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Thread started 05/07/04 10:05pm



So we're paying them to be their test marketing group?

PeePee9 said (at


Complaints that u want more music are certainly understandable. And those in customer support would much rather hear that than some of the other issues Bottom line is, if this store goes well, we can definitely expect more good things 2 come.

This store also gives us an opportunity 2 track sales of potential future CD projects. If buyers respond strongly 2 one particular release, then it can become a strong candidate 4 wider release. This new delivery method allows us 2 sell Prince's music 2 the world and find out right away if we have something big on our hands.

So we're paying them to be their focus group?

And they're essentially causing us to have to buy 2 copies of potentially every release, because they have no clue what will be a big seller and what won't, boo-hoo-hoo. Motherfuckin' goombahs. Bunch o' Guidos, I swear.

PeePee9, some things never change. Same old song with a different, I guess it's the same anonymous name, but the song remains the same.
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #1 posted 05/07/04 10:40pm


ok, what exactly is so horrible about this?
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Reply #2 posted 05/08/04 12:07am


The only thing that I have an issue with regarding this statement is that the club considers requests for more music to be "complaints" - everything's a complaint over there unless you're offering a freshly gutted lamb to the alter of the paisley love god. (soy lamb of course - you can do wonders with tempeh if you want to craft realistic looking meatless entrails, by the way)

I see nothing wrong with gauging future musicology downloads from results of what's already available - makes enough sense to me - but if I go to a music club and say I'd like more music, that "complaining"?

I fear that word has a BROAD definition in some parts. sigh
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Reply #3 posted 05/08/04 2:21am



Well, my "complaint" is that the club could show that they genuinely care about the faithful fans by throwing us a fucking downloads of the original sequence of The Dream Factory, shit like that....

If they're simply doing it online because it's cheaper for them and they can test the waters to see which releases sell better....well, that's assy. If you ask me.

And why is it okay to call out band members (or Prince, for that matter) by name, but when I mention the name of one of the PeePees I get censored?
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #4 posted 05/08/04 6:26am



"complaints" about wanting more music???? RFLMAO!!!!! falloff
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Reply #5 posted 05/08/04 9:58am


theblueangel said:

And why is it okay to call out band members (or Prince, for that matter) by name, but when I mention the name of one of the PeePees I get censored?

Because there's no way of proving what names are behind the PeePees, and NPGMC has set it up in such a way that the people behind the PeePees remain anonymous. That's how they choose to conduct their moderation, and I think it's important on several levels to recognize that.
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Reply #6 posted 05/08/04 10:23am


theblueangel said:

Well, my "complaint" is that the club could show that they genuinely care about the faithful fans by throwing us a fucking bone....

For real. He has over 1000 unreleased songs. Why couldn't he give his fans one or two? I really don't understand it.
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Reply #7 posted 05/08/04 1:23pm



Anxiety said:

theblueangel said:

And why is it okay to call out band members (or Prince, for that matter) by name, but when I mention the name of one of the PeePees I get censored?

Because there's no way of proving what names are behind the PeePees, and NPGMC has set it up in such a way that the people behind the PeePees remain anonymous. That's how they choose to conduct their moderation, and I think it's important on several levels to recognize that.

On a side note. Why is Prince so chicken shit about talking directly to his fans? Check out the Kiss web site, Paul answers fans emails directly, both the nice and the not so nice ones. Billy Corgan has been chatting on message boards for years. How confident can someone be in their words if they're too scared to be held accountable for them?? Step away from the green curtain Prince...
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Reply #8 posted 05/08/04 2:54pm


Tom said:

Anxiety said:

Because there's no way of proving what names are behind the PeePees, and NPGMC has set it up in such a way that the people behind the PeePees remain anonymous. That's how they choose to conduct their moderation, and I think it's important on several levels to recognize that.

On a side note. Why is Prince so chicken shit about talking directly to his fans? Check out the Kiss web site, Paul answers fans emails directly, both the nice and the not so nice ones. Billy Corgan has been chatting on message boards for years. How confident can someone be in their words if they're too scared to be held accountable for them?? Step away from the green curtain Prince...

I dont think Prince is scared per se' but probably thinks he is above all that....speaking directly to his fans. Plus if he did start doing that...that joint would go buck wild.

