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Thread started 03/19/03 9:21am



Did Mayte cheat on Prince??

See lyrics to 'Come On'..
I can't believe she is with Tommy Lee. If you saw Oprah - she seemed so sweet!
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Reply #1 posted 03/19/03 10:28am



Don't think this is in relation to her cheating. "Darker than quicksand, Taller than a Tree" Doesn't paint a picture of Tommy Lee

I love u but I don't trust you anymore was the song that gave it away. In fact the album "Rave" said lots about the state of his marriage!
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Reply #2 posted 03/19/03 10:30am



biggrin Come on! biggrin
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Reply #3 posted 03/19/03 10:35am



Since neither of them has commented on the situation everything is just speculation, and the only thing we have to go on is Prince's lyrics, which may be fictional for all we know.

The Rave album, and Judas Kiss I think give Prince's lyrical take on the situation.

It's really non of our business, but I think Mayte might have felt smothered by Prince, and probably regretted getting married so young, plus the trauma of losing a child - she probably screwed around with one guy and went on massive shopping sprees.
I am internet forum artiste, do not be alarmed.
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Reply #4 posted 03/19/03 11:00am



I know she met Tommy after Prince, but 'Come on' must be about Mayte having an affair..
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Reply #5 posted 03/19/03 11:18am



gainsbourg said:

I know she met Tommy after Prince, but 'Come on' must be about Mayte having an affair..

I've never thought of Come On as autobiographical to be honest, but Prince does write that way, so maybe it is.

Do you think their baby dying was the catalyst for their breakup?

Prince toured forever with the JOTY tour, I suspect that was his way of dealing with it, as for Mayte, maybe she needed his support and he wasn't there.

I certainly don't think Mayte is a bad person because they split up.

Judging by Prince's past, he seems quite self-sabotaging where relationships are concerned.
I am internet forum artiste, do not be alarmed.
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Reply #6 posted 03/19/03 11:23am



I think Prince was over intense with her..He was insensitive around the time of the baby and often criticised her:

News of the World:March 9th 1997
Article reproduced without permission
Prince:Bizarre truth behind death of star's baby.
By Stuart White in Minneapolis

No-one in the busy hospital corridor glanced twice at the
tiny baby wrapped in a simple blanket and cradled by it's
nanny.Even if they had,they could not have known the awful
truth.This was the dead son of rock superstar prince on
his way to an anonymous Toyota for his final,secret journey
to a crematorium.
Devastated prince,who was nowhere to be seen,hoped this
would be the end of a nightmare that had begun a week earlier
when the child was born dreadfully handicapped.he was wrong.
For now he must cope with an investigation by homicide
detectives who will want to question the millionaire recluse
about his son's last hours.The probe was sparked after twin
sisters Erlene and Arlene Mojica went to the police with concerns
over the death.Erlene was the nanny,arlene had been the hired as
bodyguard to Prince's wife Mayte,the child's mother.The Puerto-
rican pair were present at the Minneapolis hospital where the
baby-curiously named Boy Gregory-was allowed to pass away.
Today,for the first time,the News Of The World brings Erlene
and Arlene together to explain the tragic collapse of prince's
dream.It is a story that reached its harrowing peak at the
Minneapolis crematory on Nicollet Avenue south in Minneapolis.
The sisters were led into the around the furnaces where the
public are normally not allowed.There they asked the crematorium
attendant to wait a few moments while they sang hymns and prayed
over the child.Erlene then placed the body-still swaddled in a
blanket-into a container.Four hours later the attendant her a
small transparent plastic bag containing Boy's ashes.assuming
it was her child,he said "Here's your baby." She was also given
a bill for #500.When Erlene finally returned to prince with the
ashes-now contained in an urn with 3 dolphins on top-she told the
star simply "Sir,I have the baby".She added "he was clearly
distressed.he replied," Give it to me later".
Prince eventually took the urn and placed it on a bookshelf
in his home.But even a month later,he could not come to terms
with the truth."Everything is fine with the baby,"he told a well-
wisher.Only now can the torment he and Mayte endured be revealed.

