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Thread started 07/05/05 6:26am



How to pronounce Prince's symbol.

It was hard as hell trying to find out waht the hey to call Prin. Michael and Prince are percieved as weird but he took it overr the top when he made is name unspeakable.

I've gotten so used to calling him The Artist. Well in 1992 before his name scenario he used the symbol on his album. It was the name of the album. And I was wondering what to call it. If you look on the side of the wrapper where the tittle is the store had names it Symbol. But then it got more off the wall when my out of this world uncle thought the album tittle was Parental Advisory.

I'm just glad he's Prince again. Odd cause he'd said "The Prince character" had died and now he was a new person. Well I guess you can ressurect.
Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #1 posted 07/05/05 6:30am


It's something like....


As in "The new album by.... Sssssshhhhhchungggghhh!!! prince "

edit: seriously tho, i've seen that album called "Love Symbol," "Androgyny," and "The Opera" -- tho i know it doesn't go by any of these. and the first time i heard Prince called The Artist was after the media kept refering to him as TAFKAP, and then his fans shortened it to The Artist... then Prince started making reference to "the rtist... we r all the rtist."
[Edited 7/4/05 23:38pm]
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Reply #2 posted 07/05/05 8:59am



Snap said:

It's something like....


As in "The new album by.... Sssssshhhhhchungggghhh!!! prince "

edit: seriously tho, i've seen that album called "Love Symbol," "Androgyny," and "The Opera" -- tho i know it doesn't go by any of these. and the first time i heard Prince called The Artist was after the media kept refering to him as TAFKAP, and then his fans shortened it to The Artist... then Prince started making reference to "the rtist... we r all the rtist."
[Edited 7/4/05 23:38pm]

I think the only time that album was called Love Symbol was when the 45 single of Peach was released in Germany . My single had a song from that album on it, I guess it was My Name Is Prince, and it clearly says taken from the album Love Symbol.
" I´d rather be a stank ass hoe because I´m not stupid. Oh my goodness! I got more drugs! I´m always funny dude...I´m hilarious! Are we gonna smoke?"
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Reply #3 posted 07/05/05 10:01am



Rosie Odonell called him TAFKAP. I said they labeled Symbom not Love Symbol.
Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #4 posted 07/05/05 10:15am


Do you guys remember before the 'Love Symbol' album came out,there was speculation that Prince would eventually tell us what the symbol means,and how to pronounce it? Apparently,in one of the music videos,he was supposed to finally reveal how to pronounce it.Many fans thought the symbol meant "Victor".
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Reply #5 posted 07/05/05 10:45am



You Pronounce prince like this...

"Rooooobababab Ooooowa Boodinky"

My soul told me.
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Reply #6 posted 07/05/05 10:49am



prince = squiggelywiggely nod
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Reply #7 posted 07/05/05 10:52am



fluid said:

'How to pronounce Prince's symbol.'

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Reply #8 posted 07/05/05 10:57am



It was the Love Peace sign.
BTW, what's with VIctor?
Working up a purple sweat.
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Reply #9 posted 07/05/05 1:01pm



DavidEye said:

Do you guys remember before the 'Love Symbol' album came out,there was speculation that Prince would eventually tell us what the symbol means,and how to pronounce it? Apparently,in one of the music videos,he was supposed to finally reveal how to pronounce it.Many fans thought the symbol meant "Victor".

the idea was u could take the letters in the name "victor" and place them "inside" of the symbol....
i like 2 call the symbol.....NED.
he's no good to me dead!
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Reply #10 posted 07/05/05 1:22pm


bountyhunterseven2000 said:

DavidEye said:

Do you guys remember before the 'Love Symbol' album came out,there was speculation that Prince would eventually tell us what the symbol means,and how to pronounce it? Apparently,in one of the music videos,he was supposed to finally reveal how to pronounce it.Many fans thought the symbol meant "Victor".

the idea was u could take the letters in the name "victor" and place them "inside" of the symbol....

so,I guess "Victor" is the correct pronounciation of that symbol? lol
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Reply #11 posted 07/05/05 1:38pm


bountyhunterseven2000 said:

DavidEye said:

Do you guys remember before the 'Love Symbol' album came out,there was speculation that Prince would eventually tell us what the symbol means,and how to pronounce it? Apparently,in one of the music videos,he was supposed to finally reveal how to pronounce it.Many fans thought the symbol meant "Victor".

the idea was u could take the letters in the name "victor" and place them "inside" of the symbol....
i like 2 call the symbol.....NED.

