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Let’s pretend… AI music projects in the future I've been thinking about a topic for a while now and I'd be interested in your opinion. First of all, I realize that there are legal pitfalls here, as well as ethical ones. Let's leave these aside for a moment. So: Artificial intelligence is making incredible progress. We will get to the point where artificial intelligence can create completely new Prince albums, even live concerts and video material that is so authentic that nobody will notice it. If you feed this AI with everything that's in the vault, which is quite a lot, you could end up with some pretty good music. Not today, not tomorrow. But in a few years' time. I realize that a lot of people here will say: no way, he would never have wanted that, let's first listen to the unreleased projects from the vault that actually come from him... Personally, though, I think that would be pretty exciting. Because I still really miss looking forward to new Prince projects. Now it's your turn. What do you think about it? See the man with the blue guitar, maybe one day he`ll be a star... | |
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Nope, not interested. I want to listen to real music created by real human beings with real emotions, not some approximation created by a trained algorithm. | |
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Absolutely not. There is enough real unreleased Prince material in the vault to last our lifetime. Why would anyone choose to watch an AI Prince concert when there are dozens of real concerts in the vault waiting to be released.. | |
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"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato | |
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Preach! Shockadelica, she must be a witch
She got your mind, body, and soul hitched | |
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"It's cool to get on the computer, but don't let the computer get on you." It's cool to use a computer but don't let the computer use you!"
- Prince Shockadelica, she must be a witch
She got your mind, body, and soul hitched | |
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Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking. | |
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This will happen. This will happen for Prince music. But this will also happen for everything else. | |
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Only possible aspect that I'm slightly interested in this regard is the possibility of cleaning up audience recordings. Can't see that happening anytime soon, and even if feasible I'm sure it will have it's limitations, but go figure, the trove of shows making the rounds in awful sound quality suddenly listenable. | |
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I have a bunch of audience recordings I've cleaned up using AI - They are out there | |
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*delete* [Edited 3/3/25 13:14pm] | |
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I think we'll grow tired very quickly of AI Prince clones. Once the floodgates open, I imagine the novelty will wear off very quickly.
And then, at last, people might start looking for something new again. And it will be about time!
(Same in films, I imagine: how many Star Wars remakes will they be able to produce using AI princess Leias and Han Solos before the thrill fades, and people will stop being interested. 2? 3?)
Once the rehashing stops, AI will probably become a tool that will allow new forms of creativeness, way beyond repeating the past. | |
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I am interested.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) | |
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Do we need fake music when there are thousands of unheard Prince tracks laying in the Vault and tons of Prince music that we already have and can listen to whenever we want ? . I doubt it. . Instead, let's Keep on asking the Estate to release the actual music released by the man himself in his lifetime. | |
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Without that there is no art and music. "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato | |
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Not interested.It’s gotta be the real thing or nothing at all. | |
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I'm not particularly interested in fakes or AI music but there's already a ton of it and when training models multipurpose models becomes more mainstream and higher quality I'm sure many people will start to use it to make their own fantasy music. Add the bass to when doves cry please, make it funky. Don't change anything else. Let's extend ballad of Dorothy Parker and do A B C. Take x prince but make him sing from the chest rather than falsetto. Remove the rape lyrics from extra loveable add a raunchy guitar solo or something. Nonsense but real world is your Oyster type shit. Video would be dumb as hell though, I think it will be a long long time before they can recreate people we know and make it seem truly lifelike. As an AI novelty sure but not something where you can't tell the difference. | |
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Just me, my personal feelings. I'm not interested in listening to AI generated Prince vocals or styled music. I'm too old to care ![]() ![]() I will take my place, In the great below | |
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I understand the sentiment, and respect your opinion.
When you say 'Music is an inherently human art form'... I would slightly disagree, and say... where we are heading, is..... 'Music was, historically, a human-only art form' | |
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Indeed. | |
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I find the whole AI thing inherently vapid.
