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Has Prince's religion ruined his music? Don't you think that since prince converted to a Jehovia Witness that his music has gone down hill ever since? What happened to the funky stuff that prince used to put out? Please Prince loose your Religion. Go back to your roots. Have you lost your inspiration? Get rid of this pop stuff. Don't turn your back on the fans that have been there since day one. | |
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No. It doesn't have as many sexually explcit lyrics, but it is still great music. ![]() | |
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Nahhhhh ![]() Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture! REAL MUSIC by REAL MUSICIANS - Prince "I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben |
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Not another one of these threads.....this is getting old..... Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s | |
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considering "the everlasting now" and "get on the boat" are two of the funkiest things he's done since 1988, and certainly a hell of a lot funkier than anything on emancipation, i'm gonna say....naw. [Edited 8/15/06 12:42pm] | |
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I don't think his music has gone down hill at all, however, I will say that since becoming a JW, it's infuriates me when he changes lyrics or says ridiculous things like "shake your pants". When he changed the lyrics to Gett off, I just had to role my eyes. His newer/cleaner versions will never match the genius of the originals.
It's too bad he allows his religion to dictate how he writes music though. | |
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this wasn't a negative thread. We are all behind him 100%. We all love are prince music. I'm just voicing my thoughts. I'm just trying to figure why his music has taken another direction. I'm all for change. His career is contantly evolving. I just don't like the direction he is going. He has already made enough money and he has had enough recognition. I would like him to go back to what made him the greatest of all time. Go back to the funk and the sales and the number ones will be there. He is the only pure artist out there beyond all of this garbage rap shit on the radio. | |
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kisscamille said: When he changed the lyrics to Gett off, I just had to role my eyes.
dont like most of the changed lyrics, but "23 scriptures in a one-night stand" is pretty funny | |
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did he really say 23 scriptures in a one night stand? If this is true, they got him. His is brain washed like Tom Cruise is with his so called Religion. What is wrong with just believing in God and Doing the Right Thing. Why do people need to be controlled. | |
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jaimestarr79 said: this wasn't a negative thread. We are all behind him 100%. We all love are prince music. I'm just voicing my thoughts. I'm just trying to figure why his music has taken another direction. I'm all for change. His career is contantly evolving. I just don't like the direction he is going. He has already made enough money and he has had enough recognition. I would like him to go back to what made him the greatest of all time. Go back to the funk and the sales and the number ones will be there. He is the only pure artist out there beyond all of this garbage rap shit on the radio.
Artists also change not just average Joes. How do you know how much money is enough for Prince? Even if he were to go back to the funk, would the majority of people like what Prince would offer? I doubt it. Nowadays, many people are into Hip-Hop and Rap. | |
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I'm sorry. I'm an old school rap fan. back when rap had lyrical content and something informative to say. I still like Common, Tribe, and a few others. Please I wish someone could stop this ignorant Rap movement that portrays Black people as fools with Gold in their mouth that can't form complete sentences, that are flashing money and nice cars in the videos. Nobody is rapping about anything worth talking about. I don't care if it is a political rap or just party rap music. Say something worth say. Not just one phrases over and over. If I hear (I'm Bossy) one more time or that damn Beyonce song I'm going to get ill. Do you a agree? At least with Prince, he has something to say. | |
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jaimestarr79 said: gyro34,
I'm sorry. I'm an old school rap fan. back when rap had lyrical content and something informative to say. I still like Common, Tribe, and a few others. Please I wish someone could stop this ignorant Rap movement that portrays Black people as fools with Gold in their mouth that can't form complete sentences, that are flashing money and nice cars in the videos. Nobody is rapping about anything worth talking about. I don't care if it is a political rap or just party rap music. Say something worth say. Not just one phrases over and over. If I hear (I'm Bossy) one more time or that damn Beyonce song I'm going to get ill. Do you a agree? At least with Prince, he has something to say. Yes, I know what you're talking about. Rap used to be about raising consciousness and telling it like it is. However, the music industry commercializes any music genre that once was thought provoking and original. They did it with Punk and Metal. | |
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He must feel all tingley reading this thread. | |
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gyro34 said: jaimestarr79 said: gyro34,
I'm sorry. I'm an old school rap fan. back when rap had lyrical content and something informative to say. I still like Common, Tribe, and a few others. Please I wish someone could stop this ignorant Rap movement that portrays Black people as fools with Gold in their mouth that can't form complete sentences, that are flashing money and nice cars in the videos. Nobody is rapping about anything worth talking about. I don't care if it is a political rap or just party rap music. Say something worth say. Not just one phrases over and over. If I hear (I'm Bossy) one more time or that damn Beyonce song I'm going to get ill. Do you a agree? At least with Prince, he has something to say. Yes, I know what you're talking about. Rap used to be about raising consciousness and telling it like it is. However, the music industry commercializes any music genre that once was thought provoking and original. They did it with Punk and Metal. Though some Punk and Metal deal with young people emancipating from their parents, youngsters eventually become independent and with consisent hard work they can also lead the life they always wanted free from parental control. However, many Black people who live in the ghettos don't increase their income due to discrimination and few opportunities (though there may be some exceptions). This society refuses to acknowledge this reality by reinforcing some stereotypes and glorifying frivolous role models. [Edited 8/15/06 14:29pm] [Edited 8/16/06 5:41am] | |
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origmnd said: He must feel all tingley reading this thread.
