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Thread started 04/27/04 11:06pm


even the truth will not set U free just gets U kicked.......

So this is how it is now…….. no one is allowed to speak their mind and point out what is considered a dictatorship…….. the club is suppose to be a “G” site but there are user names not appropriate and threads that are not appropriate….. there are members that are allowed to slander and attack in the chat and allowed to stay even when been reported with proof of what has been said…….. I have been a supporter of this site and what P has been doing….. tonite I was kicked out the chat for speaking my mind on a issue that has been brewing and is well known how some are allowed to run free at the club…… on top of getting the purple boot private account information was told in the chat by a mod…. So U tell me is that the appropriate conduct of a representative of the club???? I think P needs to see what is becoming of this world he has created and if he wants truth then it needs to the truth for all not just those that feel they are god……

so with that i say bye to the members at the club.....

may U live to find the truth.....
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Reply #1 posted 04/27/04 11:25pm


I'm sorry you had a bad experience over there,'re always a very friendly, refreshing voice at the club, and I hope they come to their senses soon and mend fences with you. Just know that there are more than a few of us that "hear" your concerns... neutral
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Reply #2 posted 04/27/04 11:28pm


Anxiety said:

I'm sorry you had a bad experience over there,'re always a very friendly, refreshing voice at the club, and I hope they come to their senses soon and mend fences with you. Just know that there are more than a few of us that "hear" your concerns... neutral

hey sweetie..... i did the same post as i did here and was deleted in minutes..... they are full of themselves..... they scream G site but allow some threads ..... i am sick of it and have been ..... i am done with the small heads there that feel they need to have power over it all.... karma ....
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Reply #3 posted 04/28/04 4:51am


you can't just bear with it. i would ignore some of the stuff to be fair. just use the site for the music and what little news they give out!
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Reply #4 posted 04/28/04 5:10am



Haven't you heard Prince? There is only one truth, and it is the one that he believes in. Of course you can't post something contradictory to that.

And I very rarely check out the club chat or message boards. I'd rather just read the ones here and on
[This message was edited Wed Apr 28 5:11:44 2004 by RupertZ]
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Reply #5 posted 04/28/04 5:47am


kd hug

I'd really miss you in NPGMC chat...if NPGMC chat worked on my pc mad

So I'll talk to you here instead biggrin

rabbit kd rabbit
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Reply #6 posted 04/28/04 5:49am


kdowney said:

So this is how it is now…….. no one is allowed to speak their mind and point out what is considered a dictatorship…….. the club is suppose to be a “G” site but there are user names not appropriate and threads that are not appropriate….. there are members that are allowed to slander and attack in the chat and allowed to stay even when been reported with proof of what has been said…….. I have been a supporter of this site and what P has been doing….. tonite I was kicked out the chat for speaking my mind on a issue that has been brewing and is well known how some are allowed to run free at the club…… on top of getting the purple boot private account information was told in the chat by a mod…. So U tell me is that the appropriate conduct of a representative of the club???? I think P needs to see what is becoming of this world he has created and if he wants truth then it needs to the truth for all not just those that feel they are god……

so with that i say bye to the members at the club.....

may U live to find the truth.....

I'm curious about what you spoke up about.
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Reply #7 posted 04/28/04 6:44am



Club is dictatorship run by a guy who censors the truth and makes videos self praising himself
Yeah we all know that.

Welcome to the Dawn er I mean Org.
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Reply #8 posted 04/28/04 7:18am


wyld1 said:

kdowney said:

So this is how it is now…….. no one is allowed to speak their mind and point out what is considered a dictatorship…….. the club is suppose to be a “G” site but there are user names not appropriate and threads that are not appropriate….. there are members that are allowed to slander and attack in the chat and allowed to stay even when been reported with proof of what has been said…….. I have been a supporter of this site and what P has been doing….. tonite I was kicked out the chat for speaking my mind on a issue that has been brewing and is well known how some are allowed to run free at the club…… on top of getting the purple boot private account information was told in the chat by a mod…. So U tell me is that the appropriate conduct of a representative of the club???? I think P needs to see what is becoming of this world he has created and if he wants truth then it needs to the truth for all not just those that feel they are god……

so with that i say bye to the members at the club.....

may U live to find the truth.....

