no way to disagree. Some people choose to be offended by anything. Some even think calling one "honey" is as bad as calling them "bitch".
One can choose not to say anything offensive but has no power over whether or not others are offended anyway.

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #139 posted 12/25/21 4:44pm


I think the P&R forum showed that for the most part we're not bigger and better than that.

My approach was generally to state a few facts, sometimes an opinion, assume nobody will take a blind bit of notice and move on.

Was anyone really on P&R to try and learn anything that might change their mind on a given subject? The very nature of that sort of forum attracts people whose minds are pretty much made up on the subjects that are raised. It's like expecting a candidate in a Presidential debate to say to his opponent - hey, you're right, I never thought of that, good point. I was wrong.

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Reply #140 posted 12/25/21 4:48pm


djThunderfunk said:

TrivialPursuit said:

I'm just gonna get in between you two fine folks and say, "hey... drop it. Let's stop with the personal attacks and move forward."

Let's ask ourselves this: How are we, as a community of online Prince fans who have wide and varied interests, going to agree to disagree and handle discourse in the future, from this moment forward?

We can't just keep stampeding each other into a virtual submission. We can't just dismiss folks because they don't agree with us, or they say something we don't like, at all. Arguing is never going to convince anyone of anything other than that both parties are obtuse and living in a vacuum; only exiting to enter their echo chamber, then back again.

We're all bigger and better than that. I hope.

If what I said was percieved as an "attack", then there is no way to disagree. Some people choose to be offended by anything. Some even think calling one "honey" is as bad as calling them "bitch".
One can choose not to say anything offensive but has no power over whether or not others are offended anyway.

Maybe some people thought both were bad enough to mention, and that one was worse than the other, but simply didn't bother to state them in any particular order.

Having said that, you are obviously having another go at Penny.

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Reply #141 posted 12/25/21 4:48pm



IanRG said:

djThunderfunk said:

So you're upset that with these words? You take them as an attack?
Thanks for proving my point, brother.


No, I take your words as someone who cannot let it go.

Anybody that reads all your posts and all of mine in this thread would have to laugh as they hold a mirror up for you.


The forum has been closed with good reason and you are demonstrating why.

I already said it's best the forum closed. I've actually said it should be for years now. But whatevs.


It is time to just move on.

Look in that mirror again. lol

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #142 posted 12/25/21 4:52pm



RichardS said:

djThunderfunk said:

If what I said was percieved as an "attack", then there is no way to disagree. Some people choose to be offended by anything. Some even think calling one "honey" is as bad as calling them "bitch".
One can choose not to say anything offensive but has no power over whether or not others are offended anyway.

Maybe some people thought both were bad enough to mention, and that one was worse than the other, but simply didn't bother to state them in any particular order.

If "honey" and "sweetheart" are offensive like "bitch", don't ever go anywhere in the south. These words are only offensive to those who want to be offended.

Having said that, you are obviously having another go at Penny.

No, I am simply referring to statements that have been made in this thread. By your logic, those statements were "a go at" me, and so therefore mine would simply be a retort. No?

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #143 posted 12/25/21 4:54pm


"You hang up."

"No, you hang up."

They love each other really.

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Reply #144 posted 12/25/21 4:56pm



RichardS said:

"You hang up."

"No, you hang up."

They love each other really.

lol lol lol

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #145 posted 12/25/21 4:58pm


djThunderfunk said:

RichardS said:

Maybe some people thought both were bad enough to mention, and that one was worse than the other, but simply didn't bother to state them in any particular order.

If "honey" and "sweetheart" are offensive like "bitch", don't ever go anywhere in the south. These words are only offensive to those who want to be offended.

Having said that, you are obviously having another go at Penny.

No, I am simply referring to statements that have been made in this thread. By your logic, those statements were "a go at" me, and so therefore mine would simply be a retort. No?

Give over. You're having a go at Penny and you know you are.

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Reply #146 posted 12/25/21 5:01pm


Anyway, it's bedtime in the UK. Just stayed up for the first hour of Boxing Day to watch the Aussies continue to batter us in the Ashes. It doesn't get more traditionally English than that.

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Reply #147 posted 12/25/21 5:07pm



RichardS said:

djThunderfunk said:

Give over. You're having a go at Penny and you know you are.

I am responding to a comment she posted in this thread. Was it "a go at" me? Sure it was.

The way I see it, if someone has a go at me, they invite a retort. And that retort might be percieved as a go at them.

When one goes at someone, they go back, and then the first person feels attacked, it's not on the person that responded. In the school yard we would say "don't start nothin' if you don't want nothin'".

But this was a common problem in P&R. Person A would "attack" person B, person B would push back, person A would play victim because person B "attacked" them. It's ridiculous.

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #148 posted 12/25/21 5:08pm



RichardS said:

Anyway, it's bedtime in the UK. Just stayed up for the first hour of Boxing Day to watch the Aussies continue to batter us in the Ashes. It doesn't get more traditionally English than that.

I've never understood what the hell "Boxing Day" is but I hope you have a fantastic one, my friend!

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #149 posted 12/25/21 5:34pm



RichardS said:

"You hang up."

"No, you hang up."

They love each other really.

I snorged on that one. lol lol

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Forums > General Discussion > P&R forum closed & a few thoughts