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Reply #690 posted 04/22/18 6:41am



rap said:

[Snip – luv4u]

[Snip – luv4u]

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #691 posted 04/22/18 6:49am


Read the report. He did give money but his manager said he also could be very tight with money. And if it was more than a million (which he thought was quite a bit), he wanted the public to know. I do think he stepped up his game the last year of his life though. And found other ways to give. But what constitutes "generous"?? The fact that his manager acted like a million wasn't that much money is kind of silly.

As for drug computer, they deleted files from that thing for a reason. Did you know that that Kirk and Phaedra were spotted handling that computer after the cops stupidly left it there (they thought Prince would be using his cell to make drug connections). There were no google emails before April 19 when the cops finally got the warrant to get it. What do they think they were deleting?? That is a lot of deleted emails. They may not have been looking for anything specific or even knew what was in there, but they weren't taking any chances.

I am a fan but let's face facts he was a bit of a mess. I am compassionate but I can't romanticize it.

benni said:

purplerabbithole said:

He wasn't a politican or world leader either. He was a musician who sang about sex, love, parties and relgion (in vague ways). He didn't try to change the world (not too much anyway). He had heroic talent but he was not a hero. Maybe that is the problem. The enabling was probably the result of greedy psychophants thinking that rock stars are bigger than life. I think even Prince understood that he was fraud. HIs little plain bedroom with the drug computer and tv says it all. No wonder he was paranoid--he was surrounded by people willing to perpetuate a fraud.

Why are you and rap even on a Prince fansite?

Yes, he did try to change the world in the way that he could. You do know that he often gave to charity anonymously? He gave to individuals anonymously? He gave a million dollars to the victims and survivors (each) of the bridge collapse in Atlanta. He gave a million dollars to Trayvon Martin's family. He gave to inner city schools, to music programs, to We Can Code. He would meet with city legislatures to discuss the issues their city faced with racial relationships after racially charged incidents occurred in those areas (such as in Baltimore).

And "drug computer"? Where in the hell do you get that? They didn't find anything on his computer. You know, maybe he slept in a plain room to keep himself humble, to remember where he started.

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Reply #692 posted 04/22/18 6:49am


None of this is clear. I'm sorry if this is rambling or I am just saying something untrue. Please correct me where I'm clearly wrong or help with your views if you want...

This is seems very shady , looking at it from afar and then when you look into all the relesed documents. So it's a Law to release all the information to the public in Minnesota..It's morbid to show certain images, I guess as humans people are fascinated by the end but I believe that is grossly perpetuated by the media and I am firmly of the fact that so many things are not actually ' in the public interest' .If an article or image or video was deemed to be in the public interest and it was never shown, you would not in any way , get hoards of people protesting on the streets demanding they see the image of a person's dead body. It is not necessary, it really isn't. It benefits no one. The relationship between celebrities and the public has become very twisted. People who are murdered in cold blood on the streets, or in an apartment. Their pictures are not spread across the papers or acessed on the internet. So why celebrities.It really grates me. Nothing has changed.

Who knew about these Vicodin pills. Just Prince? So he knew someone and met him or her orr P got it off the dark web? And this dealer. Did they knew it was Prince they were speaking too. Doubtful but we will never know.Are they saying only Prince would have known who supplied him with the laced pills and there is no way of knowing who that is? That in itself is of course possible but there is always a trace. A number , a contact. Am i just being naive?

But when Prince needed help , he went to Kirk to get him medication? So for a long time no one had a clue. Apart from queries , like why Mayte's pills kept disappearing ( That in itself is a bit odd.After a while , it can't be that hard to figure out who was taking them. But she made it seem like they never confronted the issue. Mayte must have known more. But it does seem they all tried to get as much help as possible in the quickest time, but it was too late. It just all sucks.I'm angry and confused but those in Prince life along time ago, hinted at being aware of a dependancy. Kirk had no idea? Meron Bekure?

“There is no doubt that the actions of individuals closely associated with Prince will be questioned, criticized and judged in the days and weeks to come,”

Mr. Johnson’s lawyer, F. Clayton Tyler, said on Friday: “He tried to take care of his friend as best as he could. The bottom line is, if they had thought he’d done something wrong, they’d have charged him.”

That last line plus the only interview Kirk did , just rubs me the wrong way.

Then again ' Mr. Johnson also cautioned the authorities that “no one would talk about” Prince’s drug use, perhaps out of fear.

I gt that too. It is very similar to the circle around Michael Jackson. People should not have been so scared to speak up .

But then you look at Prince's chef Ms. Zehetner, who told the detective that “of course” those around him knew about Prince’s addiction and that if anyone who worked with Prince said they did not know, “that those people were lying.”

