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Reply #780 posted 06/15/17 3:05pm





Surely you don't think that I'm going to continue a conversation with someone such as yourself who keeps throwing insults and talks down to me. I don't care for your arrogant and pompous attitude. So move along to your next victim. The internet is filled with bullies like you, and I can see right through you, too!


There's no law saying that I must answer your questions or speak to you any further. I do not work for you!


Have a nice day! biggrin


Maybe you should voice your opinions about "Prince's addiction" in these threads:





phatphuk said:

cloveringold85 said:


Here's a question for you, PhatPhuk: Why are you trolling me? There are tons of other people on the Org who feel the same way as I do about the drug issue, so why aren't you asking all the other Orgers the same questions? Why are you grilling me about Van Jones? I honestly have no interest in what Van Jones has to say. I didn't sign up for a drug seminar! smh rolleyes


P.S. If you are quoting me for a book or some other publication, please Org note me so that I can be properly compensation for my time. Thanks in advance. lol


I have been very kind to you and answered all your questions. Now you are asking me more questions and I feel that I have already explained myself thoroughly concerning this matter.


I don't remember signing-up for a drug seminar. lol


phatphuk said:

cloveringold85 said:


My answers to your questions are as follows:


1. Yes, I do agree.


2. Yes, I know Prince and Van Jones were good friends.


3. He was obviously aware that Prince had a dependency on opioids, and wanted to bring awareness.


4. (see #3).


5. Opioid addicition happens when the body builds a tolerance to the drug and becomes dependent on it. Dependence on opioids can cause withdrawals, thus you cannot stop taking the drug (you keep wanting more), which causes addiction, thus has detrimential affects on one's daily life. Professional treatment and counseling is necessary to help them manage their pain and lead a healthy life.


Hope that was simple enough.


Awesome, cloveringold85! I'm genuinely interested in grokking as many different points of view as I can. Thanks for answering!

I know that you never set out to "judge Van Jones" in any of your posts. That's not the reason I mentioned him. For my part, I never set out to declare any emotional investment in Van Jones. Because I have none. I am totally ambivalent about the guy, since I know practically nothing about him apart from having seen him speak for 20 or 30 minutes in total, on CNN and such.

The only reason I mentioned Van Jones, was to hopefully get you — and others — to get your heads around the idea that people that utter Prince's name in close proximity to the words "drug" and "addiction", are not necessarily doing so out of an intentionally malicious attempt to "trash Prince's name".

That is all I was trying to say by mentioning Van Jones.

The CNN op-ed piece writt...rnfeld kid is another case in point where the words "Prince", "drug" and "addiction" are used in the same article. Do you suspect Andrew Kornfield or CNN of "labelling Prince as a drug addict"?

Would you be less suspicious of "The Media" if instead of using the words, "drug addiction" when they talk about Prince, that they substitute those words with, "opioid addiction" instead?

Do you think it is a bad thing that Chaka Khan reportedly sought out help with her own opioid addiction as a direct result of learning from Prince's mistake?

Is it possible that "The Media" might be trying to spread a similar lesson to the man and woman on the street, by leveraging Prince's story? If their ultimate intention in doing that is to save lives, why do you feel so strongly about that being such a bad thing?

Is it because you perceive "The Poster Boy For Drug Addiction" thing as some kind of racial profiling or anything like that?

Thanks in advance for answering, cloveringold85.

I'm not "trolling you", cloveringold85. And my posts weren't a drug seminar. They were a list of questions. Not rhetorical questions. Real questions! Borne of genuine, sincere curiousity.

And like I've already said. My most recent set of questions are not about Van Jones. Read them carefully. You'll see.

My posts weren't preaching to you, hun. They were pleading with you. Pleading with you to help me understand whatever the reason is that compels you to post "Prince Is The Media's Poster Boy For Drug Addiction!" over and over. 6 and 7 threads in a row. One thread immediately after another. Several times a day. Every day of the week. For several weeks running!

That kind of pathologically repetitive behavior is bound to cause a compassionate, nurturing person like myself, to be concerned for your stability and try to help you regain your composure. At the very least, such extaordinarily repetitious behavior is naturally gonna pique any level-headed, reasonable person's curiousity. Hence my list of questions.

If you want to be perceived as a mature adult who is capable of holding your own in a public forum converstion with other mature adults, then resorting to playing the "troll" card just because someone asks you questions that would clarify your assertions, isn't a very grown up way to present yourself. Calling somebody a "troll" as a means to end a converstion you're uncomfortable with, is the online forum-equivalent of the smarmy politician who's caught embezzling pension funds and his only defense is to squirm his way out of the situation with diversionary tactics to make the scrutiny go away.

