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Reply #60 posted 06/25/10 1:48pm



zaza said:

Bitching about free cd? Pearls before the swine.

And there's a whole lot of pigs up in here too. Just another day on the org.

I'm not a fan of "old Prince". I'm not a fan of "new Prince". I'm just a fan of Prince. Simple as that
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Reply #61 posted 06/25/10 2:00pm


I've heard some interesting thoughts about the new release, and I'm more in agreement that it could be a "greatest hits" of sorts. What if this is a hits disc but re-recorded versions? He's said in the past that he's re-recorded all of his albums so what if this CD is a teaser of what he may be planning for his back catalogue?

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Reply #62 posted 06/25/10 2:09pm



purplecam said:

zaza said:

Bitching about free cd? Pearls before the swine.

And there's a whole lot of pigs up in here too. Just another day on the org.

Some of these so-called Prince fan's should just give up .... they just can't keep up with Prince, he's moving forward while they are stuck in the WB years.... lol

Eye Was Born & Raised On The Same Plantation In The United States Of The Red, White And Blue Eye Never Knew That Eye Was Different Til Dr. King Was On The Balcony
Lying In A Bloody Pool......Call me a Dreamer 2 - R.I.P - James Brown and Michael Jackson
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Reply #63 posted 06/25/10 2:26pm


i just hope that the new album includes a Purple Party Remix of Purple & Gold!


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Reply #64 posted 06/25/10 2:50pm


I must live on a higher plane, because I have enjoyed Prince's latest music... all of it. Perhaps because I write and play music. Maybe because Prince has grown wiser. I'm sure someone will comment negatively on my opinion. Hot Summer is so catchy! It was 100 degrees outside yesterday!! It felt so right! Planet Earth, excellent in my opinion. LotusFlower stays on rotation with me. Once again, one man's opinion.

One question, though.. isn't there another artist with a cd entitled "20Ten"?

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Reply #65 posted 06/25/10 3:05pm



Purpracer2 said:

I must live on a higher plane, because I have enjoyed Prince's latest music... all of it. Perhaps because I write and play music. Maybe because Prince has grown wiser. I'm sure someone will comment negatively on my opinion. Hot Summer is so catchy! It was 100 degrees outside yesterday!! It felt so right! Planet Earth, excellent in my opinion. LotusFlower stays on rotation with me. Once again, one man's opinion.

One question, though.. isn't there another artist with a cd entitled "20Ten"?

U r on a higher plane. thankfully.

2 many fools up in here who R stuck in life, in many ways.

Stand Up! Everybody, this is your life! follow me on twitter @thepope2the9s
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Reply #66 posted 06/25/10 3:07pm


Purpracer2 said:

I must live on a higher plane, because I have enjoyed Prince's latest music... all of it. Perhaps because I write and play music. Maybe because Prince has grown wiser. I'm sure someone will comment negatively on my opinion. Hot Summer is so catchy! It was 100 degrees outside yesterday!! It felt so right! Planet Earth, excellent in my opinion. LotusFlower stays on rotation with me. Once again, one man's opinion.

One question, though.. isn't there another artist with a cd entitled "20Ten"?

Purpracer2 I agree. I actually like most of Prince's new material. Yeah it sounds different than his older work but that's just an artist who's matured his talent to create different output. I thought "Hot Summer" was a catchy tune and I've listened to it alot.

I don't know. If there was an album already title "20Ten" I haven't heard of it yet.

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Reply #67 posted 06/25/10 3:07pm



Purpleaxxe1972 said:

I've heard some interesting thoughts about the new release, and I'm more in agreement that it could be a "greatest hits" of sorts. What if this is a hits disc but re-recorded versions? He's said in the past that he's re-recorded all of his albums so what if this CD is a teaser of what he may be planning for his back catalogue?

The interview said its new music
Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records.
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Reply #68 posted 06/25/10 3:17pm


paisleypark4 said:

Purpleaxxe1972 said:

I've heard some interesting thoughts about the new release, and I'm more in agreement that it could be a "greatest hits" of sorts. What if this is a hits disc but re-recorded versions? He's said in the past that he's re-recorded all of his albums so what if this CD is a teaser of what he may be planning for his back catalogue?

