Swa said: pplrain said: http://michaeljacksonebme...l-jackson/
After the sudden death of Michael Jackson Evan Chandler tells the truth. In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed description of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted. Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever… Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals. ” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.” The fact that the quotes are in poor english (this was posted on a german site) and also initially mix up who is who (Jordan was the son, Evan the father) makes it more the wishes of a fan than an actual factual report. Based on the terms of the confidentiality agreement neither party was allowed to comment, even after the death of Michael. Besides if he was to come forward now it would require him to repay all monies and potentially face fraud charges - big motivators to just stay silent. Once again fans perhaps wanting to do good, are potentially doing Michael a great disservice and injustice. Swa Yeah and that's the unfortunate reality. A lot of us would want this confirmation but it'll never come because of what you said. | |
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angel345 said: pplrain said: I think Tom Sneddon should pay for the MJ memorial, he wrongly accused Michael and was out to imprison Michael without checking the characters of the accusers. That would be such a tall order for the man, considering Sneddon tried to lynch him. Yeah I know, but he must pay for something ... he got away with pissing away a lot of tax payer's money and based his case agains MJ on the words of a couple of manipulative liars. [Edited 7/9/09 20:16pm] | |
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Timmy84 said: Swa said: The fact that the quotes are in poor english (this was posted on a german site) and also initially mix up who is who (Jordan was the son, Evan the father) makes it more the wishes of a fan than an actual factual report. Based on the terms of the confidentiality agreement neither party was allowed to comment, even after the death of Michael. Besides if he was to come forward now it would require him to repay all monies and potentially face fraud charges - big motivators to just stay silent. Once again fans perhaps wanting to do good, are potentially doing Michael a great disservice and injustice. swa Yeah and that's the unfortunate reality. A lot of us would want this confirmation but it'll never come because of what you said. I did notice the mistake in the Evan / Jordi name. ![]() | |
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midiscover said: LittleBLUECorvette said: CNN just disrespected lil Randy? They talked about the other 8 remaining Jackson siblings, yet didn't even mention Randy, messed up. Hell, they even said it was 8 and only spoke of 7.
![]() ![]() oh hell, with that many of them, i'm sure their mama mixes 'em up too ![]() ![]() | |
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errant said: midiscover said: ![]() oh hell, with that many of them, i'm sure their mama mixes 'em up too ![]() ![]() My mom, dad and some of my relatives will call me and my two brothers the other name sometimes. ![]() | |
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Miles Davis, no less...
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I know this month's issue of PEOPLE magazine was posted in one of the threads but in the magazine it has an ad for a tribute book(unsure if this has been posted before aswell). Maybe it's just filled with pictures? I'm not sure but it says it's released tomorrow (July 10th) and the website people.com/michaeljacksonbook sends you to amazon with a hardcover release date August 11th if anyone's interested.
![]() 12/05/2011 ![]() P*$$y so bad, if u throw it into da air, it would turn into sunshine!!! ![]() | |
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cdcgold said: Arnotts said: I really don't believe you've seen many white people. I can't work out where the hell you could possibly be from. I admit these kids looked much more like Michael at the memorial, but in Australia, where I'm from, the two oldest ones are dime a dozen looking white kids. Alot of white people tend to look a bit more 'ethnic' (for lack of a better word) when they hit puberty. Noses get much bigger (and then tend to settle down again once puberty has passed), eyebrows much thicker and darker, hair much darker, and lips also become bigger. This happened to me and my two siblings. They looked very much the way Prince does now. And we're all just as tan. I'm not saying these kids are definitley not biologically his. They very well could be, but your reasoning of 'they're not albinos so they must be his' is pretty lame. I'm still wondering why they don't look like this in any other pictures though. once again reaching. and theses kids in austraila you are talking about probably have aboriginal blood [Edited 7/9/09 15:16pm] Erm NO. I dont have aboriginal blood thank you. I'm talking about myself and other average white teenagers. Your the one reaching, which is the point. | |
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cdcgold said: Arnotts said: Could you please post them? I havent seen any
[Edited 7/9/09 6:43am] ![]() notice their skin next to the WHITE people ![]() ![]() ![]() and this is what i mean when i'm talking about lighting. if you saw this pic of prince you would think he was that pale because this pic has been white washed. And i wouldn't rule out that all these years the media have been photo-shopping and finding ways to make mj's kids whiter than they are ![]() [Edited 7/9/09 15:31pm] Thanks for not proving anything. I guess I'm black too then | |
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Timmy84 said: suga10 said: Klein is trying to say he's not the kids father, yet at the same time he's suggesting that he is related to them- by giving a photo of him and MJ and the children.