Of course you're not a smarmy, squirming politician are you, hun? So I don't see why you don't just do the grown up thing and answer my above list of questions. Pretty please?

Even though my questions were directed to cloveringold85 — as she requested that I do a few posts back — since this is a public discussion forum anybody else who feels the same way as cloveringold85 does about the drug issue should please feel free to speak for her and help me to understand the issue from either cloveringold85's perspective and/or your own perspective.

Thanks in advance — again — for answering, cloveringold85 (or any other grown up orger speaking on her behalf).

"With love, honor, and respect for every living thing in the universe, separation ceases, and we all become one being, singing one song." - Prince Roger Nelson (1958-2016)
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Reply #781 posted 06/15/17 3:31pm


fortuneandserendipity said:

phatphuk said:

cloveringold85 said:

All you have to do is Google: "Prince Drug Addict" and dozens upon dozens of stories will come up, and they're not all from tabloid rags.?



Last June, I read a really insighful op-ed ...rnfeld kid. It was published shortly after Prince's autopsy results were made public.

But I'd forgotten to bookmark it back then. So a few months later, when I wanted to quote something from it, I couldn't. Because I'd forgotten on what news site I had first saw it.

Thanks to the google search link you posted, I found it again in your search result hits! Woo.Hoo! Thanks!

Also, there's something important you need to try to understand about Google's search algorithm: It uses a kind of Inference.

What that means in the context of search results, is that although you typed in the word "addict", the results include hits for words like "addiction", "dependence" and so forth.

So your google link doesn't prove your point as well as you probably hoped it would. Sorry.

And to further back up your point! wink prince+harry+drug+addict=...ry&od?

I knew there was some reason old Hank was always my favorite royal. I could tell even back then, that kid would grow up to be a stoner. HaHaHaHaHa!

    “Sometimes People Don't Want To Hear The Truth Because They Don't Want Their Illusions Destroyed” — Friedrich Nietzsche 
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Reply #782 posted 06/15/17 3:35pm



lol Good one Phat! Besides Princess Di, Harry has always been my favorite too!!

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Reply #783 posted 06/15/17 4:08pm



cloveringold85 said:

NotACleverName said:

cloveringold85 said:

I provided several links in several posts. If you don't have the attention-span to read or click on them, then that's no one's fault but yours. rolleyes

Which post? Because I only saw one for moonsister. And the links provided directed one to this very message board and to a general list of options for a "prince+drug+addict". That later option is going to pull any and all articles with those three words dispersed among them. That is why I asked for a direct link to a specific article. And, you are always quick to admonish anyone for their (perceived) rude behavior when addressing you; so, I ask you, is your "attention span" comment directed at me necessary?


Okay, so you did in fact see my post to Moonsister, where I posted links, so why then are you asking me for links? confused


Please refer to my posts #654 & 727


Also, I'm sure you are aware that the term "drug addict" and "drug addiction/addicted" is the same thing.


drug ad·dict

ˈdrəɡ adikt/


  1. a person who is addicted to an illegal drug.


drug addiction

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to drug addiction: drug abuse


1. the state of being given up to some habit or compulsion.

2. strong physiological and psychological dependence on a drug or other agent; see alcoholism and drug dependence.

drug addiction a state of heavy dependence on a drug; sometimes defined as physical dependence but usually alsoincluding emotional dependence, i.e., compulsive or pathological drug use. It is often used synonymously with drugdependence.


Because you have laid claim that Prince is being labeled a drug addict across various media platforms. I have not seen this. You say you have. Where? That is my question. Provide these links. And, to reiterate, do not redirect me to some thread here. I want articles. Direct links. Not some generalized search options.

Regarding your suggestions I refer back to your previous posts, I highly doubt main stream media is going to run with an op ed piece Ms. Lundberg posed on You can refer back to Post #749 in which I politely asked for some specifics regarding articles. I'm not going to google "Prince Drug Addict" because I am going to eventually encounter the Royal Windsors (as has been addressed) and I have no time nor inclination to sift through that miasma.

How does the definition you provided apply to my request? I am going to (again) suggest you refer back to Post #749. Pretty self explanatory.

You do this quite often. Claim something is fact and don't provide any legitimate source for your "facts". Is it to stir things up? Or do you just throw things out there and hope something eventually sticks?
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #784 posted 06/15/17 4:20pm



cloveringold85 said:

sonshine said:

laurarichardson said:

I read an article today in the Washington Post Express and his name was not mentioned at all.
So all you people who want his connected to the pain epidemic your wishes may not happen.

