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Reply #270 posted 04/08/17 10:19pm


NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said:

If she was left with nothing, how the hell did she make the payments at all on a expensive house like that? Its not like she immediately had a career once she and P split. Explain how that works. I would think that either her first couple year's payments were late or she had some money from Prince to pay the payments or that in the divorce Prince paid off the house payments. A person with no money would have to fill for bankruptcy if they were stuck with those kind of payments. (remember she supposedly already depleted her 100,000 dollars.) Her divorce papers need to come out too. Why Manuela's and not hers?

I don't know how the payments were made. She did not elaborate. I guess she figured that was her business. Perhaps something was worked out with the bank. Perhaps Prince paid them. Who knows? Why in the world do her divorce papers need to be released to the public? You know, I read on one thread where a poster stated that she needs to disclose where the profits from her book sales are going! I mean....c'mon! People need to get out of their feelings for a minute and realize that Prince is gone. He doesn't care! He doesn't need (going to say it again) misguided fans "protecting" him! His legacy is secure. Good heavens....

I agree, in this case P's legacy is safe. Mayte ain't tryin to hurt his legacy. And it wasn't hurt so no issue.

Trust me, if she was coming for him I'd be the most tenacious and vocal angry villager with the biggest torch and pitchfork.

Yeah she tells some stuff, yeah P could be an azzhat, but mostly he was sweet and kind and generous and she highlights those things well.

The few things that may have folks clutching their pearls...Well, he was human.

I'd put this on the level of Priscilla writing about Elvis or Liz Taylor writing about her tumultuous life with Richard Burton.

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Reply #271 posted 04/08/17 10:22pm


TOB said:

PennyPurple said:

TOB, please don't play into this nonsense of them not being married or divorced. Here is a copy of the marriage certificate. As I've explained 100 times. You go to the court house to get a marriage license, it is signed my the bride and groom, who are then given the marriage certificate to give to the minister when they get married. The minister and 2 witnesses (usually the best man and the maid of honor) sign the marriage certificate, the minister then takes it to the courthouse and the courthouse records the marriage in their records which makes it legal.


Anyone can go get a marriage license, you don't have to use it. If you don't use it, you are not married, look at all the people who back out at the alter, just because they got the license, doesn't mean that they are married.


This nonsense is just not true. Just like 1/2 (or more) the things that people said about Denise wasn't true.

I'm not being played, and believe most my comments hold her innocent.

My speculation is just as I said, “a thought.” I am too flawed and judge no one.

If her entire book is completely true and accurate, I’m a bit uncomfortable with reading about the romance of a 16 year old girl, and do not wish to try to convince myself otherwise trying to justify the possibility. I’m not hating on her or him and wish it had worked out for them.

I’m too analytical and I have a 13 year old daughter. I do not doubt Mayte to be a wonderful person, the exception to the rule even, but I visualize when I read.

It’s just that I’m a romantic poet and a big fan of women, something else I thought I had in common with Prince.

Prince said his music speaks for him.

For you to understand what and how I think I’ll let my writing speak for me…



i.e. SHE


Her nature, our relation… is my inspiration.

To have me glimpse epiphanies to teases creation.


Sensing my pen’s need to bleed puddles and pools of ink;

knowing its desperate want for a reason.

And I,

being metaphorically equally as needy,

plus seemingly easily bemused by her feminine mystique,

for her enjoyment She wades in… to watch my mind drift as She pleases.


Awaiting serenity’s engagement…

Awaiting for her to impart sublime comprehension…

I do not listen

I sense them

She hints them

As if She blissfully kissed them

into existence.



Always does this to me

and I compose a piece within this serenity

A piece as if in rhythm with a heart’s beat.


The pace set subconsciously

Tempo synchronized to the spaces left empty.

Circadian harmonized

to fill the distance between me and She.


Relying upon the subtlety of this divine leading,

as if my two eyes blind

and my third eye wide,

so “Blissfully kissed” I began writing.


The following sequence of events

begins, not with the sequence of her dress,

though taking notice of it (She too notes)

That it does have some notable influence.


Although, its’ length

exposes only the length of my attention,

blatant… hint or suggestion

not to mention what She is intentionally doing to me.


Obviously, this piece is not mused to be

about drifting wood,

or the social political state of affairs

relative to each neighborhood we share,

nor about the stereotypical statistical clichéd ranting’s of this poetic chronicler,

but rather the thoughts and nature of man… specifically, this man.


The danger and difficulty of delicacy feasting

with thy own eyes is in the reaching…

a tipping-point where tasting becomes gluttony

and thy eyes yet remain still hungry.


And for this piece,

this is where She needed me to be…


Thus, Blissfully kissed” I began writing

about She.


Its’ intent is not meant to significantly compete, historically,

with the Mona Lisa,

Corel Castle, the Taj Mahal, or Solomon’s Song

in beloved honoring.


It’s just that, Deservingly,

with all her past inspirings,

in my words She wanted


to prose a reflection of “SHE”

and “Her” influence on “He”

from the beginning...

Since Adam and Eve

Throughout the century

and on down to “Me.”


Blissfully kissed, I began scribing

describing in highlighted details

of what She will mean to He.


What Her life (Her past, Her present and Her future)

brings to He.

Enhancing, motivating, inspiring…

from the beginning to the never ending.


In the beginning…

How fitting,

for it is this beginning that we (man) is often forgetting,

and thus repeating.


Forgetting how…

solely and soullessly He was mechanically doing,

yearning and wanting without She,

forgetting to be thankful to HE, who gifted She.


Silly little them… (men)

who have pondered and argued

the number of angels that could dance on the head of a pin.

Time would be better spent

considering "HIS Final Creation" instead, (i.e. She).


It is evident that Her creation

was no mere negligible oversight,

no afterthought corrected,

not given all that She is blessed with.


No, no She was meant to be

as icing

She is topping,


as a prized crown jewel sparkling.


And if an afterthought,

as it Biblically reads…

Then she is the encore crescendo to the final act before resting.


Profile, flawless with stunning accentuations,

obviously an upgrade from the first model created.

Could be the reason for the “Doubled You (W)” coming before the “Oh-man”

That is, when you consider the amount of Her value and true significance.

Gifted presented to mankind, to life,

to have purpose, to have meaning

Man’s motivation and inspiration; which I can “bare” witness.


Man’s buttress companion carrying both his burden and his legacy

Both figuratively and literally his reason for being is She, i.e.


And to speak frankly, if it were written

That not “Man”

but “Woman” was made in God’s image

there would be less warring and more worshipping and thanksgiving.


Blissfully kissed


The true intention of SHE to muse this,

my inspired benediction,

as testimony to man’s failed acknowledgement of Her true significance.

His arrogance destines him to remain ignorant to the feminine mystique

thus inevitable to forever independently repeat

with his and his and his-story.


Hopelessly awkwardly progressing

without significant reasoning without meaning

As Adam before Eve,


i.e. She.

[Edited 4/4/17 20:37pm]

I have missed much on this thread and reading through it I read this poem penned by TOB.

It is so special and one that gives much needed acknowledgement to the mystique and beauty of women. It is nice to know you are a big fan of women.

