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Reply #60 posted 08/12/18 5:11am


"He was very into buttons and he had buttons all up and down the costume

and I remember saying to him,

“You know, what’s with the buttons?”

And he looked at me and said,

“You should have told me you don’t like buttons.”

Image result for Prince Kiss

~Rebecca Blake~

Choreographer KiSS Video

director Rebecca Blake

"What was fascinating was how once the stage was put together,

how brilliantly he move around in the space of the set for the film.


I would set-up a shot and then

he would kind of interpret it in terms of how he moved physically.

And that was very interesting"

Image result for Prince Kiss

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Reply #61 posted 08/12/18 5:20am


Prince Mugshot

Mississippi on March 29, 1980.

Prince and keyboardist Dr. Fink were detained for stealing a megaphone from an airplane.

While on tour in 1980 opening up for Rick James,

Fink had suggested to Prince that they should get a police megaphone as a stage prop.

The next day, the band boarded a plane and coincidently,

Fink noticed the plane had an emergency bullhorn in an overhead bin.

He pointed it out to Prince, who then convinced him to put it in his bag since he didn’t have a carry on.

A lady sitting behind Prince notified the flight attendant of the theft while the plane was still on the tarmac.

Fink explained,

“The next thing we know, the pilot comes out and announces, ‘It has come to our attention someone has removed some emergency equipment from the airplane, which is a federal offense ”

Sky Marshals conducted a search and found it on Fink and in a stand up move,

Prince voluntarily went to jail with him.

They were arrested and sent to a local joint, but it turned into a big meet and greet and

Prince ended up posing for pictures and signing autographs in jail.

Prince Mugshot 1980 Jackson Mississippi Arrest


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Reply #62 posted 08/12/18 11:04am


"I tried to play a trick on him once.

It was the first time he came over to the house,

and I wanted to see how tall he really was.

My plan was to tell him we have a no-shoes policy in the house

so he was gonna have to take off his heels.

So I meet him at the car,

“Hey it’s great to see you, welcome, but I have to tell you, we don’t allow shoes in the house.”

And he said, in that beautiful satiny voice,

[drops voice to seductive purr],

“Then we’ll talk outside.”

[Laughing] He did not go for that.

I tried, man!"

Image result for MARC ANTHONY with Prince

~Marc Anthony~

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Reply #63 posted 08/12/18 3:02pm



"Basically, I think of Prince like a god in another realm. It's easier for me to think of him as a character in a movie than a real person. I mean, of all the people who might be aliens or angels or something like that — if we found out that he was not of this Earth, I wouldn't be that surprised".

Jesse Carmichael

"That mountain top situation is not really what it's all cracked up 2 B when eye was doing the Purple Rain tour eye had a lot of people who eye knew eye'll never c again @ the concerts.just screamin n places they thought they was suppose 2 scream."prince
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Reply #64 posted 08/12/18 8:58pm


I feel the same as Jesse I think...

I once wrote that he was like our very own E.T

Must have been incredibly lonely for him at times..

he really was on his own...

NO one even remotely like him...


Thanks CHocolate Box x

[Edited 8/12/18 15:40pm]

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Reply #65 posted 08/12/18 9:21pm


"Prince was a genius.

He taught me to do things that were unique.

He just wanted me to be myself, instead of being like anyone else.

He said,

“Get inspired by other people, but do your own thing. Be yourself.”

So that was the one thing I’ve learnt from working with him.

He just inspired me to be myself.

He gave me permission to be my crazy self."

"Prince had such a good heart.

He was always donating and giving back to society.

He told me,

“When you have something, make sure you give back.

And when you learn something, make sure you teach it to other people.”

I learnt a lot of that from him"


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Reply #66 posted 08/13/18 2:25am



"I dedicate a lot of my music to Prince, for everything he's done for music and black people and women and men, for those who have something to say and also at the same time will not allow society to take the dirt off of them. It's about that dirt, and not getting rid of that dirt."

Janelle Monae

"That mountain top situation is not really what it's all cracked up 2 B when eye was doing the Purple Rain tour eye had a lot of people who eye knew eye'll never c again @ the concerts.just screamin n places they thought they was suppose 2 scream."prince
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Reply #67 posted 08/13/18 11:01pm


Why has the news that Prince has embraced the faith of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

been met with so much suspicion?

Why should such a revelation surprise anyone,

coming as it does from a man who has spent most of his 43 years,

and his entire recording career, celebrating God?

