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Reply #180 posted 06/03/10 10:36pm


PicklesMcMillan said:

hestilllovesme said:

That would be a dissaster.

I thought a JW is not allow to have sex before marriage?!

So if she is now pregnant? confused

Or he must confess that they are already married lol

they must be dating/ married /engaged or something like that, why would they mention a relationship with bria ??

about jw thing......... leaves me believe there either dating / married / or engage since the no sex rule

maybe they just want to get use hyped up to buy the issue lol idk

i mean no really knows bria outstide prince fans and famous people so just the mention of her means something serious lol

my dad was like who the hell is bria valente ? shes cute, she is half? lol lol lol lol

hes forever asking if someones half lol biggrin

they don't mention a relationship WITH Bria it just says

" about topics ranging from his experience going door-to-door

as a Jehovah’s Witness to his priorities regarding his relationship

with Bria Valente."

I mean from his experience and his priorities regarding his

relationship with Bria?? That maybe also could mean, he wanna

continue working with Bria on new material???

But its probably just that they are married lol

[Edited 6/3/10 15:42pm]

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #181 posted 06/03/10 10:42pm


unseen pictures...maybe Bria with a pregnant belly confused

I don't wanna see that lol

Damn let me read that TIHS!

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #182 posted 06/03/10 10:43pm



4bjb said:

4bjb said:

I see Tavis Smiley's name though I can't make out what it says....but it sure sounds as though he is the one doing the interviewing. I'm not so excited anymore.

Plz someone zoom into the pic and try and see what it says as it relates to Tavis....just curious

As far as I can make out it says "With a little help from Tavis Smiley"

Shhh, Break it down I don't want nobody else to hear this sound. This love is a private affair, interrupt the flow they better not dare. - Prince "Shhh"
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Reply #183 posted 06/03/10 10:46pm


hestilllovesme said:

PicklesMcMillan said:

they must be dating/ married /engaged or something like that, why would they mention a relationship with bria ??

about jw thing......... leaves me believe there either dating / married / or engage since the no sex rule

maybe they just want to get use hyped up to buy the issue lol idk

i mean no really knows bria outstide prince fans and famous people so just the mention of her means something serious lol

my dad was like who the hell is bria valente ? shes cute, she is half? lol lol lol lol

hes forever asking if someones half lol biggrin

the don't mention a relationship WITH Bria it just says " about topics ranging from his experience going door-to-door as a Jehovah’s Witness to his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria Valente." I mean from his experience and his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria?? That maybe also could mean, he wanna continue working with Bria on new material??? But its probably just that they are married lol

omg if their married their are gonna be some broken hearts on the org lol

your right it can just be new material too ..guess we gotta find out

biggrin i can see ladies hating on poor bria now

"why did he choose her , he should have choosen me mad their not going to last long prince needs a real woman like me "hmph!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:50pm]

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Reply #184 posted 06/03/10 10:48pm


npgone said:

4bjb said:

Plz someone zoom into the pic and try and see what it says as it relates to Tavis....just curious

As far as I can make out it says "With a little help from Tavis Smiley"

I think that's cool. Prince possibly opend up a considerable amount more

if that interview is by tavis?!

Love life, wow I'm just stunned! No more celibate.. lol

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #185 posted 06/03/10 10:53pm


PicklesMcMillan said:

hestilllovesme said:

the don't mention a relationship WITH Bria it just says " about topics ranging from his experience going door-to-door as a Jehovah’s Witness to his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria Valente." I mean from his experience and his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria?? That maybe also could mean, he wanna continue working with Bria on new material??? But its probably just that they are married lol

omg if their married their are gonna be some broken hearts on the org lol

biggrin i can see ladies hating on poor bria now

your right it can just be new material too ..guess we gotta find out

"why did he choose her , he should have choosen me mad their not going to last long prince needs a real woman like me "hmph!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:48pm]

[Edited 6/3/10 15:48pm]

Broken hearts, I see that 2!

