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Thread started 08/04/13 3:41pm


Prince presents 6 Show Residency with NPG at City Winery

3121 #1 THIS YEAR
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Reply #1 posted 08/04/13 5:10pm


at those prices???

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Reply #2 posted 08/04/13 5:38pm



Wow, I'd much rather run face first into a propelor, Then glue my tongue to a condemned meat van and get dragged through twenty to thirty Nettle bushes. Then take an acid bath and toss in a few electrical appliances than hear Shelby J SHOUT.

"im taking over bitches"

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Reply #3 posted 08/04/13 5:40pm


luvsexy4all said:

at those prices???

At the one show Prince will show up for at the City Winery, he'll play the "2005 NAACP Vanguard Jam", a Larry Graham tune and "Nothing Compares 2 U" and bounce. Gotta hand to Prince for making a lot of money on small intimate gigs for minimal work. Just let your background singers do half the vocal parts and direct the band to the end. This is ridiculous. Let's start a pool on the first show he'll play at City Winery? I say he'll play on the first night at the midnight show and will got back to Paisley Park.

3121 #1 THIS YEAR
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Reply #4 posted 08/04/13 5:49pm


andykeen said:

Wow, I'd much rather run face first into a propelor, Then glue my tongue to a condemned meat van and get dragged through twenty to thirty Nettle bushes. Then take an acid bath and toss in a few electrical appliances than hear Shelby J SHOUT.

"im taking over bitches"

So. Hows that walkout going for you.
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Reply #5 posted 08/04/13 6:35pm



Oh boy.... those HORNS and Shelby J... disbelief

this sounds like a concert nightmare to me. lol lol


[Edited 8/4/13 11:36am]

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #6 posted 08/04/13 6:39pm



Hilarious that Prince thinks this background vocalist residency is a big deal. Its a stretch to think anyone would be willing to shell out $ for this exhibition. I know he believes in their talents & rightfully so but their not enuff on their own to justify those prices.
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Reply #7 posted 08/04/13 6:47pm


andykeen said:

Wow, I'd much rather run face first into a propelor, Then glue my tongue to a condemned meat van and get dragged through twenty to thirty Nettle bushes. Then take an acid bath and toss in a few electrical appliances than hear Shelby J SHOUT.

"im taking over bitches"

Right on !!!

This isn't prince news. ...

Move this to other artist forum
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Reply #8 posted 08/04/13 7:05pm



I've heard of scraping the bottom of the barrel but this?!!! Really?
Homer Simpson: "I call the big one Bitey"!!
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Reply #9 posted 08/04/13 7:55pm



the 'prince presents' bit is there just to shift tickets to this lame concert series. Shelby shouting "clap your hands" 1000 times whilst the circus horns make a racket?

no thanks

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Reply #10 posted 08/04/13 8:01pm


sounds like a cool idea to me. I'm sure these shows will sell out in more ways than one.

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Reply #11 posted 08/04/13 8:22pm



Ahahaaha! Prince thinks he's slick *Prince voice* I'm only going to preform at one of the shows but I ain't tellin' you which one. Maaaybe you should get tickets for all six huh?

:lol: Shelby J!!!!
From the vineyards of Lavaux back 2 the heart of Minnesota. U R was, and will 4ever B The Purple Yoda....
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Reply #12 posted 08/04/13 8:38pm



Going by price alone, I guess Prince is pretty likely to roll up for the Sunday show. Extortion, though.

[Edited 8/4/13 13:39pm] - Prince discography, tour history, news and more.
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Reply #13 posted 08/04/13 9:03pm


bashraka said:

$200, $300 plus for P's backing band?

Nah...I'm good....

Hopefully dude plays at the Sunday shows....

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Reply #14 posted 08/04/13 9:13pm



This is interesting. Prince is, in a way, a promoter for this series of shows. It is being "teased" that there will be a "hot mike" each night in case he wants to join in and that there will be "special guests."
Bonuses: They should be good shows. These musicians are no slouches. It's a small venue that gets positive reviews.
Cons: NO GUARANTEE THAT PRINCE WILL BE THERE. The singers are mmmkay. The whole "special guest" concept has gotten murky where Prince is concerned. Pricey, but only outrageously so on the final night.
IMHO, this is not earth shattering Prince news and it borders on Bait-and-Switch. It's a shame because it would be a good run on its own, so there's no need for the smoke & mirrors.
I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #15 posted 08/04/13 9:29pm



Nothinbutjoy said:

. It's a shame because it would be a good run on its own, so there's no need for the smoke & mirrors.