I don't think it's sad at all. Not in the way you do. I like to look at it as his last gift to this world. The fact that he brought nuch needed attention to the subject has likely played a role in the significant increase in measures taken to combat opuate abuse and addiction. I'm sorry you find that disgusting. I choose to search for anything positive that can be taken from a devastating loss to so many. And honestly i think Prince would want his death to help others if thats possible. No one is making him a poater boy for anything and if they were so what? You need to deal woth your own personal hang ups with addiction because your attitude isnt the least bit helpful or respectful to his memory or his legacy. Your posts have done nothing but cast a dark, ugly cloud over the org and over a great man. I dont believe Prince would look upon you with favor for your imbecile and endless arguments. You aint doing him any favors.


Sonshine: Are you referring to my quote?


If so, I think you are miunderstanding me. Personally, I don't think that what happened to Prince was his last gift to this world. And, you must be out of your mind, if you think that.


Are you okay with people labeling Prince as a "drug addict"? confused Yes, I do find that disgusting, given the fact that Prince's death is still an ongoing investigation and none of us are privy to all the facts.


How dare you say I'm disrespecting Prince's memory or legacy! That comment was going a bit too far!


I don't appreciate you twisting my words and making what I said out to be more than it actually was.


And then you go and say "So what if they are making him a poster boy!" rolleyes


You also said this: Your posts have done nothing but cast a dark, ugly cloud over the org and over a great man. I dont believe Prince would look upon you with favor for your imbecile and endless arguments. You aint doing him any favors.


I am casting a dark, ugly cloud over the Org? You can't be serious! Please share all the posts of me trashing Prince.....


You are rude and totally out of line, Sonshine!


[Edited 6/13/17 14:50pm]

No reason to get so uppity. I was referring to Laura's narrative that is always inflammatory, negative and has a confrontational tone. I don't see the circumstances of Prince's passing used in a negative slant in articles that mention his death. I just don't see it. The world at large seems sympathetic to what transpired with him. The mere fact that his name is mentioned in articles concerning the opiate epidemic is not at all disrespectful in my opinion. His death was caused by an opiate overdose. Its a fact and its public knowlege. I'm sorry you find my comments rude and out of line. Exactly why i try to stay away from these threads. Too many unreasonable people here to try and have a sane conversation.
It's a hurtful place, the world, in and of itself. We don't need to add to it. We all need one another. ~ PRN
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Reply #785 posted 06/15/17 4:58pm



Against my better judgement here is some general info about opiate use for the benefit of those here who doubt the legitimacy of Mrs Nelson's past prescriptions.
As CRAZY as it seems TODAY 20 yrs ago it was the norm to be sent home after surgery w/pain medication for 30 days, with 3 additional refills to boot. This common practice played an important role in the current opiate epidemic.
On any given day it would not have been the least bit unusual to find several bottles of various opiates in the average American's home. The bottle of Darvocet your dentist prescribed for that wisdom tooth extraction, Tylenol #3 after your c-section, and some Percocet or Vicoden from hubby's knee surgery after he tore his meniscus playing beer league ball.
Most people took the pills for a couple days and that was that. The bottles of unused pills sitting in the medicine cabinet all but forgotten. But a few folks quickly became aware of the euphoric effects and became substance abusers. The pills became popular with the party crowd. And there seemed to be an endless supply due to the aforementioned bottles in so many homes. Didn't take long for addiction to set in but no one took it seriously because these weren't "hard drugs". They were just pills. From a doctor.
We all know how the rest of the story goes. Alarm began setting in. The truth about the danger of addiction with these drugs came out. People got cut off from their docs. Turned to heroin or getting the pills from sketchy sources. Fast forward to today.
It's a hurtful place, the world, in and of itself. We don't need to add to it. We all need one another. ~ PRN
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Reply #786 posted 06/15/17 5:32pm



sonshine said:

cloveringold85 said:


Sonshine: Are you referring to my quote?


If so, I think you are miunderstanding me. Personally, I don't think that what happened to Prince was his last gift to this world. And, you must be out of your mind, if you think that.


Are you okay with people labeling Prince as a "drug addict"? confused Yes, I do find that disgusting, given the fact that Prince's death is still an ongoing investigation and none of us are privy to all the facts.


How dare you say I'm disrespecting Prince's memory or legacy! That comment was going a bit too far!


I don't appreciate you twisting my words and making what I said out to be more than it actually was.


And then you go and say "So what if they are making him a poster boy!" rolleyes


You also said this: Your posts have done nothing but cast a dark, ugly cloud over the org and over a great man. I dont believe Prince would look upon you with favor for your imbecile and endless arguments. You aint doing him any favors.


I am casting a dark, ugly cloud over the Org? You can't be serious! Please share all the posts of me trashing Prince......