Maybe because it is the Big Unspeakable in the media and in polite society

in general, because thanks to right-wingers and other God cops,

to reveal such a personal relationship is to be in cahoots

with nutcases, extremists and zealots.

But one man’s cult is another man’s church,

and the fact remains that the B-side to Prince’s most famous single,

“Purple Rain,” was “God.”

Furthermore, one of his best-ever songs,

the one that gets played in basketball arenas and on radio stations all over the world,

kicks off with a vocal that sounds as if it were recorded in the Grand Canyon,

and as if it belonged not to a pop star but to a preacher:

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to get through this thing called life.”

Which is what Prince,

like the rest of us, has been doing all these years — getting through this thing called life.

To many, his public persona is that of control freak,

media-manipulator and/or sexy mofo,

but where it counts —in the grooves—the little man has always been asking big questions.

And the one constant to his search has been his faith,

which he has sung about on every record he has released,

in songs such as “The Holy River,” “The Cross,” “Gold,”

“I Wish U Heaven,” “God’s Spirit,”

“And God Created Woman,”

“Thieves in the Temple,” “The Work,”

“Anna Stesia,” “The Truth,” “Annie Christian,”

“The Ladder,” “Mountains,” “Soul Sanctuary,”

“Spirit,” “Gold,” “Count the Days,”

“Into The Light” and, yes,

“My Name Is Prince.” Among many others.

So what’s the big deal?

I mean, in the middle of “Controversy,” for heaven’s sakes,

he recited part of the Lord’s Prayer.

One of his most memorable covers was Joan Osborne’s “One of Us,”

for which he changed the lyrics to, “What if God was one of us?/Just a slave like one of us?”

And the easiest way to find Paisley Park at night

is to look for the glowing peace symbol that rests atop the

studio’s highest spire and cuts the Chanhassen sky like a beacon.

The truth is,

Prince has done more in the name of love-slash-God

than many do-gooders who ostensibly give their lives to one religion or another.

And it is hilariously ironic that conservative Christians

regularly come out against Prince,

or burn his records, because it’s obvious that they’ve got dogma in their ears.

Image result for Prince Praying

(By Jim Walsh St. Paul Pioneer Press, 2001)

Image result for St. Paul Pioneer Press

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Reply #68 posted 08/13/18 11:39pm


"He was as you could possibly imagine greatness to be..

When you were in a room with him..


He was ephemoral,

he was otherworldly and

he was as talented or MORE talented as you would expect


it was JAWDROPPNG to be around him "

~Wendy Melvoin~

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Reply #69 posted 08/14/18 12:15am


"There was Prince

and then

there was the rest of us"

Image result for elton john on prince

"He was Probably the greatest Musician I've seen live on Stage

~Without question~..

there was nothing he couldn't do..

He was THE Showman..

a great writer

an incredible performer singer Guitarist

and we all knelt at his feet,

because if you are a real musician you know quality when you see it

and he had SO much quality and Charisma "


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Reply #70 posted 08/14/18 9:15am


"Prince, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your story.

You somehow found me YouTube 4 years ago

and I'd like to think it was because you came across my natural hair tutorials.

Thank you for our long winded conversations on God,

the Bible,

creating and healing the world.

Thank you for encouraging me to take photos again and

let my dream go from having a small magazine page to

photographing your album that plastered Time Square and the world.

You transformed my life in so many ways

and for that I will

forever #begrateful"

Image result for maya washington prince

"I took these photos of #Prince in his home at

#PaisleyPark and he was clowning me as I struggled to get these shots.

It dawned on me how many photographers and creatives

he's worked with in his life and how amateur

I felt but he was so chill.

It was just us and we hadn't intended for these to be his album

it was just another fun creative shoot but after he saw the images,

he cancelled my flight back home and I stayed another week to edit

and perfect these images."

"Prince was a complete collaborator

always open to ideas while giving creative feedback.

No ego just work, something we're both addicted to.

You are missed 💜💜💜"

Image result for maya washington prince

~Maya Washington~

Shameless Maya

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Reply #71 posted 08/14/18 11:17am


"In 2014 we went down to New Orleans and

played at the Essence Festival.

Prince had been threatening to come and play with us on stage for years.

I would always go out on stage and announce him because

we had his gear set up and he’s like,

“I’m coming out tonight” and I would say,

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest,”

and we couldn’t find him to save our lives.