Another jerk trying to cash in on MJ's death. ![]() [Edited 7/8/09 16:57pm] I thought I was the only one who thought that. I do believe he may be their biological dad but he should be nowhere near the kids especially if he's forced to take a DNA test and it IS proven he is their father but he tells the media he's not. ![]() I'm sorry but you people actually think this man ![]() and this woman ![]() made these children ![]() ![]() maybe its just me. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() maybe i am going crazy. should i go get my eyes checked or something. and i keep hearing people say they have kleins ears( which they don't) i think the have mj's ears ![]() | |
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Arnotts said: cdcgold said: ![]() notice their skin next to the WHITE people ![]() ![]() ![]() and this is what i mean when i'm talking about lighting. if you saw this pic of prince you would think he was that pale because this pic has been white washed. And i wouldn't rule out that all these years the media have been photo-shopping and finding ways to make mj's kids whiter than they are ![]() [Edited 7/9/09 15:31pm] Thanks for not proving anything. I guess I'm black too then no i was just rsponding to you saying you've never seen them that dark. My point is they are not pale white. people are always saying they should at least be tan and when i give them evidence they still make excuses and why should they look black when their mixed raced. why is it other black celebs kids like rashida jones for instance get a pass when she is just as light as these kids. like i said people DONT WANT those to be his kids for whatever reason i can't figure out. | |
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His pic is on the site. Published: Wednesday, Jul. 08, 2009 / Updated: Wednesday, Jul. 08, 2009 07:31 AM Rock Hill doctor helped saved Michael Jackson's life after 1995 rehearsal collapse By Andrew Dys, Columnist - adys@heradonline.com When Dr. William Alleyne II heard about Michael Jackson's death last week while on vacation, this doctor who specializes in lung ailments in Rock Hill turned young again. In his mind, he was just Bill Alleyne, the young guy who spent money out of his pocket to buy Michael Jackson albums. The guy who became a doctor and took his new bride to Michael Jackson concerts. “It was an overwhelming sense of sadness, Alleyne said. Sure, Bill Alleyne is a Michael Jackson fan like millions. But Dr. William Alleyne had more reason to be sad than most fans. Alleyne said Tuesday, for the first time in 14 years, I was the doctor who saved Michael Jackson's life. In December 1995, Alleyne was the critical care director at Beth Israel North Hospital, on the Upper East Side in New York City across the way from the mayor's Gracie Mansion. He was the guy in charge when one of the nurses told him, We have Michael Jackson coming here. Alleyne didn't believe it then. “I said, ‘Ha, ha, very funny,' Alleyne recalled. He had seen patients who were stars, or spouses of stars, but this was different. Thousands of people started clamoring outside the hospital. The place was turning into bedlam. “Ten minutes later, they rolled Michael Jackson in on a stretcher, Alleyne said Tuesday from his Rock Hill office where he's one of the partners at Carolina Pulmonary Physicians. But in 1995, Alleyne was the doctor to the King of Pop. Jackson had collapsed after a rehearsal for an upcoming HBO special at the nearby Beacon Theater. Alleyne and his wife had seen Jackson before in concert, on television, and now, in 1995, Jackson was waiting, unconscious, for Bill Alleyne to save his life. "Mr. Jackson was in critical condition, Alleyne said. He was dehydrated. He had low blood pressure. He had a rapid heart rate. He was near death." Alleyne went from doctor to a star to doctor of a man who could die. Alleyne, an acquaintance of Jackson's doctor at the time who had seen some of that doctor's patients, had been picked personally by that doctor to be the attending physician for Jackson's emergency care. Alleyne gave the order to have the defibrillator ready if needed to treat the abnormal heart rhythm of the most famous entertainer with the best rhythm on Earth. After about an hour or so that December dusk, Alleyne said he had Jackson stabilized with intravenous fluids and other treatment, and transferred Jackson to