You are rude and totally out of line, Sonshine!


[Edited 6/13/17 14:50pm]

No reason to get so uppity. I was referring to Laura's narrative that is always inflammatory, negative and has a confrontational tone. I don't see the circumstances of Prince's passing used in a negative slant in articles that mention his death. I just don't see it. The world at large seems sympathetic to what transpired with him. The mere fact that his name is mentioned in articles concerning the opiate epidemic is not at all disrespectful in my opinion. His death was caused by an opiate overdose. Its a fact and its public knowlege. I'm sorry you find my comments rude and out of line. Exactly why i try to stay away from these threads. Too many unreasonable people here to try and have a sane conversation.


I appreciate the response, so thank you.


It seemed like you were quoting what I had said in that comment.


Every fiber of my being is for the love and respect of Prince, so pardon me for taking offense to some of the things you said. I would never disprespect Prince's name, legacy or defame his character. He does not deserve that.

"With love, honor, and respect for every living thing in the universe, separation ceases, and we all become one being, singing one song." - Prince Roger Nelson (1958-2016)
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Reply #787 posted 06/15/17 5:37pm



NotACleverName said:

cloveringold85 said:


Okay, so you did in fact see my post to Moonsister, where I posted links, so why then are you asking me for links? confused


Please refer to my posts #654 & 727


Also, I'm sure you are aware that the term "drug addict" and "drug addiction/addicted" is the same thing.


drug ad·dict
ˈdrəɡ adikt/
  1. a person who is addicted to an illegal drug.


drug addiction

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to drug addiction: drug abuse


1. the state of being given up to some habit or compulsion.
2. strong physiological and psychological dependence on a drug or other agent; see alcoholism and drug dependence.
drug addiction a state of heavy dependence on a drug; sometimes defined as physical dependence but usually alsoincluding emotional dependence, i.e., compulsive or pathological drug use. It is often used synonymously with drugdependence.


Because you have laid claim that Prince is being labeled a drug addict across various media platforms. I have not seen this. You say you have. Where? That is my question. Provide these links. And, to reiterate, do not redirect me to some thread here. I want articles. Direct links. Not some generalized search options. Regarding your suggestions I refer back to your previous posts, I highly doubt main stream media is going to run with an op ed piece Ms. Lundberg posed on You can refer back to Post #749 in which I politely asked for some specifics regarding articles. I'm not going to google "Prince Drug Addict" because I am going to eventually encounter the Royal Windsors (as has been addressed) and I have no time nor inclination to sift through that miasma. How does the definition you provided apply to my request? I am going to (again) suggest you refer back to Post #749. Pretty self explanatory. You do this quite often. Claim something is fact and don't provide any legitimate source for your "facts". Is it to stir things up? Or do you just throw things out there and hope something eventually sticks?


I guess you missed the part where I said.......Please refer to my posts #654 & 727


You would rather sit and argue with me and go on and on and on about how I did not provide links rather than simply go and read the posts mentioned (highlighted) above. Are you this difficult in every day life? Geeze!! I mean, really!! rolleyes



[Edited 6/15/17 17:39pm]

"With love, honor, and respect for every living thing in the universe, separation ceases, and we all become one being, singing one song." - Prince Roger Nelson (1958-2016)
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Reply #788 posted 06/15/17 7:40pm



cloveringold85 said:

NotACleverName said:

cloveringold85 said:


Okay, so you did in fact see my post to Moonsister, where I posted links, so why then are you asking me for links? confused


Please refer to my posts #654 & 727


Also, I'm sure you are aware that the term "drug addict" and "drug addiction/addicted" is the same thing.


drug ad·dict

ˈdrəɡ adikt/


  1. a person who is addicted to an illegal drug.


drug addiction

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to drug addiction: drug abuse


1. the state of being given up to some habit or compulsion.

2. strong physiological and psychological dependence on a drug or other agent; see alcoholism and drug dependence.

drug addiction a state of heavy dependence on a drug; sometimes defined as physical dependence but usually alsoincluding emotional dependence, i.e., compulsive or pathological drug use. It is often used synonymously with drugdependence.


Because you have laid claim that Prince is being labeled a drug addict across various media platforms. I have not seen this. You say you have. Where? That is my question. Provide these links. And, to reiterate, do not redirect me to some thread here. I want articles. Direct links. Not some generalized search options. Regarding your suggestions I refer back to your previous posts, I highly doubt main stream media is going to run with an op ed piece Ms. Lundberg posed on You can refer back to Post #749 in which I politely asked for some specifics regarding articles. I'm not going to google "Prince Drug Addict" because I am going to eventually encounter the Royal Windsors (as has been addressed) and I have no time nor inclination to sift through that miasma. How does the definition you provided apply to my request? I am going to (again) suggest you refer back to Post #749. Pretty self explanatory. You do this quite often. Claim something is fact and don't provide any legitimate source for your "facts". Is it to stir things up? Or do you just throw things out there and hope something eventually sticks?


