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Thread started 08/15/05 5:10am


My long, long, LONG tribute to a whole buttload of Org folks

This is a thread that I'm posting to myself for my birthday this year. It's something that I've wanted to post for a while, but I never quite knew how I was going to go about it.

Well, here's what I'm doing: I'm going to write one line each about a bunch of Orgers who have affected me in one way or another. Serious shit. From the heart. Hoka hey.

First, I'm gonna come clean and bare my soul a bit.

The truth is, I don't necessarily want to be on this site right now. I'm incredibly burned out on the Org, and I'm incredibly burned out on moderating this site. I'm tired of the squabbles people get into on here, I'm tired of either being labeled "too passive" or a "tyrant" whenever I make any damn decisions regarding the snitfights that go on in the forums, especially when the bottom line is, I think about 99.9% of what I moderate is foolish and petty and a large majority of the time people really need to put this whole online forum thing into fucking perspective and simply CHILL OUT.

I really quite like doing the news updates, though. nod

So why am I here, and why do I continue to bother?

For one thing, I really do care about Ben's site, and the people who frequent it. I like trying to make it a worthwhile place to visit. And that can get kind of addictive.

Also, though, it's like this: I've been stuck in a job situation that, for the past year or so, I've become increasingly aware is not working for me. The work is fine, the people are fine, the company is fine - it's the hours I work that suck. I've been working evening shifts for the past few years, and I'm coming to realize that the time has come for me to join the rest of the world in working days and having my nights free to play with the great majority of the human race who works days and plays at night. Working nights in Chicago is isolating, and more and more lately, it doesn't feel healthy.

It's incredibly hard to make the transition, because a slot during the day shift is not open for me. I don't want to leave my job because the pay is great and I want to commit to a job for a while if at all possible, and stay where I am for a good long while. So I wait. And I continue to work when people are playing and when I have time to play, everyone else is working.

Even though I have a great boyfriend and a few really good friends here, and we try to pack as much fun into every weekend as possible, I realize more and more that my job situation makes socializing VERY difficult.

And increasingly, that's where the Org has come in. It's been something social that I've been able to invest in and something to which I've been able to contribute and hopefully make a better place than when I found it. I've also made friends here who I can communicate with daily. Some of them, thankfully, even reside in the same city as me.

One day, when I finally get the schedule I've been waiting for, I won't be around the Org as much. I hope to continue moderating the news items for this site and HOPEFULLY doing more Q&A with Princely folks, and I will of course be keeping in regular constant contact with all the folks I've come to know and love -- but I know already that when I'm free from the schedule I have now, and when I can go out and play face-to-face with other people in "real-time"...when I can spend my nights making dinner with my sweetheart, or auditioning for plays and improv shows, or visiting with friends at their homes, or going to movies on weeknights, or any of the other things that you 9-to-5ers take for granted...the Org ain't gonna be for me anymore what it is now.

And so, as sick as I'm getting of this place, I gotta thank alla you for keeping me sane over the past year or so. It's not the same as the real thing, but having this place to come to has been a really great "surrogate" when I've felt isolated from a world I really want to be part of.

And YES, I've had some fantastic "real-time" experiences thanks to the Org, and I've met some people who I truly hope I remain friends with for a very long time, and who I hope I get to know in ways that transcend chatting on a web site (though I think that's already happening).

That said, here are a hell of a lot of people who have made this a great place for me:

