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Reply #1410 posted 06/02/18 4:53pm


Maybe his priorities were just different. Really a man who would obsess over a clean house may just have OCD, vanity or is neurotic. He obviously was caring less about his image at the end of his life. But he was still working, wearing his makeup, giving his all in performances, protecting his artistic rights. I don't think we should overreact to a dirty house. He was human and dealing with a crisis and extremely private. Paisley Park has been too romanticized for too long. It was always a bit of an odd thing to do..too much of a bubble. NOt all bad. Throwing concerts for the locals and inviting young artists to come and record there again.. in the last years of his life...was actually a step in the right direction. But a sterile, perfect Paisley Park is still a bubble--and if Prince was gone half the year away from Paisley then I am happy. Howard Hughes probably had a perfectly clean house, but he kept his pee in mason jars and never left the house. If we found pee in mason jars and then P never left the house, then there would be additional reasons to worry. We all have moments when we lose self-respect and I am sure Prince had moments like that. But his biggest problems seems to be those revolving around trust, fear, false pride, shame, and a compartmentalized personality, and working too damn hard to deal with emotional issues through music and work.

PennyPurple said:

purplerabbithole said:

I am going to assume the pee was recent..since there was a drug crisis that occurred right after he returned from a tour. Grout turns black especially in older houses. He needed renovations obviously. Dirt on the floor...was there a lot or just from foot traffic. It rains in April. The house needed cleaning but since he was touring and then dealing with a health crisis, I am sure that went to the waist side. I don't remember the cars looking too dirty..but I don't know maybe you are right. HIs little bedroom was disconcerting but maybe he was just secretly kind of Dare-I-Say HUMBLE>

The grout on the kitchen floor was black, you look at the same kitchen floor under the carts, fridge and other things, the grout is white or cream. It needed a deep clean which evidently hadn't been done in years.

The urine in the corner and behind the stool, on the floor didn't look recent, it looked built up.

I don't expect Prince to clean his place, what I expected was Prince having somebody clean the place.

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

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Reply #1411 posted 06/02/18 4:54pm


PennyPurple said:

purplerabbithole said:

I am going to assume the pee was recent..since there was a drug crisis that occurred right after he returned from a tour. Grout turns black especially in older houses. He needed renovations obviously. Dirt on the floor...was there a lot or just from foot traffic. It rains in April. The house needed cleaning but since he was touring and then dealing with a health crisis, I am sure that went to the waist side. I don't remember the cars looking too dirty..but I don't know maybe you are right. HIs little bedroom was disconcerting but maybe he was just secretly kind of Dare-I-Say HUMBLE>

The grout on the kitchen floor was black, you look at the same kitchen floor under the carts, fridge and other things, the grout is white or cream. It needed a deep clean which evidently hadn't been done in years.

The urine in the corner and behind the stool, on the floor didn't look recent, it looked built up.

I don't expect Prince to clean his place, what I expected was Prince having somebody clean the place.

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

addicts typically stop taking care of their surroundings and self-care declines...he was helpless in his addiction...the music/touring/art went on, but it was auto-pilot...his soul was in crisis.

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Reply #1412 posted 06/02/18 4:55pm


Menes said:

PennyPurple said:

I went thru the pictures on zipfile 4 again last night. I'm sorry folks, but PP was a mess. The toilet and floor in his bathroom was disgusting. PP was in dire need of a face lift.

The cars in the garage eek What a shame. I did notice that the light blue Bentley was registered to PP Enterprises but the Insurance on the Bentley was in Kirk's name.


You're one of the few that paint a more precise picture in regards to his state of mind. Nothing to do with pain. Everything you see and read corresponds with someone who was far more gone than imagined. Keep up the good work.

Exactly, Menes, Penny is THE BEST!

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Reply #1413 posted 06/02/18 4:55pm



PennyPurple said:

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

Mission accomplished then. lol

Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end nod
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Reply #1414 posted 06/02/18 4:59pm



Bodhitheblackdog said:

PennyPurple said:

purplerabbithole said:

I am going to assume the pee was recent..since there was a drug crisis that occurred right after he returned from a tour. Grout turns black especially in older houses. He needed renovations obviously. Dirt on the floor...was there a lot or just from foot traffic. It rains in April. The house needed cleaning but since he was touring and then dealing with a health crisis, I am sure that went to the waist side. I don't remember the cars looking too dirty..but I don't know maybe you are right. HIs little bedroom was disconcerting but maybe he was just secretly kind of Dare-I-Say HUMBLE>

The grout on the kitchen floor was black, you look at the same kitchen floor under the carts, fridge and other things, the grout is white or cream. It needed a deep clean which evidently hadn't been done in years.