I guess you missed the part where I said.....Please refer to my posts #654 & 727


You would rather sit and argue with me and go on and on and on about how I did not provide links rather than simply go and read the posts mentioned (highlighted) above. Are you this difficult in every day life? Geeze!! I mean, really!! rolleyes



[Edited 6/15/17 17:39pm]

I guess you missed my entire point. I did refer to your posts. Did you miss my comments about them in my response to you?

You would rather deflect than simply provide the articles I have asked for in my reply (after reply after reply) to you. Are you this obtuse in every day life?
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #789 posted 06/15/17 8:12pm


NotACleverName said:

cloveringold85 said:

NotACleverName said:

Because you have laid claim that Prince is being labeled a drug addict across various media platforms. I have not seen this. You say you have. Where? That is my question. Provide these links. And, to reiterate, do not redirect me to some thread here. I want articles. Direct links. Not some generalized search options. Regarding your suggestions I refer back to your previous posts, I highly doubt main stream media is going to run with an op ed piece Ms. Lundberg posed on You can refer back to Post #749 in which I politely asked for some specifics regarding articles. I'm not going to google "Prince Drug Addict" because I am going to eventually encounter the Royal Windsors (as has been addressed) and I have no time nor inclination to sift through that miasma. How does the definition you provided apply to my request? I am going to (again) suggest you refer back to Post #749. Pretty self explanatory. You do this quite often. Claim something is fact and don't provide any legitimate source for your "facts". Is it to stir things up? Or do you just throw things out there and hope something eventually sticks?


I guess you missed the part where I said.....Please refer to my posts #654 & 727


You would rather sit and argue with me and go on and on and on about how I did not provide links rather than simply go and read the posts mentioned (highlighted) above. Are you this difficult in every day life? Geeze!! I mean, really!! rolleyes



I guess you missed my entire point. I did refer to your posts. Did you miss my comments about them in my response to you?

You would rather deflect than simply provide the articles I have asked for in my reply (after reply after reply) to you. Are you this obtuse in every day life?

Yeah you're just pulling teeth NotA. That one's not in it for the two-way dialog aspect of these incorrectly-named "discussion" forums. She's in it soley for the one-way posting appeal. Monologue style.

    “Sometimes People Don't Want To Hear The Truth Because They Don't Want Their Illusions Destroyed” — Friedrich Nietzsche 
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Reply #790 posted 06/16/17 4:21am


try to keep it about prince,nothing else is relevant.

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Reply #791 posted 06/16/17 9:47am


[Snip - hate4me]


[Edited 6/16/17 9:58am]

    “Sometimes People Don't Want To Hear The Truth Because They Don't Want Their Illusions Destroyed” — Friedrich Nietzsche 
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Reply #792 posted 06/16/17 10:01am


[Snip - hate4U]


[Edited 6/16/17 10:06am]

    “Sometimes People Don't Want To Hear The Truth Because They Don't Want Their Illusions Destroyed” — Friedrich Nietzsche 
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Reply #793 posted 06/16/17 10:10am


Bodhitheblackdog said:

MMJas said:


laurarichardson said: I was talking to an awesomely hip 84 year old lady a few days ago, we have never talked about prince ever, something came up about him, and we talked for a few minutes mostly about how much I love him, and then she said "too bad he was a terrible drug addict" I told her that we really don't know about his drug use and he died from the accidental fentanyl overdose etc etc, and asked her why she thought that, and she said it was all over the tv, just a sad observation from the world... [Edited 6/14/17 18:10pm]

Well, that's how society goes, there's nothing we can do about it. And that's why Prince hid his addiction problems, knowing that he would be judged. Hence the bike ride, the party and going to that concert, all in the week immediately after the plane incident. The pain he must have been is dreadful to imagine, coupled with the fact that he went the extra mile to hide his fragility from the world and from us. It was so not worth it...
His death made me aware of the fentanyl epidemic, and the same applies to most of us, I guess. So he will always be associated with opioid dependency because that's what caused his death. We have to live with that knowledge and use it towards the enlightenment of society, by correcting people like that old lady and telling them it is, in fact, a terrible problem. Society as a whole still treats drug addicts and alcoholics as marginals and refuses to acknowlege it as ilnesses. Opioid addiction and any other legal medication addiction, like anxiety pills, for instance, should rapidly be added as ilnesses of sorts.