![]() News: Prince pulls his head out his ass in the last moment.
Bad News: Prince wasted too much quality time doing so. You have those internalized issues because you want to, you like to, stop. | |
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Music is higher than religion.
The Universe was Created by a SOUND, the Bible came later... " the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below. | |
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He still puts out some great jams but he also puts out some shit. I haven't seen an affect on his music because of his religion. Of course, I'm more into music than I'm into lyrics and always have been. The thing that has weakened his music for me and has kept me from loving every single song is his extreme, and I do mean extreme diversity in his music. I've had that complaint since 1985 so this religion thing is nothing new to me. Andy is a four letter word. | |
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Prince is a Jehovah's Witness? No way! | |
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Hmm... When was it that some Prince song included "Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..." etc etc? Was that recent??
Oh oh yeah, howbout those shows where he looked up and sang "God made you, god made me, he made us all..Equally..." ?? Hmmm.. definitely not the music of a funky man was it? ![]() ********************************************
...Ur standing in the epicenter, Let the shaking begin... | |
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Hell the fuck yeah, enough of that religous shit already 17 Years ago I made a commitment to Prince | |
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jaimestarr79 said: What is wrong with just believing in God and Doing the Right Thing. Why do people need to be controlled.
This statement - I could not agree with more. perfection is a fallacy of the imagination... | |
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No-we all need to believe in something. | |
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Prince's music has always had religious overtones so I don't really see how his foray into JWism could be blamed for "ruining" the *music*. For You & Prince aren't what I'd consider "funky" albums and they were way pre-JW. Conversly, a 'funky' song like Controversy includes The Lord's Prayer and Prince himself referred to The Black Album as the funk Bible. So if you want no religious references in Prince's music, you'll have to get rid of a lot of songs.
Obviously Prince's devotion to organized religion (specifically JW) has led to him changing certain lyrics; but I don't think it's fair to say it's only his religion that is leading to create different music. In fact, he's still singing about the same subjects: love, sex, spirituality; it's just that he's less brash/obvious about the sex part. For example, he doesn't say, "I sincerely wanna fuck the taste out of your mouth," he says, "Imagine me on the tip of your tongue" instead. I definitely agree with Kisscamille, it's annoying when he changes the lyrics to stupid shit like "we don't give a duck". Third graders don't even talk like that...but I don't necessarily want to hear a 48 year old man singing "Morning noon and night I give you head" either... I am agnostic (& very anti-organized religion) but the spirituality aspect of his music doesn't bother me as long as it's not too preachy (e.g. religious). For example, I love the Lovesexy album (spirituality), but hate the version of Anna Stesia from ONA...Live when he's starts asking "How many of y'all believe in God? How many of U worship God?" (religion). I like The Cross (spirituality), but hate The Christ (religion). But regardless what the lyrics are, the music is the same underneath it. A funky song is a funky song, it's not the lyrics that make it funky. ![]() The check. The string he dropped. The Mona Lisa. The musical notes taken out of a hat. The glass. The toy shotgun painting. The things he found. Therefore, everything seen–every object, that is, plus the process of looking at it–is a Duchamp. | |
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jaimestarr79 said: Don't you think that since prince converted to a Jehovia Witness that his music has gone down hill ever since? What happened to the funky stuff that prince used to put out? Please Prince loose your Religion. Go back to your roots. Have you lost your inspiration? Get rid of this pop stuff. Don't turn your back on the fans that have been there since day one.