The urine in the corner and behind the stool, on the floor didn't look recent, it looked built up.

I don't expect Prince to clean his place, what I expected was Prince having somebody clean the place.

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

addicts typically stop taking care of their surroundings and self-care declines...he was helpless in his addiction...the music/touring/art went on, but it was auto-pilot...his soul was in crisis.

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Reply #1415 posted 06/02/18 4:59pm


the life style was auto-pilot (like it always had been), the music never or rarely was. A soul in crisis often produces good art. Drugs don't necessarily make you a better artist or worst artist. And often artists can temporarily fend off the cravings through their work..Its when they go home exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally that they turn to drugs. they feel depleted..other artists have talked about this sense of "depletion". P's after shows I suspect were done for that very reason--a crutch to keep the demons at bay..but they (like most things in his life) were a double edged sword. They werent' enough and they were physically exhausting. Yes, I believe he did die for his music, (not necessarily for fans, but for music itself) and I do think (along with emotional issues and addiction) he had physical pain. How could he not? He didn't die because he wronged Mayte Garcia and everybody hated his guts and wanted him to die. That is way too simplistic and not substantiated at all. People for years before he died described him as mysterious, compartmentalized, suffering from abandonment issues, cryptic, moodly, and distant(as well as a lot of good things). He was a complex man who would have been hard to help even people wanted to help him or tried to. . His last years and his death were complex as well. He died to keep the music, fantasy, and the walls up in an ill-conceived attempt at self protection from a world he struggled to trust. I firmly believe that. And a somewhat dirty house of self-serving,confounded, and semi-enabling employees don't prove otherwise. Prince kind of sucked at being famous--despite his charisma and success..One of his earlier producers, I believe, said he seemed too skittish for this line of work. Maybe they were right.

Bodhitheblackdog said:

PennyPurple said:

The grout on the kitchen floor was black, you look at the same kitchen floor under the carts, fridge and other things, the grout is white or cream. It needed a deep clean which evidently hadn't been done in years.

The urine in the corner and behind the stool, on the floor didn't look recent, it looked built up.

I don't expect Prince to clean his place, what I expected was Prince having somebody clean the place.

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

addicts typically stop taking care of their surroundings and self-care declines...he was helpless in his addiction...the music/touring/art went on, but it was auto-pilot...his soul was in crisis.

[Edited 6/2/18 17:27pm]

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Reply #1416 posted 06/02/18 5:05pm


Whose mission??

Mumio said:

PennyPurple said:

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

Mission accomplished then. lol

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Reply #1417 posted 06/02/18 5:17pm


what doesn't make sense to me is, everything else was in that state but the music was still pristine, most artists it shows in the music somehow. Look at whitney, arguably the greatest voice ever in pop/soul music reduced to a croak by drugs. Jimi certainly played fucked up sometimes, Elvis put on some abyssmal performances. Prince never sounded better, he really never sounded better..

purplerabbithole said:

Maybe his priorities were just different. Really a man who would obsess over a clean house may just have OCD, vanity or is neurotic. He obviously was caring less about his image at the end of his life. But he was still working, wearing his makeup, giving his all in performances, protecting his artistic rights. I don't think we should overreact to a dirty house. He was human and dealing with a crisis and extremely private. Paisley Park has been too romanticized for too long. It was always a bit of an odd thing to do..too much of a bubble. NOt all bad. Throwing concerts for the locals and inviting young artists to come and record there again.. in the last years of his life...was actually a step in the right direction. But a sterile, perfect Paisley Park is still a bubble--and if Prince was gone half the year away from Paisley then I am happy. Howard Hughes probably had a perfectly clean house, but he kept his pee in mason jars and never left the house. If we found pee in mason jars and then P never left the house, then there would be additional reasons to worry. We all have moments when we lose self-respect and I am sure Prince had moments like that. But his biggest problems seems to be those revolving around trust, fear, false pride, shame, and a compartmentalized personality, and working too damn hard to deal with emotional issues through music and work.

