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Thread started 05/18/21 7:29pm


Sinead in the NYT (and elsewhere) about Prince's "abuse"

l'angebleu - moderator

Mod edit - now also discussed in other articles (therefore title amended)

see also:

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Reply #1 posted 05/18/21 7:58pm



"sweetly suggested a pillow fight, only to thump her with something hard he’d slipped into his pillowcase"

Deserves a filmed recreation.

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Reply #2 posted 05/18/21 8:00pm



I hope this very troubled woman finds peace.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #3 posted 05/18/21 8:31pm



I like her music, but this woman has serious issues.

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Reply #4 posted 05/18/21 9:12pm


Shes a proven LIAR...ask Arsenio. 😂

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Reply #5 posted 05/18/21 10:28pm



"That mountain top situation is not really what it's all cracked up 2 B when eye was doing the Purple Rain tour eye had a lot of people who eye knew eye'll never c again @ the concerts.just screamin n places they thought they was suppose 2 scream."prince
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Reply #6 posted 05/18/21 10:30pm


I hate that this story is,once again,getting media attention.”Prince is a violent abuser of women”,blah blah blah :roll:

Sinead has some serious issues.
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Reply #7 posted 05/18/21 11:12pm



ufoclub said:

"sweetly suggested a pillow fight, only to thump her with something hard he’d slipped into his pillowcase"

Deserves a filmed recreation.

lol biggrin lol

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Reply #8 posted 05/18/21 11:14pm



She actually sounds like some of the lyrics in "Fury"... "Ain't no Fury like a woman scorn"... lol smile sad razz confused

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Reply #9 posted 05/19/21 12:14am



Here's the thing, IMO, about Sinead.

First, she does have mental health concerns. She's sought help, even by touching base with Dr. Phil who - whether you like him or not he's connected to some of the best doctors and facilities in the country - put her in a women's facility in the country side.

We know Prince sorta had a little bully in him sometimes. Not a lot, not often, but he had his punk ass side. I believe he probably tried to bully her about swearing. He sat others down and tried to preach to them. Even Morris Hayes once allegedly told a former band member that he (Hayes) left the band for a while in the late 90s/early aughts because "of the religion thing." He called other past band members to Paisley Park to try and convert them, too. All these stories about big 2-hour JW talking sessions with Larry Graham and Prince heading a virtual JW conference.

I'm not surprised by this part of the story. As far as chasing her across a highway or road or something. Who knows.

She was right about the Catholic church, when people scorned her, and even Frank Sinatra got up in his feelings about a woman trying to expose sexual abuse in the church.

As a victim of past sexual abuse (not from Prince), she has a right to be heard and tell her truth. If Prince figures into that and triggered her in some fashion, so be it. People are gonna believe what they want anyway.

It's easy to dismiss someone like Sinead for being "crazy" or "having serious issues," as if we're all fine and dandy. "Yeah, but not like that." Okay then.

But let's not be obtuse and think Prince was practically perfect in every way. He wasn't. Was he an abuser? No. Then again, to someone who's been abused like Sinead - an act that will forever change a person - I suppose that goes through their filter of how abuse is defined for them.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #10 posted 05/19/21 1:31am



It must be frustrating that for her entire career, every interview starts with "What was Prince like?" She probably regrets ever recording "Nothing Compares 2 U", at least on an artistic level. I'm sure her bank account doesn't mind though!

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Reply #11 posted 05/19/21 1:36am


Do we know for fact that that line in days of wild is referring to her?
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Reply #12 posted 05/19/21 2:43am



billymeade said:

It must be frustrating that for her entire career, every interview starts with "What was Prince like?" She probably regrets ever recording "Nothing Compares 2 U", at least on an artistic level. I'm sure her bank account doesn't mind though!

As if his bank account wasn't padded? He got songwriting royalties, she got performer royalties.

I don't really think the Prince question comes up that often with her, honestly. She's made claims before. Even a voicemail from her is in the Hennpin files around Prince's death (and I think is marked as such in the files). Nor do I think she regrets the song. If she didn't, she wouldn't continue to perform it.

I think maybe Sinead takes a little artistic license with her story telling, but I also think she had a bad experience with Prince.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #13 posted 05/19/21 3:14am


Is Sinead the only woman to ever publicly accuse Prince of abuse?
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Reply #14 posted 05/19/21 5:32am





Genesia said:

I hope this very troubled woman finds peace.



Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #15 posted 05/19/21 6:14am


I'm tired of this lunatic bitter asshole.She should shut the fuck up about Prince.
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Reply #16 posted 05/19/21 9:25am



As a victim of past sexual abuse (not from Prince), she has a right to be heard and tell her truth. If Prince figures into that and triggered her in some fashion, so be it. People are gonna believe what they want anyway.

It's easy to dismiss someone like Sinead for being "crazy" or "having serious issues," as if we're all fine and dandy. "Yeah, but not like that." Okay then.

But let's not be obtuse and think Prince was practically perfect in every way. He wasn't. Was he an abuser? No. Then again, to someone who's been abused like Sinead - an act that will forever change a person - I suppose that goes through their filter of how abuse is defined for them.

