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Reply #30 posted 06/10/03 4:55pm



The fact P has been experimenting with instrumental music for some time now doesn't mean he is not going to come back to his "thing". P walks his own path and I don't expect anything from him; I just want to follow his ideas because I have never been really disappointed with anything he has recorded thus far.
How can you expect anything from an artist? How can you demand anything from art? Art should be free and influenced by its creator solely. I strongly believe each artist should think only about himself/herself and his/her work of art and overlook the potential recipients of his vision, and fulfill his/her own ambitions

that should some it up ... great view !! i feel ya on that one !!!
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Reply #31 posted 06/10/03 4:56pm


Xpectation has been in heavy rotation here as well. The musical direction he has taken from TRC ('only' 1 1/2 year ago!!!) is magnificent. As I've stated before: the man broke completely free. With new freedom new directions come along as well. Go with it or don't, but do not say 'I wish he sings on the new/next album'. The man is making MUSIC! With or without singing! MUSIC!
TRC, ONA (piano), ONA (the tour), ONA (the live album), Xpectation and now NEWS (of which the snippets sound very very interesting). We're talking of all this expressions within 2 year's time. It's a magnificent period. His 'second coming'. Again go with his flow or not.

Art,Amsterdam, Holland.

And yes... probably he will sing someday and maybe even put it on record.
I'm a Rainbow Children, Xpectation, News and Musicology lover and I'm startin'to be a 3121 lover.
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Reply #32 posted 06/10/03 4:59pm


agarze said:

I would expect a greater buzz from the fans with regard to the release of NEWS.

maybe the interest in his new releases, even among the hardcore fans, is actually decreasing over the years. Or maybe after all we are not prepared for a Prince album every six months. omg

no, this can't be true... I am!!!

It's been said that: Y'always want what U can't have or Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Not in the case of least for me. I wasn't able to buy the last 2 releases and if this release doesn't hit stores... then it's safe to say he's lost another admirer of his music.

PLEASE let this be a release by traditional means...put it in the gotdayum stores, like most other Artists. As for instrumental...I am waaay down for that. Lemme hear it.
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Reply #33 posted 06/10/03 5:09pm


metalorange said:

I don't mind instrumentals as such, it's just that they tend to be formless jams, showing off musical ability but not creating moods. Well that's what I feel about the Xenophobia tracks anyway. When P has to link lyrics to a tune, he has to work harder to ger everything to fit,and the tune ends up being refined and stronger. Without lyrics, P can just jam his way through in one go and say, 'there, it's done'.

Well said! I totally agree.
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Reply #34 posted 06/10/03 5:14pm



From what I gather he spent about an hour making this cd rolleyes

Metalorange is absolutely correct with his opinion of instumental jams by P.

I also believe that it is an internet only release.
[This message was edited Tue Jun 10 10:18:12 PDT 2003 by lovemachine]
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Reply #35 posted 06/10/03 5:42pm


I agree with the instrumental thing gets repetative.. but hopefully it will be as interesting as the samples provided, that backwards blip with the guitar just sounds
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Reply #36 posted 06/10/03 5:45pm



The big question is... how do we get hold of it?

I'd like to see a member's download for say $5, with the option to buy a CD for say $10, so we can at least hear it on the 19th.
But while I would imagine it'll be on sale via the site on the 19th, doesn't he normally do these as pre-sales, with members buying them prior to a shipping date (which is sometimes secret!)??
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Reply #37 posted 06/10/03 5:56pm



Somebody on the Prince Music and More forum had a brilliant idea: the album hits the retail section on the 19th of June, we pay for the cd and the possibility to download the music while waiting for the package. Sounds good,huh?
I guess the price will be something like $15.
We Can Funk
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Reply #38 posted 06/10/03 6:04pm



Because of the negative vibes about the album being "most probably a collection of instrumentals" at least I have to state that I´m really looking forward to this release.
The "East" snippet kicked my tiny booty!
Do I also have to remind you that Mr. Leeds is on this album?
Remember "Tokyo" and "Nagoya" from the C-NOTE instrumentals?
´nuff said.
The contents and opinions expressed by MrHappy have not been approved for publication by Prince or anyone in his employ.
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Reply #39 posted 06/10/03 6:05pm


metalorange said:

I don't mind instrumentals as such, it's just that they tend to be formless jams, showing off musical ability but not creating moods. Well that's what I feel about the Xenophobia tracks anyway. When P has to link lyrics to a tune, he has to work harder to ger everything to fit,and the tune ends up being refined and stronger. Without lyrics, P can just jam his way through in one go and say, 'there, it's done'.

