A naked LIGHT BULB snaps ON. It dangles like a pendulum, casting strange shadows. The basement is partitioned off into a series of rooms, interconnected by a labyrinthine coimbination of passages. An old washer and dryer stand in the corner. Prince descends the steps slowly. He comes through a door, closes it behind him. He moves down a narrow passageway, enters a small cramped BEDROOM. He closes the door and locks it behind him. MOONLIGHT filters in throuch the cacement windows. The total effect is like entering a womb, a deep dark chamber of security and safety. Lying heavily onto his bed, he sighs long and deep, his eyes piercing the darkness... FADE OUT: FADE IN: | |
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[Edited 4/16/10 10:31am] | |
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FADE IN: Wednesday ... I Don't Know What I'd Do...
(23) INT. CLUB EARLY MORNING MUSIC wafts through the sun-drenched CLUB. Jill is seated at the PIANO, 'a la Marlene Dietrich, SINGING to her heart's content. A cigarette dangles from her lip, a police cap is perched jauntily on her head. It's a simple bar tune, delivered slightly off-key, but with an openness that is endearing. Chick is working in the corner, chuckling to himself, stacking chairs, sweeping up. Suddenly she stops -- listens intently. She jumps up, deliberately spills her orange juice on the piano. Prince comes around the corner, stops short-- PRINCE (surprised) What are you doing here? She's a bundle of loose, embarrassing ends -- the cigarette, hat, juice-- JILL What...what are you doing here? ![]() He feels caught out -- SCANS the BOARD earnestly for Vanity's info -- tries to think of something to say-- PRINCE Huh ... it's kind of dead in here. Where is everybody? JILL In bed I guess... (to herself) Oh, God ... (changes subject) Guess what, I bought a dog. PRINCE That's nice... (he spots vanity's card) Ah, I guess I'll come back at a better time. You think tonight the the place'll be jumping? JILL Well, I'll be here -- I always like what you do. He smiles, moves to the door -- Jill connects with a thought-- JILL Wait! I've got something for you. PRINCE What? A subpoena? JILL (embarrassed) No... She rumages through her bag, pulls out a cassette-- ![]() JILL It's a song Lisa and Wendy wrote. He stiffens, doesn't reach for it-- PRINCE (suspicious) Why didn't they give it to me themselves? JILL Well, I liked it and wanted to listen to it. They told me to give it to you when I was done. He puts his sunglasses on, hesitates, then takes it from her gingerly. He regards it for a long time-- PRINCE You really liked it, huh? | |
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PurpleDiamond2009 said: all i have to say is that i loved his Computer Blue outfit!
![]() doesn't matter how many times i see that outfit.. ![]() | |
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DoffieParker said: PurpleDiamond2009 said: all i have to say is that i loved his Computer Blue outfit!
![]() doesn't matter how many times i see that outfit.. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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PurpleDiamond2009 said: DoffieParker said: doesn't matter how many times i see that outfit.. ![]() ![]() ![]() that would be lush! ![]() | |
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One can never get tired of this movie (oh yeah, or the Computer Blue outfit with eye mask and all). Some would argue but that's 7Silhouette's opinion anyway, lol
Make sure to add your say! Stories, memories, influenced by Prince? Why? Whatever your say is, make sure to share it with us! http://www.7silhouetteproject.com/ PRINCE BOOK project. HTTP://WWW.7SILHOUETTEPROJECT.COM/
Add YOUR thoughts (comments, memories, REVIEWS, thoughts, etc.). | |
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OldFriends4Sale said:[quote]Benefit Concert For The Minnesota
Dance Theater Company August 3,1983 1st Avenue ![]() 1.Let's Go Crazy 2.When You Were Mine 3.A Case Of You 4.Computer Blue 5.Delirious 6.Electric Intercourse 7.Automatic 8.I Would Die 4 U /Baby I'm A Star 9. Little Red Corvette 10.Purple Rain 11.D.M.S.R ![]() | |
