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Thread started 05/27/16 3:15pm


Absurdities about Prince curiosities -gossip, groomings hearsay and...

And simple posts that don't require a whole thread of their own.

This is a place where people who create posts about must post their topics. If it isn't automatically posted here, it will be DELETED (ie Sent off to the Cornfields) If there is no weblink for the topic, something random out of the blue, Prince is over again, Topics of ridicule or just nastiness post here for discussion...have fun.

* if a thread starts that should be here please notify a Moderator


Prince in a Pink Dress

Prince should Embrace His Baldness,

Is Prince still alive

What brand of make up does Prince wear ?

Has Prince Lost It?

Anal Obssessions

Illuminati >/\^V> conspiracies of Prince's death

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Reply #1 posted 05/27/16 4:38pm


where are the rest of these absurdities? I guess they have disappeared. Well, I think he is alive and he's run cause somebody was trying to kill him. There, I said it. Not trying to cause unnecessary grief, but this story loses its narrative at they, whoever "they" were, leaving him alone in that house on the night of his death. Sorry, it doesn't make sense. I think he knew someone was trying to kill him and there was no doubt after the plane incident, and he took off. Wouldn't you? If you could?? Especially if you had evidence that someone was trying to kill you? There is one possible exception to this story, but I'm not going to say it. Come on, think for yourselves...WHO is going to leave a friend of theirs alone in a house after taking them to a pharmacy to pick up the same drug they overdosed on three nights before? NO ONE. And DON"T go to ...oh they did whatever Prince said. you think Prince was that stupid? his friends were that stupid? Come ON.

[Edited 5/27/16 9:38am]

[Edited 5/27/16 9:39am]

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Reply #2 posted 05/28/16 12:59am


Hmm, I agree we seem to have lost a lot of absurdity! excited faint jedi banned bitchfight nuts omfg headlp nutty

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Reply #3 posted 05/28/16 2:03pm


Why did you remove the rest of this thread? It was one of the best with all the banter about Prince's "son" and his Darling Nikki mother. I was laughing my ass off...
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Reply #4 posted 05/28/16 4:37pm


Superfan1984 said:

Why did you remove the rest of this thread? It was one of the best with all the banter about Prince's "son" and his Darling Nikki mother. I was laughing my ass off...

whatever happened to them? falloff
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Reply #5 posted 05/28/16 4:38pm


cindyt said:

where are the rest of these absurdities? I guess they have disappeared. Well, I think he is alive and he's run cause somebody was trying to kill him. There, I said it. Not trying to cause unnecessary grief, but this story loses its narrative at they, whoever "they" were, leaving him alone in that house on the night of his death. Sorry, it doesn't make sense. I think he knew someone was trying to kill him and there was no doubt after the plane incident, and he took off. Wouldn't you? If you could?? Especially if you had evidence that someone was trying to kill you? There is one possible exception to this story, but I'm not going to say it. Come on, think for yourselves...WHO is going to leave a friend of theirs alone in a house after taking them to a pharmacy to pick up the same drug they overdosed on three nights before? NO ONE. And DON"T go to ...oh they did whatever Prince said. you think Prince was that stupid? his friends were that stupid? Come ON.

[Edited 5/27/16 9:38am]

[Edited 5/27/16 9:39am]

well...u got some points hmmm
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Reply #6 posted 05/28/16 4:52pm


Was there actually a Simpsons episode with Prince dying? Fucked up neutral
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Reply #7 posted 05/28/16 5:43pm


nursev said:

Was there actually a Simpsons episode with Prince dying? Fucked up neutral


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Reply #8 posted 05/28/16 6:32pm


cindyt said:

nursev said:

Was there actually a Simpsons episode with Prince dying? Fucked up neutral


disbelief and somebody said that Princes picture was on a wall in a scandal episode the week he died eek Im not a conspiracy theorist, but that shit dont sound right neutral

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Reply #9 posted 05/28/16 7:06pm


What the what!? Seriously????
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Reply #10 posted 05/28/16 7:08pm


Superfan1984 said:

What the what!? Seriously????

well it was

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Reply #11 posted 05/29/16 12:32am


nursev-- Things are getting strange. I wasn't trying to be a conspiracy thoerist either but a lot of bizarre things seemed to have happened right before and after his passing. It really is seeming we are all connected. I had the thought on my way home tonight-- Is it true that the very last song he sang onstage was Purple Rain? If so, I think that's crazy! A true full circle...
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Reply #12 posted 05/29/16 9:09pm


Superfan1984 said:

nursev-- Things are getting strange. I wasn't trying to be a conspiracy thoerist either but a lot of bizarre things seemed to have happened right before and after his passing. It really is seeming we are all connected. I had the thought on my way home tonight-- Is it true that the very last song he sang onstage was Purple Rain? If so, I think that's crazy! A true full circle...

indeed a full circle and I only brought these things up because they are truly strange and makes one wonder eek

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Reply #13 posted 05/30/16 2:40pm


nursev said:

Superfan1984 said:

nursev-- Things are getting strange. I wasn't trying to be a conspiracy thoerist either but a lot of bizarre things seemed to have happened right before and after his passing. It really is seeming we are all connected. I had the thought on my way home tonight-- Is it true that the very last song he sang onstage was Purple Rain? If so, I think that's crazy! A true full circle...

indeed a full circle and I only brought these things up because they are truly strange and makes one wonder eek

My father was talking about when they grew up and were much younger, that it seemed like it rained whenever someone died and there was a funeral. He said back then people for whatever reason believed the rain meant something in connection to the funeral.