PennyPurple said:

The grout on the kitchen floor was black, you look at the same kitchen floor under the carts, fridge and other things, the grout is white or cream. It needed a deep clean which evidently hadn't been done in years.

The urine in the corner and behind the stool, on the floor didn't look recent, it looked built up.

I don't expect Prince to clean his place, what I expected was Prince having somebody clean the place.

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

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Reply #1418 posted 06/02/18 5:18pm



purplerabbithole said:

Whose mission??

Mumio said:

Mission accomplished then. lol

It's just another one of her digs. Can't a discussion without them.

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Reply #1419 posted 06/02/18 5:21pm


PennyPurple said:

luv4u said:

All those pics are already posted on previous threads.

Thanks, I'll stop trying to put them here, it'll save me lots of time.

Billie and Pete, you might want to find those pics that have already been posted here, somewhere in part 1-10, since both of you were asking for them. smile

i'll find them as stated, i usually use my mac, it's a nightmare for certain things but I'll get to it. Also, listened to the limo driver and a couple other workers for Prince, the limo driver was heart broken, just lets you know that prince was far from the guy he was when he was young. almost no one liked him when he was young, it's a total reversal really. and the zehetner (?) lady was very interesting too, the part where she said he just should have been kept out of PP, I thought that was very interesting. One of the 50 laws of power is the dangers of isolation, it's true in many many ways.

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Reply #1420 posted 06/02/18 5:22pm


CooperC62057 said:

PennyPurple said:

I went thru the pictures on zipfile 4 again last night. I'm sorry folks, but PP was a mess. The toilet and floor in his bathroom was disgusting. PP was in dire need of a face lift.

The cars in the garage eek What a shame. I did notice that the light blue Bentley was registered to PP Enterprises but the Insurance on the Bentley was in Kirk's name.


The condition of the bathroom. Also makes you wonder who was overlooking this? Who thought this was okay? Who was turning their heads to this? To most people this sets off alarms that something isn’t quite right but, and I hate to say this, others with similar issues might not notice it either. Looking at the photos of PP and remembering some descriptions of the place in the Rolling Stone article it’s as though time stood still in many areas. Eerily still.

i gotta see that RS article, i can't even open it on this mac, i should just start using my other laptops but i love this mac so much.

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Reply #1421 posted 06/02/18 5:26pm


fuck no it ain't alright, hell, phaedra sounded like a manipulative bitch from Zehetners' description, getting people fired, running credit checks. what surprises me is that prince fell for that with all his life experience, work places are like that, so and so is doing this, all this backstabbing and i would think prince would take that with a grain of salt, defiinitely not smart of him. so maybe his thinking really wasn't top notch.

Bassette said:

Krystalkisses said:

Strawberrylova123 said: Why would you call it an addiction? Every man loves beautiful, young , fertile women it is evolutionarily psychology.

I was referring to:

Reply #12 posted 06/02/18 6:12am


The place was in disrepair in 2014 according to the Rolling Stone interviewer. He said that Prince's affairs were being handled by 20-something girls with no business experience at that time. JMO but that means he was in the downward spiral before 2014, so the people around him had to have known, had to have seen it happening ... I don't believe anyone who said they didn't know after he died.

Just as long a girl is around, everything is alright. It appeared not to be that way.

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Reply #1422 posted 06/02/18 5:29pm


fuck, sounds depressing and bizarre, all he had to do was hire someone to clean up after him which im sure he had for a long time.

Bodhitheblackdog said:

purplerabbithole said:

I can't get the pictures to load on my pain-in-the-butt computer. But I do think he was a busier man than many realize. Like someone else just said, he was going to turn Paisley into a museum. He seemed to have much less on-site staff and was hiring out for things he needed. The last month of his life was consumed with touring and coping with drug issues. The rest of Paisley (parts normal people could see) were pretty clean from what I saw.

Here is itinerary for the last year or so of his life...In January, there may have been some concern from outsiders about his thinness and some eratic behavior, but looking at clips in the documentary (Prince's Last YEar) from the P and M tour, Baltimore concert, and even the Ray Charles Concert, he seemed to be pushing through..until that last month of his life and things get really really rough.

--early months of 2015—recorded much of hitnrun phases 2.