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NelsonR said:[quote] OldFriends4Sale said: Benefit Concert For The Minnesota
Dance Theater Company August 3,1983 1st Avenue ![]() 1.Let's Go Crazy 2.When You Were Mine 3.A Case Of You 4.Computer Blue 5.Delirious 6.Electric Intercourse 7.Automatic 8.I Would Die 4 U /Baby I'm A Star 9. Little Red Corvette 10.Purple Rain 11.D.M.S.R ![]() before I even heard the live set, hearing the rehearsal for this you could feel the energy and excitement. The band was tight on this 1 | |
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my fav movie of all time ![]() ![]() | |
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nursev said: my fav movie of all time
![]() ![]() I watch this movie and just don't see all the mistakes that are brought up, it moves to fast. I think the only mistake I 'noticed' was Apollonia's wet hair drying in 2 seconds when she drove away with the Kid on th bike. This movie could have been longer some performance scenes or Wednesday. This movie moves,really quickly | |
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![]() ![]() ![]() aka ChristinaS | |
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barn scene
![]() aka ChristinaS | |
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![]() ![]() ![]() aka ChristinaS | |
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CHRISLUV92 said: barn scene
![]() ![]() aka ChristinaS | |
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MUSIC throbs throuch the crammed, rundown REHEARSAL HALL. Hardwood floors, a wall of mirrors, and a bank of windows provides the setting. SUNLIGHT streams through tattered yellow shades. The Time is set up on one side providing the music for "Sex Shooter" a saucy number with an irresistible beat. Morris, with Jerome by his side, stands in the middle of the floor, SHOUTS instructions to... ...BRENDA and SUSAN, gamely trying some intricate dance steps. Brenda is 21 years old, blond, sexy, with an alluring new-wave look. Susan is 16 years old, with dark, lustrous hair and a sexy baby- doll quality. Right now they're tired as hell, and a little angry-- MORRIS One, two, three, kick! One, two, three, kick! Four, five...Oh, Lord. Cut! Cut! The MUSIC stops, the girls come to a halt -- Morris regards them evenly-- ![]() MORRIS You ladies don't seem to realize how valuable my time is. You're going to make my boys look bad. BRENDA Why don't you let us come up with our own steps? Morris glares at her-- MORRIS We tried that... (sweetly) ... remember? The Girls fidget-- MORRIS Now you're in the best possible position you can be in, so what' s the matter -- your shoes on too tight or something? (claps his hands) Let's have some action, let's have some asses wiggling, I want some perfection. Whawhak! The MUSIC starts up -- the Girls start dancing. Morris looks woefully to Jerome--- MORRIS I think I'm going to need a drink, a strong drink. (a beat) Let's get the hell out of here. ![]() [Edited 4/17/10 12:48pm] | |
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![]() ![]() aka ChristinaS | |
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Morris and Jerome move briskIy down the sidewalk-- ![]() MORRIS This just ain't happening. The bitches are okay, but we need something more exciting- JEROME You're right. We could be doing much better. Any ideas? MORRIS That powder fine babe we saw last night. JEROME Oooh, yeee! -- Why don't we find out who she is? Morris snaps an address in front of his face-- MORRIS I already know that. Jill gave me everything last night. Whawhak! JEROME Then what are we waiting for? Let's go! MORRIS No, no -- that ain't classy enough. I want the bitch to come to me -- I'm the only star in this town. Suddenly a BEAUTIFUL BABE lunges into the sidewalk from the alley-- BABE (yelling) Morris Day, who do you think you are?! I waited up all night for you. I'm so tired of you doing that to me. You think you're so hot? You're nothing special. This is the third time you pulled that shit. Who the fuck do you think I am?! MORRIS Jerome! Jerome puts the girl in a headlock, DRAGS her into the alley-- BABE (screaming) Leave me alone you ape! -- What are you doing to me?! Morris!! He flings her into the dumpster, SLAMS the lid with a CRASH. Morris pats his brow-- MORRIS Lo-rd..! Such nastiness. (a beat) Hee, hee -- Let's break. They streak across the street, double- time it to the CADDY. A COP sweeps by, gives them a curious look. Morris puts on a dignified air, then stops, stupified-- | |
