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Thread started 06/19/16 3:37am


Was Prince's afro his hair, or was it a wig? Tom Joyner said wig.

Just always looked at it and thought it was a wig, which is unusual for him. Which then makes we wonder if the cancer rumor may have some credence, and if there was hair loss.

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Reply #1 posted 06/19/16 3:41am





It was his real hair fro


Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #2 posted 06/19/16 3:45am


Doesn't matter he grew or purchased the hair. What i want to know is how Tom Joyner who is bald speak on someone else hair on their head?
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Reply #3 posted 06/19/16 3:46am


Prince grew hair like it was play doh
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Reply #4 posted 06/19/16 3:58am



Just before Prince grew out to his signature fro.

19th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party - Red Carpet

99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment
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Reply #5 posted 06/19/16 4:25am


kewlschool said:

Just before Prince grew out to his signature fro.

19th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party - Red Carpet

It was a WIG.

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Reply #6 posted 06/19/16 4:26am


sharonbell said:

Just always looked at it and thought it was a wig, which is unusual for him. Which then makes we wonder if the cancer rumor may have some credence, and if there was hair loss.

Not many 50+ year old men have most of their hair let alone all of it and his hair wasn't like when it was when he was 20 and had the lush afro.

If that's a wig (at the end of his life), it's a very realistic age appropriate one because that is not a wig you'd stick on a 30 year old while growing out your hair. Most likely if that's his hair, he dyed it. He might have had a wig earlier, who knows? The man did a LOT to his hair over the years.

Source: My parents who had positively lush hair in their youth but have thinner hair now. If you didn't know them when they were younger, you'd swear they had no hair loss. YMMV

[Edited 6/18/16 21:36pm]

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Reply #7 posted 06/19/16 5:19am



I highly doubt it was a wig, that was all him cool You can also tell by the different stages it took while he was growing it out. Once you grow out the relaxer (or just stop pressing it), it starts to grow back naturally just like his did. It can grow pretty quickly when it's free of chemicals and heat.

- Signed, a black woman with black hair lol

From now on, 4 U I shall be wild 💜
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Reply #8 posted 06/19/16 5:19am



I think it was his hair and in certain light you could see through it and he just doesnt seem like a wig person to me and not everyone goes bald as they get older........

Thank you Prince for every note you left behind 💜
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Reply #9 posted 06/19/16 5:55am



tollyc said:

kewlschool said:

Just before Prince grew out to his signature fro.

19th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party - Red Carpet

It was a WIG.

Is that Christina Milian with him ? what year was this ?

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Reply #10 posted 06/19/16 6:06am


paisleyparkgirl said:

tollyc said:

Is that Christina Milian with him ? what year was this ?

That's Misty Copeland... Ballerina. This was around 2011. When he was prommoting his 21 Night Stand, Welcome To America tour

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Reply #11 posted 06/19/16 6:13am



Because Tom Joyner loves a dumbass rumor like anyone else.

We saw it grow out over the years. It's a fro.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #12 posted 06/19/16 6:40am



TrivialPursuit said:

Because Tom Joyner loves a dumbass rumor like anyone else.

We saw it grow out over the years. It's a fro.

Just had to google who he is. Maybe he knows his beans when it comes to broadcasting but don't think he's a barber or trained in that field. I don't care if P were bald or wore a wig - it never looked that way, and if a potato headed cunt like Wayne Rooney can have implants I'm certain P woulda been able to get much better than that.
I wish he woulda gone au naturelle again sooner. Loads of dos and styles he coulda had.
Love you purple family!
Comin str8 outta Preston...
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Reply #13 posted 06/19/16 7:16am


Prince NEVER wore a wig and his hair never looked like one. That's pretty obvious. Especially, when he was sporting the short hair and you could see his little tapering on the sides and back. He did dye his hair in his later years though as do many people in their 50s. Hence, the reason it's jet black with sparkles in some of his photos. Kim Berry did his hair for 28 years.
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Reply #14 posted 06/19/16 7:24am



TrivialPursuit said:

Because Tom Joyner loves a dumbass rumor like anyone else.

We saw it grow out over the years. It's a fro.


Life Matters
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Reply #15 posted 06/19/16 7:25am


You could see his scalp sometimes. It wasn't as thick as it was in his 20s but I'd say that was his hair
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Reply #16 posted 06/19/16 8:43am




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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Was Prince's afro his hair, or was it a wig? Tom Joyner said wig.