intensive care. But in the meantime, the crowd outside had become massive, a mob scene. “I looked outside the window, and the crowd was shoulder to shoulder, huge, far more than when the mayor's mansion across the street had hosted the pope, the president, even Nelson Mandela, Alleyne recalled. And inside the hospital, Alleyne said, it was absolute pandemonium. Jackson's entourage had muscled into intensive care. Alleyne had a brief showdown with one bodyguard who did not want to let Alleyne in the room again after Alleyne had left briefly. Alleyne recalled he said to the bodyguard, Your boss is dying in there, and I am going in there to save his life. You can be the one who has to say you wouldn't let me in. Bill Alleyne walked in and saved Michael Jackson. But the crush of people inside wasn't over. The entourage of Jackson's then-wife, Lisa Marie Presley, came in. Presley came in, too. Then through the middle of the crowd, another entourage, and Janet Jackson, Michael's sister. "Here is Janet, drop-dead, stop-the clock gorgeous, and she said, ‘Thank you for taking care of my brother,' Alleyne recalled. Alleyne found time to call home. His wife, Cheryl Courtlandt, a physician herself who now is a pediatrician at Levine's Children's Hospital in Charlotte, was home with two small kids. “I'm gonna be a little late honey, Alleyne told his wife. Turn on the news. He told his wife Michael Jackson was his patient, and she said to her husband, verbatim, in words Alleyne will never forget: Well, you take care of Mr. Jackson and hurry home, because I have two kids here and you need to take out the garbage. Jackson soon was stable, and Alleyne and Jackson started a doctor/patient relationship similar to all in theory but unlike any relationship Alleyne had ever had in practice. As people were climbing trees to get pictures of inside the hospital, as Jackson's fans sang his songs outside and the world press invaded the sidewalks and street for information about the condition of this most-famous man, Bill Alleyne tried to keep Michael Jackson alive with intravenous food and care. Michael Jackson was the most soft-spoken, least demanding guy you would ever want to meet, Alleyne said. Everything he said was a whisper. His biggest concern was could he perform. Alleyne told Jackson no way could he perform anytime soon. Alleyne had to get permission to release information to Jackson's family. Jackson gave it. Alleyne had to deal with other doctors who came to watch his every move, and a world that wanted information that Alleyne would not give to anybody but those Jackson said to give it to. After about 72 hours, Alleyne and Jackson's publicists and others realized they had to give a press conference. So Alleyne worked with Jackson's people to go over what could be said, what to stay away from but still tell the truth. Alleyne was blunt with the world, saying Jackson did not have any immune system problems because rumors about AIDS were swirling. He was blunt that Jackson had no drugs in his system. News accounts from 1995 show Alleyne and his then-partner, Dr. Bob Glennon, talking about Jackson's condition to convince the world that Jackson was, in fact, critically ill. “Michael Jackson was unconscious when he arrived, Alleyne said. I had to make that clear. Through the next few days, Alleyne was Jackson's doctor. Other doctors came to watch behind him, but Alleyne said he was not affronted. Having others sets of eyes look at his care and treatment of Jackson was understandable. Jackson had to do what other patients who are recovering must do, Alleyne said. Walk around, be monitored. Except he had an entourage in the next room. “After a couple of days, Mr. Jackson told me he needed to get his hair done, Alleyne remembered. I told him we had a barber at the hospital. Jackson's entourage laughed: A stylist traveled around the world with Jackson and would style those locks right there in intensive care. The makeup crew came in, too. Near the end of Jackson's hospital stay, he asked Alleyne if he could visit other patients in intensive care. Jackson met one lady, gave her an autographed picture after he prayed with her, and the lady told Alleyne, I can die now; I prayed with Michael Jackson. Alleyne recalled, laughing: I told Mr. Jackson maybe visiting with people who had suffered heart attacks or other serious problems wasn't such a good