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Reply #60 posted 03/23/10 10:18pm



Nothinbutjoy said:

luv4u said:

I still want to be able to exchange my kiddies size Tshirt for an adult size Tshirt mad mad

After receiving it and trying it on and finding it's more "fitting" for an 8 year old child..... I put it back inside the original shipping package. It's collecting dust now mad mad

I was going to email to arrange for the above simple exchange and then the above shit happened of not having an email contact.

Make it into a pillow and then beat the stuffings out of it.

It's theraputic.

spit lol!!!!
RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #61 posted 03/23/10 10:20pm



purplecorvette1 said:

funksterr said:

Prince can't hide behind legal mumbo jumbo. We need a volunteer to go out to Paisley Park and knock on the damn door. biggrin

Judge Judy lol

falloff OMG, can you picture Judge Judy going to Paisley Park and confronting Prince? She would give him a good tongue-lashing. falloff We better make sure we install a hidden camera, so we can capture it on film. giggle
RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #62 posted 03/23/10 10:25pm



Tremolina said:

I'm gonna go out on a limb and rebuke your post ok? But don't worry, not like a fam smile

You know istens, 'alleen een ezel stoot zichzelf twee keer aan dezelfde steen.' So either you are joking there that "its impossible the man thought this was gonna be it for the whole year" or you are remarkably naive and foolish still, after all these years, all these broken promises and all these unfulfilled 'xpectations' over some 'candy' or 'pfunk' costing you just a 'c-note'.

Don't you remember how clearly they advertised, that year 2 of NPGMC would bring at least 4 new Prince cd's, including mentioning the titles of 4 new albums? How many of these albums materialised and how many details do you need to fall for it again?

Really, if you still think that Prince's bad business practices are motivated by his 'artistic whims' or his likeness of 'surprises' or something like that, then you just don't see. Of course he is aware of all the complaints he gets. Of course he doesn't like it. Who else are his lines about 'haters on the internet' not getting anymore 'candy' directed at? And why else does he release a new tune, EVERY time he screws up 'something big' again?

well, i guess it depends on your point of view. indeed, with the 2nd npgmc
we didn't get the 4 albums we were promised.

but in the end, we did get the one nite alone piano album, xpectation and
c-note. perhaps they are not worth a whole lot to most people, but i still
enjoy those on a regular basis.

at the end of the day, they promised us 4 albums and after much bitching
and complaining, we did get 4 albums (if you include Ona Live).

sure it was childish and preposterous that he tried to sell us the ONA set
as 3 separate albums.

but when the membership of that year ended, i felt like i hadn't been as
short changed as i'm feeling now. there were 2 more albums (xpectation and
cnote) and i was pretty content with those.

so i never got to hear "the very best of prince" or "last december" but one
was a hits package and the other we knew nothing about, so does it matter
if we got "xpectation" instead?

the only thing i felt bad about was "madrid 2 chicago" which seemed like
it might have been a nice album going on the 2 released songs.

aaaaanyway. all i'm saying is that up until this year i've always
had the feeling that in the end, prince did come through with the goods.
be it at the last moment and only after disgruntled feedback from people.

this time around, i feel like there's 0.0 and that's just sad.

am i going to join a collective to sue him? hell no, i don't care enough
to do that. besides, i already said that i might sign up again if there
are things on the site that i want to have.

it doesn't always have to be completely black or white. you can feel like
you've been shafted by prince and still be interested in his output. just
cause he runs his site like a total dick doesn't mean i'm gonna walk away
and never listen to his music anymore.
and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #63 posted 03/23/10 10:41pm


psychodelicide said:

purplecorvette1 said:

Judge Judy lol

falloff OMG, can you picture Judge Judy going to Paisley Park and confronting Prince? She would give him a good tongue-lashing. falloff We better make sure we install a hidden camera, so we can capture it on film. giggle

Don't Pee On My Leg And Tell me It's Raining, one of my fave Judge Judy Quotes.
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Reply #64 posted 03/23/10 10:41pm