April 2015

--writes Baltimore

May 2nd

--Records Baltimore

--video created for Baltimore


--Rally for Peace concert (presumably some rehearsal and arrangements done in the days before)

June 13th

--Plays White house gig..( presumably some rehearsal and arrangements done in the days before)

--performed with Kendrick Lamar at hourse

October 8th

--performance for Madonna


--recording and performing with Mono Neon


--St. Bart’s performance

January 21st

--Piano and Microphone tour starts in Paisley Park

Month of February--Australia P and M dates…

March 3—back in America in California..(goes to Warrior’s game)

--Oakland concert March 4, (last time seeing Van Jones after talking to some activists in Oakland)

--March 12—Ray Charles show…plays.

--March 17th (back in New York at nighclub)…Prince tells people about his memoir.

--March 21st—Canada (P and M tour) 2 shows..

--April 7th (First cancelled show after tickets already sold)

--April 14th..does two shows

--April 16th—makes appearance , --April 17th---riding bike

so he was too busy to direct a staff member to get a housekeeping service to clean up the dried urine around his toilet, get an electrician in to make sure the tangle of wires in every room was safe,get the flammable things removed from his garage-pronto, protect The Vault from water incursion and mildew...nope, I'm not buying it. He was checked out of his life. He was just going through the paces.

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Reply #1423 posted 06/02/18 7:18pm


That was the point I was trying to make earlier. He was really sounding great musically and seemed inventive and inspired more often than not.. NOthing in his performances revealed a man just going through the paces. There were things about this prince I really liked...he seemed more relaxed and humble about certain things and even at times more open.. Whether or not, Phaedra (and possibly but hopefully not Van) were manipulating him, his heart seemed to be in the right place where activism was concerned.. There were disconcerting paranoid sides of him as well. I just don't like P being represented as just a humorless, rocknroll cliche when his last years were much more complex and varied than that (It feels like people are quick to believe the worst case scenario about his employees and Prince in order to fulfill some kind of need for a balance in the universe..he wronged his wife and child so therefore he must pay??). He didn't appear to me to be a empty vessel filled with nothing but opiods and routines. He was more vulnerable it seems and sadly more stubborn and untrusting where older associates were concerned but he also maintained at times his humor and optimism. Seeing the less glamorous aspects of Paisley is jarring for folks, but I contend that Paisley was probably never the pristine place he wanted people to believe it was. I think Prince's control was often inconsistent and his business ideas, although often good, were often poorly executed. He let a lot of his dreams (turning the egg into a place to distribute food etc), having a serious production company, his websites...etc go into disrepair years ago. I am not going to immediately assume drugs are the reason for this. I have never glamorized Paisley was a mixed bag from the beginning...he was not always a great delegator and probably micromanaged too much...took on too much. Think about bathrooms and cleaning for a second. Prince was often paranoid about people stealing his stuff or leaking stuff. He probably would want to meet each person who cleaned his house himself. Maybe they hadn't gotten a new cleaning staff yet because he had too many other things on his mind and didn't trust just anyone to come into his personal space. Also, leaving out the pain issues and workaholic tendencies in relation to his drug usage is completely unfair as well. the man had a long history of overworking his body and just plain overworking. How could he not have physical pain? Considering some of the stuff he went through and his obsession with music as a panacea. How could he not have emotional pain? He did die for his music--its just not that simple..obviously. If you are willing to continue dangerous drugs and dancing into your 50's on stage to the degree he did , then you would need some pain management and might need emotional and psychological support as well to find some balance in your life.. We need a Venn diagram to show how motivations and symptoms overlap.

PeteSilas said:

what doesn't make sense to me is, everything else was in that state but the music was still pristine, most artists it shows in the music somehow. Look at whitney, arguably the greatest voice ever in pop/soul music reduced to a croak by drugs. Jimi certainly played fucked up sometimes, Elvis put on some abyssmal performances. Prince never sounded better, he really never sounded better..

purplerabbithole said:

