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Thread started 07/16/13 12:44am



Jenny McCarthy to join "The View"

shrug bored

Does this mean there won't be another season of "Love in the Wild"?


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Reply #1 posted 07/16/13 2:59am




Is this Official??

i really like her & think shes pretty funny. i just watched "dirty love",, it had alot of gross out gags, but hell!...I HAD TO LAUGH! lol lol

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Reply #2 posted 07/16/13 4:44am



Jumped the shark
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Reply #3 posted 07/16/13 6:45am



She's still taking a lot of flack for her position on vaccinations. She's entitled to be wrong. shrug

I've always quite liked Jenny. I hope she enjoys her new gig.

Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ
πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν
τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ.”
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Reply #4 posted 07/16/13 10:10am



BlackAdder7 said:


Jumped the shark

The world, you mean?
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Reply #5 posted 07/18/13 11:08pm



Lammastide said:

She's still taking a lot of flack for her position on vaccinations. She's entitled to be wrong. shrug

I've always quite liked Jenny. I hope she enjoys her new gig.

She's taking a lot of "flack" Oh the poor love. Her body count is more than a third of that of 9/11. Flack? She should be hiding in a cave.

If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #6 posted 07/18/13 11:54pm



She's a moron whose wacko views should be ignored. But I can't stand a second of The View anyway, so it's not going to affect my life much.

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Reply #7 posted 07/19/13 2:49am



At least people aren't calling her a slut or bimbo anymore. Back in the day I had a huge celeb crush on her that was second only to my love for Mariah Carey, though to be honest I desired her more as a friend with benefits than a true love.

As for the vaccination controversy, while I think most vaccines are pretty safe, there have been enough anecdotal cases of people getting autism and/or other neurological disorders after getting vaccines and flu shots that the cases should at least be considered and not just rejected outright. And really? People are pissed that the new co-host of The View is allegedly anti-vaccine, yet their last co-host was yammering on every Tea Party crackpot consipracy theory about President Obama being a secret Muslim? Give me a break.

I guess this means her VH1 talk show is cancelled. BTW, in addition to being hot even now, she's pretty funny, but nowhere near as funny as her cousin Melissa.

tv typing

[Edited 7/18/13 19:51pm]

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Reply #8 posted 07/19/13 3:49am


Dear ABC: Putting Jenny McCarthy on “The View” will kill children

Anti-vaccine conspiracist and "View" co-host Jenny McCarthy isn't just quirky -- she spreads lies that hurt people

Topics: Opening Shot, Jenny McCarthy, ABC, Television, The View, vaccines, vaccine debate, Autism, Editor's Picks, Media News, Entertainment News, Politics News

Dear ABC: Putting Jenny McCarthy on (Credit: AP/Richard Shotwell)

Jenny McCarthy, a former model and comedienne, is set to be the next co-host of ABC’s “The View,” a popular morning talk show with an all-woman cast. She is replacing Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who recently jumped ship to Fox News, cable’s longtime home of attractive women who specialize in reactionary sneering.

McCarthy certainly has a more pleasant, or at least less confrontational, television style. Really the only problem with hiring her is that her life’s mission at t... vaccines. She devotes a great deal of energy to promoting the untrue belief that vaccines lead to autism, and it seems possible that she now views her career as a television personality and prominent celebrity as a means of carrying out her mission to spread what she believes is the truth about autism.

Vaccines don’t cause autism. Vaccines, instead, prevent disease. Vaccines have wiped out a score of formerly deadly childhood diseases. Vaccine skepticism has helped to bring some of those diseases back from near extinction. Children have actually died as a result. Vaccine skepticism isn’t just some “alternative viewpoint” that is stupid but ultimately harmless, like “detoxing” or 9/11 trutherism. Parents have been convinced by McCarthy and the people she works with and promotes. They have forgone vaccination for their children. The result has been the recurrence and spread of preventable diseases. It’s incredibly irresponsible for a broadcast television network to think Jenny McCarthy should be on television — in a position where her job is to share her opinions — every day. It should seriously be a major scandal.

The cynicism and contempt of this hiring is almost funny: In replacing the widely hated Hasselbeck with McCarthy, Walters and company didn’t select a new conservative, to maintain the panel’s political balance. They just went with someone who says dumb, inflammatory things. It’s basically a tacit admission that they were simply casting for “the pretty idiot one.” McCarthy ought to be insulted, if if weren’t for the fact that she’s probably incredibly grateful to be on network TV at all, after flailing through a series of poorly conceived late-night cable talk show launches.


But McCarthy’s idiocy is of a very different, and much more damaging nature than the standard-issue right-wing idiocy of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. McCarthy is not expressing a disagreeable political position, she is spreading misinformation that has actual, tangible health risks. America’s public health authorities should be sounding the alarm. The American Medical Association and the surgeon general should be publicly calling on ABC to reverse its decision to hire McCarthy. They should have begun the campaign before the announcement was official.