We’re at the Essence Festival, the place is packed

and I’m not even going to announce him because I already made that mistake twice.

All of a sudden, our drummer goes, “Jump jump jump!”

and Prince comes out jumping but I don’t see him.

So we’re all jumping and there’s a 30-decibel level of the crowd screaming

and I look to the right and there’s Prince jumping with me.

He’s got his hands in the air and we play Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”

and the whole place goes bananas.

It was the most wonderful moment of my life"

Image result for Nile Rodgers Essence festival

~Nile Rogers~

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Reply #72 posted 08/14/18 2:55pm


the most important thread since his death

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Reply #73 posted 08/14/18 9:29pm


"I love that guy as an artist, and I did get to spend a week with him…

and I was too immature to get my head around his process.

The man since he was 19 Lived in ~Prince World ~

He made shit come TRUE..

That’s what I didn’t get at age 31…when I was with him…"

"That man had the ability to Manifest the Present and the Future..

You know how many people can artichoke pull that off ?

Like…” very few…”

He dreamed it and he only dreamed it until he could do it…

There are many people who are Like “I try to make my dreams come true”

But this was a guy who could MANIFEST his imagination……..

At Will."

"He had the means based on his success;

he had a bunch of loot at his disposal, so

That was not a problem…

that’s usually the first problem for any artist..

How do I pay for all this..?

HE figured that out early on .."

"He was a guy who was like “We can do anything”

He was a guy who could say it

and you’d believe it because he HAD done Anything..

He,d taken himself from the smallest place in the world

to the Grandest stage on the Planet !"

"Everybody knew the Guy…

Everybody knew who he was…

so here I am at 31 spending a week with him

And I wasn’t ready for that.

Id never dealt with anyone like him..

Id never dealt with a TRUE Artist"

"The dude was a Magician…

.......................................... he became a part of your DNA"

~Kevin Smith~

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Reply #74 posted 08/14/18 10:07pm


“He probably was one of the most misunderstood guys in the world.

“He was simple in his makeup.

He didn’t put pressure on people.

He let people be who they were.

Image result for Prince on Stage 1995

“On stage, he let it all go and gave the people a

show they’d never imagine they would get.

“No two shows were alike.

It offered us new ways of looking at his talent.

“There was nothing he wasn’t good at.

“Every time I saw him on an instrument,

I was surprised that he had that much knowledge of that instrument.

“Every now and then there is someone who will come along with gifts like that."

Image result for Prince on Piano 1985

Image result for George Benson on Prince

Image result for George Benson P. Park

“He was always comfortable,

whatever he played, and it didn’t make no difference what he was playing,

he was just as comfortable.

He didn’t work hard at it.

It seemed as natural as breathing for him.

“He was a super-talented guy.”

"Benson and Prince often hung out together at the late singer’s Paisley Park studios in Minnesota and sometimes at Benson’s home in Maui, Hawaii.

He said:

“I’ve been to a great many great recording studios but that place,

when you went through the front door of Paisley Park, you were engulfed in music.

“The music grabbed you and you were inside the music.

“He used the right word when he called it a ‘park’

because it was like being in a menagerie of some kind.

“You felt like you were outdoors.

Because of the way it was designed,

you didn’t feel like you were inside a place except for the music and an environment.

“There were a lot of glass compartments and he had an apartment there for guest artists.

“People came from all over the world who wanted to record there."

Related image

He was a man of very few words...very few.

But after a while I got used to that whenever he came around.”

Benson said: “I was there when he got married.

He used to come over often and hang out, so we became friends.

“Plus, he was one of my brothers in my religion so we both had an understanding of what we wanted to see happen for mankind and

the vision of mankind that we had in our minds.”

Image result for George Benson and Prince

"Benson ranks Prince among the greats he has played and said he was devastated when he heard the news of his death in April.

He added: “It was devastating stuff, man.

“We were friends. I recorded at his studio.

“And I gave him a guitar, which he used on the road for about 10 years.

Image result for George Benson P. Park  Prince

“He loved the instrument and took it everywhere with him.

“I even did a jam session with him in London at one of the ballrooms after he played Wembley Arena.”

Image result for George Benson on Prince


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Reply #75 posted 08/15/18 1:38am


luvsexy4all said:

the most important thread since his death

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Reply #76 posted 08/15/18 3:04am


Prince story.

