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Reply #60 posted 05/03/04 6:41am


My question about the recording is, was it recorded and shared with P's blessing? It would kinda stink for him to think that he can't even sing at church without someone bootleggin' him.
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Reply #61 posted 05/03/04 6:45am


Anxiety said:

My question about the recording is, was it recorded and shared with P's blessing? It would kinda stink for him to think that he can't even sing at church without someone bootleggin' him.

Ain't it the truth!'s everybody doing? smile
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Reply #62 posted 05/03/04 8:21am


SensualMelody said:
I do not know ALL Katt, but the little I know...I do know.
U don't have to check with any lawyers to find out if our music is copyrighted.
The Lord's prayer did not originate with of course it is not private property.
But look inside your songbook and you will see:
Copyright, 1984, by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennslyvania.

It was three my time in the morning, I did check when i woke, also clarified this with someone that knows and this is true. I am one for protecting myself anyway i get legal advice for free lol

SensualMelody said:
Also, dear sister, I call no one a liar. People said they heard "rumors". None of the
posters said they knew anything for a I supplied the facts.
Why do people get upset when someone supplies information?
It does not mean I think I know everything...but everybody knows something.
I just happen to know the 2 things I mentioned.
I mean no disrespect to you either, as I love you dearly.
And I also have the "song" on my computer....along with a few I sang myself.
When friends tell you it's for you only, they are trying to protect everyone involved from what could become a pure mess...if that song shows up for sale on ebay...and U know that could happen.
Someone shared it with you, no doubt to encourage you...that our brother played one of our favorite Kingdom Melodies. I know it encouraged me. But it's a Kingdom song...not a commercial endeavor.

As to what was sent, i for one have not distributed what i received, as i said above, i placed the material in my recycle bin. I personally do not wish to be invited into someone’s life unless i have a personal invite by the person concerned and even then i do not wish to feel like i am intruding this is why i voiced my concerns at the time.

Questions that i still have and no doubt by the concerned party's
1: Why these people distributing material that was obviously meant to be private
2: How did it come into there hands.
2: As Anxiety said, is prince aware off what is going on and did he give his blessing.

How can anyone trust another these days? sad

I personally do not get upset when someone comes forth with information. Normally i say nothing what people tell me and let in go in one ear and out the other. As my mother would have said: you will hear it from the horses mouth if your meant to. (she did have some weird sayings giggle )

What has been written on this thread just skirt’s around the goings on.
If the people concerned new exactly what some have been saying and spreading around they would be concerned to. (some off what i have been told i pray never comes out boxed )

Much love 2 u sensual hug


[This message was edited Mon May 3 12:34:32 2004 by katt]
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Reply #63 posted 05/03/04 9:21am


Katt said

Questions that i still have and no doubt by the concerned party's
1: Why these people distributing material that was obviously meant to be private
2: How did it come into there hands.
2: As Anxiety said, is prince aware off what is going on and did he give his blessing.

Good questions. smile's everybody doing? smile
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Reply #64 posted 05/03/04 9:25am


Katt said

What has been written on this thread just skirt’s around the goings on.
If the people concerned new exactly what some have been saying and spreading around they would be concerned to. (some off what i have been told i pray never comes out )

Much love 2 u sensual


I hope I NEVER hear what they have been saying! shake

much love to you also... hug's everybody doing? smile
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Reply #65 posted 05/03/04 11:29am


I really have no investment in knowing the lowdown in regards to gossip from the Church of the Online Paisley Kingdom Hall. I really hope that his "bricks and mortar" church has a hand in moderating whatever private worship facilities he has online, and that the greater congregation is influencing the amount of scrutiny and respect that funnels in and out of such a cyber shrine, if indeed it does exist and thrive online.

What *does* bother me is the idea of feeling like a "second class fan" because, even though I've followed the man's work faithfully for the greater part of my life, I refuse to take it the supposed whole nine yards and worship as he worships. That's when it just gets creepy and delusional, and cuts into the fun of loving the music and the style of the man as an artist.

