Morris stands by the door surrounded by several delicious BABES. One of them, wearing a tight, red dress, looks especially enticing. Morris leans in closer -- her tasty breasts strain against the spandex material-- MORRIS Honey -- don't you ever try and breastfeed no baby now. GIRL Why not? MORRIS Never mind ... Jerome appears-- JEROME What. MORRIS What? JEROME Right. What. MORRIS What?? JEROME You got it. Be snaps his head to the side -- Morris looks, sees Vanity sitting at a table. His eyes dance mischievously-- MORRIS Ye-es (to Girl) What time is it? GIRL (coyly) Tea time. MORRIS So, right. | |
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as Prince sits by himself in front of the mirror, staring at a cassette on the counter. We recognize it immediately as the tape Jill gave him earlier, containing Lisa's and Wendy's music. He picks it up, snaps it into a ghetto blaster. MUSIC, without lyrics, fills the room. He adjusts the dials, sits back and listens a moment. Suddenly the door opens-- STAGEHAND Prince, five minutes. Be snaps off the music, drops the cassette into his pocket, cuts out the room. (37) INT. BACKSTAGE -- NIGHT He comes to the stage-area. His Band.Members are standing about anxiously, watching the final moments of The Modern Aires' performance. He cuts behind the curtain, peers at the crowd... ...his eyes fall on Vanity -- his face brightens instantly. Just then Jerome and Morris approach her. Prince shakes his head knowingly, offers a wry smile, then joins his band. | |
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She sits demurely. Morris' eyes are wide and shining -- her beauty up close astonishes him-- JEROME Vanity, I'd like you to meet Morris E. Day. MORRIS Hold it now -- just leave the 'E' alone. JEROME (clears throat) Vanity...this is Morris Day MORRIS The pleasure's all mine. she offers her hand -- he takes it decorously-- JEROME If you'd excuse me. Morris signals him -- whispers into his ear-- MORRIS Too sexy ... (a beat) Have a waitress bring.a bottle of their best champacne. He seats himself, fastens her with a sexy, half-lidded look-- MORRIS Your lips would make a lollipop too happy. VANITY You think so, huh? MORRIS Ye-es. Kim appears with a bottle of champacne in ice-- KIM Who's paying for this Morris? MORRIS I think you know that. (a beat) Jerome! Jerome appears, opens the bottle with a flair, performs a classy taste test. Morris pulls out some cash, pays him, who snatches the money, leaves-- MORRIS Huh, keep the change-- He whispers to Jerome-- MORRIS Get my change, will ya? Jerome leaves, Morris purses his lips-- MORRIS Oh, Lord...either somebody put something in my drink, or you are the finest (motherfucker) I've seen in ages. VANITY Excuse me, what did you say? MORRIS Huh...you look nice tonight. He leans in, speaks with a sexy voice-- MORRIS It's rare that I out my cards on the table when it comes to meeting younq ladies, but ... I'm going to make you love me. VANITY Is that a fact? He folds his legs dramatically, his Stacy Adams reflecting the light-- MORRIS Just as sure as my Stacy Adams are shiny. Just then-- | |
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Ladies and Gentlemen -- please welcome Prince! The CLUB erupts in CRIES! Prince hits the stage, launches into "G-spot," a fast, high-spirited funk tune that gets the crowd hopping. Vanity watches as Prince whips the crowd into a frenzy. Morris listens with a complacent grin on his face, his eyes searching out various members of The Time who are scattered through-out the club. When he connects with one of them he makes a series of absurd faces which sends them into hysterics. For Prince is playing music that The Time is noted for, and, as far as Morris is concerned, performs better. Not everyone in the club is dancing, or paying attention, and this does not escape his notice. Suddenly "G-Spot" comes to a rousing end. The CROWD cheers wildly. Prince moves quickly to the piano and launches into "Electric Intercourse," a love ballad which, as it progresses, becomes a personal statement for Vanity and Prince himself. She listens intently, her eyes fastened on him. The words have a profound effect on her -- and the audience. Without being consciously aware of it, they're moving closer to the stage, searching for their personal fix. Prince surrenders himself to the music totally, releasing from himself all that is hurtful -- releasing the sincerity and truthfulness that escapes him in his daily life. We are entering realm where life and music are inextricably bound, and the impact on the performer and listener is profound. He's directing his music toward her, and she receives it gratefully, almost anxiously. It fills a void in her, hewn by a life of meaningless promises. He searches her face with his magnificent eyes, and ends the song with a heartrending cry which connects with the souls of all present. Everyone is paying attention now. The stage is plunged into darkness. The CROWD goes CRAZY! Vanity applauds vigorously, wipes the tears from her eyes. Morris, who was more affected by the performance than he'd care to admit, doesn't like what he sees and searches for a winning line-- | |
