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Thread started 12/03/04 7:22pm


Support Act, Nude Tour, Manchester/Main Road, UK?

This question popped into my mind this week. I think its a hard one!

Went to see him at the Manchester City ground, Main Road, Manchester for the Nude tour. Sometime early 90s, I think it was the week Graffitti Bridge was released, I remember stupidly buying it in Manchester and having to carry it around with me.

There was a support act, I cant remember if they were advertised or it was a suprise.

As I remember it was a girl group (No. Not the Bangles rolleyes ). As they came on I remember saying to my mate "Oh look its that group who had that single in the charts". Im pretty sure it was a UK group, could be wrong though.

Thats all I remember.

The facts are, it was an all/mostly girl group, they did have a UK chart entry and they did support Prince at the Main Road gig the night I was there.

Ideas please.


[Edited 12/3/04 11:24am]
[Edited 12/3/04 11:41am]
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Reply #1 posted 12/03/04 8:05pm



I believe it was during the Nude Tour that he started out with Carmen Electra as a support act. I know for a fact that he later on had Loïs Lane (a Dutch band from two sisters who both sing) as a support act. He even (co-)wrote some songs on their album Precious from 1992.

I don't know whether Loïs Lane was there at Manchester.
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Reply #2 posted 12/03/04 8:07pm



4 Non Blondes (who had a hit with What's Going On - not the Marvin Gaye track) did a couple of support appearances on the Act II tour in 1993, but if you're sure it was the Nude tour, I can't help you.
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Reply #3 posted 12/03/04 8:17pm


You know something, Im thinking Lois Lane.

Sorry, defiantly not 4 Non Blondes.

If you Google "Loïs Lane girl group" and look at the 5th result you will find an intresting link.

Thanks GertjandeR.

Also & at the bottom http://www.thedawnexperie...k/1992.htm

[Edited 12/3/04 12:18pm]
[Edited 12/3/04 12:22pm]
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Reply #4 posted 12/03/04 10:49pm



Mavis Staples and Flash with Margie Cox was the opening act. Thay went along along for the European Nude tour in 1990 ,backing up Mavis Staples,Who was the Support act for Prince at some of the European shows. Carman Electra opened for prince on the 1992 Diamonds And Pearls tour. Carman only played 2 concerts in london, on june 17th and 19th 1992. It didnt go down too well. carmans opening slot was omitted.
Goodnight, sweet Prince.
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Reply #5 posted 12/03/04 11:04pm



The dutch girl group Lois Lane opened for Prince on the 1993 Act 2 tour. August 9th 1993, after the show he went clubbing in Amsterdam at Cafe de Kroom. Prince talked and danced with the girls from Lois Lane, Monique and Suzanne.
Goodnight, sweet Prince.
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Reply #6 posted 12/04/04 10:05am



The Nude Tour opened/warmed up in Minneapolis before going to Europe. The Girl singer was indeed Margie Cox(Tamara from Tamara & The Seen) and the band was identified as Flash or MC Flash.
If were to be made idiot proof, someone would just invent a better idiot.
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Reply #7 posted 12/04/04 11:45am


It was Lois Lane.

Terrible concert. Awful sound. Awful set-list. Awful venue. Ugh.
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Reply #8 posted 12/04/04 8:43pm



rudeboynpg said:

The dutch girl group Lois Lane opened for Prince on the 1993 Act 2 tour. August 9th 1993, after the show he went clubbing in Amsterdam at Cafe de Kroom. Prince talked and danced with the girls from Lois Lane, Monique and Suzanne.

Loïs Lane didn't do the opening for Act 2 in Den Bosch (Holland) at August 10 1993 for sure. After that show he also didn't go clubbing but he gave an afterparty at Paradiso, the same the day after.

I also know for a fact that Loïs Lane did the opening for the Nude Tour when the first opening act wasn't good enough. In Holland he first did 2 concerts at the Feyenoord stadium in Rotterdam, because of the rain both concerts were stopped after 1 or 1,5 hour. Later that year he came back at Thialf in Heerenveen, at that time Loïs Lane was the opening act and it was still the Nude Tour.
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Reply #9 posted 12/04/04 9:16pm



It was deffinatly Lois Lane... I remember it very was because it was the first time I went to see Prince! Lois lane were his "special guests" as the P.A. said.
They were awful and most of us cheered when they said it was their last song! Dead right about it being an awful venue! ... He should've played at Manchester United's ground!!!
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Reply #10 posted 12/05/04 8:24pm



GertjandeR said:

rudeboynpg said:

The dutch girl group Lois Lane opened for Prince on the 1993 Act 2 tour. August 9th 1993, after the show he went clubbing in Amsterdam at Cafe de Kroom. Prince talked and danced with the girls from Lois Lane, Monique and Suzanne.

Loïs Lane didn't do the opening for Act 2 in Den Bosch (Holland) at August 10 1993 for sure. After that show he also didn't go clubbing but he gave an afterparty at Paradiso, the same the day after.

I also know for a fact that Loïs Lane did the opening for the Nude Tour when the first opening act wasn't good enough. In Holland he first did 2 concerts at the Feyenoord stadium in Rotterdam, because of the rain both concerts were stopped after 1 or 1,5 hour. Later that year he came back at Thialf in Heerenveen, at that time Loïs Lane was the opening act and it was still the Nude Tour.

I said August 9th 1993 Lois Lane and Prince went clubbing in Amsterdam. August 10th 1993 was the second Dutch concert on the Act 2 tour. The band left for Spain the day after the concert (August 11th). June 2 & 3rd 1990 Prince did 2 concerts at Rotterdams Stadion Feijenoord. The weater condititons were miserable during the two concerts, with repeated thunderstorms and the rain pouring down from a black sky. The opening concert had to be cut short to a mere 80 minutes as the wet weather was causing severe problems on stage.
Goodnight, sweet Prince.
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Reply #11 posted 12/05/04 8:37pm



August 5th 1990 the Nude tour. A concert at Heerenveen's Ijsstadion Thialf was a late addition to the European tour schedule. Prince wanted to play another concert in Holland after the wet Rotterdam concerts it had to be indoors. The Duch concert promoter Mojo chose Ijsstadion Thialf, an indoor skating arana in north Holland. The tickets sold out almost without any promotion at all. The concert included the firt performance of the Flow rap incorporated into the Future.
Goodnight, sweet Prince.
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Support Act, Nude Tour, Manchester/Main Road, UK?