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Thread started 07/15/10 11:11am



Dumbest Prince Merchandise

I'm all for Prince giving his albums away for 'free' in the future, but I am worried that it may mean an end to the pointless, dumbass merchandise that comes along with the music. I mean, how can anybody even consider listening to a new Prince album without lighing a red symbol candle and splashing some NPG Myrrh insence about?

No, I don't really do that. But I do admit to owning both said items and many more besides. So here we go... Let's admit the dumbest merchandise purchases we've bought over the years.

And please no tshirt replies, as it's a bit old-hat now and let's face it, most people never got one anyway.

Come on, who bought that fucking hat box thing a few years ago?

Who bought some of the 'ice' from the old NPGMC store?

Who on earth bought the bottom cardboard layer of Prince's wedding cake from the Camden NPG store?

Confess thy merchandise sins, you'll feel much better smile

blah blah blah
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Reply #1 posted 07/15/10 11:22am


I guess Tame will be our winner lol
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Reply #2 posted 07/15/10 11:46am



zaza said:

I guess Tame will be our winner lol

Merchandise has to be bought, not taken from the bins out back of Paisley.

blah blah blah
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Reply #3 posted 07/15/10 12:04pm


erik319 said:

zaza said:

I guess Tame will be our winner lol

Merchandise has to be bought, not taken from the bins out back of Paisley.

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Reply #4 posted 07/15/10 12:07pm


Probably dumb to my hubby(but not to me) is my Prince pillowcase wink

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Reply #5 posted 07/15/10 12:15pm



Claire73 said:

Probably dumb to my hubby(but not to me) is my Prince pillowcase wink



blah blah blah
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Reply #6 posted 07/15/10 12:24pm



None of the merchandise that I have purchased in the past has been dumb.

I haven't bought very much.

I love the "Prince in Hawaii," book...I love the cylandrox it came

I still have the unburned "Play in the Sunshine," incense.

I bought a candle that had a little silver symbol in the bottom when the candle melted.

I tried to buy the "Minneapolis Police Dept." T-Shirt, yet that was either discontinued, or Prince closed the "Glam Slam," store. I used to get the catalog...I couldn't really afford anything. I saw a lot of things I wanted.

My girlfriend has a bathrobe...

I have a "Glam Slam," T-shirt and a "Love GOD," guitar pick...Those two things were both given to me by a Tony Tony Tony...roadie. Or a "Night Ranger," roadie...I can't remember which band.

Did I win ZaZa? razz

"The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
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Reply #7 posted 07/15/10 12:33pm



Tame said:

Did I win ZaZa? razz

clapping biggrin

blah blah blah
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Reply #8 posted 07/15/10 3:22pm


Probably candles, and all the usual tour stuff, but that is not really dumb (apart from being dumb enough to pay the high prices). I almost bought a chair from the NPG shop cafe in London after it closed down.

Luckily my girlfriend at the time talked me out of it.

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Reply #9 posted 07/15/10 3:32pm



I never bought it but the stupidest thing I ever saw was a baby outfit with that gawdy NPG logo on it.

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #10 posted 07/15/10 4:19pm



MikeyB71 said:

Probably candles, and all the usual tour stuff, but that is not really dumb (apart from being dumb enough to pay the high prices). I almost bought a chair from the NPG shop cafe in London after it closed down.

Luckily my girlfriend at the time talked me out of it.

one of the red & gold ones from upstairs in the cafe? :puke:

close one!
blah blah blah
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Reply #11 posted 07/15/10 6:58pm



prince condoms


aka ChristinaS
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Reply #12 posted 07/15/10 7:01pm


erik319 said:

MikeyB71 said:

Probably candles, and all the usual tour stuff, but that is not really dumb (apart from being dumb enough to pay the high prices). I almost bought a chair from the NPG shop cafe in London after it closed down.

Luckily my girlfriend at the time talked me out of it.

one of the red & gold ones from upstairs in the cafe? barf close one!

Aye, lol what was i thinking? whew

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Reply #13 posted 07/15/10 7:07pm



erik319 said:

Who on earth bought the bottom cardboard layer of Prince's wedding cake from the Camden NPG store?

lol Madhouse Music did.

7665 CAKE ! Birthday Cake to celebrate Prince's Birthday! From NPG Store. Giant 6 Tear CAKE Display (top tear was actual cake, which was eaten!) Price for one tear. Condition: EX @ n/a £9.99/$14.39


If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #14 posted 07/15/10 7:35pm



squirrelgrease said:

erik319 said:

Who on earth bought the bottom cardboard layer of Prince's wedding cake from the Camden NPG store?

lol Madhouse Music did.

7665 CAKE ! Birthday Cake to celebrate Prince's Birthday! From NPG Store. Giant 6 Tear CAKE Display (top tear was actual cake, which was eaten!) Price for one tear. Condition: EX @ n/a £9.99/$14.39


Wake up children, dance the dance electric... there isn't much time.... who farted? whofarted ...was it u? disbelief
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Reply #15 posted 07/15/10 7:46pm


squirrelgrease said:

erik319 said:

Who on earth bought the bottom cardboard layer of Prince's wedding cake from the Camden NPG store?

lol Madhouse Music did.

7665 CAKE ! Birthday Cake to celebrate Prince's Birthday! From NPG Store. Giant 6 Tear CAKE Display (top tear was actual cake, which was eaten!) Price for one tear. Condition: EX @ n/a £9.99/$14.39


why is this birthday cake on extreme lean?

its looks stale as hell

judging that shit was made in the 90s eek it probably is

that cake is like 17 years old ,it should be in high school by now

that cake is old enough to get it drivers licenses

lmao .....old ass cake

and nerve of madhousemusic to try and thrown in a damn key chain to make to all better

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Reply #16 posted 07/15/10 11:48pm



I wouldn't call them dumb but my unusual items are...

