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Thread started 09/18/20 10:43pm


Religion tanked Prince the artist

Forgive me for the provoking title.. but

Prince might have found a good clean glorious path that helped him personally in some ways.

Like when alcoholics find god by AA.

That's good and all.

But artistically it tanked and watered his artistic expression.

He stopped being dirty and honest, and instead was detached and focused on pure, innocent, praising the almighty.

And went against his old self.

A split.

I do miss the naughty dirty daring Prince.

I'm not sure there is a heaven or a god, besides raw nature itself.

"Animals strike curious poses"

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Reply #1 posted 09/18/20 10:44pm



or one could say the religion was as much part of the artistry as prior phases of his career

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Reply #2 posted 09/18/20 10:45pm


What a bold and exciting take.
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Reply #3 posted 09/18/20 10:47pm


lustmealways said:

or one could say the religion was as much part of the artistry as prior phases of his career

It was.

But not the purity/holy.

He had it integrated or mixed with sex. Not going full on.

Then he chose the religious side.

as in "sex and curse words are bad"

Maybe it happened at that bad ecstacy night?

Cancelling the black album etc.

I don't know! I'm just talking and thinking

[Edited 9/18/20 15:50pm]

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Reply #4 posted 09/18/20 10:59pm



RogerRoger said:

lustmealways said:

or one could say the religion was as much part of the artistry as prior phases of his career

It was.

But not the purity/holy.

He had it integrated or mixed with sex. Not going full on.

Then he chose the religious side.

as in "sex and curse words are bad"

Maybe it happened at that bad ecstacy night?

Cancelling the black album etc.

I don't know! I'm just talking and thinking

[Edited 9/18/20 15:50pm]

The cussing and x-rated stuff got the most intense in the mid 90's, didn't it? Gold Experience tour, etc

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Reply #5 posted 09/18/20 11:10pm


ufoclub said:

RogerRoger said:

It was.

But not the purity/holy.

He had it integrated or mixed with sex. Not going full on.

Then he chose the religious side.

as in "sex and curse words are bad"

Maybe it happened at that bad ecstacy night?

Cancelling the black album etc.

I don't know! I'm just talking and thinking

[Edited 9/18/20 15:50pm]

The cussing and x-rated stuff got the most intense in the mid 90's, didn't it? Gold Experience tour, etc

Yeah maybe he changed his mind or got over it somehow. Untill it came back again.

I'm just curious about the huge focus on "purity", god or whatever you would call it.

Maybe Larry Graham got him back on that track.

Not a fan of that influence.

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Reply #6 posted 09/18/20 11:27pm


Just to point out..

I'm happy he evolved.

Maybe it's because I'm not american I bail at the purity religious stuff wink

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Reply #7 posted 09/19/20 12:24am


RogerRoger said:

Forgive me for the provoking title.. but

Prince might have found a good clean glorious path that helped him personally in some ways.

Like when alcoholics find god by AA.

That's good and all.

But artistically it tanked and watered his artistic expression.

He stopped being dirty and honest, and instead was detached and focused on pure, innocent, praising the almighty.

And went against his old self.

A split.

I do miss the naughty dirty daring Prince.

I'm not sure there is a heaven or a god, besides raw nature itself.

"Animals strike curious poses"

He grew up. Or at least tried to.

Would you have rather seen Prince dressed scantily in lace with his ass out cussing like Madonna still does?

I disagree.

It didn't tank artistically or water his artistic expression.

How can you say that?

What did you want from him? A new Erotic City at age 45?


What I love about Prince was that he was not afraid to do whatever he wanted.

Imagine being a multimillionaire in your 20's?

Most people would hang up the gloves.

Prince kept on fighting for whatever he believed in, even if it wasn't what you believe in.

Yes, I loved the perverted sex crazed years, but I also love his last 10 albums.

Could it possibly be that since you never found religion or God you couldn't relate?

Not accusing, just asking.

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Reply #8 posted 09/19/20 12:52am


FanAllMyLife said:

It didn't tank artistically or water his artistic expression.

It did. He said bullshit like "what the duck". And he changed lyrics of old "nasty" songs like "23 scriptures in a one night stand...." or that awul "The Christ". It was horrible.

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Reply #9 posted 09/19/20 1:17am


nothing "tanked" Prince...he had a long, illustrious, and prosperous career...end of non-fiction story.
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Reply #10 posted 09/19/20 1:23am


When was Prince not religious?

