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Thread started 06/10/03 7:35pm



Prince nod in Rolling Stone as Eagles go Indie


The Eagles, Pearl Jam and Natalie Merchant are all venturing into indie waters now that they no longer need the big-label marketing muscle. Rolling Stone Mag gives Prince credit for being one of the first, (if not THE first) major artist to step out on the money-grubbing majors.
The Last Otan Track:
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Reply #1 posted 06/12/03 9:05am



Where does it mention Prince?
"I have a date with Lisa. Isn't that wonderful?"
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Reply #2 posted 06/12/03 11:26am



otan said:


The Eagles, Pearl Jam and Natalie Merchant are all venturing into indie waters now that they no longer need the big-label marketing muscle. Rolling Stone Mag gives Prince credit for being one of the first, (if not THE first) major artist to step out on the money-grubbing majors.

Let's see: Prince CDs are now more expensive than in the WB days, concerts are ridiculously expensive, release dates are missed by months (if it actually comes out at all),...

Yet plenty of independent bands (Fugazi, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Ani DiFranco,...) manage to release records independently that are substantially cheaper than major label releases.

So, who's money-hungry?
© Bart Van Hemelen
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Reply #3 posted 06/12/03 12:06pm



Well. Sure. But, from P's perspective, he's on top of the world!
The Last Otan Track:
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Reply #4 posted 06/12/03 2:24pm


Do people realy need this to protect themselves?

"© 2003 ...
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
It is not authorized by Prince or the NPG Music Club. You assume all risk for
your use. All rights reserved"


(c) Yowan
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
It is not authorized by Prince or the NPG Music Club or anyone in particular... You assume all risk for
your use. All rights reserved
[This message was edited Thu Jun 12 7:25:31 PDT 2003 by DOROTHYPARK]
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Reply #5 posted 06/12/03 2:31pm


BartVanHemelen said:

otan said:


The Eagles, Pearl Jam and Natalie Merchant are all venturing into indie waters now that they no longer need the big-label marketing muscle. Rolling Stone Mag gives Prince credit for being one of the first, (if not THE first) major artist to step out on the money-grubbing majors.

Let's see: Prince CDs are now more expensive than in the WB days, concerts are ridiculously expensive, release dates are missed by months (if it actually comes out at all),...

Yet plenty of independent bands (Fugazi, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Ani DiFranco,...) manage to release records independently that are substantially cheaper than major label releases.

Nobody ever said Prince wasn't about the money. It's his music though, so maybe he feels that he should be making the profits. omg Don't try and tell us his concert and CD prices are way above other MAJOR recording artists. Even if they were you have a right to not buy them. Don't whine about them when you do.

So, who's money-hungry?
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Reply #6 posted 06/12/03 4:20pm



Prince didn't go indie so he could charge more for his music and concerts (which, by the way, aren't that expensive. I mean, c'mon, Rolling Stones played for that much in huge stadiums, and Prince was in intimate concert halls with awesome acoustics). He went indie so that he could do what he wanted, when he wanted, with his music.

I'm not saying I approve of this, because it means that things become very hard to find within a couple of years after he changes his mind about releasing it, but that was his motivation to go indie.

He was already making money with WB.
"Knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring faith. If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal" - Carl Sagan
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Reply #7 posted 06/12/03 6:24pm



BartVanHemelen said:

So, who's money-hungry?
I believe the point is that money from the sales of his current releases is going to him - for his overhead and his take, etc. - and not to a handfull of corporate parasites.
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Reply #8 posted 06/12/03 10:35pm



otan said:


The Eagles, Pearl Jam and Natalie Merchant are all venturing into indie waters now that they no longer need the big-label marketing muscle. Rolling Stone Mag gives Prince credit for being one of the first, (if not THE first) major artist to step out on the money-grubbing majors.