> DISCLAIMER: If you think this is in ANY order other than stream-of-consciousness, you're wrong, so get over it. and don't go scanning this list thinking it's a 'popularity thread'. this is about my experiences here. it's not that kind of party. no no no!
> 1. Ben - I really wish you were around more. I really wish you were were as interested now in developing this siet as you've been in the past. I wish most that you are deliriously happy with your family and your career, and if that means the Org isn't such an important part of your life anymore, for goodness' sakes, more power to you.
> 2. Stymie - You are my Chicago sister. You make me laugh, you get on my nerves, you tease me, you tell me secrets, I tell you mine, we check out shows together, I get on your nerves, we go to Berlin every's unbelievable the history we have racked up. I feel like I just met you last summer. I know we haven't been hanging out like we did last year, but I have faith that friendships are fluid - we go off on our own paths and then we get closer in proximity again when we're ready. Next time Prince kicks it into high gear, I'll be ready. Just sayin'.
> 3. Cheek - I think that for some reason you may think I don't like you, because I snipped something you posted a while back or some nonsense like that. It's not true. I think you're a really nice person who has fun things to say and really interesting tastes. You bring a good energy. I hope one day I am able to meet you in person.
> 4. Muse2thePharoah - I think you're one of the most fabulous people I've ever met. And I *know* you've got to get that all the time. Not only are you gorgeous and perma-put-together all the time, but your personality and energy are so evolved and warm and comforting to be around. I love how you can be completely loving and completely vulgar at the same time. You can be cynical without getting lost in it. You've got some damn lucky kids to have such a cool mom.
> 5. CarrieMPLS - I will never forget dancing in the aisles with you at The Cure concert. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what else to write, when that memory is really all I want to say. It was such a great moment. There's a lot more I could write, but even though it would be sincere, it would border on saccharin platitude territory by comparison. And I think you know what I mean about the whole dancing in the aisles thing. Thanks for being part of that moment...among many others. And, I hope, more to come.
> 6. The Blue Angel - You probably won't read this. Maybe you will. You're missed. That's meant as selflessly as a person can say they miss someone.
> 7. Fauxie - Oh, whatever. It's not like we're friends or anything. Though I do think you're one of the cleverest jerks in this damn place, and you're going to mock me mercilessly just for writing this much, so I'll just bow to you now and shut my piehole.
> 8. Endorphin74 - Sometimes it makes me really mad that you and Denny live in a different city. Every time I've hung out with you, I've felt an insta-bond that I don't get with lots of people. You're so incredibly easy to be around and comfortable just to be relaxed around. I think my blood pressure literally drops just from hanging out with you. And you're one of the most enthusiastically sweet people I've ever met in my life, no exaggerating. I really hope I get to visit you guys this fall - hopefully Frank will come with, too. I only wish we could all hang out more often.
> 9. & 10. Lace & DawnRose - I hope you two don't mind getting lumped together, but you call each other sisters, and I really do see you two that way. You're the Romy & Michelle of Berlin's Prince Night, and I worship the stage you dance on! Lace, I'm always happy to see you every month and I'm always impressed that you're done up to the hilt every time. And DawnRose, I've had such a great time whenever you've visited - you need to come out more often. nod
> 11. HamsterHuey - I used to didn't think much of you, but now you're one of my favorite people. I thought...well, I don't know what I thought. But the more I've communicated with you, the more you've shocked me with how personable and warm and insightful you are. I hope it doesn't insult you when I say I didn't expect all of that from you, but I hope you believe me when I say I appreciate all of those qualities to the fullest, and then some.
> 12. Violett - I think you're one of the most awesome people in the world. If there were any justice, you'd have your own reality show. Between your humor and your wisdom, the world would be a better place if it got a daily dose of you. I love people who carry themselves as if they're not even aware of how incredible they are...they can just kinda "be". You certainly fall into that category - you're amazingly natural at being naturally amazing.
> 13. AB/Imago777 - I don't even know what the hell to say to you. Sometimes I wonder when the snark stops and the sincerity begins. We've had some good interactions, but then you've also creeped me the hell out with some of your photoshop shit things. At the end of it all, even when I feel like I've been made the biggest ass of, I can't help but laugh. And when I laugh at you making an ass of me, I usually drool a little bit. I just thought you might want to know that.
> 14. Superspaceboy - I love it when you visit Chicago. I'm really really really happy we got to have lunch together a few months back. One of these days you'll have to come out here, and we'll have to go on a serious wrecka stow crawl. We've had some really cool talks, both on here and in person. I hope we have more where those came from.