The interview said its new music

All the more reason for me to be excited. Every time a new Prince album comes out (does anyone else still say "album"?) I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.

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Reply #69 posted 06/25/10 4:22pm


Purpleaxxe1972 said:

I've heard some interesting thoughts about the new release, and I'm more in agreement that it could be a "greatest hits" of sorts. What if this is a hits disc but re-recorded versions? He's said in the past that he's re-recorded all of his albums so what if this CD is a teaser of what he may be planning for his back catalogue?

There's a tracklist on No Hot Summer and Cause & Effect! woot! lol
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Reply #70 posted 06/25/10 4:22pm


Dear Moderators,

thanks-a-lot for presenting my (now confirmed, thanks ID) post on the front page.

I don't have a scanner, I tried to take a digital pic and set it on the internet, but failed, norway.

(what the *ell is a URL??)

What a week:

a new Prince CD on July, 22.,

the deluxe versions of 'a secret wish' by Propaganda and 'best of' by Art of Noise on July , 19.,

and my birthday on July, the 20th !!

bananadance headbang bananadance

(4give my bad germish, please!)

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Reply #71 posted 06/25/10 4:41pm




luv4u said:

Thanks to incredibleD for providing the following information and translation.



What it says is:

Purple Weeks
After 8 years without a show in Germany Prince is finally doing the honors on July 5 at the Waldbuehne Berlin - presented by ROLLING STONE which is hitting the newsstands with the most exclusive Prince bonus there is in the August issue. Nothing more may be revealed...

The German Rolling Stone has nothing to do with the American Rolling Stone! They just bought the right to use the name.

Hmm, not to figure a way to get either the Rolling Stone or the Belguim papger with P's new album ... [img:$uid][/img:$uid]

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #72 posted 06/25/10 4:41pm



chrisslope9 said:

BramblingMan said:

which one on Planet Earth? i went over that and the closest i could find was the bad Fleetwood Mac knock-off sounding one. I will say as much as i disliked lotusflower, there were a total of about 7 really good tracks. now if he can get 7 on one record, i'm thrilled!

How can you dislike any record that you admit has 7 'really good tracks' on it?

um, cuz its a 3 disc set? 7 out of 30 tracks is NOT a good record LOL

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Reply #73 posted 06/25/10 6:27pm



Dreamer2 said:

purplecam said:

And there's a whole lot of pigs up in here too. Just another day on the org.

Some of these so-called Prince fan's should just give up .... they just can't keep up with Prince, he's moving forward while they are stuck in the WB years.... lol

They sure are and I'm glad I'm not stuck in the past with them, I really am. The past was fantastic, but I'm more interested in what Prince is doing NOW. Prince is not dead, he's alive and whatever Prince does, good or bad, I'm going forward with him and I would rather deal with people going forward with me and Prince than those who live in 1987. It was fun but it's over.

I'm not a fan of "old Prince". I'm not a fan of "new Prince". I'm just a fan of Prince. Simple as that
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Reply #74 posted 06/25/10 6:37pm


BramblingMan said:

chrisslope9 said:

How can you dislike any record that you admit has 7 'really good tracks' on it?

um, cuz its a 3 disc set? 7 out of 30 tracks is NOT a good record LOL

There are more than "7 good tracks" on the Lotusflow3r disc alone. Love Like Jazz to Return to the Lotus is a perfect sequence of songs.

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Reply #75 posted 06/25/10 6:45pm



NeoGeo24bit said:

BramblingMan said:

um, cuz its a 3 disc set? 7 out of 30 tracks is NOT a good record LOL

There are more than "7 good tracks" on the Lotusflow3r disc alone. Love Like Jazz to Return to the Lotus is a perfect sequence of songs.

s'ok to disagree. i think love like jazz is cheesy and sounds like the growing pains theme song. but that's just my opinion.