I'm curious about what you spoke up about.

they say its a "G" site... but allow sexual member names and posts..... i have had issues with a paticular member there and the member has been reported numours times by me and many others but is allowed to stay and say whatever they like to other members..... so to me the message is U can say things about other members and call them names but U can not talk in any sexual way in the chat.... if there are rules posted then the rules need to be across the board then... a friend was booted out of the chat last nite and i stood up for them... they were not the only in the room that was talking inappropriately... i pointed it out to PP1 and if they are going to kick then they need to kick over half the room.... eviddently PP1 was hiding in the room under a regualr user name..... the mods do not like to come in as a PP these days i think due to gettin hit up with so many ?'s..... its a dictatorship and what is allowed at the site is based on which mod is on duty... i have started to speakup against how things are run there..... i guess since P is hot right now they don't want anything that may look like a unhappy member to be posted on the site..... i have always been a huge supporter of the club..... but with success i guess comes the loss of the ones that care and have been there..... when P is out of the spotlite i am sure thigs will calm down... but how many loyal members will be stepped on in the process???
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Reply #9 posted 04/28/04 8:50am



This is such a bummer KD hug

Beyond the favoritism crap and purple zombies at the club, which has been plagued with both since day one, for me, the most serious offense is giving out private account info by a mod in open chat. When has that ever been acceptable?

Bad form, I say.

I do stop in to the NPGMC chat occasionally, but keep my time at the site to a minimum for basically the reasons listed in your original post.

Ticket info, news and the occasional chat. For me, any more than that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Come play at the .org KD. You know we lubs you! giggle It would be a sad day if you stopped coming around. hug
I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #10 posted 04/28/04 9:20am


Under what circumstance did one of the PPs start giving out your personal information in chat? That sounds really bizarre.
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Reply #11 posted 04/28/04 9:33am


Something is really wrong when they let Oceana have her way and delete others. And stating personal information by an administrator is the be all to end all. Totally unprofessional as per usual. Trife.
Oh my, oh my.
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Reply #12 posted 04/28/04 9:49am


Anxiety said:

Under what circumstance did one of the PPs start giving out your personal information in chat? That sounds really bizarre.

i had a backup member name that i used very rarely to hide from the evil one lol..... i gave it to a friend..... they got banned from the room..... so i then purchased the same name again in all caps..... and gave it to my friend again to use..... it is not their place to devulge private account information to other members in a chat room or anywhere else..... if they had a issue then they should of discussed it with me in pm and not n the room... instead i guess they felt threatended to be confronted with the truth cause when PP1 said that the account belonged to me in the room i told em they were wrong for saying that and if they banned that name again i will get more.... i told PP1 it was for a friend... i don't think they like to be told things... oh well...
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Reply #13 posted 04/28/04 9:50am


SENSHY said:

Something is really wrong when they let Oceana have her way and delete others. And stating personal information by an administrator is the be all to end all. Totally unprofessional as per usual. Trife.

that is what happens when u brown nose and claim U are gonna become a JW..
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Reply #14 posted 04/28/04 10:09am


kdowney said:

SENSHY said:

Something is really wrong when they let Oceana have her way and delete others. And stating personal information by an administrator is the be all to end all. Totally unprofessional as per usual. Trife.

that is what happens when u brown nose and claim U are gonna become a JW..

The brown nosers gain much favor (but then again that happens anywhere). I wonder how they sleep at night because I know for a fact that many of the brown nosers have major concerns about the club and how it functions but would never state them publicly: they'd lose favor, and they don't want that.
Oh my, oh my.
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Reply #15 posted 04/28/04 11:19am


kdowney said:

that is what happens when u brown nose and claim U are gonna become a JW..


Speaking of the JW 'converts' over there, while I rarely go into chat these days, when I have gone I have noticed the glaring lack of the most hardcore faMs who suddenly decided to become JWs (or at least got very very religious suddenly). The ones I am thinking of I won't mention by name but back when the club first opened and for quite some time after, practically LIVED in the chatroom. Suddenly, now, they aren't there.