> 15. Finess - I've only met you in person once, but to me, you're to the Org as Warhol was to New York. You were one of the people who filled me with awe when I first discovered this site. You just knew so much about music and seemed to enjoy it all so much. I don't even know the half of your history, though I know you have some stories to tell. Next time you come into Chicago, we will definitely have to spend more quality time hanging out.
> 16. CynthiasSocks - I hope you're getting some rest and having some fun right now, moustacheman. You're the kind of person who good things happen to because you do good things to deserve it. I don't think I've ever seen you write a single cross comment about another person on this site. You could loan out your extra karma and still come back as a bar of gold in your next life. Your grace and decency is hardly overlooked.
> 17. DOOK - Especially extroverted people usually get on my nerves to the point where I would like them to go away. You're not horrible obnoxious theme-park glee-club extroverted, though. You''re a big, ass-baring freak, is what you are. But you're a charming fucker, too. And I think you're incredibly empathetic. I mean, anyone who owns some of those hats has to be just a LITTLE sensitive. razz Your cracktacular voicemails made me laugh this weekend. Thanks.
> 18. BananaCologne - We're close in a way that I don't even completely understand yet, especially considering we're so far away geographically and we've never even met. I feel like I'm at the beginning of a long friendship with you, and that even if we're not in contact for months or years, we'll most likely find some way of hunting each other out and finding each other again. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. I'm in awe of you sometimes and I worry about you sometimes. Often, the awe and the worry go together. Your enthusiasm for the people and things you care about is gargantuan. That spirit is really inspiring. I hope you always keep your sense of WOW.
> 19. SupaFunkyOrganGrinderSexy - I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but you're one of my absolute favorite people who I have yet to feel like I've really been able to get to know. We had some stellar correspondence earlier this year and I'm still trying to absorb all the goodies that you sent me for the holidays. I don't know what happened to our correspondence - I think we both just got busy - but I hope we can pick it back up sometime. Meanwhile, I'll just continue to be floored by your ability to say all the things I often find myself unable to articulate in the P&R forum. Kiddo, you're pretty freakin' amazing.
> 20. Zelaira - That's right. Zelaira. All I know is, I will never be able to erase the image of you having "gangsta style" sex with a goth vampire version of Prince on a trampoline. Girl, you know how to evoke an image or two.
> 21. GangstaFam - I hope you know how much I appreciate you. Just the fact that you exist. I could never speak to you again, and I'd still feel just a little bit better about being alive just knowing that someone like you can be possible and exist in this world. Your devotion to your family and to the people you love - even the way you've cared for animals - is really, I don't know, breathtaking to me. People aren't supposed to be as caring as you are. Actually, people ARE supposed to be as caring as you are, but they're not. Or they feel pressued to suppress it. You have a huge heart. You're earnest about everything, but you're not blind to sarcasm or cynicism. When I say I think your mind is a scary place, I mean that in the most reverent, complimentary way I can muster. What else can I say?
> 22. IrresistibleB1tch - My comrade in vegetarianism! I don't know you all that well either, but you're certainly on the list of people I hope to meet in the flesh one day, hopefully sooner than later. I can tell just from your posts that we'd get along like gangbusters. smile
> 23. EvilWhiteMale - I think you enjoy bleeding as a metaphor, so allow me to open a vein for a moment. I don't know if you still look at this site or if you've moved on. Actually, I really hope you've moved on, but at the same time, I hope you don't exit the picture completely, because there's a lot I admire(d) about you. Not the posturing. Not the conservatism. Not even really the Marilyn Manson worship (but hey, on all three counts, to each his own). But you were talented. On some level, underneath the layers of your bullshit, you were a shining gem of sincerity and truth. Your anger was kind of eloquent, even though it was obscured by some of your antics. I hope one day when I visit New York I can meet you for that beer you mentioned once a while back.
> 24. Moonbeam - I swear to God, you are one of the most unique creatures I have ever come across in my entire existence drawing breath on this planet. I think you're an insane genius. I think anything you want to do, you have the ability to do. Absolutely anything. I swear, I think the air vibrates around you. I think we have fundamental similarities and differences in the music we like, but what I love about you is that we can discuss the ways we disagree about music without discounting each other's opinions. I've learned things from you. I want you to develop your review writing. You need to get published in music magazines. You're that good - and you're going to be even better if you keep it up.
> 25. Threadbare - Hi. I don't know you that well, but you've always been incredibly nice to me on the boards. I just wanted to acknowledge that, in case I never had before.