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Reply #77 posted 08/15/18 6:44am


Image result for prince a case of u

" I was mezmerized the first time

I watched him play this song from the side of the stage

no theatrics

no dancers --just him and the Piano

He was a Master amongst us "

Image result for Rose Ann Dimalanta Prince

~Rose Ann Dimalanta~


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Reply #78 posted 08/15/18 1:21pm



THANK YOU so much 4 this heartwarming collection, lovejunky! 💜💜💜 so so so much needed! hug
the only love there is is the love we make heart
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Reply #79 posted 08/15/18 10:40pm


highfive hug love kisses hug heart kiss

lemoncrush19 said:

THANK YOU so much 4 this heartwarming collection, lovejunky! 💜💜💜 so so so much needed! hug

Image result for prince love god

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Reply #80 posted 08/15/18 11:05pm


"When you come to the concept of a rock star,

he is that.

He's the epitome of that.

As an artist,

I think it's becoming more clear to everybody

now just how much volume of work and stuff he's done,

all the stuff and how fast he was doing stuff and all the stuff that

I know has never come out.

Coming to grips with all that stuff he was doing

and knowing how he worked and,

wow, people are just now beginning to see what that was all about"


“My fondest memories of Prince was him calling me in the middle of the night when

I’m somewhere getting high,” laughs Clinton,

who quit drugs himself several years ago after decades of abuse,

and whose next release (with Parliament) will ironically be a pharmaceutical-themed concept album of sorts titled Medicaid Fraud Dog.

“He’d say, ‘Come on, I need someone to talk to,’ and I’m like,

“Oh s***, why are you calling me now?’

He’d stay up all night, just running my mouth because I like to talk a lot.”


“I think I got him into that ‘SLAVE’ thing,” Clinton muses.

“I know I did.

I was always talking about the record companies,

how bad they was. He got it.

He did his act real good with that.

He had all this copyrights back.

I had preached to him.

I didn’t do it at first, and it took me a long time to get it together,

but he got it really quick.

He did it so much better than me!”


When you look at his guitar playing, even on the stage with

[Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood]

and all them when they did the George Harrison song

[during a 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tribute,

when you see him on stage with those people

and they're giving him props like he's supposed to be getting,

you realize,

"Damn, this motherf---er is all that,"

even though to me he kept the songs that he made very commercial and pop.

Some might even say bubblegum but not really bubblegum,

'cause he was too clever of a writer.

But they were hits,

so many hits,

that it seemed like he was just churning out bubblegum.

But they weren't.

Those are stories and those are pieces of work that are gonna be around.


“I just don’t even think about that,

from when [Prince’s death] happened,

’cause I can’t process it, still,”

Clinton says, shaking his head, before insistently adding:

“He didn’t do no drugs.


He was always cool.

He didn’t do that s***".


[Edited 8/15/18 16:38pm]

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Reply #81 posted 08/15/18 11:08pm



cool wonderful + amazing thread... this is thread of the year, this should have been a sticky: nod

"I just can't believe all the things people say"

thanks a lot, 2 u Lovejunky!! worship love

Prince 4Ever. heart
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Reply #82 posted 08/15/18 11:33pm




[Edited 8/15/18 16:50pm]

"That mountain top situation is not really what it's all cracked up 2 B when eye was doing the Purple Rain tour eye had a lot of people who eye knew eye'll never c again @ the concerts.just screamin n places they thought they was suppose 2 scream."prince
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Reply #83 posted 08/15/18 11:47pm


"Back in the era when he was writing slave on his cheek and was trying to get out of his Warner Bros. record deal,

he started talking about me in the media and saying he wanted to be on Righteous Babe.

I was in Minneapolis playing a show and he came.

We met and he invited me back to Paisley Park.

It was actually that night that I recorded a little bit on the record

he was working on at the time.

In an artistic exchange I asked him to sing on my record, so we did a little tit for tat.

I have seen him a few times since and

he is really an amazing artist.

We jammed together,

and just watching him bounce from Piano to Drums to Guitar was really fun"


"He bounced from instrument to instrument and each one of them he spoke with.

It wasn't like he could just play a beat,

it was like he could play drums,"


"The most "Vivid"Person

Ive ever met

'He knew his power."