Beautiful poem. It would be nice if men would gift women with such a delightful acknowledgement more often.

Thanks for sharing it TOB.

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Reply #272 posted 04/08/17 10:35pm


This post is by Toban (TOB)


There is just something odd about all of this. It’s almost as if they wanted to make her a villain.

No one does something like this around the anniversary of a loved one’s death. This honestly feels like a setup.



“: from their unconventional meeting backstage at a concert (and the long-distance romance that followed),”

This is the only problem I have, the bold part of the line the ad. Specifically the added (parenthetical) statement, which is usually done to provide additional but unnecessary information for clarity to the sentence.

So it could also be written “from their unconventional meeting backstage at a concert when she was 16, and the unconventional long-distance romance that immediately followed.”

Is this what she is actually saying or not? Because as a 43 year old woman she is teases us with the thought of Prince and a 16 year old.

Advertising that has been my only or main problem. My questioning why it was done and allowed were subsequent, and as result.


When you know her age was 16 when they first met and 17 when she moved in, does this advertisement state, suggest, imply, or hint that they were involved in a “long-distance romance” when she was 16?


It then allows anyone to call into question his intent ad-hoc, regard any decision he makes about her. His marriage to her 6 years later would make people wonder about his initial intent anyway, but it is not the same as eluding to it, as to say “maybe we did or maybe we didn’t” 6 years earlier.


How is her “long-distance romance that followed” statement justified or explained within the book?

Was she actually referring to later time after November 1992?


In either case the uncertainty of it is knowingly being used as a tease to create a controversy to increase sells of her book.


And thus, appearing to both slur his name and in order to capitalizing on the eve of the 1st anniversary of his death.

Appearance is everything and this doesn’t look good.

I personally was playing with the thought of posting/playing the entire recording of “When the Saints go Marching In.” Hopefully his the estate would allow it. No matter what I should just email it or another snippet to those who have been “kissing my azz.”


My other comments as TOB were speculative as to the possibility of why there is no push back against some of the content in her book from the estate.

Furthermore, my prior and forthcoming speculations are not hate filled or hateful. Most were questioning if Mayte had been in some way defrauded due the odd image of the Marriage Certificate, the Annulment, and due to the lack of divorce documentation.

Now wondering if that’s what we are supposed to think.


There’d need to be a justifiable reason for an annulment so late into the marriage.

And if it were allowed to be annulled, then technically Mayte and Symbol fka Pince were never married.

Reminded me again, how is this a Love Story?


It is a legitimate question to then ask if she can prove if she was ever legally married to the Symbol fka Prince Roger Nelson. Which I would think would be on his legal documents at the time back then.

Even the March 4, 1996 issue of Jet reports that she intended to keep her maiden name followed by the “Symbol,” but there are no Symbols or “fka” on that 02/16/1996 Marriage Certificate.

Plus, I find it odd that the County Recorder is open on Saturday, the Date Stamp on the Marriage Certificate, Filed Recorded: Feb 16 1996, is a Saturday.


If she always knew she was never married is one thing, no harm no foul.

Is she providing plausible evidence that she honestly believes and relied upon that they were married, and could not have known that they never were?

If the marriage certificate turns out to be fake, finding no divorce documents, and her stating that she was coerced in signing something that she didn’t read. Honestly, where is this Love Story heading, or rather where is she leading?

It’s supposed to be a Love Story, right? So it should he a happy ending?

Spoiler Alert!!! IT DOESN’T WORK OUT

So what’s the actually story all about?

[Edited 4/9/17 16:03pm]

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Reply #273 posted 04/08/17 10:49pm


NotACleverName said:

purplegirl00 said:

I admit I don't understand all this devotion for Mayte, but I'm not "tortured" by it. Likewise, why should you or anyone else be by the opposing view? If you don't want to hear it or "enough is enough" for you, then keep scrolling. Bibrose is welcomed to share opinion here and directly to Mayte if so inclined- although I'm sure Mayte has her people reading this forum and already knows. She should also know by now, that when you write a book, you need to be prepared for the wonderful reviews and the critical ones as well.

People are not reviewing/critiquing the book.....they are reviewing/critiquing HER. There is a difference.

Imagine a math book where on some pages 2 + 2 = 4 but on other pages it's 16, or 3,798. Someone critiquing the book would address both the content and the author's knowledge of the subject. Printing inaccuracies, while permitted in fiction, doesn't fly in non-fiction.

God is my Sugar Daddy.
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Reply #274 posted 04/08/17 10:51pm


Okay, fine. Don't release the files. But I must reiterate that the impression that people mostly have of this book seems to be that Mayte was too good for Prince. The least we can do is not exagerrate Prince's flaws. The idea that Prince not only left her with no money and on her own but also left her in debt (burdened with a giant house she couldn't pay for) is not fair to him.

LBrent said:

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said: I don't know how the payments were made. She did not elaborate. I guess she figured that was her business. Perhaps something was worked out with the bank. Perhaps Prince paid them. Who knows? Why in the world do her divorce papers need to be released to the public? You know, I read on one thread where a poster stated that she needs to disclose where the profits from her book sales are going! I mean....c'mon! People need to get out of their feelings for a minute and realize that Prince is gone. He doesn't care! He doesn't need (going to say it again) misguided fans "protecting" him! His legacy is secure. Good heavens....

I agree, in this case P's legacy is safe. Mayte ain't tryin to hurt his legacy. And it wasn't hurt so no issue.

Trust me, if she was coming for him I'd be the most tenacious and vocal angry villager with the biggest torch and pitchfork.

Yeah she tells some stuff, yeah P could be an azzhat, but mostly he was sweet and kind and generous and she highlights those things well.

The few things that may have folks clutching their pearls...Well, he was human.

I'd put this on the level of Priscilla writing about Elvis or Liz Taylor writing about her tumultuous life with Richard Burton.

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Reply #275 posted 04/08/17 11:11pm



purplerabbithole....SHE, NOR I, DID NOT SAY HE LEFT HER IN DEBT!!! THIS, right here, is how the content is being misrepresented by some. I, in my post DID NOT say, insinuate, indicate, allude to or otherwise not one single solitary thing about Prince leaving her in debt. Nor did she, in the book. IT just IS. It was a statement. Nothing more. Nothing less. Do you get it now?

She didn't want any material remnants from him. She only wanted HIM.

purplerabbithole said:

Okay, fine. Don't release the files. But I must reiterate that the impression that people mostly have of this book seems to be that Mayte was too good for Prince. The least we can do is not exagerrate Prince's flaws. The idea that Prince not only left her with no money and on her own but also left her in debt (burdened with a giant house she couldn't pay for) is not fair to him.

LBrent said:

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said: I don't know how the payments were made. She did not elaborate. I guess she figured that was her business. Perhaps something was worked out with the bank. Perhaps Prince paid them. Who knows? Why in the world do her divorce papers need to be released to the public? You know, I read on one thread where a poster stated that she needs to disclose where the profits from her book sales are going! I mean....c'mon! People need to get out of their feelings for a minute and realize that Prince is gone. He doesn't care! He doesn't need (going to say it again) misguided fans "protecting" him! His legacy is secure. Good heavens....