Maybe his priorities were just different. Really a man who would obsess over a clean house may just have OCD, vanity or is neurotic. He obviously was caring less about his image at the end of his life. But he was still working, wearing his makeup, giving his all in performances, protecting his artistic rights. I don't think we should overreact to a dirty house. He was human and dealing with a crisis and extremely private. Paisley Park has been too romanticized for too long. It was always a bit of an odd thing to do..too much of a bubble. NOt all bad. Throwing concerts for the locals and inviting young artists to come and record there again.. in the last years of his life...was actually a step in the right direction. But a sterile, perfect Paisley Park is still a bubble--and if Prince was gone half the year away from Paisley then I am happy. Howard Hughes probably had a perfectly clean house, but he kept his pee in mason jars and never left the house. If we found pee in mason jars and then P never left the house, then there would be additional reasons to worry. We all have moments when we lose self-respect and I am sure Prince had moments like that. But his biggest problems seems to be those revolving around trust, fear, false pride, shame, and a compartmentalized personality, and working too damn hard to deal with emotional issues through music and work.

[Edited 6/2/18 19:51pm]

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Reply #1424 posted 06/02/18 8:18pm



It's almost as if his home wasn't a home to him. It was just a stark place to lay his head down at.

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Reply #1425 posted 06/02/18 8:31pm


Maybe you are right. But like i said earlier, if he spent half his year away from is certainly better than him being holed up in that place by himself with little contact with the outside world other than his paid employees. If he was inviting young musicians in and working with Janelle and chit-chatting with CHris Rock in St. Bart's, occasionally prank calling revolution members, emailing and calling Tamron about clothes for hours in the middle of the night, kicking it with chapelle occasionally, mentoring young musicians, ..etc, that is certainly something. P was compartmentalized and his "friends" only knew about 15% of who he was, but that is still contact--it is still bonding..even if it is limited and on his terms. Its too bad he couldn't just give someone 100% of who he was...but that unfortunately was his nature or had become his nature.. Its not ideal, but its not Howard Hughes bleak. Unfortunately, it probably made it hard for people to know entirely what he was going through or how to help him.

PennyPurple said:

It's almost as if his home wasn't a home to him. It was just a stark place to lay his head down at.

[Edited 6/2/18 20:39pm]

[Edited 6/2/18 20:57pm]

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Reply #1426 posted 06/02/18 11:39pm


Bodhitheblackdog said:

PennyPurple said:

The grout on the kitchen floor was black, you look at the same kitchen floor under the carts, fridge and other things, the grout is white or cream. It needed a deep clean which evidently hadn't been done in years.

The urine in the corner and behind the stool, on the floor didn't look recent, it looked built up.

I don't expect Prince to clean his place, what I expected was Prince having somebody clean the place.

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

addicts typically stop taking care of their surroundings and self-care declines...he was helpless in his addiction...the music/touring/art went on, but it was auto-pilot...his soul was in crisis.

Yes, this is a good point. Also, it is common for grown men to neglect some adaptive tasks (activities of daily living, such as daily self-care routines, doctor's appointments, chores) if there is no consistent woman or wife in their lives. For example, my dad has had a long career as a civil/structural engineer and he can fix just about anything around the house, but if my mother were not around, believe me, he would not be as consistent in going to the doctor, watching his diet, and doing his laundry. My husband is actually more than a neat freak than I am, so he would clean and organize the house just fine. However, his diet would be worse and he would not go to the doctor or dentist regularly if it were not for me. (I know this because he was not seeing a dentist or doctor regularly when we started dating, although some of this also had to do with not having access to health insurance. Nonetheless, I have to constantly remind him to make and keep his doctor/dentist appointments.)


I suspect that Prince's predicament would have been much different than what we now know it was (meticulous about his diet and personal appearance, but also having an addiction to painkillers, lonely, and having disheveled living quarters) if he had had a wife or consistent female companion. Why? Because wives or consistent female companions typically help their husbands/male companions with adaptive tasks. However, instead of a wife (consistency), he had a revolving door of young female companions/friends/proteges (inconsistency). Kirk, who knew Prince well, was the one who was able to convince him to go to Dr. Schulenberg since Prince, apparently, did not have his own doctor. However, Kirk worked for Prince, but had a separate personal life and did not live at PP with Prince, whereas a consistent female companion/wife would have most likely lived at PP with Prince and would have had a shared personal life as well.