idea. When Jackson was discharged, Alleyne stayed in the background as the cameras went off and the video was shot. But Jackson asked Alleyne to make house calls for the next three days. Blood pressure checks, pulse, all that stuff. Alleyne was the director of critical care house calls were not his bag. But Michael Jackson had asked, so Alleyne said yes. “House calls, to the penthouse of the Four Seasons hotel, Alleyne said. He had rented out the entire top two floors. In one moment of weakness, Alleyne said he almost asked Jackson to teach him how to moonwalk Jackson's famous trademark dance. But Alleyne kept it professional with Michael Jackson, as the entourages and the world watched Alleyne's every move. Finally, about two weeks into this whirlwind relationship, Alleyne told Jackson, Mr. Jackson, you are stable. I can stop being your doctor and return to being your fan. All humble Alleyne asked for was an autographed picture for his kids to have years down the road. Before Alleyne left the hotel that day, Alleyne recalled Jackson telling him: Thank you for saving my life. Then Jackson told Alleyne he understood how difficult it had been for a black man to get to such a distinguished position within the medical world, that Alleyne's accomplishments were inspiring to Jackson. “It was very touching, Alleyne said. I will never forget that. Alleyne never gave an interview since then, never signed any book deals or made a nickel off being Michael Jackson's doctor of almost two weeks. He never spoke to Michael Jackson again. Alleyne, other than casual conversation with friends, or associates in medicine, or among the people at his medical practice, never told anyone of his time as doctor to the most famous entertainer in the world. Alleyne's own children, son Douglas and daughter Courtney, only learned of his role when a documentary came out a few years ago that had some of the footage of the news conferences from 1995 in it. There was Bill Alleyne. “Daddy, are you Michael Jackson's doctor?” his daughter asked. “I said yes, because I was his doctor, Alleyne said. I looked at it as always being his doctor, that I had a professional relationship with Mr. Jackson and would honor that. This man with Carolina roots in his family came to Charlotte in 1996, then began practicing medicine in Rock Hill in 1999. He's done what humble doctors do: give some time to reading at schools, volunteered, raised his kids. The sign outside his Rock Hill medical practice only has his name. There is no mention of Michael Jackson anywhere in the building. Only now, after Jackson's death, did Alleyne agree to share his remembrances of those days. Alleyne said that he told his wife, only half-jokingly, that the world spotlight would be on the doctors who had recently been caring for Jackson before his death. Alleyne said he would be remembered as: I was the doctor who saved Michael Jackson's life. Alleyne has, at night the past few days after seeing patients, watched some coverage of the aftermath of Michael Jackson's death. That to this day he is so loved comes as no surprise to me, Alleyne said. He was very gracious and kind. He understands that there were accusations against Jackson after 1995, but that was not the Michael Jackson Bill Alleyne knew in 1995. And Tuesday afternoon, as tens of millions, maybe more, watched the memorial service for Jackson from Los Angeles, here's what Bill Alleyne, doctor, did: He saw other patients. He did not watch TV. He helped a lady with a little bit of cardiopulmonary trouble. Another with asthma. More. Each received Bill Alleyne's full attention, as he had given Michael Jackson his full attention in 1995. Alleyne saw them all, gave this interview about that two weeks 14 years ago, then went home. Just like he did for those crazy days in December 1995, when Bill Alleyne was Michael Jackson's doctor. | |
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DesireeNevermind said: even if mj is not the bio dad he is legally their pop and was the only pop they ever knew. plus if the derm dude is gay why would he be sexing debbie rowe? I don't think he is the bio dad at all. none of those kids are ugly and cross-eyed.
so true, I can not imagine that creepy looking dr. and debbie rowe could make such cute kids. ![]() | |
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errant said: oh shit.. a Thriller varsity jacket!