I agree, in this case P's legacy is safe. Mayte ain't tryin to hurt his legacy. And it wasn't hurt so no issue.

Trust me, if she was coming for him I'd be the most tenacious and vocal angry villager with the biggest torch and pitchfork.

Yeah she tells some stuff, yeah P could be an azzhat, but mostly he was sweet and kind and generous and she highlights those things well.

The few things that may have folks clutching their pearls...Well, he was human.

I'd put this on the level of Priscilla writing about Elvis or Liz Taylor writing about her tumultuous life with Richard Burton.

[Edited 4/8/17 16:18pm]
EDIT: personal albatross!
[Edited 4/8/17 16:19pm]
[Edited 4/8/17 16:22pm]
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #276 posted 04/08/17 11:13pm


Wrong theead
[Edited 4/8/17 16:28pm]
Baby, you're a star.

Meet me in another world, space and joy
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Reply #277 posted 04/08/17 11:43pm



Vashtix said:

I have missed much on this thread and reading through it I read this poem penned by TOB.

It is so special and one that gives much needed acknowledgement to the mystique and beauty of women. It is nice to know you are a big fan of women.

Beautiful poem. It would be nice if men would gift women with such a delightful acknowledgement more often.

Thanks for sharing it TOB.

Unfortunatley I think TOB has left the forum.

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Reply #278 posted 04/08/17 11:44pm


HOw did she pay for the house payments that you just implied that she would have been left to pay (when you referenced the portion of the book in which she and P [not P, but Prince and her] put a down payment on the house but didn't pay for it in full?

She may not have intended to indicate anything but she obviously left some explanation out.

By the way, wanting Prince to provide for her a bit after the divorce doesn't make her greedy. Its necessity. Don't over-defend this woman at the detriment of Prince.

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole....SHE, NOR I, DID NOT SAY HE LEFT HER IN DEBT!!! THIS, right here, is how the content is being misrepresented by some. I, in my post DID NOT say, insinuate, indicate, allude to or otherwise not one single solitary thing about Prince leaving her in debt. Nor did she, in the book. IT just IS. It was a statement. Nothing more. Nothing less. Do you get it now? EDIT TO ADD: She didn't want any material remnants from him. She only wanted HIM. purplerabbithole said:

Okay, fine. Don't release the files. But I must reiterate that the impression that people mostly have of this book seems to be that Mayte was too good for Prince. The least we can do is not exagerrate Prince's flaws. The idea that Prince not only left her with no money and on her own but also left her in debt (burdened with a giant house she couldn't pay for) is not fair to him.

[Edited 4/8/17 16:18pm] EDIT: personal albatross! [Edited 4/8/17 16:19pm] [Edited 4/8/17 16:22pm]

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Reply #279 posted 04/08/17 11:53pm



Seriously? Just trying to provide some facts that were in the book, answer some questions and now I'm overdefending?

Fuck it. I'm done.

purplerabbithole said:

HOw did she pay for the house payments that you just implied that she would have been left to pay (when you referenced the portion of the book in which she and P [not P, but Prince and her] put a down payment on the house but didn't pay for it in full?

She may not have intended to indicate anything but she obviously left some explanation out.

By the way, wanting Prince to provide for her a bit after the divorce doesn't make her greedy. Its necessity. Don't over-defend this woman at the detriment of Prince.

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole....SHE, NOR I, DID NOT SAY HE LEFT HER IN DEBT!!! THIS, right here, is how the content is being misrepresented by some. I, in my post DID NOT say, insinuate, indicate, allude to or otherwise not one single solitary thing about Prince leaving her in debt. Nor did she, in the book. IT just IS. It was a statement. Nothing more. Nothing less. Do you get it now? EDIT TO ADD: She didn't want any material remnants from him. She only wanted HIM. purplerabbithole said:

Okay, fine. Don't release the files. But I must reiterate that the impression that people mostly have of this book seems to be that Mayte was too good for Prince. The least we can do is not exagerrate Prince's flaws. The idea that Prince not only left her with no money and on her own but also left her in debt (burdened with a giant house she couldn't pay for) is not fair to him.

[Edited 4/8/17 16:18pm] EDIT: personal albatross! [Edited 4/8/17 16:19pm] [Edited 4/8/17 16:22pm]

"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #280 posted 04/08/17 11:58pm


His 'legacy' is not secure. If Mayte wrote that Prince was a child molester (she didn't--this is a what if scenerio), would his legacy be secure.

Why does he not deserve to be written about in a fair and balanced way. I am not sure what I think about Mayte's depiction of him. But I wonder why some financial stuff is up for public consumption where she and P are concerned, but other financials are left out. She stated that she was basically left on the streets in other interviews but she was able to keep a mansion (that wasn't even paid for) for years. Maybe, she didn't think it through but it matters how one is depicted.

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said:

If she was left with nothing, how the hell did she make the payments at all on a expensive house like that? Its not like she immediately had a career once she and P split. Explain how that works. I would think that either her first couple year's payments were late or she had some money from Prince to pay the payments or that in the divorce Prince paid off the house payments. A person with no money would have to fill for bankruptcy if they were stuck with those kind of payments. (remember she supposedly already depleted her 100,000 dollars.) Her divorce papers need to come out too. Why Manuela's and not hers?

I don't know how the payments were made. She did not elaborate. I guess she figured that was her business. Perhaps something was worked out with the bank. Perhaps Prince paid them. Who knows? Why in the world do her divorce papers need to be released to the public? You know, I read on one thread where a poster stated that she needs to disclose where the profits from her book sales are going! I mean....c'mon! People need to get out of their feelings for a minute and realize that Prince is gone. He doesn't care! He doesn't need (going to say it again) misguided fans "protecting" him! His legacy is secure. Good heavens....

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Reply #281 posted 04/09/17 12:04am


My apologies. You did not imply anything with your answer. Mayte might have (inadvertedly or advertedly) implied debt.. My over-defending comment was more of a general statement ---whenever anyone challenges the facts in her depiction, people call it attacking Mayte and feel the need to remind everyone that P wasn't always honest with the press or that he could be an azzhat.. If he wasn't always honest with the press, why do we assume any other public figure is..especially when things just don't entirely line up. If he was azzhat, why do we assume no one else is his sphere wasn't ever also an azzhat. I feels at times like Prince was surrounded by sanctimonious victims of his pettiness. Really? Every one else is perfect???


NotACleverName said:

Seriously? Just trying to provide some facts that were in the book, answer some questions and now I'm overdefending? Fuck it. I'm done. purplerabbithole said:

HOw did she pay for the house payments that you just implied that she would have been left to pay (when you referenced the portion of the book in which she and P [not P, but Prince and her] put a down payment on the house but didn't pay for it in full?

She may not have intended to indicate anything but she obviously left some explanation out.

By the way, wanting Prince to provide for her a bit after the divorce doesn't make her greedy. Its necessity. Don't over-defend this woman at the detriment of Prince.

