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Thread started 02/13/18 10:37pm



The Beautiful Experience Anniversary

Yesterday, February 12, 1994, Prince taped what would become The Beautiful Experience delayed broadcast. It is one of my all-time favorite Prince specials he ever did. So much great material that was out, coming out, or was the only known version for a few years (like "Interactive", "Acknowledge Me"). When I found this on VHS, I damn near wore it out playing it so often. The Nona Gaye sections were sort of corny, but it was still a fun watch. The runner-ups for me are Love 4 One Another and The Undertaker.

tumblr_p440i7Bi251t7pxz4o3_1280.jpg tumblr_p440i7Bi251t7pxz4o4_1280.jpg tumblr_p440i7Bi251t7pxz4o6_1280.jpg tumblr_p440i7Bi251t7pxz4o7_1280.jpg tumblr_p440i7Bi251t7pxz4o10_1280.jpg tumblr_p440i7Bi251t7pxz4o2_1280.jpg

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #1 posted 02/13/18 11:00pm


Even though I became a Prince fan in 1980, 1991 - 1998 were great years for me, topping it off with being at the New Year's Eve show in Houston, TX. The Beautiful Experience was Prince, once again, announcing, as he had already done so many times before, that he would not be bound by anyone's notions of who he was and should be. The new music was announcing a new era, and I loved the chaotic flooding of work that flowed from 93 - 97. Along with the BE video, I also have a copy of the audio that includes some things that did not make the airing, such as when Prince invited someone on stage to play guitar, and, when it came time to solo, the person seemingly froze, causing Prince to name him "Bud Light," iirc.

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Reply #2 posted 02/13/18 11:13pm


i remember watching this, i think it was shown on channel 4 in the uk , 10 30 ish, and i loved it too. Most of the music i hadnt heared. Or seen any of the videos. It was a great boost to Prince fans at the time because of the negativity going on from the media for the name change. I think it was before the european tour for the Gold tour, but im not sure.

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Reply #3 posted 02/14/18 2:47am



I attended the show for $100.00 and the night was epic! Much of the lower level of Paisley Park was open to view, most notably the studios. I had been in Paisley Park before for after parties and private concerts, but nothing like this.


Prior to the actual concert Eric Leeds played in Studio C where they had some tables set up, like a little jazz club. Jacob Armin was in the band.


They had a "gift shop" set up in the lobby and were selling The Most Beautiful Girl In The World single, as is was yet unreleased.


A press table was also set up in the lobby, as there were a lot of celebrities in attendance due to the fact that the NBA All Star game was the same weekend.


Also prior to the concert they did a fashion show to the Come version shown in the Beautiful Experience video. They then introduced the girls who won the Most Beautiful Girl In The World contest and then proceeded to show the video for the first time. Mayte and Jamie King also did their routine to Pheromone.


After that an announcer introduced Tony Mosley and crew and they came onto the stage and "rapped" a song, don't know what it was or haven't heard it since. Obviously the low point of the evening! lol


Lastly, Prince and the NPG came on stage. At the time the band were being billed as 10,000. It ended up being the same line up. Not sure what that was all about. The rest is documented on several boots. After the show was over, so was the event. Michael Bland handed me one of his drumsticks. One of the highlights was Prince playing drums.


About a month later they showed the clips of The Jam and Shhh at Glam Slam. I was so excited to see myself front and center in the videos. In April they premiered the Beautiful Experience film. I was a little disappointed with that, as a lot of the concert was cut and videos from Come were mixed in. Although, it was nice to have a live document of something I had went to.



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Reply #4 posted 02/14/18 7:08am


This thread on Twitter has his handwritten notes. His vision and attention to detail is unreal
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Reply #5 posted 02/14/18 11:29am



I've not watched this in a while, but it remains the reason I became a big fan of Prince back in late 1994/early 1995. After seeing 'Days of Wild' on this film, I was done! Such an exciting era. I even managed to track down a copy of 10,000 magazine.

3121... Don't U Wanna Come?
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Reply #6 posted 02/17/18 8:48pm


I would not nothing about that. I had stopped listening to any Prince music years ago. I was into rap, hip-hop, gangsta music, R&B, Michael Jackson. Any new artists that was actually popping back in the '90's.

