Reply #540 posted 09/13/19 8:03pm
Reply #541 posted 09/13/19 8:05pm
Reply #542 posted 09/13/19 9:11pm
SoulAlive |
It's gonna be hard waiting until November.I want it NOW! Can't wait!! |
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Reply #543 posted 09/13/19 9:28pm
Moonbeam |
Haven't seen any pre-order links for Australia. Hope they get their act together soon! Feel free to join in the Prince Album Poll 2018! Let'a celebrate his legacy by counting down the most beloved Prince albums, as decided by you! |
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Reply #544 posted 09/13/19 9:32pm
IstenSzek |
SoulAlive said:
It's gonna be hard waiting until November.I want it NOW! Can't wait!!
same here but i guess it's something cool to look forward to, which is always a good thing.
and true love lives on lollipops and crisps |
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Reply #545 posted 09/13/19 10:02pm
djThunderfunk said: Agreed.
So this is the last thing I'll say to ROD on the subject:
Just go watch the Sign "O" The Times movie, DVD or Blu-ray, doesn't matter...
Notice how U Got The Look looks like shit compared to the rest of the movie? It's because it was shot on video and the rest of the movie was shot on film. No matter what they do, they cannot match the quality for the two sources.
The concerts were shot on video, not film, so, same problem.
[Edited 9/13/19 11:29am] How ridiculous...And you think I didn't know that about U got the look? That I don't know the difference between VHS and film? . What you all seem to ignore is that WB had the choice to release a real HD concert. Because, yes, many concerts of Prince and other multimillion selling artists were shot on F.I.L.M. . Ever heard about Live at first avenue 83 ? . |
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Reply #546 posted 09/13/19 10:03pm
Reply #547 posted 09/13/19 10:08pm
djThunderfunk said:
So this is the last thing I'll say to ROD on the subject:
Just go watch the Sign "O" The Times movie, DVD or Blu-ray, doesn't matter...
Notice how U Got The Look looks like shit compared to the rest of the movie? It's because it was shot on video and the rest of the movie was shot on film. No matter what they do, they cannot match the quality for the two sources.
The concerts were shot on video, not film, so, same problem.
[Edited 9/13/19 11:29am]
How ridiculous...And you think I didn't know that about U got the look? That I don't know the difference between VHS and film? . What you all seem to ignore is that WB had the choice to release a real HD concert. Because, yes, many concerts of Prince and other multimillion selling artists were shot on F.I.L.M. . Ever heard about Live at first avenue 83 ? .
I bet you convert your MP3s to FLAC don't you?
Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors. |
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Reply #548 posted 09/13/19 10:17pm
Nightcrawler |
djThunderfunk said:
RODSERLING said: djThunderfunk said:
If you remaster VHS, it looks like... VHS!!! There is NO PROCESS that will make VHS look like film or HD.
Not if you have the original tapes. What you put on VHS are the original tapes, the original source. . There are many HD releases of concert filmed in the 60's/70's. . So if you believe that none of 1999 Prince concert were filmed on tapes, including this one, that's your choice. . WB just didn't locate the tapes, or didn't bother to remaster them. .
"Orignal tapes"? What kind of "original tapes" are you talking about? AFAIK, the "original tapes" ARE VHS. The reason that many concerts filmed in the 60s & 70s can be remastered in HD, is because they were FILMED... on FILM. Film is higher resolution than VHS and perfect for HD remaster. Shows that were originally recorded on VHS, like most of Prince's, will never, ever have an HD look. The reason Prince was able to film all of his shows, is because of the low expense of recording with VHS. Filming every show on FILM would have been too expensive, even for Prince.
[Edited 9/13/19 6:36am] THIS is the best answer to this whole picture quality discussion. I‘m totally excited for this great, great set. We get an amazing boxset of one of Princes best album before the year is over and the best a big part of this fan community has to say about it is that it could be improved. This is really sad, guys. You will obviously never be satisfied. See the man with the blue guitar, maybe one day he`ll be a star... |
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Reply #549 posted 09/13/19 10:17pm
OnlyNDaUsa |
djThunderfunk said:
djThunderfunk said: How ridiculous...And you think I didn't know that about U got the look? That I don't know the difference between VHS and film? . What you all seem to ignore is that WB had the choice to release a real HD concert. Because, yes, many concerts of Prince and other multimillion selling artists were shot on F.I.L.M. . Ever heard about Live at first avenue 83 ? .
I bet you convert your MP3s to FLAC don't you?
Be nice! And I listen almost excluivley to MP3s. I am old and tone deaf... I am sure there is a difference but I can't tell. "Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!" |
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Reply #550 posted 09/13/19 10:19pm
mediumdry |
djThunderfunk said:
So this is the last thing I'll say to ROD on the subject:
Just go watch the Sign "O" The Times movie, DVD or Blu-ray, doesn't matter...
