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Thread started 08/09/14 2:11am





Discuss Anything & Everything MJ

The other thread got too long ............ Continuing with a new one.

Please use this thread to discuss everything and anything MJ.

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Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #1 posted 08/09/14 7:56am


Some pretty troubling stories have been emerging in the last few days about MJ. Any fans care to share their thoughts on these latest allegations?

I gotta say, as a lifelong fan, I'm starting to have my doubts about his innocence. How many more boys will there be coming forward making these kind of claims against him before other fans will start to wonder if there really was some truth to it all? Falsely accusing someone of child molestation is a despicable thing to do, and I have a hard time believing that all these families are making it up just for money....

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Reply #2 posted 08/09/14 9:26am



From the estate of Michael Jackson :


Make sure to check just after 9 a.m. EST Monday for news about the new single, “A Place With No Name,” and the forthcoming short film!

The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™

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Reply #3 posted 08/09/14 6:04pm



Fiona01 said:

Some pretty troubling stories have been emerging in the last few days about MJ. Any fans care to share their thoughts on these latest allegations?

I gotta say, as a lifelong fan, I'm starting to have my doubts about his innocence. How many more boys will there be coming forward making these kind of claims against him before other fans will start to wonder if there really was some truth to it all? Falsely accusing someone of child molestation is a despicable thing to do, and I have a hard time believing that all these families are making it up just for money....

I have no trouble believing that a bunch of peeps would come out of the woodwork saying anything to try to cash in on a piece of the very lucrative MJ estate. Same old story.

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #4 posted 08/09/14 7:36pm


Fiona01 said:

Some pretty troubling stories have been emerging in the last few days about MJ. Any fans care to share their thoughts on these latest allegations?

I gotta say, as a lifelong fan, I'm starting to have my doubts about his innocence. How many more boys will there be coming forward making these kind of claims against him before other fans will start to wonder if there really was some truth to it all? Falsely accusing someone of child molestation is a despicable thing to do, and I have a hard time believing that all these families are making it up just for money....

My feeling has always been...where is the proof? I refuse to believe anything unless there is some solid,undisputable proof.There are alot of shady people in the world,who would say anything to get a big payday.Remember the 2005 accusations? It turns out that the boy's mother was a FRAUD who had a long history of deceiving,lying and making false accusations.

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Reply #5 posted 08/09/14 8:43pm



SoulAlive said:

Fiona01 said:

Some pretty troubling stories have been emerging in the last few days about MJ. Any fans care to share their thoughts on these latest allegations?

I gotta say, as a lifelong fan, I'm starting to have my doubts about his innocence. How many more boys will there be coming forward making these kind of claims against him before other fans will start to wonder if there really was some truth to it all? Falsely accusing someone of child molestation is a despicable thing to do, and I have a hard time believing that all these families are making it up just for money....

My feeling has always been...where is the proof? I refuse to believe anything unless there is some solid,undisputable proof.There are alot of shady people in the world,who would say anything to get a big payday.Remember the 2005 accusations? It turns out that the boy's mother was a FRAUD who had a long history of deceiving,lying and making false accusations.

Thank you, I feel the same way. There has NEVER been any PROOF of any of these allegations. There is plenty proof that NOTHING happened in any of these "cases". Btw, I don't know of any LIFELONG fan who believes any of this crap. For one thing, most "lifelong" fans have followed these allegations and pretty much know everything from the FACTS(not tabloid innuendo, speculation, rumors, etc.) All a person has to do is to research and the FACTS don't add up to the bullshit that these asswipes are spewing. Seriously, you don't have to be Einstein to know that WR is lying. I have never for one moment doubted Michael's innoncence. Falsely accusing someone is the worst thing possible, because some people are too weak-minded to find out the truth for themselves. I find it incredible that anyone would have a hard time believeing that these famiklies are making it up just for money. Evan Chandler, the author of the first false allegation and father of Jordan Chandler said in a taped conversation:" If I go through with THIS, I WIN BIG! For all of the haters and people who have doubts about this accuser, ask YOURSELF would YOU say that about your child IF he/she had really been abused. I can answer for myself, there is no way in hell that I would be thinking about Money if MY child had been abused. ALL of this was about money. This latest round of false allegations is about money because this weasle is asking for MONEY because at age 33 or 34, he just NOW realized tht he was abused after TESTIFYING in court, under oath, that nothinng happened, This is the same man who waited almost 5 years AFTER his supposed perpetrator was murdered, and then came forward asking for money.