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Jerome, this car -- it's...it's lacking something. What do you think? JEROME Hmm... I don't know... MORRIS I got it! The hubcaps. We need something sweeter. JEROME I think I know what it needs. Morris is pondering his Stacy Adams-- MORRIS Yeah ... I know what these need. (26) INT. SHOESHINE STAND -- DOWNTOWN -- DAY Morris sits in the chair, his Stacy Adams worked on by an old, grizzled SHOESHINE BOY in his mid-sixties, with large jowls and silver close-cropped hair. Jerome stands nearby, watches intently-- MORRIS (musing) The girl has expensive tastes. I wonder if she can sing. JEROME As fine as she is...she doesn't have to know how to sing. MORRIS (grace) I know that's right. (to Shoeshine) Hey -- watch it now. The Shoeshine Boy looks up balefully -- Morris smiles, then grits his teeth-- MORRIS I want you to stay out of the set tonight. I want you to work the floor. JEROME What for? MORRIS I want to know when that sweet thing shows up. You stay by the door, you see her, you come get me, cool? JEROME Cool. I come get you -- let you know the girl's there. MORRIS Well, not if I'm with my other babes. That wouldn't be cool. I don't want to break their hearts, and you know how I feel abouy that. So we ought to have like, a signal. JEROME A password. MORRIS Okay. What's the password? JEROME You got it. MORRIS Got what? JEROME The password. MORRIS The password is what? JEROME Exactly. MORRIS The password is exactly? JEROME No, it's-- MORRIS -- Hold it now. Slow down. The babe walks in and you see her. JEROME I see her. MORRIS You come get me. JEROME I come get you. MORRIS And I'll probably have a couple little sexies on the stand-by, and we don't want to upset them, do we? So you just glide by me and say...what? JEROME Okay. MORRIS The password is okay? JEROME Far as I'm concerned. MORRIS Dammit! Say the password. JEROME What. MORRIS Say the password, sperm breath! JEROME The password is what. MORRIS (frustrated) That's what I'm asking you! JEROME (more frustrated) It's the password! MORRIS The password is it? JEROME (exasperated) Ahhhhh! The password is what! MORRIS It! You just said so! JEROME The password isn't it! The password is-- MORRIS -- What? JEROME Got it! MORRIS 1 got it? JEROME Right. MORRIS It or right? JEROME (perplexed) What?? The Shoeshine Boy looks up slowly -- regards them with a soulfull look-- SHOESHINE BOY Either of you do heavy drugs? | |
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AFTERNOON The SIDEWALKS are alive with bustling SHOPPERS. Vanity walks aimlessly past store windows, staring longingly at the expensive items. BRIDAL SHOP as she stops suddenly and stares transfixed. A YOUNG WOMAN, startingly similiar to her in looks and coloring, tries on a beautiful bridal gown as a SEAMSTRESS adjusts the hem. The entire scene is warm and endearing. Vanity is struck by lt's beauty and seems to sigh. The Young Woman looks up suddenly, catches Vanity's gaze, and gives her an affectionate smile. Vanity smiles back avidly, then-- PRINCE (0. S .) Give me that. She looks up startled-- PRINCE There ... on your boot. She looks down -- it's the expensive gold chain. She hesitates, then hands it to him. He drops it into his pocket, walks away-- VANITY Hey, wait! She runs after him-- VANITY Give it back to me He continues to walk briskly -- she starts pulling on his coat-- PRINCE You can have it back later. VANITY I want it back now, okay? PRINCE Who gave it to you? VANITY A person PRINCE Female or male? VANITY Huh ... PRINCE You're lying. I can tell just by your reaction that you're lying. He moves away briskly -- Vanity stands her ground, amused-- PRINCE So you gave it to me -- it's not yours anymore. He stops short -- something has caught his eye. She's curious, comes up behind him, then-- VANITY You see something you like? He puts on his sunglasses. A GUITAR stands prominently in the window. PRINCE Let's go for a ride. He flips her the gold chain' -- turns hastily. She weighs it in her hand, studies the guitar-- VANITY It's pretty. ![]() | |
