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SCNDLS said: Savage said: During a recent residency with his band in Las Vegas, the Purple Rain singer claims to have rehearsed a total of 150 songs.
So vegas was a sound rehersal and London will be the real deal? I like that. Glad we didn't pay all that money to fly to vegas. Even so, I don't think you can really compare seeing Prince in a 900 person club followed by being in a 40-seat room to seeing Prince in an arena with 23,000 other people. It's apples to oranges. I've seen him at the American Airlines Center in Dallas twice that seats 18,700 (sold out both times) and the Superdome with 20,000 people and I'd take one show at 3121 over all the arena shows any day. The intimate venue alone was worth the trips IMO. I'm sure you'll enjoy the shows in London, but it's just a completely different experience. [Edited 5/8/07 15:05pm] It's been speculated that he's playing the club venue within the arena that seats around 2000 so that's still a fairly small venue. Vegas was a great time for all of us who were able to attend but your statement sounds a bit like some type of one-upmanship...just sayin'. I hope all the Euro-peeps have a great time! ![]() Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise. | |
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ian said: Jamzone333 said: He is happy and at peace...leave him alone and be thankful for the music... ![]() If he was truly at peace, he wouldn't feel the need to mention how "spiritual" he is at every opportunity. I'll be thankful when he plays some music and keeps his religion to himself for a change. man where do I start with this? Prince is being who he is. He is religeous get over it...he always has been. Hes damn near 50 not 23. Hes matured and religeon is clearly imporatant to him and anyone who has faith talks about it...especially when asked. Christians are specifically called on to spread the word of Christ. Look I'm sure your probably a nice person and all but you have issues. This dude is so happy to be free from all the BS. Its so clear. While I agree that his music isn't the same thats OK because all artists have a season or seasons. However Prince shouldn't compromise his intergrity all because you want him to wear high heal boots, lace panties & sing about makin love to Cherrys gone. Get with it.... just enjoy the guy for the music that he gave you and that you love. Don't be mad at him for moving on to a different place There are people that watched that SB appearance expecting Prince from 1986 to pop out any minute with his a$$ out, humping the stage singing like somebody kicked him in the nuts...those people hadn't moved on but were pleasantly suprised that Prince had. Sounds like you need to do the same...also might help you to enjoy some of the music he is doing a little better also Let it go...let the vibe just flow Dance... Let me see you dance | |
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Attention UKers and traveling Europeans!!!!
Please purchase extra tickets for the London gigs for your fellow American Orgers who will not be able to awaken at 3 a.m. this Friday to purchase tix. 31.21 GBP (= 62.0959 USD) is still half the price of his $125.00 Vegas tickets. Thanks! ![]() | |
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babynoz said: It's been speculated that he's playing the club venue within the arena that seats around 2000 so that's still a fairly small venue.
Vegas was a great time for all of us who were able to attend but your statement sounds a bit like some type of one-upmanship...just sayin' That was not my point at all. Savage said that he/she was glad that they didn't spend the money to go to Vegas and I was just pointing out that an arena experience is vastly different from seeing him in 3121 LV. I mentioned some of the arenas I've seen him in to say that I have something to compare it to. Unlike a lot of people that say stuff with no frame of reference. And as I said in my original post I'm sure that they'll still enjoy the show regardless. Also, I doubt that the Superbowl stage is going to fit in the smaller UK venue so the show will most likely be in the big arena and not club venue. [Edited 5/8/07 17:11pm] | |
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SCNDLS said: babynoz said: It's been speculated that he's playing the club venue within the arena that seats around 2000 so that's still a fairly small venue.
Vegas was a great time for all of us who were able to attend but your statement sounds a bit like some type of one-upmanship...just sayin' That was not my point at all. Savage said that he/she was glad that they didn't spend the money to go to Vegas and I was just pointing out that an arena experience is vastly different from seeing him in 3121 LV. I mentioned some of the arenas I've seen him in to say that I have something to compare it to. Unlike a lot of people that say stuff with no frame of reference. And as I said in my original post I'm sure that they'll still enjoy the show regardless. Also, I doubt that the Superbowl stage is going to fit in the smaller UK venue so the show will most likely be in the big arena and not club venue. [Edited 5/8/07 17:11pm] I agree that arenas and small clubs are vastly different experiences. I've seen Prince in every size venue except in a stadium! I couldn't afford to go to the Rio de Janiero gig. I've been up in his face and in the balcony. Smaller venues are great because you're in his space. But, the best place to see Prince perform is on a video set when he's looking across a piano and singing to you. ![]() ![]() I feel bad that our fellow European Orgers traveled thousands of miles to see Prince in Vegas and now he's going to London. Then again, I have traveled thousands of miles to London to see Prince open the european leg of the One Nite Alone Tour in 2002. Tickets for three concert dates in London: $200; Airline Ticket: $500; Hotel Room for 3 Nights: $400; Dancing on stage with Prince: Priceless. Can I afford to do it in 2007? I'm willing it to be!!!! | |
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SCNDLS said: babynoz said: It's been speculated that he's playing the club venue within the arena that seats around 2000 so that's still a fairly small venue.