Vaccine conspiracies, like so much modern cult conspiracy culture, perpetuates itself and lives on indefinitely thanks to the community-building and archiving of the Internet. With the help of some very prominent advocates, with huge audiences and a great deal of influence, it has spread far beyond the fringe. McCarthy has been one of the movement’s most prominent voices for years, and, infuriatingly, much of the media has treated her bullshit as weepy celebrity “” fare instead of crackpotted nonsense.

And some outlets have taken it much, much further. Here is Ms. McCarthy’s intact H...’s page. It would be nice if, at some point, the Huffington Post actually retracted the various noxious vaccine conspiracies it used to print regularly in the quack-infested “Living” section. All of it, at the moment, is still online, uncorrected, from this to this to this to this to all of this to this to this. I dunno, maybe a couple dozen editors’ notes are in order, for the sake of future Googling parents? Could someone at AOL stop scamming old people for a second and get on this?

Numerous people, including Time’s great ...oniewozik, have already written about the irresponsibility of the McCarthy hire. But infuriatingly the press’ false equivalency addiction has even infected coverage of whether or not vaccines cause autism, a debate featuring, on the one side, the entire medical establishment, and, on the other, one totally discredited doctor and a bunch of random non-experts, some of whom are famous for reasons unrelated to medicine or scientific literacy. Here’s USA Today reporting the news:

Not everybody shared Walters’ delight. McCarthy, who has embraced the controversial claim that vaccinations cause autism, has drawn the ire of pro-immunization advocacy groups.

“Controversial claim.” “Pro-immunization advocacy groups.” Another name for “pro-immunization advocacy groups” would be “the entire mainstream medical profession.” This is a perfect example of the sort of case the nonpartisan reporter should feel free to referee.

If you care about keeping misinformation — misinformation that could hurt or kill not just the children of people who intentionally don’t vaccinate but other children as well — from being transmitted to people everywhere in the country every weekday, you should probably write...olite note expressing your dismay. You should also, and this may be more effective, contact your senator and member of Congress and urge them to publicly criticize this hire. Parents and pediatricians, especially, should be loudly complaining.

While this hire is a travesty, it is fitting, at least, that Barbara Walters is managing to cram one last crime against journalism into her career before she retires.

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Reply #9 posted 07/19/13 4:53am



^ Spot on. Quite how mainstream America gives a pass to someone who is responsible for the multiple deaths of babies just because she's white, blonde and has big tits is beyond me. She's caused MUCH more damage than the Boston Bombers but you're scared of poeople like them. Her legacy will live on and keep killing kids with diseases that had been wiped out.

If you're kids are vaccinated, they are STILL at risk due to this fucktard as a small percentage of people are immune to the vaccination but benefit from herd immunity which is now reduced
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #10 posted 07/19/13 6:47am


Man was meant to die from disease. Going against nature does wind up hurting man. I currently don't believe Autism can be caused by vaccinations but I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out it did.
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Reply #11 posted 07/19/13 7:44am


I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss her stance regarding vaccinations.

The CDC has removed a page from their website, which is now cached here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40.

It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine!

Typo edit

[Edited 7/19/13 0:45am]

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Reply #12 posted 07/19/13 9:33am



Jenny is STILL Playboy HOT but she ain't Elizabeth Pretty....Jenny is a Smart Chick so she'll fit in on the couch. I feel they should have gone with a lesser-known face like they did with Ding Bad Sherri.


Keep Whoopi for the Laughs & Serious moments and Celeb-cred

Fire Sherri for giving us too many stupid-moments.

Keep Joy cuz she gives "attitude"

Fire Babs and replace her with a miniature Pine tree

Hire Alex Wentworth (if you're gonna replace Joy) cuz she's Funny & MAD crazy

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Reply #13 posted 07/19/13 10:50am



Never heard of her!
I'm the mistake you wanna make
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Reply #14 posted 07/19/13 11:17am


ZombieKitten said:

Never heard of her!

Me 2

We live in a bubble. woot!
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Reply #15 posted 07/19/13 1:11pm



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Reply #16 posted 07/19/13 1:37pm


Reagadless of what people think of her anti-vaccine stance, it is up to the parents to get their kids vaccinated or not. If they listened to her instead of researching it and speaking to their doctors then that is on them.

Where are the complaints about the bullshit spewed when Hasselback was on there?

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Reply #17 posted 07/19/13 5:51pm



She has the potential of being crazier than Rosie.

The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything.
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Reply #18 posted 07/19/13 6:39pm



I think she'll be a good addition. shrug

When you love your child and you believe something has hurt them, whether you're right or wrong, you will fight until there is a change. And like Stymie said, the parents are the ones responsible for not getting their kids vaccines, not Jenny.

Shake it til ya make it dancing jig
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Reply #19 posted 07/19/13 7:14pm



ZombieKitten said:

Never heard of her!