In fact I think a few people knew more. Kirk, friends, girlfriends. Addictions aren't easy to hide when you are so social like Prince. It just all has the feeeling of people knowing more than they are letting on. Then again, he hid this. From fans certainly. He came across as pain free, so content and comfortable in his skin. And in many ways he was , but the fact he had this constant pain and stress really saddens me. All for his love of music and performing.

But for me it's this

a Gmail account belonging to Prince was opened from his MacBook on April 23, 2016, the day of his memorial service, before law enforcement officials obtained a search warrant. “After obtaining a search warrant on Prince’s Google accounts, there was no information prior to 4-19-16,” according to a police report, “suggesting the content had been deleted.”

The fact that criminal charges are not brought does not mean that some person or persons associated with Prince did not assist or enable Prince in obtaining the counterfeit Vicodin

Someone deleted this, someone knows more , someone knows the truth.

[Edited 4/22/18 6:50am]

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Reply #693 posted 04/22/18 6:50am


purplerabbithole said:

Do you read that whole report? That dude was a drug addict. Lots of people confirmed those suspicions throughout the interviews etc. He was a functioning one, but he was one. And people wanted to help him continue functioning. The show must go on mentality. I think they thought he could handle it for the most part because he was so "Prince" all the time and such a powerful proponent of hard work and perservance, but they ignored or didn't speak up about the price it was taking on him for many reasons (selfishness, denial, willful ignorance, greed, fear, romanticism, and defeatist attitudes).

paulludvig said:

purplerabbithole said:

He wasn't a politican or world leader either. He was a musician who sang about sex, love, parties and relgion (in vague ways). He didn't try to change the world (not too much anyway). He had heroic talent but he was not a hero. Maybe that is the problem. The enabling was probably the result of greedy psychophants thinking that rock stars are bigger than life. I think even Prince understood that he was fraud. HIs little plain bedroom with the drug computer and tv says it all. No wonder he was paranoid--he was surrounded by people willing to perpetuate a fraud.

Drug computer? You are really going with the drug narrative, aren't you.

You are basically saying his life revolved around drugs. I haven't read anything to support that theory.
Drug computer
The wooh is on the one!
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Reply #694 posted 04/22/18 6:52am


EnDoRpHn said:

PennyPurple said:

Sheila didn't want his personal business getting out in the police investigation and basically told Judith not to say anything. It was a police investigation and they wanted people to lie?

She never said Sheila told her to lie. She told her not to talk. May seem shady but it’s not the same thing.

lie of omission is still a lie.

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Reply #695 posted 04/22/18 6:54am


No his life revolved around music. His staff's life revolved about allowing him to play that music with complete concentration and devotion and on keeping their jobs. No matter how many times they were enamored by his music or looks or sense of humor or the end of the day, they needed to keep their jobs if they were to even be in his presense (much less make a living.). Drugs became the means to keep doing it even after his body (and maybe even mental health) wouldn't allow it. But music shouldn't be everything and "Prince" needed time and assistance (real assistance, not tiptoeing assistance. or even worst enabling) to work on Prince rogers nelson's problems. But he was a stubborn man who needed music to be who he was. The lack of balance in his life is kind of what killed Prince. Its like the folks around him said to themselves "He's special. We got to keep allowing him to do the things the rest of us wouldn't and shouldn't do to ourselves so he keep being special". I remember some musician was talking about "Prince" never turned off being Prince. That is part of the problem. "Prince" needed to have time away from the constant working, heels, makeup,, star treatment. These things were all layers piled onto the core of this human being until the core was hard to find and unfortunately flaoting in fentanyl. But I can understand people getting swept up in the Prince aura. I do get it. But I can also see why eventually the aura wore off and the sad reality of the price it took on him and those around him to seem superhuman became apparent.. Him pretending to be superhuman (and as a music talent succeeding) in order to avoid facing the very real human frailties he had in himself eventually took its price on those around him but worst on him. Only in his music (ironically) is there truth and its like a catch 22 for that reason. That green bedroom of his says so much about the sad state of prince's life. the core of Prince is somewhere in that green bedroom and then two people decide to delete all the emails he sent out of that room. Its like they threw rosebud into the fire (the end of citizen cane).

paulludvig said:

purplerabbithole said:

Do you read that whole report? That dude was a drug addict. Lots of people confirmed those suspicions throughout the interviews etc. He was a functioning one, but he was one. And people wanted to help him continue functioning. The show must go on mentality. I think they thought he could handle it for the most part because he was so "Prince" all the time and such a powerful proponent of hard work and perservance, but they ignored or didn't speak up about the price it was taking on him for many reasons (selfishness, denial, willful ignorance, greed, fear, romanticism, and defeatist attitudes).