Thank you for this. I posted a link yesterday on this thread to an amazing article in The New Yorker, "The Addicts Next Door" which delves into the same themes but it instantly got moved to the Politics & Religion thread (?) where I fear very few people struggling with P's death due to opoids will see it. The New Yorker piece also touched on how amazingly effective opoids are for instantly and powerfully relieveing emotional/psychic pain which I believe P suffered with as well as his physical injuries. There should be no shame in suffering from emotional pain...we all knew he had it from listening to his music, knowing of his traumatic losses of loved ones, the 'social anxiety' he felt forever which has been written about for decades, his numerous interviews about the cruelty he suffered as a child because of his small stature, which continued throughout his life as never was an article written about him where words such as pint-sized, diminutive or tiny weren't used as gratitutiously unnecessary descriptions. If we can't learn to be more compassionate to our brothers and sisters who are struggling with all manner of pain than what the hell does Love 4 One Another mean anyway?

Your thread got moved because the New Yorker article it references is Rated Rated NC-17 since it discusses mature adult topics.

But Rated Rated G is more this forum's speed.

We don't wanna give "the widdle-kiddy-widdies" nightmares ;¬)

Ignore d'Ignint®…I Warsh Myself With A Rag On A Stick!

    “Sometimes People Don't Want To Hear The Truth Because They Don't Want Their Illusions Destroyed” — Friedrich Nietzsche 
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Reply #794 posted 06/16/17 2:02pm



14 months later and no arrests? eek mad sad

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Reply #795 posted 06/16/17 2:15pm


Astasheiks said:

14 months later and no arrests? eek mad sad

High time you started thinking about what you're gonna do if no arrests are ever made. Don't you think?

Ignore d'Ignint®…I Warsh Myself With A Rag On A Stick!

    “Sometimes People Don't Want To Hear The Truth Because They Don't Want Their Illusions Destroyed” — Friedrich Nietzsche 
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Reply #796 posted 06/16/17 3:55pm


The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!

If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days...
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Reply #797 posted 06/16/17 4:05pm


phatphuk said:

fortuneandserendipity said:

phatphuk said:

cloveringold85 said:

All you have to do is Google: "Prince Drug Addict" and dozens upon dozens of stories will come up, and they're not all from tabloid rags.?



Last June, I read a really insighful op-ed ...rnfeld kid. It was published shortly after Prince's autopsy results were made public.

But I'd forgotten to bookmark it back then. So a few months later, when I wanted to quote something from it, I couldn't. Because I'd forgotten on what news site I had first saw it.

Thanks to the google search link you posted, I found it again in your search result hits! Woo.Hoo! Thanks!

Also, there's something important you need to try to understand about Google's search algorithm: It uses a kind of Inference.

What that means in the context of search results, is that although you typed in the word "addict", the results include hits for words like "addiction", "dependence" and so forth.

So your google link doesn't prove your point as well as you probably hoped it would. Sorry.

And to further back up your point! wink prince+harry+drug+addict=...ry&od?

I knew there was some reason old Hank was always my favorite royal. I could tell even back then, that kid would grow up to be a stoner. HaHaHaHaHa!

Well... it worked out for old 'arry in the end! wink Really the contrast couldn't be more striking. He could have ended up with a crone-like royal, but instead chose Meghan Markle smile

The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!

If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days...
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Reply #798 posted 06/16/17 4:12pm


^^^ Dude's a regular head! Ain't he? HaHaHaHaHa?Ha

Ignore d'Ignint®…I Warsh Myself With A Rag On A Stick!

    “Sometimes People Don't Want To Hear The Truth Because They Don't Want Their Illusions Destroyed” — Friedrich Nietzsche 
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Reply #799 posted 06/17/17 8:08am


Off topic - deleted - lange bleu - moderator

The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!

If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days...
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Reply #800 posted 06/17/17 9:17am


Off topic - deleted - lange bleu - moderator

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Reply #801 posted 06/17/17 1:12pm



Off topic - deleted - lange bleu - moderator
It's a hurtful place, the world, in and of itself. We don't need to add to it. We all need one another. ~ PRN
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Reply #802 posted 06/17/17 6:09pm





Move on folks or this puppy gets locked up.

Let's keep this thread on topic.



Moderators have final say. administrators and moderators reserve the right to edit, relocate and/or remove any message, at any time, for any reason. Consider all editing decisions final. If you don't agree with a decision, you may discuss it with the moderator who made the judgment in private.

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Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #803 posted 06/17/17 9:29pm


luv4u said:

Move on folks or this puppy gets locked up.

Let's keep this thread on topic.