And all of its proponents always have this drone-like fevency that A.I. is going to be like sliced bread-meets-the creation of fire, but all of it exudes this cheap, plastic quality. | |
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I mean I'll check it out when whatever it will be comes out but I will know the difference. Real musicians know that Prince's "feel" is legendary. Ain't no way you're going to recreate a human musicians organic "feel" with AI. Maybe in a thousand years or more. Experiencing the feel of a musician is like experiencing their soul. Most of the sheep won't know the difference but I know I will. | |
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Exactly. We need MORE real music, but it's not coming the way we lik, right? Take it or leave it. We can't change that. Then again, this is besides the point. I am interested in all kinds of creativity, being man made or computer generated. I don't need all of Prince's music to be out there before i'm going to listen to some AI generated tests. Because that's what they are. Nothing else. Probably, the kind of computer generated music based on behalf of Prince's 'know and (un)released' legacy, it probably would sound like a copy of a copy. "Possibly" I say, I don't know for sure... yet. I'll keep my opinion for later, after seeying or hearing it. I'm not too old to care. I like new challenges. If Prince was still alive, I'm sure he would be curious, possibly use it, and surpisingly got away with it. He always surrounded himself with new 'kids'. To stay relevant. He was always in for something new. He even gave production away on one of his last albums. Which was unheard of! (but didn't turn out all that well imho. anyways...) "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) | |
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This video by this great French YouTuber, which I just watched last night, addresses it: (He also made a whole series of very insightful videos about AIs. I believe you can watch most, if not all of them with English subtitles: . In a nutshell, he takes 2 examples: first, he explains that if you google painter Hieronymus Bosch, you already find more AI generated images than pictures of his real works. Then, since he's running a philosophy channel, he takes the example of YT videos addressing (or claiming to address) Stoicism: the VAST majority of what you will find is (really poor quality) AI generated videos. . He concludes by addressing the Dead Internet Theory (, originally a conspiracy theory, now becoming a reality: we're getting closer each month to reaching the point when the majority of online content will be generated by bots and AIs, as opposed to humans. . One huge issue with that, besides the absurd amount of resources (servers) required to host all this AI content, is that people will find it harder and harder to distinguish real content from AI content. Many people will google Bosch and simply assume what they see is the painter's work. This is also true for news items of course, which can have disatrous political and societal results. This will also soon be true for most scientific content and works of arts. . What's ironic is that for YEARS I've been warning our specific community about why fanmade Prince mixes, now replaced by AI Prince mixes (and soon by entirely fake AI Prince songs) are wrong because casual listeners (sometimes even hardcore fans, it's already happened many times on this very board) will not be able to differentiate the real thing from fake content, and that it would hurt Prince's legacy on the long run, and most of the community kept laughing at my warnings, saying it doesn't matter (or even embracing said fake contents). Well, admitedly the issue is now much bigger than just Prince, but there we are, and it's just the begining... . [Edited 3/11/25 16:46pm] A COMPREHENSIVE PRINCE DISCOGRAPHY (work in progress ^^): | |
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I agree. It's a matter of years, a decade at best. The mix of naivety and arrogance displayed here is all the more concerning because it shows how much many people don't realize what's coming, thus won't be ready (if there's any way to be ready anyway). We already have so many cases of people, even AI experts, claiming that AIs won't be able to do this or that, then proven wrong in a matter of years, sometimes months. But no, people cherish the ancient illusion that there's something unique to humans capacities. There isn't. . The only way we'll have to know whether future leaks are genuine is though research, and in this regard the Estate would be better off putting an end to their policy of opacity, make a public inventory of what's in the vault (even if they don't release the material) and allow people like Duane to research and write about it. But they, too, I guess, believe the world will always be as it is... A COMPREHENSIVE PRINCE DISCOGRAPHY (work in progress ^^): | |
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. Friends don't let friends clap on 1 and 3.
The Paisley Park Vault spreadsheet: | |
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