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Controversy fanzine Can anyone remember Controversy fanzine? Are any editions considered rare? | |
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yes. and yes. | |
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Yes. I used to go to Tower Records and a local magazine place called The Tabacco Shop for my copies. It used to be really cool to be a Prince fan.
Come on Prince! Treat your fans right with some new and old vault music!!!! | |
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I'll never forgive Eileen Murton for saying the Nude Tour was the best Prince Prince tour when reviewing it in the magazine. | |
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Whatever happened to Eileen Murton? What she did with Controversy magazine and the club was amazing (pre-internet age kids). Such a wealth of information.
Does anyone (in the UK) also remember the Crystal Ball magazine by Chris Dawson? Wonder what happened to him? 'I loved him then, I love him now and will love him eternally. He's with our son now.' Mayte 21st April 2016 = the saddest quote I have ever read! RIP Prince and thanks for everything. | |
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. Both of them met Prince, both of them quit being a fan afterwards. © Bart Van Hemelen
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. It is not authorized by Prince or the NPG Music Club. You assume all risk for your use. All rights reserved. | |
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I remember reading a thread about this. Apparently there was some form of event at Paisley that they all got invited to (a concert or something) that went tits up. And later on he proposed to make his own fanzine (which was what became the NPG fanclub magazine thing I think) and shut down hers.
But don't take my word for it, I'm just repeating what I've read on old threads on here before now. I wasn't even alive when all this shit was happening lmao | |
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Angelsoncrack said: I remember reading a thread about this. Apparently there was some form of event at Paisley that they all got invited to (a concert or something) that went tits up. And later on he proposed to make his own fanzine (which was what became the NPG fanclub magazine thing I think) and shut down hers.
But don't take my word for it, I'm just repeating what I've read on old threads on here before now. I wasn't even alive when all this shit was happening lmao Yep member and had some great times with them...great mag...priority tickets ..still have boxes of the mags stashed away | |
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I met two fantastic fans at the Manchester Arena last year, one of whom used to help run Controversy with Eileen. Sadly (and I mean sadly as both of them were lovely) I didn't get their names or any more info on them or why the magazine ended. She went to PP and Glam Slam though, that was more what we were chatting about (& Melissa Jacks & that he'd played Electric Intercourse in Birmingham. So many things, so little time). I know she said she mainly used Prince Museum on Facebook now but I'm not on Facebook so haven't chased it up. Who knows, maybe she's on the Org as well and will read this thread?
I'll have to dig my Controversy & Crystal Ball mags out. I haven't looked at them in years. | |
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Pretty much spot on. P hasnt changed much since the 80's. | |
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My recollection is sketchy - but I *believe* she was instructed to shut the whole thing down one day, more or less out of the blue - which she was quite upset about, and a lot of fans were very, very disappointed and angry to hear. . I recall that she basically gave up on Prince from that point forward and sold her entire collection of memorabillia through the Controversy mailing list - indeed, I have her Lovesexy "Yes" t-shirt in a wardrobe in the next room. . I believe she set up / was running a travel company - perhaps related to the experience she'd gained on the fan group trips she'd organised to Minneapolis. . I believe she sadly died several years ago.
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See also and and and http://www.thedawnexperie...php?t=1267 and and
etcetera etcetera © Bart Van Hemelen
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. It is not authorized by Prince or the NPG Music Club. You assume all risk for your use. All rights reserved. | |
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I never bothered with it. I was a member of Uptown and that was good enough for me. | |
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I used to read Uptown....Controversy.....and various other Prince fanzines.Remember this one called Prince Thang? I even had a few issues of that.
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oh...and I also subscribed to the Prince Family newsletter.Who remembers that? I wonder what the editor,Diana Dawkins,is up to these days. | |
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I was just searching online for issues of Prince Thang (PT) about a week ago... Was this the fanzine started by Tracy Stokes? It was actually through Controversy or Uptown magazine that I initially met Tracy as she was listed as an area organizer in Philadelphia. IF PT was her project, I think it only had about four issues before she had to stop work on it for reasons I can't remember. Maybe I'm tripping, but swear I wrote a small piece of commentary on Prince's writing for Sheila E., and submitted it for issue #3 or #4, which is why I'm looking for them (my original copy is probably semi-lost in storage). . Regrettably, when searching for PT last week, I found a 2011 obit for Tracy Stokes, hoping beyond hope it was another woman of the same name in Philadelphia, but the photo looked like it maybe could have been the lovely and generous Tracy I met back in the 90s. Last time I saw her was around...late 90's so I may not recognize her properly now. We ran into each other as we were preparing to camp out all night for tickets to see Prince (the Academy of Music I think it was?). There is a Twitter follower of the same name currently following 3EG so I really do hope I'm wrong (and that I've not alarmed her or anyone who knows her with this message!). . I have a few dozen Controversy magazines tucked away, wrapped in plastic. Very informative and professional. That was where I learned what Prince was saying in the background on "Pheromone" LOL. And plenty of other interesting info on his music
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"PrOnce Thang?" | |
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Prince Thang was a pretty good fanzine,huh? The first issue I got was in the fall of 1991,just right before the Diamonds And Pearls album was released.So there was alot of cool info about the album.I also recall an excellent analysis of the song "Old Friends 4 Sale".Gonna have to look thru all the boxes in my garage and pull these issues out
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I have all the issues of Prince Thang..I even won a "Gett Off' contest and was quoted in one of the issues!...PRINCE NERD! PUSH YOUR WAY UP 2 THE FRONT, AND SHAKE YOUR MOTHER FUCKIN DOO LOOSE!! | |
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I was a member of "Controversy" and went to that 1991 convention in Minnesota. "Hi" to any other orgers who were at that convention! I had a lot of fun there - roomed with a couple other girls who I'd never met before, but we instantly bonded over our Prince fandom. We saw Michael Bland and his band play a live show at some club, which was great. We also went to a Diamond and Pearls party at Glam Slam. where a DJ played nearly the whole album and we danced to it. We met all the members of that version NPG there and they signed autographs for us.
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speaking of drama....I remember in the late 90s,Diana Dawkins (editor of The Prince Family newsletter) angrily shut down her newsletter when Prince filed that lawsuit against Uptown.She was really pissed. | |
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. Diana had been getting shit from the Prince camp for years. Remember Pierre Igot posting lies on a.m.p under a fake name (because she dared to publish negative reviews and wasn't some adoring fan)? © Bart Van Hemelen
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. It is not authorized by Prince or the NPG Music Club. You assume all risk for your use. All rights reserved. | |
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The "Controversy" "Uptown" magazine era brings back some great memories. I could never figure out the "Prince Thang" magazine.The articles were fine and what not but what was up with the Magazine font. When I found the first issue back in 91. I swear it was called "Pronce Thang"(that's the way it actually reads like, even though I get what they were trying to go for with the eye/I in the name but imho failed at doing so) and I affectionately always called it "Pronce Thang". I actually went so far to the extent that I would just refer to Prince to my friends as "Pronce". That still cracks me up.
[Edited 8/5/15 10:26am] | |
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Are there any scans available of these fanzines? I'm really interested in seeing what was in them. | |
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haha i had those too! I had a really bad poem in one of them! In fact I had sent it to Eileen Murton but she sent it back with a lovely note... i need to see if i still have the note. "Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!" | |
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i also have some uptown issues. and 3 comics...
"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!" | |
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You can buy them on ebay. The controversy magazines are great. Probably the best fan magazine every produced for an artist. 99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment | |
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