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Reply #7 posted 02/17/18 9:24pm



42Kristen said:

I would not nothing about that. I had stopped listening to any Prince music years ago. I was into rap, hip-hop, gangsta music, R&B, Michael Jackson. Any new artists that was actually popping back in the '90's.

Makes good sense you replied then. lol

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #8 posted 02/17/18 10:14pm



Love this "film"/(special?), one of my favorites.

I remember getting a 3rd or 4th generation VHS copy a few months after it aired. AFAIK, it didn't air on "regular" cable (MTV/VH1) here in the states. I think it was on The Box or some other service that wasn't available where I live.

The performances are among his best and it's really cool to see how ahead of his time he was in regards to artist/fan interaction and music consumption via computers and the internet.

The estate, WB, whoever... needs to release a DVD box set of all his specials/films or at least continue to include them individually with Deluxe releases of album reissues like they did the Syracuse show with Purple Rain Deluxe. These shows were special and a big part of being a fan in "real-time".


[Edited 2/17/18 14:17pm]

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #9 posted 02/19/18 4:31pm



^ I really hope one day the full show is released in video alongside the TV film. It was dope, a real new direction in Prince's music, and as you say a really visionary concept with the internet and all. Also, the live work with the samples in 94-96 was simply incredible: the sheer amount of samples that had to be used and synched with live music, on so many songs, with setlists that were different each night, that was totally insane! I really hope Morris and Tommy one day go into more details about how that whole thing was put in place, technically speaking nod

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Reply #10 posted 02/20/18 8:12pm


I remember taping this when it was aired on UK's Channel 4. Great time to be a fan. I lost that tape eventually but thankfully Fullasoul came to the rescue with their version.

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Reply #11 posted 02/23/18 1:48pm


Great thread and posts. Prince history 4 sure

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Reply #12 posted 02/23/18 5:34pm


great film....still waiting on the big shot bootleggers to release the full live concert video that they have

[Edited 2/26/18 11:42am]

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Reply #13 posted 02/23/18 5:41pm



OldFriends4Sale said:

Great thread and posts. Prince history 4 sure

I still have this bootleg CD from the late, great Kiss The Stone label. This particular live show is one of my all-time favorites, probably in my top 10 live soundboard shows that are circulating on bootlegs.

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #14 posted 02/24/18 1:54pm



djThunderfunk said:

OldFriends4Sale said:

Great thread and posts. Prince history 4 sure

I still have this bootleg CD from the late, great Kiss The Stone label. This particular live show is one of my all-time favorites, probably in my top 10 live soundboard shows that are circulating on bootlegs.

Bought it back then too, sold in with everything physical in '10. Also one of my all times favorite P shows nod

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Reply #15 posted 02/24/18 3:24pm


Thanks for sharing the pics and stories of being there in person. Definetly a beautiful experience indeed. biggrin

Love is God, God is love, girls and boys love God above~
The only Love there is, is the Love We Make~
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Reply #16 posted 02/24/18 3:41pm



I went to Prince fest back in the day and they showed that and I go, what the fuck is that? No clue, I was naive back then. Didn't even know about bootlegs and first saw Uptown Mag. I learnt. Spent plenty of money after dat. lol

Today it is unwatchable.

All you others say Hell Yea!! woot!
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Reply #17 posted 03/06/18 8:00pm


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Reply #18 posted 03/06/18 10:29pm


TheDigitalGardener said:

Interestingly the footage and audio in this clip is slightly different to broadcast version
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Reply #19 posted 03/07/18 1:52am



dodger said:

TheDigitalGardener said:

Interestingly the footage and audio in this clip is slightly different to broadcast version

I saw that too. Nona getting into Prince's limo at the MSP airport.