In my opinion only
Oh my, oh my.
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Reply #9 posted 05/09/04 1:37am


I would Never say Prince Thinks he's Above all that! No, Prince is Creating Music and Touring. He hires people who have more time to devote directly and so he can concentrate on Performing.
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Reply #10 posted 05/09/04 7:09am



Tom said:

Anxiety said:

Because there's no way of proving what names are behind the PeePees, and NPGMC has set it up in such a way that the people behind the PeePees remain anonymous. That's how they choose to conduct their moderation, and I think it's important on several levels to recognize that.

On a side note. Why is Prince so chicken shit about talking directly to his fans? Check out the Kiss web site, Paul answers fans emails directly, both the nice and the not so nice ones. Billy Corgan has been chatting on message boards for years. How confident can someone be in their words if they're too scared to be held accountable for them?? Step away from the green curtain Prince...

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Reply #11 posted 05/09/04 9:28am



DiamondGirl said:

theblueangel said:

Well, my "complaint" is that the club could show that they genuinely care about the faithful fans by throwing us a fucking bone....

For real. He has over 1000 unreleased songs. Why couldn't he give his fans one or two? I really don't understand it.

Well now, let's phrase it correctly -- no one is asking the club to "give" us anything. Put the stuff up for sale and let us buy it!
Check out The Mountains and the Sea, a Prince podcast by yours truly and my wife. More info at
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Reply #12 posted 05/09/04 9:58am



JC said:

Tom said:

On a side note. Why is Prince so chicken shit about talking directly to his fans? Check out the Kiss web site, Paul answers fans emails directly, both the nice and the not so nice ones. Billy Corgan has been chatting on message boards for years. How confident can someone be in their words if they're too scared to be held accountable for them?? Step away from the green curtain Prince...


you rock!!!
Space for sale...
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Reply #13 posted 05/09/04 12:56pm



Doozer said:

DiamondGirl said:

For real. He has over 1000 unreleased songs. Why couldn't he give his fans one or two? I really don't understand it.

Well now, let's phrase it correctly -- no one is asking the club to "give" us anything. Put the stuff up for sale and let us buy it!

ditto. In fact, everything went really smooth with my first purchases from the club through musicology. It was way better than waiting for nearly a year for the CD to be shipped to me. The DRM is nothing more than a speedbump to deter trading, which is a fair tradeoff to me for the added convenience I got from purchasing the WMA files. Fill up the store with music and I'll be happy to buy the songs I like.
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Reply #14 posted 05/10/04 12:46pm



don't they see how excited the fans get when they have the option to buy new songs? its not a complaint...its a fucking compliment! geez, those zombies need to get a clue. they could just call the place a 'fan club'. that's what it is. the music that is available is great and, honestly, it is more than what a lot of fan sites have to offer but that shouldn't be consideredd a 'benefit'. the place is called 'new power generation music club...they gots to realize that shit.
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Reply #15 posted 05/10/04 2:34pm


theblueangel said:

Well, my "complaint" is that the club could show that they genuinely care about the faithful fans by throwing us a fucking downloads of the original sequence of The Dream Factory, shit like that....

If they're simply doing it online because it's cheaper for them and they can test the waters to see which releases sell better....well, that's assy. If you ask me.

And why is it okay to call out band members (or Prince, for that matter) by name, but when I mention the name of one of the PeePees I get censored?

Oh, well I guess. I mean, I could care less about any kind of "test marketing". If something was a huge hit at the download store they'd be crazy not to think about selling it to a wider audience in retail stores.

As far as the club releasing more music to the fans, that just sounds like this weeks "Prince should open the vault and sell us all those songs....". Sure, ok.
It's pretty early in this incarnation of the NPGMC, so since they said that there would be more good thngs to come if the store goes well, I'll just reserve my judgment until later (Frankly, I'm still digesting all the music that was made available so far this year).

[This message was edited Mon May 10 14:38:08 2004 by Universaluv]
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Reply #16 posted 05/10/04 7:26pm


Universaluv said:

Oh, well I guess. I mean, I could care less about any kind of "test marketing". If something was a huge hit at the download store they'd be crazy not to think about selling it to a wider audience in retail stores.

basically... confused
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Reply #17 posted 05/11/04 7:31am


SENSHY said:

Tom said:

On a side note. Why is Prince so chicken shit about talking directly to his fans? Check out the Kiss web site, Paul answers fans emails directly, both the nice and the not so nice ones. Billy Corgan has been chatting on message boards for years. How confident can someone be in their words if they're too scared to be held accountable for them?? Step away from the green curtain Prince...