People all it takes is COMMON SENSE, which some people lack in spades. The facts are starring these people in these eyes, and either they are too stupid to see it, or simply WANT these allegations to be true. How despicable and sad for people to WANT a person to have been abused when they haven't. mad

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Reply #6 posted 08/10/14 8:51am


I was hoping if some MJ fan here could help me. This should be something die-hard MJ fans should know or at least are aware of.

The Remember the Time and In the Closet videos have different mixes with "breakdown" funky sections that are amazing, but, unfortunately, that I know, never released anywhere (in song-format). Does anybody know about that? Other different video mixes that may be found please let me know about them.

-Wtv u heard bout me is true,I change the rules n do what I wanna do.[Im n love w God,He's the only way - NOT!]We know we gotta die some day,so Im gon have fun evr MF night!Im gon 2 another life.How bout u?
-Im wit u...Ur so cool, evrtg u do is SUCCESS.
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Reply #7 posted 08/10/14 3:23pm


Off The Wall turns 35 today! What an album, still sounds fresh today! music

Michael Jackson’s ‘Off the Wall’ at 35: Classic Track-by-Track Album Review

There comes a time in every young man’s life when he must put on a snug tuxedo and gleaming white socks and go his own way. For Michael Jackson, that time was 35 years ago, on August 10, 1979. It was then, weeks shy of his 21st birthday, that Jackson released Off the Wall, the album that established him as a grown-up solo superstar and set the stage for his coronation as King of Pop.

Off the Wall didn’t sell as well as MJ’s follow-up, 1982’s world-devouring chart beast Thriller, but song for song, it’s arguably the stronger album. Produced byQuincy Jones, who Jackson had befriended on the set of the 1978 Wizard of Oz reboot The Wiz, Off the Wall introduces the Michael many fans would prefer to remember most.

Those aggressive grunts and hiccups hadn’t yet come to dominate his singing. He’s not playing a monster or a gangster or dressing like a Klingon general. Lyrically, he doesn’t take hyper-defensive stances against gossipy critics or those who would abuse the trust of elephants.

Despite all the sadness he’d already experienced, Jackson puts on a brave face. During what he later described as “one of the most difficult periods” of his life, he manages to look and sound like a fresh-faced kid with boundless talent and energy. And that comes across from the opening seconds.

“You know, I was … I was wondering, you know, if you could keep on,” he half-stammers at the start of the leadoff track, “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough.” It’s like he’s addressing not just some girl, but a whole planet of girls -- and guys and housewives and truck drivers and grandmas -- he’s about to seduce with music and charisma he barely understands. “Because the force,” he says, “it’s got a lot of power.”

Indeed, the force was strong in MJ. On these 10 disco-funk burners and cottony pop tunes, he’s boyish yet confident, sexy yet naïve -- the Luke Skywalker of pop. The first two singles, “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” and “Rock With You,” were nightlife anthems, and both topped the Billboard Hot 100. While the album peaked at No. 3, it would be the last time this notorious perfectionist would settle for anything less than No. 1. From here on out, Jackson owned the pop charts.

In the years that followed, the music got weirder and tougher, and Michael grew stranger and more reclusive. By 1987’s Bad, he’d waved a gloved hand goodbye to the last traces of normalcy. But on Off the Wall, this otherworldly being is just here to make us swoon and dance. Resistance is futile. Read on to get our track-by-track take of this pop masterwork.

“Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough”: Here’s where little Mikey becomes a man. “Touch me,” he urges, singing self-penned lyrics over music he’s written himself. “And I feel on fire.” Interestingly, Jackson delivers this come-on in a falsetto that’s far from masculine. It’s not exactly feminine, either. As rival Prince would say of himself years later, MJ is neither your woman nor your man; he’s “something that you’ll never understand.” One thing everyone can understand: This song’s irresistible disco-ball shimmer and rhythmic snap. You’ve heard it a million times, and you never get enough.