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. [Edited 4/17/10 18:34pm] | |
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Prince and Vanity on his MOTORCYCLE blazing down the HIGHWAY, twisting through TRAFFIC. The CITY is behind them, receding into the distance. (29) Ext. COUNTRYSIDE -- DUSK They pull off an access road, drop down a small embankment, ride down a narrow, dirt road. ![]() LAKESIDE The pull to a stop. A LAKE stretches before them. Vanity gets off the bike, walks around exploring, casting curious glances at Prince. He stands by the water, idly tossing stones-- VANITY My psychic told rne I was going to be famous. PRINCE How much did that cost you? VANITY Fifty bucks. It was a good investment. ![]() He doesn't respond -- she suddenly feels shy-- VANITY No seriously -- My psychic did tell me. I was in a play once. PRINCE Oh, yeah -- what did you play? VANITY Isadora Duncan... She stretches her arms like a butterfly, does a little step-- VANITY That means I can sing and dance. (a beat) Want to help me? PRINCE (swiftly) Nope. VANITY (surprised) Pardon me? PRINCE Nope. She's Perplexed-- PRINCE Want to know why? VANITY (defensively) Nope. PRINCE (a beat) Because you wouldn't pass the initiation. VANITY What initiation? PRINCE Well, for starters ycu have to purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka. VANITY What? PRINCE You have to purify yourself in Lake Minnetonka. ![]() Her brow furrows, she looks out across the lake. He's calmly throwing stones. Recognizing a challenge when she sees one, she formulates a plan, faces him seductively, shoots him an open look. He stops suddenly, locks eyes with her, feels his knees go weak. Her hold on him is unmistakable. She pulls off her blouse in one fluid motion, tugs off her boots, drops her pants to the ground. She's exquisite, takes a step toward him. Passion rings in his veins ... Suddenly she turns on her heels, moves purposefully toward the water. He's shocked, realizes that she's about to go in-- PRINCE Hey, wait a minute! Thats-- But she silences him savagely-- VANITY We made a deal! And before he can react she scampers along a log, DIVES beneath the surface. He can't believe it -- her spirit really impresses him. She breaks the surface coughing and sputtering, hops and jumps to the shore-- PRINCE Hold it. VANITY What? PRINCE That ain't Lake Minnetonka. He tries to keep a straight face, jumps on his motorcvcle, STARTS it up. His words take a moment to sink in, then-- VANITY (enraged) You bastard. I don't believe it. How could you do that to me?! She gathers up her clothes, tries desperately to put them on. She slips and falls -- Prince can't help laughing- - VANITY Damn you -- I'll kill you. She starts throwing stones. He laughs, blasts up the path-- VANITY (screaming) You prick! Are you sick?! Is this some kind of ritual -- getting your kicks! How many girls have you done this to? ACCESS ROAD He blazes up the embankment, SAILS through the air, drops expertly onto the road. He fishtails to a slick stop. Vanity is by the lake, flailing about, throwing things, trying to get into her boots-- VANITY Bastard! He laughs heartily, wants to kid her, rides down the road as if he's leaving. Having his fun, he slows, turns to go back ... ...his smile dissolves instantly. Vanity is in the middleof the road, flagging down a small PICKUP TRUCK. She hops in, slams the door. The truck peels out, bears down upon him. He gesticulates his arms wildly -- wants to explain-- PRINCE Hey ... But the truck streaks past -- Vanity's look is cold, triumphant. [Edited 4/19/10 10:33am] | |