If I decide to convert to another religion, it's gonna be *MY* choice, and not because it'll get me an exclusive purple decoder ring.
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Reply #66 posted 05/03/04 12:28pm


No one should feel "second class" because of P's religion.
People made such a big deal of it when they heard he was studying with the JWs...and predicted all kinds of things would happen as a result.
Visiting the forums will certainly reveal that except for the "knowledge"'s just mosltly the same fan talk, concerts, merchandise, music, etc.
The knowledge forum is more about politics and religion...just like the P&R forum here.
and...just as JWs are discussed here, it's the same there.
I do believe people may hold back just a little because of the site owner...but we still get accused of being brainwashed....and people still post sections of !906 and 1902 articles to discredit the faith. Contrary to what may be thought, there is no mass flow to the Kingdom Halls. People might wanna get with Prince, or dress like Prince...but not many wanna be a Bible toting preacher like Prince. lol's everybody doing? smile
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Reply #67 posted 05/03/04 1:08pm


Anxiety said:

I really have no investment in knowing the lowdown in regards to gossip from the Church of the Online Paisley Kingdom Hall. I really hope that his "bricks and mortar" church has a hand in moderating whatever private worship facilities he has online, and that the greater congregation is influencing the amount of scrutiny and respect that funnels in and out of such a cyber shrine, if indeed it does exist and thrive online.

What *does* bother me is the idea of feeling like a "second class fan" because, even though I've followed the man's work faithfully for the greater part of my life, I refuse to take it the supposed whole nine yards and worship as he worships. That's when it just gets creepy and delusional, and cuts into the fun of loving the music and the style of the man as an artist.
If I decide to convert to another religion, it's gonna be *MY* choice, and not because it'll get me an exclusive purple decoder ring.

I agree with you anxiety, we all visit the online communities because the love for one mans music, as long as everyone gets treated fairly and equally that’s all i care about. I have no need to know personal info and neither does anyone else. Let the man do his job and we sit back and enjoy his music

I do believe when people moderate they have to sit on the fence and see the whole picture before they intervene, they may know the people but you have to separate your feelings towards them and use the same moderating rules for all, if you don’t do this; this causes friction, ill-will and the problems escalate. I hope they resolve this problem as its very sad to see people who get kicked for something they said when others have said a lot worse.

I do hope things will improve only time will tell….


[This message was edited Mon May 3 15:51:03 2004 by katt]
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Reply #68 posted 05/03/04 5:34pm


Anxiety said:

What *does* bother me is the idea of feeling like a "second class fan" because, even though I've followed the man's work faithfully for the greater part of my life, I refuse to take it the supposed whole nine yards and worship as he worships. That's when it just gets creepy and delusional, and cuts into the fun of loving the music and the style of the man as an artist.

If I decide to convert to another religion, it's gonna be *MY* choice, and not because it'll get me an exclusive purple decoder ring.

i agree..... U know me and how i am Anx... those that have been to the club chat know me there and how i treat all there..... i have felt my concerns and questions go unanswered because i am not a JW regardless of the type of person that i am.... i will never conform to the ways of someone else because that is what they do..... we should be able to make choices but i feel its "my way or the highway" lately..... i waited so many years to finally find so many people that enjoy the man and his music as i do..... and now there seems to be such divsion..... he has brought so many together of all races, sexes , ages and cultures.... but now it seems there is a change in the house and it just does not feel right..... sad
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Reply #69 posted 05/04/04 7:58am



kdowney said:

Anxiety said:

What *does* bother me is the idea of feeling like a "second class fan" because, even though I've followed the man's work faithfully for the greater part of my life, I refuse to take it the supposed whole nine yards and worship as he worships. That's when it just gets creepy and delusional, and cuts into the fun of loving the music and the style of the man as an artist.

If I decide to convert to another religion, it's gonna be *MY* choice, and not because it'll get me an exclusive purple decoder ring.

i agree..... U know me and how i am Anx... those that have been to the club chat know me there and how i treat all there..... i have felt my concerns and questions go unanswered because i am not a JW regardless of the type of person that i am.... i will never conform to the ways of someone else because that is what they do..... we should be able to make choices but i feel its "my way or the highway" lately..... i waited so many years to finally find so many people that enjoy the man and his music as i do..... and now there seems to be such divsion..... he has brought so many together of all races, sexes , ages and cultures.... but now it seems there is a change in the house and it just does not feel right..... sad

It has felt like that for a long time, you just always gave things the benefit of the doubt. hug
I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #70 posted 05/05/04 12:23pm


Anxiety said:

I really have no investment in knowing the lowdown in regards to gossip from the Church of the Online Paisley Kingdom Hall. I really hope that his "bricks and mortar" church has a hand in moderating whatever private worship facilities he has online, and that the greater congregation is influencing the amount of scrutiny and respect that funnels in and out of such a cyber shrine, if indeed it does exist and thrive online.