Without structure there's often no change of pace or build up.

Just my opinion.

Of course, where it all falls down is that Venus de Milo and Alexa de Paris are great.

Although what u have said is pefectly valid, I disagree with regard 2 the sound of NEWS. I think I'd definately apply what u have described 2 eXpectation, I think it fits that like a glove. But there's something about NEWS that really excites me. Im a big fan of David Sylvian, and he's been doing some really esoteric/experimental 'mood' stuff 4 years, and although an aquired taste Id agree, I think they're REALLY GOOD.
I would like 2 think that this will surprise a lot of people, and that peeps will dig it. The one thing Ive learnt over the years is that u are never gonna dig everyhthing that he does - but at the end of the day, it's simply a case of going with the flow - or getting left behind. At the very least, hear the album 1st be4 resigning it 2 the bargain bin.
What I have heard sounds 2 me like music with feeling and mood - I think each piece will centre around diffeent physical, emotional and mental journeys. Im very intruiged, and cant wait
Then again, it may just be a big steaming pile of shit! lol
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Reply #40 posted 06/10/03 6:06pm



True dat, Art!
The contents and opinions expressed by MrHappy have not been approved for publication by Prince or anyone in his employ.
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Reply #41 posted 06/10/03 6:10pm


Notice it says "coming June 19th" not available for purchase on June 19th.
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Reply #42 posted 06/10/03 6:37pm



thedoorkeeper said:

Notice it says "coming June 19th" not available for purchase on June 19th.

yeah, but "coming" could mean anything.
We Can Funk
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Reply #43 posted 06/10/03 6:38pm



Why are you all complaining about an instrumental? People, you joined the NPG MUSIC club, not the NPG MUSIC+SINGING Club. The clue is in the title.

Seriously though, I want singing too.
RIP sad
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Reply #44 posted 06/10/03 6:52pm


personally, i'm really feeling an instrumental jazz/ambient/experamental album. Think about it.. maceo parker?! John Blackwell?! This thing definately has me intersted. peace.
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Reply #45 posted 06/10/03 8:01pm


Okay, so I guess these are the options.

Prince will send us this in the mail, like last year, as apart of our membership.


It will be for sale through the retail (preferably cheap since shipping will be high and it will take a while)


the cd will be for sale through retail, and when u buy it, u will be taken to a certian spot to listen while u wait.


mp3's.. but the format says cd, so its probably of the above 3.
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Reply #46 posted 06/10/03 8:13pm



Sdldawn said:

Okay, so I guess these are the options.

Prince will send us this in the mail, like last year, as apart of our membership.


It will be for sale through the retail (preferably cheap since shipping will be high and it will take a while)


the cd will be for sale through retail, and when u buy it, u will be taken to a certian spot to listen while u wait.


mp3's.. but the format says cd, so its probably of the above 3.

But if you look at the picture it looks as if someone burned the cd meaning that we can burn the cd ourselves and we have a "cd". Notice they did not fill it cat. number.

From what Eric Leeds said in the chat I am quite certain that it will be an download only release.
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Reply #47 posted 06/10/03 8:14pm


I don't know, given the direction his lyrics have taken (all preaching, all the time) it might be a blessing in disguise.

I was a hardcore fan...can't say I am anymore since I didn't join the NPGMC last year, only played TRC about four times, never got around to picking up ONA Live, and forgot that there WAS something called "Xpectation". I'll buy NEWS if it's in stores, probably...
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Reply #48 posted 06/10/03 8:17pm



lovemachine said:

Sdldawn said:

Okay, so I guess these are the options.

Prince will send us this in the mail, like last year, as apart of our membership.


It will be for sale through the retail (preferably cheap since shipping will be high and it will take a while)


the cd will be for sale through retail, and when u buy it, u will be taken to a certian spot to listen while u wait.


mp3's.. but the format says cd, so its probably of the above 3.