“Rock With You”: As with the previous track, the meaning is ambiguous. It’s possible he’s singing about sex, but this is Michael Jackson. If he’s sweating until dawn, he’s probably dancing. As far as grooving goes, this one’s slower and funkier than “Don’t Stop.” Jackson lets his voice go gravelly when he digs into the line, “Just take it slow / ‘cause we got so far to go.” He’s settling into this party he’s throwing, pacing himself to go the distance.

“Working Day and Night”: The second of three tunes written solely by Jackson, “Working Day and Night” would have been a smash single on any other album. On Off the Wall, it gets relegated to album-cut/ B-side status. Outfitted with bass pops and rattling percussion, which come in toward the end, this one’s a rhythmic monster -- certainly not a typical disco-funk track. When Talking Heads cut “Remain In Light” the following year, they may well have had this record in mind. Justin Timberlake has certainly spun it a few times.

“Get on the Floor”: It’s no surprise that bassist Louis Jordan co-wrote this one. LJ doesn’t quite upstage MJ and his fluttery lover-man vocals, but his poppin’ bassline makes Jackson’s “dance with me” plea rather redundant. This song would make crippled robots dance, and Jackson knows it. He throws in some James Brown-lite grunts just for the funk of it: “Get up, won’t you g’on down!”

“Off the Wall”: Rod Temperton, the man behind “Rock With You,” penned this, the album’s third of four Top 10 pop hits. It shimmies ahead a bit like “Thriller,” which Temperton would write a few years later, and Jackson gives one of the disc’s most assured vocals. Amid his gasps, he even offers up a proto-“He-hee,” previewing one of his signature vocal ticks of the ‘80s and beyond. Still, this is safe, good-natured, friendly Michael. His message: Life is short; go nuts. You can’t say he didn’t take it to heart.

“Girlfriend”: Even though Paul McCartney included this tune on the 1978 Wings album London Town, he penned it with Michael in mind. It’s Macca at his doofiest and most tuneful, and the innocence of the lyrics -- all about a guy who’s actually going to tell another fellow he’s having a fling with his lady -- is perfect for Jackson. It’s supermarket rock with sax and synth sounds that have aged about as well as 1979 milk, but those “do-doot-do” vocals still bring a smile.

“She’s Out of My Life”: As the story goes, Michael cried at the end of each take, and he certainly sounds like a man on the verge of tears. As on all of his finest ballads, MJ lets his voice quiver at some bizarre frequency he turned into during those years of touring, recording, and trying to cope with the loneliness of being a child star. As he wrote in his 1988 memoir Moonwalk, he wept at the realization he was “so rich in some experiences while being poor in moments of true joy,” and that’s how he turns a relatively unremarkable love song into a showstopper. Everyone knows there’s no “she,” and that’s what makes it so devastating.

“I Can’t Help It”: Yet another sign Off the Wall is a masterpiece: The tune Stevie Wonder co-wrote is among the ones people talk about the least. True, it’s a pastel-colored twinkle-fest of the sort that would earn Stevie a bad name in the ‘80s, but MJ’s sincerity and effortless vocals shine through. Perhaps because his love songs were never going to be super believable -- at least not when taken at face value -- he turns pap to pop.

“It’s the Falling In Love”: Here’s the perfect love song for Michael. It’s all about how the idea of romance, the mystery of thinking about what might be, is better than the real thing. Again, it’s lightly funky and infused with those horns give this record so much of its flavor, and the sing-songy chorus is the sort of thing for which Michael’s voice was made.

“Burn This Disco Out”: Temperton once again works his magic, and “Off the Wall” ends just as it began, with Michael vowing to keep the party going all night. In a few playful moments, he affects a low bellow and sings, “Keep the boogie alright.” To be continued...

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Reply #8 posted 08/10/14 3:44pm



^^^That's funny, I had the sudden urge to listen to the entire album yesterday...and I did! Probably still my fav MJ LP. 1979 was a great year for music! wink

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #9 posted 08/10/14 7:15pm



Fiona01 said:

Some pretty troubling stories have been emerging in the last few days about MJ. Any fans care to share their thoughts on these latest allegations?

I gotta say, as a lifelong fan, I'm starting to have my doubts about his innocence. How many more boys will there be coming forward making these kind of claims against him before other fans will start to wonder if there really was some truth to it all? Falsely accusing someone of child molestation is a despicable thing to do, and I have a hard time believing that all these families are making it up just for money....