(next page)


heartbroken rock idol prince let the last breath of life slip
away from hi handicapped newborn son,the child's nanny revealed
last night,The tiny baby-Boy gregory-had been born with a range
of crippling conditions and was on a ventilator.But his father
could not bear to see his pride and joy in such pain.
Erlene Mojica,employed to look after Boy when Prince,38,and his
wife mayte were full of hope,said "Prince told me 'Nanny,this is
not the kind of life I want for my baby.We have to convince
Mayte to let the baby go.We're not having the tracheotomy (a
throat operation to allow breathing).We're going to switch the
machine off and if the baby makes it ,fine.If not,we have to let
it go.Prince then brought in Mayte and spoke to her.She started
to weep.Erlene asked her boss if he would be there when the baby
was taken off the ventilator.Desperate to keep his emotions in
check,he told her:"No,just let me know when it's done".
The date of Boy's Gregory's tragic death is emblazoned on
Erlene's memory...October 23 1996."It started at about 7.30.a.m"
she said."We'd dressed Boy in a special outfit of white.The
doctor kept checking his heart and blood pressure every 15
minutes."Twice the phone rang,my twin sister Arlene answered it
and Prince asked her,"Is it done?"Twice she told him the baby was
still alive."About 8.45.a.m,the child lifted his head,then
stopped breathing".Arlene Mojica added:"I rang prince and said
"Sir,everything is done,the baby is dead.What do you want us to
do with him?That was when Prince asked us to have the child
Boy gregory had been born with a skull deformity called
Pfeiffer's syndrome.The skull fissures close prematurely and
leave little room for it to accommodate the growing brian.The
also had water on the brain,intestinal and eye problems.In the
short week he lived,he had already had an operation on his left
eyelid,and a colostomy,before prince cried,Enough.
Erlene and Arlene had become close to expectant mum Mayte and
shared the joys and worries of her pregnancy.Arlene revealed
"Mayte told me she'd discovered she was pregnant by using a kit
from a pharmacy.But she said Prince had forbidden her from seeing
a doctor for the first two and a half months of her pregnancy.
That was the first intimation that the proud father was
determined to care for his family in his own way-however bizarre
it seemed to others.Arlene added:"He also put her on astrict
vegetarian diet,allowing her no fish or meat,rice or even fruit.
"Eventually she persuaded him she should have a sonogram (an
ultrasound scan).he said he wouldn't allow any male doctor to
touch his a female doctor did it."That was when it was
revealed that the baby had an abnormally large head and could
possibly be born with deformities."
The physician,said Arlene,was Dr.Leslie Jaeger,who became
increasingly exasperated with Prince.meanwhile,she said,Mayte's
diet was leaving her hungry.I used to sneak her out to a TGI
Friday's restaurant so she could eat chicken and fish".Arlene
went on:"We told prince that Mayte was going to have her nails
done."She was so worried that he'd discover she'd been eating
meat that she used to swab her hands with alcohol cleansing
fluid to remove any trace of food residue.
At 3 to 4 months into her pregnancy,said Arlene,Mayte was
in pain and had to be taken into an emergency room during a trip
to New York.Later,back in Minneapolis,prince was told about it
and put it down to Mayte's NERVOUSNESS."But Dr.Jaeger at north
Memorial hospital was concerned because Mayte was retaining water
and wanted her to go to a specialist," Arlene went on."She told
mayte that her options included having a full chromosome test to
see what the problem was,to have a termination,or to go ahead
and have the child".At the end of July,Erlene joined her sister
on Prince's staff.Taking up the story,Erlene revealed:"Mayte had
another sonogram,but was so worried Prince would find out that
Arlene's name was put on the scan photograph.
"Although prince loved Mayte very much,I don't think he really
understood what was at stake.he believed that essentially it was
God who cured people,not medicine".In late September,mayte began
to experience severe contractions.The twins took her to North
memorial Hospital where she was seen once again by Dr.Jaeger.
Erlene went on:"Dr.Jaeger was insistent that we had to call
prince because it was an emergency-even though Mayte didn't
want him to know she was there.When he arrived,Dr. Jaeger told
him:"Your wife is having contractions.Ill have to give her
magnesium to delay the contractions because if she goes into
labour we could miscarry the child now".
"Prince told Dr.Jaeger to leave the room.She told him:"Prince,
you are not allowing me to do my job.This is bad news,we have to
deal with it.'At this point mayte was quivering,Prince was
upset,and moved towards the doctor-I even thought he was going
to strike her because he was so distraught."Sister Arlene added
"I had to jump between Prince and the doctor,along with one of
Prince's security guards.She was livid,and said:"I'm calling
security.I'm the boss here,not you.You cannot take this woman
out of the hospital without a release."
"Eventually prince signed a form saying he was taking her out,
and the doctor told me,"I believe she's in danger,please get her
into a hospital SOMEWHERE,and now!"The twins helped Mayte into
prince's limo.A few miles down the road,said Erlene,prince asked
the driver to stop,turned to his passengers and said:"Nanny,what
are we going to do?"She replied:"Mayte's got to be in hospital".
Erlene continued:"I told him that Abbott's North-Western Hospital
had excellent facilities,so he said,"Ok,but I don't want them to
know it's my wife.make up a story,say it's some woman from
"WE got her in and after examining her ,they said that she HAD
to have magnesiuM to delay a premature birth.Prince was outside
in the limo and we were rushing down relaying messages while his
wife lay in pain.Eventually he agreed and she was given
injections,the contractions slowed and she stayed in hospital
from that moment until 3 days before the baby's death on October
r.We registered her at her request under an assumed name.We
initially chose the name Marline Gong,then the next day we
changed it to something more suitable.We chose Gregory for the
second name because it's similar to Gregory,a doctor in
Argentina famous for his work with the poor,and Ma for the
first-because that was the name of a yorkshire terrier prince
had bought her.It soon became clear to the hospital who she was,
but the name was kept so that her anonymity could be assured."
Boy gregory was born by caesarian section on October 16.
The twins claim that although prince wanted to be present at the
birth he DID NOT want to put on special surgical clothes.Arlene
recalled:"Eventually a doctor told him,"It's simple.You don't put
these clothes on,you don't go in".Prince gave in and watched his
son being born."The baby was transferred to the adjoining
Children's Health Care hospital where he was put into an
incubator."Prince was crying",Arlene recalled,"he was just
standing there sobbing.He told me,'Ill bring anyone from
anywhere..whatever it takes and whatever it costs,to help my
child".But even prince's many millions could not buy his
precious son a release from pain.
And the twins,who became worried that the decision to take
Boy gregory off the ventilator might have been premature,reported
their concerns to the police.A police spokesman said they were
carrying out a routine investigation.He added:"The homicide
detectives investigate all deaths considered suspicious by
them or by others who may bring a complaint.Some of these
deaths may later be ruled accidental or natural.We have no
further comment as yet".