I dont think Prince is scared per se' but probably thinks he is above all that....speaking directly to his fans. Plus if he did start doing that...that joint would go buck wild.

In my opinion only

That... and if I were him I wouldnt talk to some of these batches either. neutral
"That...magic, the start of something revolutionary-the Minneapolis Sound, we should cherish it and not punish prince for not being able to replicate it."-Dreamshaman32
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Reply #18 posted 05/11/04 8:15am


NuPwrSoul said:

SENSHY said:

I dont think Prince is scared per se' but probably thinks he is above all that....speaking directly to his fans. Plus if he did start doing that...that joint would go buck wild.

In my opinion only

That... and if I were him I wouldnt talk to some of these batches either. neutral

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Reply #19 posted 05/11/04 8:28am


DiamondGirl said:[quote]

theblueangel said:

He has over 1000 unreleased songs. Why couldn't he give his fans one or two?
I really don't understand it.

He did.
Magnificent & The Dance.
These are two songs that have recently been offered on NPGMC.
So what don't you understand??
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Reply #20 posted 05/11/04 8:50am


i think they got to many pots cookin on the stove over there and they are trying to catch their tails.... U know how fast the man can change his mind about somethin... example chocolate invasion.....i was willing to pay for the set since i did not get the music as a member ..... there are many others at the club that are were willing to do it as well..... but he got mad and pulled it..... so like anyone else gotta get it where U can... can't support the man if he is not gonna make it available to those willing to pay for it.....
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Reply #21 posted 05/11/04 9:22am


kdowney said:

U know how fast the man can change his mind about somethin... example chocolate invasion.....i was willing to pay for the set since i did not get the music as a member ..... but he got mad and pulled it.

Prince got mad & cancelled the release of The Chocolate Invasion????
Did you just dream up this "fact" or do you just believe everything you read???
No official statement was made on why TCI got cancelled.
Get your "facts" straight.
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Reply #22 posted 05/11/04 9:55am


i don't think he "got mad" - i just think he had a short-term-attention-span moment and switched gears to some other project. looking at the way his year's going, it seems that he made the right choice, too.
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Reply #23 posted 05/11/04 12:18pm


thedoorkeeper said:

kdowney said:

U know how fast the man can change his mind about somethin... example chocolate invasion.....i was willing to pay for the set since i did not get the music as a member ..... but he got mad and pulled it.

Prince got mad & cancelled the release of The Chocolate Invasion????
Did you just dream up this "fact" or do you just believe everything you read???
No official statement was made on why TCI got cancelled.
Get your "facts" straight.

did i say it was a fact??? and how do U know any different??
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Reply #24 posted 05/11/04 12:35pm


kdowney said:

thedoorkeeper said:

Prince got mad & cancelled the release of The Chocolate Invasion????
Did you just dream up this "fact" or do you just believe everything you read???
No official statement was made on why TCI got cancelled.
Get your "facts" straight.

did i say it was a fact??? and how do U know any different??

Well, you do state it like it was a fact... "but he got mad and pulled it..."
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Reply #25 posted 05/11/04 1:35pm



Universaluv said:

theblueangel said:

Well, my "complaint" is that the club could show that they genuinely care about the faithful fans by throwing us a fucking downloads of the original sequence of The Dream Factory, shit like that....

If they're simply doing it online because it's cheaper for them and they can test the waters to see which releases sell better....well, that's assy. If you ask me.

And why is it okay to call out band members (or Prince, for that matter) by name, but when I mention the name of one of the PeePees I get censored?

Oh, well I guess. I mean, I could care less about any kind of "test marketing". If something was a huge hit at the download store they'd be crazy not to think about selling it to a wider audience in retail stores.

As far as the club releasing more music to the fans, that just sounds like this weeks "Prince should open the vault and sell us all those songs....". Sure, ok.
It's pretty early in this incarnation of the NPGMC, so since they said that there would be more good thngs to come if the store goes well, I'll just reserve my judgment until later (Frankly, I'm still digesting all the music that was made available so far this year).

