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Reply #120 posted 06/27/10 12:41pm


At leasr, I'm very interested in what the german Rolling Stone consument thinks about The record....though they are more music interested than the usual people I beg there are very much people who think, 'most beautiful girl in the world' was his last recorded record (or 'cream').

How much people think Prince has'nt done anything since 1992 or so.

kinda Peter Gabriel, MJ or Kate Bush years between the releases..

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Reply #121 posted 06/27/10 12:46pm


I'm wondering why every1 is talking about a new album. 'There is nothing said in that german article about an album. It just said "Prince bonus". Might be a poster, a feature, interview, t-shirt or a key chain. Where do you get your information it's an album for free? Did I miss anything?

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Reply #122 posted 06/27/10 4:29pm


BramblingMan said:

remember, the last time there was a "free" record is was Planet Earth. That record was not worth the price of the paper it was delivered in. I literally made a few coasters out of the cd.

Dude you must be smoking that "stuff". PE was hot and gave us some cool shit like The one u wanna c, Chelsea Rodgers, Future babymammma...come on now

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Reply #123 posted 06/27/10 11:35pm



Prince: Was erwartet uns auf "20Ten"? Mit Analog-Synthesizern, drahtigen Gitarren-Licks und den Sounds des guten alten LinnDrum-Schlagzeugcomputers kehrt Prince auf "20TEN" endgültig zum tighten Elektrofunk-Spirit der frühen Jahre zurück. Weltexklusiv: Die Vorab-Review der neuen Prince. Das neue Album ist ein Grund zur Freude für alle, die das eher minimalistische "MPLSound"-Kapitel auf der 3-CD-Box "LotusFlow3r" vom letzten Jahr liebten: Mit Analog-Synthesizern, drahtigen Gitarren-Licks und den Sounds des guten alten LinnDrum-Schlagzeugcomputers kehrt Prince auf "20TEN" endgültig zum tighten Elektrofunk-Spirit der frühen Jahre zurück, bringt trocken groovende Party- und Kopfnickersongs, lippenleckende Soulballaden, ohne sich dabei selbst zu kopieren oder anzubiedern. Entsprechend geht es in den Songs nicht nur um Heilslehre und Weltrettung, sondern auch wieder um die fleischlichen Aspekte der Liebe. Sein bestes, konsequentestes Album seit der "Love Symbol"-Platte von 1992? Aber sicher. Die zehn Songs im Kurzüberblick: "Compassion" Ein straighter Beat, ein Keyboard-Stakkato, ein durch die Stereokanäle wanderndes Gitarrenfauchen – von der ersten Sekunde an leuchten die lila Scheinwerfer, stehen wir mitten auf der Tanzfläche im Prince-Hauptquartier. Mit der Gospel-Pop-Party-Ode ans menschliche Mitgefühl stellt der Meister uns auch den dreiköpfigen Damenchor vor, der mit ihm durch die Platte führt: Shelby J, Liv Warfield und Elisa Fiorillo. "Beginning Endlessly" Dieses eingängige, resolute Synth-Riff riecht nach frischem Haarspray und Lederhandschuhen. Prince leckt dem Hörer förmlich das Ohr, diesmal im Duett mit sich selbst, in einem sleazy Sprechgesang: "Come