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MUSIC. The CLUB is PACKED! THE MODERN AIRES is onstage, a hi-techno funk group, performing their trademark, a frenzied song entitled "Modern Aire" The floor is dense with KIDS, all performing the same syncopated dance. PRINCE moves through the club slowly, seems to be searching someone out. His face is drawn and haggard, his spirits strained. He cuts past the BAR, barely acknowledges Jill, or the other WAITRESSES by her side, KIM and KATY. Jill looks concerned-- KIM Honey, you still chasing after that fool? Kim is 21 years and gorgeous, with dark eyes, a smooth sculpted face, and taut shapely legs. She is street-educated and doesn't need encouraging to speak her mind. Katy is also in her-early 20's, a tall, alluring Oriental, with an attractive, intelligent face-- JILL I'm doing what I'm doing. It's my business. KATY He doesn't even look at you. That's the last thing you want from a man. JILL You just don't know him like I do. KIM Honey... Look, Listen, and then Feel. If you do them in any other order, you're headed for trouble. Matt and Bobby (members of Prince's group) stroll up-- BOBBY Hey, Jill -- where's our drinks? JILL They're coming -- just wait. Matt stares hungrily at her breasts-- JILL What you want isn't on the menu. BOBBY Jill, in ten years they'll be on the table. She swats him with her order pad -- Bobby ducks, taunts her-- BOBBY C'mon, c'mon ... She goes to swing, Matt moves in, squeezes her breasts-- MATT (horn sound) BooPoo!! KIM Get out of here, you jerks! MATT Sweetheart ... do you have a real hot place where I could stick my nose? KIM Sure -- try a microwave. The Guys bust up, head for their tables- - KATY Those guys are deep. KIM Yeah -- deeply retarded. | |
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Vanity stands in line waiting to get in. She wears a short, black dress and red heels, carries a black and red clutchbag. Her hair is swept back and wind-blown, her eyes dark and dancing. She looks wickedly wonderful and knows it. CHICK stands by the window, arms folded, as massive as a Sequoia. He regards her suspiciously-- VANITY (sweetly) I'm paying ... see? (to cashier, gruff) Keep the change. Chick advances on her -- her eyes widen with fear-- CHICK The manager wants to see you. VANITY Really..? Oh, great...like to see him too. She breaths a sigh of relief. JEROME watches as Chick escorts Vanity to the upper level. He stays short distance behind. (32) INT. CLUB UPPER LEVEL -- NIGHT as Vanity and Chick come to a halt in the middle of the f Ioor-- CHICK He'll be right with you. Chick walks away. Jerome makes a move toward her, but pulls himself up short - - BILLY SPARKS has approached her-- BILLY SPARKS Hi, I'm Billy Sparks, I manage this place. Vanity turns around -- her eyes widen with surprise-- He's 38 years old, 5'3" tall and weighs about 180 pounds. He's dressed in a baby-blue running suit.and white tennis shoes that come to a point. A dark- skinned, smooth-faced black man, he's wearing small, white sunglasses and a base-ball cap perched on his head. Fred Flintstone in Harlem. A hip, fast- talking jive motherfucker who uses profanity like a light saber. Chubby, cuddly, cherubic Billy Sparks. He'd sell his mother if he thought he could make a buck. They size one another up in. about three seconds-- VANITY Hi -- I really like your club. BILLY Really... VANITY What time is it? BILLY Nine, sweets. VANITY Oh, that's a really nice watch. Very pretty. Billy lights a cigarette, offers her one, she accepts-- VANITY You look like a guy I used to go out with -- he was a lot older, but I like older men. BILLY Really, what a coincidence. VANITY I just came off a Broadway play. My grandmother got sick. BILLY Does she live here? VANITY No, in New York ... (catches herself) But, huh, I have a sister here, lives in Saint ... huh ... BILLY ...Paul. VANITY Amazing. BILLY Ye-es. (smiles) What do you want to do? You don't want to be a waitress do you? VANITY No ... no...Actually I was thinking more in the way of the stage. BILLY Of course... how about dinner? VANITY Theatre? BILLY Dinner, then the theatre, my sweets. VANITY Oh, huh... Jerome appears-- JEROME Hi ya, Billy. BILLY Good evening, Jerome. Vanity sees her escape-- VANITY Jerome -- I was looking all over for you! They BOTH look at her surprised-- BILLY You know each other? VANITY Of course. Jerome goes along with it-- JEROME Yes, we've met. I have something to show you. VANITY Great. See you later, Billy. She walks away with Jerome, arm in arm-- VANITY You rescued me. JEROME (smiles) Ye-es. | |
