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Thread started 02/16/12 11:32pm




While searching for hot redheaded men for hotgritz' thread on her 'naked men' thread I realized how rare redheads are. I am a natural redhead so I was determined to find some goodlooking redheaded men and women and celebrate the specialness that is 'us.' wink razz sexy lol

What say you? Sexy or not? hmmm Are redheaded women sexier than the men?

Being a redhead affects who you are and where you see yourself in the world. Maybe it pushes people to be more extraordinary,” Baum suggests.

Red hair, a recessive trait, is a genetic mutation of the MC1R protein. Accordingly, having red hair makes you a curiosity, by turns an object of ridicule and desire.

It also means you will be stereotyped — redheaded women are seen as vixenish or witchlike; redheaded men are considered weak. Marion Roach writes in her bookThe Roots of Desire: The Myth, Meaning and Sexual Power of Red Hair,

“That redheads are untrustworthy, fiery, unstable, hot-tempered, highly sexed, rare creatures is what passes for common knowledge today.


~ Rupert Grint (Attitude Magazine)

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #1 posted 02/16/12 11:34pm



"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #2 posted 02/16/12 11:38pm




Damien Lewis

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #3 posted 02/16/12 11:39pm



Shaun White

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #4 posted 02/16/12 11:46pm



Hooooo girl! I love me a red-haired man. I think both men and women with red hair are sexy but ooooh lawd the mens....:drool:

I remember there was a redhaired boy in my high school and he was a dreamboat! Unfortunately he was a snob and preferred blondes. :pout:

Oh well, gingers are still sexy to me. cool
The salvation of man is through love and in love. - Dr. V. Frankl

"When you close your heart, you close your mind." - Michael Jackson (Man In The Mirror)

"I don't need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off" lol
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Reply #5 posted 02/16/12 11:52pm



...of all the hair stereotypes out there, no one suffers more injustice than redheads do. Throughout history, they’ve been subjected to discrimination and fearful prejudice, being viewed as untrustworthy, mischievous, temperamental, and lustful. In ancient Egypt, red hair was seen as so unlucky, red-haired girls were burned alive. According to Greek myths, redheads turn into vampires when they die. It’s even said that redheads get stung by bees more often. Ouch!

It can be hard to grow up with red hair, constantly getting called names like “ginger” and “carrot top.” Having the rarest hair color might make a redhead feel awkward, but it turns out that there are some special attributes that make them pretty unique. Maybe they’re the ones who have more fun. At the very least, their hair doesn’t go gray.

The Rarity of Red

In the late 1990s, scientists discovered that gene mutation causes red headedness. Specifically, it’s a variant of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), one of the key proteins that determines hair and skin color. The mutated gene is recessive, so in order for someone to have red hair, she has to inherit two copies of the gene, one from each parent. Lots of people, especially those with Northern European ancestry, carry one copy of MC1R, but relatively few carry the two copies required for flaming tresses. Red hair can occur in any ethnicity, but the greatest concentration of redheads originates in Northern Europe, near the U.K. Scotland has the highest percentage of natural redheads, with 13 percent and Ireland is a close second, with 10 percent. Only about 2 percent of people in the United States have naturally red hair.

If red hair is so rare, why does it occur so often in the same geographic area? Some biologists think that it’s an evolutionary adaptation. In cold and dark climates, fair coloring lets the skin absorb more light, which encourages the body to retain heat and produce more vitamin D. Also, for most of human history, people didn’t stray very far from the place where they were born and intermarried with people with similar genetic traits. When there were plenty of people carrying the gene, their children were very likely to get two copies of the mutated MC1R. Now that people migrate more, carriers of MC1R are more likely to intermarry with non-carriers. That’s good for genetic diversity, but maybe not so good for the survival of redheads in general.

For the past few years, there’s been a rumor that redheads are going extinct, but that’s not exactly true. Because of intermarriage, the numbers are declining, but there will always be redheads, woot! because there will always be carriers of the MC1R gene. It might be less likely that one carrier will meet another and have redheaded children, but it’s always a possibility. In fact, it’s not so far-fetched to imagine a future where everyone knows exactly what’s in his or her genome, and MC1R carriers can choose to have children with fellow carriers, maximizing the likelihood that their children will have red hair.

A Redheaded “Knockout?”

The mutated MC1R gene has some other surprising effects. Although doctors and medical practitioners have long speculated that redheads were harder to sedate, a recent study from the University of Louisville determined that redheads really do require more anesthesia during surgery.

The researchers ran an experiment where they put women under sedation, and then tested their response to pain. The redheaded patients required 20 to 30 percent more anesthetic than other women to achieve the same level of sedation. (I experienced this firsthand last year...laughing gas does not work on me) lol

Scientists at the university also tried to replicate the experiment with mice, and found that animals with a MC1R mutation required more sedation, too. They theorize that the mutated gene somehow has implications beyond hair color, and perhaps affects hormones or enzymes involved in our neurological system.