I've read about the new allegations. I smell bs.
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Reply #10 posted 08/10/14 7:44pm



...and to my understanding, his estate has generated $700 million dollars, since his death so how convenient to sue a dead man, when these accusers had a chance to plead their case, when he was alive. There is no statue of limitations on sex crimes, but why wait now? It's questionable.
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Reply #11 posted 08/10/14 8:42pm


Both of the people who now claim offenses previously defended him under oath. Ridiculous.

On another matter. Aren't Journalist interesting. Look at the following two articles. One claims Xscape is a runaway hit, the other claims Xscape was a failure. Isn't this funny?

Negative first( by Roger Fieldman ( I should have know) :" target="_blank">

Michael Jackson Brand Damaged by Poor Sales of New CD and Books

Considering all the people who write to me screaming about how they love Michael Jackson, etcetera, etcetera, here’s a question: where are you?

Jackson’s much touted CD of new, unreleased, and reconfigured material has been a bust. Forget proclamations that it’s “number 1 in 50 countries” or other such nonsense. In the United States, after four weeks of sales, “XScape” has sold just 286,000 copies.

That’s it, and it’s around number 25 on the album charts. It’s not coming back, either. “Xscape” had one marketing ploy and it’s over. That was the dancing “hologram” on the Billboard Music Awards.

Meantime, two new books about Jackson, pegged to the fifth anniversary of his death on June 25th, are also flops. “Michael Jackson Inc” by Zach O’Malley Greenburg, has done the worst. It’s ranked around number 16,000– sixteen thousand– on That’s pretty much no sales.

“Remember the Time,” an interesting memoir by two former Jackson bodyguards, has done a little better. Deservedly so. That book is up around number 1,320, which means it’s had some sales, good worth of mouth and online reviews. But it’s no best seller.

Maybe the authors of the books are waiting for the death anniversary to do some publicity. I think they should get going now. Those books are not going to revive themselves. Like the CD, they simply haven’t caught on.

The CD, of course, was a bad idea. Remixing and fiddling with Jackson’s unreleased music was a kind of heresy. It served no purpose. Just releasing the demos as they were would have been plenty.

As it is, many good unreleased songs were thrown out because they’d already been included in the “Bad” 25th anniversary album. There isn’t that much left now in the vaults. Sony would be wise to issue a series of live CDs from concerts.

What do people want of Michael Jackson? The hits, the ones they love, and have ties to. “Billie Jean” and “Beat It” already outlasting the “new” stuff.

Meantime, TMZ has a LOL story about Jackson’s ex-wife and her purported engagement to gay pornographer Marc Schaffel. Apparently, he has a wife. Only on TMZ, my friends, only on TMZ.

Positive :

Michael Jackson joins posthumous hit parade

Patrick Ryan, USA TODAY 12:53 a.m. EDT June 25, 2014

For posthumous albums, it can be a tough line to moonwalk: honoring a beloved artist's legacy, while still giving fans something fresh and exciting from their favorite icon. On the fifth anniversary of the King of Pop's death, USA TODAY takes a look at five releases that ignited the charts and gave new life to music legends.

MICHAEL JACKSON, Xscape (2013)

The numbers:

  • 309,000 copies sold since its May 13 release, according to Nielsen SoundScan
  • Peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard album chart
  • 6 weeks on the chart (currently No. 9)

Why it worked: Xscape hasn't sold quite as well as the This Is It concert film soundtrack, which arrived four months after Jackson's death on June 25, 2009 and debuted at No. 1 (selling 373,000 copies its first week). "You don't have this news event that's generating headlines to help promote (the project)," says Keith Caulfield, associate director of charts/sales at Billboard. "They had to find a new way to build interest" in Xscape, which included a Michael Jackson illusion singing Slave to the Rhythm at the Billboard Music Awards, along with a Justin Timberlake-assisted single, Love Never Felt So Good, which peaked at No. 9 on Billboard's Hot 100. Xscape succeeded because "there was a real desire to try and do something that represented the best of what Michael Jackson did," with a sound that is "both recognizable and contemporary," says Rolling Stone contributing editor Anthony DeCurtis. "Some people might think that in itself is problematic, but if you're going to do it, you want to do it in a way that makes sense for the people that are going to hear it."