What *does* bother me is the idea of feeling like a "second class fan" because, even though I've followed the man's work faithfully for the greater part of my life, I refuse to take it the supposed whole nine yards and worship as he worships. That's when it just gets creepy and delusional, and cuts into the fun of loving the music and the style of the man as an artist.

If I decide to convert to another religion, it's gonna be *MY* choice, and not because it'll get me an exclusive purple decoder ring.

Exactly. What is this bullshit?! I've been a Prince fan for over 20 years, but I don't live my life on my computer. It seems to me more and more that these so-called "real fans" are only more real because they have more time to waste posting on the forums or chatting. This is a stupid rationalization. I am very disappointed and hurt by these people on the NPGMC who make it a habit to alienate others. It's just plain sick and sad.
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Reply #71 posted 05/05/04 4:11pm


I've read and re-read this thread and tried to make sense of it, but forgive me because I can't. I hang out at the NPGMC and I've never encountered any of the stuff that is posted on this thread. I'm not a JW and not even Prince as much as I love him, can change that. No one and I mean no one at the club has ever made me feel alienated or less than a fan because of this.

To be perfectly honest the only time I've ever really seen the JW issue brought up is when some non-JW brought it up. The club has nothing to do with Prince's religious beliefs and I do wish people would stop trying to convince others that it does. We all know Prince is a JW, I think that's great, if it makes him happy, and it certainly appears that it does. So let it rest already.

If Prince does something special in his club for JW's, and I don't know that he has or hasn't, it's his damn right to do so!

I've frequented the chatrooms and I don't like them. Not because of religious discussions but because of the childish discussions and temper tantrums that happen all too often in there. Some people feel that since they are in a chatroom and hiding behind their computers they can say anything they want to and about others. Which is what I've seen lead to people "getting kicked".

Perhaps if people would use this rule of thumb they'd have better experiences: Don't say something with a computer that you wouldn't say if the person you're talking to or about was standing in front of you!
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Reply #72 posted 05/06/04 10:11am


[Edited 10/19/07 17:05pm]
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Reply #73 posted 05/06/04 11:47am


katt said:

They had to be constantly reminded that freedom off speech for all not just for one section of society. After all haven’t we all got a right to have freedom to believe in what we wish?

Nice sentiment. But freedom of speech/religion has nothing to do with the NPGMC. Those freedoms just mean that the Government can't restrict your speech or religious beliefs.

NPGMC is a private entity and it can censor your speech however it wants. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be upset though.
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Reply #74 posted 05/06/04 1:22pm


[Edited 10/19/07 17:07pm]
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Reply #75 posted 05/06/04 2:14pm


katt said:

SexyBeautifulOne said:

I've read and re-read this thread and tried to make sense of it, but forgive me because I can't. I hang out at the NPGMC and I've never encountered any of the stuff that is posted on this thread. I'm not a JW and not even Prince as much as I love him, can change that. No one and I mean no one at the club has ever made me feel alienated or less than a fan because of this.

To be perfectly honest the only time I've ever really seen the JW issue brought up is when some non-JW brought it up. The club has nothing to do with Prince's religious beliefs and I do wish people would stop trying to convince others that it does. We all know Prince is a JW, I think that's great, if it makes him happy, and it certainly appears that it does. So let it rest already.

If Prince does something special in his club for JW's, and I don't know that he has or hasn't, it's his damn right to do so!

I've frequented the chatrooms and I don't like them. Not because of religious discussions but because of the childish discussions and temper tantrums that happen all too often in there. Some people feel that since they are in a chatroom and hiding behind their computers they can say anything they want to and about others. Which is what I've seen lead to people "getting kicked".

Perhaps if people would use this rule of thumb they'd have better experiences: Don't say something with a computer that you wouldn't say if the person you're talking to or about was standing in front of you!

When the club first opened and for well over one year (it has only calmed down just before the concerts started) people where kicked from the chat room and forums for bringing up subjects that went against another’s beliefs, they where also banned.

They had weekly bible studies this only ceased to be when the tour happened and now many members feel free to converse on subjects freely, with out the fear of being kicked, banned or chastised.

For example they had weekly bible studies: (this is only one example)
One member asked if they could speak about the Torah this member was chastised by the powers that be, made to feel so small and dismissed to the point of making this member feel so uncomfortable they felt they had no choice but to leave. This member was not disrespectful and is a wonderful polite soul who would not do any harm to anyone. I hold the same beliefs as those that kicked others and i was made to feel uncomfortable. They had to be constantly reminded that freedom off speech for all not just for one section of society. After all haven’t we all got a right to have freedom to believe in what we wish?