I feel bad for all you guys who shelled out your hard earned money, but I'm so glad that I was one of the ones who didn't. Let's face it, when it comes to Prince and his "fans".....the man really doesn't give a damn, and has always treated them like crap!
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Reply #65 posted 03/23/10 11:09pm



purplecorvette1 said:

psychodelicide said:

falloff OMG, can you picture Judge Judy going to Paisley Park and confronting Prince? She would give him a good tongue-lashing. falloff We better make sure we install a hidden camera, so we can capture it on film. giggle

Don't Pee On My Leg And Tell me It's Raining, one of my fave Judge Judy Quotes.

falloff I love it. Judge Judy is too funny sometimes. lol
RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #66 posted 03/23/10 11:23pm



They call me a hater but I predicted Prince would do this. I can name five million free sites that give you lots more.
All you others say Hell Yea!! woot!
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Reply #67 posted 03/23/10 11:25pm


Glad i didn't sumbit to that mess. lol I remember how everyone was whine for that damn shirt!
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Reply #68 posted 03/23/10 11:47pm



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Reply #69 posted 03/24/10 12:23am


This time HE really did rob ME!!
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Reply #70 posted 03/24/10 12:23am



I just e-mailed a request to cancel my membership. I did so reluctantly, as this was the first service of Prince's that I joined, being a recent fan. I hoped to get access to merchandise, tickets and other things like I read NPGMC members had. Obviously, this hasn't happened. Prince hasn't even come near the East Coast in years. Merchandise remains available only on eBay. To shell out another year's subscription in hopes that the next year will be different than the last six months is a fruitless action.
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Reply #71 posted 03/24/10 12:34am



jmilez said:

Well, it's clear now, Prince knowz hiz muzic, but doesn't know squat about the internet or multimedia (aka Interactive CD form the '90s). He'z into eye candy, not content or substance. Look how simple is and you don't even have to be a member...

and if you did pay the 50 bucks to join (40 for returning members) you got a cd and first dibs at 4 tickets to the tour, which by the way, provided access to the best tix in the house for the cheapest price (50 bucks for GA tix). just sayin'.
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Reply #72 posted 03/24/10 12:38am


lotusflow3r sucks! U owe us 77 bucks!!
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Reply #73 posted 03/24/10 1:03am


My name is Prints,i work at kinkos.
When it comes to websites,i really stinko.

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Reply #74 posted 03/24/10 1:08am


frenchylatina said:

lotusflow3r sucks! U owe us 77 bucks!!

LOL ya'll just got suckered out of ya money!!!! nana flipped off
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Reply #75 posted 03/24/10 1:27am


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Reply #76 posted 03/24/10 1:30am


hah! deal ohgoon
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Reply #77 posted 03/24/10 1:47am


chookalana said:

I hate to say I told you so, but.....

I learned my lesson from the NPG club awhile back. Never again.
“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist.” Brazilian bishop Dom Hélder Câmara
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Reply #78 posted 03/24/10 2:15am


Here's what I sent them.....

It bounces back straight away so I am cancelling my card. I am deadly serious about the legal action. Have already contacted a lawyer and received advice. If Prince can be a total cunt then so can I.


To whom it may concern

Can you please cancel my membership.

My user name is

Please DO NOT debit my credit card.

Non response from this email, and debit of membership fees from my credit card will result in legal action.
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Reply #79 posted 03/24/10 2:27am


Well it is what it is.
Plus I don't think he will let the site charge us again.
Right is Right
Wrong is Wrong
We shall see.

Hey Prince!!!!!
I still luv ya
God Bless wink
[Edited 3/23/10 19:31pm]
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Reply #80 posted 03/24/10 3:02am



7souls said:

Come on fams, I know you're out there somewhere just ready to defend your lord and master at all cost. Let us hear from ya...