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"That stuff about my dad was part of [director-cowriter] Al Magnoli's story," Prince explains. "We used parts of my past and present to make the story pop more, but it was a story. My dad wouldn't have nothing to do with guns. He never swore, still doesn't, and never drinks." | |
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He doesn't like girls. She's equal to the challenge-- VANITY I know -- he likes women. But Morris can barely suppress a smile, and settles himself comfortably into his chair -- for he knows what Vanity has lost...at least this round-- MORRIS Well ... he don't do too good with them either. She flashes him a quizzical look -- he simply smiles. | |
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Jubilation time! Prince and his Band move through the hallway briskly, past the outstretched arms of admiring fans. There's a lot of back-slapping going on as the Musicians bask in the glow of well-wishers. Prince moves past Billy Sparks, who has an angry look on his face-- BILLY What's this intercourse, shit? PRINCE Hey; man -- don't worry about it. BILLY I'm warning you... But Prince ignores him, cuts into the dressing room-- (40) INT. DRESSING ROOM -- NIGHT --then stops suddenly, surprised. He's muzzle to muzzle with a cuddly DOG, held up lovingly by Jill-- JILL Surprise! OOHS! and AAHS! by the entire group. Jill hesitates, then kisses Prince's cheek compulsively. He's surprised, touched-- PRINCE Hey -- wait till we're married, now. She fidgets, her face blushes red. Wendy is studying the dog-- WENDY Oh, my God -- look at this! Everyone looks -- Jill grins like the Cheshire Cat-- JILL Notice anything? PRINCE What? WENDY It looks like you! She thrusts the dog into his arms -- the Band laughs uproariously. Jill is beaming-- JILL His hair ... Prince gazes into the mirror -- and sure enough the dog's hair has been groomed to match his. He can't help smiling-- PRINCE Shit ... JILL (softly) I wanted to cheer you up. PRINCE Thanks. MATT I'm hungry -- where's the food?! He grabs the dog, 'a la The Werewolf, starts chomping on it's neck. The Group busts up, starts fooling around. Prince glances into the mirror -- Vanity is there. He whirls around to the door -- nothing. A huge smile sweeps his face instead. The Band continues fooling around, and Prince joins in with a relish. | |
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41) EXT. ALLEYWAY #2, REAR CLUB -- NIGHT Vanity leans against a brick wall, hiding in the shadows. Suddenly FOOTSTEPS approach. Prince appears, gets on his Motorcycle-- VANITY Hey... He doesn't look up-- PRINCE We have to go to your place. VANITY What for? PRINCE I want to show you something. She's embarrassed by her apartment-- VANITY No...no, we can't. PRINCE Why -- is there someone there? VANITY Why do you always think there's somebody else? He averts his eyes -- kick STARTS his bike-- PRINCE Let's go. VANITY (Getting on) Yeah -- but we're not going to my place. He remains silent, snaps the bike into gear, blasts down the ally into the street. (42) PRINCE'S HOUSE AND STREET -- NIGHT Prince and Vanity whip down a residential street. As he approaches his house he slows, moves past it quietly. He makes a deft U-turn, crosses his house again -- seems to be listening intently... After a moment, he cuts down a narrow path, turns up a back alley. He rides to a wooden gate, detaches a hidden lever. The wood slats rotate like a garage door -- Prince coaxes his bike through. BACKYARD Vanity's mesmerized. They ride down a narrow sidewalk, cut through a garden, and emerge from the back of a garage. He leans his bike against it-- VANITY That was a grand entrance. Where am I? He silences her with a look, moves quickly across the grass, comes to a window. He stands on a pipe, looks in-- (43) PRINCE'S