[Edited 4/8/17 17:08pm]

[Edited 4/8/17 17:10pm]

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Reply #282 posted 04/09/17 12:11am


NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said: I don't know how the payments were made. She did not elaborate. I guess she figured that was her business. Perhaps something was worked out with the bank. Perhaps Prince paid them. Who knows? Why in the world do her divorce papers need to be released to the public? You know, I read on one thread where a poster stated that she needs to disclose where the profits from her book sales are going! I mean....c'mon! People need to get out of their feelings for a minute and realize that Prince is gone. He doesn't care! He doesn't need (going to say it again) misguided fans "protecting" him! His legacy is secure. Good heavens....

purplerabbithole said:

His 'legacy' is not secure. If Mayte wrote that Prince was a child molester (she didn't--this is a what if scenerio), would his legacy be secure.

Why does he not deserve to be written about in a fair and balanced way. I am not sure what I think about Mayte's depiction of him. But I wonder why some financial stuff is up for public consumption where she and P are concerned, but other financials are left out. She stated that she was basically left on the streets in other interviews but she was able to keep a mansion (that wasn't even paid for) for years. Maybe, she didn't think it through but it matters how one is depicted.

She says that she used the equity to maintain the property for years until it sold.

That doesn't make P look like anything but an ex-husband who was done with both her and the marraige and moved on...and I might be wrong about that because from her story about her $300 week pay when she was dancing during the tour, he didn't even know how much she made...It could be that he didn't know the house wasn't been paid by him through his office staff cuz he never asked.

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Reply #283 posted 04/09/17 12:41am


PennyPurple said:

Vashtix said:

I have missed much on this thread and reading through it I read this poem penned by TOB.

It is so special and one that gives much needed acknowledgement to the mystique and beauty of women. It is nice to know you are a big fan of women.

Beautiful poem. It would be nice if men would gift women with such a delightful acknowledgement more often.

Thanks for sharing it TOB.

Unfortunatley I think TOB has left the forum.

He has not left remember he said he registered again and is waiting
For 5 days to post. There is info from him a few posts before this one.
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Reply #284 posted 04/09/17 12:41am



purplerabbithole said:

My apologies. You did not imply anything with your answer. Mayte might have (inadvertedly or advertedly) implied debt.. My over-defending comment was more of a general statement ---whenever anyone challenges the facts in her depiction, people call it attacking Mayte and feel the need to remind everyone that P wasn't always honest with the press or that he could be an azzhat.. If he wasn't always honest with the press, why do we assume any other public figure is..especially when things just don't entirely line up. If he was azzhat, why do we assume no one else is his sphere wasn't ever also an azzhat. I feels at times like Prince was surrounded by sanctimonious victims of his pettiness. Really? Every one else is perfect???

NotACleverName said:

Seriously? Just trying to provide some facts that were in the book, answer some questions and now I'm overdefending? Fuck it. I'm done. purplerabbithole said:

HOw did she pay for the house payments that you just implied that she would have been left to pay (when you referenced the portion of the book in which she and P [not P, but Prince and her] put a down payment on the house but didn't pay for it in full?

She may not have intended to indicate anything but she obviously left some explanation out.

By the way, wanting Prince to provide for her a bit after the divorce doesn't make her greedy. Its necessity. Don't over-defend this woman at the detriment of Prince.

[Edited 4/8/17 17:08pm]

[Edited 4/8/17 17:10pm]

Here's the thing, purplerabbithole....I love Prince. Absolutely adore the man. His PR soundtrack was the background to the courting between my ex and I. We met in 1984. Going to clubs and dancing to his music is an especially sweet memory for me. We killed it on the dance floor....if I say so, myself. 😉 Future albums played a big part in our marriage. I remember when we bought our first really nice stereo/sound system. We rushed home to play a Prince album. My ex and I were together for 30 years. We divorced in 2014. I was still mourning the dissolution of that when Prince died. My mourning became much deeper because of how his music was so integral to MY LIFE STORY.

In light of that, Mayte cannot do or say anything to tarnish my memories. Aamof, she is part of his life story. Which is part of my life story. So, she belongs there. As much as anyone else. I'm not going to question her. Scrutinize her. They are HER memories. She has a right to them. And to share them, if she so chooses. That's all it is for me. That's all it will ever be.
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #285 posted 04/09/17 12:48am


How does that work? Could you explain?

LBrent said:

purplerabbithole said:

His 'legacy' is not secure. If Mayte wrote that Prince was a child molester (she didn't--this is a what if scenerio), would his legacy be secure.

Why does he not deserve to be written about in a fair and balanced way. I am not sure what I think about Mayte's depiction of him. But I wonder why some financial stuff is up for public consumption where she and P are concerned, but other financials are left out. She stated that she was basically left on the streets in other interviews but she was able to keep a mansion (that wasn't even paid for) for years. Maybe, she didn't think it through but it matters how one is depicted.

She says that she used the equity to maintain the property for years until it sold.

That doesn't make P look like anything but an ex-husband who was done with both her and the marraige and moved on...and I might be wrong about that because from her story about her $300 week pay when she was dancing during the tour, he didn't even know how much she made...It could be that he didn't know the house wasn't been paid by him through his office staff cuz he never asked.

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Reply #286 posted 04/09/17 1:13am


His music is a part of your history..I understand that. But your generation and my generation will not be around forever (sorry, for the assumption that I am younger but I was nine in 1984). I am concerned with future generations. A legacy can be overshadowed by the personal drama of that person's life. I know Marilyn Monroe is still talked about to this day. But what do people mostly talk about?--her comedic timing in SOme like it HOt or her affair with Kennedy. Take Sinatra. Sinatra fans always disbelieve at least some of the stories about him because his music is so moving and convincing to them. Sinatra haters believe every mob/cruel story there is about him. Unfortunately, Prince doesn't have the adament crazy fans that Presley, Sinatra etc have. As much as defenders of this book like to claim that Prince fans can see no flaws in the man, they would think otherwise if they read this site before he died, they would know that Prince fans used to verbally beat the shit out of this man. If Prince is depicted as a complete prick in personal life, his musical legacy won't mean much to most people outside his devoted fan base (and even some of them have lost patience.) I noticed something. Prince was scrutinized all the time while he was alive while most of his proteges and associates were believed in with no challenge or disagreement (with the exception of manuela and LG). He didn't defend himself or tell his side too often when he was alive, but at least he was around to do so if he felt inclined to do so. Now, he can not. Well, that means some of his fans are going to be sticklers for facts and fairness.

. (Plus, I have always believed that a person's artistic expression is not completely detached from their personality. In other words, if you can sing about love successfully, then you know what it is. Artistry doesn't come from an emotional vaccuum. This doesn't mean artists are perfect. It just means if they have any artistic merit, they are capable of a degree of sincerity.) So far, Mayte constant statements that Prince had a good heart are not backed up by the facts that keep getting released from her book. Even his good traits are getting interpreted by many as manipulative or insincere.. I hate thinking that his music is also just manipulative and insincere. But what other impression is there when his best actions are depicted by people on the book club thread as the actions of a player?