THE BEATLES, The Beatles Anthology (1995-96)

The numbers:

  • Anthology 1, released in November 1995, has sold 3.7 million copies, followed by Anthology 2 (1.8 million) in March 1996 and Anthology 3 (1.4 million) in October 1996
  • All three went No. 1
  • 29, 37 and 16 weeks on the chart, respectively

Why it worked: As the first release of new Beatles music since 1970's Let It Be, people naturally went crazy for Anthology. "(It) was the mother lode of archival material for a lot of fans and casual fans of The Beatles, because it had songs they had never heard before," including newly completed tracks Free As a Bird and Real Love, says Caulfield. As part of a sprawling project that included a documentary TV series and companion book, the Anthology albums got it right because it was "such a unique project; they haven't had anything quite like (it) since," Caulfield says. Free As a Bird became the band's 34th top 10 single in America, peaking at No. 6 on the Hot 100 and winning a best pop performance Grammy — some 15 years after John Lennon's death on Dec. 8, 1980.

THE NOTORIOUS B.I.G., Life After Death (1997)

The numbers:

  • 5.2 million copies sold
  • No. 1 in Billboard
  • 82 weeks on the chart

Why it worked: Life After Death, released less than three weeks after the rapper's still-unsolved murder on March 9, 1997, was a "simultaneously happy and really somber" effort, says Jezebel staff writer Hillary Crosley. With hit singles such as Mo Money, Mo Problems, Hypnotize and Sky's the Limit, it "really was just the summer album" that year, she says. "That album was just everywhere and it permeated everything." And unlike his 1994 album Ready to Die, which primarily featured East Coast talent, Biggie included artists such as R. Kelly, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony and Too $hort on Life After Death, which helped broaden the appeal. "If you want to break out commercially and take over America, you need to be able to incorporate all the different sounds," Crosley says. His label also did a great job of "realizing the audience, which was teens to college-age (fans)."

JANIS JOPLIN, Pearl (1971)

The numbers:

  • 4 million copies sold, according to the Recording Industry Association of America (Pearl was released before SoundScan began tracking in 1991, but has been certified four-times platinum)
  • No. 1 in Billboard
  • 42 weeks on the chart

Why it worked: Joplin had essentially already completed Pearl before she died on Oct. 4, 1970, of a heroin overdose. The album, released three months later and No. 1 for nine weeks, included Joplin favorites such as Mercedes Benz, Cry Baby and signature song Me and Bobby McGee. "Bobby McGee was the key to the project," DeCurtis says. "In its sense of wistfulness and missing someone, it captured the emotion of millions of fans who were struggling with the fact that Janis Joplin was dead." Combined with the loss of Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison, "their deaths signaled the end of an era, that '60s movement in rock," Caulfield says. "It all came crashing down when those three artists passed away in a relatively short span, but the music (Joplin) made on Pearl continues to live on."

SELENA, Dreaming of You (1995)

The numbers:

  • 2.8 million sold to date
  • No. 1 in Billboard
  • 49 weeks on the chart

Why it worked: Before Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony and Enrique Iglesias crossed over, there was Selena, already a big star on the Latin charts, whose Dreaming of You album was set to be her mainstream break. "It's just such an unfortunate thing, because it was clearly going to be a moment," Caulfield says. "Her music was strong and she was such a charismatic, popular singer, so this album was probably going to be successful" even before she was murdered by her fan-club president on March 31, 1995. Released that July, Dreaming of You spawned top 40 singles such as the title track and I Could Fall in Love, and preceded numerous compilation and live albums. "She's sort of like the Tupac (Shakur) of Latin music, in a way, with a lot more material (released) after she passed away, and her legacy and stardom has grown ever since then," Caulfield says.

[Edited 8/10/14 22:17pm]

To All the Haters on the Internet
No more Candy 4 U
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Reply #12 posted 08/10/14 10:11pm


Don't get no better than this

Real Entertainment......

MJ brought the juggernaut w/this album and tour......

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Reply #13 posted 08/11/14 8:44am


IMO, Off The Wall was waaaaaaaaaay better than Thriller and here's proof!