You are basically saying his life revolved around drugs. I haven't read anything to support that theory. Drug computer lol

[Edited 4/22/18 7:11am]

[Edited 4/22/18 7:15am]

[Edited 4/22/18 7:16am]

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Reply #696 posted 04/22/18 7:08am


purplegirl00 said:

pnv said:
Wow a certain ex girlfriend passing....its so obvious... She in February him in April....I think he had bouts of sadness/depression and that statement to Judith it speaks volumes and what happens when someone is sad/depress or grieving if they are addicted to something they reach for more of whatever they are addicted to...whether its food alcohol or whatever...
EXACTLY. If he was addicted or dependent for years, as many are suggesting, what was different about that time specific time period? Something changed big time and he lost his bearings and maybe will to go on. Depression and anxiety can and do come from deep grieving. I’m still going through the documents so I have not read everything but someone mentioned that he was prescribed Clonidine. Aside from helping overcome withdrawals, it is also prescribed for anxiety. I worked in a doctors office and often saw it prescribed for anxiety due to death of a loved one.

I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t think P at one point in is life had a feelings for DM. I think much if his depression, grief and anxiety pertaining to her death is he saw what drugs did to her body and in the end she died much too soon because of the role drugs played in her life. Regardless of the reasons for taking drugs, I believe that Vanity’s death brought home the fact that he was facing the same fate due to years of drug use and the toll it took on his body. By the time Vanity died, we now know P’s drug use was not controllable, nor was he able to beat the addiction on his own. IMHO, V’s death made him see the real possibility of his own future. Pretty scary.


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Reply #697 posted 04/22/18 7:20am


ISaidLifeIsJustAGame said:

Judith's statement said at the hospital Prince admitted to Kirk and her that there were pills in the aspirin bottles. Apparently Kirk asked Prince where he got the pills and Prince didnt answer.

Before you posted this, I always felt that Prince procured his own pills. I think he wanted to hide the usage/amount used so this wasn't something he was willing to entrust others to do.

Also, I surmise that Kirk may have gone through Prince's computer and deleted files that may have shown where the drugs were being purchased.

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Reply #698 posted 04/22/18 7:21am



purplerabbithole said:

Read the report. He did give money but his manager said he also could be very tight with money. And if it was more than a million (which he thought was quite a bit), he wanted the public to know. I do think he stepped up his game the last year of his life though. And found other ways to give. But what constitutes "generous"?? The fact that his manager acted like a million wasn't that much money is kind of silly.

As for drug computer, they deleted files from that thing for a reason. Did you know that that Kirk and Phaedra were spotted handling that computer after the cops stupidly left it there (they thought Prince would be using his cell to make drug connections). There were no google emails before April 19 when the cops finally got the warrant to get it. What do they think they were deleting?? That is a lot of deleted emails. They may not have been looking for anything specific or even knew what was in there, but they weren't taking any chances.

Hell those emails could have contained anything like discussions of him firing their asses for being incompetent or stealing from him or trying to undermine him, or having an affair with each other, etc. Of course I am just guessing here but the point is the emails they were so adament about deleting may not have had anything to do with Prince buying drugs from the dark web. Which is why it baffles me that some people are so quick to believe that narrative without question.

I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart.
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Reply #699 posted 04/22/18 7:21am


DD55 said:

purplegirl00 said:

pnv said: EXACTLY. If he was addicted or dependent for years, as many are suggesting, what was different about that time specific time period? Something changed big time and he lost his bearings and maybe will to go on. Depression and anxiety can and do come from deep grieving. I’m still going through the documents so I have not read everything but someone mentioned that he was prescribed Clonidine. Aside from helping overcome withdrawals, it is also prescribed for anxiety. I worked in a doctors office and often saw it prescribed for anxiety due to death of a loved one.

I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t think P at one point in is life had a feelings for DM. I think much if his depression, grief and anxiety pertaining to her death is he saw what drugs did to her body and in the end she died much too soon because of the role drugs played in her life. Regardless of the reasons for taking drugs, I believe that Vanity’s death brought home the fact that he was facing the same fate due to years of drug use and the toll it took on his body. By the time Vanity died, we now know P’s drug use was not controllable, nor was he able to beat the addiction on his own. IMHO, V’s death made him see the real possibility of his own future. Pretty scary.


so delicately put, DD, I agree.