Mayte's interviews have been fine and the text I have read isn't too bad, But the fact pulled from the book and the assumptions made about Prince's intentions have been kind of awful. This wouldn't necessarily be that offensive five years from now. But on the anniversary of his death when we should be celebrating his talent, humor, originality, sexiness, worth effort, quiet charitable contributions, etc, everyone instead is talking about how he fucked up with his first wife. That kind of pisses me off and I do think its had an adverse effect on his legacy. Her timing and her tendency to call this book a love story (when it is mostly about her own experience) -- well, it is making me uneasy.

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said:

My apologies. You did not imply anything with your answer. Mayte might have (inadvertedly or advertedly) implied debt.. My over-defending comment was more of a general statement ---whenever anyone challenges the facts in her depiction, people call it attacking Mayte and feel the need to remind everyone that P wasn't always honest with the press or that he could be an azzhat.. If he wasn't always honest with the press, why do we assume any other public figure is..especially when things just don't entirely line up. If he was azzhat, why do we assume no one else is his sphere wasn't ever also an azzhat. I feels at times like Prince was surrounded by sanctimonious victims of his pettiness. Really? Every one else is perfect???

[Edited 4/8/17 17:08pm]

[Edited 4/8/17 17:10pm]

Here's the thing, purplerabbithole....I love Prince. Absolutely adore the man. His PR soundtrack was the background to the courting between my ex and I. We met in 1984. Going to clubs and dancing to his music is an especially sweet memory for me. We killed it on the dance floor....if I say so, myself. 😉 Future albums played a big part in our marriage. I remember when we bought our first really nice stereo/sound system. We rushed home to play a Prince album. My ex and I were together for 30 years. We divorced in 2014. I was still mourning the dissolution of that when Prince died. My mourning became much deeper because of how his music was so integral to MY LIFE STORY. In light of that, Mayte cannot do or say anything to tarnish my memories. Aamof, she is part of his life story. Which is part of my life story. So, she belongs there. As much as anyone else. I'm not going to question her. Scrutinize her. They are HER memories. She has a right to them. And to share them, if she so chooses. That's all it is for me. That's all it will ever be.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:18pm]

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Reply #287 posted 04/09/17 1:24am



purplerabbithole said:

How does that work? Could you explain?

LBrent said:

purplerabbithole said:

His 'legacy' is not secure. If Mayte wrote that Prince was a child molester (she didn't--this is a what if scenerio), would his legacy be secure.

Why does he not deserve to be written about in a fair and balanced way. I am not sure what I think about Mayte's depiction of him. But I wonder why some financial stuff is up for public consumption where she and P are concerned, but other financials are left out. She stated that she was basically left on the streets in other interviews but she was able to keep a mansion (that wasn't even paid for) for years. Maybe, she didn't think it through but it matters how one is depicted.

She says that she used the equity to maintain the property for years until it sold.

That doesn't make P look like anything but an ex-husband who was done with both her and the marraige and moved on...and I might be wrong about that because from her story about her $300 week pay when she was dancing during the tour, he didn't even know how much she made...It could be that he didn't know the house wasn't been paid by him through his office staff cuz he never asked.

Hope LBrent doesn't mind, but I'm gonna cut in line here. I can answer this for you, purplerabbithole.

Now, I don't know actual numbers as they relate to this property, so, I am going to use some fictions numbers. Okay? Just want to be clear.

Say the house originally sold for 10 million. Let's pretend Prince and Mayte put 2 million down (payment). They now had 2 million worth of equity. She and Prince break up, she goes to the bank and says "I need to refinance this house for 100% loan to value because I have no job and no income and yes, I still have to make mortgage payments, pay the utilities, have the grounds maintained, etc.". In other words, I need some cold hard cash. The bank says, ok. They rewrite the loan for 10 million.....the bank takes 8 million to pay off the original loan and cut a check to Mayte for 2 million. She deposits the 2 million into her personal account and begins to finance the needs of the property. Unfortunately, the house doesn't sell for two years, she has exhausted the funds from the equity refinance and now she is broke. And, the house only resells for 10 million (plus her car for incentive....she basically gave that away to encourage the buyers to purchase) so she gets no further equity. Nobody's fault the house didn't sell quickly. No one to blame.

Hope that helps!
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #288 posted 04/09/17 1:30am


NotACleverName said:

Here's the thing, purplerabbithole....I love Prince. Absolutely adore the man. His PR soundtrack was the background to the courting between my ex and I. We met in 1984. Going to clubs and dancing to his music is an especially sweet memory for me. We killed it on the dance floor....if I say so, myself. 😉 Future albums played a big part in our marriage. I remember when we bought our first really nice stereo/sound system. We rushed home to play a Prince album. My ex and I were together for 30 years. We divorced in 2014. I was still mourning the dissolution of that when Prince died. My mourning became much deeper because of how his music was so integral to MY LIFE STORY. In light of that, Mayte cannot do or say anything to tarnish my memories. Aamof, she is part of his life story. Which is part of my life story. So, she belongs there. As much as anyone else. I'm not going to question her. Scrutinize her. They are HER memories. She has a right to them. And to share them, if she so chooses. That's all it is for me. That's all it will ever be.

All that you said, all of it! YUP

I was a fan before Mayte, during her, and after her...Nothing could tarnish P's memory for me. Not unless he was a serial killer and even then...

He soudtracked my teen years from 1977/78 through my first romance and college, marraige, 5 kids, a 34 year career, a divorce, every high and low is tied to P's musical career/shenanigans/awards/hairstyles/fashion/everything/EVERYTHING.

There is not one area of my life where there isn't a P memory in it somewhere. And for a time when things were especially difficult as my marraige was falling apart, Mayte was in P's life. Knowing what went on with them during those years completes MY STORY as well.

I'm glad she wrote it and I'm glad I read it.

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Reply #289 posted 04/09/17 1:35am



Perhaps, Prince assumed that the house would sell quickly (since it is a rock star's house) and that she would just reap the benefits. It just didn't. He was just too distracted with music, LG, religion and Manuela to take notice.

She should have put some of that hard cash into renovations because that pink decor was tacky. It might have sold better.

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said:

How does that work? Could you explain?

Hope LBrent doesn't mind, but I'm gonna cut in line here. I can answer this for you, purplerabbithole. Now, I don't know actual numbers as they relate to this property, so, I am going to use some fictions numbers. Okay? Just want to be clear. Say the house originally sold for 10 million. Let's pretend Prince and Mayte put 2 million down (payment). They now had 2 million worth of equity. She and Prince break up, she goes to the bank and says "I need to refinance this house for 100% loan to value because I have no job and no income and yes, I still have to make mortgage payments, pay the utilities, have the grounds maintained, etc.". In other words, I need some cold hard cash. The bank says, ok. They rewrite the loan for 10 million.....the bank takes 8 million to pay off the original loan and cut a check to Mayte for 2 million. She deposits the 2 million into her personal account and begins to finance the needs of the property. Unfortunately, the house doesn't sell for two years, she has exhausted the funds from the equity refinance and now she is broke. And, the house only resells for 10 million (plus her car for incentive....she basically gave that away to encourage the buyers to purchase) so she gets no further equity. Nobody's fault the house didn't sell quickly. No one to blame. Hope that helps!