POV -- INT. LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT His Mother and Father in the living room. His Mother is sprawled out on the sofa, obviously drunk, her dress hiked along her thighs. Her head rests in his Father's lap. (44) EXT. BACKYARD -- NIGHT Prince hops from the pipe, leans coolly against the house. Intrigued. Vanity looks in-- (45) VANITY'S POV -- INT. LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT The mother and father kissing tentatively, then violently, finally pulling away. The Mother seems to be taunting the Father, coaxing him into a trap. He kisses her mouth lustily -- she pulls back snarling--. (46) EXT. BACKYARD -- NIGHT Vanity's scared -- tries to be cool-- VANITY So -- friends of yours? PRINCE Yeah -- the freak show. He walks off. She jumps off the pipe, follows. SIDE OF HOUSE as they emerge around the corner. Prince squats by a basement window, adjusts an old coal chute, then slides down it-- VANITY Hey... PRINCE (O.S.) C'mon. She hesitates a moment, then slides down too. (47) INT. BASEMENT, PRINCE'S HOME -- NIGHT He turns on a LIGHT, disappears into an ADJOINING ROOM. Vanity looks around amazed. She stands in a small ANTE- CHAMBER whose walls are covered with thicks pads and foam. Colorful MOBILES hang suspended from the ceilings -- various INSTRUMENTS lie about: a drumset, an electric guitar, and a small upright piano. A stereo and cassette player. are perched on a shelf, and two speakers are recessed into the walls. The entire room looks hand- built, the wood carefully painted, or stained. She peers through the doorway into the adjoining room. BLUE MOONLIGHT filters in through the casement windows. Various MURALS are painted on the walls, MOBILES are suspended from the ceiling. A bed sits in the middle of the floor, a vanity table and mirror nearby. She stands idly a mement, then moves around the antechamber. Various KNICKNACKS catch her attention. Small wind-up TOYS lie about: a soldier, a bear banging on a drum, a tractor and car. A small MUSIC BOX sits on a shelf. She turns the handle, a little TUNE fills the room... A cassette sits in the player. She snaps it shut, hits the play button. A DRUM BEAT fills the room, followed by a WOMAN'S VOICE, seemingly speaking in a foreign tongue. The combination is hypnotic and sensual -- she finds herself drawn in ... Suddenly Prince grabs her by the waist, lets out a SHRIEK. She draws a out breath, jumps-- VANITY If you think you scared me, you didn't. PRINCE Oh, yeah ... He puts his index finger directly in front of her nose, moves it back and forth hypnotically. She follows it earnestly with her eyes. Suddenly, he pulls his hand away, stretches it to the ceiling like an escaping bird. They both smile, lock eyes. Passion rings in their veins... The Woman's VOICE begins to moan deeply, pleasurably-- VANITY Who's the lucky girl? Sounds like she was having a good time. PRINCE She's crying -- it's backwards. It makes me sad when I hear it. It sorta sounds like she's laughing, doesn't it? VANITY So what did you do to her? Do you always treat your women like that? PRINCE I don't have anybody right now. Heat floods into her womb like soft fire- - VANITY You look pretty... She touches his chest delicately, fluffs up his hair-- VANITY King Kong? PRINCE Stop. She hesitates -- but he reaches out tentatively, touches her breast-- VANITY No. But their mutual desire is too strong. Their lips seek one another out timidly, almost deferentially...then fervently. DISSOLVE TO: (48) INT. BEDROOM -- LATER -- NIGHT Vanity sits at the foot of the bed, Prince stands before her. Her dress is hiked along her thighs, her stockings attached to garters. Their hands search delicately across the contours of their bodies, drawing quick breaths from their lips. They kiss one another ardently, then quickly, like sparrows pecking seed. She goes to remove her dress, but Prince stays her with a gesture, moving his hands along her thighs, touching delicately that spot between her legs. A low, whispery moan escapes from her lips. Vanity lies back, drawing Prince toward her. His lips move across her mouth, her neck, her breasts. She moans softly, pulls her dress above her thighs, goes to remove it. Once again he stops her, slowly turns her onto her stomach. She stands.on her knees, her head resting on a pillow. His hands move up along the back of her thighs, past the garters to her panties. He tugs at them gently, then rubs his hand firmly between her legs. She moans suddenly, the shudder moving through her like a whirlwind ... DISSOLVE TO: | |