I'll even help get you started with some of the classics:
-Something big is brewing, we just have to be patient...
-Daddy Pop is too sexy to have time to deal with this...
-An artist has the right to change his mind when he sees fit...
-Why should he give you anything when you complain...
-Prince is love, and I love him...
-Prince doesn't owe us anything... (I always love that one. (c) Paul Allen KFAN)

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Reply #81 posted 03/24/10 3:12am


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Reply #82 posted 03/24/10 3:41am


7souls said:

Come on fams, I know you're out there somewhere just ready to defend your lord and master at all cost. Let us hear from ya...

I'll even help get you started with some of the classics:
-Something big is brewing, we just have to be patient...
-Daddy Pop is too sexy to have time to deal with this...
-An artist has the right to change his mind when he sees fit...
-Why should he give you anything when you complain...
-Prince is love, and I love him...
-Prince doesn't owe us anything... (I always love that one. (c) Paul Allen KFAN)'s AWFULLY quiet.
[Edited 3/23/10 21:16pm]
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Reply #83 posted 03/24/10 4:27am


RodeoSchro said:

If you figured out how to download all the videos and songs on the site, then it was worth $77 IMHO (t-shirt debacle notwithstanding).

Problem is, Prince didn't show/allow downloading. I think I remember someone posting that in the Terms, it said it was OK to download stuff.

But you had to know how to do it, or buy a third-party program to do it. And I, ummmm, "heard" that TubeTV for Macs worked for awhile, and then got blocked.

I money well spent...

I feel for all of those who didn't get what they wanted out of the website - I got what I wanted...yeah the shows in LA weren't his best but they were worth attending...I ordered the T-shirt size I wanted and got it so I can't say anything negative.

For those who continue to be disappointed and get turned off more and more...move on. Too much time dwelling on negativity is not good. Find your happiness somewhere else. Prince is doing just fine and will continue to do just fine after all he is the talented one.

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Reply #84 posted 03/24/10 4:33am



NastradumasKid said:

Glad i didn't sumbit to that mess. lol I remember how everyone was whine for that damn shirt!

lol You guys and THAT shirt!!!

THAT particular shirt I wouldnt wear IF they gave it away FREE. IMHO, the art

work was BADDDD...With all the cool pics p could have chose, WHY? WHY? WHY?

Other than that lighten up. The sites are crappy, maybe, BUT he does make up 4

that with the afterparties, and the PP gigs that are worth a hell of a lot. IMO,

I just never focused on all these complaints because I saw the GOOD he put out,

and to me all this picky SHIT is just not important. I believe, he wouldnt sue

and bitch IF there was no reason. His life is all about pleasing the

fans and TO HIM they arent doing the same. This hurts him u know. Like it or

not. AND, I dont feel hes out to rob people. I'm not a p ass sucker either...

He has his faults, just not enough to make ME give up on him and his music. I

always come back to HIS music becuz it IS THERAPY!!! And therapy costs ALOT

more than HE charges. biggrin
May the BELLS ring 4 U even when ur not in love. hug kisses
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Reply #85 posted 03/24/10 4:37am



I didnt join his club this time. I LOVED NPGMC. I didnt join because I was told

I had a membership for LIFE at NPGMC. BUT...I was debating, and was going to

because I support him AND as I said...I feel he's fair and not greedy as some

think. I was OK with it. THIS FIGHTING BETWEEN P and HIS fans need stop. It's

ridiculous on both parts!!!!
May the BELLS ring 4 U even when ur not in love. hug kisses
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Reply #86 posted 03/24/10 4:56am



7souls said:

Come on fams, I know you're out there somewhere just ready to defend your lord and master at all cost. Let us hear from ya...