And as we talked his older sister said 'dear brother' there is someone dying right now and there are multiple funerals going on today... where is the rain?

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Reply #14 posted 05/30/16 2:41pm


Superfan1984 said:

Why did you remove the rest of this thread? It was one of the best with all the banter about Prince's "son" and his Darling Nikki mother. I was laughing my ass off...

This is a new one, the other self locked

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Reply #15 posted 05/30/16 5:58pm


Oldfriends4Sale--- That's interesting about the rain-- And I do think it makes sense- we ARE all connnected to everything- I'm still trying to figure out how Prince managed the rainbow over Paisley Park after his passing but I also am certain that he did it-- Part of everything is you and you are everything--- smile
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Reply #16 posted 05/30/16 9:29pm


OldFriends4Sale said:

nursev said:

Superfan1984 said:

nursev-- Things are getting strange. I wasn't trying to be a conspiracy thoerist either but a lot of bizarre things seemed to have happened right before and after his passing. It really is seeming we are all connected. I had the thought on my way home tonight-- Is it true that the very last song he sang onstage was Purple Rain? If so, I think that's crazy! A true full circle...

indeed a full circle and I only brought these things up because they are truly strange and makes one wonder eek

My father was talking about when they grew up and were much younger, that it seemed like it rained whenever someone died and there was a funeral. He said back then people for whatever reason believed the rain meant something in connection to the funeral.

And as we talked his older sister said 'dear brother' there is someone dying right now and there are multiple funerals going on today... where is the rain?

It's always raining somewhere so your dad may have a point lol actually it rained Friday night when our patient passed...thundering eek
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Reply #17 posted 05/30/16 9:32pm


Superfan1984 said:

Oldfriends4Sale--- That's interesting about the rain-- And I do think it makes sense- we ARE all connnected to everything- I'm still trying to figure out how Prince managed the rainbow over Paisley Park after his passing but I also am certain that he did it-- Part of everything is you and you are everything--- smile

Prince was vibrantly every color in the rainbow...that's how he did it lol #1 Rainbow Child
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Reply #18 posted 05/30/16 9:40pm


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Reply #19 posted 05/30/16 10:13pm


Wanna talk about that simpsons episode disbelief lol

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Reply #20 posted 05/30/16 11:43pm


Yes, what happened? Did you see it nursev?
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Reply #21 posted 05/30/16 11:45pm


Superfan1984 said:

Yes, what happened? Did you see it nursev?

Hell naw falloff Im trynna see if you did lol

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Reply #22 posted 05/30/16 11:47pm


lol- no-- I'm going to go to youtube and see if I can find it.... smile
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Reply #23 posted 05/30/16 11:48pm


Superfan1984 said:

lol- no-- I'm going to go to youtube and see if I can find it.... smile

K...I'll wait whistling

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Reply #24 posted 05/31/16 12:01am


some bull crap disbelief

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Reply #25 posted 05/31/16 12:03am


Ok--- I found it. I don't know how to post (anything) on here smile but I went to youtube and typed in "The simpsons episode Prince" and it came right up. I just watched one called, "The Simpsons predicted the Illuminati sacrifice of Prince in 2008" by The Vigilant Christian. It showed some men talking to Homer Simpson, telling him he needed to kill some celebrities for ''' yada yada yada Illumiminati something or other" he then goes into a purple room with Prince symbols everywhere / Prince sitting in a chair/ Homer strangles him with a guitar --- But, I mean, it doesn't mean anything right? Of course anyone can die at any time. I don't know. I do have one friend who is a rapper and he keeps telling me that the Illuminati is a real thing and that he's scared of them. This can't be real stuff can it? I mean, I've seen a lot of strange things that I thought I'd never see , but, The Illuminati? What is the purpose? WHY kill celebrites? What would they gain? But then again, Prince himself was always saying we were living in the Matrix... Hmmmmm.....
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Reply #26 posted 05/31/16 12:03am


Oh! I see you found it as i was typing that out! What are your thoughts?
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Reply #27 posted 05/31/16 12:15am


Superfan1984 said:

Oh! I see you found it as i was typing that out! What are your thoughts?

To post you just copy the link part before the v and out it in brackets like this [youtube:X]link[/youtube:X] wink

[Edited 5/30/16 17:15pm]

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Reply #28 posted 05/31/16 12:16am


nursev said:

Superfan1984 said:

Oh! I see you found it as i was typing that out! What are your thoughts?

To post you just copy the link part before the v and out it in brackets like this [youtube:X]link[/youtube:X] wink

[Edited 5/30/16 17:15pm]

not the: or the x...dont know why theyre in there

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Reply #29 posted 05/31/16 12:17am


well..I know a male nurse from Africa and he was telling me about his son's music career and how his son was almost signed but did not because they starting demanding that he do certain things eek

[Edited 5/30/16 17:18pm]

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