I'm pretty clear about the interview P had with Larry King 7 yrs ago. It's mind boggling. Passivity. I'm OK with everything. Spiritual advisor present...Frontal lobomy ? An interview where you're that noncommital on pretty much everything.....OK P's voice is in his music. He was like DOA in that interview. There's nothing wrong with having an arguement with WB and going on the same controlled station and saying so. Fogarty of CCWR got his music rights back. Talk to him. | |
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yes, it has absolutey ruined the lyrical dimension of some of his tracks. Back in the day, his perspective of salvation through sex was cool, and the references to God and religion really were ok. But now, it's just overkill, and completely over the top. It is, as the thread questions, ruining much of his least lyrically. I really wish he would just quit the JW affiliation altogther (no disrespect, believe, to those of you who may be members). | |
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I'm glad that some of you had some intelligent imput on the question I asked. But I'm really that 290 people have viewed this topic and only a few left a response. I religion too hot of a topic for people to touch??? Their is nothing wrong with voicing your own opinion. It's very healthy to do so. It is the American Way. Now lets here some more opinions. Everyone has one. I think religion is great for some people. without religion there would probably be even more caos in the world. Even though people already kill one another for praying to a different god. How dumb and anti-god is that. Killing someone because they pray to Allah, budda, or whoever their god is. God is God. every religion has their own name for their own god. Religion is fine if it works for you. But don't put it in everybody's face. And don't let your religion close your mind or control you. Keep your religious views to yourself. Just being spiritual is just fine by me. now lets her from more of the prince fans out there. | |
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jaimestarr79 said: I'm glad that some of you had some intelligent imput on the question I asked. But I'm really that 290 people have viewed this topic and only a few left a response. I religion too hot of a topic for people to touch??? Their is nothing wrong with voicing your own opinion. It's very healthy to do so. It is the American Way. Now lets here some more opinions. Everyone has one. I think religion is great for some people. without religion there would probably be even more caos in the world. Even though people already kill one another for praying to a different god. How dumb and anti-god is that. Killing someone because they pray to Allah, budda, or whoever their god is. God is God. every religion has their own name for their own god. Religion is fine if it works for you. But don't put it in everybody's face. And don't let your religion close your mind or control you. Keep your religious views to yourself. Just being spiritual is just fine by me. now lets her from more of the prince fans out there.
Everything you say is right, however your initial post sounded more like selfish reasons on you're part. Wanting a man to give up something that is important to his own life, so that you can get your dance on/funk on again. That's a little different. Listening to his interviews from 20 years ago and now, you can tell he is in a different place spiritually and the music is going to reflect that. You're either going to like it or don't. | |
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jone70 said: Prince's music has always had religious overtones so I don't really see how his foray into JWism could be blamed for "ruining" the *music*. For You & Prince aren't what I'd consider "funky" albums and they were way pre-JW. Conversly, a 'funky' song like Controversy includes The Lord's Prayer and Prince himself referred to The Black Album as the funk Bible. So if you want no religious references in Prince's music, you'll have to get rid of a lot of songs.
Obviously Prince's devotion to organized religion (specifically JW) has led to him changing certain lyrics; but I don't think it's fair to say it's only his religion that is leading to create different music. In fact, he's still singing about the same subjects: love, sex, spirituality; it's just that he's less brash/obvious about the sex part. For example, he doesn't say, "I sincerely wanna fuck the taste out of your mouth," he says, "Imagine me on the tip of your tongue" instead. I definitely agree with Kisscamille, it's annoying when he changes the lyrics to stupid shit like "we don't give a duck". Third graders don't even talk like that...but I don't necessarily want to hear a 48 year old man singing "Morning noon and night I give you head" either... I am agnostic (& very anti-organized religion) but the spirituality aspect of his music doesn't bother me as long as it's not too preachy (e.g. religious). For example, I love the Lovesexy album (spirituality), but hate the version of Anna Stesia from ONA...Live when he's starts asking "How many of y'all believe in God? How many of U worship God?" (religion). I like The Cross (spirituality), but hate The Christ (religion). But regardless what the lyrics are, the music is the same underneath it. A funky song is a funky song, it's not the lyrics that make it funky. ![]() Props to this post. I myself am not religious, just slightly spiritual every now and then. I love music where spirituality allows you to tap into a part of yourself that is open for expansion. Mahalia Jackson's music is a good example; she sings about her faith and I can tap into her strength and derive strength from that. I hear you when you point out the difference's between The Cross and The Christ. It feels a bit childish, like he is singing to pre-schoolers, at times. That is also the level I feel Prince is at when throwing religion into our faces these days. Back in the day his religion was integral part of his entire ouvre, up until Lovesexy. Even though this album's history is still a mystery to me, parts of it I dig. And yes, I am that man that refused to throw his hand in the air when Prince's live show had him shouting "Raise your hand if you believe!" I instead crossed my arms. Still would. I believe in Purple Rain, but not in the deity he throws up in his music from Lovesexy on. My anger towards Prince now lies in his purposed ignorance; the live introduction to Xenophobia makes me think the song actualy celebrates xenophobia with it's "Leave that blood alone"-remark. Which is a JW believe that blood transfusion is evil. What can I say? Believe often can people strength, but religion has ways of dumbing people down. | |
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props to prince for doing his own thing. | |
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