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Thread started 09/22/12 8:38am



Question about outtakes compilations and/or unreleased album configurations

OK, so of course I'm just asking IF, not WHERE these things are available. Basically I only need boots' titles if there's any.

1/ What would be the best sounding version of the Corporate World FULL sessions (i.e. including the released tracks but with a similar sound quality/sources, not songs from GB and Pandemonium mixed as such with outtakes from Work it 2.0)? I know 4DF released a crystal clear version last year but for some reason they felt they had to alter one song, making this release irrelevant...

2/ Is Sun, Moon & Stars the best sounding version of the full Carmen On Top or was there a better, later release?

3/ Is there a full version of Flash (Margie Cox, album in circulation? I have all the songs from Work It 2.0 but Whistlin' Kenny isn't there and I have it sourced from the released single (i guess), with a different sound quality, and that's a hassle. Can I find ALL the tracks sourced from the same tape on some boot?

4/ What would be the best sources for the 1988 Madhouse 24 and, even more important, a complete version of the 1993 Madhouse 24 album, with 17 included from a similar-sounding source and not just pasted from 1-800 New Funk?

5/ Just for the record: is it known if the tapes that ended-up being Box O' Chocolate and Parade Demos were compiled by Prince in person back in the 80's (in the case of Parade, that means adding G&B and LO$ as bonus tracks to the known album configuration) or if these configurations are fanmade? I for example find it interesting to know that when I listen to 10,000 Wallpaper, the flow of the compilation is the work of Prince himself.

Basically I'm trying to get every prince-made configuration with the best possible quality, in the vein of the 2 delicious Exodus recent re-releases, etc.

Many thanks 4 ur help biggrin

[Edited 9/22/12 1:41am]

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Reply #1 posted 09/22/12 12:36pm


1. I think that 4DF's version will be the best sounding version despite what they chose to do with "My Summertime Thang."

2. Probably, I don't think anyone else bothered.

3. No idea.

4. Probably "The Madhouse Boxset" on Red Dog Records. It has 8, 16 and the two versions of 24. It also includes the b-sides from 8 and 16.

5. I think they are based on configurations Prince put together, but really, I have no idea.

^^ All this could be wrong, I'm not at home so I can't check this stuff. I'm just telling you what I know. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will come along and set you straight.


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Reply #2 posted 09/24/12 6:26am



databank said:

3/ Is there a full version of Flash (Margie Cox, album in circulation? I have all the songs from Work It 2.0 but Whistlin' Kenny isn't there and I have it sourced from the released single (i guess), with a different sound quality, and that's a hassle. Can I find ALL the tracks sourced from the same tape on some boot?

4/ What would be the best sources for the 1988 Madhouse 24 and, even more important, a complete version of the 1993 Madhouse 24 album, with 17 included from a similar-sounding source and not just pasted from 1-800 New Funk?

I understand your motivations. I would actually be interested in such complete recordings coming from the same source. But it's kind of funny to be looking for inferior-sounding versions of studio recordings. For once. razz

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Reply #3 posted 09/24/12 8:05am



Interesting ? about Madhouse 24. The Rude Dog set is probably the best sounding.

But for some reason 17 isn't included on the 1993 version of 24. I don't think any of the configurations I have include it - it's also not on Moonraker's Fantasia set - so I've always cut and pasted it myself from 1-800 New Funk

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Reply #4 posted 09/24/12 2:25pm


There was a time when bootleggers were fair people: '17' was removed from mostly all configurations and outtake compilations just because it had been officially released on 1-800 NEW FUNK.

Nowadays, both Eye and Sabotage have the guts to SELL FOR A HIGH PRICE lots of jams that have been available for free (either released by Prince/Funkenberry or released by fan labels).

Those of you who haven't downloaded yet the recent OF4S rehearsal, don't worry: you'll have an opportunity to PAY for this FREE ITEM courtesy of Eye and/or Sab.

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Reply #5 posted 10/09/12 3:24pm



Thanks for your answers. biggrin biggrin biggrin

I don't know where it's from but I think I found a version of 24 with 17 at a similar sound level.

So no full versions of Flash and (other than 4DF) Corporate World in circulation?

[Edited 10/9/12 8:25am]

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #6 posted 10/09/12 7:44pm



i've just made a playlist with the Flash tracks, my god it's awesome! why haven't i done that before cool

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Question about outtakes compilations and/or unreleased album configurations