No one is criticising prince for being one off Jehovah’s witnesses what they are upset about is that all members not getting treated as equals. Thankfully members are more happy now as they are able to voice there views and opinion on certain subjects.

It maybe his club yet we all subscribe to this with $25. So not to treat all members as the same is shameful, the club is a business people have to remember this, we are there clients so all should be treated equally.

[This message was edited Thu May 6 10:19:24 2004 by katt]

I've been a member since the beginning, and I was witness to why people were getting kicked, and it had nothing to do with disagreeing with anothers beliefs. It was the childish way in which most of those that were kicked choose to show that they disagreed. The name calling, cursing, insults, arguments, and other childish behavior is what got them kicked.

The example you listed really illustrates that. If this person was in a JW bible study, why would he bring up Hebrew scriptures, unless he was trying to cause conflict. Sometimes people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to be assholes!
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Reply #76 posted 05/06/04 3:14pm


katt said:

They maybe able to censor what we say, but they still have to abide by the laws in there lands and this includes allowing those to speak freely as long as they are respectfull and dont disscriminated against another. Why do you think they have so many legal disclaimers at the club if they didn’t, it's because they are legally binded to protect themselves and there clients.

I'm sorry that's just wrong. There is NO law which says that the NPGMC has to allow you to speak freely just because you're being respectful.

That said, Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on religion in public accommodations. There could be an argument that the NPGMC can't discriminate based on the religious views of its members. But frankly, I don't have the time to do the research...

Anyway, good luck.
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Reply #77 posted 05/06/04 3:18pm


[Edited 10/19/07 17:09pm]
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Reply #78 posted 05/06/04 3:34pm


Universaluv said:

katt said:

They maybe able to censor what we say, but they still have to abide by the laws in there lands and this includes allowing those to speak freely as long as they are respectfull and dont disscriminated against another. Why do you think they have so many legal disclaimers at the club if they didn’t, it's because they are legally binded to protect themselves and there clients.

I'm sorry that's just wrong. There is NO law which says that the NPGMC has to allow you to speak freely just because you're being respectful.

That said, Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on religion in public accommodations. There could be an argument that the NPGMC can't discriminate based on the religious views of its members. But frankly, I don't have the time to do the research...

Anyway, good luck.

I am not familiar with USA law but i am with UK law and what i do not know i can soon find out.

I am just one that dislikes seeing good people hurt, i have always been told i care to much and to stop it, maybe they are right, time to step back and just enjoy the music i believe and not get dragged into other peoples drama’s i really got to stop getting attached to people that are online.

hug Universaluv
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Reply #79 posted 05/06/04 4:13pm



SexyBeautifulOne said:

katt said:

When the club first opened and for well over one year (it has only calmed down just before the concerts started) people where kicked from the chat room and forums for bringing up subjects that went against another’s beliefs, they where also banned.

They had weekly bible studies this only ceased to be when the tour happened and now many members feel free to converse on subjects freely, with out the fear of being kicked, banned or chastised.

For example they had weekly bible studies: (this is only one example)
One member asked if they could speak about the Torah this member was chastised by the powers that be, made to feel so small and dismissed to the point of making this member feel so uncomfortable they felt they had no choice but to leave. This member was not disrespectful and is a wonderful polite soul who would not do any harm to anyone. I hold the same beliefs as those that kicked others and i was made to feel uncomfortable. They had to be constantly reminded that freedom off speech for all not just for one section of society. After all haven’t we all got a right to have freedom to believe in what we wish?

No one is criticising prince for being one off Jehovah’s witnesses what they are upset about is that all members not getting treated as equals. Thankfully members are more happy now as they are able to voice there views and opinion on certain subjects.

It maybe his club yet we all subscribe to this with $25. So not to treat all members as the same is shameful, the club is a business people have to remember this, we are there clients so all should be treated equally.

[This message was edited Thu May 6 10:19:24 2004 by katt]

I've been a member since the beginning, and I was witness to why people were getting kicked, and it had nothing to do with disagreeing with anothers beliefs. It was the childish way in which most of those that were kicked choose to show that they disagreed. The name calling, cursing, insults, arguments, and other childish behavior is what got them kicked.