> 26. OdysseyMiles - You know how I feel about you, mister. I think you're one of the classiest, funniest, most no-B.S. people on this site. You word things the way I wish I'd thought of first. Of course, I hate you for that and I will have to destroy you for it. But for now, my bloodlust is going to have to be satisfied just telling you how great I think you are.
> 27. KLHK - I know her crazy ass is banned, but she was one of the first names I remembered from the black & purple days of the Org, because she was so insane and larger than life. To me, she's a part of the history of this site in much the same way Grace Jones was a part of the '80s. Just some memorably crazy shit.
> 28. TheAudience - I love your enthusiasm for Hendrix and I wish I could have been in LA recently to meet you, especially with Stymie and Finess in tow. I think your presence on here really motivates other people to talk about music.
> 29. Althom - I hate you. No, really. Just kidding. Truth is, I *LOATHE* you. Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Why can I not stop abusing you? Other than the fact that you suck the exhaust from a Le Car...DAMN! I did it again! Okay - I'm going to try to say something nice about you, even though I think doing so is like Kryptonite to me...I GOD, that hurt. But there you go. I hope you're happy, you ass.
> PS: BANNED!!! brick
> 30. Jerseykrs - Even though you've been a big jerk to me lately, I know it's only because you're too complex of a man to express the soft pink warm fuzzies of your friendly affection for me. I understand, really. Or, well, maybe you're just a big jerk. I understand that, too. I think you're a scream either way. Thanks for taking all the shit I've dished out at your expense, and thanks even more for doing the same right back at me.
> 31. Ace - I have no idea what your story is, but I think you're cool as hell. That's all.
> 32. BrownSugar - Every time I see you at Berlin, we're all either dancing our butts off or I'm tipsy and being a spazz. I'd love it if you, me and Ivy went out for dinner or a movie sometime so we could really all hang out sometime. I think you're a real sweetheart, and you've made me laugh more than a few times on here. Plus: such a cutie!
> 33. LauraRichardson - I wish you would be nicer to people on here. I worry about you. Being that angry isn't healthy. I know this sounds really self-righteous of me to say, but I hope one day you find the ability to agree to disagree with people, and that you find some kind of good in people, because that good DOES exist. And it will benefit you when you acknowledge it.
> 34. TheSexOfIt - With your crazy self. I don't care if your love of early '90s cheese is genuine or if it's a schtick. I don't want to know which it is. I don't care. You're not hurting anyone and you know your stuff to a frightening degree. That's all that matters.
> 35. SinisterPentatonic - I don't even know what all to say about you. We've hung out a couple of times and I really enjoyed meeting you. I hope we get to be part of the same Org Invasion weekend sometime in the future, because you're someone I'd love to talk more with or at the very least, hit a wrecka stow with sometime.
> 36. Damosuzuki - WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! It's like, you know all the most fringe outlets of my music collection and know exactly how to freak me out by namedropping some obscure album that I thought nobody had ever heard of but me. You freak me out sometimes, but in the best possible way. I'd love to dig in your music - I'd probably spontaneously combust from excitement.
> 37. RipHer2Shreds - I don't know you very well, outside of the occasional comment on here and what seemed like a very subliminal meeting in Minneapolis last year. I hope next time I make it out to MPLS, I'll be able to see a bit more of ya.
> 38. HandclapsfingaSnapz - Meeting you was one of the most exciting things about becoming involved in the Org. I know you've moved on to bigger and better, but you were an institution to me. You've got such a strong identity and it's all very interesting and unique. And you don't stray from that in person! I'll always remember giving you a big hug when I first saw ya, and you laughing at me when they gave me that big ass bottle of Corona at First Ave. lol I hope you keep in touch with us in whatever way you feel comfy.
> 39. EskomoKisses - This is turning into a MPLS lovefest! giggle I can't help it - when I think of last year's trip to MPLS, I can't help but think of you and all the work you did to make it a great time for everyone. It takes a special kind of person to have the attention to detail that you had, and to enjoy it, and to take pleasure in doing something like that for other people who you don't even know. I hope you know that I (and a lot of other folks) appreciated all you did immensely. I also hope to see more of ya the next time I'm in town!
> 40. Pej - Gotdamn my hands hurt from all this typing. redface You're not on quite as much as you used to be, but when you're on, I notice. You're definitely a part of this site and its history. That goes without saying. But I said it anyway. And if people didn't know that about you, they'd better know now. smile
> 41. Natisse - I think you, CynthiasSocks, and Endorphin74 are all members of a very exclusive club. I've never seen any of you have a single harsh word for anyone else on this site. Except, well, for Althom. But we both know he deserves it. giggle Really though - I always notice people when they're kind and see the good in people, and that's something you're able to do with what seems like such ease. You seem to really enjoy life, and I hope it brings you everything you want.
> 42. Lizzy7701 - I don't know you very well, but you sure do seem like a lot of fun. I hope you stick around a while.