Batman honey jar

3121 cd chocolate

cd-rom press kit

Grafitti Bridge pillow case

Come huge vinyl promotion poster

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Reply #17 posted 07/16/10 12:42am


one800newfunk said:

I wouldn't call them dumb but my unusual items are...

Batman honey jar

3121 cd chocolate

cd-rom press kit

Grafitti Bridge pillow case

Come huge vinyl promotion poster

Is better then the $15 Radiohead's drinking bottle they use to sell on their website.

"I have so much love for Prince. But why don't they look at me that way"- MJ
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Reply #18 posted 07/16/10 1:27am



squirrelgrease said:

erik319 said:

Who on earth bought the bottom cardboard layer of Prince's wedding cake from the Camden NPG store?

lol Madhouse Music did.

7665 CAKE ! Birthday Cake to celebrate Prince's Birthday! From NPG Store. Giant 6 Tear CAKE Display (top tear was actual cake, which was eaten!) Price for one tear. Condition: EX @ n/a £9.99/$14.39


GTFO!!!! falloff

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #19 posted 07/16/10 1:29am



wonders if I still have one of those Xenophobia water bottles from the 2002 Celebration that I could sell to some idiot. paid enough for it that night the air conditioning went out @ Paisley


"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #20 posted 07/16/10 4:25am



errant said:

wonders if I still have one of those Xenophobia water bottles from the 2002 Celebration that I could sell to some idiot. paid enough for it that night the air conditioning went out @ Paisley


I still have a couple of those Xenophobia and a couple NPG bottles with the water still in them. I think the NPG bottles were from the 2000 Celebration. And yes, it was hotter than hell and the water was expensive. Were you there the night Prince brought everyone to see Minority Report because the Paisley Park AC was still busted? They also cut the price of water in half after a day or two of sweating our collective balls off.

If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #21 posted 07/16/10 4:45am



Not really dumb, but odd...

I have a life-sized cardboard stand-up of Prince in a white coat holding his Symbol guitar. I worked on an ad for Prince and Paisley Park sent it over to my office for inspiration/reference. Everyone in the office thought it was so much fun to dress it up with feather boas and women's earrings. rolleyes lol

By the way, anyone in the Minneapolis area who wants a free Prince stand-up with holes in the ear, orgnote me and I'll deliver it. It's too bulky to mail.

It looks like this, but is die-cut around the Earth, body and guitar:


If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #22 posted 07/16/10 5:02am



squirrelgrease said:

Not really dumb, but odd...

I have a life-sized cardboard stand-up of Prince in a white coat holding his Symbol guitar. I worked on an ad for Prince and Paisley Park sent it over to my office for inspiration/reference. Everyone in the office thought it was so much fun to dress it up with feather boas and women's earrings. rolleyes lol

By the way, anyone in the Minneapolis area who wants a free Prince stand-up with holes in the ear, orgnote me and I'll deliver it. It's too bulky to mail.

It looks like this, but is die-cut around the Earth, body and guitar:


I almost talked the local Sam Goody into giving me one of those at the time. But wouldn't you know, the manager was a fan. Yeah, I bet rolleyes Bastard also got the Rave light box cover off the wall that I'd asked for neutral

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #23 posted 07/16/10 5:03am



squirrelgrease said:

errant said:

wonders if I still have one of those Xenophobia water bottles from the 2002 Celebration that I could sell to some idiot. paid enough for it that night the air conditioning went out @ Paisley


I still have a couple of those Xenophobia and a couple NPG bottles with the water still in them. I think the NPG bottles were from the 2000 Celebration. And yes, it was hotter than hell and the water was expensive. Were you there the night Prince brought everyone to see Minority Report because the Paisley Park AC was still busted? They also cut the price of water in half after a day or two of sweating our collective balls off.

yeah, I was there that night. It was pajama night, I think. didn't go with him to see Minority Report though

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #24 posted 07/16/10 5:17am



I loves his perfume line! Still have some perfume and a jar of lotion smile they discontinued it at macys though. sad
What is your main problem?
To whom it may concern: I love you! both.
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Reply #25 posted 07/16/10 5:40am



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Reply #26 posted 07/16/10 8:11am



I have the purple rain coat comdom too :D I admit to buying a "devour" dog t-shirt from newfunk for my yorkie and I also got some sweat bands with symbols on! I also won rave un2 the joy fantastic knickers from a competition by EMI in the UK!
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Reply #27 posted 07/16/10 8:34am


CHRISLUV92 said:

prince condoms

That was going to be my contribution smile
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Reply #28 posted 07/16/10 11:30am



errant said:

squirrelgrease said:

lol Madhouse Music did.

7665 CAKE ! Birthday Cake to celebrate Prince's Birthday! From NPG Store. Giant 6 Tear CAKE Display (top tear was actual cake, which was eaten!) Price for one tear. Condition: EX @ n/a £9.99/$14.39


GTFO!!!! falloff

Its got some way to go yet, the oldest cake in existence according to "Life after people" is a fruitcake baked in 1878, which is still palatable. Fruitcakes with brandy or wine in them can survive indefinetly apparently.

So what are u going 2 do? R u just gonna sit there and watch? I'm not gonna stop until the war is over. Its gonna take a long time
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Reply #29 posted 07/16/10 11:33am


I have a "Prince Musicology Tour 2004" toiletry kit which I have been using this summer on trips.

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