Moderators have final say. administrators and moderators reserve the right to edit, relocate and/or remove any message, at any time, for any reason. Consider all editing decisions final. If you don't agree with a decision, you may discuss it with the moderator who made the judgment in private.

-- org rules --

Thank you so much for returning us to the ongoing investigation, a topic many are actually interested in.

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Reply #804 posted 06/17/17 9:58pm


bilbolives said:

luv4u said:

Move on folks or this puppy gets locked up.

Let's keep this thread on topic.



Moderators have final say. administrators and moderators reserve the right to edit, relocate and/or remove any message, at any time, for any reason. Consider all editing decisions final. If you don't agree with a decision, you may discuss it with the moderator who made the judgment in private.

-- org rules --

Thank you so much for returning us to the ongoing investigation, a topic many are actually interested in.

Prince was a rich, worldly, well-traveled guy who knew tons of plugged-in people and was never shy about getting what he wanted. I'm not being sarcastic,but I can't wrap my brain around why he didn't go to a private doctor (not one with a suburban practice but one who selectively caters to celebs) or a private clinic/hosp. in Switzerland, the Caribbean or Mexico, etc. and get exactly what he wanted, on his own terms, for his hip pain or whatever. When you're rich and powerful you CAN have things your way. There was no rational reason for him to ever have his hands on bogus pills. Even if he had a growing dependance, there was never a need for him to have anything but pharmaceutical-grade meds in his sytem. I don't buy the theory that he may have been cut off by the medical a private clinic catering to celebs (particularly overseas) they would have accomodated him. The only conclusion I can draw at the moment is that his judgement was totally clouded by paranoia, fear of being found out as someone habituated to pain pills (for whatever reason), and being surrounded by Yes men and sycophants, there was no one left in his world who would/could say no, get a grip, you are NOT in control of any of it anymore. Killed by Yes.

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Reply #805 posted 06/18/17 11:23am


sonshine said:

Against my better judgement here is some general info about opiate use for the benefit of those here who doubt the legitimacy of Mrs Nelson's past prescriptions. As CRAZY as it seems TODAY 20 yrs ago it was the norm to be sent home after surgery w/pain medication for 30 days, with 3 additional refills to boot. This common practice played an important role in the current opiate epidemic. On any given day it would not have been the least bit unusual to find several bottles of various opiates in the average American's home. The bottle of Darvocet your dentist prescribed for that wisdom tooth extraction, Tylenol #3 after your c-section, and some Percocet or Vicoden from hubby's knee surgery after he tore his meniscus playing beer league ball. Most people took the pills for a couple days and that was that. The bottles of unused pills sitting in the medicine cabinet all but forgotten. But a few folks quickly became aware of the euphoric effects and became substance abusers. The pills became popular with the party crowd. And there seemed to be an endless supply due to the aforementioned bottles in so many homes. Didn't take long for addiction to set in but no one took it seriously because these weren't "hard drugs". They were just pills. From a doctor. We all know how the rest of the story goes. Alarm began setting in. The truth about the danger of addiction with these drugs came out. People got cut off from their docs. Turned to heroin or getting the pills from sketchy sources. Fast forward to today. Tada.

Did Prince quickly become aware of the euphoric effects and became a substance abuser?

Was he part of the party crowd where these pills were being abused?

Was he cut off and turned to heroin?

The wooh is on the one!
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Reply #806 posted 06/18/17 12:37pm


paulludvig said:

sonshine said:

Against my better judgement here is some general info about opiate use for the benefit of those here who doubt the legitimacy of Mrs Nelson's past prescriptions. As CRAZY as it seems TODAY 20 yrs ago it was the norm to be sent home after surgery w/pain medication for 30 days, with 3 additional refills to boot. This common practice played an important role in the current opiate epidemic. On any given day it would not have been the least bit unusual to find several bottles of various opiates in the average American's home. The bottle of Darvocet your dentist prescribed for that wisdom tooth extraction, Tylenol #3 after your c-section, and some Percocet or Vicoden from hubby's knee surgery after he tore his meniscus playing beer league ball. Most people took the pills for a couple days and that was that. The bottles of unused pills sitting in the medicine cabinet all but forgotten. But a few folks quickly became aware of the euphoric effects and became substance abusers. The pills became popular with the party crowd. And there seemed to be an endless supply due to the aforementioned bottles in so many homes. Didn't take long for addiction to set in but no one took it seriously because these weren't "hard drugs". They were just pills. From a doctor. We all know how the rest of the story goes. Alarm began setting in. The truth about the danger of addiction with these drugs came out. People got cut off from their docs. Turned to heroin or getting the pills from sketchy sources. Fast forward to today. Tada.

Did Prince quickly become aware of the euphoric effects and became a substance abuser?

