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Reply #90 posted 06/03/10 5:03pm


Joyinrepatition said:

Cheater07 said:

Ebony website says:

On Newsstands Now!!

That's not true is it??smile

depends where you are probably...if your outside Ebony headquarters "Yes"....Borders in Baisingstoke maybe not... wink

so should we give it aleast a day ? if i live in atlanta

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Reply #91 posted 06/03/10 5:06pm




TheVoid said:

PurpleLove7 said:

Understood but, we all know he's a JW and conversations are not going to be too off from that Way of Life that he lives. So what more should we expect, think about it. I'm nowhere close to being a JW or Christian for that matter but, I know 1/2 of what he "might" say when it comes to that.

So I just keep it about "The Music" and "some" of the lyrics ...

I don't mind that he's a JW confuse I'm just saying his intervies suck. Prince's religious expressions bore the shit out of me, and his love life isn't particularly interesting to me either.

If he actually sat down with the interviewer and got on the piano and said, "This song started out like this.....then I decided to change it to this...." and continued explaining his creative process, I'd probably jizz my pants.

So that being said, his interviews suck ass. This ebony article will suck equally as much ass.

I don't get why anyone gets excited about that drivel.

I do hope he says something about his upcoming projects, but what he's said previously has hardly ever panned out to be true in the end.

If there's anything we know about Prince, that's the 1st things he's going to talk about and perhaps the last thing he's going to talk about. He's a very religious man and spiritual from what he's expressed and what I have heard.

I do hope that he talks about upcoming projects and music but, we all know his track record with those things coming to life. It would be nice to read about it but, I'll believe it when I see it and I'll enjoy the experience along the way.

I like how POSITIVE you are at how such a great interview this'll be ... LoL

I suggest you not buy it, not read it and just allow the memeber of the org to rip it a new assh*le, like they always do ... I on the other hand will be greatful and happy.

Thanks for the little chat Void smile

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #92 posted 06/03/10 5:10pm


violetblues said:

Joyinrepatition said:

Nice cover shot....he still loves his purple lol


He is totally rocking that Siegfried & Roy, Wayne Newton Vegas Vibe! lol

I can almost hear him letting out one one those Little Richard 'woooooooo's' too.

I wonder if Ebony has figured out they were suckered yet. Even I know that's really just a bad Prince imitator at a pool hall amateur show.

Worst journalism ever!

Why would Ebony feel suckered when they were honored to interview him in the first place? It's not about how he looks, but moreso the opportunity to interview a legendary musician. All magazines do some airbrushing on celebrities, no biggy.

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Reply #93 posted 06/03/10 5:12pm


Dam i'm ready bring it on boy and the bria thing we'll c first!lol

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Reply #94 posted 06/03/10 5:12pm


PicklesMcMillan said:

Cheater07 said:

Ebony website says:

On Newsstands Now!!

That's not true is it??smile

thats what i wanna know but noone is answering me ???

It depends on when the vendors in any area that carries the magazines, receives them, but apparently the magazine is out for purchase.

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Reply #95 posted 06/03/10 5:14pm


damn i can wait to get my hands on it!! and read it !!!

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Reply #96 posted 06/03/10 5:14pm



PicklesMcMillan said:

Joyinrepatition said:

depends where you are probably...if your outside Ebony headquarters "Yes"....Borders in Baisingstoke maybe not... wink

so should we give it aleast a day ? if i live in atlanta

your guess is as good as mine , but apparently, so ive heard.... Ebony has a trade embargo with Atlanta so your fecked... razz google it like everybody else smile .

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Reply #97 posted 06/03/10 5:19pm


LasVegas3121 said:


Ebony Exclusive: PRINCE Talks Religion, His Love Life & Much More
Never-before-seen photos and the musical genius in his own words are featured

[The org does not have permission to post the article or reproduce any parts of it. Please do not post any parts of the magazines article as this is copyright infringement snip - luv4u]

(Wow people are rushing to this thread faster than those sex zombies rushing for air in Britneys slave for you video) lol anyho...CAN'T WAIT!WOHO!

Dude looks soooo good!

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Reply #98 posted 06/03/10 5:20pm



PicklesMcMillan said:

daPrettyman said:

I don't get dissing a person for their religious views. If u don't like it, don't support the artist. I'm sure he won't cry.

lol is this statement to me ??

i dont understand lol i never dissed anyone in this post lmao

i think you got the wrong person

No. I was pretty much agreeing with u. Mostly for the poster you quoted. No hate at all. hug

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #99 posted 06/03/10 5:26pm


Is this issue specifically about Prince or is it going to a cover story for 2 or 3 page?