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Reply #700 posted 04/22/18 7:30am


rap said:

PeteSilas said:

Krystalkisses said:
Today was a really tough day for me. Way more emotional than I thought it was going to be. I am gonna copy and paste what I wrote about all this from a Facebook group I am a part of as it best describes all my ambivalent feelings about these last few days. Hopefully someone out there can relate.. Hey guys! How are you all feeling today? I am feeling am odd mix of emotions. I'm not really sure who else to talk to as people in my life understand/respect my love for Prince but at the same time don't really understand how much happiness his music/performances brought to life. And I'm not someone who goes gaga for celebrity but with Prince I felt like I just "got" him. I don't know if it is both because we had unhappy childhoods or what but I don't have an objective reason for my feelings. But I just wanted to share with someone else who might understand. For the many years being a Prince fan listening to his music, reading all I could about him, seeing him in concert, examining his feel like you get to know a part of who that person is and I'm sure that part really was there and was honest. I'm talking about his reverence for God, his ability to appreciate beauty and his capacity to explore/perceive the complexity and depth of the human experience. However, when he passes away 2 years ago today it was like shock after shock learning he had left us, to hearing what he died of, to learning he may have had a problem with controlled substances for many years. To say that has been a disillusioning experience for me is an understatement. In the past, whenever I had met someone who knew or worked with Prince, and I mentioned my huge crush on Prince and how I consider him to be my first crush/my first love, I noticed their energy shift and become kinda visibly uncomfortable. At the time i thought oh I guess realistically I wouldn't have a shot with him ..they just don't wanna hurt my feelings, and that may be true compared to all the beautiful women he knew, but now in my gut I think it was probably something else like, No girl you don't even want to go it was steming from some sort of protection like , he is different than you think it is. It gives me the feeling they knew about his troubles or something I didn't understand. I will tell you as a fan Sinead O'Conner's Rolling Stone interview about his abuse always disturbed me. Fans always wrote it off as she was crazy but even back then I seemed so out of character but part of me felt like it could possibly be true. A lot Prince did that seemed like personality quirks and ideocyincracies (sp?) And his behavior throughout his life make a lot more sense in context now...his demands for loyalty, privacy both from people in his life and us fans, his control over his image , money (except I know he was generous with women) it makes sense he did not want fans to know about his struggles. In context things he did make so much more sense. Please understand I know we are all grieving and I do not want to be insensitive. I will always love him, his music and be greatful for what he brought to my life. And I also love how he inspires a great sense of community to this day even. However the newly released pictures ,police pictures ( Please be aware of what you are clicking on) shows he was human and struggled just like we all struggle. To me he seemed like an unhappy person at the end of his life and that hurts my heart ....but also it solidifies my Christian beliefs and that God is the only true perfection...Prince wrestled with demons and all the glitters ain't the same time he made his own choices and may have hurt many people in his life and at some point if you push people way who will be left? In addition everyone thinks people should be held accountable for his death but when you dance with the devil....terrible things can happen. I wish things could have been different but we can only control sure Prince is at peace now and with our heavenly Father . Thanks for whoever read this long post. I just had to share what I feel. Love4oneanother Thank you, Krystal

How I feel? Old and tired and I can't tell myself Prince wouldn't allow vulnerability as a way to motivate myself anymore.

[Snip – luv4u]

Just stop with labeling him! He was not a junkie. He was taking painkillers to manage physical pain and possibly depression or emotional pain, not for sh**s and giggles or to get high. Was he hypocritical, yes he was to some degree, but he was not a fraud.
Live 4 Love ~ Love is God, God is love, Girls and boys love God above
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Reply #701 posted 04/22/18 7:31am


purplerabbithole said:

Read the report. He did give money but his manager said he also could be very tight with money. And if it was more than a million (which he thought was quite a bit), he wanted the public to know. I do think he stepped up his game the last year of his life though. And found other ways to give. But what constitutes "generous"?? The fact that his manager acted like a million wasn't that much money is kind of silly.

As for drug computer, they deleted files from that thing for a reason. Did you know that that Kirk and Phaedra were spotted handling that computer after the cops stupidly left it there (they thought Prince would be using his cell to make drug connections). There were no google emails before April 19 when the cops finally got the warrant to get it. What do they think they were deleting?? That is a lot of deleted emails. They may not have been looking for anything specific or even knew what was in there, but they weren't taking any chances.

I am a fan but let's face facts he was a bit of a mess. I am compassionate but I can't romanticize it.

benni said:

Why are you and rap even on a Prince fansite?

Yes, he did try to change the world in the way that he could. You do know that he often gave to charity anonymously? He gave to individuals anonymously? He gave a million dollars to the victims and survivors (each) of the bridge collapse in Atlanta. He gave a million dollars to Trayvon Martin's family. He gave to inner city schools, to music programs, to We Can Code. He would meet with city legislatures to discuss the issues their city faced with racial relationships after racially charged incidents occurred in those areas (such as in Baltimore).

And "drug computer"? Where in the hell do you get that? They didn't find anything on his computer. You know, maybe he slept in a plain room to keep himself humble, to remember where he started.

He never publicized giving his money to any one. Where you get the idea that if it ws more than a million, then he wanted the public to know, is beyond me.