~Ani DiFranco~

[Edited 8/15/18 17:13pm]

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Reply #84 posted 08/16/18 2:06am



 photo image_zpsl8hmimmf.jpeg

Prince danced like Fred Astaire - he played guitar like Hendrix - he wrote songs as good as Dylan - he smashed as many barriers as Bowie.
~Tony Parsons~

[Edited 8/15/18 19:08pm]
[Edited 8/15/18 19:14pm]
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #85 posted 08/16/18 11:30pm



I would like to make a request to keep this thread on the front page please.. This site is in dire need of positivity for Prince.

"That mountain top situation is not really what it's all cracked up 2 B when eye was doing the Purple Rain tour eye had a lot of people who eye knew eye'll never c again @ the concerts.just screamin n places they thought they was suppose 2 scream."prince
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Reply #86 posted 08/16/18 11:38pm


ChocolateBox3121 said:

I would like to make a request to keep this thread on the front page please.. This site is in dire need of positivity for Prince.

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Reply #87 posted 08/17/18 12:13am


ChocolateBox3121 said:

I would like to make a request to keep this thread on the front page please.. This site is in dire need of positivity for Prince.

Yes please!
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #88 posted 08/17/18 3:34am


Prince was a gift, a genius and a reminder that we have no limits.
Perhaps the most tremendous thing Prince showed us is how music can be the closest expression of freedom. His songs defied all the rules and taught us to let go of boundaries placed on us by the world and by each other.

The only person who can keep chains around us and box us up is ourselves. He never gave in. I’m grateful for his example. I’m that much more free because of Prince.

I hope he’s found his place where he can create endless magic, mystery and music forever. The power in his songs moved me always. His music left me changed forever. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, there is only one Prince.
~Alica Keys~
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #89 posted 08/19/18 12:41am


Lala Escarzega posted the following on her Instagram account on May 13, 2016.
This is a silhouette of Prince and I, from the video Xtralovable, which I used to tease Prince that it was spelled wrong.
I miss him so deeply.
Posting this is bittersweet.
If you know me, you know that I don't care for fame or hype. It means nothing to me without him here. I see many using his name now for the wrong reasons.
But this video, I learned, was important to him.
He was my friend first, & an icon 2nd in my world. I used to tell him, "I think I forget who you are sometimes". And he would give me big eyes and a funny face and say, "uh, yeah!" Lol!

That is one thing I know he appreciated about me. Prince just wanted to be normal around his inner circle. That is why he stayed in Minneapolis.

Because people treated him normal.

We would go to the movies (albeit, he'd still shut down the theatre), the store, coffee shops & drive around MN and he could do so because he knew he was "safe" there.
Sometimes when we'd drive around, Prince would do this hilarious thing where he'd say "watch this" and then he'd find some random stranger walking down the street and very animatedly stick out his hand and wave "hi" to them.

Most people would casually wave back.
I thought it was so funny. And he'd do it all the time because he knew it made me laugh.

We had so much fun together. But we also argued, as those who are close, inevitably do. During December of 2015, we hadn't spoke in a few weeks. We were distant.
I got very very sick in January of this year and when he found out I was in the hospital, he reached out to me immediately. That was Prince's way of demonstrating his love for me.
No matter the distance between us.

Which for Prince, if you know him... He can ignore you for a long time if he wants to. And he had... Up until when he found out I was sick.
It makes me sad, that I could not do more to save him. It breaks me inside & makes me angry.

I had just spoken to him a few days before he transcended, (after his plane scare), and told him how much I missed him & how badly it had scared me when I heard of an emergency landing.

He told me he was ok & with a smile. He told me not to worry.

We both talked about meeting soon. (Cont. below)
lalaescarzega(Continued)... I wish I had've gone to see him sooner.
During the memorial, one thing that stuck with me was Tavis' speech and a speech by the pastor... Tavis spoke on how he had been re-evaluating his own life and how he kept asking himself "why". That resonated with me because I did the very same.
Then the pastor spoke later to answer Tavis. He said, "Do not question God" nor his timing. We do not know Gods plan and to ask "why", is too limited for Gods knowledge.
So I will try not to ask "why"... Although, with my ungodly abilities and reasoning and limited human understanding, it will be difficult. I will try to have Faith instead... and on days where it hurts the most.. I will remember how much he lived life to the fullest, how he loved me, our good times and I will demonstrate in my life your profound effect on me through my creativity. I will see you in all my art, and in all my love... I know you will be with me, always. #xtralovable #extraloveable #prince #love @drfunkenberry @greenteapapi
Live 4 Love ~ Love is God, God is love, Girls and boys love God above
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