Can you imagine seeing Prince and saying "Hi, Ned"
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Reply #12 posted 07/05/05 1:41pm



DavidEye said:

bountyhunterseven2000 said:

the idea was u could take the letters in the name "victor" and place them "inside" of the symbol....

so,I guess "Victor" is the correct pronounciation of that symbol? lol

prince had said in many interviews (oprah for one) that there was no pronounciation 4 it...and if he ever heard a sound, he would tell us...but remember, kids, this was all during the WB fiassco...b 4 he went back 2 PRINCE so, maybe it doesnt need 2 b pronounced...kinda like asking "how do u pronounce the nike symbol?? the name is "swoosh, but can u pronounce it?" no need, its a SYMBOL and so, let it represent what it SYMBOL-izes.....prince!!
he's no good to me dead!
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Reply #13 posted 07/05/05 1:43pm


bountyhunterseven2000 said:

DavidEye said:

so,I guess "Victor" is the correct pronounciation of that symbol? lol

prince had said in many interviews (oprah for one) that there was no pronounciation 4 it...and if he ever heard a sound, he would tell us...but remember, kids, this was all during the WB fiassco...b 4 he went back 2 PRINCE so, maybe it doesnt need 2 b pronounced...kinda like asking "how do u pronounce the nike symbol?? the name is "swoosh, but can u pronounce it?" no need, its a SYMBOL and so, let it represent what it SYMBOL-izes.....prince!!

pout I liked Ned.
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Reply #14 posted 07/05/05 1:47pm



BTW, what's with VIctor?[/quote]
when prince started using the symbol, there was alot of speculation on WHAT it ment and how 2 pronounce it....this was from the "The Sacrifice of Victor" song...last few lines....
Lord I might get tired,
but I, I've got 2 keep on (we sacrifice)
Walkin' down this road, (we sacrifice)
Keep on walkin' down this road (joy around the corner)
When I reach my destination (we sacrifice)
My name will be Victor


people thought he would change his name 2 victor by that "clue' and others mentioned previously.
[Edited 7/5/05 6:48am]
he's no good to me dead!
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Reply #15 posted 07/05/05 2:22pm





There is no way to pronounce it

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #16 posted 07/05/05 2:27pm


HOWIE... lol
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Reply #17 posted 07/05/05 2:37pm


alchemic symbol for soapstone.... jeezus
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Reply #18 posted 07/05/05 2:51pm


luv4u said:

There is no way to pronounce it

Uh huh, nod It's pronounced P*R*I*N*C*E, at least that's the way I've always pronounced it. razz
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Reply #19 posted 07/05/05 2:57pm



A long, high, loud scream, I guess nod biggrin
eye "Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies -
tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I"
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Reply #20 posted 07/05/05 3:08pm


It's pronounced PAT(from Saturday Night Live)
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Reply #21 posted 07/05/05 3:42pm



Raine said:

prince = squiggelywiggely nod


I always thought prince = AOWAH!
No Freestyling.
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Reply #22 posted 07/05/05 5:21pm



It's pronounced C-O-W

It is meant to represent the superiority of cowkind over humans. The symbol was showing Prince's desire to be considered part cow, part human. He gave up the task in 2000 when he decided it was too hard and did not have the ability to emulate the bovine superior.

Listen to "Cream". The hints are there. You need only to listen with your non-floppy ears.
Eat Mor Horses
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Reply #23 posted 07/05/05 5:22pm



fluid said:

Rosie Odonell called him TAFKAP. I said they labeled Symbom not Love Symbol.

I think she said "Taffy".."Which rhymes with..."

Christian Zombie Vampires

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Reply #24 posted 07/05/05 5:24pm



Cow said:

MMMMOOOOO! Moo moo moo moo mooooo. mmeeeee mooo mooo moo.

rolleyes yeah yeah we know!

Christian Zombie Vampires

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Reply #25 posted 07/05/05 5:26pm



superspaceboy said:

Cow said:

MMMMOOOOO! Moo moo moo moo mooooo. mmeeeee mooo mooo moo.

rolleyes yeah yeah we know!

Your Cow-ese is attrocious. Not only did you misquote me but you had several syntax errors. Go to your human Barnes and Noble and buy a book on the Cow language if you wish to quote me.
Eat Mor Horses
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Reply #26 posted 07/05/05 6:35pm



Cow said:

superspaceboy said:

rolleyes yeah yeah we know!

Your Cow-ese is attrocious. Not only did you misquote me but you had several syntax errors. Go to your human Barnes and Noble and buy a book on the Cow language if you wish to quote me.

I had no idea that cows have an above 6th grade reading level.

You learn something all the time.

Christian Zombie Vampires

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Reply #27 posted 07/05/05 8:10pm




Cow said:

superspaceboy said:

rolleyes yeah yeah we know!

Your Cow-ese is attrocious. Not only did you misquote me but you had several syntax errors. Go to your human Barnes and Noble and buy a book on the Cow language if you wish to quote me.

Bring back foot and mouth.

ALT+PLS+RTN: Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift.
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Reply #28 posted 07/05/05 8:14pm


TheRealFiness said:

alchemic symbol for soapstone.... jeezus

wise up! THAT wasn't the question! razz
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Reply #29 posted 07/05/05 8:30pm



langebleu said:

Cow said:

Your Cow-ese is attrocious. Not only did you misquote me but you had several syntax errors. Go to your human Barnes and Noble and buy a book on the Cow language if you wish to quote me.

Bring back foot and mouth.


We're more partial to spreading the "hoof in ass" disease.
Eat Mor Horses
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