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Reply #11 posted 09/19/20 1:27am


I think that Prince had an anti-social side that he referenced many times. He could be machiavellian and I don't think he was proud of it, but was not ready want to give it up.This is where his struggles were, IMO.

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Reply #12 posted 09/19/20 1:45am


Nothing tanked Prince the artist, Prince the musician, Prince the singer, Prince the entertainer, Prince the man! He was who he was, and he did what he was blessed by God to do, and be whom God made him to be, and nothing tanked or stopped that.

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Reply #13 posted 09/19/20 1:54am


Prince was a talented and special person and he struggled openly with some of his

not-so wonderful drives. He was often asking forgivness for veering off-path.

We are all works-in-progress spiritually/morally.

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Reply #14 posted 09/19/20 1:56am



Shouldn't this be moved to the P&R section of the forum? Where it should have been posted to begin with.

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Reply #15 posted 09/19/20 4:03am



I wasn't a big fan of those changes but it wasn't my journey.

It was Prince's journey and we were simply along 4 the ride.

He became about as well rounded an artist that there ever was in my opinon.

I'm glad I was there 4 the entire ride.

FOOLS multiply when WISE Men & Women are silent.
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Reply #16 posted 09/19/20 11:53am



ludwig said:

FanAllMyLife said:

It didn't tank artistically or water his artistic expression.

It did. He said bullshit like "what the duck". And he changed lyrics of old "nasty" songs like "23 scriptures in a one night stand...." or that awul "The Christ". It was horrible.

what? eek What the hell? I mean, as graycap said, it was his journey but holy cow, that's cringey.

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Reply #17 posted 09/19/20 11:58am


RJOrion said:

nothing "tanked" Prince...he had a long, illustrious, and prosperous career...end of non-fiction story.

I'm gonna co-sign to this. All in all, he did just fine. We're just obsessed, opinionated Prince fans who spend too much time thinking about Prince. Which is fine too lol

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Reply #18 posted 09/19/20 3:09pm



ThatWhiteDude said:

ludwig said:

It did. He said bullshit like "what the duck". And he changed lyrics of old "nasty" songs like "23 scriptures in a one night stand...." or that awul "The Christ". It was horrible.

what? eek What the hell? I mean, as graycap said, it was his journey but holy cow, that's cringey.

could have been worse and lonely with "23 scriptures in a one night rant...."

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Reply #19 posted 09/19/20 3:51pm


No it was surrounding himself with yes men that did it.
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Reply #20 posted 09/19/20 4:21pm


ThatWhiteDude said:

ludwig said:

FanAllMyLife said:

It didn't tank artistically or water his artistic expression.

It did. He said bullshit like "what the duck". And he changed lyrics of old "nasty" songs like "23 scriptures in a one night stand...." or that awul "The Christ". It was horrible.

what? eek What the hell? I mean, as graycap said, it was his journey but holy cow, that's cringey.

And what about "I wouldn't lie to you baby, it's mainly a spiritual thing" in I Feel For You. It's just as cringy. If you say physical, then at least you're being honest. And he didn't even wear lingerie into a restaurant anymore...
So yeah, it would have been embarrassing if he still went, "does your man have an ass like mine" at 50 years old, but this is the other extreme.
[Edited 9/19/20 9:24am]
If you take any of this seriously, you're a bigger fool than I am.
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Reply #21 posted 09/19/20 4:43pm


RogerRoger said:

Forgive me for the provoking title.. but

Prince might have found a good clean glorious path that helped him personally in some ways.

Like when alcoholics find god by AA.

That's good and all.

But artistically it tanked and watered his artistic expression.

He stopped being dirty and honest, and instead was detached and focused on pure, innocent, praising the almighty.

And went against his old self.

A split.

I do miss the naughty dirty daring Prince.

I'm not sure there is a heaven or a god, besides raw nature itself.

"Animals strike curious poses"


Oh that?

Well you can call it getting older too.

It's just mere life going on, and he did it his way.

I'm not all into his mumbo jumbo stuff either.


Don't forget that god is a mistake made by man, or man is a mistake by god...

I always get confused on that one (thank you Friederich).

All that is left is an enormous amount of released an unreleased music ánd a gazillion questions left unanswered.

And still quite a load of good old dirty shit to enjoy while getting positively mind-fucked.


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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Reply #22 posted 09/19/20 4:48pm


" Spirituallty" instead of " Sexuallity"
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Reply #23 posted 09/19/20 5:59pm


[Edited 9/19/20 12:04pm]

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Reply #24 posted 09/19/20 7:02pm


Margot said:

"All that is left is an enormous amount of released an unreleased music ánd a gazillion questions left unanswered.