Regarding the computer, a lot of people have "said" things, but it doesn't necessarily make it true. According to the reports, they were saying Mani was reporting that Phaedra and Kirk were shredding documents and such. Mani wasn't even around to be able to know what they were doing or not doing. As for what was deleted, if anything of substance, then the Feds do have a way of pulling that information back up. The only way that it can be lost completely is if they wiped the hard drive or used a program that overwrites the section of the data that you are deleted.

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Reply #702 posted 04/22/18 7:31am


purplerabbithole said:

No his life revolved around music. His staff's life revolved about allowing him to play that music with complete concentration and devotion and on keeping their jobs. No matter how many times they were enamored by his music or looks or sense of humor or the end of the day, they needed to keep their jobs if they were to even be in his presense (much less make a living.). Drugs became the means to keep doing it even after his body (and maybe even mental health) wouldn't allow it. But music shouldn't be everything and "Prince" needed time and assistance (real assistance, not tiptoeing assistance. or even worst enabling) to work on Prince rogers nelson's problems. But he was a stubborn man who needed music to be who he was. The lack of balance in his life is kind of what killed Prince. Its like the folks around him said to themselves "He's special. We got to keep allowing him to do the things the rest of us wouldn't and shouldn't do to ourselves so he keep being special". I remember some musician was talking about "Prince" never turned off being Prince. That is part of the problem. "Prince" needed to have time away from the constant working, heels, makeup,, star treatment. These things were all layers piled onto the core of this human being until the core was hard to find and unfortunately flaoting in fentanyl. But I can understand people getting swept up in the Prince aura. I do get it. But I can also see why eventually the aura wore off and the sad reality of the price it took on him and those around him to seem superhuman became apparent.. Him pretending to be superhuman (and as a music talent succeeding) in order to avoid facing the very real human frailties he had in himself eventually took its price on those around him but worst on him. Only in his music (ironically) is there truth and its like a catch 22 for that reason. That green bedroom of his says so much about the sad state of prince's life. the core of Prince is somewhere in that green bedroom and then two people decide to delete all the emails he sent out of that room. Its like they threw rosebud into the fire (the end of citizen cane).

So I like the "sad green bedroom"...and I like the fact that he had the garish white furry prince bedroom, but at the end of the day he did want to strip it all off and just be in a room, no sparkle, no designer appointements, just a room and a computer and a bit of a mess like a couple hundred million other people...maybe at the end of the day he wanted to drop the shtick lay down on that bed and watch a little basketball...he did not have to sleep there he chose too

paulludvig said:

purplerabbithole said:

Do you read that whole report? That dude was a drug addict. Lots of people confirmed those suspicions throughout the interviews etc. He was a functioning one, but he was one. And people wanted to help him continue functioning. The show must go on mentality. I think they thought he could handle it for the most part because he was so "Prince" all the time and such a powerful proponent of hard work and perservance, but they ignored or didn't speak up about the price it was taking on him for many reasons (selfishness, denial, willful ignorance, greed, fear, romanticism, and defeatist attitudes).

You are basically saying his life revolved around drugs. I haven't read anything to support that theory. Drug computer lol

[Edited 4/22/18 7:11am]

[Edited 4/22/18 7:15am]

[Edited 4/22/18 7:16am]

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Reply #703 posted 04/22/18 7:43am



They interviews Kirks Dentist and during the interview she noted that she knew a sound guy who worked with P in Austrailia she stated the guy had to quit after 10 days because P displayed such erratic behavior.

Also to note;

In Moline there was no testing of the pill that KJ gave the Dr to see if it was authentic or counterfeit. It was only visually identified as codene by the stamp.

Maybe this is why the family was looking at charging someone for malpractice.

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Reply #704 posted 04/22/18 7:46am


There are people on this site who just want to sh*t stir and some are giving them life. confused
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Reply #705 posted 04/22/18 7:49am


PennyPurple said:

They interviews Kirks Dentist and during the interview she noted that she knew a sound guy who worked with P in Austrailia she stated the guy had to quit after 10 days because P displayed such erratic behavior.

Also to note;

In Moline there was no testing of the pill that KJ gave the Dr to see if it was authentic or counterfeit. It was only visually identified as codene by the stamp.

Maybe this is why the family was looking at charging someone for malpractice.

Must have been Scottie Baldwin. He was in Australia with Prince and left.
Paisley Park is in your heart
#PrinceForever 💜
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Reply #706 posted 04/22/18 7:50am



PennyPurple said:

They interviews Kirks Dentist and during the interview she noted that she knew a sound guy who worked with P in Austrailia she stated the guy had to quit after 10 days because P displayed such erratic behavior.

Also to note;

In Moline there was no testing of the pill that KJ gave the Dr to see if it was authentic or counterfeit. It was only visually identified as codene by the stamp.

Maybe this is why the family was looking at charging someone for malpractice.

Was the doctor asked if it was real or counterfeit? Or was he just asked what the pill was?