[Edited 6/2/18 23:49pm]

Live 4 Love ~ Love is God, God is love, Girls and boys love God above
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Reply #1427 posted 06/02/18 11:40pm


purplerabbithole said:

Maybe his priorities were just different. Really a man who would obsess over a clean house may just have OCD, vanity or is neurotic. He obviously was caring less about his image at the end of his life. But he was still working, wearing his makeup, giving his all in performances, protecting his artistic rights. I don't think we should overreact to a dirty house. He was human and dealing with a crisis and extremely private. Paisley Park has been too romanticized for too long. It was always a bit of an odd thing to do..too much of a bubble. NOt all bad. Throwing concerts for the locals and inviting young artists to come and record there again.. in the last years of his life...was actually a step in the right direction. But a sterile, perfect Paisley Park is still a bubble--and if Prince was gone half the year away from Paisley then I am happy. Howard Hughes probably had a perfectly clean house, but he kept his pee in mason jars and never left the house. If we found pee in mason jars and then P never left the house, then there would be additional reasons to worry. We all have moments when we lose self-respect and I am sure Prince had moments like that. But his biggest problems seems to be those revolving around trust, fear, false pride, shame, and a compartmentalized personality, and working too damn hard to deal with emotional issues through music and work.

PennyPurple said:

The grout on the kitchen floor was black, you look at the same kitchen floor under the carts, fridge and other things, the grout is white or cream. It needed a deep clean which evidently hadn't been done in years.

The urine in the corner and behind the stool, on the floor didn't look recent, it looked built up.

I don't expect Prince to clean his place, what I expected was Prince having somebody clean the place.

It almost is if he lost hisself respect or he stopped caring at all.

But his biggest problems seems to be those revolving around trust, fear, false pride, shame, and a compartmentalized personality, and working too damn hard to deal with emotional issues through music and work.

yes It all goes back to his trust/abandonment/attachment issues rooted in childhood traumas that he did not "work through" or overcome effectively.

Live 4 Love ~ Love is God, God is love, Girls and boys love God above
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Reply #1428 posted 06/02/18 11:47pm


purplerabbithole said:

Maybe you are right. But like i said earlier, if he spent half his year away from is certainly better than him being holed up in that place by himself with little contact with the outside world other than his paid employees. If he was inviting young musicians in and working with Janelle and chit-chatting with CHris Rock in St. Bart's, occasionally prank calling revolution members, emailing and calling Tamron about clothes for hours in the middle of the night, kicking it with chapelle occasionally, mentoring young musicians, ..etc, that is certainly something. P was compartmentalized and his "friends" only knew about 15% of who he was, but that is still contact--it is still bonding..even if it is limited and on his terms. Its too bad he couldn't just give someone 100% of who he was...but that unfortunately was his nature or had become his nature.. Its not ideal, but its not Howard Hughes bleak. Unfortunately, it probably made it hard for people to know entirely what he was going through or how to help him.

PennyPurple said:

It's almost as if his home wasn't a home to him. It was just a stark place to lay his head down at.

[Edited 6/2/18 20:39pm]

[Edited 6/2/18 20:57pm]

From what Mayte wrote in her book, I feel that he gave her close to 100% during the latter parts of their dating relationship, while they were engaged, and during portions of their marriage (notably, from their wedding day up until the death of their son and then when they "rekindled their marriage" in 1997 up until the occurrence of the miscarriage). It's hard to know how he was with Mani because he rarely spoke about her publicly and she has not gone into great detail about what it was like being married to him. However, I suspect that he probably gave close to 100% of himself to her as well when they were first married. Unfortunately, he was not able to SUSTAIN either of his marriages, as they both ended in divorce.

[Edited 6/2/18 23:49pm]

Live 4 Love ~ Love is God, God is love, Girls and boys love God above
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Reply #1429 posted 06/02/18 11:50pm



206Michelle said:

purplerabbithole said:

Maybe his priorities were just different. Really a man who would obsess over a clean house may just have OCD, vanity or is neurotic. He obviously was caring less about his image at the end of his life. But he was still working, wearing his makeup, giving his all in performances, protecting his artistic rights. I don't think we should overreact to a dirty house. He was human and dealing with a crisis and extremely private. Paisley Park has been too romanticized for too long. It was always a bit of an odd thing to do..too much of a bubble. NOt all bad. Throwing concerts for the locals and inviting young artists to come and record there again.. in the last years of his life...was actually a step in the right direction. But a sterile, perfect Paisley Park is still a bubble--and if Prince was gone half the year away from Paisley then I am happy. Howard Hughes probably had a perfectly clean house, but he kept his pee in mason jars and never left the house. If we found pee in mason jars and then P never left the house, then there would be additional reasons to worry. We all have moments when we lose self-respect and I am sure Prince had moments like that. But his biggest problems seems to be those revolving around trust, fear, false pride, shame, and a compartmentalized personality, and working too damn hard to deal with emotional issues through music and work.