Notice how U Got The Look looks like shit compared to the rest of the movie? It's because it was shot on video and the rest of the movie was shot on film. No matter what they do, they cannot match the quality for the two sources.
The concerts were shot on video, not film, so, same problem.
[Edited 9/13/19 11:29am]
The interesting thing here is that U Got The Look actually was shot on film. It was then scanned to vide and edited as a video clip and released. When the movie was made later, they somehow made the decision to use the video version in the movie. It was probably deemed "good enough" and too much trouble to re-edit the song, but using the film footage. In those days, it looked slightly worse in the movie theater, but not a lot of people saw it. When the video was released on VHS later on, you wouldn't see the difference. Now, of course, it's painfully obvious.
One thing to note though, is that the professional video quality is better than VHS. (this has to do with how the colour and light and are encoded on betacam (not betamax)) This means that, if there is a "pro" shot, you will be able to get better than VHS quality. You will never reach hi-def, but something watchable. I feel, for instance, that the Syracuse DVD looked a lot better than the VHS video. The clips I've seen of a cleaned up First Avenue 83 looked quite good. And this 1999 video? Sure, it looks old school, but it's very watchable. Let's hope they'll release more footage of this quality! I'd rather see things like this than not see them. (the only alternative) Paisley Park is in your heart - Love Is Here! |
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Reply #551 posted 09/13/19 10:21pm
TheEnglishGent |
I am very much looking forward to this release. RIP |
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Reply #552 posted 09/13/19 10:24pm
SoulAlive |
IstenSzek said:
SoulAlive said:
It's gonna be hard waiting until November.I want it NOW! Can't wait!!
same here but i guess it's something cool to look forward to, which is always a good thing.
Yep |
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Reply #553 posted 09/13/19 10:29pm
OnlyNDaUsa said:
djThunderfunk said:
I bet you convert your MP3s to FLAC don't you?
Be nice! And I listen almost excluivley to MP3s. I am old and tone deaf... I am sure there is a difference but I can't tell.
I still use an iPod classic so I listen to MP3s every day.
My point is, if you convert an MP3 to FLAC, you still have a lossy file. A lossy file will never have the fidelity of a lossless file, just like a VHS will never have the resolution of film. Get it?
Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors. |
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Reply #554 posted 09/13/19 10:31pm
OnlyNDaUsa |
TheEnglishGent said:
I am very much looking forward to this release.
me too! and I need to make a New big mix CD for my car! Since I made it about 10 of the songs have come out or will on 1999! (I made it shortly after "Nothing Compares 2 U" was leaked!) "Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!" |
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Reply #555 posted 09/13/19 10:34pm
OnlyNDaUsa |
djThunderfunk said:
OnlyNDaUsa said:
Be nice! And I listen almost excluivley to MP3s. I am old and tone deaf... I am sure there is a difference but I can't tell.
I still use an iPod classic so I listen to MP3s every day.
My point is, if you convert an MP3 to FLAC, you still have a lossy file. A lossy file will never have the fidelity of a lossless file, just like a VHS will never have the resolution of film. Get it?
yeah I get it... I think it looks fine. "Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!" |
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Reply #556 posted 09/13/19 10:34pm
mediumdry said:
djThunderfunk said:
So this is the last thing I'll say to ROD on the subject:
Just go watch the Sign "O" The Times movie, DVD or Blu-ray, doesn't matter...
Notice how U Got The Look looks like shit compared to the rest of the movie? It's because it was shot on video and the rest of the movie was shot on film. No matter what they do, they cannot match the quality for the two sources.
The concerts were shot on video, not film, so, same problem.
[Edited 9/13/19 11:29am]
The interesting thing here is that U Got The Look actually was shot on film. It was then scanned to vide and edited as a video clip and released. When the movie was made later, they somehow made the decision to use the video version in the movie. It was probably deemed "good enough" and too much trouble to re-edit the song, but using the film footage. In those days, it looked slightly worse in the movie theater, but not a lot of people saw it. When the video was released on VHS later on, you wouldn't see the difference. Now, of course, it's painfully obvious.
One thing to note though, is that the professional video quality is better than VHS. (this has to do with how the colour and light and are encoded on betacam (not betamax)) This means that, if there is a "pro" shot, you will be able to get better than VHS quality. You will never reach hi-def, but something watchable. I feel, for instance, that the Syracuse DVD looked a lot better than the VHS video. The clips I've seen of a cleaned up First Avenue 83 looked quite good. And this 1999 video? Sure, it looks old school, but it's very watchable. Let's hope they'll release more footage of this quality! I'd rather see things like this than not see them. (the only alternative)
I didn't know that about U Got The Look, thanks for the info. I was one of the people who noticed the difference in the theater.