43. PurpleThunder - You're another crazy one. Also, another one who I'm very much in favor of but don't know all that well. I like your irreverence, it makes the Org fun.

44. PurpleKisses - I've only met you a couple of times at Berlin and chatted with you a few times on the Org, but you were one of the first people to really make me feel like I was a part of this place when I started to participate more and more often. So if anyone reading this hates my guts, you should probably partly blame PK for encouraging me to stick around, because she made this place a lot friendlier for me when it counted. It's kind of bizarre to think of certain people on here as part of a "history", and it's even stranger to think that some of them aren't on here anymore. I'm glad you've stuck around. smile

45., 46. and 47. MetalOrange, LangeBleu & BorisFishpaw - The three wise men of the Org. Everyone on here should give these guys gobs of respect. They know stuff. They're our Encyclopedia Orgtanica. Seriously. Guys, if I've never expressed any kind of appreciation to you before, know that I really am in awe of all you know, and I really thank you guys for all the knowledge you share.

48. AppleKisses - I haven't seen you around much, but I remember having some of the most pleasant chats about...well, mostly about food, ha...on this site. It was always a pleasure to interact with you, and I hope you're still peeking your head in every now and then.

49. KimRachell - If anyone even REMEMBERS her, drop me an Orgnote. She was one of the coolest Orgers ever. One of the first I got to know with any regularity. I know she went off and met the love of her life and had some amazing adventures and all kinds of amazing things, and for heaven's sake, she deserves it all. One of the sweetest souls ever to grace the Org.

50. Eleven - I'm not sure when we even started speaking to each other at Berlin, but I'm glad we did. I think you're an exceedingly cool person, and it's an absolute crime that we both live in Chicago and don't hang out. For shame. We should grab our other halves some weekend and go do dinner or something. Meanwhile, see ya at the next party...and I'm guessing you'll be at Beck next month?

51. Well, Shit. - I reserve this space for whomever I should have listed but didn't. I started writing this list in the middle of the night and now it's morning, so certainly I've forgotten something embarrassingly important. I also reserve this space for people I've yet to meet or people who are on here who will influence or inspire somehow in the future. I reserve this space for a certain purple someone who I'm sure avoids this site like the plague, but still and all, I don't want him to think I've forgotten why we're all here in the first place. I reserve this space for folks over at NPGMC and Housequake and all the the other sites doing their thing and keeping the whole wacky purple community going strong.

And really, I guess, for now, that's Surely not. Still and all...

...time for sleep now.
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Reply #1 posted 08/15/05 5:13am


This probably would have been more effetive as an orgnote, or you probably need more sleep. nod
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Reply #2 posted 08/15/05 5:16am



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Reply #3 posted 08/15/05 5:17am


Anx thank you so much for the kind words... I truly hope I get to meet you one day hug New York in March? what are the chances? hmmm

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Reply #4 posted 08/15/05 5:18am


Althought I didn't read it all...I think you are really nice and really sweet. The org would miss you a lot if you werent here so please stay and don't get mad at us.