It could be only new material but why they say

" his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria Valente."

If it is on a working basis they could say "his relationship to Bria Valente"

or "Realtionship with his protoge Bria Valente"

No, they say realtionship with Bria Valente.

Mmmh we all will know soon!

And then - BROKEN HEARTS all over the org!

EDIT They say

PRINCE Talks Religion, His Love Life & Much More

ok it's almost obvious that Bria is his love life!

They don't wanna mention his love life is to be celibate!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:56pm]

[Edited 6/3/10 15:57pm]

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #186 posted 06/03/10 10:55pm


Jill scott - a long walk
.....Conversation?verbal elation?stimulation?
Or just cry to the blues.
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Reply #187 posted 06/03/10 10:55pm


metallicjigolo said:

Question to anyone who might know. Does Tavis Smiley have anything to do with ebony/jet?

I thought i saw his name on the cover under "The World According to Prince". hmm Maybe not .

My eyes aren't what they used to be.

Looks like his name there.

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Reply #188 posted 06/03/10 10:56pm


Jill scott - a long walk
.....Conversation?verbal elation?stimulation?
Or just cry to the blues.
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Reply #189 posted 06/03/10 11:06pm





Can't wait to read what he has to say . He is full of surprises

Jammm! Pops looks good! lol

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Reply #190 posted 06/03/10 11:20pm


Astasheiks said:



Can't wait to read what he has to say . He is full of surprises

Jammm! Pops looks good! lol

prince looks very good but i cant help but think about this guy


when i look at the picture sad

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Reply #191 posted 06/03/10 11:25pm



[The org does not have permission to post the article or reproduce any parts of it. Please do not post any parts of the magazines article as this is copyright infringement snip - luv4u]

Too bad. I live in Brasil. I doubt I will find this mag...

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Reply #192 posted 06/03/10 11:32pm



2elijah said:

metallicjigolo said:

Question to anyone who might know. Does Tavis Smiley have anything to do with ebony/jet?

I thought i saw his name on the cover under "The World According to Prince". hmm Maybe not .

My eyes aren't what they used to be.

Looks like his name there.

Maybe he is the journalist that did the interview?

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #193 posted 06/03/10 11:33pm


PicklesMcMillan said:

Astasheiks said:

Jammm! Pops looks good! lol

prince looks very good but i cant help but think about this guy


when i look at the picture sad

Oh my goodness! lol

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #194 posted 06/03/10 11:35pm



MikeyB71 said:

databank said:

Obviously, but we also know that the Org fears attacks from Prince's lawyers, not Ebony. Neither Ebony nor Prince could sue for publishing the teaser that was snipped (fair use + as you say this is a promotional text), and Ebony probably would never sue for an article scanned and Prince's lawyers legally couldn't BUT Prince's lawyers could send a (illegitimate) cease & desist JUST for the pleasure of putting some pressure on the Org, something Ben probably and understandably wants to avoid, which is why we won't have this article here, which is too bad for all of us non-american folks who can't buy it anyway sad

[Edited 6/3/10 12:14pm]

Just wondering where in the world you are databank?

Ebony is available internationaly, so unless you are living on some remote island, it should not be too difficult to pick up.

Hope you can get one somewhere.

I'm in France. Newspaper shops don't have US magazines in English in France, except for some train stations, airports and specialized shops (most of them in Paris and i'm not living in Paris). So YEAH i guess if i looked very hard for a copy i'd find one, but dammit i just have better things to do than roaming all around town to MAYBE find it!

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Reply #195 posted 06/03/10 11:50pm


hestilllovesme said:

PicklesMcMillan said:

omg if their married their are gonna be some broken hearts on the org lol

biggrin i can see ladies hating on poor bria now

your right it can just be new material too ..guess we gotta find out

"why did he choose her , he should have choosen me mad their not going to last long prince needs a real woman like me "hmph!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:48pm]

[Edited 6/3/10 15:48pm]

Broken hearts, I see that 2!

