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Thread started 10/08/02 5:55pm


My letter to NPGMC

Quite long, but sums up most of how I feel. Let me know what you think if the mood hits you.

Hello, NPGMC:

You've no doubt been inundated with mail lately, most of which can be attributed to your President's questionable and arguably misguided decision to sue one of his fans, and to the natural and understandable levels of curiosity and inquiry from those individuals who have purchased membership from your club for 2002. If you feel a bit overwhelmed these days responding to your fans (customers), than I believe I can be of some assistance and help alleviate this problem for you. As a paying customer (or "supporter" - whichever you prefer) for the previous two years, I feel I am entitled to voice my opinions and concerns over a few recent transgressions. Hopefully, I am not overstepping my bounds here, but as you've said, "please tell us"...

Grab a seat. This could take a while.

Firstly, and obviously of greatest concern to myself as a Club Member, I must address the issue of services rendered by your organization. Many individuals, including myself, have taken the time to inquire to your Club directly for information regarding specific details on artistic product that we have purchased in advance, based in part both for our love of Prince's music (and unquestionable faith in it) and on the few specific details we were given to entice us to join this year. To wit:

"R U Read 2 B A Part of the NEW POWER GENERATION?
Join The NPG Music Club! 2002

Access These New CD's...
Last December
One Nite Alone
The Best Of (Symbol)
and other magnificent stuff! "

...advertised directly from your website. Now, before I go too far, allow me to state up front that I realize that it's only October 8th and to be fair, your organization has until February to fulfill these promises, and that I am no way suggesting that you won't. But when I read things like this:

There are no other cd's in development at this time.THOSE OTHER TITLES WERE IDEAS BUT NOT FINAL"

It gives me pause. If it's not final, then why exactly was it promised and advertised?

Personally, whether you consider your members to be "supporters", like a charity, or "customers" like a business, is of minor concern to me. I will continue to "support" Prince's art in a manner similar to the one for which I've done for the last 22 years. His music is that good, and i make it my business to procure as much of it as I can get my hands (or ears) on. The question at hand is two fold: whether or not your Club is prepared to live up to your end of the bargain (re: CON-tract), and whether or not Prince would prefer to receive my money directly from me, enjoying the benefits of his "freedom" straight from my open wallet, or to spend money (much of which he got from me) to sue people who have offered publicly the true vision of everything that NPGMC and has repeatedly promised.

No matter how you choose to address you members, and whatever cosmic questionnaires, philosophical essays and cryptic messages you send your "supporters", you are, in fact, a business first and foremost. I discovered this recently when I was denied access to your website to the tune of a $44 balance due for the remainder of the year, as well as when I purchased $500 worth of concert tickets for 2 shows in Atlanta, GA and $25 for a symbol pendant. To put it bluntly, you can't have it both ways. Your trappings are philosophical and spiritual on the surface, but when push comes to shove, you still want my credit card number, so, along these lines, I would implore you to be straight with your CUSTOMERS, give us timely and accurate information regarding our inquiries, and, most importantly, deliver on the things that you offer in your advertisements. I, and many like me, I(judging from some much more public, open and informative websites) feel similarly and seem increasingly likely to allow our membership to expire next year. I am not speaking for them, but I can promise you that you will be short at least $100 next year if my concerns are not addressed in a matter that seems reasonable. But, like you've said: "One more open seat at the concert" - or some such thing.

So let me ask you outright: what exactly can I expect in my mailbox between now and February? This seems like a fair question, born in no small part out of the enticing advertisements and promotions you've made, and reasonable by any standard logic of a paying customer. You could save yourselves a lot of time and annoyance buy simply answering this ONE question. Why is that hard? I am confused, or perhaps just stupid and naive. Either way, the paying fan in me wants to know and feels in some small way eintitled to this knowledge.