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Reply #290 posted 04/09/17 1:37am


So people still love Bill Cosby? I can't believe in a musicians work if he is just a god awful person...a very flawed person is fine. A monster is hard to listen to. I can't seperate the artist from the man entirely. I don't expect perfection and I understand how stress, insecurity, and neurosis can make people act shitty. But a complete asshole is hard to relate to.

LBrent said:

NotACleverName said:

Here's the thing, purplerabbithole....I love Prince. Absolutely adore the man. His PR soundtrack was the background to the courting between my ex and I. We met in 1984. Going to clubs and dancing to his music is an especially sweet memory for me. We killed it on the dance floor....if I say so, myself. 😉 Future albums played a big part in our marriage. I remember when we bought our first really nice stereo/sound system. We rushed home to play a Prince album. My ex and I were together for 30 years. We divorced in 2014. I was still mourning the dissolution of that when Prince died. My mourning became much deeper because of how his music was so integral to MY LIFE STORY. In light of that, Mayte cannot do or say anything to tarnish my memories. Aamof, she is part of his life story. Which is part of my life story. So, she belongs there. As much as anyone else. I'm not going to question her. Scrutinize her. They are HER memories. She has a right to them. And to share them, if she so chooses. That's all it is for me. That's all it will ever be.

All that you said, all of it! YUP

I was a fan before Mayte, during her, and after her...Nothing could tarnish P's memory for me. Not unless he was a serial killer and even then...

He soudtracked my teen years from 1977/78 through my first romance and college, marraige, 5 kids, a 34 year career, a divorce, every high and low is tied to P's musical career/shenanigans/awards/hairstyles/fashion/everything/EVERYTHING.

There is not one area of my life where there isn't a P memory in it somewhere. And for a time when things were especially difficult as my marraige was falling apart, Mayte was in P's life. Knowing what went on with them during those years completes MY STORY as well.

I'm glad she wrote it and I'm glad I read it.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:39pm]

[Edited 4/8/17 18:41pm]

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Reply #291 posted 04/09/17 1:42am


LBrent said:

She says that she used the equity to maintain the property for years until it sold.

That doesn't make P look like anything but an ex-husband who was done with both her and the marraige and moved on...and I might be wrong about that because from her story about her $300 week pay when she was dancing during the tour, he didn't even know how much she made...It could be that he didn't know the house wasn't been paid by him through his office staff cuz he never asked.

purplerabbithole said:

How does that work? Could you explain?

Ok, when you own a house and have put down a downpayment to buy it, which is the usual way it's done and she says that was done, anyway whatever money that you put down is deducted from the mortgage and considered equity.

The longer you own the house and mortgage payments are paid, the higher the equity grows, when the house mortgage is completed you now own 100% of the house and 100% of the equity which is a fancy banking term for owning the entire house.

So now your house is paid off and you want to send your kids to college so you go to the bank for a loan and they use the equity in your house to fund the loan and you make payments that are sorta like mortgage payments cuz they basically handed you part of your house. See?

It's commonly called a refinance or getting a 2nd mortgage.

My guess is she got a loan and used the loan to pay the extra maintenance bills hoping the house would sell quickly, but when it dragged on her equity was depleted by that time so she broke even.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:43pm]

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Reply #292 posted 04/09/17 1:45am


purplerabbithole said:

So people still love Bill Cosby? I can't believe in a musicians work if he is just a god awful person...a very flawed person is fine. A monster is hard to listen to. I can't seperate the artist from the man entirely. I don't expect perfection and I understand how stress, insecurity, and neurosis can make people act shitty. But a complete asshole is hard to relate to.

LBrent said:

All that you said, all of it! YUP

I was a fan before Mayte, during her, and after her...Nothing could tarnish P's memory for me. Not unless he was a serial killer and even then...

He soudtracked my teen years from 1977/78 through my first romance and college, marraige, 5 kids, a 34 year career, a divorce, every high and low is tied to P's musical career/shenanigans/awards/hairstyles/fashion/everything/EVERYTHING.

There is not one area of my life where there isn't a P memory in it somewhere. And for a time when things were especially difficult as my marraige was falling apart, Mayte was in P's life. Knowing what went on with them during those years completes MY STORY as well.

I'm glad she wrote it and I'm glad I read it.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:39pm]

[Edited 4/8/17 18:41pm]

Hate to burst your bubble, but he's always had a measure of azzhat in him. Always. She didn't expose much in that regard.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:52pm]

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Reply #293 posted 04/09/17 1:47am



purplerabbithole said:

His music is a part of your history..I understand that. But your generation and my generation will not be around forever (sorry, for the assumption that I am younger but I was nine in 1984). I am concerned with future generations. A legacy can be overshadowed by the personal drama of that person's life. I know Marilyn Monroe is still talked about to this day. But what do people mostly talk about?--her comedic timing in SOme like it HOt or her affair with Kennedy. Take Sinatra. Sinatra fans always disbelieve at least some of the stories about him because his music is so moving and convincing to them. Sinatra haters believe every mob/cruel story there is about him. Unfortunately, Prince doesn't have the adament crazy fans that Presley, Sinatra etc have. As much as defenders of this book like to claim that Prince fans can see no flaws in the man, they would think otherwise if they read this site before he died, they would know that Prince fans used to verbally beat the shit out of this man. If Prince is depicted as a complete prick in personal life, his musical legacy won't mean much to most people outside his devoted fan base (and even some of them have lost patience.) I noticed something. Prince was scrutinized all the time while he was alive while most of his proteges and associates were believed in with no challenge or disagreement (with the exception of manuela and LG). He didn't defend himself or tell his side too often when he was alive, but at least he was around to do so if he felt inclined to do so. Now, he can not. Well, that means some of his fans are going to be sticklers for facts and fairness.

. (Plus, I have always believed that a person's artistic expression is not completely detached from their personality. In other words, if you can sing about love successfully, then you know what it is. Artistry doesn't come from an emotional vaccuum. This doesn't mean artists are perfect. It just means if they have any artistic merit, they are capable of a degree of sincerity.) So far, Mayte constant statements that Prince had a good heart are not backed up by the facts that keep getting released from her book. Even his good traits are getting interpreted by many as manipulative or insincere.. I hate thinking that his music is also just manipulative and insincere. But what other impression is there when his best actions are depicted by people on the book club thread as the actions of a player?

Mayte's interviews have been fine and the text I have read isn't too bad, But the fact pulled from the book and the assumptions made about Prince's intentions have been kind of awful. This wouldn't necessarily be that offensive five years from now. But on the anniversary of his death when we should be celebrating his talent, humor, originality, sexiness, worth effort, quiet charitable contributions, etc, everyone instead is talking about how he fucked up with his first wife. That kind of pisses me off and I do think its had an adverse effect on his legacy. Her timing and her tendency to call this book a love story (when it is mostly about her own experience) -- well, it is making me uneasy.

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said:

My apologies. You did not imply anything with your answer. Mayte might have (inadvertedly or advertedly) implied debt.. My over-defending comment was more of a general statement ---whenever anyone challenges the facts in her depiction, people call it attacking Mayte and feel the need to remind everyone that P wasn't always honest with the press or that he could be an azzhat.. If he wasn't always honest with the press, why do we assume any other public figure is..especially when things just don't entirely line up. If he was azzhat, why do we assume no one else is his sphere wasn't ever also an azzhat. I feels at times like Prince was surrounded by sanctimonious victims of his pettiness. Really? Every one else is perfect???