News of The World March 16th.1997
Article reproduced without permission
Prince lay sprawled unconscious on the couch and she screamed
"Oh my God,he's dead"
From Stuart White in Minneapolis

Booze-sodden rock-idol Prince was rushed to hospital after
his limp body was found slumped over four empty wine bottles and
a tub of pills.The horrifying discovery was made by his panic-
stricken wife Mayte who screamed "Oh my God,He's dead!"
Mayte and her bodyguard Arlene Mojica tried desperately to rouse
the singer.Eventually they got him to utter a few words.Then,as
Arlene rushed ahead to alert the Fairview-Northdale hospital in
Minneapolis,Mayte helped the dazed singer to a car and got him
to the emergency room.He was quickly fitted with an intravenous
drip.A medic took the women to one side and asked urgently:
"Was it a suicide bid?"But ,like much of this supertalent's life,
th answer remains a riddle.All Mayte and Arlene knew for sure was
that Prince had beem missing for 72 hours before they found him
in his recording studio last year."We don't know how long he'd
been drinking or how many aspirins he'd taken," says Arlene,
"But he'd clearly vomited and that may have saved his life,
bringing up the tablets.He told the doctor he'd taken drink and
pills to stop heart palpitations."That night Arlene had a few
heart palpitations of her own.As she slept in the corridor
outside Prince's room,she heard him cry out:"What am I doing
She recalled:"I rushed in and Prince had woken up yelling:
"Whats going on?Get me out of here!"He pulled the drip from
his arm,jumped in a wheelchair and got me to drive him home.
But it was just another night's work for 26-year old Arlene.
who with her twin Erlene,the family's nanny,had grown used
to the wacky world of Prince.
Last week the Puerto-Rican sisters revealed how the star
reluctantly asked for the plug to be pulled on his baby son's
life support.The little mite had been born with a catalogue
of crippling conditions and his father could not bear to see
him suffer any more pain.But though his distress showed he was
all too human,in his private life he remained bizarre and remote.
Although he likes the public to refer to him as a squiggle,or
The Artist Formerly Known As Prince,at home he expects to be
treated like a king,said the twins.Staff MUST call him "Sir."
And the twins revealed how his oddball image sometimes took
on a menacing hue as he adopted a 'vampire' lifestyle-working
all night and,in short winter days,never glimpsing sunlight.
"Day in and day out it was the same," Arlene shuddered.."He'd get
up about 4.p.m. when it was getting dark.Then he'd be driven to
the studio,not getting home until 7.a.m. before it got light.
He was like a creature of the night."And when the great sexual
showman did make it to bed 23-year-old wife Mayte was often
disappointed."She was worried about their love life.She said
Prince wasn't the macho rock star between the sheets.Instead,
she said he expressed the gentler feminine side of his nature."
But the tiny,weight-obsessed rocker made up for that by
bossing his wife around the rest of the time-especially over her
figure."She was under Prince's spell," revealed Arlene."He almost
controlled her.He once got in a limo after a show and said "Your
butt's too big!You're too fat"From then on Mayte was dieting
constantly.But there was no way she could eat less than Prince
or be thin enough for him.That man ate less than any human I ever
saw-some days just a cup of rice.Often nothing for three
days.There wasn't an ounce of excess flesh on him,but his eating
habits didn't seem healthy to me.He took pills containing herbs
and extracts of the alfalfa plant.He was hung up on his digestive
system.I believe it's important to tell the world what kind of
man Prince is.He intimidates those who work for him.And not only
did he dismiss my sister and I with no compensation he didn't
even pay us the wages we'd worked for."Although Prince's wealth
from smash hit albums like Purple Rain has been estimated at #50
million,Arlene claimed that the way he ran his household and
business,Paisley Park Enterprises,gave every impression that he
was going broke!
"We kept getting complaints from local tradesmen about bills
not being paid,"she said.But the staff were used to
trouble.Arlene said Prince could be brutal if crossed and
revealed:"He once
declared,Anybody who says NO to me is out!"Meanwhile,Erlene's
contract stated:"Hours:On call 24 hours a day,seven days a week."
And she complained:"He'd scream and shout at the slightest
upset."But the sisters are grateful for one thing.They were not
required to live in the showbiz couple's house-a large modern
building at the end of a long drive in the suburbs."It was a
strange place.There were a lot of windows but no pictures or
paintings.The effect was stark and bare.I only recall one
portrait-an enormous photo of Prince and Mayte."
But one room will always hold a poignant memory for the
Mojica twins-the nursery that was to be the home for Prince's
tragic baby son."It was bizarre because all the walls were
mirrored,so the baby would have been constantly looking at
reflections of itself.And I don't recall any toys."Sister
Arlene added:"I worked for Prince and Mayte from the summer
of 1995 until December 1996,and I'll never forget it.He's a
strange man who's so obsessed with being a rock star that
he can't let anything divert him.Not love,not marriage,not
food.But underneath it all Prince is a deeply unhappy man.
I feel sorry for him."
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Reply #7 posted 03/19/03 11:34am



