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Reply #90 posted 12/23/21 7:40pm




now all that shit falls into general discussion...

i see why things feel so different

i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT...
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Reply #91 posted 12/24/21 5:18am



TruthBomb said:

Ok so let me get this straight for 4 years when Trump was in office the org had endless garbage posts spewing hatred and non stop attacks to those that dared speak the TRUTH but as soon as the BRANDON ADMINISTRATION TURNS OUT TO BE A COMPLETE SHITSHOW then this is the time to turn off P&R??? I admire BEN for all he’s done to create this unique space but find it completely HYPOCRITICAL to have not done this 4 years ago.

nuts falloff

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #92 posted 12/24/21 5:28am


herb4 said:

mb71 said:

I think a change of almost all the moderators on this site would be most welcome. Out with the old and in with the new.
I also think that PM&M being split into two forums is long overdue. One for discussion of the actual music, and another for everything else. If it's easy to take a forum away, then it must be easy to add or change another.

[Edited 12/22/21 9:09am]

I guess but Ben, the mod and the people who keep thisplace running aren't getting paid and do it as a labor of love in their spare time. It's easy to criticize how things are done and get handled, and I'm guilty of it myself on occasion, but none of these people working to keep this board alive owe us anything, really.

I once saw an old thread where someone complained about the racism on this site. Ben responded by ripping the Orger a new one. I was so taken aback that if I would have seen the response sooner I would have never come back. This has been a problem for YEARS. I wonder if the estate had some input on closing the forum.
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #93 posted 12/24/21 7:49am



SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said:

I guess but Ben, the mod and the people who keep thisplace running aren't getting paid and do it as a labor of love in their spare time. It's easy to criticize how things are done and get handled, and I'm guilty of it myself on occasion, but none of these people working to keep this board alive owe us anything, really.

I once saw an old thread where someone complained about the racism on this site. Ben responded by ripping the Orger a new one. I was so taken aback that if I would have seen the response sooner I would have never come back. This has been a problem for YEARS. I wonder if the estate had some input on closing the forum.

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

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Reply #94 posted 12/24/21 7:50am



KingBAD said:


now all that shit falls into general discussion...

i see why things feel so different

I've yet to see a political thread being posted in general discussion.

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Reply #95 posted 12/24/21 8:03am


PennyPurple said:

SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said: I once saw an old thread where someone complained about the racism on this site. Ben responded by ripping the Orger a new one. I was so taken aback that if I would have seen the response sooner I would have never come back. This has been a problem for YEARS. I wonder if the estate had some input on closing the forum.

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

And don't forgot one or two other's that made that forum an awful place to be, like the person that always speaks the TRUTH.

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Reply #96 posted 12/24/21 8:55am


KingBAD said:


now all that shit falls into general discussion...

i see why things feel so different

If they're wise, they'll just make one thread for all that noise and use it a catch all for "irritating flame wars" and "links to dubious news sources"

Keep that shit contained like a virus.

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Reply #97 posted 12/24/21 9:05am


Empress said:

PennyPurple said:

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

And don't forgot one or two other's that made that forum an awful place to be, like the person that always speaks the TRUTH.

You mean like a BOMB? A BOMB of TRUTH if you will? The TRUTH of (apparently) pretending to be two people on a fading music message board? *sigh*


I know that whenever I enjoy, tell or share the truth, I always prefer it to be loud, dangerous, explosive, deafening, disguised, unexpected, mean and full of malicious intent in a way that murders hundreds of inncocent people in its wake. You know, like a "bomb".

You guys can call me Love Bullet from now on. cool

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Reply #98 posted 12/24/21 9:48am



herb4 said:

Empress said:

And don't forgot one or two other's that made that forum an awful place to be, like the person that always speaks the TRUTH.

You mean like a BOMB? A BOMB of TRUTH if you will? The TRUTH of (apparently) pretending to be two people on a fading music message board? *sigh*


I know that whenever I enjoy, tell or share the truth, I always prefer it to be loud, dangerous, explosive, deafening, disguised, unexpected, mean and full of malicious intent in a way that murders hundreds of inncocent people in its wake. You know, like a "bomb".

You guys can call me Love Bullet from now on. cool

Merry Christmas Mr. Love Bullet! biggrin

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Reply #99 posted 12/24/21 10:26am


PennyPurple said:

SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said:

I guess but Ben, the mod and the people who keep thisplace running aren't getting paid and do it as a labor of love in their spare time. It's easy to criticize how things are done and get handled, and I'm guilty of it myself on occasion, but none of these people working to keep this board alive owe us anything, really.

I once saw an old thread where someone complained about the racism on this site. Ben responded by ripping the Orger a new one. I was so taken aback that if I would have seen the response sooner I would have never come back. This has been a problem for YEARS. I wonder if the estate had some input on closing the forum.