Vegas was a great time for all of us who were able to attend but your statement sounds a bit like some type of one-upmanship...just sayin' That was not my point at all. Savage said that he/she was glad that they didn't spend the money to go to Vegas and I was just pointing out that an arena experience is vastly different from seeing him in 3121 LV. I mentioned some of the arenas I've seen him in to say that I have something to compare it to. Unlike a lot of people that say stuff with no frame of reference. And as I said in my original post I'm sure that they'll still enjoy the show regardless. Also, I doubt that the Superbowl stage is going to fit in the smaller UK venue so the show will most likely be in the big arena and not club venue. [Edited 5/8/07 17:11pm] My apologies if I misread your intentions, it is a different experience as I'm sure we all realize. Is he doing the entire run of shows in the 23,000 seat arena? That seems a tall order. I read that there will also be gigs in smaller venues so hopefully lots of our Euro-friends will get the small club experience just like we did. ![]() Prince, in you I found a kindred spirit...Rest In Paradise. | |
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babynoz said: SCNDLS said: That was not my point at all. Savage said that he/she was glad that they didn't spend the money to go to Vegas and I was just pointing out that an arena experience is vastly different from seeing him in 3121 LV. I mentioned some of the arenas I've seen him in to say that I have something to compare it to. Unlike a lot of people that say stuff with no frame of reference. And as I said in my original post I'm sure that they'll still enjoy the show regardless. Also, I doubt that the Superbowl stage is going to fit in the smaller UK venue so the show will most likely be in the big arena and not club venue. [Edited 5/8/07 17:11pm] My apologies if I misread your intentions, it is a different experience as I'm sure we all realize. Is he doing the entire run of shows in the 23,000 seat arena? That seems a tall order. I read that there will also be gigs in smaller venues so hopefully lots of our Euro-friends will get the small club experience just like we did. ![]() No problem ![]() | |
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how many people does the 02 arena hold? | |
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BlackAdder7 said: how many people does the 02 arena hold?
23,000 this is the famous mellenium dome which is now called O2(named for a cell phone company) I think he wont stop at london he might take long residency in various big cities of the world. nyc maybe next La could follow that chicago [Edited 5/8/07 20:50pm] | |
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Why THE HELL do i not live in London. That's beyoooond dope!!
U.K. Fans are soooo lucky with this one! | |
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My wife will be heavily pregnant by these dates and the O2 priority tickets are for right next to the main stage (in the round) does Prince have standing areas normally....that would be a no no fr a pregnant woman!!!!! What are the chances of it being standing only in some areas? | |
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About Prince's references to his religion: I think that it's pretty normal for musicians to tell their audience what motivates them apart from making music itself. Usually it's love, fame, money, or personal problems. In Prince's case it's religion.
The problem is that there is so little musicians can say about music itself. | |
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I have a question..
Now that the NPGMC is closed down (which I payed for, a few weeks b4 he closed it) r there pré-sale tickets available through his 3121 site? Or is it just Ticketmaster & Seetickets? thank u 4 answering. ![]() ...Your coochie gonna swell up and fall apart... | |
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went on to the ticket site
tickets not on sale yet wots going on | |
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![]() Socks still got butt like a leather seat... | |
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Alexandernvrmind said: ian said: If he was truly at peace, he wouldn't feel the need to mention how "spiritual" he is at every opportunity. I'll be thankful when he plays some music and keeps his religion to himself for a change. man where do I start with this? Prince is being who he is. He is religeous get over it...he always has been. Hes damn near 50 not 23. Hes matured and religeon is clearly imporatant to him and anyone who has faith talks about it...especially when asked. Christians are specifically called on to spread the word of Christ. Look I'm sure your probably a nice person and all but you have issues. This dude is so happy to be free from all the BS. Its so clear. While I agree that his music isn't the same thats OK because all artists have a season or seasons. However Prince shouldn't compromise his intergrity all because you want him to wear high heal boots, lace panties & sing about makin love to Cherrys gone. Get with it.... just enjoy the guy for the music that he gave you and that you love. Don't be mad at him for moving on to a different place There are people that watched that SB appearance expecting Prince from 1986 to pop out any minute with his a$$ out, humping the stage singing like somebody kicked him in the nuts...those people hadn't moved on but were pleasantly suprised that Prince had. Sounds like you need to do the same...also might help you to enjoy some of the music he is doing a little better also Let it go...let the vibe just flow Where do I even start with this level of lunacy... You're projecting a little there, I didn't mention any of the things you suggest. I'd just prefer it if Prince kept his nutty religious nonsense to himself and allow someone else to manage