Regarding "bootleggers", or, more specifically, "file sharers", let me offer you a suggestion: release the music yourself. As I've come to understand it, it's all recorded, re-mixed and (quite obviously) readily available. I've been listening for years about Prince's desire for "freedom", his voluminous "vault" and his disdain for the recording limitations imposed on him by record companies that I shall not name. So, simply put, where is the music? By my count, I have "silicon', "ONA" and a live version of "1+1+1=3" to show my "support" this year. Here is a suggestion: SELL THE MUSIC YOURSELF, and call it "an explosion of retail merchandise". Trust me, this would work. Quite obviously, there is demand. Obviously, there is supply. So what, precisely, is the problem with this specific approach? As an artist myself, I know that I would be quite happy to make my work available to enthusiastic appreciators, whether I deemed the work "beneath my standards" or not - and most especially if some thieving bastard was offering it up for profit elsewhere when I could easily do it myself - and have often expressed publicly a desire to do just that. Granted, I am not Prince, nor a musician, but I've got some talent and have moved a few paintings that were never intended to be sold - often at a financial loss to myself, and for precisely that very reason: that somebody else saw value in a creation that I didn't think was my best work, so I made it avialable and affordable to them. Heck, I didn't even ask them for a credit card.

You should be advised that some of your members are looking into The Better Business Bureau as a possible means of rectifying their concerns, and, frankly, I can't blame them. After all, we'd only be following the example set forth by your Founder, CEO and President. We inquire, demand, and express our opinions, and are often met with flippant comments and cryptic vague responses, leaving many of us feeling like we have no choice but to pursue of other avenues, and what better example to follow than Prince's? This seems like his preferred method of handling things that he deems unsatisfactory, so I'm sure you (and he) would understand if a few members looked into this (not that I'm threatening to do it myself). I implore you to spend less time surfing the net for file sharers and more time addressing the concerns of your customers. I love Prince's music, but I am not a sheep.

Conversley, let me say how much I respect the POTENTIAL and VISION of your club, which led me to "support" the endeavor almost from its inception. Also, how much I enjoyed the two shows I went to and the wonderful seats I had (plus the aftershow), even if there were a few bugs in the system that nearly led to a riot - thanks in SOME part to SOME confusion and disorganization on your end. But let's not pretend for a second that the money I paid wasn't 3x as much cash as I'd ever paid for a show in my life, that there were no connection issues or confusion with the website when I tried to purchase the tickets, or that the money meant nothing to you since it's all just an artistic and spiritual "experiment". You are conducting yourselves as a business, operate as a business, and as long as you do this, in this member's opinion, you owe me a level of service and communication better than what you're delivering in your current incarnation. An 800 number would help, along with a few of the things I've described above.

Finally, I am currently planning to not renew my membership for 2003, and feel you should know. I'm with you. I'm on YOUR side, and I want the NPGMC to be everything it can be. If you find this letter rude, threatening of in any way out of line, then please re-read it, realize my intention and decide for yourselves whether I am a customer or a simply a supporter. I can just as easily choose not to renew, but I'd hate to see it got that way, as I'm sure you would. Please meet me half way and address some of my questions, suggestions and concerns.

Thank you, and I look forward to your response.

Name: ***

Password: ***
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Reply #1 posted 10/08/02 5:59pm


They are like omg...They do not even know how to respond a comments/concerns like this...But I can tell you it went further than the one who opened the mail!
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Reply #2 posted 10/08/02 6:18pm


"To put it bluntly, you can't have it both ways. Your trappings are philosophical and spiritual on the surface, but when push comes to shove, you still want my credit card number, so, along these lines, I would implore you to be straight with your CUSTOMERS, give us timely and accurate information regarding our inquiries, and, most importantly, deliver on the things that you offer in your advertisements."

That pretty much nail's it on the head. Nice letter.
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Reply #3 posted 10/08/02 6:22pm



N-i-c-e. It is a sad state of affairs when I am more inclined to read a lengthy letter from a club member addressed to the club than spend the time to visit the official club website in futile hopes of the answers you (and surely all members...including me) would love to hear.