^this is my take on it also. A sane, balanced response.Am I really at the Org? lol

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Reply #17 posted 05/19/21 11:00am



jfenster said:

Do we know for fact that that line in days of wild is referring to her?

What line? This seems like a random thing to throw into the conversation without any context. It's not mentioned in the thread so far and I couldn't see reference to it in the article.

RIP sad
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Reply #18 posted 05/19/21 11:47am


This story is blowing up on Twitter. Looks like cancel culture has finally come for Prince.
I don't argue with people about my opinions. Scram. I said what I said.
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Reply #19 posted 05/19/21 12:01pm


TheEnglishGent said:

jfenster said:

Do we know for fact that that line in days of wild is referring to her?

What line? This seems like a random thing to throw into the conversation without any context. It's not mentioned in the thread so far and I couldn't see reference to it in the article.

Obviously the lyric about women being raped or spanked by him.
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Reply #20 posted 05/19/21 1:01pm


AnnaSantana said:

This story is blowing up on Twitter. Looks like cancel culture has finally come for Prince.
So, Extraloveable will be released 😁
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Reply #21 posted 05/19/21 1:09pm


jfenster said:

Do we know for fact that that line in days of wild is referring to her?


Maybe now some will speculate about The Other Side Of The Pillow too

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Reply #22 posted 05/19/21 1:29pm


AnnaSantana said:

This story is blowing up on Twitter. Looks like cancel culture has finally come for Prince.

The difference here though is that everyone knows she's a lying, attention-seeking lunatic so I don't think the Prince estate has much to worry about I regards to Prince being "cancelled".
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Reply #23 posted 05/19/21 1:32pm


I remember seeing her perform at the Shepherd's Bush Empire in the early 2000s. The concert was actually great.

Somehow she melded traditional Irish music (if there is a specific name for it, pardon my ignorance) and reggae. My mind was blown but I loved it.

However, at the closing notes of Nothing Compares 2 U, she muttered, "wankaaah" under her breath but just loud enough for everyone to hear. I thought it was funny lol

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Reply #24 posted 05/19/21 1:33pm



She's different, so give her a break.

Whatever happened between her and Prince...

Prince was could an asshole too, we all know that by now.

I personally think that most women he dealt with will never talk openly about him.

There's that extra dollar, and a possibility to end up like Senead did.

Don't underestimate this.

To most of us, and others, Prince is kind of a musical genius and saint.

He was human, thank god.

So yes he made mistakes, just like Sinead porbably did.

I don't care much for her though.

But if men are really crazy, or act crazy, it seems they're more accepted and tollerated.

Be more kind towards women, even if you think they're crazy.



"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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Reply #25 posted 05/19/21 3:10pm


Does she get paid for these interviews?

She is a Muslin now too.
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Reply #26 posted 05/19/21 3:11pm



Say what you will about her but the woman has balls of steel and was way ahead of her time...ever listen to Black Boys on Mopeds? And her letter to Miley Cyrus was on point.

As far as the story about Prince, she has told different versions of the story but this one seems like its probably closest to the truth. Has anyone ever asked Hucky (bodyguard and possibly the "chauffeur" sinead refers to)? I think he was there...

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Reply #27 posted 05/19/21 3:22pm


Dalia11 said:

Does she get paid for these interviews? She is a Muslin now too.


She's been through different religions as far as i know.

Whatever religion she's up to now, I hope it remains her private busyness.

And does it matter if she gets paid or not for these interviews.

I like her music a lot.

Her first albums were absolutely fantastic, still up to this day.

But like i said, i don't know that many about her and thus don't care much.

But I think she's been attacked quite often for whatever reason, truths or lies.

It always felt to me that she hasn't been treated fair enough.

Certainly not by some hatefull (Prince) fans and press.


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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Reply #28 posted 05/19/21 3:32pm


TheEnglishGent said:

jfenster said:

Do we know for fact that that line in days of wild is referring to her?

What line?

“a woman everyday should be thanked
Not disrespected,not raped or spanked
And if a woman ever said I did
She’s a motherfucking liar and I’m a set-up kid”

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Reply #29 posted 05/19/21 4:13pm



Here we go again. neutral Look, we all know Prince could be a dick sometimes, there's just too many stories about that to deny it. And I think it's very much possible that they had a falling out, but I also highly doubt that it escalated the way she claims it did.

Her mental illness is apparent, but it's also no excuse to try to destroy another person's reputation, which to me, she does try, otherwise she wouldn't bring it up again and again. And if journalists keep asking about prince, she's free to say "next question."

If he was pissed at her for whatever reason ( I sincerely don't give a damn about why they had a falling out ) and cursed her out or whatever, well, it happens. She's proven to have a big mouth herself, I think she's capable of handling herself, to me it sounds like she's holding a grudge and to be quite honest, that's not exactly healthy either.

She should just thank him for the funky time she had with HIS song after all, and move the F on already.

Because, just think for a minute here, what if she's really lying? This story's been picked up by twitter already, imagine she's lying and people start saying that prince was a women beater. I just wish someone from his camp would come out and settle this once and for all. There must've been someone to witness this, right?

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