his publicity more intelligently. I don't dispute his right to pursue whatever beliefs make him happy, but he's trying to promote a tour here. Talking about his faith may impress some people on the other side of the Atlantic, but we're a bit more cynical in this part of the world. Prince should show some respect for his (primarily secular) audience and hold back on the Bible bullshit for a change. He's like a goddamn broken record. If he was really interested in growing as a human being, he should try reading something else for a change, getting himself an education instead of boring us all with his talk of prophets, theocratic orders and scripture. Anyway, let's be real. If Prince was as profoundly Christian as he claims, as deeply religious and inspired by scripture as he suggests, he'd be spending his time on something more worthwhile than making a ton of cash off some rock concerts. A rich spoiled rocker like Prince telling us for the umpteenth how he'll be spending his spare time with his nose in his Bible needs to be treated with the same scepticism as MJ telling us that having children sleep in his bed is entirely innocent. [Edited 5/9/07 4:20am] | |
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I think it will be in the big arena, on his site he mentions an in the round stage, and after seeing the pictures of the club and the arena, I think this will only be possible in the arena | |
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ian said: Jamzone333 said: He is happy and at peace...leave him alone and be thankful for the music... ![]() If he was truly at peace, he wouldn't feel the need to mention how "spiritual" he is at every opportunity. I'll be thankful when he plays some music and keeps his religion to himself for a change. Actually, the more connected someone is with their faith, the more they will be willing and driven to share it. Shame so many people are threatened by a person with spiritual beliefs these days. | |
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ian said: Alexandernvrmind said: man where do I start with this? Prince is being who he is. He is religeous get over it...he always has been. Hes damn near 50 not 23. Hes matured and religeon is clearly imporatant to him and anyone who has faith talks about it...especially when asked. Christians are specifically called on to spread the word of Christ. Look I'm sure your probably a nice person and all but you have issues. This dude is so happy to be free from all the BS. Its so clear. While I agree that his music isn't the same thats OK because all artists have a season or seasons. However Prince shouldn't compromise his intergrity all because you want him to wear high heal boots, lace panties & sing about makin love to Cherrys gone. Get with it.... just enjoy the guy for the music that he gave you and that you love. Don't be mad at him for moving on to a different place There are people that watched that SB appearance expecting Prince from 1986 to pop out any minute with his a$$ out, humping the stage singing like somebody kicked him in the nuts...those people hadn't moved on but were pleasantly suprised that Prince had. Sounds like you need to do the same...also might help you to enjoy some of the music he is doing a little better also Let it go...let the vibe just flow Where do I even start with this level of lunacy... You're projecting a little there, I didn't mention any of the things you suggest. I'd just prefer it if Prince kept his nutty religious nonsense to himself and allow someone else to manage his publicity more intelligently. I don't dispute his right to pursue whatever beliefs make him happy, but he's trying to promote a tour here. Talking about his faith may impress some people on the other side of the Atlantic, but we're a bit more cynical in this part of the world. Prince should show some respect for his (primarily secular) audience and hold back on the Bible bullshit for a change. He's like a goddamn broken record. If he was really interested in growing as a human being, he should try reading something else for a change, getting himself an education instead of boring us all with his talk of prophets, theocratic orders and scripture. Anyway, let's be real. If Prince was as profoundly Christian as he claims, as deeply religious and inspired by scripture as he suggests, he'd be spending his time on something more worthwhile than making a ton of cash off some rock concerts. A rich spoiled rocker like Prince telling us for the umpteenth how he'll be spending his spare time with his nose in his Bible needs to be treated with the same scepticism as MJ telling us that having children sleep in his bed is entirely innocent. [Edited 5/9/07 4:20am] On the real, no artist is above criticism...And Prince, who certainly has made some head scratching decisions during his career, certainly fits the bill...But it sounds like to me that you have issues with religion all together (You showed your hand with that "nutty religious nonsense" ...Hell, I don't agree with the man's beliefs...But damn homie, get over it...It aint that serious... | |
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In Princes defense regarding his spiritual musings he did initially say "I'm taking time out for travel and study". It was only when a journalist asked him specifically what he was going to study did he mention the bible.
Now I'm not entirely crazy about every spiritual musing from Prince but credit were credits due he didn't actually bring the topic up until asked. While we're on the subject I think that even if you are completely agnostic it's rude to ask someone a question then laugh when the answer is the bible. This is not coming from a Christian just someone who values respect | |
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squirrelgrease said: Looking for a house?! But... but... what about Minnesota... Paisley Park? Don't you like us anymore?