What I am getting to is that I'd heard rumors that a select few members (the suddenly very "religious" and the "I want to be a JW!"...) now go to *another* chatroom on the site, just for them. Has anyone else heard this? What a great way to run a fan site.

I am like Nothinbutjoy. I barely ever go to the site anymore because it has become so devisive and hypocritical and full of phonies and buttkissers that all it does is ruin the whole Prince experience for me, so I stay at arm's length now.

I am sorry kdowney for what happened to you there in chat. It's shitty and UNFAIR and the mod had NO RIGHT to divulge your personal account info. They should have never treated you in such a way. I hope things work out.
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Reply #16 posted 04/28/04 11:24am


SENSHY said:

Something is really wrong when they let Oceana have her way and delete others.

Yeah what's the deal with that pycho anyway? She has the most offensive mouth and has proven so both here and at NPGMC, in both chat and on the boards and for awhile, IIRC, she seemed anti-JW in many of her posts, opinions, etc. I know she got banned and deleted quite a few times in the beginning of the club for being so offensive and rude to other members. Then one day I stop by the club and see posts from her all over the place talking about how she wants to become a JW all over the boards. I was confused at first. what a phony.
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Reply #17 posted 04/28/04 11:45am



kdowney said:

So this is how it is now…….. no one is allowed to speak their mind and point out what is considered a dictatorship…….. the club is suppose to be a “G” site but there are user names not appropriate and threads that are not appropriate….. there are members that are allowed to slander and attack in the chat and allowed to stay even when been reported with proof of what has been said…….. I have been a supporter of this site and what P has been doing….. tonite I was kicked out the chat for speaking my mind on a issue that has been brewing and is well known how some are allowed to run free at the club…… on top of getting the purple boot private account information was told in the chat by a mod…. So U tell me is that the appropriate conduct of a representative of the club???? I think P needs to see what is becoming of this world he has created and if he wants truth then it needs to the truth for all not just those that feel they are god……

so with that i say bye to the members at the club.....

may U live to find the truth.....

Kd..sweetie I'm very sorry 2 hear this has happened to U....U hang in there kid neutral
June 19's Pop Culture Commentary - Beyonce'
- "Besides as much as I love her...she's still a 2 piece, biscuit, hot pepper and strawberry soda away from blowin up... So yes...she's a plain jane like the rest of us..."
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Reply #18 posted 04/28/04 12:37pm


Kd this is so wrong, and they should NOT have gave private information out to ppl, hug What i dont understand is why they didnt have a private conversation with you on the subject confuse

According to there Privacy Policy at the join up page that:
All membership info and membership quantity info is confidential and is kept private.

There are many members with duplicate accounts and mess around, I just don’t understand how many get away with things and others don’t, they should set up guide rules and dish them out equally to all.
[This message was edited Wed Apr 28 13:23:32 2004 by katt]
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Reply #19 posted 04/28/04 1:47pm



I'm sure it just depends on what the mods see when they get in there. We've all seen everyone turn from devil's advocate into Mr. Nice Guy in a matter of seconds when a mod steps in. If people keep acting up when the mod shows, they get booted. As for those people who haven't gotten caught yet, I'm sure they will eventually. And when they do, they'll really regret it.
I was there last night and there was no personal information being shared. They just said something like, that person was with you.
open yo mind, the entire universe you'll find
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Reply #20 posted 04/28/04 5:40pm


PrimordialOoze said:

What I am getting to is that I'd heard rumors that a select few members (the suddenly very "religious" and the "I want to be a JW!"...) now go to *another* chatroom on the site, just for them. Has anyone else heard this? What a great way to run a fan site.

If a public person who happens to be deeply religious wants to set aside a private chatroom on their website meant to be a "safe space" for fans of the same faith, then I say go for it. What we tend to forget all too often is that websites such as NPGMC and the Org are not public domain but privately owned, and if Prince decided tomorrow that NPGMC was to become a site about poo dollies, then guess what - NPGMC is now a site about dolls made out of poo.

I guess what I'm saying is we're not "entitled" to as much as we often think we are, when we're dealing with a site that is owned by someone else.