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Reply #20 posted 03/07/18 2:07am


Box Talk 777
The largest TV and radio network in Holland, Radio Veronica, began broadcasting unreleased tracks 6 March 1994. They had purchased a tape containing:

: The radio tape (6 March 1994)
1. Interactive (with NPG Operator) (2:25)
2. NPG Operator/Days Of Wild (4:03)
3. The Beautiful Experience Medley (10:32)
4. NPG Operator/Now (4:46)
5. Acknowledge Me (5:28)
6. 319 (3:21)
7. Pheromone (4:36) – including lines that would end up in Poem

The Beautiful Experience Medley was of the remix versions of The Most Beautiful Girl In The World that would be released on The Beautiful Experience EP 17 May 1994. Pheromone was a Come track.
Subsequent broadcasts of the tape followed in several other European countries.
Meanwhile, recorded a new version of The Most Beautiful Girl In The World that would become the album version and filmed a live video of Mustang Mix intended for airing a month later on BBC’s Top Of The Pops TV show 30 April 1994.
’s dancer, Mayte, and band, The NPG, appeared on the music TV channel The Box in a segment entitled Box Talk 777. Mayte said: “This is the future: We’re gonna have a party (a snippet of Now was played) and we’ll invite all the the beautiful people. Then we’re gonna introduce three of our new experiences for them (snippets of Interactive, Days Of Wild and Shhh were played). Don’t worry, we WILL jam. (A snippet of The Jam was played). And after we release The Beautiful Experience on 14 different configurations, we’ll rehearse, book and perform the first worldwide interactive tour entitled Gold. Welcome to the dawn.”
Supposedly this meant that wanted to release The Most Beautiful Girl In The World in 14 different languages all at the same time. The French singer Ophelie Winter recorded a French version, Le plus beau garcon de tout l’univers, Kahoru Kohiruimaki recorded a Japanese version and Mayte’s Spanish ?Quieres ser el mas bello de este mundo?, was the B-side of her The Most Beautiful Boy In The World single in the spring of 1994. The number of planned covers may have been reduced to 12, but any other versions that may have been recorded remain unreleased.

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Reply #21 posted 03/07/18 2:49am



OldFriends4Sale said:

Box Talk 777
The largest TV and radio network in Holland, Radio Veronica, began broadcasting unreleased tracks 6 March 1994. They had purchased a tape containing:

: The radio tape (6 March 1994)
1. Interactive (with NPG Operator) (2:25)
2. NPG Operator/Days Of Wild (4:03)
3. The Beautiful Experience Medley (10:32)
4. NPG Operator/Now (4:46)
5. Acknowledge Me (5:28)
6. 319 (3:21)
7. Pheromone (4:36) – including lines that would end up in Poem

The Beautiful Experience Medley was of the remix versions of The Most Beautiful Girl In The World that would be released on The Beautiful Experience EP 17 May 1994. Pheromone was a Come track.
Subsequent broadcasts of the tape followed in several other European countries.
Meanwhile, recorded a new version of The Most Beautiful Girl In The World that would become the album version and filmed a live video of Mustang Mix intended for airing a month later on BBC’s Top Of The Pops TV show 30 April 1994.
’s dancer, Mayte, and band, The NPG, appeared on the music TV channel The Box in a segment entitled Box Talk 777. Mayte said: “This is the future: We’re gonna have a party (a snippet of Now was played) and we’ll invite all the the beautiful people. Then we’re gonna introduce three of our new experiences for them (snippets of Interactive, Days Of Wild and Shhh were played). Don’t worry, we WILL jam. (A snippet of The Jam was played). And after we release The Beautiful Experience on 14 different configurations, we’ll rehearse, book and perform the first worldwide interactive tour entitled Gold. Welcome to the dawn.”
Supposedly this meant that wanted to release The Most Beautiful Girl In The World in 14 different languages all at the same time. The French singer Ophelie Winter recorded a French version, Le plus beau garcon de tout l’univers, Kahoru Kohiruimaki recorded a Japanese version and Mayte’s Spanish ?Quieres ser el mas bello de este mundo?, was the B-side of her The Most Beautiful Boy In The World single in the spring of 1994. The number of planned covers may have been reduced to 12, but any other versions that may have been recorded remain unreleased.

One had to be there to understand the utter excitement those 2 radio tapes (the studio tracks and the live show, aired on the same day) brought to many fans. The broadcasts were soon taped and circulating among fans even before the live show would find its way to CD (from a later rebroadcast). These recording represented a significant change of "color" for Prince's music and a return to form of sorts, quite reminiscent of the savage, indie post-punk vibe of his 80-84 recordings. All of a sudden, superstar Prince was giving-up his 15 members orchestra for a minimal band, sounded like an underground artist all over again, went avant-garde with a then unheard of extensive use of samples on stage, all with a cool new look and the craziest name. Those were the days of wild nod

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Reply #22 posted 03/07/18 12:53pm



I seem to recall it was exclusively shown on Sky in the UK (whatever channel was the equivalent of Sky One back then)

It was then shown on Channel 4 also a few weeks/months later as others have mentioned.

