..u bother to read THESE kinds of threads | |
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pasquerto said: KingSausage said: You only hit 22 positions in a one night stand and feel let down. Dead.dying ![]() me too *kicks nearest bucket* | |
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RIP ![]() | |
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After slightly mocking I should probably contribute a little... 1. The org is the homepage on your web browser
4. The music library on your phone is pages and pages like this :
RIP ![]() | |
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TheEnglishGent said: After slightly mocking I should probably contribute a little... 1. The org is the homepage on your web browser
4. The music library on your phone is pages and pages like this :
Oh, shit. That's totally my music library. Phone and computer. Sigh... "Drop that stereo before I blow your Goddamn nuts off, asshole!"
-Eugene Tackleberry | |
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![]() [Edited 6/18/15 15:31pm] | |
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I have actually done all most all of these the only one on here I haven't done is marry someone a met at a prince show is that good or bad ? ![]() All of this and more is 4 u. With <3, sincerity and deepest care, my life with u eye share ~Prince~
Life is time time is space and space is what Eye need ~Awesome A.V~ | |
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double post [Edited 6/18/15 19:24pm] | |
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I would love to marry a Prince die hard to travel the world roadie style with. My man doesn't care for him much at all hahahah
You know youre a P fan when you buy a purple motorcycle and name it Appollonia
You write a paper about the soundtrack of your life and how P songs represent each phase of the growth cycle in college (birth, growth, marriage, death etc) and you get an A++ for originality | |
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When my microwave rings at the end of a cycle the line from Tambourine "long days, lonely nights" starts playing in my head! | |
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1. Your favourite colour goes from whatever it was before to purple. 2. You have purple towels, purple sheets, purple curtains, purple clothes, purple paint, purple toilet paper and purple napkins. (I knew a person who did) 3. You sign your name with the Prince symbol 4. You say "Pass the CRRRREEEEAAAMMMM!!!!" 5. Your Ipod or any other music player is on shuffle and the first song to come up is by Prince or a related act/satellite 6. You scream Yahoo! out loud in a wrekka stow when you find a vinyl copy of "The Family" 7. Your life's goal is to find a limited 12 inch version of "Do Me Baby" 8. You have one or more Prince shrines set up in your house, Prince posters, books, dolls tickets are given museum like treatment. At the very least, your Prince music is separate from your other music. 9. You will buy multiple copies of albums and singles if they are from different countries. 10. You live in a pigsty, yet all your Prince related merchandise is well stored and in pristine condition. 11. You will choose to purchase a Prince collectable over food. 12. If you are forced into temporary or reduced accommodation, you pay $100 or more a month to place your Prince collection into storage. . I am guilty of most of these. [Edited 6/19/15 4:03am] Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name | |
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Your family no longer asks you what you want for dinner because every time they ask you scream, "Squirrel Meat!"
You start a psychology blog for your PHd program based on Prince lyrics
http://www.princevault.com/index.php/Soulpsychodelicide-2 | |
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HAHAHAHA YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
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1) you persuade your mum to call the new family dog Sonny, this was in 95 when The Good Life single was out. . 2) you take the same dog the vets and the vet is called Clare Fisher. Of course I told her about her namesake from Prince world but she looks at me like I'd just spoke Russian. Much to my sister and mums amusement. . 3) you have Betcha By Golly Wow played at your wedding while the register is getting signed. That was actually my wife's idea as its one of the few P songs she likes. . 4) you queue up all day at Manchester Acadamy and leave your wife with your 1 week old baby. She was even less impressed when I got home and told her it was the best night of my life. . 5) your 8 year old daughter asks 'what's that purple website that's always on your iPad' | |
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A lot of you guys got me beat. Like hard. .
But I'll add: .
When you alphabetize your CD collection but you have a whole separate compartment, rack or section just for the Prince stuff (like I do), foregowing the "P" section in your collection. Meaning Prince is nowhere to be found between Pink Floyd and Pairlament. Prince has his own special section/library.