Via http://www.divinecaroline...z1majIcoad

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #6 posted 02/16/12 11:58pm



ThruTheEyesOfWonder said:

Hooooo girl! I love me a red-haired man. I think both men and women with red hair are sexy but ooooh lawd the mens....drool I remember there was a redhaired boy in my high school and he was a dreamboat! Unfortunately he was a snob and preferred blondes. pout Oh well, gingers are still sexy to me. cool

I agree. touched love


"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #7 posted 02/17/12 12:05am



"You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," said Anne reproachfully. "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is."
(by character Anne Shirley speaking to her guardian Marilla in book 'Anne of Green Gables')

"I would always hesitate to recommend as a life's companion a young lady with quite such a vivid shade of red hair. Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous."
(By Jeeves in 'Very Good, Jeeves')

"Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and eat men like air." evillol
(Sylvia Plath, author)

"There is more, much more, to being a redhead than the color of one’s hair."
(G. Adam Stanislav, red-haired photographer)

"Of course, part of the problem with redheads is that there aren't enough of them. They make up just two percent of the population. So they're pretty extraordinary. Redheads are too numerous to be ignored, too rare to be accepted."
(Grant McCracken, author, lecturer, anthropologist)

"I used to hate my red hair, but now I love the attention I get with it. I think that very smart, daring men love red hair, and I love that in a man."

Anon... nod

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #8 posted 02/17/12 12:10am



"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #9 posted 02/17/12 12:16am



Eddie Redmayne...


"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #10 posted 02/17/12 12:23am



Owen Hunt

Jesse Tyler

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #11 posted 02/17/12 1:10am





Any other redheads here on the org?? hmmm Guys??

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #12 posted 02/17/12 1:22am



Throughout history, redheads have been feared and revered, loathed and adored, degraded and exalted. No other single human trait has provoked such a dichotomy of emotions in such a large number of fellow humans. It is as boiling is to freezing or despair is to hope. It is as hate is to love.

There are degrees of reddishness when referring to hair, including ginger, auburn (reddish brown), and strawberry blonde. Red hair is found most commonly at the western fringes of Europe. Leading the pack, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England have the most redheads. Scotland has the highest proportion with 13% having red hair and approximately 40% possessing the recessive redhead gene. Ireland is second highest with approximately 10% having it and 40% carrying the gene.

The U.S. can boast (or not) anywhere from two to six percent of the population having red tresses. A seemingly paltry figure, but with a massive population, this gives the good ol' USA the largest number of redheads in the world with 6 to 18 million. Compare that to 650,000 in Scotland and 420,000 in Ireland. Who's paltry now? Read it and weep you redhead haters.


Fear and Loathing

Historically, prejudice and suspicion has always greeted the redhead, along with the belief that they were fiery and hot-tempered. This image - wrong or not - most likely stems from the fact that the Scots, with their high percentage of red haired people, are descended from the Celts, notoriously violent warriers. It is this perception that spawned many strange and fantastical beliefs and ideas about red hair.

The myths do seem to permeate all cultures. The ancient Egyptians couldn't make up their minds, typical of the super superstitious Egyptians of the time. They covered all their bases with a god for every purpose and situation. Sort of a god grab-bag. On the one hand, they believed that red haired animals and people were associated with the god 'Set', and many of their pharaohs had red hair. That included Ramses who was the most powerful baddest dude of all the pharaohs. Conversely, they also regarded the color red as unlucky and many red haired maidens were burnt to death to wipe out the tint. Talk about a makeover. Stories still persist that redheads were buried alive.

It's All Greek To Me

The Greeks, not to be outdone (the Greeks were never to be outdone as they were sore losers and it really got their sacrificial goat), believed that redheads would turn into vampires following their death. Aristotle - philosopher, student of Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great, and all-around smart guy and occasional ass - described redheads as being emotionally un-housebroken. I don't know what that means but whadda ya say you and I step outside, Tots?

Roman historian Deo Cassius described British Warrior Queen Boudicca (or Boudicca the bodacious) as " tall and terrifying in appearance [with] a great mass of red hair." Incidentally the ancient Romans also paid a premium for red haired slaves.

During the Spanish Inquisition (one of the fairest and justified of all inquisitions) flame colored hair was evidence that it's owner had stolen the fire of hell and had to be burned as a witch. Apparently, stealing the fire of hell is a crime and crime doesn't pay. In Corsica, if you pass a redhead in the street you are supposed to spit and turn around. It is unclear if that is supposed to bring good luck or because redheads leave a bad taste in your mouth. During the Middle Ages, red was seen as the color of the Devil, and it was thought that a child born with red hair was conceived during "that time of the month". Is that a little too much menstruation information?

Don't Adjust the Color on Your Set

Russian tradition declares that red hair is both a sign of a fiery temper and craziness, and a proverb warns, "There was never a saint with red hair. Indeed, red hair figures in the bible, The word Adam is supposedly the Hebrew word for 'red' or 'ruddy', and Judas - poster boy tor tratorious - is often portrayed with red hair as is Mary Magdalene. King David is thought to have been a redhead, and some even believe the 'mark of cain' to actually be red hair.