She's Out Of My Life has been the most covered song from this album. Here are the artists who covered it:

Marie Osmond

Johnny Duncan & Jane Frickie

Shirley Bassey

Willie Nelson


Josh Groban


Patti LaBelle

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Reply #14 posted 08/11/14 2:13pm





Came across this this morning......

eek eek


Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #15 posted 08/11/14 5:05pm




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Reply #16 posted 08/11/14 5:17pm


DonRants said:

That's all I need to know lol I avoid anything written by Roger Friedman.He's an old,bitter man who lies and exaggerates.Never trust a word that he writes.He's a scum "journalist".

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Reply #17 posted 08/11/14 9:57pm



motownlover said:


I fucking love the bridge of that song. It's to die for. Perfection. I actually think that's one of the best bridges he's ever done.

As for all the other shit.... fuck them all. I'm done with wondering and getting upset about how low people can go. Scumbags, every one of them.

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Reply #18 posted 08/12/14 2:53am



Nick Ashford was someone I greatly admired, had the honor of knowing, and was the real-life inspiration for Cowboy Curtis' hair. RIP Nick. - Pee Wee Herman
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Reply #19 posted 08/12/14 5:28am


SoulAlive said:

DonRants said:

That's all I need to know lol I avoid anything written by Roger Friedman.He's an old,bitter man who lies and exaggerates.Never trust a word that he writes.He's a scum "journalist".

LOL. I read it first before I saw his name..That will learn me ( as one of my southern friends likes to say).

But he does make just one point: " Where are the fans"? It is not as bad as he is making out, but a lot of fans just are not supporting the current projects....which I think is a shame. I was shocked to see only 1.2 million copies of Xscape sold worldwide by a previous poster.

[Edited 8/11/14 22:33pm]

To All the Haters on the Internet
No more Candy 4 U
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Reply #20 posted 08/12/14 5:54am


DonRants said:

SoulAlive said:

That's all I need to know lol I avoid anything written by Roger Friedman.He's an old,bitter man who lies and exaggerates.Never trust a word that he writes.He's a scum "journalist".

LOL. I read it first before I saw his name..That will learn me ( as one of my southern friends likes to say).

But he does make just one point: " Where are the fans"? It is not as bad as he is making out, but a lot of fans just are not supporting the current projects....which I think is a shame. I was shocked to see only 1.2 million copies of Xscape sold worldwide by a previous poster.

1.2 million copies worldwide isn't bad at all,considering that we live in an era of declining record sales.Even Mariah Carey can't sell records these days.

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Reply #21 posted 08/12/14 4:40pm


SoulAlive said:

DonRants said:

LOL. I read it first before I saw his name..That will learn me ( as one of my southern friends likes to say).

But he does make just one point: " Where are the fans"? It is not as bad as he is making out, but a lot of fans just are not supporting the current projects....which I think is a shame. I was shocked to see only 1.2 million copies of Xscape sold worldwide by a previous poster.

1.2 million copies worldwide isn't bad at all,considering that we live in an era of declining record sales.Even Mariah Carey can't sell records these days.

This. And plus Michael is not here to actively make appearances/support the album. If MJ were here, we would be looking at completely different numbers.. For example, if (hypothetically) MJ would have put out an album aroun 09/10, coming off of the success of 50 sold out shows, television specials/ other projects.. I think we would be looking at some big numbers.. But sadly, Michael isn't here to promote the work.

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Reply #22 posted 08/12/14 9:20pm


luv4u said:

Came across this this morning......

eek eek

That reads more like a blog post than a news article. What's with him constantly, and consistently, referring to him as "Jacko?" A professional news article would refer to him as "Jackson," typically speaking.

Note the way he words the 1993 settlement. "Jacko later paid Jordan and his parents more than $20 million in exchange for the boy’s silence." Implying guilt by saying "Jacko" paid for the boy's "silence," rather than how an actual journalist would phrase it (as what it was, a settlement).

I you look at his history, she almost exclusively writes about the Jacksons. He wrote a book about Michael Jackson with Bob Jones. He's just another parasite trying to make money off exploiting the fame and notoriety of the dead.