But his biggest problems seems to be those revolving around trust, fear, false pride, shame, and a compartmentalized personality, and working too damn hard to deal with emotional issues through music and work.

yes It all goes back to his trust/abandonment/attachment issues rooted in childhood traumas that he did not "work through" or overcome effectively.

Yes ladies.

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Reply #1430 posted 06/02/18 11:52pm


100% to Mayte? I doubt it. Remember, she never saw him without makeup. She said he would call her but didn't allow her to call him. She wasn't sure what was going on with his pill usage while they were married. 75% at most...maybe lower.

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Reply #1431 posted 06/02/18 11:57pm



purplerabbithole said:

100% to Mayte? I doubt it. Remember, she never saw him without makeup. She said he would call her but didn't allow her to call him. She wasn't sure what was going on with his pill usage while they were married. 75% at most...maybe lower.

I don't know if anyone really knew the true Prince.

[Edited 6/3/18 10:06am]

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Reply #1432 posted 06/03/18 3:52am


Can someone please tell me which part contains the bathroom photos? Or in which part the photos first start appearing? I couldn’t download the thing (intermittent internet) and i just poured through part 6 without success. If the photos are here, it’s easier to search.
Funky alien
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Reply #1433 posted 06/03/18 5:19am


This was incredibly hard to listen to...heartbreaking in fact. The question in my mind though is this. If we were there what would / could we have really done to save him? It seems like any hint of saying "no - you need help" was met with dismissal. I have accepted that he was fully functioning addict & god only knows how he managed to keep his voice pristine & his creativity flowing for so many years especially from 3EG to P&M eras.

Lovejunky said:

Strawberrylova123 said:

Strawberrylova123 said: Out of all of them, she is blunt and up front

She mentions hip surgery and knowing he was in pain..

then later...around 11:00

Her voice broke when she said this:

"Quote" He was in a lot of pain..that I knew"

Hurts to know that he was hurting...

I think he thought that he was covering it up pretty well,

so everyone pretended they didnt know...

He looked for help too late....

Didnt Kirk say, somewhere in his sttement that Prince said to him

"I cant kick this?"

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Reply #1434 posted 06/03/18 6:01am



206Michelle said:

purplerabbithole said:

Maybe you are right. But like i said earlier, if he spent half his year away from is certainly better than him being holed up in that place by himself with little contact with the outside world other than his paid employees. If he was inviting young musicians in and working with Janelle and chit-chatting with CHris Rock in St. Bart's, occasionally prank calling revolution members, emailing and calling Tamron about clothes for hours in the middle of the night, kicking it with chapelle occasionally, mentoring young musicians, ..etc, that is certainly something. P was compartmentalized and his "friends" only knew about 15% of who he was, but that is still contact--it is still bonding..even if it is limited and on his terms. Its too bad he couldn't just give someone 100% of who he was...but that unfortunately was his nature or had become his nature.. Its not ideal, but its not Howard Hughes bleak. Unfortunately, it probably made it hard for people to know entirely what he was going through or how to help him.

PennyPurple said:

It's almost as if his home wasn't a home to him. It was just a stark place to lay his head down at.

[Edited 6/2/18 20:39pm]

[Edited 6/2/18 20:57pm]

From what Mayte wrote in her book, I feel that he gave her close to 100% during the latter parts of their dating relationship, while they were engaged, and during portions of their marriage (notably, from their wedding day up until the death of their son and then when they "rekindled their marriage" in 1997 up until the occurrence of the miscarriage). It's hard to know how he was with Mani because he rarely spoke about her publicly and she has not gone into great detail about what it was like being married to him. However, I suspect that he probably gave close to 100% of himself to her as well when they were first married. Unfortunately, he was not able to SUSTAIN either of his marriages, as they both ended in divorce.