on, darling, let’s get down to the beginning endlessly!" Was für eine Art von universeller Erleuchtung er hier predigt, merkt man schnell. "Future Soul Song" Ein enger Verwandter des klassischen "The Beautiful Ones": In diesem Schaumbad-Soul zeigt sich Prince erst als echter Crooner, jubelt entrückt "Sha-la-la" im Refrain, bis er am Ende doch noch richtig aus der Haut fährt, maunzt und kreischt, während Gitarre und Engelschor himmelwärts streben. "Sticky Like Glue" Ein schwer anzüglicher Fünf-Minuten-Hüftschwung, mit wenig mehr am Leib als einem klaren Beat, ein paar schmatzenden Basslinien, einer funky Gitarre. Prince zieht alle Register, balzt in jeder denkbaren Tonlage und im Wechselgesang mit sich selbst, wirft sogar einen Rap ein, in dem er von einem sehr speziellen Kinobesuch erzählt. "Lavaux" Da freut sich die Tourismusbranche: Prince versprüht Fernweh, preist zum jubelnden "1999"-Keyboard die Schönheit der Weinberge im Schweizer Lavaux und der Straßen Portugals. Klingt albern, ist aber ein Song über Visionen und Freiheitsdrang: "Life back home depresses me/ Just another form of slavery." Die Handclaps klatschen wie Ohrfeigen. "Act Of God" Das geht los wie ein Stromschlag, tritt zu wie ein samtverkleideter Stiefel: Prince verliert keine Sekunde, erklärt in drei Minuten Wirtschaftskrise und Irakkrieg, lässt sich von seinen drei Musen die Stichwörter zuwerfen, während der Groove tiefrote Funken aus dem Boden haut. Hoch elektrisch und rough, auch noch mit gereckter Freiheitsfaust: "The ones who say No make history!" Absolutes Hammerstück, Höhepunkt des Albums. "Walk In Sand" Jetzt wird das Sternenlicht angeknipst: ein schmeichelnder Showstopper, Prince als Samtpfötchen mit Falsett am Klavier, ausnahmsweise sogar echte Drums und Live-Band-Feel. Botschaft und Melodie sind simpel und schön: "Nothing’s better than to walk in sand hand in hand with you." So wundervoll kann Kitsch sein. "Sea Of Everything" Ohne Pause geht's weiter, nebenan im Separee: In dieser coolen Schlafzimmerballade geht Prince in den Nahkampf, als ob er nur mit seiner Stimme jede einzelne Körperregion der besagten Dame erreichen wolle. "Will you still feel the same when the spotlight fades?" sinniert er - ganz ohne ein wenig lebensweise Reflexion will er heute keinen Sex mehr. "Everybody Loves Me" Zum Ende noch der Mitsing-Rock'n'Roll-Stomp mit Boogie-Woogie-Piano-Breaks und mindestens zwei Jahre Feelgood-Garantie: "Tonight I love everybody, everybody loves me". Womit Prince natürlich nicht sich selbst meint - eher den selbstbewussten Geist, der auf dem Dancefloor jeden zum Star macht. Kann man schon nach den ersten 30 Sekunden mitsingen. Der unbetitelte Bonus-Track In einem früheren Entwurf des Tracklistings war das der Eröffnungssong von "20TEN" - nun hängt er anonym am Ende, obwohl Prince sich und seine Heimatstadt Minneapolis hier im Hip-Hop-Style und mit erfreulich klaren Worten vorstellt: "From the heart of Minnesota, here come the purple Yoda!" Ein harter Track, die Prince-Version von modernem R&B. Und vielleicht ein kleiner Hinweis darauf, was uns demnächst auf der Nachfolge-Platte erwarten wird...