And still quite a load of good old dirty shit to enjoy while getting positively mind-fucked." Vannormal (The Org)

I love it.

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Reply #25 posted 09/19/20 7:15pm


The thread should be titled, when Prince made changes to HIS life I didn’t like it anymore. Because YOU didn’t like the changes HE made for himself and his music don’t mean he ranked. The rainbow children was creative whether you liked it or not. I swear imposing thoughts personal opinions and beliefs are far too common with folks. I also don’t need 50 year old prince prancing around like mick jagger with panties on. That’s ridiculous embarrassing and just gross. Things change people change. He also got older. He felt the need to make those changes so he did. While there are songs he chose to change or to simply not play, that’s his prerogative. If you wanna hear Head, Erotic City, Days of Wild with profanity, there’s the studio album versions + a multitude of live versions. Put those on
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Reply #26 posted 09/19/20 7:31pm


ThatWhiteDude said:

ludwig said:

It did. He said bullshit like "what the duck". And he changed lyrics of old "nasty" songs like "23 scriptures in a one night stand...." or that awul "The Christ". It was horrible.

what? eek What the hell? I mean, as graycap said, it was his journey but holy cow, that's cringey.

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Reply #27 posted 09/19/20 7:34pm



There was always a carnal vs. spiritual dichotomy to Prince's work, it's just that the balance shifted later in his life. Even on the Rainbow Children he had the lyric "wet circles 'round the toy/while you bring yourself to joy" in "Mellow". His freak side was always there, but he became less of a rabid horndog as he aged and spiritual matters became more important. That happens to a lot of people as they get older.

Not to mention a 55 year old writing lyrics like "I came on your wedding gown" and "I sincerely wanna fuck the taste outta your mouth" is just as cringey as "23 scriptures in a one night stand".

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Reply #28 posted 09/19/20 7:39pm



tab32792 said:

The thread should be titled, when Prince made changes to HIS life I didn’t like it anymore. Because YOU didn’t like the changes HE made for himself and his music don’t mean he ranked. The rainbow children was creative whether you liked it or not. I swear imposing thoughts personal opinions and beliefs are far too common with folks. I also don’t need 50 year old prince prancing around like mick jagger with panties on. That’s ridiculous embarrassing and just gross. Things change people change. He also got older. He felt the need to make those changes so he did. While there are songs he chose to change or to simply not play, that’s his prerogative. If you wanna hear Head, Erotic City, Days of Wild with profanity, there’s the studio album versions + a multitude of live versions. Put those on

“swear imposing thoughts personal opinions and beliefs are far too common with folks”

That’s a strange take on this thread. No one is doing that. The OP is just stating that he didn’t like the newer cleaner music which is fine. But to actually impose one’s religious beliefs on others IS a problem and there’s accounts that suggests that Prince is guilty of this and that’s inappropriate. Ask Mayte. I mean knocking on people’s doors to tell them “the good news” is a far more accurate example of your gripe than merely saying, I don’t like when Prince doesn’t say “Fuck”

Now, that aside. It’s clear that there was an effect on his music but I think that a bigger reason as many have pointed out was his age and also the times.

But this thread also ignores that the religion was always there. If he’d not released God in 1984 but did in 2004, this would be used as an example of the change. But it’s ignored as it doesn’t fit the narrative. And to use the Christ as an example of a lyric change to point out a move from the profane to the righteous is hilarious (I know that wasn’t you). The Cross v the Christ. It’s the same damn thing and would fit right in at one of those god awful cheesy as fuck mega church concerts.
If the milk turns out to be sour, I aint the kinda pussy to drink it!
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Reply #29 posted 09/19/20 7:41pm


ludwig said:

ThatWhiteDude said:

what? eek What the hell? I mean, as graycap said, it was his journey but holy cow, that's cringey.


Thanks to the wonderful world of the believers jh.


Let me remind you all of the lovely dressed tea party women back in 1984.

They could not prevent Darling Niki from masturbating with a magazine,

but some uncomprhensable stories of believing in a god did.


I also remember very well the live shows of the Lovesexy tour.

When he made us all sing, 'god is love, love is god, love god above'.

I was in Holland, and most people looked around like... wtf.

A bit awkward but fun.

Same happened during a show in Germany, and the one in Antwerp.

Seems that those Europeans back then though it was kind of 'funny' to sing along to.

But hey, it's Prince, and you just gowith the flow.


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972)
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