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Thread started 10/09/13 3:38pm



Allegations Against Photographer Terry Richardson

Not sure if it's the right forum, but...

I've always found him creepy and have been quite disturbed by some of his pics (the Miley ones most recently). Not very surprised to read about alligations of sexual harassment. Some of the accusations and stories are pretty disturbing.


Last week, the Danish supermodel Rie Rasmussen confronted Richardson in Paris, and said he abuses his position of power within the industry to sexually harass young women with impunity.


[Edited 10/9/13 9:53am]

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Reply #1 posted 10/09/13 6:09pm


I would not be surprised.

Too bad that it's difficult to prove. So, even if he did harrass young girls, he will not get punished.

And he probably smooth talked Miley into the nekkid photo's.

Who protects Miley from these kind of guys?

I guess that men can easily manipulate young girls. That's how it often works. And he will not be blamed, it's widely accepted. Unfortunately.

I jsut hope that Miley and Rihanna will seriously think the whole thing over. And then make a great song about it, together. With a video that is made by a female friendly director. Which is not necessarely a women, as evindenced by Diane Martel.

99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%.
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Forums > General Discussion > Allegations Against Photographer Terry Richardson