It could be only new material but why they say

" his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria Valente."

If it is on a working basis they could say "his relationship to Bria Valente"

or "Realtionship with his protoge Bria Valente"

No, they say realtionship with Bria Valente.

Mmmh we all will know soon!

And then - BROKEN HEARTS all over the org!

EDIT They say

PRINCE Talks Religion, His Love Life & Much More

ok it's almost obvious that Bria is his love life!

They don't wanna mention his love life is to be celibate!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:56pm]

[Edited 6/3/10 15:57pm]

Under God's Divine law marriage is sacred... And i wish Prince & Bria all the happiness in the world..

And why are ya'll doing me. and who name me EDIT it's all good. now am going to the gym. Having these kiids laughing at me in my house their calling me edit. But my son says Prince don't want to get marry. But he is 'i wish him heaven' (love). If you really love someone you would want them too be happy with or without you.

[Edited 6/3/10 16:53pm]

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Reply #196 posted 06/03/10 11:55pm


godswill said:

hestilllovesme said:

Broken hearts, I see that 2!

It could be only new material but why they say

" his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria Valente."

If it is on a working basis they could say "his relationship to Bria Valente"

or "Realtionship with his protoge Bria Valente"

No, they say realtionship with Bria Valente.

Mmmh we all will know soon!

And then - BROKEN HEARTS all over the org!

EDIT They say

PRINCE Talks Religion, His Love Life & Much More

ok it's almost obvious that Bria is his love life!

They don't wanna mention his love life is to be celibate!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:56pm]

[Edited 6/3/10 15:57pm]

Under God's Divine law marriage is sacred... And i wish Prince & Bria all the happiness in the world..

And why are ya'll doing me. and who name me EDIT it's all good. now am going to the gym. Having these kiids laughing at me in my house their calling me edit. But my son says Prince don't want to get marry. But he is 'i wish him heaven' (love). If you really love someone you would want them too be happy with or without you.

[Edited 6/3/10 16:53pm]

lol your funny lol lol lol

but i wish bria and prince the best if their together aswell

[Edited 6/3/10 16:56pm]

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Reply #197 posted 06/03/10 11:57pm


EDIT lol

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #198 posted 06/04/10 12:03am



brechten said:

he looks mad
aka ChristinaS
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Reply #199 posted 06/04/10 12:03am


Under God's Divine law marriage is sacred... And i wish Prince & Bria all the happiness in the world..

And why are ya'll doing me. and who name me EDIT it's all good. now am going to the gym. Having these kiids laughing at me in my house their calling me edit. But my son says Prince don't want to get marry. But he is 'i wish him heaven' (love). If you really love someone you would want them too be happy with or without you.

[Edited 6/3/10 16:53pm]

But I don't LOVE Prince! I like Prince! lol

But I don't like Bria with him.

I can't help it. It's just because she appeard in so many

hip hop videos half naked lol lol

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #200 posted 06/04/10 12:07am


CHRISLUV92 said:

brechten said:


he looks mad

"They put me in a damn froot loops ring?"

Dancing helps relieve the pain. Soothes your mind, makes you happy again!!!
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Reply #201 posted 06/04/10 12:22am


shocked eyepop I'm on My pins and needles to see this! Sweet! dancing jig

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Reply #202 posted 06/04/10 12:30am



Y'all gotz 2 admit even tho we knew it was coming, it's still cool cool

and h is for horny razz

[Edited 6/3/10 17:31pm]

got Prince?
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Reply #203 posted 06/04/10 12:32am


hestilllovesme said:

unseen pictures maybe with Bria and him together. So happily in love lol? eek

Prince: "Bria is pregnant!" OH NO!

Prince: "We want to marry this year!" OH NO!

Prince: "We're just very good friends!" OH YEAH!