Good luck -- keep us posted.
Check out The Mountains and the Sea, a Prince podcast by yours truly and my wife. More info at
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Reply #4 posted 10/08/02 7:24pm


Great letter. I feel the same as you, although I will probably renew my membership next year just to see what next year will bring. Last year was great. New music and videos every month. I've suggested they go that route again. Please let us know what response you receive.
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Reply #5 posted 10/08/02 7:52pm


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Reply #6 posted 10/08/02 7:57pm


OCEANA said:

They are like omg...They do not even know how to respond a comments/concerns like this...But I can tell you it went further than the one who opened the mail!

I know what they wills say:


We have no info on that.


evillol am I write or what?? evillol
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Reply #7 posted 10/08/02 8:00pm


herbthe4 said:

Quite long, but sums up most of how I feel. Let me know what you think if the mood hits you.

Hello, NPGMC:

You've no doubt been inundated with mail lately, most of which can be attributed to your President's questionable and arguably misguided decision to sue one of his fans, and to the natural and understandable levels of curiosity and inquiry from those individuals who have purchased membership from your club for 2002. If you feel a bit overwhelmed these days responding to your fans (customers), than I believe I can be of some assistance and help alleviate this problem for you. As a paying customer (or "supporter" - whichever you prefer) for the previous two years, I feel I am entitled to voice my opinions and concerns over a few recent transgressions. Hopefully, I am not overstepping my bounds here, but as you've said, "please tell us"...

Grab a seat. This could take a while.

Firstly, and obviously of greatest concern to myself as a Club Member, I must address the issue of services rendered by your organization. Many individuals, including myself, have taken the time to inquire to your Club directly for information regarding specific details on artistic product that we have purchased in advance, based in part both for our love of Prince's music (and unquestionable faith in it) and on the few specific details we were given to entice us to join this year. To wit:

"R U Read 2 B A Part of the NEW POWER GENERATION?
Join The NPG Music Club! 2002

Access These New CD's...
Last December
One Nite Alone
The Best Of (Symbol)
and other magnificent stuff! "

...advertised directly from your website. Now, before I go too far, allow me to state up front that I realize that it's only October 8th and to be fair, your organization has until February to fulfill these promises, and that I am no way suggesting that you won't. But when I read things like this:

There are no other cd's in development at this time.THOSE OTHER TITLES WERE IDEAS BUT NOT FINAL"

It gives me pause. If it's not final, then why exactly was it promised and advertised?

Personally, whether you consider your members to be "supporters", like a charity, or "customers" like a business, is of minor concern to me. I will continue to "support" Prince's art in a manner similar to the one for which I've done for the last 22 years. His music is that good, and i make it my business to procure as much of it as I can get my hands (or ears) on. The question at hand is two fold: whether or not your Club is prepared to live up to your end of the bargain (re: CON-tract), and whether or not Prince would prefer to receive my money directly from me, enjoying the benefits of his "freedom" straight from my open wallet, or to spend money (much of which he got from me) to sue people who have offered publicly the true vision of everything that NPGMC and has repeatedly promised.

No matter how you choose to address you members, and whatever cosmic questionnaires, philosophical essays and cryptic messages you send your "supporters", you are, in fact, a business first and foremost. I discovered this recently when I was denied access to your website to the tune of a $44 balance due for the remainder of the year, as well as when I purchased $500 worth of concert tickets for 2 shows in Atlanta, GA and $25 for a symbol pendant. To put it bluntly, you can't have it both ways. Your trappings are philosophical and spiritual on the surface, but when push comes to shove, you still want my credit card number, so, along these lines, I would implore you to be straight with your CUSTOMERS, give us timely and accurate information regarding our inquiries, and, most importantly, deliver on the things that you offer in your advertisements. I, and many like me, I(judging from some much more public, open and informative websites) feel similarly and seem increasingly likely to allow our membership to expire next year. I am not speaking for them, but I can promise you that you will be short at least $100 next year if my concerns are not addressed in a matter that seems reasonable. But, like you've said: "One more open seat at the concert" - or some such thing.

