saying weed lead my neighbor to coke and shitting them selves is FAR from saying it ALWAYS leads to harder. Your crazy neighbors are NOT a fair representation of marijuana culture. To make such large generalizations on such little information is alarmingly ignorant.... | |
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Weed does not make everyone fat, or even hungry, regardless of how often its used. Nor does it make everyone paranoid. I've never been paranoid on any drug. I had more than one long conversation with cops high out of my mind after Dead shows and it was no big deal. The only way people know your high is if you act different than your normally. So, ya know, don't! I've never really understood why some people find it necessary to act out all stupid-like when they're high. I know that none of my friends act that way. We all just go about our lives normally, just like everyone else. | |
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or take prescriptions? My Legacy | |
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I don't. | |
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There is a clear difference between medicines you need to survive (yep, I'm bipo and it's likely that without my "drug" I'd end up in a depressive episode leading to suicidal thoughts, at the very least) and "recreational" drugs. There is a difference between choosing to take a drug to alter your state of mind because you want to, and taking it because you need it to function. Abuse is a different thing. | |
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What did I say? I said WHEN USED IN EXCESS. You sound paranoid and hungry.
p.s. maybe you and your friends weren't really high. think about it....that's like a drunk person acting non-drunk. its impossible. chemical reactions in the brain. you will most definitely act high if you are indeed high. I love weed but I turn into a real chatterbox when i'm high and I tend to crave salty foods which are not good for anyone's waistline nor ankles so I only smoke with friends on occasion...not every gatdamn day for hours and hours like some fools I know. I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE UGLY. YOU JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WHEN IT COMES TO MIRRORS AND SUNLIGHT!
RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. | |
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I am not sure there really is a difference. Drugs for depression, etc are a patient's choice to take, they are not required by a doctor and I highly doubt that everyone would die or stop functioning if they didn't take them.
Doctors are more than willing to prescribe them if you want them (including pot here in CA). So millions of people self-medicate one way or another, even if it is through a doctor. My Legacy | |
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Who said "everyone"? For me, it's enough that _I_ might die if I stopped taking it. There are doctors more than willing to prescribe anything to anybody, I agree, but true doctors don't. And smart people don't take medications unless they have to. It's up to every inidividual obviously, but I personally have grown up on seeing the direct effect of drugs on people, and my dad is to this day a drug addict. So I hate drugs. Vehemently. | |
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so some people misuse prescription drugs and some people use them responsibly? And you think they make you feel happier? And it's up to every individual to decide for themselves?
Sounds exactly like illegal drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol to me [Edited 7/26/11 15:15pm] My Legacy | |
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Yes. That's it. I don't think my medicine makes me happier, it doesn't. It takes away the tops and the bottoms. Also, it's first and foremost used as a medicine for epilepsy, so it's not the kind of drug you can abuse. I don't get happier the more I use, my mood swings get less severe. That's all. Of course it's up to every individual to decide. Some people are just smarter than others. | |
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exactly!!.. fucking studies? research, evidence??! fuck sake these days seems weed goes hand in hand with coke, acid, xtc.. party drugs all equally fucked up as next. it's not cool when kids can't function on day 2 day.. can't be arsed cuz they are 'just chillin'.. ruined lives, wasted years spent monged out, foggy brains, carted off to the nut house. & they still wanna defend it!! fucking pathetic
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And I'm saying it makes no difference if you smoke in excess. I've been a Dead Head for 25 years and I worked at a head shop for 2 1/2. I've seen, known or smoked with thousands upon thousands of people who smoke just as much as I do. Weed does not make every person who smokes it fat, lazy, hungry and paranoid. Its a total myth.
Well if you love weed and you think my friends and I aren't really high then I guess we'll have to get together and have you smoke some NorCal "wheelchair" club weed so you can decide for yourself. Nothing is impossible. If you choose to act like a normal person while you're high then thats what happens. I've had multiple jobs (high paying, suit wearing jobs) where I went to work high for years at a time and nobody ever knew.