Just somewhere in the middle,
Not too good and not too bad.
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Reply #23 posted 03/07/18 2:24pm


motherfunka said:

I attended the show for $100.00 and the night was epic! Much of the lower level of Paisley Park was open to view, most notably the studios. I had been in Paisley Park before for after parties and private concerts, but nothing like this.


Prior to the actual concert Eric Leeds played in Studio C where they had some tables set up, like a little jazz club. Jacob Armin was in the band.


They had a "gift shop" set up in the lobby and were selling The Most Beautiful Girl In The World single, as is was yet unreleased.


A press table was also set up in the lobby, as there were a lot of celebrities in attendance due to the fact that the NBA All Star game was the same weekend.


Also prior to the concert they did a fashion show to the Come version shown in the Beautiful Experience video. They then introduced the girls who won the Most Beautiful Girl In The World contest and then proceeded to show the video for the first time. Mayte and Jamie King also did their routine to Pheromone.


After that an announcer introduced Tony Mosley and crew and they came onto the stage and "rapped" a song, don't know what it was or haven't heard it since. Obviously the low point of the evening! icon_lol.gif


Lastly, Prince and the NPG came on stage. At the time the band were being billed as 10,000. It ended up being the same line up. Not sure what that was all about. The rest is documented on several boots. After the show was over, so was the event. Michael Bland handed me one of his drumsticks. One of the highlights was Prince playing drums.


About a month later they showed the clips of The Jam and Shhh at Glam Slam. I was so excited to see myself front and center in the videos. In April they premiered the Beautiful Experience film. I was a little disappointed with that, as a lot of the concert was cut and videos from Come were mixed in. Although, it was nice to have a live document of something I had went to.





Great account and info, thanks.

I had a terrible quality boot on cassette tape of the complete show. I recall Tony M being introduced as the Deacon.

[Edited 3/7/18 6:25am]

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Reply #24 posted 03/07/18 2:29pm



dodger said:

motherfunka said:

I attended the show for $100.00 and the night was epic! Much of the lower level of Paisley Park was open to view, most notably the studios. I had been in Paisley Park before for after parties and private concerts, but nothing like this.


Prior to the actual concert Eric Leeds played in Studio C where they had some tables set up, like a little jazz club. Jacob Armin was in the band.


They had a "gift shop" set up in the lobby and were selling The Most Beautiful Girl In The World single, as is was yet unreleased.


A press table was also set up in the lobby, as there were a lot of celebrities in attendance due to the fact that the NBA All Star game was the same weekend.


Also prior to the concert they did a fashion show to the Come version shown in the Beautiful Experience video. They then introduced the girls who won the Most Beautiful Girl In The World contest and then proceeded to show the video for the first time. Mayte and Jamie King also did their routine to Pheromone.


After that an announcer introduced Tony Mosley and crew and they came onto the stage and "rapped" a song, don't know what it was or haven't heard it since. Obviously the low point of the evening! icon_lol.gif


Lastly, Prince and the NPG came on stage. At the time the band were being billed as 10,000. It ended up being the same line up. Not sure what that was all about. The rest is documented on several boots. After the show was over, so was the event. Michael Bland handed me one of his drumsticks. One of the highlights was Prince playing drums.


About a month later they showed the clips of The Jam and Shhh at Glam Slam. I was so excited to see myself front and center in the videos. In April they premiered the Beautiful Experience film. I was a little disappointed with that, as a lot of the concert was cut and videos from Come were mixed in. Although, it was nice to have a live document of something I had went to.





Great account and info, thanks.

I had a terrible quality boot on cassette tape of the complete show. I recall Tony M being introduced as the Deacon.

[Edited 3/7/18 6:25am]

Tony was indeed credited as "Tone aka Deacon" on the 1994 Hoop Dreams OST, his only non-Prince related and last appearance on a record AFAIK. IDK why the short lived name change or if he tried to launch a solo career after Prince.