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

What proof is there that I'm wrong?
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #100 posted 12/24/21 10:37am



SeventeenDayze said:

PennyPurple said:

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

What proof is there that I'm wrong?

To show how wrong you are, ask Ben.

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Reply #101 posted 12/24/21 11:53am



SeventeenDayze said:

I wonder if the estate had some input on closing the forum.

LOL Really, sweetie? REALLY? They estate has no power here. Not like that. They don't own the site or the name. Ben Margolin does. That's why it's a small p in prince not a capital one.

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #102 posted 12/24/21 12:27pm


SeventeenDayze said:

PennyPurple said:

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

What proof is there that I'm wrong?


There is no proof that you are right either.


If the Estate was concerned about the content in Prince.Org, they would be far more concerned about all the posts that complain about the Estate, Prince, Prince's family, his music and the releases etc. All the posts that chase away people from Prince.

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Reply #103 posted 12/24/21 12:29pm


PennyPurple said:

SeventeenDayze said:

PennyPurple said:

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

What proof is there that I'm wrong?

To show how wrong you are, ask Ben.

So you speak for him now? He wouldn't lie about it? You own the truth and all others are invalid? Sounds about right from the P-R crowd.
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #104 posted 12/24/21 12:31pm


IanRG said:

SeventeenDayze said:

PennyPurple said:

The Estate has no bearing on whether or not the P&R forum got closed down.

It got closed because of the content that was being posted by a former mod. and the way that it was moderated.

What proof is there that I'm wrong?


There is no proof that you are right either.


If the Estate was concerned about the content in Prince.Org, they would be far more concerned about all the posts that complain about the Estate, Prince, Prince's family, his music and the releases etc. All the posts that chase away people from Prince.

So vile racist comments are of no concern to the estate of a black man's estate? Noted.
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #105 posted 12/24/21 12:53pm


SeventeenDayze said:

IanRG said:


There is no proof that you are right either.


If the Estate was concerned about the content in Prince.Org, they would be far more concerned about all the posts that complain about the Estate, Prince, Prince's family, his music and the releases etc. All the posts that chase away people from Prince.

So vile racist comments are of no concern to the estate of a black man's estate? Noted.


That is not what anyone was saying.


That they would be more concerned with vile comments against Prince, Prince's music and themselves and how this has chased people away from this site does not mean that they are not concerned about vile racist statements as well.


Afterall, every open or semi-open forum in the USA has people trying to make vile racist comments on them, and it is up to the moderators to control this. There is nothing new about this. Historically Prince made it very clear what he was more concerned about with the various Prince forums over the years - This cannot be spun to say he, also, though that vile racist statements were of no concern.

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Reply #106 posted 12/24/21 1:00pm


The burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation.

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Reply #107 posted 12/24/21 1:33pm


herb4 said:

The burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation.

So now it's Judge Judy in here. My initial comment was mere speculation. The subsequent rebuttals are from people who seem to think they know it all. If my comment isn't true, what makes theirs true then??
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #108 posted 12/24/21 1:51pm



SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said:

The burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation.

So now it's Judge Judy in here. My initial comment was mere speculation. The subsequent rebuttals are from people who seem to think they know it all. If my comment isn't true, what makes theirs true then??

No, that's the law. If someone makes an accusation, it's up to the accuser to prove it. If they can't, then the entity being accused doesn't have to say a word.

You speculated the estate had P&R closed (which is false). You've offered zero proof on an uneducated speculation. Not even a starter point, much less something substantial and sustainable.

And even Judge Judy, who's been a judge for as long as you or I have been alive has a great saying, "if it doesn't make sense, it's not true."

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #109 posted 12/24/21 1:52pm



I have to say, logging in, and going to myOrg, and not having a gazillion bolded threads in P&R to check up on has been quite liberating. I sometimes got sucked into a thread, but wanting to return to it at this point isn't on my mind. I've been able to totally release it. I guess that's why it already feels lighter around here. I like it.

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #110 posted 12/24/21 2:22pm


TrivialPursuit said:

SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said:

The burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation.

So now it's Judge Judy in here. My initial comment was mere speculation. The subsequent rebuttals are from people who seem to think they know it all. If my comment isn't true, what makes theirs true then??

No, that's the law. If someone makes an accusation, it's up to the accuser to prove it. If they can't, then the entity being accused doesn't have to say a word.

You speculated the estate had P&R closed (which is false). You've offered zero proof on an uneducated speculation. Not even a starter point, much less something substantial and sustainable.

And even Judge Judy, who's been a judge for as long as you or I have been alive has a great saying, "if it doesn't make sense, it's not true."