So let me ask you outright: what exactly can I expect in my mailbox between now and February? This seems like a fair question, born in no small part out of the enticing advertisements and promotions you've made, and reasonable by any standard logic of a paying customer. You could save yourselves a lot of time and annoyance buy simply answering this ONE question. Why is that hard? I am confused, or perhaps just stupid and naive. Either way, the paying fan in me wants to know and feels in some small way eintitled to this knowledge.

Regarding "bootleggers", or, more specifically, "file sharers", let me offer you a suggestion: release the music yourself. As I've come to understand it, it's all recorded, re-mixed and (quite obviously) readily available. I've been listening for years about Prince's desire for "freedom", his voluminous "vault" and his disdain for the recording limitations imposed on him by record companies that I shall not name. So, simply put, where is the music? By my count, I have "silicon', "ONA" and a live version of "1+1+1=3" to show my "support" this year. Here is a suggestion: SELL THE MUSIC YOURSELF, and call it "an explosion of retail merchandise". Trust me, this would work. Quite obviously, there is demand. Obviously, there is supply. So what, precisely, is the problem with this specific approach? As an artist myself, I know that I would be quite happy to make my work available to enthusiastic appreciators, whether I deemed the work "beneath my standards" or not - and most especially if some thieving bastard was offering it up for profit elsewhere when I could easily do it myself - and have often expressed publicly a desire to do just that. Granted, I am not Prince, nor a musician, but I've got some talent and have moved a few paintings that were never intended to be sold - often at a financial loss to myself, and for precisely that very reason: that somebody else saw value in a creation that I didn't think was my best work, so I made it avialable and affordable to them. Heck, I didn't even ask them for a credit card.

You should be advised that some of your members are looking into The Better Business Bureau as a possible means of rectifying their concerns, and, frankly, I can't blame them. After all, we'd only be following the example set forth by your Founder, CEO and President. We inquire, demand, and express our opinions, and are often met with flippant comments and cryptic vague responses, leaving many of us feeling like we have no choice but to pursue of other avenues, and what better example to follow than Prince's? This seems like his preferred method of handling things that he deems unsatisfactory, so I'm sure you (and he) would understand if a few members looked into this (not that I'm threatening to do it myself). I implore you to spend less time surfing the net for file sharers and more time addressing the concerns of your customers. I love Prince's music, but I am not a sheep.

Conversley, let me say how much I respect the POTENTIAL and VISION of your club, which led me to "support" the endeavor almost from its inception. Also, how much I enjoyed the two shows I went to and the wonderful seats I had (plus the aftershow), even if there were a few bugs in the system that nearly led to a riot - thanks in SOME part to SOME confusion and disorganization on your end. But let's not pretend for a second that the money I paid wasn't 3x as much cash as I'd ever paid for a show in my life, that there were no connection issues or confusion with the website when I tried to purchase the tickets, or that the money meant nothing to you since it's all just an artistic and spiritual "experiment". You are conducting yourselves as a business, operate as a business, and as long as you do this, in this member's opinion, you owe me a level of service and communication better than what you're delivering in your current incarnation. An 800 number would help, along with a few of the things I've described above.

Finally, I am currently planning to not renew my membership for 2003, and feel you should know. I'm with you. I'm on YOUR side, and I want the NPGMC to be everything it can be. If you find this letter rude, threatening of in any way out of line, then please re-read it, realize my intention and decide for yourselves whether I am a customer or a simply a supporter. I can just as easily choose not to renew, but I'd hate to see it got that way, as I'm sure you would. Please meet me half way and address some of my questions, suggestions and concerns.

Thank you, and I look forward to your response.