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Reply #76 posted 06/25/10 7:01pm


I think its cool and stuff that he is putting copies in Papers over sea's.. but Its just not fair to all his loyal US fans that have been waiting and waiting for SOMETHING to slip in our CD players..

Down loading stuff is ok.. but I like Jams I can take with me and play in my car.. My bedroom CD player any where I want.. Not something that I have to sit at my Computer to hear. and No. I do not have an MP3 Player.. or an Ipod.. I'm OOOOLLLLLDDDDD!!!!! LOL

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Reply #77 posted 06/25/10 7:23pm


BramblingMan said:

when did prince grow a giraffe's neck? the title REALLY 20Ten? has he lost ALL interest in being creative?

Was Lotus Flow3r not a creative title?

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Reply #78 posted 06/25/10 7:28pm



BramblingMan said:

That record was not worth the price of the paper it was delivered in. I literally made a few coasters out of the cd.

OH HELL YEAH IT WAS! IT was his last great album!!

"The voter is less important than the man who provides money to the candidate," - Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
Rudedog no no no!
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Reply #79 posted 06/25/10 7:47pm



PE is not my fav Prince album,I listened 2 it often and it doesn't bother me but it also doesn't thrill me,a few good songs.

And I didn't get if 4 free here in Belgium.

I never bought Lotusflower, listened 2 my downloads and I don't

wanna spend my money on it, the first time I didn't buy a Prince album in

more than 25years!

Does that mean that I'm not excited he will release a new album??

Are my expectations low 4 his concert in Belgium, because some say

it will be another hits show (tired of hearing gogogo-gogo during Let's go crazy)???

NO, he is still the best live performer and whenver I see footage of concerts he gave the last 6 years I still think he's great!!

And I hope his new album will include a few songs that I really like

(like the ones mentioned from PE), if not...well,whatever he does these days,

nothing can destroy the great backcatalogue he allready has!!

And if the new album turns out 2 be a bad one...than we all can start complaining again;-)

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Reply #80 posted 06/25/10 7:50pm



ludwig said:

rwn said:

The usual suspects are here again with their meaningless drivel. If you don´t like his current music you don´t have to listen to it. You don´t even have to post here. Isn´t there something better you can do with your time like posting on forums about artists you do like ?

Haven't you something better to do than complaining about complainers? What about about ignoring opinions that you don't agree with? Just a thought....

Haven't you got something better to do than complain about complainers complaining about complaining complainers,complaining like me who finds nothing better to do about complaining about complaining complainers!get it bitch!
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Reply #81 posted 06/25/10 8:26pm



grandebelle said:

BramblingMan said:

when did prince grow a giraffe's neck? the title REALLY 20Ten? has he lost ALL interest in being creative?


I think the title IS creative. Remember in TRC... the opposite of NATO is OTAN? It may NOT

be spelled right, but maybe OTAN is in 20Ten...ONLY spelled 0Ten??? And as far as the

poster the drawing is modern...exaggerated...abstract. It doesnt mean to

imply Prince has a giraffe neck and super lengthy arms. Just very artistic work. his

outfit he's wearing. Matches the outfit in fluidity. NICE!!! and CREATIVE!!! I like this peice of

art better than any art he has incorporated into his music ventures in a long time!!!

20 as in the day before the December 21st 2012 and Ten as in The End Nears wink

boogie Bounce party y'all nutty
Like the wall of Berlin woot!
It's going down people -(5.7.2010) wall
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Reply #82 posted 06/25/10 9:25pm



BramblingMan said:

NeoGeo24bit said:

There are more than "7 good tracks" on the Lotusflow3r disc alone. Love Like Jazz to Return to the Lotus is a perfect sequence of songs.

s'ok to disagree. i think love like jazz is cheesy and sounds like the growing pains theme song. but that's just my opinion.

The only songs I did not liek on Lotus were: Love Like jazz 4Ever Colonized Mind was very trying for me too..but the rest I like...even liked The Morning After
Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records.
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Reply #83 posted 06/25/10 9:26pm


purpleparty3000 said:

ludwig said:

Haven't you something better to do than complaining about complainers? What about about ignoring opinions that you don't agree with? Just a thought....