You really need to "read" more playboys playboy

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Reply #20 posted 07/19/13 8:34pm



Stymie said:

Reagadless of what people think of her anti-vaccine stance, it is up to the parents to get their kids vaccinated or not. If they listened to her instead of researching it and speaking to their doctors then that is on them.

Where are the complaints about the bullshit spewed when Hasselback was on there?

I'm sorry but to downplay the impact of this movement by saying "it's the parents' choice" and "it's on them" misses the point. Firstly, I think most of us would agree that protecting children from their own parents is something that civilised society should engage in. We don't accept neglect or violence in this manner. Secondly the impact of anti vax goes far beyond affecting just the kids who are not vaccinated. Babies who are too young for the vaccine or babies for whom the vaccine is unnafective are still protected by herd immunity. The disease is so rare that these kids are also protected. Now these kids are at risk and their have been fatalities in this group due to the illinformed views of other parents who put more credence in the scare mongering nonsense of a d grade celebrity than the entire medical profession. So no, it goes beyond a choice issue. Your argument is analogous to saying that I should be able to drive drunk. If I crash and die, it's on me.
Kids should only be enrolled in schools if their vaccinations are up to date.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #21 posted 07/19/13 8:44pm


lust said:

Stymie said:

Reagadless of what people think of her anti-vaccine stance, it is up to the parents to get their kids vaccinated or not. If they listened to her instead of researching it and speaking to their doctors then that is on them.

Where are the complaints about the bullshit spewed when Hasselback was on there?

I'm sorry but to downplay the impact of this movement by saying "it's the parents' choice" and "it's on them" misses the point. Firstly, I think most of us would agree that protecting children from their own parents is something that civilised society should engage in. We don't accept neglect or violence in this manner. Secondly the impact of anti vax goes far beyond affecting just the kids who are not vaccinated. Babies who are too young for the vaccine or babies for whom the vaccine is unnafective are still protected by herd immunity. The disease is so rare that these kids are also protected. Now these kids are at risk and their have been fatalities in this group due to the illinformed views of other parents who put more credence in the scare mongering nonsense of a d grade celebrity than the entire medical profession. So no, it goes beyond a choice issue. Your argument is analogous to saying that I should be able to drive drunk. If I crash and die, it's on me. . Kids should only be enrolled in schools if their vaccinations are up to date.

Dude, what? lol

You've got to be kidding. Am I advocating for you to go drunk driving? I'm not getting your point.

And I am not saying that it's the parents choice to get their kids vaccinated. It is those parents choice that have listened to Jenny and didn't get their kids vaccinated as a result. They could have listened to their doctors or done their own research instead of listening to a celebrity. THEIR FAULT, not Jenny's.

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Reply #22 posted 07/19/13 9:11pm



I think you need to to look up the word analogous. Here's a clue. Analogy. No, I'm not suggesting you said I should drive drunk.

Did I REALLY have to just address that?

As for rest. Re read what I said. It's not JUST The kids who haven't received the vaccine that are affected.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #23 posted 07/19/13 10:04pm



Actually. I now concede that my drunk driver analogy is a false one. In order to correct it the driver would need to have his unrestrained children in the car.

Hey, but it's his choice as a parent. Right!
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #24 posted 07/19/13 11:14pm


lust said:

I think you need to to look up the word analogous. Here's a clue. Analogy. No, I'm not suggesting you said I should drive drunk.

Did I REALLY have to just address that?

As for rest. Re read what I said. It's not JUST The kids who haven't received the vaccine that are affected.

Wow you are a special brand of crazy. How can you compare people not giving their kids vaccines to drunk driving? Plus re read what I said. I am only speaking to the phenomena that people let Jenny McCarthy talk them out of getting vaccines for their kids.
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Reply #25 posted 07/19/13 11:26pm



Wow. That was harsh. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water but....

Disclaimer. I'm not talking about an actual horse. wink
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #26 posted 07/20/13 1:25am



So is she there now to create controversy and boost the ratings?? They don't rein in Elizabeth with her views, so can't see them doing it with Jenny
You know you are in love, when you cannot fall asleep because your reality is finally better than your dreams - Dr Seuss
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Reply #27 posted 07/20/13 1:56am



Jenny is replacing Joy so Im assuming she's left of center. Hasselback hasn't been replaced yet though rumors have Brooke Shields in the lead. Which I think makes the table too celebrity.

The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything.
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Reply #28 posted 07/20/13 2:59am


lazycrockett said:

Jenny is replacing Joy so Im assuming she's left of center. Hasselback hasn't been replaced yet though rumors have Brooke Shields in the lead. Which I think makes the table too celebrity.

Wait Behar's leaving too?

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Reply #29 posted 07/20/13 3:20am



Yes Joy and Elizabeth are leaving this season and barbara is leaving at the end of 2014, hopefully she will take Sherri with her.

The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything.
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