Was he part of the party crowd where these pills were being abused?

Was he cut off and turned to heroin?

Sorry to respond to your legit questions with another possibility but here goes: he began taking pain pills for athletic injuries and then again post-surgery (surgeries as per the autopsy report) but more important than dulling the pain and enabling him to perform (his hearts' delight) , these meds eased or eliminated the social anxiety that had plagued him his entire performing became even MORE enjoyable...less pain/ more joy...who would give that combo up? Diminished sex drive? Hey, I'm so religious I'm celibate. Getting too thin, neglecting his health? Hey, I've always been a skinny guy and LOOK, I'm calmer, more at ease around people, better able to call someone up and have an authentic conversation . But you may be blowing your liver out? These things kill people? You're taking too many? But I'm PRINCE...and besides, everything is in Gods' hands, if He didn't want me to have these pills He wouldn't have made it possible for me to fill my Aleve and vitamin bottles with them. Except,everything in his life that he celebrated, longed for, attained...fame, fortune, love, love, love...he ultimately lost interest in and treated carelessly. There was no will/estate planning to ensure his money went to the places he envisioned and that his music was curated and released with exacting care, he was careless with his heart and the hearts of others, he left a lifetime of sexual and emotional betrayels in his wake; and, in the end, he was careless with his own precious life. I think the only grace and blessing in this tragedy is that he knew his fams would love him until the end of time.

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Reply #807 posted 06/18/17 4:24pm


Bodhitheblackdog said:

paulludvig said:

sonshine said:

Against my better judgement here is some general info about opiate use for the benefit of those here who doubt the legitimacy of Mrs Nelson's past prescriptions. As CRAZY as it seems TODAY 20 yrs ago it was the norm to be sent home after surgery w/pain medication for 30 days, with 3 additional refills to boot. This common practice played an important role in the current opiate epidemic. On any given day it would not have been the least bit unusual to find several bottles of various opiates in the average American's home. The bottle of Darvocet your dentist prescribed for that wisdom tooth extraction, Tylenol #3 after your c-section, and some Percocet or Vicoden from hubby's knee surgery after he tore his meniscus playing beer league ball. Most people took the pills for a couple days and that was that. The bottles of unused pills sitting in the medicine cabinet all but forgotten. But a few folks quickly became aware of the euphoric effects and became substance abusers. The pills became popular with the party crowd. And there seemed to be an endless supply due to the aforementioned bottles in so many homes. Didn't take long for addiction to set in but no one took it seriously because these weren't "hard drugs". They were just pills. From a doctor. We all know how the rest of the story goes. Alarm began setting in. The truth about the danger of addiction with these drugs came out. People got cut off from their docs. Turned to heroin or getting the pills from sketchy sources. Fast forward to today. Tada.

Did Prince quickly become aware of the euphoric effects and became a substance abuser?

Was he part of the party crowd where these pills were being abused?

Was he cut off and turned to heroin?

Sorry to respond to your legit questions with another possibility but here goes: he began taking pain pills for athletic injuries and then again post-surgery (surgeries as per the autopsy report) but more important than dulling the pain and enabling him to perform (his hearts' delight) , these meds eased or eliminated the social anxiety that had plagued him his entire performing became even MORE enjoyable...less pain/ more joy...who would give that combo up? Diminished sex drive? Hey, I'm so religious I'm celibate. Getting too thin, neglecting his health? Hey, I've always been a skinny guy and LOOK, I'm calmer, more at ease around people, better able to call someone up and have an authentic conversation . But you may be blowing your liver out? These things kill people? You're taking too many? But I'm PRINCE...and besides, everything is in Gods' hands, if He didn't want me to have these pills He wouldn't have made it possible for me to fill my Aleve and vitamin bottles with them. Except,everything in his life that he celebrated, longed for, attained...fame, fortune, love, love, love...he ultimately lost interest in and treated carelessly. There was no will/estate planning to ensure his money went to the places he envisioned and that his music was curated and released with exacting care, he was careless with his heart and the hearts of others, he left a lifetime of sexual and emotional betrayels in his wake; and, in the end, he was careless with his own precious life. I think the only grace and blessing in this tragedy is that he knew his fams would love him until the end of time.

yeahthat yeahthat yeahthat
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Reply #808 posted 06/19/17 6:30am


Prince was addicted to opiates. Sad but true sad

The world's problems like climate change can only be solved through strategic long-term thinking, not expediency. In other words all the govts. need sacking!

If you can add value to someone's life then why not. Especially if it colors their days...
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Reply #809 posted 06/19/17 7:31am


fortuneandserendipity said:

Prince was addicted to opiates. Sad but true sad

Okay but what else was going on?

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