Me cry. I'm sure all this 'buying a house in London' has been blown out of all proportion, if he's gonna be in London throughout August he doesn't want to stay in a hotel (thinks 3121 house parties etc), so I'm sure it's somewhere to rent for the duration of the shows! | |
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squirrelgrease said: colm said: This is what the Guardian newspaper has to say
he revealed that he is taking inspiration at the moment from "prophets from the Bible". Prince said that afterwards he planned "to travel and study the Bible". Prince has not played a UK arena for at least ten years. Jesus Christ. Hasn't Prince memorized that fucking book of fables by now? | |
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ian said: Jamzone333 said: He is happy and at peace...leave him alone and be thankful for the music... ![]() If he was truly at peace, he wouldn't feel the need to mention how "spiritual" he is at every opportunity. I'll be thankful when he plays some music and keeps his religion to himself for a change. I think that Prince has the right to talk about being spiritual if he wants to. He has nothing to be ashamed of. If u r not ashamed of me then u will tell everyone about me, and let others know who I am. So dont hate, to each is own. U can either love it or leave it. I have in one hand a bucket of water and a torch in the other, with these I will set heaven on fire and put out the flames in hell so that no one will worship god in fear of not going to heaven or ending up in hell. | |
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I saw him on the news last night and wondered what it was all about, this is so exciting, I hope I can go, I live in London so I dont see why not - its just finding someone to go with. ![]() | |
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lalalailoveu said: OMG!!!!!
I can't believe it!!!! I'm in shock! Chucking a sickie on Fri morning when the tickets go on sale, I am sooo there!!! I'm so excited but I've got nobody to tell, hence this message as I don't know anybody who likes him! My hubby is really excited (not) as he'll be coming with me!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm in shock!!! | |
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murph said: ian said: Where do I even start with this level of lunacy... You're projecting a little there, I didn't mention any of the things you suggest. I'd just prefer it if Prince kept his nutty religious nonsense to himself and allow someone else to manage his publicity more intelligently. I don't dispute his right to pursue whatever beliefs make him happy, but he's trying to promote a tour here. Talking about his faith may impress some people on the other side of the Atlantic, but we're a bit more cynical in this part of the world. Prince should show some respect for his (primarily secular) audience and hold back on the Bible bullshit for a change. He's like a goddamn broken record. If he was really interested in growing as a human being, he should try reading something else for a change, getting himself an education instead of boring us all with his talk of prophets, theocratic orders and scripture. Anyway, let's be real. If Prince was as profoundly Christian as he claims, as deeply religious and inspired by scripture as he suggests, he'd be spending his time on something more worthwhile than making a ton of cash off some rock concerts. A rich spoiled rocker like Prince telling us for the umpteenth how he'll be spending his spare time with his nose in his Bible needs to be treated with the same scepticism as MJ telling us that having children sleep in his bed is entirely innocent. [Edited 5/9/07 4:20am] On the real, no artist is above criticism...And Prince, who certainly has made some head scratching decisions during his career, certainly fits the bill...But it sounds like to me that you have issues with religion all together (You showed your hand with that "nutty religious nonsense" ...Hell, I don't agree with the man's beliefs...But damn homie, get over it...It aint that serious... MJ and Prince are two different people, and if the man wants to send his time with his nose in a bible then more power to him. I think that a lot of us need to pick u the bible and get some kind of understanding as to what is going on around us. MJ having little kids and Prince read the bible are totally different things all together, and u know this. Him having a concert and getting alot of money from it is his bussiness, that is the way that he makes his money, and also we dont know what the man does with his money,for all u and me know he may give it to a good cause and not want to have it known to others. Not everyone wants to be give notice to what they do for others. Just my 2 cents. I have in one hand a bucket of water and a torch in the other, with these I will set heaven on fire and put out the flames in hell so that no one will worship god in fear of not going to heaven or ending up in hell. | |
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OfftheWall said: I saw him on the news last night and wondered what it was all about, this is so exciting, I hope I can go, I live in London so I dont see why not - its just finding someone to go with.
![]() Hey u can go by yourself and have the time of your life, better yet take someone that is not a real Prince fam and change their mind. theerainbochild I have in one hand a bucket of water and a torch in the other, with these I will set heaven on fire and put out the flames in hell so that no one will worship god in fear of not going to heaven or ending up in hell. | |
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tylerd said: went on to the ticket site
tickets not on sale yet wots going on Saw this..... http://www.soldouteventti...rth%20Tour tickets far more expensive here though...? | |
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theerainbochild said: OfftheWall said: I saw him on the news last night and wondered what it was all about, this is so exciting, I hope I can go, I live in London so I dont see why not - its just finding someone to go with.
![]() Hey u can go by yourself and have the time of your life, better yet take someone that is not a real Prince fam and change their mind. theerainbochild your right ![]() where are you guys buying your tickets from | |
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Maybe he is going to London to collaborate with Madonna ![]() Just like JT.... | |
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