![]() I know, I want one. ![]() | |
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i don't think this one has been posted. i'm happy paris has her aunts especially since she'll be a teenagers in a few years. oh and blanket is cute as usual
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cdcgold said: Arnotts said: Thanks for not proving anything. I guess I'm black too then no i was just rsponding to you saying you've never seen them that dark. My point is they are not pale white. people are always saying they should at least be tan and when i give them evidence they still make excuses and why should they look black when their mixed raced. why is it other black celebs kids like rashida jones for instance get a pass when she is just as light as these kids. like i said people DONT WANT those to be his kids for whatever reason i can't figure out. I'm a huge fan. I would love to think they are his. I keep straining my eyes to see a resemblence, and I do see it sometimes, but then I'm hit with another young Michael picture and its just so obvious they really dont look like him. I usually wouldnt even engage in a discussion with people for thinking there his as we have no proof who's they are so people can think what they want. I just take issue with your reasoning as to why they must be his. It's completely ridiculous reasoning as I too could be Michael Jacksons daughter based off what you say. | |
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errant said: GothamChopra said: Then the irony occurred to me, the far out bizarre seemingly impossible possibility: there is really only one person in the world today that could make a truly meaningful tribute to Michael Jackson. If indeed Kim Jong Il ever was a fan of Michael Jackson, ever gasped at Michael’s moonwalk, smiled at Thriller, hummed along to the Jackson Five or any of Michael’s countess hits, his pardoning of Laura Ling and Euna Lee and sending them home to their families would be a profound act of compassion, a true tribute to a man whose death has left the entire world in mourning. What a better way to re-invent himself and his own conflicted image than for Kim Jong Il to send a message of hope, forgiveness, and empathy as a commemoration of possibly the greatest icon of our times. It’s an act that would be historic, covered by every news organizations in the world, and be immortalized in the annals of time. Alas, maybe I’m naïve to have such dramatic hopes for my friend and her colleague, to think that leaders of nations may be influenced by the dying wishes of great artists. Or…maybe not. To me, Michael’s memory will always be as a great friend and mentor. To many around the world, it will be as an iconic and brilliant musical artist. Wouldn’t it be staggering if one Kim Jong Il were to honor him – post-death – as a truly great humanitarian? this is idiotic. every last one of these Chopras makes me want to puke. co-sign. i guess chopra doesn't remember that jesse jackson has gotten hostages released based on little more than negotiation. he wasn't a head of state yet he succeeded when reagan didn't (i forget what the exact crisis was). i alluded to the situation with grace earlier; as i said, they can defend grace all they want but the fact remains she was in that room staying with that reporter. they strike me as really self-serving, and slighly condescending toward mj. | |
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matthewgrant said: I know this month's issue of PEOPLE magazine was posted in one of the threads but in the magazine it has an ad for a tribute book(unsure if this has been posted before aswell). Maybe it's just filled with pictures? I'm not sure but it says it's released tomorrow (July 10th) and the website people.com/michaeljacksonbook sends you to amazon with a hardcover release date August 11th if anyone's interested.
![]() It's already on major newsstands in the LA area. Don't waste your time or money on it. | |
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[b]The tragedy is that MJ never got to complete the trajectory we hoped he would. He would not live to see redemption. He would die with his eccentricities unexplained, his career unresurrected, his glorious achievements fossilized in the past, the accusations of child molestation an indelible scarlet letter. African Americans know that as well as everyone else. We are an often harsh and demanding people. But, we know where Michael came from. And ultimately, we are forgiving.[/b]
i think this sums up perfectly why black people, especially those of us who remember the very beginning, feel such sadness. at least it does for me. | |
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Timmy84 said: LA official: Promoter should pay Jackson memorial
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A city council member on Thursday called on AEG Live to pay some of the estimated $1.4 million cost for policing Michael Jackson's memorial service at the Staples Center. Dennis Zine told Fox 11 that the city's taxpayers "are getting ripped off" because the owner-operator of the Staples Center profited by charging media up to $50,000 to use risers outside the venue. ![]() Not only is he a national embarrassment but Councilman Zine also suffers from Selective Memory Loss. On July 3rd, The City Council of LA said it would dip into special funds for extraordinary events ($90M) to cover the memorial cost. ![]() | |
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rare pics
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() anybody that denies that boy is crazy | |
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Copycat said: Timmy84 said: LA official: Promoter should pay Jackson memorial
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A city council member on Thursday called on AEG Live to pay some of the estimated $1.4 million cost for policing Michael Jackson's memorial service at the Staples Center. Dennis Zine told Fox 11 that the city's taxpayers "are getting ripped off" because the owner-operator of the Staples Center profited by charging media up to $50,000 to use risers outside the venue. ![]() Not only is he a national embarrassment but Councilman Zine also suffers from Selective Memory Loss. On July 3rd, The City Council of LA said it would dip into special funds for extraordinary events ($90M) to cover the memorial cost. ![]() this is the result of pressure from the talk radio crowd, i'm sure. they have branded mj a criminal, and i'm sure they've encouraged their listeners to call zine and others to pressure them into not using taxpayer money for this. i have refused to listen to talk radio b/c i know rep. peter king has their full support. | |
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cdcgold said: Timmy84 said: I thought I was the only one who thought that. I do believe he may be their biological dad but he should be nowhere near the kids especially if he's forced to take a DNA test and it IS proven he is their father but he tells the media he's not. ![]() I'm sorry but you people actually think this man and this woman made these children maybe its just me. ![]() maybe i am going crazy. should i go get my eyes checked or something. and i keep hearing people say they have kleins ears( which they don't) i think the have mj's ears his stick out just like theirs Another thing is white people tend to get more 'white' looking as they age. Who knows what Arnold looked like when he was young, he could of been just as tan and had featues much more like the kids back then. People would laugh if they were told my dad was mistaken for other ethnicites when he was young if they saw him now at 50, because he just looks like a typical white guy, his nose has grown to fit his face, his skin isnt as dark and hes losing his hair just like Arnold. Its not fair to compare current pictures of an aging Arnold to these young kids. Either way though I dont think that gives anyone else but the Jacksons right to keep these kids. As they WERE Michaels no matter where they came from. | |
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PaisleyPark5083 said: DesireeNevermind said: even if mj is not the bio dad he is legally their pop and was the only pop they ever knew. plus if the derm dude is gay why would he be sexing debbie rowe? I don't think he is the bio dad at all. none of those kids are ugly and cross-eyed.