boogie Bounce party y'all nutty
Like the wall of Berlin woot!
It's going down people -(5.7.2010) wall
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Reply #124 posted 06/28/10 12:09am



Prince: Was erwartet uns auf "20Ten"? Mit Analog-Synthesizern, drahtigen Gitarren-Licks und den Sounds des guten alten LinnDrum-Schlagzeugcomputers kehrt Prince auf "20TEN" endgültig zum tighten Elektrofunk-Spirit der frühen Jahre zurück. Weltexklusiv: Die Vorab-Review der neuen Prince. Das neue Album ist ein Grund zur Freude für alle, die das eher minimalistische "MPLSound"-Kapitel auf der 3-CD-Box "LotusFlow3r" vom letzten Jahr liebten: Mit Analog-Synthesizern, drahtigen Gitarren-Licks und den Sounds des guten alten LinnDrum-Schlagzeugcomputers kehrt Prince auf "20TEN" endgültig zum tighten Elektrofunk-Spirit der frühen Jahre zurück, bringt trocken groovende Party- und Kopfnickersongs, lippenleckende Soulballaden, ohne sich dabei selbst zu kopieren oder anzubiedern. Entsprechend geht es in den Songs nicht nur um Heilslehre und Weltrettung, sondern auch wieder um die fleischlichen Aspekte der Liebe. Sein bestes, konsequentestes Album seit der "Love Symbol"-Platte von 1992? Aber sicher. Die zehn Songs im Kurzüberblick: "Compassion" Ein straighter Beat, ein Keyboard-Stakkato, ein durch die Stereokanäle wanderndes Gitarrenfauchen – von der ersten Sekunde an leuchten die lila Scheinwerfer, stehen wir mitten auf der Tanzfläche im Prince-Hauptquartier. Mit der Gospel-Pop-Party-Ode ans menschliche Mitgefühl stellt der Meister uns auch den dreiköpfigen Damenchor vor, der mit ihm durch die Platte führt: Shelby J, Liv Warfield und Elisa Fiorillo. "Beginning Endlessly" Dieses eingängige, resolute Synth-Riff riecht nach frischem Haarspray und Lederhandschuhen. Prince leckt dem Hörer förmlich das Ohr, diesmal im Duett mit sich selbst, in einem sleazy Sprechgesang: "Come on, darling, let’s get down to the beginning endlessly!" Was für eine Art von universeller Erleuchtung er hier predigt, merkt man schnell. "Future Soul Song" Ein enger Verwandter des klassischen "The Beautiful Ones": In diesem Schaumbad-Soul zeigt sich Prince erst als echter Crooner, jubelt entrückt "Sha-la-la" im Refrain, bis er am Ende doch noch richtig aus der Haut fährt, maunzt und kreischt, während Gitarre und Engelschor himmelwärts streben. "Sticky Like Glue" Ein schwer anzüglicher Fünf-Minuten-Hüftschwung, mit wenig mehr am Leib als einem klaren Beat, ein paar schmatzenden Basslinien, einer funky Gitarre. Prince zieht alle Register, balzt in jeder denkbaren Tonlage und im Wechselgesang mit sich selbst, wirft sogar einen Rap ein, in dem er von einem sehr speziellen Kinobesuch erzählt. "Lavaux" Da freut sich die Tourismusbranche: Prince versprüht Fernweh, preist zum jubelnden "1999"-Keyboard die Schönheit der Weinberge im Schweizer Lavaux und der Straßen Portugals. Klingt albern, ist aber ein Song über Visionen und Freiheitsdrang: "Life back home depresses me/ Just another form of slavery." Die Handclaps klatschen wie Ohrfeigen. "Act Of God" Das geht los wie ein Stromschlag, tritt zu wie ein samtverkleideter Stiefel: Prince verliert keine Sekunde, erklärt in drei Minuten Wirtschaftskrise und Irakkrieg, lässt sich von seinen drei Musen die Stichwörter zuwerfen, während der Groove tiefrote Funken aus dem Boden haut. Hoch elektrisch und rough, auch noch mit gereckter Freiheitsfaust: "The ones who say No make history!" Absolutes Hammerstück, Höhepunkt des Albums. "Walk In Sand" Jetzt wird das Sternenlicht angeknipst: ein schmeichelnder Showstopper, Prince als Samtpfötchen mit Falsett am Klavier, ausnahmsweise sogar echte Drums und Live-Band-Feel. Botschaft und Melodie sind simpel und schön: "Nothing’s better than to walk in sand hand in hand with you." So wundervoll kann Kitsch sein. "Sea Of Everything" Ohne Pause geht's weiter, nebenan im Separee: In dieser coolen Schlafzimmerballade geht Prince in den Nahkampf, als ob er nur mit seiner Stimme jede einzelne Körperregion der besagten Dame erreichen wolle. "Will you still feel the same when the spotlight fades?" sinniert er - ganz ohne ein wenig lebensweise Reflexion will er heute keinen Sex mehr. "Everybody Loves Me" Zum Ende noch der Mitsing-Rock'n'Roll-Stomp mit Boogie-Woogie-Piano-Breaks und mindestens zwei Jahre Feelgood-Garantie: "Tonight I love everybody, everybody loves me". Womit Prince natürlich nicht sich selbst meint - eher den selbstbewussten Geist, der auf dem Dancefloor jeden zum Star macht. Kann man schon nach den ersten 30 Sekunden mitsingen. Der unbetitelte Bonus-Track In einem früheren Entwurf des Tracklistings war das der Eröffnungssong von "20TEN" - nun hängt er anonym am Ende, obwohl Prince sich und seine Heimatstadt Minneapolis hier im Hip-Hop-Style und mit erfreulich klaren Worten vorstellt: "From the heart of Minnesota, here come the purple Yoda!" Ein harter Track, die Prince-Version von modernem R&B. Und vielleicht ein kleiner Hinweis darauf, was uns demnächst auf der Nachfolge-Platte erwarten wird...

Can someone translate in Good English....thanx (i don't understand any words here in german or English via translator)

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Reply #125 posted 06/28/10 1:40am



TheVoid said:

This is what google came up with in translation:

Prince, what awaits us on "20 th"?