Haven't you got something better to do than complain about complainers complaining about complaining complainers,complaining like me who finds nothing better to do about complaining about complaining complainers!get it bitch!

It seems that you and me have a lot in common.

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Reply #84 posted 06/25/10 9:34pm



ludwig said:

purpleparty3000 said:

ludwig said:

Haven't you something better to do than complaining about complainers? What about about ignoring opinions that you don't agree with? Just a thought....

Haven't you got something better to do than complain about complainers complaining about complaining complainers,complaining like me who finds nothing better to do about complaining about complaining complainers!get it bitch!

It seems that you and me have a lot in common.

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Reply #85 posted 06/25/10 9:54pm




grandebelle said:


I think the title IS creative. Remember in TRC... the opposite of NATO is OTAN? It may NOT

be spelled right, but maybe OTAN is in 20Ten...ONLY spelled 0Ten??? And as far as the

poster the drawing is modern...exaggerated...abstract. It doesnt mean to

imply Prince has a giraffe neck and super lengthy arms. Just very artistic work. his

outfit he's wearing. Matches the outfit in fluidity. NICE!!! and CREATIVE!!! I like this peice of

art better than any art he has incorporated into his music ventures in a long time!!!

20 as in the day before the December 21st 2012 and Ten as in The End Nears wink

lol I like mine betta!!!

May the BELLS ring 4 U even when ur not in love. hug kisses
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Reply #86 posted 06/25/10 9:55pm


BramblingMan said:

NeoGeo24bit said:

There are more than "7 good tracks" on the Lotusflow3r disc alone. Love Like Jazz to Return to the Lotus is a perfect sequence of songs.

s'ok to disagree. i think love like jazz is cheesy and sounds like the growing pains theme song. but that's just my opinion.

The Growing Pains theme rocks. So it's only natural I love Love Like Jazz too.

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Reply #87 posted 06/25/10 10:24pm



alxndrstff said:

minneapolisFunq said:

So I wont be able to buy this in stores?

I wont mind if the music is good but this this type of moves just oozes with retardation.

He wont make any profit and the people who want a physical copy of the album are going 2 be fighting over leftovers on ebay or paying 210 dollars to join the new website.

I was looking forward 2 his new album but this is just stupid as fuck.

I hope he doesnt mind when I upload it on youtube 4 every1

He'll make far more from one-off, high payments from these distributors than he would from physical album sales or even another style project.

Allegedly, Planet Earth made him £500k - he wouldn't have made a tenth of that if he'd went down the "conventional" route in the UK with that album.

Same thing I was thinking. I haven't searched the org, but I'll bet one of the wise ol' spirits on here knows how much $ Prince actually made from albums like 1999 and Parade. What were the royalty rate + advance totals back then? Shyt, he may obliterate that with the shows themselves, lol Remember, little brother has big bills to pay with those settlements...

...Ur standing in the epicenter, Let the shaking begin...
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Reply #88 posted 06/25/10 10:30pm



paisleypark4 said:

shayde said:

After all, Prince is so creative/prolific and such a huge live box office draw that he can afford to consider an album of new material as strictly promotional material for a tour.

It used to be the other way around, you used to tour to promote the sales of an album.

BINGO! The whole model changes when you're that bankable on tour--and have the energy to do the work. Millions who would never be caught dead on here will drop half a hunnert to see him play.

If only he could figure out a way to be independent and still get airplay though... Hmm, maybe we can do a call-a-thon to radio stations? eek

...Ur standing in the epicenter, Let the shaking begin...
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Reply #89 posted 06/25/10 10:37pm



ronnwinter said:

BramblingMan said:

when did prince grow a giraffe's neck? the title REALLY 20Ten? has he lost ALL interest in being creative?

Was Lotus Flow3r not a creative title?

no, i don't think so.

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > RollingStone Magazine (Germany) - They'll release the new Prince Album!