Either way, there would be ZERO case. If anything it would implicate Kirk.

"Keep on shilling for Big Pharm!"
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Reply #707 posted 04/22/18 7:52am



The only thing the "green bedroom" says to me is that he slept during the daylight hours and, while one only has a very small visual of that bedroom, it appears to be windowless and dark. The white bedroom would not allow for any quality sleep with the numerous windows. Further, if you are using a room for sleep only, why decorate, etc.? The white bedroom might have been for entertaining.....we just don't know.

Also, I keep going back to the statement Prince voiced of being "too close to it", after MJ passed. This tells me he understood the risks he was taking, the gravity of the situation and even the potential outcome.
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #708 posted 04/22/18 7:56am



OnlyNDaUsa said:

PennyPurple said:

They interviews Kirks Dentist and during the interview she noted that she knew a sound guy who worked with P in Austrailia she stated the guy had to quit after 10 days because P displayed such erratic behavior.

Also to note;

In Moline there was no testing of the pill that KJ gave the Dr to see if it was authentic or counterfeit. It was only visually identified as codene by the stamp.

Maybe this is why the family was looking at charging someone for malpractice.

Was the doctor asked if it was real or counterfeit? Or was he just asked what the pill was?

Either way, there would be ZERO case. If anything it would implicate Kirk.

I thought I read somewhere that at least one pill was tested at the hospital and came back as Tylenol.

The doctor asked more than once that she be permitted to do bloodwork.

Each time P refused.

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Reply #709 posted 04/22/18 7:56am


Read the reports. Its testimony from Kiran Sharma. She said he could be generous but if it was over 1 million he tended to want some attention for it. She was trying to make the point that large sums of money being taken out should be looked into because she said apparently Lamkins told her that Prince asked for 60,000 in "spending cash". I can' t remember Sharma's statements about whether from his accounts she could determine drug usage.. She said there was no episode after the hip replacement that was scary but she said she didn't see much directly from her end. There were more than one handler around Prince obviously back then. At the end of his life, there were far fewer.


benni said:

purplerabbithole said:

Read the report. He did give money but his manager said he also could be very tight with money. And if it was more than a million (which he thought was quite a bit), he wanted the public to know. I do think he stepped up his game the last year of his life though. And found other ways to give. But what constitutes "generous"?? The fact that his manager acted like a million wasn't that much money is kind of silly.

As for drug computer, they deleted files from that thing for a reason. Did you know that that Kirk and Phaedra were spotted handling that computer after the cops stupidly left it there (they thought Prince would be using his cell to make drug connections). There were no google emails before April 19 when the cops finally got the warrant to get it. What do they think they were deleting?? That is a lot of deleted emails. They may not have been looking for anything specific or even knew what was in there, but they weren't taking any chances.

I am a fan but let's face facts he was a bit of a mess. I am compassionate but I can't romanticize it.

He never publicized giving his money to any one. Where you get the idea that if it ws more than a million, then he wanted the public to know, is beyond me.

Regarding the computer, a lot of people have "said" things, but it doesn't necessarily make it true. According to the reports, they were saying Mani was reporting that Phaedra and Kirk were shredding documents and such. Mani wasn't even around to be able to know what they were doing or not doing. As for what was deleted, if anything of substance, then the Feds do have a way of pulling that information back up. The only way that it can be lost completely is if they wiped the hard drive or used a program that overwrites the section of the data that you are deleted.

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Reply #710 posted 04/22/18 7:57am



purplerabbithole said:

Read the report. He did give money but his manager said he also could be very tight with money. And if it was more than a million (which he thought was quite a bit), he wanted the public to know. I do think he stepped up his game the last year of his life though. And found other ways to give. But what constitutes "generous"?? The fact that his manager acted like a million wasn't that much money is kind of silly.

As for drug computer, they deleted files from that thing for a reason. Did you know that that Kirk and Phaedra were spotted handling that computer after the cops stupidly left it there (they thought Prince would be using his cell to make drug connections). There were no google emails before April 19 when the cops finally got the warrant to get it. What do they think they were deleting?? That is a lot of deleted emails. They may not have been looking for anything specific or even knew what was in there, but they weren't taking any chances.

I am a fan but let's face facts he was a bit of a mess. I am compassionate but I can't romanticize it.

benni said:

Why are you and rap even on a Prince fansite?

Yes, he did try to change the world in the way that he could. You do know that he often gave to charity anonymously? He gave to individuals anonymously? He gave a million dollars to the victims and survivors (each) of the bridge collapse in Atlanta. He gave a million dollars to Trayvon Martin's family. He gave to inner city schools, to music programs, to We Can Code. He would meet with city legislatures to discuss the issues their city faced with racial relationships after racially charged incidents occurred in those areas (such as in Baltimore).