Name: ***

Password: ***

Today I posted here a topic about "e-mails" we send them and they never respond to... and let me just say that those idiots hired to respond for prince probably cannot understand your "big words" evillol
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Reply #8 posted 10/08/02 9:12pm


Let me just say that eye read all of your letter, and agree with all of what u have said. Eye respect the manner you took and understand exactly how u feel, being a member. This was a great letter to send, and maybe they will soon get the picture, but eye highly doubt it, but right on man, eye think it was a great idea!smile

Eye shook my head once or twice, to be awakened that u might be right, and that some of the actions prince has recently taken are against his very words in the past...

but thanks again for sending that, being a npgmc member, eye feel ya brother.
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Reply #9 posted 10/08/02 9:27pm



hmmm, good letter. please do let us know any response.
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Reply #10 posted 10/08/02 11:38pm


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Reply #11 posted 10/08/02 11:53pm



There are many members who do not frequent this site that are not really bothered by when CDs get sent to them or when Prince will do this or that. Frankly, it's not that serious. I believe he will deliver on 4 CDs this year just like I believed I would get into all those concerts I atteneded this year, got my ONA CD, and got my monthly downloads all last year. It's easy to sit here and try and argue about what a good or bad business man Prince is, but in the end, what will gain by it except praise from a handful of people no closer to Prince than you? I don't blame the club for not answering you since we all know it would just get reposted here only to fuel the fires of bored speculation about how evil the club is (just as my post will fuel the fire as well since 100% agreement seems to be the dictated policy). I'm sure the club would rather just go about their business of selling tickets to Japan, going to shows in Europe, and sending out a box set when it's ready to go. What else is there to do? Argue with you about Prince? Not worth the time or effort. Okay, flame away!
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Reply #12 posted 10/09/02 12:11am



The letter was on the point all the way. It would be SO easy for Prince to please the members by releasing a couple of new songs once in a while as downloads.
Let us know the response (if you get it).
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Reply #13 posted 10/09/02 12:14am



I think it is a very well written and reasonable letter that will not get any decent response, unfortunately.
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
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Reply #14 posted 10/09/02 12:31am



great letter! really well written and nicely toned. i don't doubt that we'll get our CDs but i agree the club should keep us informed. or should i say, in4med. big grin

i wish prince would let someone help him with his projects
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Reply #15 posted 10/09/02 8:42am



you should have mentioned the fact that we already had over half the songs from the one CD we already received.
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Reply #16 posted 10/09/02 8:45am



DonnieDarko said:

There are many members who do not frequent this site that are not really bothered by when CDs get sent to them or when Prince will do this or that. Frankly, it's not that serious. I believe he will deliver on 4 CDs this year just like I believed I would get into all those concerts I atteneded this year, got my ONA CD, and got my monthly downloads all last year. It's easy to sit here and try and argue about what a good or bad business man Prince is, but in the end, what will gain by it except praise from a handful of people no closer to Prince than you? I don't blame the club for not answering you since we all know it would just get reposted here only to fuel the fires of bored speculation about how evil the club is (just as my post will fuel the fire as well since 100% agreement seems to be the dictated policy). I'm sure the club would rather just go about their business of selling tickets to Japan, going to shows in Europe, and sending out a box set when it's ready to go. What else is there to do? Argue with you about Prince? Not worth the time or effort. Okay, flame away!

I don't think it is a waste of time for consumers to question what they are purchasing and when they will receive it. Members paid $100 up front and even if Prince comes thru with the 4 CD's (which he probably will), I can't think of too many other circumstances where money is paid up front and false products are promised with no timeline provided.
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Reply #17 posted 10/09/02 9:01am



Thanks Herb. The letter was well written and on point.

Now if someone would actually read and answer it we'd have something.

I think that's why they didn't have one of those, "Tell us how you feel about the NPGMC" this year at the celebration.