With analog synthesizers, wiry guitar licks and the sounds of good old LinnDrum drum machine Prince returns to "20th" final return to tight electric funk spirit of the early years. World exclusive: the preliminary review of the new Prince.

The new record is a cause for joy for all who loved the rather minimal "MPLSound" chapter on the three-CD box "Lotusflow3r" from last year: With analog synthesizers, wiry guitar sounds of licks and the good old LinnDrum drum machine Prince returns to "20th" final return to the tight electric-funk spirit of the early years, brings dry groovy party and Kopfnickersongs, lip licking soul ballads, but should not be copied or ingratiate themselves. Accordingly, it is in the songs not just about doctrine of salvation and saving the world, but also back to the carnal aspects of love. His best, most consistent album since "Love Symbol" record of 1992? Sure.

A brief overview of the ten songs:
The ten songs in the brief overview:

A straighter beat a staccato keyboard, a wandering through the stereo channels Gitarrenfauchen - from the first second to light up the purple lights, we are in the middle of the dance floor in the Princeton headquarters. With the gospel-pop-party ode to human compassion is the master of us also the three-member women's choir, which leads him through the plate: Shelby J, Liv Warfield and Elisa Fiorillo.

"Beginning Endlessly"
This catchy, resolute synth riff smells of fresh hair spray and leather gloves. Prince formally licks the listener's ear this time in duet with himself, in a sleazy chanting: "Come on, darling, let's get down to the beginning endlessly! What kind of universal enlightenment he preached here, you will soon notice.

"Future Soul Song"
A close relative of the classic "The Beautiful Ones": In this bubble-Soul Prince shows himself only as a true crooner cheers, removed "Sha-la-la" in the chorus until the end he still goes right out of the skin, and maunzt screams, while guitar and choir of angels strive heavenward.

"Sticky Like Glue"
A five-minute hard suggestive pelvic thrusts, with a little more clear than in the body of a beat, a couple of squelching bass lines, funky guitar one. Prince pulls out all the stops, performs its courtship display in every conceivable pitch and in alternation with himself, raises even a rap in which he tells of a very special movie.

As says the tourism industry: Prince exudes wanderlust, praises the jubilant "1999" keyboard, the beauty of the Lavaux vineyards on the Swiss roads and Portugal. Sounds silly, but it is a song about vision and freedom: "Life back home depresse me / just another form of slavery." The handclaps clap like slaps.

"Act of God"
The release comes as a shock occurs to such a samtverkleideter Boots: Prince loses a second, three minutes explaining the economic crisis and war in Iraq, can be by his three muses, the keywords throw, while the Groove skin deep red sparks from the floor. High electric and rough, even with outstretched fist freedom: "The ones who make history say No!" Absolute Hammer left, highlight of the album.

"Walk in the Sand"
Now the star light is switched on: a flattering show stopper, as Prince Velvet with falsetto at the piano, drums and exceptionally even real live-band feel. Message and melody are simple and beautiful: "Nothing's better than to walk in sand hand in hand with you." Can be so wonderfully kitsch.

"Sea Of Everything"
Without a break you go on, next door in the booth: In this cool bedroom ballad Prince goes into the melee, as if he wanted to achieve with his voice every single region of the body of the said lady. "Will you still feel the same when the spotlight fades?" he muses - no way to live a little reflection, he now wants no more sex.

"Everybody Loves Me"
At the end even the sing-along rock and roll with Stomp boogie-woogie piano break and at least two years Feelgood guarantee: "Tonight I love everybody, everybody Loves Me". What Prince of course, not himself - thinks the more self-confident spirit that makes everyone a star on the dance floor. Can you sing along after the first 30 seconds.

The untitled bonus track
In an earlier draft of the Track Listings was the opening song of "20th" - now he is anonymous at the end, even though Prince himself and his hometown of Minneapolis here in hip-hop style and with pleasing clear words presents: "From The Heart of Minnesota, here come the purple Yoda " A hard track, the Prince version of modern R & B. And perhaps a small indication of what we expect will soon follow on the plate ...
Joachim Hentschel
this too shall pass
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Reply #126 posted 06/28/10 11:35am



^ Now translate it into Yiddish and I might understand the review.

If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #127 posted 06/28/10 11:46am



squirrelgrease said:

^ Now translate it into Yiddish and I might understand the review.

hope swedish will do

this too shall pass
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Reply #128 posted 06/28/10 12:01pm




If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #129 posted 06/28/10 1:01pm



That review above is VERY positive and call this Prince´s best album since at least 1992´s prince album.