Yeah go Prince! The corporate evils of the music industry will end one day
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Reply #9 posted 06/12/03 11:00pm


BartVanHemelen said:

otan said:


The Eagles, Pearl Jam and Natalie Merchant are all venturing into indie waters now that they no longer need the big-label marketing muscle. Rolling Stone Mag gives Prince credit for being one of the first, (if not THE first) major artist to step out on the money-grubbing majors.

Let's see: Prince CDs are now more expensive than in the WB days, concerts are ridiculously expensive, release dates are missed by months (if it actually comes out at all),...

Yet plenty of independent bands (Fugazi, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Ani DiFranco,...) manage to release records independently that are substantially cheaper than major label releases.

So, who's money-hungry?

So what if he his money hungry. I do not know anyone who works for free. Prince charges the prices he does becasue their is a demand for his products. If the fans stopped paying the high prices I am sure he would lower the prices.

If it offends you don't purchase his products or go to his concerts.

None of the groups you have mentioned were major artist who left a large record company and all the perks that come with being a part of the music industry machine.

Prince was the first and we can know see he that is not going to be the only one.

I want to see if you are going to complain about the price of Eagle concert tickets. The Eagles by the why have charged $100.00 and up for concert tickets.
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Reply #10 posted 06/13/03 1:48am


Sorry Rolling Stone, Prince was not the first. Ani DiFranco has been exclusivly indie from the begginning and Prince didn't venture that way until after he met Ani. He was the first to have worked for a record lable and then gone indie, but Ani sells way more records than any other indie artist in history, and has been doing it for 15 years.
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Reply #11 posted 06/13/03 7:52am



BartVanHemelen said:

otan said:


The Eagles, Pearl Jam and Natalie Merchant are all venturing into indie waters now that they no longer need the big-label marketing muscle. Rolling Stone Mag gives Prince credit for being one of the first, (if not THE first) major artist to step out on the money-grubbing majors.

Let's see: Prince CDs are now more expensive than in the WB days, concerts are ridiculously expensive, release dates are missed by months (if it actually comes out at all),...

Yet plenty of independent bands (Fugazi, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Ani DiFranco,...) manage to release records independently that are substantially cheaper than major label releases.

So, who's money-hungry?

How boring, and, as usual, missing the point. The 'money grubbing' (not hungry, as your reading skills are still quite poor) refers to the usual industry practice of the major companies taking 96 cents out of every dollar.

'Prince CDs are more expensive than in the WB days.' Of course, almost all CDs (except for the cut-rate loss leaders priced at $7.99 to $9.99 to hype sales) are now higher priced, but why quibble?

'Concerts are ridiculously expensive.' Try buying tix for the following artists, then get back to me: Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Barbara Strestand, The Eagles, Cher, Diana Ross, Elton John and Billy Joel, Celine Dion, U2. Of course, those tickets are greatly inflated by TicketMaster and Clear Channel, but the bottom line is it is expensive to see major acts. Blaming Prince for this is absurd, especially since he is footing the bill for site rentals, transportation and travel expenses, not to mention the band.

'Release dates missed by months.' Hmm, let run down to my record store and ask if they've heard anything new about GnR's Chinese Democracy new release date . . . or Stevie Wonder's new album. . surely Kate Bush's latest is in the stores . . . Chaka Khan and Rufus advertised an new album last summer . . . etc., etc., etc.

Of all the indy bands you mention, how many choose to release independently, and how many have no choice in the matter? Only di Franco and Fugazi would draw interest from a major recording company, and both better sell at least 2 mill out of the box, or they'd be dropped.

BTW, most indy bands would gladly sign with a major if they could. You insist on naming the precious few, again di Franco and Fugazi, who refuse to deal with the majors. They found success on their terms, and are happy with their control and status. Yet you rip Prince for now doing the same thing.

I take it by all this whining that Prince still hasn't taken you up on your offer to run his career. Pity. Could always start up your own independent company and put out product and become a shining example of the anti-Prince method to success.
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