You are the only one interested in knowing. You seem to have a crush on Bri Bri wink

Im disappointed there isnt any leads as to him releasing a new album. All the ruckus of rumours about a new album yet no mention of a new project? Maybe there isnt one at all? Hmmm

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Reply #204 posted 06/04/10 12:33am


ernestsewell said:

PurpleLove7 said:

It's not out yet ernest. I was just at the newstand yesturday and Neicy Nash is the issue that's out now. Perhaps another 2 weeks or so it'll be out, unless I'm wrong.

I thought it was due out this coming Monday actually. The site says it's out though. That site is kind of unprofessional in some ways anyway, so I'm not too surprised at a flub even like that.

I thought the same thing. It did say its out in newstands.

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Reply #205 posted 06/04/10 12:41am


hestilllovesme said:

CHRISLUV92 said:

brechten said: he looks mad

"They put me in a damn froot loops ring?"

That red hoop looks like the top part of the Prince symbol. Can't really tell because it's only half of a pic, but that's what it looks like he is standing in front of in that pic.

[Edited 6/3/10 18:17pm]

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Reply #206 posted 06/04/10 12:42am


PicklesMcMillan said:

hestilllovesme said:

the don't mention a relationship WITH Bria it just says " about topics ranging from his experience going door-to-door as a Jehovah’s Witness to his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria Valente." I mean from his experience and his priorities regarding his relationship with Bria?? That maybe also could mean, he wanna continue working with Bria on new material??? But its probably just that they are married lol

omg if their married their are gonna be some broken hearts on the org lol

your right it can just be new material too ..guess we gotta find out

biggrin i can see ladies hating on poor bria now

"why did he choose her , he should have choosen me mad their not going to last long prince needs a real woman like me "hmph!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:50pm]

It clearly says Love Life....priorities regarding his relationship with Bria....could certainly be a number of things as have bee appears their relationship might have escalated otherwise why would Prince allow it to be written....I'm a bit surprised cuz he is so private.

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Reply #207 posted 06/04/10 12:52am


4bjb said:

PicklesMcMillan said:

omg if their married their are gonna be some broken hearts on the org lol

your right it can just be new material too ..guess we gotta find out

biggrin i can see ladies hating on poor bria now

"why did he choose her , he should have choosen me mad their not going to last long prince needs a real woman like me "hmph!

[Edited 6/3/10 15:50pm]

It clearly says Love Life....priorities regarding his relationship with Bria....could certainly be a number of things as have bee appears their relationship might have escalated otherwise why would Prince allow it to be written....I'm a bit surprised cuz he is so private.

this is exciting because i remember someone saying shes was seen throwing princi-pal's clothes out the window so i thought they were headed for a break up sad

hope bria put a move on him with her tig 0le bittys so he can write some awesome love songs biggrin

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Reply #208 posted 06/04/10 12:57am


databank said:

MikeyB71 said:

Just wondering where in the world you are databank?

Ebony is available internationaly, so unless you are living on some remote island, it should not be too difficult to pick up.

Hope you can get one somewhere.

I'm in France. Newspaper shops don't have US magazines in English in France, except for some train stations, airports and specialized shops (most of them in Paris and i'm not living in Paris). So YEAH i guess if i looked very hard for a copy i'd find one, but dammit i just have better things to do than roaming all around town to MAYBE find it!


Maybe u could try Ebay, wait a couple weeks after it comes out. wink

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Reply #209 posted 06/04/10 1:01am


GoldenParachute said:

hestilllovesme said:

unseen pictures maybe with Bria and him together. So happily in love lol? eek

Prince: "Bria is pregnant!" OH NO!

Prince: "We want to marry this year!" OH NO!

Prince: "We're just very good friends!" OH YEAH!

You are the only one interested in knowing. You seem to have a crush on Bri Bri wink

Im disappointed there isnt any leads as to him releasing a new album. All the ruckus of rumours about a new album yet no mention of a new project? Maybe there isnt one at all? Hmmm

How do you know there is no information about a new album?

Unless you have a copy of Ebony and know something i don't, in which case i apologize.

[Edited 6/3/10 18:03pm]

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > New Ebony Magazine - July issue: Prince interview!