One of the strongest songs, according to that journalist, is Act of God, a short piece that covers a lot of topics, including religion, the Iraq War, etc.

I´m about to go out in a few minutes but I will probably give you a proper translation when I´m back, unless someone else decides to translate the review.

Both journalists, the German one and the Belgian guy, seem to like this album and both call it a departure from the mediocre albums of the past couple of years.

I know they always say that so that´s why I´m still a bit skeptical but this German review definitely got me curious now.

" I´d rather be a stank ass hoe because I´m not stupid. Oh my goodness! I got more drugs! I´m always funny dude...I´m hilarious! Are we gonna smoke?"
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Reply #130 posted 06/28/10 3:49pm


A part of the new artwork from 20ten!

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Reply #131 posted 06/28/10 4:52pm



love2thenines2003 said:

A part of the new artwork from 20ten!

Looks sharp! I dig it!


Dad. Cartoonist. Illustrator. TOPPS Star Wars and Walking Dead Illustrator. Film Illustrator. JEDI. PRINCE Fan.
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Reply #132 posted 06/28/10 5:46pm


TikiColadas said:

love2thenines2003 said:

A part of the new artwork from 20ten!

Looks sharp! I dig it!


eek inside the prince is ten which looks like a Yin- Yang smybol

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Reply #133 posted 06/28/10 5:58pm


and i found this when looking up yin-yang

The phrase “the ten-thousand things” is Taoism’s way of saying “everything that exists.” The ten thousand things are expressions of the various ways that the five elements can combine to produce humans and beetles and mountains and super-novas and dolphins and orchids and oak trees and hummingbirds and lichen and hot-springs and crystals and … you get the idea!

biggrin wow is this the theme? that would explain the cool art work

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Reply #134 posted 06/28/10 7:05pm


shonenjoe said:

I really hope that's not the title nor the cover. Please, jehovah.

was he wearing this image on his shirt at the BET awards?

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Reply #135 posted 06/28/10 8:03pm


love2thenines2003 said:

A part of the new artwork from 20ten!

The criticism of Prince wearing his image on his shirt was totally missed by everybody that saw it, that wasn't a die hard fan of Prince. It was a total self promotion of his new project. Maybe he should have mentioned that when he accepted his long deserved award. But that is Prince 4 u always having hidden images & messages without ever explaining it. I love him 4 that.

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #136 posted 06/28/10 9:47pm



love2thenines2003 said:

A part of the new artwork from 20ten!

The criticism of Prince wearing his image on his shirt was totally missed by everybody that saw it, that wasn't a die hard fan of Prince. It was a total self promotion of his new project. Maybe he should have mentioned that when he accepted his long deserved award. But that is Prince 4 u always having hidden images & messages without ever explaining it. I love him 4 that.

Which one is Prince?

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Reply #137 posted 06/28/10 11:15pm



"From The Heart of Minnesota, here come the purple Yoda "



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Reply #138 posted 06/28/10 11:28pm



elnino said:

BramblingMan said:

remember, the last time there was a "free" record is was Planet Earth. That record was not worth the price of the paper it was delivered in. I literally made a few coasters out of the cd.

Dude you must be smoking that "stuff". PE was hot and gave us some cool shit like The one u wanna c, Chelsea Rodgers, Future babymammma...come on now

I didn't like it, what can I say? I do think giving away free cd's with a newspaper in a place where you'll soon be playing a live show is smart, though. i don't knock Prince for being innovative and finding myriad ways to release his music (in an age where the sale of hardcopy music is all but dead). I just happen to think the stuff he's been releasing lately is not that good and, coincidentally, the last time he used a newspaper to release a cd I didn't like any of the music. i'm not telling anyone else what to think of it, I'm just saying i don't think Planet Earth was worth the cost of the paper. You don't have to agree, it's perfectly alright.

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Reply #139 posted 06/29/10 2:26am



NeoGeo24bit said:


The criticism of Prince wearing his image on his shirt was totally missed by everybody that saw it, that wasn't a die hard fan of Prince. It was a total self promotion of his new project. Maybe he should have mentioned that when he accepted his long deserved award. But that is Prince 4 u always having hidden images & messages without ever explaining it. I love him 4 that.

Which one is Prince?