And "drug computer"? Where in the hell do you get that? They didn't find anything on his computer. You know, maybe he slept in a plain room to keep himself humble, to remember where he started.

purplerabbithole we all understand he had an issue with pills. you have made your point again and again and again. point taken. remember: compassion

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Reply #711 posted 04/22/18 7:57am


206Michelle said:

rap said:

Let's be honest, he was a fraud and a hypocrite. And clearly a junkie!!

Just stop with labeling him! He was not a junkie. He was taking painkillers to manage physical pain and possibly depression or emotional pain, not for sh**s and giggles or to get high. Was he hypocritical, yes he was to some degree, but he was not a fraud.

The definition of hypocrite is phony, fraud, liar, sanctimonious person, sham, fake …. source Google dictionary.


It's the hypocrites who criticize other people for doing what they themselves are doing.



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Reply #712 posted 04/22/18 7:58am


I think he said tylenol. You are right they just looked at the engraving on the pill but I am not sure its malpractice. I don't think he was going to give them time to figure it out.

ISaidLifeIsJustAGame said:

OnlyNDaUsa said:

Was the doctor asked if it was real or counterfeit? Or was he just asked what the pill was?

Either way, there would be ZERO case. If anything it would implicate Kirk.

I thought I read somewhere that at least one pill was tested at the hospital and came back as Tylenol.

The doctor asked more than once that she be permitted to do bloodwork.

Each time P refused.

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Reply #713 posted 04/22/18 8:01am


Don't mix up dates though. His more definite drug statements were in the 80's. After a certain point he didn't allow others to drink that much etc, but he wasn't preaching about it any more. And some people thought that P had become pretty lenient. Jill JOnes said she saw people taking drugs in his bathrooms.

DD55 said:

206Michelle said:

rap said: Just stop with labeling him! He was not a junkie. He was taking painkillers to manage physical pain and possibly depression or emotional pain, not for sh**s and giggles or to get high. Was he hypocritical, yes he was to some degree, but he was not a fraud.

The definition of hypocrite is phony, fraud, liar, sanctimonious person, sham, fake …. source Google dictionary.


It's the hypocrites who criticize other people for doing what they themselves are doing.



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Reply #714 posted 04/22/18 8:04am


ISaidLifeIsJustAGame said:

OnlyNDaUsa said:

PennyPurple said:

They interviews Kirks Dentist and during the interview she noted that she knew a sound guy who worked with P in Austrailia she stated the guy had to quit after 10 days because P displayed such erratic behavior.

Also to note;

In Moline there was no testing of the pill that KJ gave the Dr to see if it was authentic or counterfeit. It was only visually identified as codene by the stamp.

Maybe this is why the family was looking at charging someone for malpractice.

Was the doctor asked if it was real or counterfeit? Or was he just asked what the pill was?

Either way, there would be ZERO case. If anything it would implicate Kirk.

I thought I read somewhere that at least one pill was tested at the hospital and came back as Tylenol.

The doctor asked more than once that she be permitted to do bloodwork.

Each time P refused.

The brand name Tylenol keeps coming up. Isn't that relatively mild stuff as far as pain meds go?
The wooh is on the one!
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Reply #715 posted 04/22/18 8:05am


In the police report, the Moline reps say that their lab identified the pill by sight only. Prince said he had a bottle with stuff besides percocet, and gave a pill to the doctors there, and their lab IDed it based in its appearance (as something like vicodin).


I have no idea if this is typical or atypical of how a hospital IDs patients' drugs. We do know that Prince refused to allow them to test his blood/urine there.

purplerabbithole said:

I think he said tylenol. You are right they just looked at the engraving on the pill but I am not sure its malpractice. I don't think he was going to give them time to figure it out.

ISaidLifeIsJustAGame said:

I thought I read somewhere that at least one pill was tested at the hospital and came back as Tylenol.

The doctor asked more than once that she be permitted to do bloodwork.

Each time P refused.

[Edited 4/22/18 8:12am]

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Reply #716 posted 04/22/18 8:05am


I think she mixed up the name and was really talking about Scottie Baldwin. I know he quit--after having a wonderful time with the first show, he stopped working in Australia after Prince become difficult (over sound issues that apparently weren't there), but Baldwin stated that it wasn't PRince's fault and at least he (meaning Scottie) said "no". He quit respectfully telling Prince that wasn't fun for him anymore. In the same interview, he called PRince a gentleman and a good man, he also said he didn't know how many real friends he had. Looking back at what he said, I understand the complexity now of what he meant. He was upset with Leeds stating Prince had abandonment issues but I think Leeds might be right and Scottie just felt like he needed to explain why others accommodated Prince (basically because Prince was special and didn't think the ways other did.)