so true, I can not imagine that creepy looking dr. and debbie rowe could make such cute kids. ![]() most kids r cute | |
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Arnotts said: cdcgold said: I'm sorry but you people actually think this man and this woman made these children maybe its just me. ![]() maybe i am going crazy. should i go get my eyes checked or something. and i keep hearing people say they have kleins ears( which they don't) i think the have mj's ears his stick out just like theirs Another thing is white people tend to get more 'white' looking as they age. Who knows what Arnold looked like when he was young, he could of been just as tan and had featues much more like the kids back then. People would laugh if they were told my dad was mistaken for other ethnicites when he was young if they saw him now at 50, because he just looks like a typical white guy, his nose has grown to fit his face, his skin isnt as dark and hes losing his hair just like Arnold. Its not fair to compare current pictures of an aging Arnold to these young kids. Either way though I dont think that gives anyone else but the Jacksons right to keep these kids. As they WERE Michaels no matter where they came from. I agree. Regardless, those are MJ's kids...period. | |
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Michael Jackson's glove was to hide skin problem
By Doug Gross CNN (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's single white glove was his trademark -- an iconic image for a performer whose career constantly set, then redefined, pop culture trends. Michael Jackson's single glove, a trademark image, started as a way to hide his skin condition, friends say But it also was an early effort to mask a skin condition that he would struggle with for the rest of his life, say some who were close to him. Actress Cicely Tyson, a friend of Jackson's, said the two shared a fashion designer in the 1980s. "All of a sudden, he said, 'I'm doing this glove for Michael,' " she said. "Michael was beginning to develop the vitiligo and it started on his hand. "The glove was to cover the vitiligo; that's how that glove came into being." The glove design and reason for it were not just hearsay for Tyson, she said. "I was there when he was creating it," she told CNN's Don Lemon. More than the black fedora, the white socks and loafers or the red leather jacket, the solitary glove -- made famous in the music video for "Billie Jean" -- became a Jackson trademark. He was dubbed "The Gloved One," by media and a sequined glove he wore during his 1984 Victory tour was expected to fetch more than $60,000 in an upcoming auction, even before his death. Jackson's dermatologist, Dr. Arnie Klein, told CNN that Jackson suffered from vitiligo, a disease that causes blotches of lightening skin, as well as a form of lupus that led to rashes and flaking of skin on his scalp. "His was bad because he began to get a speckled look over his body," Klein said. "All over his body -- but on his face and hands, which is hard to treat." It's a report that rings true to others with the disease. "I have to wear sleeves and carry an umbrella," said Lee Thomas, who wrote a memoir called "Turning White," which discusses his physical and mental struggles as an African-American man whose skin changes because of vitiligo. "It totally makes sense to me." Thomas, an Emmy-winning television journalist in Detroit, Michigan, told CNN that he shares a habit with Jackson. "I got [white spots] on one of my hands, so I used to wear a glove to hold a microphone," he said. Dr. James Norlund, a dermatologist, never treated Jackson, but said the singer's use of the gloves and lipstick was consistent with the patterns of vitiligo, since the spots frequently first appear on the hands and face, including the lips. Klein said he treated Jackson's vitiligo with a cream that eventually bleached Jackson's darker pigmentation to even out his skin color. He said it was that treatment -- not a once-rumored desire by Jackson to be white -- that lightened his skin over the years. "Michael was black," Klein said. "He was very proud of his black heritage." Regardless of its origins, the glove was never viewed as anything other than fashion by Jackson's fans, some of whom donned gloves to impersonate him. At Jackson's memorial service Tuesday, actress Brooke Shields, a close friend of Jackson's, remembered the glove in a light moment during an otherwise emotional eulogy. "When he started wearing the glove, I was like, 'What's up with the glove?' " she said, drawing laughter from the crowd. "I was like, 'If you're going to hold my hand, it better be the nonglove one because sequins really hurt me.' It would dig in. "He'd just shake his head and he would just smile." http://www.cnn.com/2009/S...son.glove/ "I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love" | |
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Portrait of Jackson's pill consumption emerges