[Edited 4/8/17 17:08pm]

[Edited 4/8/17 17:10pm]

Here's the thing, purplerabbithole....I love Prince. Absolutely adore the man. His PR soundtrack was the background to the courting between my ex and I. We met in 1984. Going to clubs and dancing to his music is an especially sweet memory for me. We killed it on the dance floor....if I say so, myself. 😉 Future albums played a big part in our marriage. I remember when we bought our first really nice stereo/sound system. We rushed home to play a Prince album. My ex and I were together for 30 years. We divorced in 2014. I was still mourning the dissolution of that when Prince died. My mourning became much deeper because of how his music was so integral to MY LIFE STORY. In light of that, Mayte cannot do or say anything to tarnish my memories. Aamof, she is part of his life story. Which is part of my life story. So, she belongs there. As much as anyone else. I'm not going to question her. Scrutinize her. They are HER memories. She has a right to them. And to share them, if she so chooses. That's all it is for me. That's all it will ever be.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:18pm]

Ok....I'm going to make this brief. Only because I work nights and have to get a "nap" in before I leave.

Let me give you an example of Marilyn Monroe. Her estate is still bringing in tons of money 50+ years after her departure. People all over the world emulate her. Google Courtney Stodden (warning: Courtney is a....well, you'll figure it out). She is in her early 20s and idolize's MM. Born 30 years after MM died. MM's legacy will never die.

Sinatra? Making bank. His songs are sung on The Voice, were sung on American Idol. I would bet Michael Buble idolize's him.

The stories? Part of the mystery. The intrigue. Dare I say....part of the attraction? Who knows? I just know that my love of Prince's music has reverberated down to my children. He's not the first album they listen to but they do listen. Have you been on YouTube watching some of the young guitar players honoring him? One dad has his one year old (or so) watching a Prince vid....I think the Super Bowl performance. The baby is enraptured! His music will live on. There is no doubt. The stories will, too. They may even get more exaggerated with time. Eh...we know the truth. It'll be ok. I promise
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #294 posted 04/09/17 1:54am



purplerabbithole said:


Perhaps, Prince assumed that the house would sell quickly (since it is a rock star's house) and that she would just reap the benefits. It just didn't. He was just too distracted with music, LG, religion and Manuela to take notice.

She should have put some of that hard cash into renovations because that pink decor was tacky. It might have sold better.

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said:

How does that work? Could you explain?

Hope LBrent doesn't mind, but I'm gonna cut in line here. I can answer this for you, purplerabbithole. Now, I don't know actual numbers as they relate to this property, so, I am going to use some fictions numbers. Okay? Just want to be clear. Say the house originally sold for 10 million. Let's pretend Prince and Mayte put 2 million down (payment). They now had 2 million worth of equity. She and Prince break up, she goes to the bank and says "I need to refinance this house for 100% loan to value because I have no job and no income and yes, I still have to make mortgage payments, pay the utilities, have the grounds maintained, etc.". In other words, I need some cold hard cash. The bank says, ok. They rewrite the loan for 10 million.....the bank takes 8 million to pay off the original loan and cut a check to Mayte for 2 million. She deposits the 2 million into her personal account and begins to finance the needs of the property. Unfortunately, the house doesn't sell for two years, she has exhausted the funds from the equity refinance and now she is broke. And, the house only resells for 10 million (plus her car for incentive....she basically gave that away to encourage the buyers to purchase) so she gets no further equity. Nobody's fault the house didn't sell quickly. No one to blame. Hope that helps!

Ha! Well, lookee there! See, we do agree on something!
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence......." ~ DESIDERATA ~ Max Ehrmann
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Reply #295 posted 04/09/17 2:00am


NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said:

His music is a part of your history..I understand that. But your generation and my generation will not be around forever (sorry, for the assumption that I am younger but I was nine in 1984). I am concerned with future generations. A legacy can be overshadowed by the personal drama of that person's life. I know Marilyn Monroe is still talked about to this day. But what do people mostly talk about?--her comedic timing in SOme like it HOt or her affair with Kennedy. Take Sinatra. Sinatra fans always disbelieve at least some of the stories about him because his music is so moving and convincing to them. Sinatra haters believe every mob/cruel story there is about him. Unfortunately, Prince doesn't have the adament crazy fans that Presley, Sinatra etc have. As much as defenders of this book like to claim that Prince fans can see no flaws in the man, they would think otherwise if they read this site before he died, they would know that Prince fans used to verbally beat the shit out of this man. If Prince is depicted as a complete prick in personal life, his musical legacy won't mean much to most people outside his devoted fan base (and even some of them have lost patience.) I noticed something. Prince was scrutinized all the time while he was alive while most of his proteges and associates were believed in with no challenge or disagreement (with the exception of manuela and LG). He didn't defend himself or tell his side too often when he was alive, but at least he was around to do so if he felt inclined to do so. Now, he can not. Well, that means some of his fans are going to be sticklers for facts and fairness.

. (Plus, I have always believed that a person's artistic expression is not completely detached from their personality. In other words, if you can sing about love successfully, then you know what it is. Artistry doesn't come from an emotional vaccuum. This doesn't mean artists are perfect. It just means if they have any artistic merit, they are capable of a degree of sincerity.) So far, Mayte constant statements that Prince had a good heart are not backed up by the facts that keep getting released from her book. Even his good traits are getting interpreted by many as manipulative or insincere.. I hate thinking that his music is also just manipulative and insincere. But what other impression is there when his best actions are depicted by people on the book club thread as the actions of a player?

Mayte's interviews have been fine and the text I have read isn't too bad, But the fact pulled from the book and the assumptions made about Prince's intentions have been kind of awful. This wouldn't necessarily be that offensive five years from now. But on the anniversary of his death when we should be celebrating his talent, humor, originality, sexiness, worth effort, quiet charitable contributions, etc, everyone instead is talking about how he fucked up with his first wife. That kind of pisses me off and I do think its had an adverse effect on his legacy. Her timing and her tendency to call this book a love story (when it is mostly about her own experience) -- well, it is making me uneasy.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:18pm]

Ok....I'm going to make this brief. Only because I work nights and have to get a "nap" in before I leave. Let me give you an example of Marilyn Monroe. Her estate is still bringing in tons of money 50+ years after her departure. People all over the world emulate her. Google Courtney Stodden (warning: Courtney is a....well, you'll figure it out). She is in her early 20s and idolize's MM. Born 30 years after MM died. MM's legacy will never die. Sinatra? Making bank. His songs are sung on The Voice, were sung on American Idol. I would bet Michael Buble idolize's him. The stories? Part of the mystery. The intrigue. Dare I say....part of the attraction? Who knows? I just know that my love of Prince's music has reverberated down to my children. He's not the first album they listen to but they do listen. Have you been on YouTube watching some of the young guitar players honoring him? One dad has his one year old (or so) watching a Prince vid....I think the Super Bowl performance. The baby is enraptured! His music will live on. There is no doubt. The stories will, too. They may even get more exaggerated with time. Eh...we know the truth. It'll be ok. I promise

You beat me to it...Lol

I was gonna point out that yes folks rag on "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!" or Sinatra and the mod or Elvis and Priscilla being 16, or Jerry Lee Lewis marrying his cousin, or Lana Turner's daughter killing her mobster boyfreind, or Clark Gable's illegitamate daughter, or the Debbie Reynold/Eddie Fischer/Liz Taylor affair...