Having worked at a TV station, I was aware of the differences with professional video and VHS, but didn't want to get into it since the simple concept of the differences between video and film were too much for some around here.
Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors. |
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Reply #557 posted 09/13/19 10:35pm
Strive |
A good analogy for U Got The Look is Star Trek TOS or Firefly. Star Trek was shot on film but edited on tape for TV. So when they went back to remaster it, they had to rescan all the film and reedit it. Firefly on the other hand had a HD transfer but they mastered all the special effects in 480 as a cost cutting measure. So the show is HD, but every time you see CGI, it's upscaled 480. To fix it, they'd have to go back and rerender all the CGI. An expense Fox has deemed unnecessary since what exists is good enough.
To get U Got The Look in HD, they'd have to go back to the original elements (if they still exist), scan them in and reedit the entire segment. Not something they're likely to do since they pimped it out to Starz. |
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Reply #558 posted 09/13/19 10:38pm
SquirrelMeat |
OnlyNDaUsa said:
TheEnglishGent said:
I am very much looking forward to this release.
me too! and I need to make a New big mix CD for my car! Since I made it about 10 of the songs have come out or will on 1999! (I made it shortly after "Nothing Compares 2 U" was leaked!)
Lol. I feel the pain! I have a set of peronalised Anthology albums, totalling about 400 tracks, including some mixed segues and interviews. The deluxes are running a railroad of quality through my hard work. First world problems
. |
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Reply #559 posted 09/13/19 11:08pm
OnlyNDaUsa |
SquirrelMeat said:
OnlyNDaUsa said:
me too! and I need to make a New big mix CD for my car! Since I made it about 10 of the songs have come out or will on 1999! (I made it shortly after "Nothing Compares 2 U" was leaked!)
Lol. I feel the pain! I have a set of peronalised Anthology albums, totalling about 400 tracks, including some mixed segues and interviews. The deluxes are running a railroad of quality through my hard work. First world problems
I was talking to a friend at work how I all my years of colleting bootlegs is coming home to roost. "Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!" |
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Reply #560 posted 09/13/19 11:40pm
BalladofPeterP arker |
I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on this set!! |
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Reply #561 posted 09/13/19 11:50pm
ChocolateBox31 21 |
Romeoblu said:
Jill Jones looks so damn fine in the video.
[Edited 9/13/19 17:39pm] "That mountain top situation is not really what it's all cracked up 2 B when was doing the Purple Rain tour had a lot of people who knew 'll never c again @ the concerts.just screamin n places they thought they was suppose 2 scream." |
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Reply #562 posted 09/14/19 12:22am
purplethunder3 121 |
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato |
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Reply #563 posted 09/14/19 12:53am
BartVanHemelen |
What you all seem to ignore is that WB had the choice to release a real HD concert. Because, yes, many concerts of Prince and other multimillion selling artists were shot on F.I.L.M.
Go on then, tell us which 1999 gig was filmed on film.
. Ever heard about Live at first avenue 83 ? .
Where do you even get this? © Bart Van Hemelen
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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Reply #564 posted 09/14/19 12:57am
feeluupp |
It's time for ROD to be banned, it's time... |
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Reply #565 posted 09/14/19 1:08am
rdhull |
feeluupp said: It's time for ROD to be banned, it's time... He seems to be really losing it He’s doubling down HARD on EVERYTHING since he was found wrong about 1999 being released "Climb in my fur." |
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Reply #566 posted 09/14/19 1:15am
SoulAlive |
feeluupp said: It's time for ROD to be banned, it's time... I agree when the 1999 Deluxe is released,he will be on here trying to convince us that it’s a “flop”.He’s predictable and annoying. |
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Reply #567 posted 09/14/19 3:57am
udo |
Why was the purple sky omitted from the cover?
FFS the deceased singer even mentions that sky in `1999`. Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry. |
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Reply #568 posted 09/14/19 4:36am
TheGloved1 |
I'm buying based on the inclusion of Feel U Up and Irresistible Bitch (the early versions) too funky
Not to mention Purple I'm excited! Thi sis the time to show that Super Deluxe sets are worthwhile releases. I want Parade Super Deluxe eventually, so that's another reason to support this. |
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Reply #569 posted 09/14/19 7:23am
SoulAlive said: feeluupp said: It's time for ROD to be banned, it's time... I agree when the 1999 Deluxe is released,he will be on here trying to convince us that it’s a “flop”.He’s predictable and annoying. Like my dozens of posts on the topic of Originals sales saying it s a success? How old are you ? Ten? |
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