Spot on. I thinking it hurts more than it does add.
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Reply #16 posted 08/04/13 9:46pm


andykeen said:

Wow, I'd much rather run face first into a propelor, Then glue my tongue to a condemned meat van and get dragged through twenty to thirty Nettle bushes. Then take an acid bath and toss in a few electrical appliances than hear Shelby J SHOUT.

"im taking over bitches"

best post on the Org in months!
and the truth it is!

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Reply #17 posted 08/04/13 9:55pm



@andykeen : cruel things people say in the safety of typing bewind a screen.
Maybe call your bluff on this.
[b][Edited 8/4/13 14:55pm]

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Reply #18 posted 08/04/13 10:27pm



dualboot said:

@andykeen : cruel things people say in the safety of typing bewind a screen.
Maybe call your bluff on this.
[b][Edited 8/4/13 14:55pm]


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Reply #19 posted 08/04/13 10:33pm



The greatest live performer of our times was is and always will be Prince.

Remember there is only one destination and that place is U
All of it. Everything. Is U.
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Reply #20 posted 08/04/13 10:55pm


Crap, going to be out of town!

Well, will save some money tryting to guess which show Prince will show up at.

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Reply #21 posted 08/05/13 12:58am


ficktyt said:

Crap, going to be out of town!

Well, will save some money tryting to guess which show Prince will show up at.

---- He will make money and you jealous people will just have to get the fuck over it. Both these chicks can actually sing and if he had some half dress chick up there yelping none of you would bat an eyeball.
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Reply #22 posted 08/05/13 1:00am


bashraka said:

luvsexy4all said:

at those prices???

At the one show Prince will show up for at the City Winery, he'll play the "2005 NAACP Vanguard Jam", a Larry Graham tune and "Nothing Compares 2 U" and bounce. Gotta hand to Prince for making a lot of money on small intimate gigs for minimal work. Just let your background singers do half the vocal parts and direct the band to the end. This is ridiculous. Let's start a pool on the first show he'll play at City Winery? I say he'll play on the first night at the midnight show and will got back to Paisley Park.


eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #23 posted 08/05/13 1:03am


P can keep playing games and I'll continue to watch from afar and save my pennies. Good luck to those who guess correctly and attend the show he's at. Hey, you have a one in six shot! Maybe I'd go if I lived in NYC and had hundred dollar bills coming out of my ass, but I'm gonna have to pass for now.

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Reply #24 posted 08/05/13 1:52am


avatar's painful enough having to suffer Shelby J's hollering instructions at an actual Prince show...I really couldn't handle a Shelby Headline act for free... let alone being asked to shell out serious dollars for the priveledge.

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Reply #25 posted 08/05/13 4:42am



I wouldn't be surprised when prince pops up 2 times just for the unpredictability of it. These Tix have to sell.

It's not my cup of tea. I wish them good luck with a wonderful show and without Prince cloak and dagger antics and disappointed Prince fans.
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Reply #26 posted 08/05/13 4:45am



$100 TO $350 for "Prince might show up" is a seriously lame way to market a show. Further evidence that Prince hates his fans.

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Reply #27 posted 08/05/13 6:27am



So there will be 5 groups of very disappointed concert goers, and one very happy crowd. Way to go Prince, you have this audience/fan interaction thing nailed.
"My God it's full of Stars"
Indigo Club, September 21st 2008, 4.24am
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Reply #28 posted 08/05/13 8:03am



Wed the 21st at City Winery was originaly booked for fDeluxe:


"Hyperactive when I was small, Hyperactive now I'm grown, Hyperactive 'till I'm dead and gone"
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

"Midnight is where the day begins"
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Reply #29 posted 08/05/13 8:29am



chewymusic said:

Wed the 21st at City Winery was originaly booked for fDeluxe:


edit <not relevant anymore as Susannah had different obligations>

[Edited 8/7/13 2:46am]

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