By Alan Duke and Saeed Ahmed CNN LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Singer Michael Jackson took more than 10 Xanax pills a night, asking his employees to get the prescription sleep medicine under their names and also personally traveling to doctor's offices in other states to obtain them, said a confidential document from 2004 that CNN obtained Thursday. The document from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department contains confidential interviews conducted with two of Jackson's former security guards as officials prepared for Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005. The singer was acquitted after the 14-week trial. But the information about the sleeping pills, and the lengths Jackson went to get them, adds to a growing mountain of claims tying the insomniac singer to drugs in recent days. Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton said Thursday detectives have spoken to a number of doctors who have treated Jackson over the years, and are looking into the singer's prescription drug history. Doctors who did not cooperate with investigators were issued subpoenas, a source told CNN Thursday. If needed, authorities will issue more, the source said. Jackson died on June 25. Authorities are awaiting toxicology reports from the coroner's office to determine the exact cause of death. "And based on those, we will have an idea of what it is we are dealing (with): are we dealing with a homicide or are we dealing with an accidental overdose?" Bratton said. The speculation that prescription drugs, particularly sedatives, could have played a role in Jackson's death keeps coming up with each new nugget of information -- and there have been many. The Jackson family knows that the probe into his death can turn into a criminal case, a source close to the family told CNN on Thursday. "The family is aware of a potential criminal prosecution," said the source, who did not want to be identified. Jackson's desperate attempt to battle his sleep disorder The 2004 document details a dark picture of Jackson's attempts to battle his sleeping disorder. One security guard that sheriff's deputies interviewed said he expressed his concern about Jackson's use of 10-plus pills a night to another staffer. The second staffer replied: "Jackson was doing better because he was down from 30 to 40 Xanax pills a night," according to the document. One of the guards said he and three other employees would get prescriptions for Jackson under their names. The second guard backed up the claim, saying he had picked up medicine for the singer that were in other people's names. The document contains the names of five doctors -- some in California, some in New York and Florida. It was not immediately clear whether police have spoken to them as part of their investigation into Jackson's death. After the doctor visits, Jackson would be "out of it and sedated," one guard said. According to the sheriff's office document, the guard who provided the bulk of the information quit his job after Jackson "fell on his face" in a hotel room and hurt himself. The employee told Jackson he was not comfortable getting prescriptions for him and left, he later told investigators. Years later in 2006, Jackson was in Las Vegas trying to jump-start his career. Deal maker Jack Wishna, who was helping the singer land a long-running show in Vegas, told CNN the singer would appear "drugged up" and "incoherent" -- often so weak and emaciated he had to use a wheelchair to get around. The comeback shows were canceled because of Jackson's condition, Wishna said. Around that time, sister Janet Jackson was so worried about Jackson that she tried to stage an intervention with assistance from her other brothers, two sources close to the Jackson family told CNN Wednesday. Jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let the family members in. He also refused to take calls from his mother, Katherine, CNN has learned. At the time, the Jackson family released a statement to People magazine denying the alleged intervention. But Janet Jackson was not among the signatories. Along with the police investigation, which is being aided by the state attorney general's office and the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Los Angeles County coroner's office has also drawn up a list of Jackson's doctors and is trying to talk to them to determine what drugs they may have prescribed him. Among them are Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson's dermatologist, and Dr. Conrad Murray, his cardiologist. Klein told CNN Wednesday that Jackson was addicted to drugs at one point but had kicked the habit. Murray, who has been interviewed by police, has repeatedly said he will withhold comment until the coroner's tests are back. Among others who have indicated that Jackson may have been using dangerous prescription medication are a nutritionist, Cherilyn Lee, who said Jackson pleaded for Diprivan despite being told of its harmful effects. Sources close to Jackson told CNN that the insomniac singer traveled with an