I'll even help get you started with some of the classics:
-Something big is brewing, we just have to be patient...
-Daddy Pop is too sexy to have time to deal with this...
-An artist has the right to change his mind when he sees fit...
-Why should he give you anything when you complain...
-Prince is love, and I love him...
-Prince doesn't owe us anything... (I always love that one. (c) Paul Allen KFAN)

I made my bed and I am sleeping in it re: year one. But if my cc gets charged for year 2 even though I emailed "sales" and "support" (love how support just recently changed to sales in the recent past, don't worry I printed both versions of the lotusflow3r stipulations), I am going to get ghetto on that little skinny mother fucker. I love Prince, I thank him for all that he has done, but trying to pull a little switcheroo on us with the "sales@lotusflow3r" morphed from "support@lotusflow3r" is downright rude. I'll give him the benifit of the doubt, but if I see that charge on my card, it is gonna get ugly. I know 2 lawyers and they aren't fans.
I wish u heaven
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Reply #87 posted 03/24/10 5:04am



Rorywan said:

I've said it before and I will say it again, he has dipped into the cookie jar too many times. Thats it, he is now finished online. One avenue of income fucked.
Well done greedy guts.

C'mon Prince how are you going to sell your next cd?


I wish u heaven
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Reply #88 posted 03/24/10 5:07am



swanny said:

Prince is a conman. A thieving, conniving, lying, cheating swindling scumbag.

He preaches about stuff that is the opposite of how he lives his own life. He shits on people to get what he wants. He is interested in no one but himself and his ego has helped waste the talent with which he was born.

Thing is, we are the twats for hanging around always hoping that motherfucker will change his ways.
[Edited 3/23/10 14:06pm]

Yeah, dumbass JW doesn't believe in surgery for his fucked up hip, but he'll get two divorces. Shit head. No man can separate what God has joined together. But no, don't cuss or use modern medicine cause that would be a sin. Divorce? Go for it! Ass.
I wish u heaven
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Reply #89 posted 03/24/10 5:41am


polkadotbliss said:

though i am DISGUSTED some got no tee-and they have to be the shittest-most rude outta touch customer service since Basil Fawlty

silly ducks wink

It seemed like he was responding to those emails himself, personally. At least on some. but how can he do it all, all by himself?

Makes me wonder what kind of management style he uses or prefers to use in this team? I don't how his business is structured... but it does seem like he needs a good office manager. One to make sure that all emails to his site(s) are replied to, efficiently, effectively and politely... properly representing him.

A manager that make sure that whoever is responding to emails, is properly trained, knows the rules, and is checked up on to make sure they're following the rules. And that anyone responding on Prince's behalf ...doesn't just sign it as Prince and leaves it at that. But signs it as a proper secretary would
such as; PRN/sec. <--what ever the initals of that secretary might happen to be. Somebody that's actually trained in management crack the whip and make sure the crew is doing their job and one that checks up on the crew to make sure they've done their job correctly in accordance with office policy that has been clearly defined to the crew during training.

A manager that answers directly to Prince...and only Prince. Where there is a proper chain of command that has to be followed with the crew and all. That no one gets to go around the office manager and complain to Prince about the manager without going through the proper chain of command ... and first voicing their complaint to the manager ...whatever their gripe might be.

I was a tough boss. But it was my job. My boss told me if I didn't crack down harder on the crew ...he'd get somoene who would. But that was actually part of the style of management my boss used. I have studied various styles of management and have to admit that the particular style that that boss used is considered by management teams to be the most effective. There is a name for it but doesn't matter here. there are other styles of management, one other was good ...but the one mentioned above is the most effective and creates the greatest loyalty for the owner/boss of the company from the crew. It also is very effective in running a tight ship and getting a lot done. Stores fought over me, because I did my job. and every store I went to, that store took the number one sales slot in the company. I was tough to work for. but I knew what I was doing.

It's interesting to come here and find this thread because I was just wondering the other day... I wonder what's going on? I wonder how his companies are structured in that sense and what style of management does Prince prefer to employ?

There just seems to be a lot of confusion and fans are getting hurt. but these are problems that are correctable. It doesn't have to be the end of the site.
or a vision that never gets fully implimented as one of the previous posts suggested.

As far as the T-shirt goes. I got mine. smile But I always understood that those due to receive a T-shirt were the ones who had signed up in March of last year. The early birds to speak. So anyone that signed up after that, was not due to receive a T-shirt. I think there may have been some confusion with that among some. Which is someething that customer service .. an office manager should have checked on and explained to the fams/fans/customers.
this is the time of the first fast.
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