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MOONLIGHT glows throuch the casement windows. MOBILES stir gently in the night breeze. Prince and Vanity are asleep. He rests on his side, his hands gently surporting his face. She lies behind him, one leg dangling off the bed, one shoe discarded on the floor Suddenly a distant MOAN...QUICK FOOTSTEPS -- A DOOR SLAMS. Vanity SNAPS awake! Fear sweeps her like a shadow from a passing cloud. She listens intently, then-- -- Another DOOR SLAM, QUICK FOOTSTEPS, and Prince's Mother CRYING in the dark-- MOTHER (o.s.) (upstairs) Please! A bottle CRASHES to the floor. Then silence... ...deep silence like snow in the room... Vanity's racked with fear. She sits up slowly, her eyes searching out Prince -- he's sleeping... Suddenly more FOOTSTEPS, a DOOR SLAMS and the Father's CRY-- FATHER (o.s.) No!! WHACK! Something heavy CRASHES to the floor... Vanity rises from the bed in a panic! She smoothes down her dress, searches for her other shoe. She shoots another look to Prince, but he sleeps peacefully. Casting a glance upstairs, she climbs throuch the casement window, disappears into the night. PRINCE is resting on his side, his eyes opened. (50) EXT. PRINCE'S HOUSE AND STREET -- NIGHT Vanity moves quickly along the side of the house, trying desperately to find her wav. Suddenly a HAND reaches out of the darkness, GRABS her by the throat. She SCREAMS, swings her bag desperately -- something CRASHES, into the bushes-- VOICE Damn, baby, hold it! Hold it!! (wails) Oh, God -- God! You broke my nose! She sees it's Morris -- she's beside herself with fear and rage-- VANITY You shit! What the hell are you doing here? He struggles in the bushes -- DOGS start BARKING-- MORRIS Shh! Shh! Shh! oh, Lord help me outta here. (a beat) Hee, hee -- I know you wouldn't want to spend the whole night with ol' pencil dick. VANITY Your nose alright? MORRIS My nose is fine, I'm just wondering if I fucked my shoes up... (a beat) C'mon ... They cut across the yard, head to the street. The CADDY is parked at the curb. Jerome leans against it, reading a newspaper-- VANITY Hi, Jerome. Wow! Nice hubcaps. He grins proudly from ear to ear -- the Caddy sports new chrome wire wheels-- JEROME You like them, huh? VANITY Beautiful. Morris MOANS dismally-- MORRIS Jerome...you think these can be fixed? His shoes are badly scuffed, the leather torn across the top-- JEROME I think they're dead, man. VANITY God, I'm sorry. MORRIS Shit -- it's so rough out here. Just then a PATROL CAR cruises by. The COP regards them suspiciously. Morris and Jerome snap to attention-- MORRIS You lock the door, baby? Let's go! They pile into the Caddy, pull out. (51) EXT. HIGHWAY -- NIGHT The CADDY blazes by in the night. The CITY LIGHTS glimmer spectacularly in the distance. (52) INT./EXT. CADDY -- NIGHT Jerome drives. Morris and Vanity sit in the backseat. He gazes at her ardently-- MORRIS Jerome! Jerome snaps a look in the rear-view -- Morris gives him a deft nod. Jerome opens the glove compartment, searches through the cassette tapes. He finds the one he wants, snaps it into the player. RESTAURANT AMBIANCE fills the car... Note: The restaurant ambiance will grow in volume, and will be followed by exaggerated dinner music, punctuated with strings and delicate cymbals. The MUSIC plays throughout this scene -- and Morris times his words to the ebb and flow of the piece to insure the proper dramatic effect. ...dinner MUSIC begins-- JEROME Cocktails before dinner? MORRIS Yes -- two piƱa coladas. VANITY Uh...make mine a virgin. JEROME Okay... Jerome braces his knees against the wheel, pours two premixed coladas into plastic glasses-- JEROME (to Morris) Will you be having a virgin as well? MORRIS Ye-es! For dessert!! Whawhak! Jerome stifles a laugh, pours a rum miniature into Morris' glass. He hands them back-- MORRIS Thank you. Here you are, dear. They savor their drinks -- Morris' fervor grows by leaps and bounds-- MORRIS Jerome, uh, get your pad and pencil, I think it's gonna be kinda right. If my judge of character is correct, it's going to be about loving tonight. (a beat) Stop me when I get to seventeen. Jerome places a pad by his side, pencil at the ready. He settles the Caddy to a cruising 55 -- Morris looks deeply into Vanity's eyes-- MORRIS Excuse me, baby...I bet you didn't know I had a piece of this restaurant, did you? (a beat) May I taste that? He takes Vanity's drink, slurps a little, burps-- MORRIS