The association of red hair and untrustworthiness and ugliness somehow prevails in the modern age. The Nazi's discussed whether red haired people should be allowed to wed, fearing their degenerate offspring. Red hair is often portrayed in less than flattering ways in films and on TV. An Irish judge in 2001 fined a man for disorderly conduct stating "I am a firm believer that hair coloring has an effect on temper and your coloring suggests you have a temper." Thomas Wolfe was right: you can't go home again. At least not if you're from Ireland and have red hair.

Lizzie Borden
Napaleon Bonaparte
Queen Elizabeth I

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

In modern-day United Kingdom, the terms "ginger" or "ginga" are used to derogatorily describe red-headed people, despite having one of the highest populations of redheads, or perhaps because of it. This has given rise to terms such as "gingerphobia (fear of redheads) or "gingerism" (prejudiced against). Redheads are sometimes disparaged with the monikers "carrot tops" and "carrot heads". Red haired children have been branded as offspring of "unclean" sex (uh oh, we're back to the menstrual thing) which has gotten them taunts like "red-knob" or "tampon tops". This intolerant attitude has led to a rise in harassment that has caused families to relocate, and has even led to murder. A 23 year old redhead was stabbed in the back. Why? "For being ginger", replied the miscreant that committed the foul deed. mad

There are some documented medical differences. We'll skip the fair skin sensitivity to the sun melanoma stuff, but did you know that human adults have about 120.000 hairs on their heads? Really. I counted my head. The bad news is redheads have fewer, blondes have more, and brunettes have the most. Researchers at the University of Louisville discovered that, on average, people born with red hair require about 20 percent more anesthesia to obtain satisfactory sedation. University indeed. Anyone who's ever tried to seduce a redhead knows that.

It's not all bad though. British legend states that King Arthur had red hair, and that a red haired leader would come to lead the country in times of trouble. Enter Elizabeth I and Churchill, who were thought to be answers to this legend. The Merovians of ancient Gaul were red headed and this was believed to give them magical powers.

Red On the Head, Fire In the Bed

Red hair was thought to be a mark of a beastly sexual desire and moral degeneration. See? I told you it's not all bad. It is a common belief that redheads are highly sexed. Jonathon Swift satirized this redhead stereotype in Gulliver's Travels, part 4, A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms, when he wrote: "It is observed that the red-haired of both sexes are more libidinous and mischievous than the rest, whom yet they much exceed in strength and activity." As Austin Powers might observe, Oh, yeah, baby!

So do not despair you red heads so fair. Brunettes may be smarter, blondes may have more fun, but none are wrapped so tightly in mystery and intrigue. Like a gift to be opened on a special day. That is what fascinates us about you, and that's no myth.

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #13 posted 02/17/12 1:25am



Christina Hendricks from Mad Men

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #14 posted 02/17/12 1:30am



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Reply #15 posted 02/17/12 1:52am


Bryce Dallas Howard


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Reply #16 posted 02/17/12 2:34am



I have never seen a red haired man that had a face I found attractive. It's weird.

Most redhead women are not redheads at all...they just just dye it that colour.

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Reply #17 posted 02/17/12 2:53am



I pick the "redheads" category on the porns all the time! thumbs up!

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Reply #18 posted 02/17/12 3:14am



JustErin said:

I have never seen a red haired man that had a face I found attractive. It's weird.

Most redhead women are not redheads at all...they just just dye it that colour.

All these pics and not a single attractive man, Erin? eek

And I was born with orange hair. It has darkened with age but I had tons of freckles. Not so much anymore because I cannot go out in the sun.

True redheads...

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #19 posted 02/17/12 3:15am



XxAxX said:


"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #20 posted 02/17/12 3:38am



The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything.
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Reply #21 posted 02/17/12 4:37am



here to bump and drool....

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Reply #22 posted 02/17/12 4:58am



paintedlady said:

here to bump and drool....

whistle I don't see nuthin' wrong....with a little bump & droooolll.... music

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #23 posted 02/17/12 5:03am



Simon Woods


"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #24 posted 02/17/12 5:05am




Although not natural. boxed But I can pass easily. wink

Shake it til ya make it dancing jig
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Reply #25 posted 02/17/12 7:17am



JuliePurplehead said:


Although not natural. boxed But I can pass easily. wink

thumbs up! hug

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #26 posted 02/17/12 7:28am



Images I like...don't care if they're natural.

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #27 posted 02/17/12 7:30am


Had to find more pics of Bartek. sexy

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Reply #28 posted 02/17/12 7:31am


noimageatall said:

ThruTheEyesOfWonder said:

Hooooo girl! I love me a red-haired man. I think both men and women with red hair are sexy but ooooh lawd the mens....drool I remember there was a redhaired boy in my high school and he was a dreamboat! Unfortunately he was a snob and preferred blondes. pout Oh well, gingers are still sexy to me. cool

I agree. touched love

Oh my God! drool

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Reply #29 posted 02/17/12 7:32am


noimageatall said:

thumbs up!

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