God forbid, someone actually tell the truth or answer some questions.

Again, thanks and keep us informed. Or as someone put it "in4med"
If the wind blew every petal from your precious red rose wilted
Would U be afraid of what U'd find inside? rose

Prince - Dreamin' About U
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Reply #18 posted 10/09/02 10:51am



Great Letter - Well Said.

Exactly my feelings as per my posts on another thread.

However I now find myself in a complete Dilemma?!!?

My membership has just expired so what should I do?

Can you please keep us informed with any response.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He'll put you in his cookie jar and save you for a rainy day
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Reply #19 posted 10/09/02 11:05am



you know what i wonder?

what about people who joined november 1 of last year and whose membership will expire at the end of this month.

if the remaining 2002 CDs are not released by the time these hypothetical members' accounts expire, will the club honor the fact that they *were* members for the majority of the year 2002 and send them the remaining CDs, or will these members be screwed?
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Reply #20 posted 10/09/02 1:28pm


no respond 2 you yet huh? lololololololol
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Reply #21 posted 10/09/02 2:07pm


i hope you dont mind herb, but i reported your thread to the moderator...

to be expanded into a feature section wink

its just to good of a letter to get lost in the npgmc forum...
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Reply #22 posted 10/09/02 4:01pm


DonnieDarko said:

There are many members who do not frequent this site that are not really bothered by when CDs get sent to them or when Prince will do this or that. Frankly, it's not that serious. I believe he will deliver on 4 CDs this year just like I believed I would get into all those concerts I atteneded this year, got my ONA CD, and got my monthly downloads all last year. It's easy to sit here and try and argue about what a good or bad business man Prince is, but in the end, what will gain by it except praise from a handful of people no closer to Prince than you? I don't blame the club for not answering you since we all know it would just get reposted here only to fuel the fires of bored speculation about how evil the club is (just as my post will fuel the fire as well since 100% agreement seems to be the dictated policy). I'm sure the club would rather just go about their business of selling tickets to Japan, going to shows in Europe, and sending out a box set when it's ready to go. What else is there to do? Argue with you about Prince? Not worth the time or effort. Okay, flame away!

No response yet.

I don't know what you do for a living, but $100 is serious to me. Even more serious to me is the matter of people keeping their word.

Never called em' "evil".

Didn't do it for the org, particularly, just thought some folks would like to know about it - maybe like to read it.

I don't generally flame anyone. I didn't speak for you or anyone else. I'm happy that YOUR happy with your membership. I'm not arguing with anyone - at least I don't think I am. No problem here.
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Reply #23 posted 10/09/02 4:03pm


divo02 said:

you should have mentioned the fact that we already had over half the songs from the one CD we already received.

you're right. I've mentioned it before, but forgot to include that tidbit...

Oh well, it was long enough anyhow.
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Reply #24 posted 10/09/02 4:07pm


XxAxX said:

you know what i wonder?

what about people who joined november 1 of last year and whose membership will expire at the end of this month.

if the remaining 2002 CDs are not released by the time these hypothetical members' accounts expire, will the club honor the fact that they *were* members for the majority of the year 2002 and send them the remaining CDs, or will these members be screwed?

This happened to me recently. I tried to log in and was informed that my membership had expired (I joined in Sep. of last year) and owed them $41, which I reluctantly sent along with a comment that it would've been nice (and prefessional) for them to send an e-mail informing me of my pending expiration. I paid for the rest of the year. i didn't come this far to not get whatever goods they elect to send.

Then we'll see.
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Reply #25 posted 10/11/02 1:33pm



Well said. Ironical I sent them this email last week. Sadly I have not recieved a response from them at all...and do not expect to...

Joining the NPGMC 2002...


I must admit that when I joined the club in its first year, I was really overjoyed with what the NPGMC had put together. With new tracks coming out every single month, new videos, NPG Ahdio and The Rainbow Children (which was also made available to the general public). It really was worth every penny.