Huh, excuse me, that's kind of weak...here, try mine. She does, and begins coughing violently- - VANITY Good God! MORRIS Y'know...they say that saliva is an aphrodisiac. (a beat) You look so lovely tonight. VANITY (couching) Why...thank you. MORRIS Probably you'd look better under exotic...red...liqhts. (another though) I wish you could see my home. It's...it's so exciting. He leans close to her, speaks in a soft, sexy voice-- MORRIS In my bedroom, I have a brass waterbed ... VANITY Oooh! MORRIS I have an Italian cook, Gino Izogochograchi, or something like that. She giggles, looks at him deeply-- MORRIS It's funny...your eyes -- when you stare at me like that, it causes my stomach to qui- quiver. Oh, Lord... An idea flashes across his mind-- MORRIS Do you like diamonds? VANITY Uh, huh. MORRIS Yeah ...? VANITY Yeah. MORRIS I know it's rather masculine, but -- try this one on. He slides a large glass diamond on her finger-- VANITY Ohhh! MORRIS My God, darling it fits. He studies her hands closely-- MORRIS You must have strong hands, but -- they're so soft...like oils in my bubble bath. (a beat) Damn ... He leans close to her-- MORRIS Darling...? VANITY Yeah...? MORRIS I'm not usually so forward, but -- would you like to make love to me? I can make it so nice ... She giggles freely, looks at him with big eyes-- MORRIS Do you know what is meant by the words, huh, I hate to use them, they're so harsh, so American...I mean, and yet on the other hand, they're exciting words. The words... (pause) ...chili sauce. Oh, Lord. (a beat) MORRIS You know, I haven't made love in so long, but with you I know it would be just like riding a bike. I'd remember everything I've ever learned. (a beat) Baby, if the kid can't make you come, nobody can. Jerome checks off his pad-- JEROME (whispers) Morris..! MORRIS Yeah...? JEROME Seventeen. Morris fixes Vanity with his half- lidded, pouty-lip look-- MORRIS Huh, what's it gonna to be baby? She's on the spot, thinks fast-- VANITY PULL OVER THERE! MORRIS What?! JEROME What?! VANITY Over there -- that's where I live. Jerome SKIDS the car to a stop. They're directly in front of a slick, hi-rise apartment building-- MORRIS Here...? VANITY Yes. MORRIS Uh, what one is it? VANITY That one, right there, see? On the 14th floor. MORRIS It's nice, huh? VANITY Oh, it's great. Real pretty. Big open rooms, balconies, fireplace -- the works. He smiles lovingly-- MORRIS Jerome! Jerome puts the Caddy into gear, pulls off into the night- - VANITY Hey, wait! C'mon! (a beat) Okay -- where are you taking me? MORRIS Home. (smiling) You and me are a lot alike.- I like that. So, I'd like to help you out. I think I have something you may be interested, in. VANITY Oh yeah -- what? Jerome hands Morris a cassette -- Morris waves it in front of her nose-- MORRIS A little song and dance. That is, if you can sing and dance. VANITY (defensively) Prince is goinq to help me. Jerome and Moris suppress their laughter- - JEROME Motherfucker needs a haircut. MORRIS Hee, hee, uh, excuse me. No he won't. He's never done anything in his whole life for anybody but himself. VANITY Guys better than you have promised me things before. MORRIS I know that's right, but-- Jerome hands him a card with an address on it. Morris hands the card to her-- MORRIS (con't) -- not Morris Day. (he smiles) Jerome pulls up in front of her motel. Vanity reads the card-- MORRIS Come by any time. | |
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She gets out of the car, stands on the sidewalk. Morris pushes the window button -- nothing happens-- MORRIS Jerome! Jerome leans over, taps the glass -- the window glides down-- MORRIS (to Vanity) One more thing ... Jerome snaps the glove compartment, hands Morris a neatly folded camisole. Morris presents it to her-- MORRIS Here's a little something for you. If you get cold when you wear it, call me. He snaps his fingers -- Jerome pulls the Caddy away with a screech. (54) EXT. VANITY'S MOTEL -- TWILIGHT Vanity stands on the sidewalk a moment, slightly bewildered and very amused. She watches the Cadillac screech around the bend. She turns, goes into the motel. PRINCE stands in the alleyway across the street, his motorcycle parked nearby. He watches as Vanity cuts inside. ![]() [Edited 5/18/10 8:39am] | |
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[Edited 5/1/10 16:18pm] | |
