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Thread started 08/05/02 10:07pm





June7 Wants Ur Vote 4 Org Moderator

Okay...a grassroots campaign has begun...and I'm 2 blame!

I officially throw my hat in2 the political ring 4 the office of Org Moderator.

I promise a new car in every garage. (matchbox okay?)

I promise a turkey in every oven. (the cheapest Swanson's Pot Pie)

I promise (read my lips) No new taxes!

I promise nationwide health care 4 everyone! (smoking pot = no glaucoma)

I promise no hanging and/or pregnant chads! (All chads will have briefs on, or b on the pill)

I promise 2 never let Monica Lewinski go down on me. (and if she does, that bitch better swallow!)

I promise 2 never take month long vacations when in office 4 less than 4 months, or when at war!

I promise 2 break all promises!

Oh, and free beer 4 everyone (secures the aussie vote!)

Vote 4 June7, It'll b .Org Heaven!"

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #1 posted 08/05/02 10:07pm


June7 said:

Okay...a grassroots campaign has begun...and I'm 2 blame!

I officially throw my hat in2 the political ring 4 the office of Org Moderator.

I promise a new car in every garage. (matchbox okay?)

I promise a turkey in every oven. (the cheapest Swanson's Pot Pie)

I promise (read my lips) No new taxes!

I promise nationwide health care 4 everyone! (smoking pot = no glaucoma)

I promise no hanging and/or pregnant chads! (All chads will have briefs on, or b on the pill)

I promise 2 never let Monica Lewinski go down on me. (and if she does, that bitch better swallow!)

I promise 2 never take month long vacations when in office 4 less than 4 months, or when at war!

I promise 2 break all promises!

Oh, and free beer 4 everyone (secures the aussie vote!)

Vote 4 June7, It'll b .Org Heaven!"

hye if you promise to shut your piehole and never post i will even vote for you
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Reply #2 posted 08/05/02 10:08pm



I shan't vote for you! All my Jesus threads would be gone, wouldn't they? And don't lie about it!

Well, then again, they already ARE gone...So what the hell! You got my vote.
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti...
"I've just had an apostrophe!"
"I think you mean an epiphany..."
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Reply #3 posted 08/05/02 10:09pm





I promise 2 revamp the "delete account" soon as u delete, UR GONE!!!

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #4 posted 08/05/02 10:12pm





BattierBeMyDaddy said:

I shan't vote for you! All my Jesus threads would be gone, wouldn't they? And don't lie about it!

Well, then again, they already ARE gone...So what the hell! You got my vote.

No, the Jesus threads would stay...but I'd sick the JW's on u 2 save ur soul. U'd need a new doorbell after they're done with u! lol

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #5 posted 08/05/02 10:39pm



I'd reopen the GD forum, move the news part on the main page to the left top and leave the GD topics out of the new topic/hot topic feature on the main page. I'd limit new topics by one user to one a day. And i'd block users 4 a few days when i had to move their topics bcause they were posted on the wrong forum. Oh, and one out of four topics u post must bash jesus, 4 the fun of it. Whose vote do i get?
"It's better 2 B hated 4 what U R than 2 B loved 4 what U R not."

My IQ is 139, what's yours?
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Reply #6 posted 08/05/02 10:40pm


SpcMs said:

I'd reopen the GD forum, move the news part on the main page to the left top and leave the GD topics out of the new topic/hot topic feature on the main page. I'd limit new topics by one user to one a day. And i'd block users 4 a few days when i had to move their topics bcause they were posted on the wrong forum. Oh, and one out of four topics u post must bash jesus, 4 the fun of it. Whose vote do i get?

great idea speckmouse can have forum for accusing Prince of murdering his own newborn son. what a class guy this mother is
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Reply #7 posted 08/05/02 11:16pm



MyLittlePill said:

great idea speckmouse can have forum for accusing Prince of murdering his own newborn son. what a class guy this mother is

That's one vote, but i don't think i want it. who else?
"It's better 2 B hated 4 what U R than 2 B loved 4 what U R not."

My IQ is 139, what's yours?
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Reply #8 posted 08/05/02 11:25pm


Any P.Org regular (Preferably been here few years at least) without agendas other than site running smoothly gets my vote.

The current guys have let it run into the ground.
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Reply #9 posted 08/05/02 11:29pm


Essence said:

Any P.Org regular (Preferably been here few years at least) without agendas other than site running smoothly gets my vote.

The current guys have let it run into the ground.

yeah its not like matt owns the site or anything he just helps out i mean at least he used to
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Reply #10 posted 08/06/02 1:15am



MyLittlePill said:

Essence said:

Any P.Org regular (Preferably been here few years at least) without agendas other than site running smoothly gets my vote.

The current guys have let it run into the ground.

yeah its not like matt owns the site or anything he just helps out i mean at least he used to

i thought you were leaving?
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Reply #11 posted 08/06/02 2:17am


I'll vote for you June7.

But I'll especially vote for MyLittlePill or whatever the hell your name is.

You're my new favorite Orger! biggrin
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Reply #12 posted 08/06/02 2:18am


july12 will get my vote
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Reply #13 posted 08/07/02 1:56am






I was hoping that, if elected, I could use my power 4 the good of the .org!

I could make better all things currently involved in a downward spiral...or at least get more women 2 breast feed in public!

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #14 posted 08/09/02 8:36am






I feel my campaign has taken a turn 4 the worst.


(I couldn't get enough of the required signatures anyway!)


[June7, "ModGod"]
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Forums > site discussion > June7 Wants Ur Vote 4 Org Moderator