When I heard that the club would not be issuing monthly subscriptions, and only 4 new cds, and advance ticket sales, for the same 100 dollars I got suspicious. Prince has a track record of getting bored with projects. Sign "O" the Times was his biggest example of this. He has never stayed with a single project with any kind of time to make me think that year 2002 of the NPGMC would be any different. So I stayed away and waited and hoped I would be wrong.

Let's see what this years members got: Xenophobia Concert a Paisley Park (which was excellent, but at a hefty $250 prince oops, I mean price.). One Night Alone (1 cd) and One Night Alone Live (3 cds) and it has been said that it will be offered to the general public. AND is still not released in the final months of the club. In fact Prince stated on the NPGMC web site: "One Night Alone the 7cd set, Oh wait, you already bought this from a bootlegger." It came off to me that this was directed at his fans. Those are the ones he cannot afford to alienate. In fact we are the only ones listening to him. The rest of the world has moved on. This was exactly what I thought would happen, less material and work for the NPGMC for the same price from its members.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be downgrading, in fact I have tried looking for a bright side to this years club. But with the exception of One Night Alone, I can still go to Xenophobia, buy One Night Alone Live at the wrecka stow, and buy Days Of Wild cd at the NPGMC web site. So In the long run I have saved my hard earned $100 and got almost the same thing as its club members. The NPGMC needs to rectify this in next year's club.

Its really kind of sad when you think of it, Prince has liked to portray himself as the victim throughout the years. He once called himself a slave, but who is the slave now? Prince or his VARY FAITHFUL fans.

Thank You,


'nuff said.
"So strange that no one stayed at the end of the Parade..." - Wendy & Lisa's "Song About" on their 1987 self-titled album.
uzi RIAA
mac 'nuff said.
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Reply #26 posted 10/14/02 4:39pm


An excellent letter, eloquently highlighting all out frustrations.

However, if you get the usual response it may be necessary to use a more destructive approach. Thinking caps on, they must be accountable.
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Reply #27 posted 10/14/02 10:11pm



FAM said:

Great letter. I feel the same as you, although I will probably renew my membership next year just to see what next year will bring.

FAM, you're doing something I will never quite understand. You say you feel the same way yet you are still going to renew?!? I've also heard others on this site express the same thing & it just puzzles the hell out of me.
No disrespect but I feel that this is why Prince's business practices have stayed the same. They absolutely suck but hey, there are people that are always going to pay the price so why improve it?
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Reply #28 posted 10/14/02 11:35pm


Perhaps I can explain the situation with the love hate thing:

I used to write letters like that to the NPGMC because,in teh first year I had no end of trouble with things like being charged twice,false information about joining up,no Rave CD until December and serious lack of help in any form from their end. In the end I gave up writing the letters because all I ever got were cryptic messages in return or ignored totally.

However,when it came time to rejoin I did...but why if my experience before was so bad. Its kinda because I have no choice - I like Prince music (most of it) and just because the NPGMC fell shrt in a few places for one year there is always that part of me thinking "what if he released a killer album and I wasnt signed up". Its all to do with perspective really,how do you look at what we are getting this year/so far:

:hmmm:The promise of a world tour for the last 2 years - it finally came about this year but there werent enough priority tickets by half but at least he toured.

:hmmm:The promise of at least 4 new CDs - ONA so far and it looks as if the other 3 will be the live set. Technically they are indeed 4 new cds but were people expecting 4 seperate albums?

:hmmm: Year one promised videos and new trax evrymonth...most of the time this was true but some months there were no videos and some months what there was was neither new or good.

Im happy now but its easy to see why some people still feel how I used to...its a very fine line.
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Reply #29 posted 10/14/02 11:37pm


The only thing that frustraes me now is thatthey dont want to know anything that doesnt boost their sales of teh club...which is frustrating when you take the time to be constructive

and yes the :hmmm: should be hmm
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