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Reply #5 posted 08/15/05 5:21am


rose rest well
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Reply #6 posted 08/15/05 5:23am


sad I am always "and friend"
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Reply #7 posted 08/15/05 5:52am


Happy Birthday, Converse Kid.
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Reply #8 posted 08/15/05 5:52am



Cloudbuster said:


Exactly... evillol
I'm sick and tired of the Prince fans being sick and tired of the Prince fans that are sick and tired!
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Reply #9 posted 08/15/05 6:00am


I knew I forgot something.

<--clears throat

Strange magic

Oh what a

Strange magic

Oh it's a

Strange magic

Got a


(You might like my baby girl's version - substitute "chapstick" for "magic", sing loudly, repeat.)
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Reply #10 posted 08/15/05 7:19am



that was very very sweet to read hug i hope things get to be better for you real soon honey rose
One of the best days of my life...

love is a gift heart

an artist with no fans is really just a man with a hobby....
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Reply #11 posted 08/15/05 7:25am




I'm just pleased you'll remember that over the olympic interior design debacle not to mention my unintentional Courtney Love impersonation. Cause I don't remember either all that well and it'd just be a shame.

And yeah, dancing in the aisles to the Cure... ditto.
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Reply #12 posted 08/15/05 7:27am





Wow eek

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #13 posted 08/15/05 7:33am


Why does Fauxie come before me in your stream of conciousness? hmm

[Edited 8/15/05 7:34am]
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Reply #14 posted 08/15/05 7:42am



I hope things start to pan out for you.


Your wit is always nice to have around
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Reply #15 posted 08/15/05 7:43am


Cloudbuster said:


smile I still love you, cloudy. You'll get a mention when I go. nod
[Edited 8/15/05 7:55am]
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Reply #16 posted 08/15/05 8:05am




This is beautiful. Thanks for posting this Anx, and Happy Birthday. rose
In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular.
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Reply #17 posted 08/15/05 8:07am


5. Finess - I've only met you in person once, but to me, you're to the Org as Warhol was to New York. You were one of the people who filled me with awe when I first discovered this site. You just knew so much about music and seemed to enjoy it all so much. I don't even know the half of your history, though I know you have some stories to tell. Next time you come into Chicago, we will definitely have to spend more quality time hanging out.

My God!!! im so speechless,i dont think ive ever been described or even compared to warhol.. wow.meeting u was a gas indeed.we will most deeeeefinately hang out again. i swaaaaayuh smile hug
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Reply #18 posted 08/15/05 8:09am


....thanks for spot 51 smile

rest up....hug
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Reply #19 posted 08/15/05 8:24am




we all have to move on n do what we need to do in our life... i wish U the best and we most def will see each other again when i am up that way.. and if U ever take a trip down to the southwest to see the big hole n the ground U got a open door here always ... take care and i know we will be in touch n some form hug kisses
If U don't know someone with Autism....... U will...... April is Autism awareness month.... please get involved....
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Reply #20 posted 08/15/05 8:36am



hug.....happy birthday!!!

sending lots of hugs your way.....
Say it's just a dream...
U open up ur eyes and come 2 realize
u simply imagined this
So u lean over and give her a kiss
Here on earth, here on earth,
with u it's not so bad
Here on earth, here on earth
eye don't feel so sad
Stay right here
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Reply #21 posted 08/15/05 8:36am


Anxiety said:

51. Well, Shit. - I reserve this space for whomever I should have listed but didn't. hug

You've always been one of the very few people here who's post I find myself having to read...(and trust me, there are a LOT of people who've felt the same way, cuz they've agreed when I've mentioned it to them)...This thread once again shows that truth to be reality.

Happy birthday, fellow Leo...make sure you're taking care of yourself. sun
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Reply #22 posted 08/15/05 9:57am



I'll use the number "51" on my next jersey!

clapping Great Thread Dude!
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them. -- Mark Twain.

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Reply #23 posted 08/15/05 10:00am



you are SUCH a good kitty!