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Reply #23 posted 08/12/14 10:48pm


Michael Jackson, 10,000 hours, and the roots of creative genius

By Arturo Hernandez

That any person could become an expert in something if they simply spend about 3 hours per day for ten years learning it is an appealing concept. This idea, first championed by Ericsson and brought to prominence by Gladwell, has now taken root in the popular media. It attempts to discuss these differences in terms of the environment. The idea is that practice with the purpose of constantly gathering feedback and improving can lead any person to become an expert. If becoming an expert requires 10,000 hours, does a prodigy need 20,000.

Let’s consider, Michael Jackson, as an example of a prodigy. He grew up in a musical family in Gary, Indiana just outside Chicago. His father Joe played in an R&B band. All of his siblings played music in one way or another. Unlike his siblings and father, Jackson did not really play any instruments. However, he would compose songs in his head using his voice. One morning he came in and had written a song which eventually became ‘Beat It’. In the studio, he would sing each of the different parts including the various instruments. Then the producers and artists in the studio would work on putting the song together, following his arrangements.

Work in cognitive neuroscience has begun to shed light on the brain systems involved in creativity as being linked to psychometric IQ. Work by Neubauer and Fink suggests that these two different types of abilities, psychometric IQ and expertise, involve differential activity in the frontal and parietal lobes. They also appear for different types of tasks. In one study, taxi drivers were split into a high and low group depending on their performance on a paper and pencil IQ test. The results showed that both groups did equally well on familiar routes. The differences appeared between groups when they were compared on unfamiliar routes. In this condition, those with high IQs outperformed those with low IQ. So expertise can develop but the flexibility to handle new situations and improvise requires more than just practice.

Reports of Michael Jackson’s IQ are unreliable. However, he is purported to have had over 10,000 books in his reading collection and to have been an avid reader. His interviews reveal a person who was very eloquent and well spoken. And clearly he was able to integrate various different types of strands of music into interesting novel blends. If we were to lay this out across time, we have perhaps the roots of early genius. It is a person who has an unusual amount of exposure in a domain that starts at an early age. This would lead to the ability to play music very well.


Jackson came from a family filled with many successful musicians. Many were successful as recording artists. Perhaps Michael started earlier than his siblings. One conclusion we can draw from this natural experiment is that creative genius requires more than 10,000 hours. In the case of Michael Jackson, he read profusely and had very rich life experiences. He tried to meld these experiences into a blended musical genre that is uniquely his and yet distinctly resonant with known musical styles.

The kind of creativity is not restricted to prodigies like Michael Jackson. Language, our ultimate achievement as a human race, is something that no other animal species on this planet shares with us. The seeds of language exist all over the animal kingdom. There are birds that can use syntax to create elaborate songs. Chinchillas can recognize basic human speech. Higher primates can develop extensive vocabularies and use relatively sophisticated language. But only one species was able to take all of these various pieces and combine them into a much richer whole. Every human is born with the potential to develop much larger frontal lobes which interconnect with attention, motor, and sensory areas of the brain. It is in these enlarged cortical areas that we can see the roots of creative genius. So while 10,000 hours will create efficiency within restricted areas of the brain, only the use of more general purpose brain areas serve to develop true creativity.

Arturo Hernandez is currently Professor of Psychology and Director of the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience graduate program at the University of Houston. He is the author of The Bilingual Brain. His major research interest is in the neural underpinnings of bilingual language processing and second language acquisition in children and adults. He has used a variety of neuroimaging methods as well as behavioral techniques to investigate these phenomena which have been published in a number of peer reviewed journal articles. His research is currently funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development.

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Reply #24 posted 08/12/14 10:57pm


He is the Man in Our Mirror… What Do You See?

Monday, August 11th, 2014

Wow. I am blown away by the TMZ article released yesterday ( about the “maids” who painted a very ugly picture of Michael being unclean and someone who just peed all over his house. I am beyond speechless.

I promptly shared the article with my mom, Judi Brisse, because she, too, was a housekeeper at Neverland back in the mid ’90s during the very time when Liz Taylor and Oprah were there. She was enraged by this article and these horrible claims by her supposed “co-workers.” She stated clearly to me that nothing was further from the truth! That the house was impeccably clean and so was the “Boss.” She said Michael was not only clean, but respectful, kind and carried himself like royalty in his humble, gentle way. always.