[This message was edited Mon May 10 14:38:08 2004 by Universaluv]

I am sort of in the middle...I am still digesting what has been made available, but do want more.

I can totally see the point of testing the waters. He's been doing just that since the start of the internet. I think he's closer to the desired model he wants. I don't think they are paying us to be a focus group...but when you have a business you need to be a little cautious as to what you are selling. Gauging what people want vs what would sell vs what he wants to give us is probably a tricky balance. I think we are all of the understanding that P could break the bank if he cracked the vault a bit. There are probaly very good reasons why he has held off.

But let's face a few facts...Online music distribution is still in it's infancy, Itunes is probably the only successful model out there. Prince is not simply going to open the vault. He's very controlling and kind of mysterious in his decisions. But I am sure he has an ever evolving plan for the future releases. And Prince is touring right now. Does anyone actually think he has time to make these kind of decisions...or even answer emails form fans. The boy is VERY busy...probably beyond any of our comprehension.

Regarding the answering fan mail. ALways a daunting task. I commend thase that actually ca do this. I could not even imagine the amount of email he'd get if he did this. And the kinds of questions that would be asked... I personally think he's quite private...about his life, those he interacts with and his music. He does this on purpose. The mystery is part of the persona. I also don't think he'd answer them to satisfaction. And I for one would not want to be the recient of all our questions! We're FREEKS (in a good way) and it shows in what we discuss and how we discuss it. And then there are some of us that go beyond obsessed.

Christian Zombie Vampires

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Reply #26 posted 05/11/04 2:17pm


NuPwrSoul said:

SENSHY said:

I dont think Prince is scared per se' but probably thinks he is above all that....speaking directly to his fans. Plus if he did start doing that...that joint would go buck wild.

In my opinion only

That... and if I were him I wouldnt talk to some of these batches either. neutral
Batches! lol

I actually believe Prince has had some communication with us on the boards over there, but Prince ain't gonna say he's Prince, ya know?
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Reply #27 posted 05/15/04 8:29am



theblueangel said:

PeePee9 said (at


Complaints that u want more music are certainly understandable. And those in customer support would much rather hear that than some of the other issues Bottom line is, if this store goes well, we can definitely expect more good things 2 come.

This store also gives us an opportunity 2 track sales of potential future CD projects. If buyers respond strongly 2 one particular release, then it can become a strong candidate 4 wider release. This new delivery method allows us 2 sell Prince's music 2 the world and find out right away if we have something big on our hands.

So we're paying them to be their focus group?

And they're essentially causing us to have to buy 2 copies of potentially every release, because they have no clue what will be a big seller and what won't, boo-hoo-hoo. Motherfuckin' goombahs. Bunch o' Guidos, I swear.

PeePee9, some things never change. Same old song with a different, I guess it's the same anonymous name, but the song remains the same.

I agree completely. It really pisses me off that Prince is now releasing some music exclusively as downloads. He must know that if he released those songs on cd that nearly everyone who bought the download would also buy the cd. Plus, I'm sure that he would include extra tracks on the cd so people "have" to buy it. Prince has said many times that's he's all about music. Bullshit! He is just as interested in the money as WB was or any other "evil" corporation. That is not a bad thing. But what I have a problem with is him expecting us to buy the same thing more than once. I think what he needs is a liason between himself and his fans because I think it's obvious that he has no clue what we want from him. I for one would be ecstatic if all of the non music merchandise on NPGMC was replaced with music. Honestly, who wastes their money on all of that crap? Obviously he is very eccentric. He does things how he wants to. He always has and I'm sure he always will. But I, for one, find it very maddening. We all want more music (live and studio outtakes). For years he has been trying to shut down the bootleggers. Why does he think they are so popular? It is completely in his power to make all bootleggers a thing of the past. But he chooses not to. He and the club should not be surprised that we are disappointed with the lack of music we are receiving.
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Reply #28 posted 05/15/04 5:13pm



Universaluv said:

Frankly, I'm still digesting all the music that was made available so far this year.

Hey, that's cool. I guess my musical metabolism's fast as a motherfucker. wink
[This message was edited Sun May 16 7:14:44 2004 by theblueangel]
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #29 posted 05/15/04 11:13pm


Universaluv said:

(Frankly, I'm still digesting all the music that was made available so far this year).

You mean that re-release material that we've already had for 3/4 years now?
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