3121 #1 THIS YEAR
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Reply #100 posted 06/03/10 5:32pm


cover story, not the whole issue

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Reply #101 posted 06/03/10 5:33pm




bashraka said:

Is this issue specifically about Prince or is it going to a cover story for 2 or 3 page?

I'd say 15% of the mag with be about him and whatever esle Ebony Magazine would usually have. It's not an exclusive mag, just on Prince. We could wish, though ... LoL

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #102 posted 06/03/10 5:36pm



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Reply #103 posted 06/03/10 5:43pm



MikeyB71 said:

There is NOT going to be a cd with the July issue!

For goodness sake waken up people.

A cd would have had to have been pressed somewhere (ie a factory).

News of a cd with Ebony or any publication would have been leaked LONG ago.

lets just take it for what it is, an interview with Prince and some pretty pictures.

I am not saying that there may not be news of a free cd or whatever with a future issue, but do people really think that a cd was made, pressed and distributed without ANYONE finding out?


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Reply #104 posted 06/03/10 5:53pm



BartVanHemelen said:

Re-typing the article and posting it here is just as much a copyright violation.

So the mods should edit these quotations out.

Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #105 posted 06/03/10 5:56pm



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Reply #106 posted 06/03/10 5:59pm


Can't wait to check it out! Love the cover! cool

"I pride myself on working with great musicians, and I consider her to be as such. She's an amazing talent, the real deal." Prince on Beyoncé ♥
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Reply #107 posted 06/03/10 6:00pm



brechten said:


I wonder what the "h" is for on his shirt?

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #108 posted 06/03/10 6:02pm



brechten said:



Where'd U find that?!

"Had to get off the boat so I could walk on water..."
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Reply #109 posted 06/03/10 6:04pm



daPrettyman said:

brechten said:


I wonder what the "h" is for on his shirt?

"h" is for "hope U're not expecting a CD w/ this interview"!! biggrin

"Had to get off the boat so I could walk on water..."
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Reply #110 posted 06/03/10 6:05pm



BlackCandle said:

brechten said:



Where'd U find that?!

Ebony site...

[Edited 6/3/10 11:06am]

Get sexy sex, get funky at... The ORANGE Park - Funky President, people, it's bad!
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Reply #111 posted 06/03/10 6:05pm



daPrettyman said:

brechten said:


I wonder what the "h" is for on his shirt?

Horndog. lol

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #112 posted 06/03/10 6:05pm



brechten said:


Facking hell! Ranks as one of the best pix i've ever seen of him!
This Post is produced, arranged, composed and performed by WetDream
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Reply #113 posted 06/03/10 6:07pm



Tis nice.......... cool

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Reply #114 posted 06/03/10 6:08pm



incredibleD said:

BlackCandle said:


Where'd U find that?!

Ebony site...

[Edited 6/3/10 11:06am]



"Had to get off the boat so I could walk on water..."
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Reply #115 posted 06/03/10 6:13pm


It will read like this... Prince's turbulent childhood, Purple Rain, Warner Bros, Emancipation, Larry, JW, Bria, and whatever wacky marketing project he has up his sleeve.

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Reply #116 posted 06/03/10 6:15pm



I'm going to check the newstands tomorrow for it. I'm sure it will be an interesting read.

For everyone who is disappointed that there's no CD inside then don't buy, don't read, don't support, don't worry about ... it.

Prince never said there'd be a CD inside that was (gasp!) ORG Speculation & Theory 101 which has always led to (gasp!) an ORG Negativity Session!

If Prince puts out a CD this summer then that will be great. If not so be it.

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #117 posted 06/03/10 6:22pm



can't wait 2 get my copies of the magazine amazing cover. excited
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Reply #118 posted 06/03/10 6:29pm


so my dumbass just drove to see to if it on newstands

nope.. no here

anybody in chi-town get it ? i think thats where the headquarters are?

[Snip no no no! - luv4u]

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Reply #119 posted 06/03/10 6:46pm


2elijah said:

This is from that link posted at the top of this thread. This is part of the portion of the article posted on the first page of this thread. This of course, is not the entire interview, but apparently just a snippet from the "Read More" section:

[The org does not have permission to post the article or reproduce any parts of it. Please do not post any parts of the magazines article as this is copyright infringement snip - luv4u]

Sorry, luv4u it was a snippet from the online summary, not the actual interview from the magazine, which i would never have posted anyway, due to copyright infringement. Shouldn't your warning state that people shouldn't post images from that article as well, since there seems to be some images popping up on this thread, I mean wouldn't that be considered copyright infringement as well? Just sayin' smile

[Edited 6/3/10 11:59am]

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > New Ebony Magazine - July issue: Prince interview!