This is a classic case of people who lack integrity and will do anything for money. My mom, too has been contacted by tabloids over the years wanting “dirt” and stories about Michael. She simply doesn’t have any stories (other than positive ones) and has denied their requests, despite their offers to her for money.

It is a shame that, in general, our society is so unhappy within our souls that we gloat in seeing people fall hard and then rake them over the coals. Why is it that human beings can take someone who did so much good for the world–giving his whole heart and soul in every moment of his life–and instead, make up vile stories? Is it sadly because it’s the only way to feel better about one’s self? And the opportunity to make money?

In truth, what we project onto someone else, such as Michael in this case, says NOTHING about him nor his character, but everything about the ones making the claims, not to mention, a society that eats it up.

In my upcoming book, I talk about Michael being the Man in OUR Mirror… that what we saw in him is ultimately what see in ourselves. The world is our reflection. What do we see? Where is our heart? Where are we wounded within ourselves and therefore project that woundedness out to the world? What is the world WE are creating from that woundedness?

As an Exercises Physiologist and Wellness Coach and founder of State of the Heart Fitness (, I know for a fact, true health and well-being on ALL levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – starts when we heal the wounds of our own heart, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually, as well. And that is why I believe and know that healing the world begins from within. When we heal our heart, we heal the world.

Thank you, once again, for your reflection, Michael. Thank you for your gift on every level. May we all open our hearts (and send love to those needing it the most), so that we all can heal TOGETHER!

With love… God bless us all!

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Reply #25 posted 08/12/14 11:01pm


Sean Lennon Speaks Out On Michael Jackson

[Edited 8/12/14 16:21pm]

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Reply #26 posted 08/12/14 11:17pm


Otherness and Power: Michael Jackson and His Media Critics

Otherness and Power: Michael Jackson and His Media Critics is an innovative study of the cultural impact of Michael Jackson. Jackson had millions of ardent fans around the world, but from the early days of his adult career many in the media mocked and reviled him. How did such divergent attitudes come about? This book examines the origins and psychological underpinnings of the media's hostility by closely analyzing some of the most harshly critical writings about Jackson. While racism and discomfort with Jackson's "otherness" have previously been recognized as the elements that fueled media criticisms, Susan Woodward reveals another important factor: the perception that Jackson was extraordinarily powerful, in ways that went beyond celebrity and wealth. Through research and careful analysis, Woodward explores the ways in which Jackson's power was seen, the largely unconscious response to his power, the functions of the media's criticisms and the origins of the perceptions of Jackson's power.

You buy the book on Amazon for $10

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Reply #27 posted 08/12/14 11:42pm



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Reply #28 posted 08/13/14 12:59am



Otherness and Power: Michael Jackson and His Media Critics

Otherness and Power: Michael Jackson and His Media Critics is an innovative study of the cultural impact of Michael Jackson. Jackson had millions of ardent fans around the world, but from the early days of his adult career many in the media mocked and reviled him. How did such divergent attitudes come about? This book examines the origins and psychological underpinnings of the media's hostility by closely analyzing some of the most harshly critical writings about Jackson. While racism and discomfort with Jackson's "otherness" have previously been recognized as the elements that fueled media criticisms, Susan Woodward reveals another important factor: the perception that Jackson was extraordinarily powerful, in ways that went beyond celebrity and wealth. Through research and careful analysis, Woodward explores the ways in which Jackson's power was seen, the largely unconscious response to his power, the functions of the media's criticisms and the origins of the perceptions of Jackson's power.

You buy the book on Amazon for $10

see, this is the crux of the problem right here

from 1979-1985, that six year span where he made the albums off the wall, triumph, thriller, victory and co-writing we are the world, while all the while unleashed the greatest live stage performance and greatest video ever

he WAS NOT mocked or reviled....he was the most respected artist on the planet

people just writing books to cash in but refuse to tell the truth because they dont' know the truth

they just throwing stuff out there...nobody wants to tell the truth because the day the truth is told, they will no longer be able to cash in

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Reply #29 posted 08/13/14 1:12am


I don't even pay attention to these crazy stories,old lies,rumors and "tell-all books".These people are nothing more than money-hungry underachievers,trying to cash in on their association with Michael.
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