Also, LOL at whoever said "you know who John Prine is". If it weren't for Prince I'd have never heard of him. | |
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u have a tattoo of the If a man is considered guilty
For what goes on in his mind Then give me the electric chair For all my future crimes" | |
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you pay your mortgage late to get tickets to an upcoming Prince concert. [Edited 6/19/15 16:54pm] If a man is considered guilty
For what goes on in his mind Then give me the electric chair For all my future crimes" | |
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Along with John Prine, you are also scrolling past the Pretenders and more annoyingly Elvis Presley. . Elvis Presley is the bane of frustrations for Prince fans because. 1. In any encyclopaedia book of music or charts, you have to scroll past 20 or more pages about him, before you get to the one paragraph about Prince 2. Same in a record store, under P, Elvis takes up most of the space and then finally at the Prince section, there is one or more Elvis items misfiled. 3. Type "pr" into a musician database and Elvis comes up 4. The fact an overrated artist like Elvis is so hugely popular and yet Prince who has a million times better musical skills and enjoyability is barely known by most people except for Purple Rain and changing his name. . Also in the British world at least, where reggae has always been massively popular, we often scroll past an artist called Prince Far I, and here in New Zealand, one of my favourite artists too - Maori Singer and entertainer Prince Tui Teka! He is also filed under Prince, fortunately Tui Teka only made about 4 albums in his life time.
Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name | |
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When Ure ''Still Waiting'' 4 ur Lotussflow3r T.
Prince did an interview with a woman at Record World. They talked about whatever, then he asked her: "Does your pubic hair go up to your navel?" At that moment, we thought maybe we shouldn't encourage him to do interviews. | |
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herb4 said: A lot of you guys got me beat. Like hard. .
But I'll add: .
When you alphabetize your CD collection but you have a whole separate compartment, rack or section just for the Prince stuff (like I do), foregowing the "P" section in your collection. Meaning Prince is nowhere to be found between Pink Floyd and Pairlament. Prince has his own special section/library.
Also, LOL at whoever said "you know who John Prine is". If it weren't for Prince I'd have never heard of him. That is definitely me! Gotta get straight the CDs. "I don't make the rules. I just play" | |
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...you've listened to at least 15% of his discography by the time you die. [Edited 6/19/15 21:58pm] Always cry 4 love, never cry 4 pain. | |
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--you dated a really skinny girl with no legs just because her measurements were 31-21...
--you've watched all of Bela Lugosi's movies to see if he's ever made the "Prince-face"...
--your toddler can count to 16--and can spell each number out--and has an odd affinity towards voluptuous women...
"3123...that's next door to where the party be..." | |
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You have the 1999 cd with and without DMSR. You still have the initial packaging of ATWIAD. You have so many CD-Rs filled with crappy sounding bootleg mp3s that you have to make it a retirement project to properly label them one day. You love any or all of the following albums: Kamasutra, NPS, Rave, all of Emancipation, 1999: The New Master (Note: I do NOT)
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Aerogram said: You have the 1999 cd with and without DMSR. You still have the initial packaging of ATWIAD. You have so many CD-Rs filled with crappy sounding bootleg mp3s that you have to make it a retirement project to properly label them one day. You love any or all of the following albums: Kamasutra, NPS, Rave, all of Emancipation, 1999: The New Master (Note: I do NOT)
![]() Check out The Mountains and the Sea, a Prince podcast by yours truly and my wife. More info at https://www.facebook.com/TMATSPodcast/ | |
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...you own the Batcan. Check out The Mountains and the Sea, a Prince podcast by yours truly and my wife. More info at https://www.facebook.com/TMATSPodcast/ | |
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I literally laughed out loud at 1 & 2. I tried to persuade my mum to call our new family dog Alexander (Nevermind) but she wasn't having any of it! I also used to work at a vets in the late 80's/early 90's and if anyones pet was called anything even remotely Princely then I'd have to ask if that was the reason why. It never was.
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You'll never forget how to spell "diamonds," no matter how drunk you are. "Drop that stereo before I blow your Goddamn nuts off, asshole!"
-Eugene Tackleberry | |
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KingSausage said: You'll never forget how to spell "diamonds," no matter how drunk you are. ![]() Check out The Mountains and the Sea, a Prince podcast by yours truly and my wife. More info at https://www.facebook.com/TMATSPodcast/ | |
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...u have a prince groupie stalking U.... | |
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