For the record, Denny and I often have complained that we should all be living in the same city. It just seems like that's how it should be...
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Reply #24 posted 08/15/05 10:10am



worship clapping
Excellent thread Anx. props
You don't scare me; i got kids
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Reply #25 posted 08/15/05 10:38am


This post made me laugh, cry, fill with pride - Jeez, you really let us have it didn't ya? Couldn't you have warned us in advance of this big ol' post of warm n fuzzy lovliness?

I really mean it when I say I am glad we found each other again after such a time apart. I think you are such an uber-cool person, and I have nothing but mountains of respect for you Daddio.

This is a pretty awesome piece of work baby, and I hope you are proud of what it's doing. This equates with Supas wonderful, intimate post that I and others bared our souls and shared in last year. Those of you who have never seen it, should go check it out HERE - it's a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. I love you Supes, you're my brother. hug

There is a lot of good here on the org, and it's so easy to get wrapped up in the negative stuff that sometimes it's the equivalent of 'not being able to see the wood for the trees'. Just don't sweat the small stuff, the friendships I have made here on the org mean as much as something that really means a lot to me in a really big, shiny meaningful kinda way mmmk? I'll hold my hand up here and now and say I've made mistakes and bad judgements on other people, but it feels so good when you let that go and send out a little love. I'm learning, we all are I'd hope. By the way if any of you are still reading this, kudos, becuase I have absolutely NO idea what i'm going on about now beacuse it's all just turning in to one longstringofwordsinaalmostzenlikestreamofconciousnesskindaway.

Anyway, I love you Anx - right back atcha. mushy

With Metta,
'nana x

PS: Wonderful post - but you need to get out more.

No, really. big grin
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Reply #26 posted 08/15/05 10:41am



I hope you have the happiest of birthdays Anx hugs biggrin
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Reply #27 posted 08/15/05 11:03am


Anxiety said:

> 31. Ace - I have no idea what your story is, but I think you're cool as hell. That's all.

You know that's a ditto, man.

Your wit-beyond-compare is one of the things that's kept me coming back to this site and I will miss it greatly when your hours change (although I know I'll see it on my TV screen one day).

Here's wishing you the happiest of birthdays! martini present rose balloons cake party
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Reply #28 posted 08/15/05 11:14am


Anxiety said

35. SinisterPentatonic - I don't even know what all to say about you.


Hey man, you know you're one of my favs on this site. i'm sure we'll hang out sometime in the near future and i might even be sober this time. nod lol

Have an incredible birthday!!!

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Reply #29 posted 08/15/05 12:47pm


oh, and by the way, i almost didn't post this thread at all, because i knew there'd be tons of names that i'd forget to include and people i'd forget to properly rhapsodize, and it's not my intention at all to ignore or neglect anyone or to intentionally earn one star from cloudbuster rolleyes lol ...try starting a thread like this at 5 in the morning and see how comprehensive ya get! nuts

if i was foolish enough to forget ya, it just means i need to get to know you better while i'm on this thing. i've had the fortune of meeting lots and lots of people on this site over the past couple of years, both online and off, and i really hope the circle keeps growing. whatever happens with my job schedule or the development of my creative work, i'm still gonna be popping up at the parties in chicago as long as they keep running, and i'm still gonna be showing up at concerts and the occasional org invasion, and at the very least, i hope to be around here for a good long while to come, developing and maintaining the news section. that's really been the passion of moderating this site for me. i never wanted the org to be "better" than any other site, but i did want what we offer to be unique, fun, and somewhat responsible to all the people who visit the site, including those casual lurkers who just pop in a couple times a month to see "what's new".

i can honestly say that there's not a single person on this site - including the pains in the ass whose names end in three sevens kiss2 - that makes me dread coming here. everyone belongs. sometimes the people who give me the hardest time have taught me the most. there have been other environments, both online and off, where folks have been so toxic that i can't hardly be in the same space with 'em. that doesn't happen here. (so try harder. sigh )

i look forward to meeting new folks, even after i've gotten my schedule sorted and i've integrated what i do on here with all the plans i have for when life gets to be less difficult and more manageable. so to everyone i've yet to share a drink or a concert with or whatnot, here's to the future. biggrin
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Forums > General Discussion > My long, long, LONG tribute to a whole buttload of Org folks