anesthesiologist who would "take him down" at night and "bring him back up" during a world tour in the mid-90s. Another source involved with the probe told CNN that investigators found numerous bottles of prescription drugs in the singer's $100,000-a-month rented mansion in Holmby Hills. The Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times, citing unnamed sources, said police found Diprivan. Diprivan is a powerful sedative that is administered intravenously and is known by its generic name Propofol. Bratton did not elaborate on what was discovered. "At the time of the death with search warrants, we were able to seize a number of items from the residence where the death occurred and those will assist in the investigation," he said. Burial at Neverland possible Meanwhile, Jackson's family has been told by state officials that it may be possible to bury the singer at Neverland Ranch if the county gives the green light. Officials with Santa Barbara County, where the ranch is, said Thursday that they have not been approached yet. A lawyer from the Jackson family contacted state officials recently about possibly burying Jackson at the ranch that was his home for almost two decades, said Amanda Fulkerson of California's State and Consumer Services Agency. To bury someone in private land in California is a two-step process. First, a certificate of authority is needed from the state Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, which is easily obtainable by filling out a two-page application and paying $400. Next, the family needs approval from the county. No one from the Jackson camp has contacted county authorities yet, said county spokesman William Boyer. "We have had no formal application either from the Jackson family or from the property owner," said Boyer, the communications director for the county. "At that point, we would review the application and make a determination." Boyer said the county has never been approached before about burial on private land. California has had burials outside cemeteries, most notably that of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan at his presidential library in Ventura County's Simi Valley. Jackson's brother Jermaine has said he'd like to see the singer buried at the ranch. But his father, Joe Jackson, has ruled out the site. The rest of the family has given no public indication on where the singer's final resting place may be. Jackson purchased the Neverland Ranch -- named for the fictional world in J.M. Barrie's "Peter Pan" -- in 1987 and filled it with animals and amusement rides. Billionaire Tom Barrack Jr. gained control of the ranch through his company last year as part of a process to alleviate the singer's debts, believed to be in the millions. Soon after Jackson's death, Barrack said the property's future will be discussed at a later time. [Edited 7/9/09 23:32pm] | |
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kibbles said: Copycat said: ![]() Not only is he a national embarrassment but Councilman Zine also suffers from Selective Memory Loss. On July 3rd, The City Council of LA said it would dip into special funds for extraordinary events ($90M) to cover the memorial cost. ![]() this is the result of pressure from the talk radio crowd, i'm sure. they have branded mj a criminal, and i'm sure they've encouraged their listeners to call zine and others to pressure them into not using taxpayer money for this. i have refused to listen to talk radio b/c i know rep. peter king has their full support. no it's because the city and state are broke and cutting services. You CANNOT use the name of God, or religion, to justify acts of violence, to hurt, to hate, to discriminate- Madonna
authentic power is service- Pope Francis | |
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Timmy84 said: Portrait of Jackson's pill consumption emerges
By Alan Duke and Saeed Ahmed CNN LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Singer Michael Jackson took more than 10 Xanax pills a night, asking his employees to get the prescription sleep medicine under their names and also personally traveling to doctor's offices in other states to obtain them, said a confidential document from 2004 that CNN obtained Thursday. The document from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department contains confidential interviews conducted with two of Jackson's former security guards as officials prepared for Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005.. [Edited 7/9/09 23:32pm] i don't know what to believe when it comes to some of mj's employees. some of them were not above telling tales to garner tabloid money, even if it meant lying to the police first. raymone bain was on access hollywood putting the 'intervention' story on blast; she said it never happened, and that she did not see mj taking drugs. joe said on nightline(?) tonight their toxicology report hadn't turned up anything yet. it's turning into a real whodunit. | |
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