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She comes down the HALLWAY, opens her door with a key. (55A) INT. VANITY'S ROOM -- DAWN She goes inside, drops the tape and card in her bureau. unfolding the camisole, she holds it against her, gazes into the mirror. It looks beautiful. Suddenly a KNOCK at the door-- VANITY Morris...? Another two KNOCKS, something like a confirmation. She smiles, cuts to the door, flings it open -- but Prince is there. She's shocked, but recovers instantly-- VANITY I had a feeling it was you -- I knew it! It's amazing -- I could tell it was you. His face remains placid as he puts on his sunglasses-- PRINCE How'd you get home? VANITY Took a cab. PRINCE Oh yeah? Where'd you get that? She stares at the camisole in her hands- - VANITY I adore camisoles. He nods dispassionately, walks into the room, gives the place the once over, then-- PRINCE Let's ride. [Edited 10/15/10 10:37am] | |
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"Dont I keep the heat on!?" | |
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"He's crazy!" | |
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seriously one of his best songs ever.can someone to post the background story of this song(susannah)? | |
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AERIAL SHOT Prince and Vanity on his motorcycle whipping down the highway. The DAWN LIGHT breaks over the horizon. (57) EXT. ANOTHER HIGHWAY -- DAWN A SERIES OF SHOTS Streaking down a two-lane blacktop obviously exhilarated by the velocity of their ride. The landscape becomes lush, the trees a riot of autumn splendor. (58) EXT. COUNTRY ROAD -- DAWN ANOTHER ANGLE as Prince and Vanity whip up to the top of a small hill, skid to a stop. He scans the area quickly, gets his bearings. He pops the clutch, skids off to the valley below. (59) EXT. WOODS AND STREAM -- DAWN PRINCE AND VANITY ride cautiously through a series of hiking paths, then twist down a small embankment. A STREAM flows before them. They climb off the bike, look around quietly-- VANITY God, this is beautiful. It reminds me of where I grew up. My father used to ... He waits for an answer, it's not forthcoming-- PRINCE Your father used to what...? VANITY Nothing...it's just... (changes subject) You must like places like this. He goes to the stream, balances on several rocks, moves to the other side. The stream flows between them-- VANITY So, have you reconsidered my proposal? PRINCE What...? VANITY What we talked about last time. PRINCE You can't be serious. She starts a little dance step, climaxes it with spins and twirls-- VANITY Oh, come on -- you know you really want to. You've been waiting for this opportunity ...all...your...life... He can't help laughing -- she freezes, looks at him coldly-- PRINCE I'm sorry -- excuse me. VANITY God -- so why do you come around? You don't want to help me, not that you have to. You don't want to sleep with me, not that you have to do that either. So why am I here? He smiles, walks off-- VANITY There's a lot of things you don't know about me. You'd be surprised how many things I could do. He disappears around some trees-- VANITY Take me home immediately! I want to go home. I can't stand this! I can't take this anymore! Prince! PRINCE moves through the trees smiling, studying nature-- VANITY(O.S.) I don't need this! I was doing alright before I met you. Motherfucker, you need a haircut! He comes to a tree, leans against it contentedly, studies the foliage. VANITY paces back and forth frantically along the stream-- VANITY (to herself) I don't get this. (yells) Prince! Who do you think you are?! You don't care. You don't care about anything! I never wanted you to help me anyway! PRINCE rests by the tree, observes TWO HIKERS walking down the path toward him- - VANITY (0.S.) You think you're a good musician?! You're nothing! Morris is better. I never wanted to make it with you anyway. The Hikers pass him startled-- PRINCE Good morning. VANITY PRINCE, I HATE YOU! HIKERS Good morning, sir. And they walk down the path, disappear around the bend. Just then-- ![]() VANITY is standing by his side, a wildflower in her hands-- VANITY (softly) I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. Will you forgive me? PRINCE (softly) Yes. He takes the flower, slips it into his jacket, kisses her forehead. | |
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im lovin the original transcripts! More please!! ![]() is the water warm enough? | |
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Christopher said: OldFriends4Sale said: the BEAUTIFUL ONES replace GSPOT & ELECTRIC INTERCOURSE