The example you listed really illustrates that. If this person was in a JW bible study, why would he bring up Hebrew scriptures, unless he was trying to cause conflict. Sometimes people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to be assholes!

hmmm. interesting point.

yes, i understand that the context in this specific case is that of a JW discussion group, but applying what you've said about bringing up scriptures that are contrary to an individual's belief to the larger context how, then, do witnesses justify approaching complete strangers and telling said strangers that the JW path is the one true path to god? isn't that kind of the same thing - worse even because those in a discussion group at least know what they're in for and those jewish, hindu and muslim etc. people who are interrupted by witnesses at their door don't ?
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Reply #80 posted 05/06/04 8:24pm


SexyBeautifulOne said:

Sometimes people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to be assholes!

worship I think I've found my signature for the week.
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Reply #81 posted 05/07/04 3:17am



kdowney what happened at the club is awfull disbelief
i only go over there for princes music which is the thing that i am interested in.
i went in the chatroom once when the topic was there are two sides to every story.they even managed to fight over that. (two sides yes the one they belive and the wrong one)
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Reply #82 posted 05/07/04 6:20pm


psykosoul said:

SexyBeautifulOne said:

Sometimes people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to be assholes!

worship I think I've found my signature for the week.

Lol, thanks! I liked that one too. smile
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Reply #83 posted 05/07/04 9:38pm



katt said:

... the question to all was what bibles people used, the person i mentioned said the Torah and if it was ok that he/she used it, this member was stated point blank no, it was very uncomfortable to watch what happened after and i voiced my opinions then as i have done now. This person was not out to cause trouble he/she just answered the question politely and what he/she received back was disgraceful, no christian kindness was showing at all, i'm sad to say..

That's really sad. Although I wasn't there, I'm sure not surprised. The ones I've dealt with have not been kind people, at all. [personal flame removed], in my opinion, is a pompous ass - not a kind person. (DISCLAIMER: I of course bear him no personal ill will, although I would love it if Prince canned his ass!!!)

So the moderator just said "No"? What happened after that? That's disgraceful...What happened to "We should celebrate our similarities"?
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #84 posted 05/07/04 9:43pm



Oooh, and the way PeePee9 shows ridiculously preferential treatment to psychos like PooAura.....that right there shows how fucked they are in the head.
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #85 posted 05/08/04 5:00am


[Edited 10/19/07 17:11pm]
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Reply #86 posted 05/08/04 5:03am


theblueangel said:

Oooh, and the way PeePee9 shows ridiculously preferential treatment to psychos like PooAura.....that right there shows how fucked they are in the head.

I'm gonna give u a spanking theblueangel wink I really like blueaura she has always shown me kindness and she sure does make me laugh, but i still gonna give u a big hug batting eyes
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Reply #87 posted 05/08/04 5:09am



theblueangel said:

Oooh, and the way PeePee9 shows ridiculously preferential treatment to psychos like PooAura.....that right there shows how fucked they are in the head.

Blue is no psycho...she is a very nice person...and if u MUST know..she is one of the sane members on the website... eek

Ease up man....its just a website....
[This message was edited Sat May 8 5:10:07 2004 by June19]
June 19's Pop Culture Commentary - Beyonce'
- "Besides as much as I love her...she's still a 2 piece, biscuit, hot pepper and strawberry soda away from blowin up... So yes...she's a plain jane like the rest of us..."
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Reply #88 posted 05/08/04 5:18am


June19 said:

theblueangel said:

Oooh, and the way PeePee9 shows ridiculously preferential treatment to psychos like PooAura.....that right there shows how fucked they are in the head.

Blue is no psycho...she is a very nice person...and if u MUST know..she is one of the sane members on the website... eek

Ease up man....its just a website....
[This message was edited Sat May 8 5:10:07 2004 by June19]

Yup she is, blue got a good heart one of the most nicest people in the club.

wave Hi june
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Reply #89 posted 05/08/04 5:49am



katt said:

June19 said:

Blue is no psycho...she is a very nice person...and if u MUST know..she is one of the sane members on the website... eek

Ease up man....its just a website....
[This message was edited Sat May 8 5:10:07 2004 by June19]

Yup she is, blue got a good heart one of the most nicest people in the club.

wave Hi june

In deed Katt

hug flower
June 19's Pop Culture Commentary - Beyonce'
- "Besides as much as I love her...she's still a 2 piece, biscuit, hot pepper and strawberry soda away from blowin up... So yes...she's a plain jane like the rest of us..."
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