"For those who know the number and don't call...Fuck all y'all"
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Reply #140 posted 06/29/10 10:28am



Well, here is the UK release:

Daily Mirror (oh well, hold breath) - Prince discography, tour history, news and more.
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Reply #141 posted 06/29/10 6:01pm





love2thenines2003 said:

A part of the new artwork from 20ten!

The criticism of Prince wearing his image on his shirt was totally missed by everybody that saw it, that wasn't a die hard fan of Prince. It was a total self promotion of his new project. Maybe he should have mentioned that when he accepted his long deserved award. But that is Prince 4 u always having hidden images & messages without ever explaining it. I love him 4 that.

... after studying the shirt a lil, I see what you mean. Props to you on bringing it up cool

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #142 posted 06/30/10 6:55am



U can now pre order the Rolling Stone Issue 4 August 2010 - 6,99 € incl. dispatch !


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Reply #143 posted 06/30/10 7:50pm


DamonDicksonFanClub said:

TwiliteKid said:

So far? Looks that way. I'm Canadian though, so I can't say this is new: Lotus Flower still hasn't been officially released here (and obviously won't be at this point). It's available as a 30 dollar import, but that's not quite the same thing. That said, we've gone from nothing to hearing about two seperate releases today. Who knows what we'll learn tomorrow?

I've seen it in wrecka stows here (Canada) though I think they were about $30. Is that what you mean? Of course I got mine in the States but still it seems they're available.

8-)If you know someone here in the states have them go and pick you up a copy from a Target store. They have copies available for $4.98!!!!!

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Reply #144 posted 07/01/10 11:29am



BestMusic4meandU said:

U can now pre order the Rolling Stone Issue 4 August 2010 - 6,99 € incl. dispatch !


cool, this would be great for US orgers! cool

Eye Was Born & Raised On The Same Plantation In The United States Of The Red, White And Blue Eye Never Knew That Eye Was Different Til Dr. King Was On The Balcony
Lying In A Bloody Pool......Call me a Dreamer 2 - R.I.P - James Brown and Michael Jackson
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Reply #145 posted 07/01/10 11:32pm



BramblingMan said:

remember, the last time there was a "free" record is was Planet Earth. That record was not worth the price of the paper it was delivered in. I literally made a few coasters out of the cd.

Your loss, not mine.

You should bring your new "coasters" to Goodwill or the Salvation Army, they can put the sales revenue to very good use for people who need help. But I'm guessing you'll want to hold on to them so you can bitch and moan about the cd instead-- there's a million whiners on this site, why should you be any different.

Hope you hate the next cd so I can hear you whine about that too.

"Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion" -- Martha Graham
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Reply #146 posted 07/02/10 2:54pm


BramblingMan said:

Hatman said:

As long as there's one killer track, I'll be happy. Even Planet Earth had one, and so did Rave. And they're my least fav, so I'm excited!

which one on Planet Earth? i went over that and the closest i could find was the bad Fleetwood Mac knock-off sounding one. I will say as much as i disliked lotusflower, there were a total of about 7 really good tracks. now if he can get 7 on one record, i'm thrilled!


Future baby mama, Somewhere here on earth, and Mr. Goodnight....they were all fabulous work imo.

-you ain't funky at all, you just a little ol' prude!
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Reply #147 posted 07/02/10 3:00pm


peterv said:

Sorry... Don't mean to be negative, but...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of bitches complaining about FREE CDs. PE was NOT the piece of shit that some of you claim it was... Plus, in case you forgot... It was a FREE' CD. I mean, WTF do you people want? ...Other than a pop star that will cater to your our own personal selfish needs.

There, I feel better now. Let the tired-ass rebuttals begin...


Don't you just love people? Fun little creatures, eh?

-you ain't funky at all, you just a little ol' prude!
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Reply #148 posted 07/02/10 3:05pm


purplecam said:

zaza said:

Bitching about free cd? Pearls before the swine.

And there's a whole lot of pigs up in here too. Just another day on the org.


Hey Cam!! I have been missing in action for a while, but good to see you!

-you ain't funky at all, you just a little ol' prude!
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Reply #149 posted 07/02/10 6:58pm


The New Album...


Only in the New Rolling Stone.

Available at the 22. August on the Kiosk! Rolling Stone.

cool How cooool is that.....

Take a look at the cover! wink

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > RollingStone Magazine (Germany) - They'll release the new Prince Album!