Having said that, here's what I *do* have an issue with - if indeed there *IS* a private chatroom for JW fans to talk God with Brother Purplepants, these club members need to be respectful of the focus of the room and not treat it as "the special people's clubhouse". I think it's disconcerting to hold one's religion over someone else's head as being the express track to "special perks" - somehow, I don't think that's what the Almighty Jehovah had in mind...

...not to mention the whole blurring of religion and idol worship veers into some awfully contradictory territory.

Part of the blame goes to those club members who don't have the maturity to respect such a safe space, and who can't see past Prince's celebrity to recognize an ostensibly sincere desire to discuss his religion with likeminded members of the site he owns.

Part of the blame goes to the people who run the site (and perhaps even Prince himself, though who knows how involved he is in NPGMC these days) for enabling and allowing such elitism to run rampant through a site that allegedly is devoted to "unity" and "love4oneanother".

But I guess every establishment of organized religion needs its contingent of holier-than-thous in order to be worth its weight in precious piety, and so the online land of purple praise must just be following suit...sigh
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Reply #21 posted 04/28/04 7:03pm


Anxiety said:

PrimordialOoze said:

What I am getting to is that I'd heard rumors that a select few members (the suddenly very "religious" and the "I want to be a JW!"...) now go to *another* chatroom on the site, just for them. Has anyone else heard this? What a great way to run a fan site.

If a public person who happens to be deeply religious wants to set aside a private chatroom on their website meant to be a "safe space" for fans of the same faith, then I say go for it. What we tend to forget all too often is that websites such as NPGMC and the Org are not public domain but privately owned, and if Prince decided tomorrow that NPGMC was to become a site about poo dollies, then guess what - NPGMC is now a site about dolls made out of poo.

I guess what I'm saying is we're not "entitled" to as much as we often think we are, when we're dealing with a site that is owned by someone else.

Having said that, here's what I *do* have an issue with - if indeed there *IS* a private chatroom for JW fans to talk God with Brother Purplepants, these club members need to be respectful of the focus of the room and not treat it as "the special people's clubhouse". I think it's disconcerting to hold one's religion over someone else's head as being the express track to "special perks" - somehow, I don't think that's what the Almighty Jehovah had in mind...

...not to mention the whole blurring of religion and idol worship veers into some awfully contradictory territory.

Part of the blame goes to those club members who don't have the maturity to respect such a safe space, and who can't see past Prince's celebrity to recognize an ostensibly sincere desire to discuss his religion with likeminded members of the site he owns.

Part of the blame goes to the people who run the site (and perhaps even Prince himself, though who knows how involved he is in NPGMC these days) for enabling and allowing such elitism to run rampant through a site that allegedly is devoted to "unity" and "love4oneanother".

But I guess every establishment of organized religion needs its contingent of holier-than-thous in order to be worth its weight in precious piety, and so the online land of purple praise must just be following suit...sigh

Your post was excellent and I do agree with you.

I wrote a long post in response but I'm not as eloquent as you so I'll instead just leave it at that it's mostly just the hypocrisy and elitism that bother me about aspects of the club, both in particular members and in the NPGMC as a whole.

If there is a private chatroom set up just for selected members to go to to discuss religion or the JW religion in specific, I don't have a problem with that per se. It just that it seems like some folks are just giving lip service when it works to their advantage just so they can get into the PP 'inner circle', and that bugs me. neutral Not that there's anything that can be done really. It's the way of the world, I guess.

I don't have an issue with the sincere people wanting a place to meet on the NPGMC to discuss their common religion or beliefs. It's the posers and the Prince worshippers who then turn around and try to act superior that upset me to the point where I don't even like going to the NPGMC boards or chatroom anymore.