But if you look at the picture it looks as if someone burned the cd meaning that we can burn the cd ourselves and we have a "cd". Notice they did not fill it cat. number.

From what Eric Leeds said in the chat I am quite certain that it will be an download only release.

Notice that none of the NPG records releases has a catalogue number.
We Can Funk
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Reply #49 posted 06/10/03 8:43pm



Papaj said:

lovemachine said:

Sdldawn said:

Okay, so I guess these are the options.

Prince will send us this in the mail, like last year, as apart of our membership.


It will be for sale through the retail (preferably cheap since shipping will be high and it will take a while)


the cd will be for sale through retail, and when u buy it, u will be taken to a certian spot to listen while u wait.


mp3's.. but the format says cd, so its probably of the above 3.

But if you look at the picture it looks as if someone burned the cd meaning that we can burn the cd ourselves and we have a "cd". Notice they did not fill it cat. number.

From what Eric Leeds said in the chat I am quite certain that it will be an download only release.

Notice that none of the NPG records releases has a catalogue number.

I have TRC in front of me and the catalogue number is 70004-2

[This message was edited Tue Jun 10 13:44:07 PDT 2003 by lovemachine]
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Reply #50 posted 06/10/03 9:17pm



can't wait 2 hear the new(s) album!!

btw, I really dig xpectation 2.

Thank u Prince..

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Reply #51 posted 06/10/03 10:55pm


U guys crack me up. "I wish he'd sing" "I hate instumentals". WTF? Grow up y'all and let the music do the talking. It took me awhile to get into Madhouse back in the day too, but now its one of my fave Prince releases of all time. Sounds to me the dude is stretching musically...something we all were complaining he wasn't doing with the releases of New Power Soul & Rave.
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Reply #52 posted 06/10/03 11:38pm


[Snip. Flame removed. Ian]
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Reply #53 posted 06/10/03 11:58pm



I prefer music with at least some lyrics so I'm not overly excited I admit, but I havn't closed my mind either.

Of those intrumental tracks released through the club last year who doesn't like the song Tokyo the best? Just to hear him sing one word over and over (tokyo-oh) makes it so much more interesting.

Just my 2 cents.
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
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Reply #54 posted 06/11/03 12:29am


I'm not really excited about this either. I've bought every Prince album in the past, but I might try to download this one from the Internet (if it isn't part of the club mmebershop), and then if I like it, I will buy the CD out of respect for Prince. I haven't bought one non-Prince CD in years, because I can get everything free online, but I always buy Prince's stuff if it is worth it, and it always has been. This may be the first exception ,but I hope not. It just sounds like a boring jazzy jam which doens't appeal to me. Some will love doubt, but I think P will be surprised how sales suffer if it isn't great. Or maybe this one will sell, but people will get wise and the next one won't. Anyway, I hope the album is good and I hope I buy it and I hope his next album with lyrics is good too.
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Reply #55 posted 06/11/03 12:40am



Well, I always wanted Prince to release instrumentals, but I admit I was expecting a band collaboration album with lyrics a la Gold Experience. The Xpectations CD is very nice, but I am still waiting for an album with separate songs (without storylines, but with instrumentals included) and performed by the new band.
I think a commercial release would be a waste of time...
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Reply #56 posted 06/11/03 12:43am



alright, i'm gonna say it:
You want an all sing+dance man,
you got MJ.
"Hyperactive when I was small, Hyperactive now I'm grown, Hyperactive 'till I'm dead and gone"
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

"Midnight is where the day begins"
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Reply #57 posted 06/11/03 12:52am



metalorange said:

I don't mind instrumentals as such, it's just that they tend to be formless jams, showing off musical ability but not creating moods. Well that's what I feel about the Xenophobia tracks anyway. .

- I agree with you. I liked Xenophobia, but I missed stronger compositions when it comes to melodies or innovation. Let´s hope NEWS is different. The sample is very powerful.
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Reply #58 posted 06/11/03 2:28am



14 minute intrumentals? bored

I feel...a...snooze...coming... zzz
"She wants a place in heaven, rooms of that level r few. Let's not b lazy, there's no room service- it's all up 2 me & u."
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Reply #59 posted 06/11/03 2:49am


TheLodger said:

Bring me lyrics and a heavy rock album anyday.

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