[Edited 6/2/18 23:49pm]

100% is a bit too optimistic. And that goes for both Mani and Mayte. I also think that Mani wasn't so naive as Mayte was when it comes to his pills.
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Reply #1435 posted 06/03/18 6:04am



PennyPurple said:

It's almost as if his home wasn't a home to him. It was just a stark place to lay his head down at.

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Reply #1436 posted 06/03/18 6:56am


ThatWhiteDude said:

206Michelle said:

From what Mayte wrote in her book, I feel that he gave her close to 100% during the latter parts of their dating relationship, while they were engaged, and during portions of their marriage (notably, from their wedding day up until the death of their son and then when they "rekindled their marriage" in 1997 up until the occurrence of the miscarriage). It's hard to know how he was with Mani because he rarely spoke about her publicly and she has not gone into great detail about what it was like being married to him. However, I suspect that he probably gave close to 100% of himself to her as well when they were first married. Unfortunately, he was not able to SUSTAIN either of his marriages, as they both ended in divorce.

[Edited 6/2/18 23:49pm]

100% is a bit too optimistic. And that goes for both Mani and Mayte. I also think that Mani wasn't so naive as Mayte was when it comes to his pills.

I agree with you and PRH and other posters who agree that he never gave 100% to any woman on a sustained basis. I have a friend who is a wounded, compartmentalized, emotionally traumatized man with trust /abandonment issues, two brief marriages and divorces and tons of promiscuity in his past and at alone. To cope, he drugged for 20 years. "Cocaine was my wife," he told me. Substitute 'music/touring/being a rock star'for cocaine and, IMO, you have Prince. Unless you have experienced a SUSTAINED love commitment that weathers the tough times and turns you into ride or die souls for each don't know what love is, IMO. Prince never had that kind of relationship in his life. Who would trade that kind of love for fame, fortune, all the sex you could handle and endless rooms filled with 'stuff'?

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Reply #1437 posted 06/03/18 7:09am




[Edited 6/3/18 20:47pm]

Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end nod
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Reply #1438 posted 06/03/18 7:40am



Funkyalien said:

Can someone please tell me which part contains the bathroom photos? Or in which part the photos first start appearing? I couldn’t download the thing (intermittent internet) and i just poured through part 6 without success. If the photos are here, it’s easier to search.

It's zipfile 4, the 5/11/16 warrants pics 160, 161.

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Reply #1439 posted 06/03/18 10:00am



Bodhitheblackdog said:

ThatWhiteDude said:

206Michelle said:

From what Mayte wrote in her book, I feel that he gave her close to 100% during the latter parts of their dating relationship, while they were engaged, and during portions of their marriage (notably, from their wedding day up until the death of their son and then when they "rekindled their marriage" in 1997 up until the occurrence of the miscarriage). It's hard to know how he was with Mani because he rarely spoke about her publicly and she has not gone into great detail about what it was like being married to him. However, I suspect that he probably gave close to 100% of himself to her as well when they were first married. Unfortunately, he was not able to SUSTAIN either of his marriages, as they both ended in divorce.

[Edited 6/2/18 23:49pm]

100% is a bit too optimistic. And that goes for both Mani and Mayte. I also think that Mani wasn't so naive as Mayte was when it comes to his pills.

I agree with you and PRH and other posters who agree that he never gave 100% to any woman on a sustained basis. I have a friend who is a wounded, compartmentalized, emotionally traumatized man with trust /abandonment issues, two brief marriages and divorces and tons of promiscuity in his past and at alone. To cope, he drugged for 20 years. "Cocaine was my wife," he told me. Substitute 'music/touring/being a rock star'for cocaine and, IMO, you have Prince. Unless you have experienced a SUSTAINED love commitment that weathers the tough times and turns you into ride or die souls for each don't know what love is, IMO. Prince never had that kind of relationship in his life. Who would trade that kind of love for fame, fortune, all the sex you could handle and endless rooms filled with 'stuff'?

The wise ones wouldn't . But Prince got famous so young it is hard to have that forsight. But his love for God was always sincere, but nothing from the outside world will fill you up. Nor get that time back when you needed to learn how to love. I think he was a more beautiful person towards the end. I think of his song The Breakdown , "Give me back the time you can keep the memories" It amazes me all he was able to do in his life despite his start. That confidence and trust in his vision. It is still a mystery to me how he got that...but perhaps God is the awnser.
[Edited 6/3/18 14:18pm]
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