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Prince and his band (Mark, Bobby, Matt, Lisa) sit backstage, waiting to go on. An air of tension permeates the room. Lisa sits in the corner and fidgets, casts sidelong looks to Prince. He sits apart from the group, deathly silent, locked in thouqht. Wendy walks in and shares a look with Lisa. She goes up to Prince, her voice filled with nervousness-- WENDY Hi ya, Prince. I heard through the grapevine you had a new tune written by two great girls. By chance did you hear it? He stares at her -- if looks could kill Wendy would be dead-- LISA I knew it -- he didn't listen to it. He probably dropped it under his bike and rolled over it. Prince grunts, turns away -- Wendy is amazed-- WENDY Wow! Okay...you think about this. I'm going to be real honest with you. You're really being full of shit. ![]() LISA Forget about it, Wendy. Let's get out of here-- But Wendy, agitated, silences her with a fierce gesture-- WENDY (to Prince) Every time we give you a song, you say you're going to use it, but you never do. You always think that we're doing something behind your back. You're just being paranoid as usual. LISA Wendy... WENDY (upset) Shut up, Lisa, please! (to Prince) You should know by now that we wouldn't hurt vou. We're not out to put a dark cloud over your head. It's just to make you feel good, Prince -- that's what it's all about. You've been this way with us before, remember? ![]() PRINCE (maliciously) The nominees for the best actress are-- LISA -- Fuck it, Wendy -- let's break! Wendy is shaking, tears spring to her eyes-- WENDY Do you know you can really, really hurt people? Doesn't that mean anything to you? Doesn't that make you feel like shit? LISA C'mon ... WENDY I'm tired of this ... I'm really tired... They leave the room, Wendy SLAMS the door behind her. Prince casts a look to Bobby, Mark, Matt-- PRINCE You tired, too? MATT God got Wendy's periods reversed. About every 28 days, she starts acting nice. Lasts about a weekend. Thud. The joke hangs suspended like a ball and chain. Bobby gets up, the others follow him to the door-- BOBBY What difference does it make, Prince. We're still a group, right? They cut out the door. | |
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Goofs for
Purple Rain (1984) advertisement Continuity: Prince's motorcycle tire changes from a street tire to an off-road tire when he is near the river. Boom mic visible: When Apollonia says "I'm thinking about buying a guitar", the boom mic is visible. Crew or equipment visible: In the Let's Go Crazy sequence, when Morris Day is examining himself in a mirror, he takes a step to the side, revealing a stage hand in a white cap in the mirror. He realises he's in the shot and takes a step to the side. Continuity: During the "Purple Rain" performance, Prince's shirt starts to unbutton. After he runs to unlock his bike, to make his get away, it's buttoned up. Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Jerome and Morris are walking around the block, discussing the problems with the girls' group, as Morris says: "That Apollonia babe we saw last night" his lips don't move in sync with the dialogue dub. He's actually mouthing "Vanity" instead of "Apollonia", indicating that this scene was filmed before Vanity backed out of the shoot. Continuity: The notecard application Apollonia fills out in the first club scene lists her experience as "Singer & Dancer," yet when it is posted on the board in later scenes this section is blank. Revealing mistakes: While performing Purple Rain towards the end of the movie, The Kid is playing his electric guitar without it being plugged into an amplifier. As he continues singing he is waving his hand, not playing the guitar, but his guitar can still be heard in the song as his other hand is pressing the frets. Errors in geography: As Prince drives up his street returning home at the end of When Doves Cry, a palm tree is visible in the background, suggesting the scene was shot in Hollywood, not Minneapolis, where the film is set. Here's something just for fun!! | |
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