- eye do not give to comments comming from third persons, a lot. GOD knows the truth!
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Reply #8 posted 03/19/03 11:42am



Arlette said:

- GOD knows the truth!

Then piss off and ask God.

I am internet forum artiste, do not be alarmed.
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Reply #9 posted 03/19/03 12:02pm



MiaBocca said:

Arlette said:

- GOD knows the truth!

Then piss off and ask God.


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Reply #10 posted 03/19/03 12:03pm



Arlette said:

MiaBocca said:

Arlette said:

- GOD knows the truth!

Then piss off and ask God.



Great come back.
I am internet forum artiste, do not be alarmed.
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Reply #11 posted 03/19/03 12:14pm



NEVER believe anything written in newspapers
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Reply #12 posted 03/19/03 12:17pm


I feel sad reading this. Who knows what the truth is? I wouldn't put it past Prince believing that God cures people and not doctors and medicine. The only thing is, if Prince was so weird and deeply unhappy why did those sisters carry on working for him. Maybe they thought they were helping Mayte! They probably had their own issues. Who knows?
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Reply #13 posted 03/19/03 12:19pm



I think they're telling the truth.
Prince does live vampire hours.
In fact, I haven't seen him in daylight in any of his videos since 'Purple Rain'
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Reply #14 posted 03/19/03 12:21pm


None of us know exactly what happened with Prince and Mayte,but several songs on the 'Rave' album sound deeply personal.Especially the lyrics to "Silly Game".
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Reply #15 posted 03/19/03 12:42pm



I'm not sure about 'Silly Game'
It seems to be more about Prince finding comfort with another woman
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Reply #16 posted 03/19/03 12:45pm



gainsbourg said:

See lyrics to 'Come On'..
I can't believe she is with Tommy Lee. If you saw Oprah - she seemed so sweet!

I really can't tell you but I think that she made a huge mistake going to Tommy. I mean he's probibly a great guy or whatever but come on!! I would pick Prince over Tommy anyday. nod
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.
heart Erica J. Eynon kiss
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Reply #17 posted 03/19/03 12:53pm



You're right..she's either rebelling(she is still very young) or she's just not the person i thought she was
btw, i like that bit about dreaming! it's like a free drug!!
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Reply #18 posted 03/19/03 12:54pm


AngelPie7070 said:

gainsbourg said:

See lyrics to 'Come On'..
I can't believe she is with Tommy Lee. If you saw Oprah - she seemed so sweet!