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Reply #25 posted 03/07/18 2:33pm



databank said:

djThunderfunk said:

I still have this bootleg CD from the late, great Kiss The Stone label. This particular live show is one of my all-time favorites, probably in my top 10 live soundboard shows that are circulating on bootlegs.

Bought it back then too, sold in with everything physical in '10. Also one of my all times favorite P shows nod

That was my very first bootleg. I expected the next one to have just as good sound quality. I can't remember what the second one was but It never crossed my mind that someone would sell something which sounded so shit. I took it back and got a refund. lol

RIP sad
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Reply #26 posted 03/07/18 2:57pm


databank said:

dodger said:

Great account and info, thanks.

I had a terrible quality boot on cassette tape of the complete show. I recall Tony M being introduced as the Deacon.

[Edited 3/7/18 6:25am]

Tony was indeed credited as "Tone aka Deacon" on the 1994 Hoop Dreams OST, his only non-Prince related and last appearance on a record AFAIK. IDK why the short lived name change or if he tried to launch a solo career after Prince.

Yes, I remember having the video on a VHS boot compilation.

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Reply #27 posted 03/07/18 7:11pm



databank said:

Tony was indeed credited as "Tone aka Deacon" on the 1994 Hoop Dreams OST, his only non-Prince related and last appearance on a record AFAIK. IDK why the short lived name change or if he tried to launch a solo career after Prince.

I have that Hoop Dreams soundtrack. Lotsa Prince associates on there.

Don't hate your neighbors. Hate the media that tells you to hate your neighbors.
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Reply #28 posted 03/08/18 12:20pm


databank said:

dodger said:

motherfunka said:

I attended the show for $100.00 and the night was epic! Much of the lower level of Paisley Park was open to view, most notably the studios. I had been in Paisley Park before for after parties and private concerts, but nothing like this.


Prior to the actual concert Eric Leeds played in Studio C where they had some tables set up, like a little jazz club. Jacob Armin was in the band.


They had a "gift shop" set up in the lobby and were selling The Most Beautiful Girl In The World single, as is was yet unreleased.


A press table was also set up in the lobby, as there were a lot of celebrities in attendance due to the fact that the NBA All Star game was the same weekend.


Also prior to the concert they did a fashion show to the Come version shown in the Beautiful Experience video. They then introduced the girls who won the Most Beautiful Girl In The World contest and then proceeded to show the video for the first time. Mayte and Jamie King also did their routine to Pheromone.


After that an announcer introduced Tony Mosley and crew and they came onto the stage and "rapped" a song, don't know what it was or haven't heard it since. Obviously the low point of the evening! icon_lol.gif


Lastly, Prince and the NPG came on stage. At the time the band were being billed as 10,000. It ended up being the same line up. Not sure what that was all about. The rest is documented on several boots. After the show was over, so was the event. Michael Bland handed me one of his drumsticks. One of the highlights was Prince playing drums.


About a month later they showed the clips of The Jam and Shhh at Glam Slam. I was so excited to see myself front and center in the videos. In April they premiered the Beautiful Experience film. I was a little disappointed with that, as a lot of the concert was cut and videos from Come were mixed in. Although, it was nice to have a live document of something I had went to.





Great account and info, thanks.

I had a terrible quality boot on cassette tape of the complete show. I recall Tony M being introduced as the Deacon.

[Edited 3/7/18 6:25am]

Tony was indeed credited as "Tone aka Deacon" on the 1994 Hoop Dreams OST, his only non-Prince related and last appearance on a record AFAIK. IDK why the short lived name change or if he tried to launch a solo career after Prince.

He was Deacon on the prince album. Somebody says at least once "Hold your tracks(?) Deacon!" on The Sacrifice of Victor iirc...

Ok, just googled it, "Hold yo text, Deacon"
[Edited 3/8/18 4:27am]
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Reply #29 posted 03/08/18 1:14pm



themend said:

databank said:

Tony was indeed credited as "Tone aka Deacon" on the 1994 Hoop Dreams OST, his only non-Prince related and last appearance on a record AFAIK. IDK why the short lived name change or if he tried to launch a solo career after Prince.

He was Deacon on the prince album. Somebody says at least once "Hold your tracks(?) Deacon!" on The Sacrifice of Victor iirc... Ok, just googled it, "Hold yo text, Deacon" [Edited 3/8/18 4:27am]

Nice catch!

Odd, though eek

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