[Edited 7/26/11 21:29pm] | |
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No, it doesn't. Quiet honestly, you guys are just spouting opinions. There is no truth or fact in your statements what-so-ever. | |
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Try reading the links below, or one of a thousand others that I could post (although I doubt anybody will actually take the time to like, ya know, educate themselves). They are not even pro-marijuana. Many of them speak poorly of the drug. Several of them say some very interesting things about the behavior of test subjects after they used marijuana (including the fact that tobacco and alcohol are possibly gateway drugs for marijuana use - doh! guess we better outlaw smoking and drinking!). But none of them say that marijuana is the same as all other Class A drugs. None of them say that if you do one you're going to do another (and certainly not all of them). If you don't know about these drugs you can't possibly know how different they are from one another. Just because one person smokes weed does not mean they would be the same type of person to do a line or stick a needle in their arm.
[Edited 7/26/11 23:33pm] | |
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Seeing stories like THIS makes you want to be sober forever...
Full story here:
By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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Utter nonsense, if you don't know the facts, don't make them up.
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Of course they do. | |
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Eye see it everyday see the fights/the police/the evictions here in the u.k its like hell where skunk is concerned.....People couldnt give a fuck!!!!!!Xcept 4 there nxt spliff.... Dave Is Nuttier Than A Can Of Planters Peanuts...(Ottensen) | |
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Alcohol is the number one killer here, weed hasn't killed anybody. Irony. Pisses me off. All you others say Hell Yea!! | |
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u must live in a realy cool area not 2 witness everyday eye see it everyday!!!!!!!At the end of the day i dont smoke it dont need it if others want 2 use it....fuck um........ Dave Is Nuttier Than A Can Of Planters Peanuts...(Ottensen) | |
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is triptophan a good fuck drug??? :ionno: THE B EST BE YOURSELF AS LONG AS YOUR SELF ISNT A DYCK[/r]
**....Someti | |
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Co-sign. I smoked weed 3 or 4 times a week for over a year and never went further than a few yaa baa pills beyond that, and now I smoke maybe once a year or every 2 years. MY COUSIN WORKS IN A PHARMACY AND SHE SAID THEY ENEMA'D PRANCE INTO OBLIVION WITH FENTONILS!! | |
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And that's not an argument to stop pot being legalized either, only that it should be illegal to smoke it and drive, just as with drinking alcohol. Mobile phones impair a person's ability to drive so what's the sensible course of action? Ban them while driving, not ban them outright. Same with weed. MY COUSIN WORKS IN A PHARMACY AND SHE SAID THEY ENEMA'D PRANCE INTO OBLIVION WITH FENTONILS!! | |
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Stop making sense. | |
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My sister, back when she was a full on stoner, nearly got killed when she thought her party was going to be raided by the cops. She climbed into the crawlspace above the ceiling to hide the stash, but high as she was, wasn't 100% careful and FELL THROUGH THE CEILING into the neighbouring half of the house (which was uninhabited at the time ) She lay there unconscious for a time, and nobody knew where she was. When she woke up even SHE didn't know where she was | |
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Though of course mobile phone use just prior to driving doesn't cause impairment like weed does. As in, "Sir, please place your ear up to this device and we'll measure your levels of mobile phone use". MY COUSIN WORKS IN A PHARMACY AND SHE SAID THEY ENEMA'D PRANCE INTO OBLIVION WITH FENTONILS!! | |
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I guess I just don't have the paranoia gene. | |
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she's also had 2 psychotic episodes where she needed to be restrained | |
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But I notice nobody took up my challenge in regards to finding out how many traffic deaths, or even traffic accidents, are attributed each year to people being high from smoking weed (and weed alone, not weed AND alcohol). The numbers are so ridiculously low as to be laughable (if they can even be found). | |
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That's terible. Somebody I know died when he climbed on a ceiling drunk and high at a party and fell down from it . I remember how shocked we all were and a little girl lost her dad . With a very special thank you to Tina: Is hammer already absolute, how much some people verändern...ICH hope is never so I will be! And if, then I hope that I would then have wen in my environment who joins me in the A.... | |
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