I really can't tell you but I think that she made a huge mistake going to Tommy. I mean he's probibly a great guy or whatever but come on!! I would pick Prince over Tommy anyday. nod

Maybe Tommy is more down to earth. Maybe she feels more comfortable with him. Bottom line is, I don't know for sure!
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Reply #19 posted 03/19/03 12:56pm


gainsbourg said:

I'm not sure about 'Silly Game'
It seems to be more about Prince finding comfort with another woman

No,it's clearly about a relationship that turned sour.He basically accuses his woman of being a golddigger...

"there you were hangin' with your friends,making up a story that's so lame...that I was down to be your sugar daddy,your one-way ticket to ghetto fame"

And he also mentions that she would go out "never with a bodyguard or chaperone".

Of course,this could all be fiction,but somehow I doubt it.
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Reply #20 posted 03/19/03 12:58pm



gainsbourg said:

You're right..she's either rebelling(she is still very young) or she's just not the person i thought she was
btw, i like that bit about dreaming! it's like a free drug!!

I totally agree with that. She did marry Prince at a young age. How old is she now? She, just like Prince, looks like she will never age. hehe. She is very beautiful and her and Prince really looked good together now her and Tommy??? Yea rebellion. There is no other excuse. nod Thank you for the compliment I love that quote. I found it online somewhere not sure where exactly though.
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.
heart Erica J. Eynon kiss
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Reply #21 posted 03/19/03 1:01pm



You're welcome
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Reply #22 posted 03/19/03 1:01pm


yes she did... and she went OFF! big grin
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Reply #23 posted 03/19/03 1:03pm



The only song which lyrics seem real in all places and not
just in one or two lines is "I love U but I don't Trust.."

The way it is sung seems to hint at as much too.

"Come On" is not autobiographical. And it certainly is not
about Mayté.

"The both of U's want babies but U still acting wild,
the first rule in makin' one 'U can't be no child'".

No one in their right mind can actually believe that Prince
would have written thát about Mayte after what they'd been
through only slightly more than a year before. That would
have been sick.

Besides, they both seem civilised enough about it. He never
said anything nasty about her and she didn't spill any news
about him either. And that's a lot different from most
other "famous" couples who break up.
and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #24 posted 03/19/03 1:11pm



I presume she is under a gag order, and I think that is the only reason we haven't seen Mayte splash the goss all over the show.
I am internet forum artiste, do not be alarmed.
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Reply #25 posted 03/19/03 1:13pm


it sounds pretty right 2 me...considering what Kevin the producer had 2 say about him.

how could prince have had a tub of pills 2 take, and mayte wasn't even allowed a magnesium muscle relaxer?

something about this story rings more true than false.

Prince learned CONTROL from WB, then he used it on Mayte, she was the slave.
and she got free just like prince did.
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Reply #26 posted 03/19/03 1:14pm


he write his lyrics on how he feels
maybe HE was cheating but the girls he was with left him for another...cheater!
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Reply #27 posted 03/19/03 1:19pm



I met her on the day she was about to be wed

and that is all I have to say about Mayte cheating on Prince lol
[This message was edited Wed Mar 19 5:20:02 PST 2003 by roverlo]
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Reply #28 posted 03/19/03 1:28pm



XXcepshunal said:

it sounds pretty right 2 me...considering what Kevin the producer had 2 say about him.

how could prince have had a tub of pills 2 take, and mayte wasn't even allowed a magnesium muscle relaxer?

something about this story rings more true than false.

Prince learned CONTROL from WB, then he used it on Mayte, she was the slave.
and she got free just like prince did.

If those stories are true than she would have simply had to
take the car and go back home to her parents. He might be a
star but he sure as hell isn't the mafia. If anybody would
forbid a pregnant woman to eat healthy or to get her child
checked out at hospital, they're just sick. She might have
been only 23 at the time, but no matter who the fuck they
are, if someone endangers the life of your very own baby you
just leave. No questions, pack your bags and go.

But well, what the hell do we know anyway. That story might
be true, it might be false. But this is what happens when u
don't get a new album soon enough

Too much freakin' time and than you start reading these
kind of posts


Although, I might look into those alfalfa extract pills if
they really do stop your ageing process dead in it's tracks

Joy, I could be 24 forever

[This message was edited Wed Mar 19 5:29:54 PST 2003 by IstenSzek]
and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #29 posted 03/19/03 1:31pm


Such sad posts. sad

True or false, it really should be put to rest. It would kill me to read such things about the death of my child - regardless of how it happened.
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