I don't know how well I expressed my thoughts but I do knwo that I think all you said in your post was right on the money.
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Reply #22 posted 04/28/04 7:42pm


katt said:

Kd this is so wrong, and they should NOT have gave private information out to ppl, hug What i dont understand is why they didnt have a private conversation with you on the subject confuse

According to there Privacy Policy at the join up page that:
All membership info and membership quantity info is confidential and is kept private.


virtual kisses
Amy xx
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Reply #23 posted 04/29/04 6:14am



You already know how I feel about this KD..hug

Stay in here with us...we all heart ya here...nod

sun shine & brite rose 's to you....always
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Reply #24 posted 04/29/04 8:51am


pippet said:

You already know how I feel about this KD..hug

Stay in here with us...we all heart ya here...nod

sun shine & brite rose 's to you....always

awwww ty pip U have been a sweetie and i have met some really cool peeps here... i enjoyed both sites and the peeps... that is the reason i joined.... i have been here for a while and i am not goin anywhere unless i get voted off wink

thanks for the support hug
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Reply #25 posted 04/29/04 2:32pm


Anxiety said:

PrimordialOoze said:

What I am getting to is that I'd heard rumors that a select few members (the suddenly very "religious" and the "I want to be a JW!"...) now go to *another* chatroom on the site, just for them. Has anyone else heard this? What a great way to run a fan site.

If a public person who happens to be deeply religious wants to set aside a private chatroom on their website meant to be a "safe space" for fans of the same faith, then I say go for it. What we tend to forget all too often is that websites such as NPGMC and the Org are not public domain but privately owned, and if Prince decided tomorrow that NPGMC was to become a site about poo dollies, then guess what - NPGMC is now a site about dolls made out of poo.

I guess what I'm saying is we're not "entitled" to as much as we often think we are, when we're dealing with a site that is owned by someone else.

Having said that, here's what I *do* have an issue with - if indeed there *IS* a private chatroom for JW fans to talk God with Brother Purplepants, these club members need to be respectful of the focus of the room and not treat it as "the special people's clubhouse". I think it's disconcerting to hold one's religion over someone else's head as being the express track to "special perks" - somehow, I don't think that's what the Almighty Jehovah had in mind...

...not to mention the whole blurring of religion and idol worship veers into some awfully contradictory territory.

Part of the blame goes to those club members who don't have the maturity to respect such a safe space, and who can't see past Prince's celebrity to recognize an ostensibly sincere desire to discuss his religion with likeminded members of the site he owns.

Part of the blame goes to the people who run the site (and perhaps even Prince himself, though who knows how involved he is in NPGMC these days) for enabling and allowing such elitism to run rampant through a site that allegedly is devoted to "unity" and "love4oneanother".

But I guess every establishment of organized religion needs its contingent of holier-than-thous in order to be worth its weight in precious piety, and so the online land of purple praise must just be following suit...sigh

I must admit I have herd these rumours and i have actually spoken to people who say it is true as they are the invited ones. At the time when i was told i personally did not believe what they where saying and now i hope its just all silly gossip. I wish people would stop telling me things i only listen because off politeness, i am truly not interested in prince’s private life i just enjoy his music.

The bible teachings are not to be made into a cult like society that only a selected few to join in, if this is going on, then shame on them this totally goes against the bibles principles our creator’s and beloved sons teachings. shake

Have two rooms if they please, one for those who wish to partake in the bibles teachings and one for those who do not wish to. People should be given the opportunity to choose. We where all born equal not one off us is to be placed higher than another, but I must admit many believe they are. Remember this is a fee paying websites and all members should be treated equal.
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Reply #26 posted 04/29/04 7:01pm


I've even heard rumors that Prince has recorded hymns that are only for the ears of those in his religious "special circle". I think this is bunk, because if these songs were so private, why would people go blabbing about 'em on a message board? Whether this whole concept of a "special JW club" is real or fabrication, it makes a mockery of the true message of the faith and only serves to alienate.

what can ya do? sigh
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Reply #27 posted 04/29/04 8:44pm


hey kdowney...

AsIAm is still recovering from all ass kicking he got over there... Its all good though... AsIAm is STRONGER from all beatings
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Reply #28 posted 04/30/04 4:38am


[Edited 10/19/07 16:51pm]
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Reply #29 posted 04/30/04 4:39am


ElectricPurple said:

hey kdowney...

AsIAm is still recovering from all ass kicking he got over there... Its all good though... AsIAm is STRONGER from all beatings

dreamfirstborn hug kiss2 stop being a stranger cry
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