seriously one of his best songs ever.can someone to post the background story of this song(susannah)? yes, it replaced Electric Intercourse, and Prince wrote it to woo Susannah Melvoin from her boyfriend | |
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as they ride down a leaf-strewn path and pull to a stop near an old, weathered, dilapidated BARN. It stands laarge and silent like a painting. A low THUNDER rolls across the land... (61) INT. BARN -- DAWN DAWN LIGHT burns through the wooden slats.. STEAM rises from the wet hay scattered throughout. The air is thick and damp. It begins to RAIN. Vanity stands in the middle of the barn, gazing at the storm. Beads of perspiration glisten on her forehead. She turns slowly, watches as Prince retrieves old blankets from a nearby stall. Their eyes search one another out, their breathing becomes short, expectant. She hesitates a moment, then pulls off her blouse, discards it to the moist, dusty floor. ![]() ![]() (62) INT. BARN -- DAY ANOTHER ANGLE RAIN patters srtongly against the barn. A deep THUNDER rolls. She's on top of him, moving deliciously, her body glowing in the purple, dawn light. Moist, purple water shadows streak and course her skin as she moves slowly, then deliberately against him. He watches her avidly, his hands firmly on her thighs, and thrusts into her again and again...and again. ![]() (62A) EXT. BARN -- DAY Leaves scatter as the bike whips thru the wet path. [Edited 5/18/10 8:44am] | |
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The STREETS glisten with the rain. Prince and Vanity pull up in front of her motel. She hugs him fiercely, steps off the bike, her face alive and fresh as a flower. His eyes sparkle-- PRINCE See you later? VANITY When? PRINCE Why? VANITY 'Cause I have to do something first. PRINCE What? VANITY (coyly) A secret... PRINCE Tell me. VANITY No. PRINCE Okay, come by -- eight o'clock. He kicks the bike into gear -- she touches his jacket longingly-- VANITY Bye... ![]() He blasts off. She watches him a moment, her eyes glowing. She heads to her motel, then stops short -- a single CARNATION lies oon the sidewalk. She looks around quickly, almost expecting someone to claim it. But no one's around, so she picks it up, goes inside. | |
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Where, oh where, is the deleted footage for this film????? | |
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The Beautiful Ones is the song that solidified my place in Prince fandom. ![]() When I watched PR for the first time (on DVD), I watched that performance over and over. It's such a brilliant song and my favorite performance in the movie. How can I stand 2 stay where I am? / Poor butterfly who don't understand. | |
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OldFriends4Sale said: (38) INT. VAN1TY'S TABLE AND CLUB -- NIGHT
MORRIS Oh, Lord...either somebody put something in my drink, or you are the finest (motherfucker) I've seen in ages. VANITY Excuse me, what did you say? MORRIS Huh...you look nice tonight. I love this dialogue. ![]() How can I stand 2 stay where I am? / Poor butterfly who don't understand. | |
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CHRISLUV92 said: ![]() ![]() ![]() Lovely ![]() | |
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OldFriends4Sale said: The Purple Rain era:
What can you tell us about the overall vibe of Prince and the whole band on, the night you debuted the Purple Rain tracks at First Ave in Minneapolis? What do you remember of that day before the show and that night after this legendary performance? How nervous do you remember Wendy being before her first gig with the band that night? We were so well rehearsed that any opening night jitters melted away after the first song was played. I think Wendy was more excited than nervous. Tell us about your experience the day that Purple Rain premiered at Hollywood's Mann's Chinese Theater in California. What was going through your head seeing yourself on the big screen? The whole thing was so surreal that day that the memory of it still seems like a dream. Seeing oneself on the big screen for the first time is also a dream come true. Of course, you hope that your complexion is looking OK on a close up. ![]() Dr Fink w/Taja Sevelle Aren't all these quotes from Wendy & Lisa's Myspace page the Girl Bros Network interview with Dr Fink??? Prince may be the purple Yoda, but Wendy & Lisa and Eric Leeds also sit on the Jedi Council. | |
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