Calm down. This is a message board not a damn court room. You guys are so up your own asses sometimes it's ridiculous.
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #111 posted 12/24/21 3:25pm


SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said:

The burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation.

So now it's Judge Judy in here. My initial comment was mere speculation. The subsequent rebuttals are from people who seem to think they know it all. If my comment isn't true, what makes theirs true then??

Oh. I'm sorry.

Did I quote you?

What r u on about exactly?

[Edited 12/24/21 15:26pm]

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Reply #112 posted 12/24/21 3:42pm



SeventeenDayze said:

Calm down. This is a message board not a damn court room. You guys are so up your own asses sometimes it's ridiculous.

hahaha you started it, now you can't handle it? Thank you. I know exactly who you are now. I appreciate you letting me know.

By the way, your signature seems rather ironic at this point.

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #113 posted 12/24/21 5:39pm



PennyPurple said:

Other posters have called me a bitch, honey chiile, sweetheart, honey, and they were not in a good way.

"bitch", "honey child", "sweetheart", "honey"...

One of these is not like the other three.

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #114 posted 12/24/21 6:10pm


herb4 said:

SeventeenDayze said:

herb4 said:

The burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation.

So now it's Judge Judy in here. My initial comment was mere speculation. The subsequent rebuttals are from people who seem to think they know it all. If my comment isn't true, what makes theirs true then??

Oh. I'm sorry.

Did I quote you?

What r u on about exactly?

[Edited 12/24/21 15:26pm]

Were you not speaking about the most recent comments? Or was your law school lesson just random pontificating?
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #115 posted 12/24/21 6:11pm


TrivialPursuit said:

SeventeenDayze said:

Calm down. This is a message board not a damn court room. You guys are so up your own asses sometimes it's ridiculous.

hahaha you started it, now you can't handle it? Thank you. I know exactly who you are now. I appreciate you letting me know.

By the way, your signature seems rather ironic at this point.

Welcome back Old Friends
Trolls be gone!
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Reply #116 posted 12/24/21 6:14pm



To those on this thread complaining that P&R was dominated by the right wing, or "like NewsMax", I have to wonder what the hell you're talking about. Over the last 5 or 6 years this has absolutely NOT been the case. At any given time about 85%, or more, of the regular posters were left wing, or "like HuffPost". I guess when you're in a bubble and aren't used to hearing dissenting opinions ANY opposition is too much.

It's also interesting how some who campaigned tirelessly to have those they disliked banned are so overly butt-hurt about those they like being banned. People have been banned on both "sides". People have been nasty and participated in personal attacks on both "sides". Mods have been inconsistent when dealing with both "sides". This victimhood mentality some have is very childish.

P&R was a toxic environment. It served a purpose, several actually, but it wasn't a good look. It's probably best that it's gone.

I agree with those saying please don't turn GD into P&R. Sure, some of the topics usually found there will be appropriate here, but by far the most would not.

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #117 posted 12/24/21 6:19pm



SeventeenDayze said:

PennyPurple said:

To show how wrong you are, ask Ben.

So you speak for him now? He wouldn't lie about it? You own the truth and all others are invalid? Sounds about right from the P-R crowd.

lol How is telling you to ask Ben, speaking for Ben?

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Reply #118 posted 12/24/21 6:20pm



SeventeenDayze said:

TrivialPursuit said:

hahaha you started it, now you can't handle it? Thank you. I know exactly who you are now. I appreciate you letting me know.

By the way, your signature seems rather ironic at this point.

Welcome back Old Friends

LOL I'm not that guy. Never will be. He's got 2 sides, and we all know who they are.

Still waiting on the evidence being your speculation, by the way...

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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Reply #119 posted 12/24/21 6:21pm



djThunderfunk said:

To those on this thread complaining that P&R was dominated by the right wing, or "like NewsMax", I have to wonder what the hell you're talking about. Over the last 5 or 6 years this has absolutely NOT been the case. At any given time about 85%, or more, of the regular posters were left wing, or "like HuffPost". I guess when you're in a bubble and aren't used to hearing dissenting opinions ANY opposition is too much.

It's also interesting how some who campaigned tirelessly to have those they disliked banned are so overly butt-hurt about those they like being banned. People have been banned on both "sides". People have been nasty and participated in personal attacks on both "sides". Mods have been inconsistent when dealing with both "sides". This victimhood mentality some have is very childish.

P&R was a toxic environment. It served a purpose, several actually, but it wasn't a good look. It's probably best that it's gone.

I agree with those saying please don't turn GD into P&R. Sure, some of the topics usually found there will be appropriate here, but by far the most would not.

djThunderfunk - you make a lot of sense here.

If you have a problem with me, text me. If you don't have my number, you don't know me well enough to have a problem with me.
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