PennyPurple said:

They interviews Kirks Dentist and during the interview she noted that she knew a sound guy who worked with P in Austrailia she stated the guy had to quit after 10 days because P displayed such erratic behavior.

Also to note;

In Moline there was no testing of the pill that KJ gave the Dr to see if it was authentic or counterfeit. It was only visually identified as codene by the stamp.

Maybe this is why the family was looking at charging someone for malpractice.

[Edited 4/22/18 8:07am]

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Reply #717 posted 04/22/18 8:06am


purplerabbithole said:

Read the reports. Its testimony from Kiran Sharma. She said he could be generous but if it was over 1 million he tended to want some attention for it. She was trying to make the point that large sums of money being taken out should be looked into because she said apparently Lamkins told her that Prince asked for 60,000 in "spending cash". I can' t remember Sharma's statements about whether from his accounts she could determine drug usage.. She said there was no episode after the hip replacement that was scary but she said she didn't see much directly from her end. There were more than one handler around Prince obviously back then. At the end of his life, there were far fewer.


benni said:

He never publicized giving his money to any one. Where you get the idea that if it ws more than a million, then he wanted the public to know, is beyond me.

Regarding the computer, a lot of people have "said" things, but it doesn't necessarily make it true. According to the reports, they were saying Mani was reporting that Phaedra and Kirk were shredding documents and such. Mani wasn't even around to be able to know what they were doing or not doing. As for what was deleted, if anything of substance, then the Feds do have a way of pulling that information back up. The only way that it can be lost completely is if they wiped the hard drive or used a program that overwrites the section of the data that you are deleted.

Then it should be easy for you to prove. I've googled and cannot find one public announcement that Prince was donating a million dollars to any cause. I've found hundreds of articles about his silent philanthropy, things he gave that people talked about after his passing, but I cannot find ONE public announcement that was made that Prince was donating a million dollars to any cause. So, since you know it as a fact, that Prince needed to be recognized for giving away a million + it should be easy for you to prove that it was advertised, announced, or generally made public AT THE TIME it was happening.

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Reply #718 posted 04/22/18 8:08am


Yes but there's no evidence Prince was talking just tylenol, even if he mentioned that drug to Dr S. In fact when Prince said to Dr S on April 20 that he had taken "tylenol" that day, Dr S pressed him on what else was in the "Tylenol" (Prince said he didn't know, I believe.) Tylenol (Acetaminophen) is one ingredient in opioid drugs like percocet.

paulludvig said:

ISaidLifeIsJustAGame said:

I thought I read somewhere that at least one pill was tested at the hospital and came back as Tylenol.

The doctor asked more than once that she be permitted to do bloodwork.

Each time P refused.

The brand name Tylenol keeps coming up. Isn't that relatively mild stuff as far as pain meds go?

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Reply #719 posted 04/22/18 8:10am


purplerabbithole said:

Read the reports. Its testimony from Kiran Sharma. She said he could be generous but if it was over 1 million he tended to want some attention for it. She was trying to make the point that large sums of money being taken out should be looked into because she said apparently Lamkins told her that Prince asked for 60,000 in "spending cash". I can' t remember Sharma's statements about whether from his accounts she could determine drug usage.. She said there was no episode after the hip replacement that was scary but she said she didn't see much directly from her end. There were more than one handler around Prince obviously back then. At the end of his life, there were far fewer.


benni said:

purplerabbithole said:

Read the report. He did give money but his manager said he also could be very tight with money. And if it was more than a million (which he thought was quite a bit), he wanted the public to know. I do think he stepped up his game the last year of his life though. And found other ways to give. But what constitutes "generous"?? The fact that his manager acted like a million wasn't that much money is kind of silly.

As for drug computer, they deleted files from that thing for a reason. Did you know that that Kirk and Phaedra were spotted handling that computer after the cops stupidly left it there (they thought Prince would be using his cell to make drug connections). There were no google emails before April 19 when the cops finally got the warrant to get it. What do they think they were deleting?? That is a lot of deleted emails. They may not have been looking for anything specific or even knew what was in there, but they weren't taking any chances.

I am a fan but let's face facts he was a bit of a mess. I am compassionate but I can't romanticize it.

He never publicized giving his money to any one. Where you get the idea that if it ws more than a million, then he wanted the public to know, is beyond me.

Regarding the computer, a lot of people have "said" things, but it doesn't necessarily make it true. According to the reports, they were saying Mani was reporting that Phaedra and Kirk were shredding documents and such. Mani wasn't even around to be able to know what they were doing or not doing. As for what was deleted, if anything of substance, then the Feds do have a way of pulling that information back up. The only way that it can be lost completely is if they wiped the hard drive or used a program that overwrites the section of the data that you are deleted.

What kind of episodes did Sharma talk about?
The wooh is on the one!
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > No murder charge in prince's death Investigation Discussion - Continued - Part 6