But folks still watch their movies and enjoy their talent. It adds to the fun in a way. Not for everyone, but for lots.

P will be the same way. He's a compelling character.

New fans will hear rumours and listen to the music and watch the movies to see what the fuss we, as fans, already know about. Some will hate what they find out and some will LOVE the drama and dig deeper.

Heck, if after Neverland-gate the MJ estate prospered, our purple Prince's estate will be just fine.


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Reply #296 posted 04/09/17 2:06am


Don't talk down to me. I know his reputation. But having a measure of an azzhat in him is not the same thing as a complete azzhat. Like I said if any good things he does are depicted by some on that other thread as merely manipulative and underhanded, then he is not a partial asshat..he's a complete asshat.

LBrent said:

purplerabbithole said:

So people still love Bill Cosby? I can't believe in a musicians work if he is just a god awful person...a very flawed person is fine. A monster is hard to listen to. I can't seperate the artist from the man entirely. I don't expect perfection and I understand how stress, insecurity, and neurosis can make people act shitty. But a complete asshole is hard to relate to.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:39pm]

[Edited 4/8/17 18:41pm]

Hate to burst your bubble, but he's always had a measure of azzhat in him. Always. She didn't expose much in that regard.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:52pm]

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Reply #297 posted 04/09/17 2:16am


People don't dig as much as you think (unless the work is completely accessible or given its due.) Prince's work is hard to get. Monroe's work is easily available and yet there are still a lot of people who only know her for Kennedy rumors. Imagine if half her work was hard to get.

My point is things need to be done this year before the tell-alls come out. Prince's death needs to be solved so people can stop stupid speculationbe (come on, it is not that hard to determine how he got pills--he likely got them online and someone picked them up.),his music and performances need to be widely and completely released and his contributions should be honored on the anniversary of his death. The tell-alls can and should wait out of respect for his hard work and contributions to our culture. The artist is part of the man.

LBrent said:

NotACleverName said:

purplerabbithole said: Ok....I'm going to make this brief. Only because I work nights and have to get a "nap" in before I leave. Let me give you an example of Marilyn Monroe. Her estate is still bringing in tons of money 50+ years after her departure. People all over the world emulate her. Google Courtney Stodden (warning: Courtney is a....well, you'll figure it out). She is in her early 20s and idolize's MM. Born 30 years after MM died. MM's legacy will never die. Sinatra? Making bank. His songs are sung on The Voice, were sung on American Idol. I would bet Michael Buble idolize's him. The stories? Part of the mystery. The intrigue. Dare I say....part of the attraction? Who knows? I just know that my love of Prince's music has reverberated down to my children. He's not the first album they listen to but they do listen. Have you been on YouTube watching some of the young guitar players honoring him? One dad has his one year old (or so) watching a Prince vid....I think the Super Bowl performance. The baby is enraptured! His music will live on. There is no doubt. The stories will, too. They may even get more exaggerated with time. Eh...we know the truth. It'll be ok. I promise

You beat me to it...Lol

I was gonna point out that yes folks rag on "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!" or Sinatra and the mod or Elvis and Priscilla being 16, or Jerry Lee Lewis marrying his cousin, or Lana Turner's daughter killing her mobster boyfreind, or Clark Gable's illegitamate daughter, or the Debbie Reynold/Eddie Fischer/Liz Taylor affair...

But folks still watch their movies and enjoy their talent. It adds to the fun in a way. Not for everyone, but for lots.

P will be the same way. He's a compelling character.

New fans will hear rumours and listen to the music and watch the movies to see what the fuss we, as fans, already know about. Some will hate what they find out and some will LOVE the drama and dig deeper.

Heck, if after Neverland-gate the MJ estate prospered, our purple Prince's estate will be just fine.


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Reply #298 posted 04/09/17 2:27am


LBrent said:

You beat me to it...Lol

I was gonna point out that yes folks rag on "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!" or Sinatra and the mod or Elvis and Priscilla being 16, or Jerry Lee Lewis marrying his cousin, or Lana Turner's daughter killing her mobster boyfreind, or Clark Gable's illegitamate daughter, or the Debbie Reynold/Eddie Fischer/Liz Taylor affair...

But folks still watch their movies and enjoy their talent. It adds to the fun in a way. Not for everyone, but for lots.

P will be the same way. He's a compelling character.

New fans will hear rumours and listen to the music and watch the movies to see what the fuss we, as fans, already know about. Some will hate what they find out and some will LOVE the drama and dig deeper.

Heck, if after Neverland-gate the MJ estate prospered, our purple Prince's estate will be just fine.


purplerabbithole said:

People don't dig as much as you think (unless the work is completely accessible or given its due.) Prince's work is hard to get. Monroe's work is easily available and yet there are still a lot of people who only know her for Kennedy rumors. Imagine if half her work was hard to get.

My point is things need to be done this year before the tell-alls come out. Prince's death needs to be solved so people can stop stupid speculationbe (come on, it is not that hard to determine how he got pills--he likely got them online and someone picked them up.),his music and performances need to be widely and completely released and his contributions should be honored on the anniversary of his death. The tell-alls can and should wait out of respect for his hard work and contributions to our culture. The artist is part of the man.

I'm an old broad and have lived over half a century. Trust me. The sky isn't falling. P's legacy will be fine. Folks love hard to get stuff and they'll drool to get his hard to get stuff just like fans always have.


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Reply #299 posted 04/09/17 2:28am


LBrent said:

purplerabbithole said:

How does that work? Could you explain?

Ok, when you own a house and have put down a downpayment to buy it, which is the usual way it's done and she says that was done, anyway whatever money that you put down is deducted from the mortgage and considered equity.

The longer you own the house and mortgage payments are paid, the higher the equity grows, when the house mortgage is completed you now own 100% of the house and 100% of the equity which is a fancy banking term for owning the entire house.

So now your house is paid off and you want to send your kids to college so you go to the bank for a loan and they use the equity in your house to fund the loan and you make payments that are sorta like mortgage payments cuz they basically handed you part of your house. See?

It's commonly called a refinance or getting a 2nd mortgage.

My guess is she got a loan and used the loan to pay the extra maintenance bills hoping the house would sell quickly, but when it dragged on her equity was depleted by that time so she broke even.

[Edited 4/8/17 18:43pm]

Theoretically, that would be true. But it wouldn't explain why one listing says she sold the house in 2004 and then later that he was selling it again in 2006 and 2014 per these listings. The conflict is that a "Dutch businessman", or an annonymous buyer bought it, but then, at a later date, Prince is selling it. The whole thing is a mess.

God is my Sugar Daddy.
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